How it's done, how it works, how it works. Own mini-golf club as a business Golf at home

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From simple materials you can make an excellent mini golf with your own hands. Children will be delighted with such a toy. However, adults will join the game with pleasure, spend another hour playing such mini golf, because you can play it at any time of the year

In order to make mini golf we need:
1. Green and gray cloth (felt).
2. Wooden sticks (large wooden skewers).
3. Thick yellow paper or cardboard.
4. Scissors, brushes, hot glue, glue gun, pencil, sheet of paper.
5. Paints of various colors.
6.Very thin wood plywood blade.
7. Wooden twig, pebbles (for decoration).
8. A pack of disposable brushes for cleaning blockages in the sink, green.
9. Balls with a diameter of one centimeter.

First you need to draw on paper a complete sketch of the mini-golf course. A sketch that suits you.

Then, according to the sketch, of course, everything is approximately by eye, we cut out the green areas of the field along the contour, and the holes. The holes are one centimeter in diameter.

Now a little fantasy. To make the field not look monotonous, you need to decorate it, add small touches. Glue pebbles, twigs, pieces of fabric imitating sand, you can even mini-stools.

We paste over each lawn along the contour with disposable green brushes, hot glue will help us. It looks better this way, and the clearing will be much more stable.

What is golf without golf clubs? From thin plywood we give an oval and glue it to a wooden stick at an angle slightly less than 90 degrees. Then we paint our future club and cut it to the desired size.

We make flags from yellow paper and wooden sticks, glue small pieces of brushes and felt mugs to them.

We put everything in its place and the field is ready for the game.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 31 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Golf is one of the most popular sports. It is quite easy to learn, it gives you the opportunity to have a great time on fresh air and meet new people.


    Take a lesson... or even a few lessons! Chances are you've been to the driving range with golfing friends and that's why you decided to take up the sport... right? it great way get to know the game, however, if you want to start learning the basic mechanics of golf shots, you will need to take lessons from a certified professional (PGA or WGTF). Most decent golf courses have professional instructors as well as driving ranges, and they usually have good all-inclusive deals, and they often give discounted group lessons. Take a private lesson where a professional will teach you the basics like grip, pre-punch stance, swing position and mechanics. Resist the temptation to let your friends teach you. Although they are well-intentioned, they will hurt your swinging technique more than they will help. Professional golfers know how to teach a person to swing the club, that's why they are professionals. Take some lessons and learn how to play correctly. It is very important.

    Buy a set of used clubs. It doesn't have to be full set, a few clubs are enough (3 wood, 5, 7, 9 iron, pitching wedge or sand wedge and putter). Use your clubs sparingly: if the handle doesn't fit your hand, or if the shaft is too heavy or too long, you'll have an unpleasant playing experience. Calluses and pain in the muscles of the forearm may appear. Just like shoes, you need clubs that “fit” you.

    Etiquette and Rules - Take some time to learn the rules of golf...and his etiquette, because it's as important as hitting the ball 300 yards. The game of golf is built on sincerity, honor and respect, and not just on hitting the ball in the park with a lawn. A copy of the Official Golf Rules can be downloaded from the USGA website. Keep it in your bag and study it so you will know the rules for any situation that may arise on the field. As for etiquette, everything here first of all corresponds common sense. Don't walk on other players' lines of putt as you may dent the lawn and interfere with the ball's movement. Don't talk when others are kicking balls. Do not stand behind or in front of a player who is swinging a club. Always dress appropriately according to the driving range rules. These are just the basics, but as you play, you'll learn the inside and out of golf etiquette...and don't be afraid to approach seasoned golfers about rules or etiquette issues.

    Look for a professional golfer (teacher) in your area. Most golf courses have professionals, or those who can introduce you to one. Book 3 or 4 lessons from a professional, ask for the cost of the package.

    Learn the basics: how to hold the club, how to prepare to hit (address the ball), how to swing the golf club, how to putt, etc. A professional should show you all the basics. You can also watch online videos and read any of the many golf guides.

    Before you go to the golf course, visit a few times training field. Your goal is to be more confident with your club and your choice of shot, and it is also very important to determine the approximate trajectory of the ball when hitting with different clubs. Also, using the driving range before a round of golf will give you an idea of ​​how the weather affects your shot. Windy? Does moisture make the ball heavier and affect the distance of the ball? Practicing on the driving range will allow you to grasp these points without wasting valuable shots on the field.

    Try the 9-hole golf course first. If you don't have much time to play, or can't hit the ball far enough yet, then you can use the driving range or pitch or putt field again. They are very useful for practice.

