How to get to the roof of the maze bank. How to get to the roof? Step-by-step instruction! How to make money in a mission

Members: Franklin

The mission that we begin to pass after completing the task "".

This is the fifth task from Lester (the previous ones: "", "", "", ""), with the help of which, among other things, we can earn huge money on the stock exchange. It is recommended to postpone this task for the last time, when you already have substantial capital for investment.

Our target is the corrupt businessman Enzo Bonelli. Since this is a bad person, Lester wants to eliminate him. The whole problem is that Bonelli knows about the assassination, so he surrounded himself with guards.

Enzo is hiding at the top of a construction site.

To get to it, you need to take the elevator and go upstairs. But before that, hit the guard who is guarding the entrance to the construction site. Then, using sniper rifle, deal with the rest to get to the elevator.

When you go up to the roof and see a crane from which a sniper will shoot at you, also kill him with a rifle with a telescopic sight, and then switch to the grenade launcher. Destroy the helicopter, then jump off the roof with a parachute (lying on the boards, you can pick it up).

Alternative method of passing: remove two guards from the sniper rifle; further in a straight line, up to the yellow staircase; we go upstairs until we hear a helicopter; we bring him down from the RPG; climbs back down.

The reward for completing this quest will be $ 10,000.

Completion of the mission "Assassination - Construction" at 100% (gold):
- Shoot down the target in the helicopter.

After Franklin presses the elevator button, he automatically reloads his weapon, regardless of whether the magazine is full or not.

How to make money in a mission

Before the mission begins, invest all of your money in Gold Coast shares on the LCN exchange with all three characters. After completing the task, by selling shares, you will earn about 90% of the invested amount on top. Read more in our article “

Dom is a rich man, a passionate fan of extreme sports, ready for anything for adrenaline. His full name is Dominic, but he calls himself only the Dominator.

01. Risk assessment

Assignment for Franklin
Available after story mission
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

After that, Franklin will get the opportunity to conquer the sky. Having chosen it, we go to the green question mark, which indicates the area located not far from the Galileo observatory. There, on the trail, we will meet a dog with whom Frank will have a nice conversation. Someone's best friend will lead to a parachutist named Dom stuck in a tree.

At the starting position.

After a short conversation, when the dog's trail is already cold, Dom will offer to jump with a parachute. Franklin reluctantly agrees. The helicopter will ferry (the flight can be missed, but the dialogue with it will also be missed) us to the north, to the Alamo Si. Arriving at the drop-off point, we will go through a short briefing and jump out as soon as we are ready. After jumping out, do not rush to open the parachute - wait, having flown for seven seconds. This is the first condition for obtaining "gold".

Having opened the parachute, dive (the control keys will be shown on the screen) to the upper peak of Mount Chiliad, marked with a yellow marker. After landing at the indicated point, we will find ourselves near the bicycles (or one, if the House was ahead of Franklin). You need to zip along the mountain path down to the foot. You need to win at the House if you are interested in a gold medal. This is the second condition. You should be careful, because the road is not easy, and just one wrong movement will lead to death. In addition, you need to jump, using one of the slides as a springboard, and stay in the air for 2 seconds. The third condition is fulfilled. After crossing the finish line, Dom will tell Franklin to come to the airport when he's ready.

  • Fly 7 seconds before opening the parachute.
  • Stay in the air for 2 seconds after jumping from a slide during a bike race.
  • Defeat Houses in a bike race.

After completing this task, 13 parachute icons will appear throughout the map. These are the places where you can do skydiving, that is, skydiving. Their fulfillment is mandatory to open access to the last, fourth, task of the House. In the meantime, let's move on to the second ...

02. Liquidity risk

Assignment for Franklin
Available after task "Risk Assessment" (the first task of the House)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

Meet the House (green icon D? on the radar and map) near the entrance to the airport. There are two Blazers waiting there. We jump on one and follow the House to the runway. We stay on his tail until a cargo plane appears, which is about to take off. We catch up with the taking off steel bird and call into its cargo hold.

