Olympiad where the winter map will take place. Pyeongchang Olympics

XXXII summer Olympic Games From June 24 to August 9, 2020 will be held in the Japanese capital Tokyo. From August 25 to September 6, the Paralympic competitions will also be held there.

The 2020 Olympics will be Japan's fourth in history. Twice the country became the host of the Winter Games (Sapporo-74 and Nagano-98) and once hosted the Summer Olympics (Tokyo-64).

Who else claimed to host the 2020 Summer Olympics?

Official applications to host the Games were submitted before September 1, 2011. In the final, three cities fought for the right to host the 2020 Olympics: Madrid (Spain), Istanbul (Turkey) and Tokyo (Japan).

How many countries will participate in the 2020 Olympics?

About 203 countries and over 12,500 athletes from around the world are expected to participate in the 2020 Summer Olympics.

What is the logo for the 2020 Olympics?

On July 24, 2015, the official presentation of the emblems of the 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games took place. Developed by Japanese designer Kenjiro Sano... For the Olympics, he chose the letter "T", composed of geometric shapes in black, red, gold and gray on a white background. The vertically placed equal sign became the logo of the Paralympics. However, a month later it became known that the organizing committee of the Games decided to abandon the use of the logos designed by Sano, due to allegations of plagiarism. Belgian designer Olivier Deby immediately after the presentation of the emblems of the Games in Tokyo, he said that two years ago he came up with a very similar logo for the theater in the city of Liege.

2020 Olympics logo designed by Kenjiro Sano

Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Kenjiro Sano

Theater Liège logo designed by Olivier Déby

Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Olivier Debie

After the scandal, the image of a ring from a pattern became the new Olympic emblem chess board indigo. Each rectangle symbolizes different countries and culture, as well as the diversity of the world, united around sports. Logo author designer Asao Tokoro called his work "Harmonious Checkered Emblem".

The XXIII Olympic Winter Games will be held in PyeongChang, Republic of South Korea from 9 to 25 February 2018. The city has twice become a candidate for hosting the 2010 and 2014 Winter Games. However, he was lucky only on the third attempt. On June 6, 2011, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that Pyeongchang would still become the capital of the Olympics.

Who else claimed to host the 2018 Winter Olympics?

There were only three official applications for the 2018 Olympics: Annecy (France), Munich (Germany) and Pyeongchang (South Korea). For comparison, Russian Sochi, which became the venue for the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014, managed to bypass six cities, including Pyeongchang.

Who will be the mascot of the 2018 Olympics?

The mascot of the Olympics were the white tiger Suhorang, considered by the South Koreans to be the sacred guardian of animals, and the strong and courageous bear Bandabi, who was entrusted to personify the Paralympic competitions. The images of the animals were posted on Twitter by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The emblem of the 2018 Olympics consists of two symbols. The one on the left denotes the unity and harmony of the sky (blue stripe), earth (red) and man (the space between the two stripes). And the snowflake on the right represents winter sports.

Photo: Public Domain

What sports will the Olympians compete in?

  • biathlon;
  • bobsleigh: bobsleigh, skeleton;
  • speed skating: speed skating, figure skating, short track;
  • curling;
  • skiing: alpine skiing, ski nordic, ski race, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle;
  • luge;
  • hockey.

In 2015, the IOC excluded parallel slalom in snowboarding (men and women) from the 2018 Olympics program and included several more new disciplines:

Annually on the last Saturday of March an environmental campaign is being held all over the world " Earth Hour"organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary refusal from the consumption of electrical energy for one hour... Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the surrounding nature.

This great idea was first realized in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then the action was attended by about two million residents of the metropolis, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by this example, more and more cities began to join the "Earth Hour" campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Among the countries participating in the action, of course, there is also Russia.

What date and what time is the Earth Hour 2020 promotion:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March except for those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday March 28, 2020... Promotion starts at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the action Earth Hour 2020 - on what date and at what time:
* Date - March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

The 2018 Olympic Games will be the XXIII in a row. Previous XXII Olympic the games were held in a Russian city in 2014. Traditionally, the Olympics are held every four years. To determine the next host, a serious selection is made among all applicants who want to host the games of the strongest athletes in the world in winter sports in their city.