  1. Improving skills, it is important to work on the game on short distance(putt and pitch). Think about it. It is useless to be able to throw a ball 200 yards (about 180 meters), and if you are strong enough, you will drive the ball 250 yards and have no idea what to do on the green. In an average round, a player uses the driver 12-15 times, depending on the golf course. On any field, a player uses the putter about 30 times per round, depending on ability. The shorter the game, the lower the handicap.

    • If you plan on taking lessons, ask if the pro has clubs for rent that you can borrow for the first few lessons. It would be logical to first find out if you like golf and get the first instruction from a professional before spending money on clubs.
    • Concentrate on putting. Practice greens are free to use on most golf courses and won't wear you down like hitting balls on a driving range. About half of your punches will be putts, so learning them pays big dividends; pros say, not without reason, "Drive is to impress the audience, and the money is made by putts."
    • Before hitting the ball, look and make sure the ball doesn't hit anything in its path, especially club bags, trees and people!
    • Make sure your mobile phone is either off or on vibrate when you are on the golf course. Talking on a mobile phone is highly discouraged, it is considered impolite.
    • Respect your rivals. Never talk during their stroke or comment on their style of play or swing.
    • Don't forget to warm up before playing or training. A whole day of golf can overwhelm your back. In addition, a larger range of motion will mean longer distance shots.
    • When you go to the golf course for the first time, take another golfer with you to show you how to move correctly on the course.
    • While on the driving range, always look for a target, such as a red flag.
    • Do not come closer than two steps to any hole.
    • Don't delay the blow. The preparatory stage, the training strike, and the stroke itself should take no more than a minute in time. If you are not playing very fast and there is another group of players waiting behind you, step back and wave to them, indicating that they can play in front of you. However, you will definitely need to move away from the line of punches, otherwise you can be seriously injured.


    • Concentrate and read at home study guides golf, away from distractions.
    • Lightning is a very serious danger. When the weather siren goes off, run for cover immediately!
    • Always yell "Fore" when your ball approaches another group on the field. Feel free to scream as loudly as possible. It will be more embarrassing to hit someone with a ball.
    • When you start playing golf, don't buy new and expensive clubs. You will most likely not be skilled enough to use them properly and you will be better at playing with used clubs in the beginning.
    • If you are going to play in the sun for a long time, apply sunblock to your skin. Sunburn can make golf a lot less fun.
    • From the first tee, always look around before hitting the ball so as not to hit someone. On your marks! Imagine what kind of punches you will perform. Attention! Before you hit, decide how you will hit the ball. If you can't, then go to the training field. Swing! Go ahead, hit the ball with all your might.
    • Try to play FAST! Because no one likes a slow game. If the tee is open and you're sure you won't hit anyone, don't waste time and hit.

If you are tired of the usual pastime in the country with barbecue and everything else, and you really want to surprise your friends, take up golf.

Yes, yes, you heard right. And you have the opportunity to do it on your six acres. Indeed, to organize the correct field, only a site of twenty by twenty meters is enough. And if your site still has hillocks, a pond and other natural barriers, then this is even better. The game will be much more interesting.

We have all seen chic fields, small electric cars scurrying from hole to hole. Nearby - well-groomed old men with "caddy" boys, carrying heavy bags with golf clubs for a couple of thousand dollars each ... So, forget all this pathos! Minigolf is democratic and simple. But it is so exciting that it’s enough just to start, and then you won’t drag it by the ears.

Any golf equipment - polo, shorts - from 50 rubles, gloves - from 100 rubles, shoes - from 700 rubles.

Mini golf rules

And finally, the last condition for a successful game is to know its rules. The goal is to get the ball into the hole with fewer strokes.
  1. The game starts with the first hit from the starting pad.
  2. Strokes are made in the direction from hole to hole. Any touch golf clubs counted as a hit.
  3. If the ball flies out of the playing field, a second hit is made from the same place without deducting a penalty point.
  4. If the ball stops at a hazard, it can be moved to the length of the heel (length of the striker) of the golf club. Penalty points are also not awarded.
  5. The maximum number of strokes for each hole is 6. If all the same it was not possible to do this, the player proceeds to another hole with a penalty stroke.
  6. If the ball hits a place where it is impossible to make a hit, even moving it to the length of the heel, a second hit is made from the last place with a penalty.
  7. The number of strokes during the passage of the holes is recorded in notebooks.
  8. If the game goes to the number of strokes, the winner is the one who spent the least number of strokes to complete all the holes.
  9. If the game goes to holes, then the one who wins more holes wins.
In general, try it, especially if you have a company - you can buy the whole set together. Choose golf products and have fun. Enjoy the shopping. aslan wrote on October 13th, 2016

You will be surprised, but I have played golf many times. I know which stick to choose for the first and last hit, how to aim, how strong the hit should be in a side or head wind, I even know what steam and bogey are! I am the champion of Kabardino-Balkaria in my age category. But it's all in virtual game) I play golf especially well in GTAV).