After the flight, Dom will ride his ATV out of the plane. Let's follow him. Fortunately, both took parachutes. Such a jump over the Alamo Si will definitely take your breath away. But that's not all. To get gold medal, you need to make a coup 8 in the air, sitting on the Blazer. Then the landing zone will appear within sight. It would be possible to open the parachute, but this is a really safe method. The second is much cooler - we stay on the ATV and fall into the water with it. to the "gold" one more step, unless, of course, all this ends tragically. If you opened the parachute, dive to the point on the shore. If you flopped into the water, sitting on the Blazer, and survived, get to the place by swimming. There, the House will inform you that the next one will be to jump from the roof of the Maze Bank.

  • Perform 8 ATV flips in mid-air.
  • Survive after jumping without opening the parachute.

03. Targeted risk

Assignment for Franklin
Available after tasks "Risk of liquidity" (second task of the House)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

The easiest way to get to the roof of the Maze Bank skyscraper is to get a helicopter. There are also options with an airplane or an airship, but the first must be stolen at the airport, tearing it away from the cops, and not everyone has access to the second. Having got on the seat on the roof of the bank, we go down the steps below, where we will find the House, which will immediately jump down, we follow it. It turns out that the companion was waiting for the truck to land on, and not cowardly.

First you need to fly without opening the parachute, mentally counting up to 8 seconds. Along the way, direct Franklin so that the platform of the truck is directly in front of his face. Do not open the parachute too close to the ground. When landing, carefully look ahead - just before landing, they will hit a lamppost or traffic light and fall onto the road. In addition, landings near the edge of the platform should be avoided, otherwise you can fall off and be wound on the wheels. Dangerous due to the risk of miss landing on back part platforms are the second condition for obtaining a gold medal. The house will be less fortunate, and the truck will not get on the platform. Frustrated by this, he will challenge Franklin to the next match.

  • Fly 8 seconds before opening the parachute.
  • Land on the back of the truck platform.

04. Uncalculated risk

Assignment for Franklin
Available after tasks "Target risk" (the third task of the House) and 13 parachute jumps
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

But first, you will need to complete 13 parachute jumps, scattered throughout the state. Only then will a new green icon appear. D? near the dam. There we will meet the same dog that brought Franklin to the House for the first time. This time he will also lead to the Dominator, who is going to jump from the dam without a parachute. Franklin's task is to jump after Dominic and survive. If there is no parachute in your inventory, you should look around - there is only one nearby. We jump and immediately open the parachute.

  • Survive after the jump.

After the inglorious death of the House, his assignments, unsurprisingly, will end. Will be an example for extreme fans.

House Beasley is a hedge broker and a passionate fan of extreme sports. He is selfish and does not like to lose, but he is willing to spend time and money in order to introduce anyone who is ready to join in the adrenaline-rich entertainment.

Say something specific about Everyday life You can't go home - we only know that he has a little daughter. The girl's mother tries to contact Beasley through social network Lifeinvader in the in-game to return the child's father, but, alas, to no avail. However, the House cannot be called too responsible, so there is nothing surprising in his attitude towards fatherhood.

Getting to know the House opens up not only a whole series of adrenaline-pumping missions, but also the new kind entertainment -. You can jump from helicopters, from cliffs, from various buildings and structures scattered throughout Blaine County.

To get 100 percent in the statistics of passing the game, you must complete all the tasks of the House.

Risk Assessment

After completing the story mission "" (Minor Turbulence), Franklin will have access to the first mission of the House - near the Galileo Observatory in Vinewood Hills, a corresponding icon will appear on the map.

When Franklin arrives, he will meet a very unusual Labrador at the beginning of the Arthur's Pass gravel path. For some unknown reason (maybe Franklin played with Chop for too long?), The barking of the four-footed stranger is clear to him - the dog claims that a man entangled in parachute lines is hanging in a tree nearby.

When the cut-scene is over, you will need to follow the Labrador to the place of the unsuccessful landing of the House - you can either walk or get there by car. During a conversation with House, Franklin notices that the dog has disappeared, and asks the interlocutor where the Labrador has gone, but he has not seen any dogs. Weird.