Where will the 2018 Olympics take place?

Applications for the next Winter Games this time were submitted by only three countries wishing to be the host. Among the participants in the vote were the following cities: Annecy (France), Munich (Germany) and Pyeongchang (South Korea). The final vote for the right to host the Winter Olympics was held on July 6, 2011. South Korea won by a wide margin over the other contenders, with 63 votes, while Germany received 25 votes and France seven. Thus, the 2018 Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

South Korea, before winning the Olympics opportunity, also submitted its bids in 2014, when it lost to Sochi by just four votes, and in 2010, when it lost to Vancouver by just three votes.


Pyeongchang will host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games from February 9 to February 25. About 2,500 athletes will take part in them. They will compete for 102 sets of medals in 15 disciplines.


The Winter Olympic Games have been held since 1924. Previously, two winter sports - figure skating and ice hockey - were presented at summer Olympics... But at first, the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix was timed Summer Games and was called "International Sports Week on the occasion of the VIII Olympiad". The success of the competition was so great that it was decided to hold and Winter Games with the same frequency as the Summer Olympics - every four years.

This rule has been violated twice. The 1940 and 1944 Olympics were canceled due to World War II. The second time, the frequency has changed for a pleasant reason. international Olympic Committee decided that it is not very good to hold both Summer and Winter Games in the same year. And then the "white" Olympics were shifted for two years: so the 16th and 17th Winter Games in Albertville -92 and Lillehammer -94 were separated by only two years.

Disciplines and awards

At the first Winter Olympics in 1924, only 14 sets of awards were played. But with each Games, the number of participants and the number of disciplines grew, and there will already be more than 100 award ceremonies in Pyeongchang.

For 2018 in the number of winter Olympic sports sports include:


Ski race

Ski jumping

Ski nordic



Figure skating


Short track





As winter sports require special infrastructure such as ice rinks, trampolines, ski slopes and so on, the "white" Olympics were held only on three continents - in Europe, North America and Asia. Moreover, the Asians got into this company. Only in 1972, when the Games were held in Sapporo, Japan. In fact, Asia should have appeared on this list much earlier. But in 1940, the Olympics in Sapporo were canceled due to World War II.

Russia and the USSR at the Winter Olympics

This is a paradox, but the first gold medal v winter views sports Russia won at the Summer Olympics. And this was generally the first in the history of the country olympic gold... At the 1908 Games in London, skater Nikolai Panin-Kolmenkin became the champion in the discipline " special figures”, Which was no longer presented in the program at the subsequent Olympiads. It is noteworthy that Panin-Kolmenkin also participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics, but already in pistol shooting competitions.

The USSR national team took part in the 1956 Winter Olympics for the first time. And immediately she won 7 gold medals, 3 silver and 6 bronze medals, becoming the first in the unofficial team competition.

In 1992, after the collapse of the USSR Russian athletes performed as part of the united CIS team under Olympic flag... And since 1994, the Russian national team has already been an independent team.

Winter Olympics records

Olympic records in winter competitions are recorded in only two sports: speed skating and short track speed skating. Because in all other disciplines, where the flight time or distance is recorded, for example, in ski jumping, much depends on the topography of the tracks or the very design of the sports facility.

Russian luger Albert Demchenko took part in seven Olympiads! It's kind of absolute olympic record... His first Games were Albertville-92, and he finished his performances in Sochi -2014. True, Demchenko did not manage to win gold - he has only three "silver".

Lydia Skoblikova won two gold medals at the 1960 games, and four years later - four more, and is the only 6-time Olympic champion in speed skating.

Norwegian Ole Einar Bjoerndalen - 8x Olympic champion... In Sochi, at the age of 40, he won three gold medals.

Karl-August Kronlund of Sweden - oldest medalist Winter Olympics... He won a creling silver with the Sweden national team at the age of 59 years and 155 days.

Athlete from South Korea Kim Yoon Mi is the youngest champion. In the 1994 short track speed skating competition, she won the 3000m relay at the age of 13 years and 85 days.

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