Having freed himself from the lines that captivated him, Dom invites Franklin to make a parachute jump - that's not restless! Franklin refuses, noting that he "respects gravity." Apparently, this is a reference to CJ, the protagonist of GTA: San Andreas, who always screamed about his hatred of gravity, falling from great heights.

However, there is no choice - in order not to make himself look like a coward, Franklin has to agree, succumbing to the persuasion of an extravagant extremist, and go to the helicopter. The rotorcraft will pick up Dom and his new friend and head for Mount Chilliad - that's where you have to jump. The flight will be long, so you can skip it, but along with it, Franklin's funny dialogue with Dom will be skipped.

When the helicopter reaches the point, the House will give the command to jump. You should not open the parachute right away - in order to get the "gold" after completing the mission, you need to spend in free fall, that is, without opening the parachute, for at least seven seconds. Since the height is large enough, there is nothing to fear. To speed up the flight and get to the landing zone, which is located at the top of Mount Chilliad, before your partner, you can lean forward slightly. However, the next part of the quest will not start without the House, so this will not give any advantage. All that remains is to sit on one of the bicycles and wait.

The Chilliad mountain bike race just seems simple. It is very good if the control of the bike does not cause difficulties, you are left behind, and the level of the character's stamina is "pumped up" to the maximum. You don't even have to think about getting into the lead at the beginning of the race, the main thing at this stage is not to lag behind too much and not to overtake the cliff. Everything has its time. Some of the natural trampolines along the route can be used for long jumps - to get gold in this task, you need to bounce on a bicycle so that you spend at least two seconds in the air. As a rule, Dom points out such jumps in advance, but to take advantage of his hint, a good reaction is still needed.

Closer to the finish line, the House will slow down noticeably, which Franklin can use to win the race - even if the stamina level has decreased so much that the character loses health, you should not slow down at the finish line: winning the race is one of the necessary conditions to receive "gold" at the end of the mission.

After completing this mission, access to 13 parachute jumps will open, which can be performed by any of the characters.

Liquidity Risk

Some time after completing the first mission from House at Los Santos International Airport, a mark will appear on the map, marking the new mission. Upon arrival, Franklin will find House sitting on the back of a truck at one of the entrances to the airport. There are two Blazers parked next to the truck - clearly for good reason.

House invites Franklin to some fun. Well, why not. You need to follow the extreme to the airport and dive into the plane. Here it turns out that the plane - a huge cargo Cargo Plane - will not hit anyone, so you need to get into its cargo hold on the go. There is nothing complicated here, if you do not waste time in vain and clearly follow the House: deviating from the route in an attempt to cut a corner, you may not have time to jump into the plane, and then the task will fail.

This time there will be no long flight: after takeoff, the game will rewind the time a little - right to the moment of the jump, when the plane is already above the Alamo Lake at a decent height. You will have to jump on an ATV.

You need to get out through the plane's cargo door and start doing tricks - to get the "gold" at the end of the mission, you need to make at least eight turns in the air. In this case, you need to release the gas, because otherwise the ATV will chat in all directions, and this will significantly complicate the performance of tricks. You can rotate in any direction, but it will be optimal to do clean forward rotations - these movements will provide horizontal advancement, bringing Franklin closer to the landing zone. In this case, you need to stay closer to the House - if you suddenly break away from it, falling down like a stone, the task will be failed.

To get "gold" in this task, you cannot open the parachute - you need to fall into the water, having survived the fall. Survive falling into the sea on vehicle not difficult at all - as a rule, no more than 5-10 percent of health is taken away. To complete the mission, you need to surface, swim to the shore and go to the House. If getting "gold" is not important, you can throw the ATV in the air and, opening the parachute, land in the indicated area.

Targeted Risk

Some time later, after completing the second task, House will send Franklin a message: he is waiting for his friend on the roof of the tallest skyscraper in Los Santos - the Maze Bank building. We need to find some kind of air transport and get to the roof. You can land here by helicopter or even an airship, or you can jump onto the roof with a parachute.

The restless adrenaline maniac is going not only to jump off the roof, but also to land on the platform of a truck moving along Power Street. Franklin will have to do the same, and he learns about it at the last moment. The truck to land on is marked with a blue dot on the minimap.

Immediately after the jump, you need to lean forward a little, thereby increasing not only the falling speed, but also the horizontal speed. In addition, you should take a little to the right in order to move to the left already entering the direction of the truck - this will make it easier to board. In this case, it is better to be slightly ahead of the marker, since the opening of the parachute will inevitably slow down not only the fall, but also the horizontal movement, and the truck will just be right under Franklin. To receive the "gold" at the end of the mission, you need to spend at least eight seconds in free fall, that is, the parachute can be deployed literally at the last moment, and you must land exactly on the mark.

It seems that it is best to keep the car in plain sight all the time, but this tactic leads to failure: in this case, it will not work to catch up with the truck after opening the parachute - there simply will not be enough height.

It is noteworthy that this task is one of the few in the game where a partner can fail his own mission: House may not have time to get on the truck. In this case, the dialogue in the final scene will be different, weeks in case of a positive outcome for the House, and the extreme will be angry and upset.

At the end of the mission, he will invite Franklin to another meeting - this time at the dam of the Land Act Reservoir. However, the new mission will not appear until all skydiving has been completed.

Uncalculated Risk

House's fourth and final mission begins on a dirt road near the Land Act Reservoir in the Tataviam Mountains northeast of Los Santos. When Franklin arrives, he will see the same Labrador that brought him to the House entangled in parachute lines in the first mission. The dog is worried that the extreme is up to something truly insane and may kill himself. Having learned the way from a four-legged friend, you need to immediately go to the dam.

On this, the task can be completed - you can get into the car and go about your business. But to receive the "gold" on the basis of the mission, Franklin must follow the House, and the time is limited, so you can't hesitate for a long time. If the parachute is not in the character's inventory, it can be found nearby on the ground. Franklin's job is to survive the jump. The altitude is very low, so the parachute should be deployed as soon as possible. To complete the mission, after landing, you need to return to the place of death of the House.

If you walk a little along the stream, you can collect the money that fell out of the crashed extremal - about a thousand dollars in total. They are clearly useless at home.

On this, the tasks of the House of Beasley will be completed.

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The outlines of the Maze Tower from GTA 5 may seem painfully familiar to many players, because this is not just another skyscraper, but a place, in fact, legendary. After all, it was this building that was a favorite place for players back in the distant times of the peak of popularity of GTA San Andreas! It was from the roof of this building that we made dizzying parachute jumps. If you remember, then it was as easy as shelling pears to climb onto the roof of this building: it was enough just to approach the yellow marker at the entrance to the skyscraper and you were at the top in an instant.

However, everything changed in GTA 5. The yellow marker disappeared somewhere, completely blocking our access to the top of the Maze Tower skyscraper. How do you get there, you ask? Now we will figure it out.

It is impossible to climb onto the roof of the Maze Tower without an airplane or helicopter!

And so, we were deprived of the yellow marker. The ability to crawl along vertical walls, in the style of a spider-man, was never introduced into the game. But how to climb to the roof of a skyscraper, without having any equipment for this? In fact, the roof of the Maze Tower can become accessible to you very easily, you just need to get your own helicopter. With him, of course, climbing the roof of the Maze Bank will be as easy as shelling pears.

If you are a very experienced player or just believe in yourself, then you can do a spectacular trick: fly over a skyscraper in an airplane, jump out of it and glide smoothly to the goal with a parachute. It's not so easy, but much cooler than just flying onto the roof in a helicopter.

By the way, once we will still be allowed to jump from the Maze Tower once, as in the old days. This will happen in the mission "Target Risk", in which you, in the role of Franklin, will have to make a dizzying jump from the very top of the Maze Tower and land exactly in the back of a moving truck.

Want to get on the rooftop and see your city from a bird's-eye view? Or sunbathe alone in the summer? Or maybe arrange an unforgettable romantic date and then unforgettable sex on the roof? In any of these options, you are provided with a lot of impressions! And I will tell you how anyone can do it!

Last Sunday, at the end of the week, I had a unique opportunity to look at Moscow through the eyes of birds. You don't need to buy a quadropocket for this, as almost all popular bloggers have done. You just need to climb onto the roof. "Just ...", you laugh. But how can this be done if Luzhkov closed all the roofs with a lock in the early 2000s? I'll tell you about this later, but for now, I'll just tell you how this wonderful warm Sunday evening went.

So, for a successful ascent to the roof, we need good weather, so that it is warm and there is a clear sky. Being on the roof in the rain and cold is not the most pleasant feeling, believe me.

So, first of all, you need to choose a suitable roof. You can start from your home area, because only a few people can see the places where you walk every day from a height. Any house starting from a height of 9 floors is suitable for this.
But if you want to truly soar above the city, then you need to storm the high-rise buildings (from 16 floors and above).

1. The first problem you will have to face is the intercom. You can open it in several ways:
a) wait until one of the tenants opens it and go with him.
b) try to use the key from your own intercom. As a rule, it will come up to 1 entrance out of 10.
c) call any apartment and, posing as a courier, ask to be admitted.

2. You entered the entrance. But if this is a new building, then most likely a concierge will sit on the ground floor. A confident "brick face" will help to pass it. First look at the apartment numbers in the entrance so that you can answer the question which one you are going to.
3. You passed the aquatic cerberus and reached the elevator. We rise to the penultimate floor and climb the stairs one more flight up. While you are walking, it's time to rub all the amulets and talismans in anticipation of luck, on which the entire success of the event now depends.

4. So. You come to the door that leads to the roof. It can be a hatch in the ceiling, or just a door blocking the stairs. If you called for luck and the ZhEK employees showed negligence, then the door will be open and you will be able to climb through the technical floor to the long-awaited roof and breathe a breath of freedom. Believe me, this is an amazing feeling! But what if there is a lock on the door? Unfortunately, there is only one legal method to open it. You need to have a familiar resident of this house who can take the key to the lock from the management organization or the housing office to carry out work on the roof (installation of antennas, air conditioners, etc.). If you do not have such a friend, then I can advise you to admire the city from the common balcony connecting the elevator hall with the fire escape. There is a good view from there, though only on one side. But perhaps this is the side you need. If not, then I advise you to watch the report to the end. There I will tell you about one more method.

1. Suppose that you have successfully completed all the steps of the instructions and got out onto the roof. Then you will discover an unforgettable feeling of serenity, you will seem to soar above the bustle of the city and above your problems. Well, the beautiful view will also be a nice bonus!

2. From the roof you can see those objects that you don't pay attention to from the ground. An unusual house in the foreground is the buildings of the Semyonov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The architectural ensemble was built in several stages. First, an egg-shaped turquoise building was built for the high-voltage installation. It housed the Special Sector of the Institute of Chemical Physics, to solve a complex of theoretical and experimental work in connection with the creation of the atomic bomb.
Then, in the 1950s, the rest of the buildings were built. Their facades are made in simple classical forms with external four-column porticoes of the Corinthian order:

3. Behind the buildings of the institute there is a building with a stunning balcony. It's incredible to see such a steep balcony made entirely of glass on a seemingly ordinary run-of-the-mill house. The point is that it is not easy. It housed the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. This is the main body of all trade unions of the USSR:

4. Apparently it was not in vain that a nuclear bomb was developed at the institute. How else can this "nuclear fungus" be explained in the sky over Moscow?

5. But let's finish the historical excursion and start photographing. For these purposes, I recommend grabbing a tripod and using the delayed release. This will reduce the effects of shaky hands:

6. On high roofs you can find red signal lights that show the height of the house at night. Do not break them, because they are a good subject for photography, in addition to their real purpose:

7. "Golden Brains" of RAS:

8. Being on the roof you want to jump with delight!

9. Meanwhile, the time of sunset is approaching and people with cameras are looking for the most advantageous angles.

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