In fact, in Russia you can count on the fingers both golfers and fields suitable for playing, and there are only one or two of them in Russia - it is too elitist and inaccessible this sport, even more of a pastime.

But quite recently I managed to participate in a golf master class, and today I will tell you

I was lucky to pick up a golf club for the first time in Finland, the province of Tavastia, at the Loimijoki Golf Club. The area provided for hammering balls into the holes is not small, as it should be for such a game - 70 hectares, on which there are 18 holes and 14 lanes. Previously, there were estates, stables, but in the early 1990s, the new owner of these lands decided to arrange other entertainments here and set up a golf course here. At first, the field consisted of 9 holes, but gradually expanded to its present size, so that it was possible to fully play and hold tournaments.

If you've ever rubbed your fingers on the keys trying to put a ball into a hole, then you should know that the basic principle of the game is to put 9 or 18 balls into the holes in the minimum number of strokes.

To begin with, we, a group of bloggers, go to the store, which is located right next to the club, to steal a bag with clubs. In fact, a coach is waiting for us here, who will show you how to hold the stick correctly, what position you need to stand in and everything else. We were impressed by the prices in the store - this is a game for wealthy people, you know.

Such a carnation costs either one or two euros, this is a ball stand. And the ball itself costs about 4 euros. Imagine - bam on the ball and your 4 euros flew away into unknown distances, and the peg broke, goodbye 500 rubles, and you need to perform a lot of such blows to get into all the holes. I'm not talking like a wealthy person.

First of all, we head to the lawn, where we need to work out a short blow. This stage is the last one in golf when you need to put the ball into the hole, but here we learn how to properly hold the club and hit the ball that lies on the lawn.

This very round area is called the green, the grass on it is cut very short, only about a millimeter above the ground, so that the ball can roll into the hole from a light hit with a club.

To practice strokes here we need a stick called a putter. To complete all the holes, up to 14 different clubs are required, which have different functions - one in order to send the ball as far as possible from the first parking lot, others for shorter distances, and for different surfaces.

Lisa and Vitalik - YouTube bloggers are filming their video, which I will show at the end of the post.

Lisa has an electronic rangefinder in her hands, with the help of which the exact distance from the place where you are standing to the flag that is stuck in the hole you need to get into will be determined. Very handy tool to help you choose the right stick.

But we won't hit that far just yet.

We noticed that among the members of the club, mostly not young players. Either golf is not very attractive to young people, or they do not have much money to be a permanent member of the club.

In fact, even a hole that seems close to you is not so easy to hit, it's not for you to press the keys.
Our blogging company with a coach (in a cap) and Might (on the far right), who showed us this place.

This is where long-distance strikes are practiced. First, we learn to hit the ball with a swing right from the carpet. You have to hit the ball.

First, strikes are practiced with such clubs - iron, their range is from 70 to 150 m.

It is important to hold the stick correctly. Actually, it's not easy. If, out of habit, you start a full cycle, then by the end of the game you can swing so much that your hands will fall off. Fortunately, the game is such that no one urges, the main thing is not speed, but the result.

The trainer shows a master class. You need to be directly under the ball, whether it is on the ground or on a peg. By the way, there are enough broken pegs lying around here.

The stick that I hold in my hands is called wood, it used to be really wooden. Designed for the longest shots, up to 300 meters. The modern club has remained the same in appearance, with a massive head, but now it is made of aluminum, the head itself is hollow. I tried a blow - really long-range.

After working off the blows, we go to other areas on an electric car. For the second time in a day I do something for the first time in my life. Before that, he only drove an electric car in GTA, crushed passers-by, but this cannot be done here.

The batteries that the car runs on are located directly under the seat. They are charged right there in the parking lot from a simple outlet. The control is exactly the same as in the game - it is turned on with a button, there are gas and brake pedals and a lever for switching the direction forward / backward. There are machines from 600 thousand. up to 3.5 million rubles. Would you buy? Tesla will be cheaper)
Photos honestly stole from Lesha alexio_marziano

If you have ever watched a movie that featured golf, you probably saw that the player has an assistant who carries all his clubs behind him and gives advice on the game from time to time - a caddy. It was difficult to play without caddies - to carry these clubs and still wave them. But over time, electric cars came instead and caddies became a thing of the past. Because of this transport, the very structure of the field had to be redone - to make paths for them, etc.

In general, it is fun to drive such a machine. But this is not a sports car, you won’t break away from your pursuers)

Golf course landscapes are quite varied. The border of the club, for example, runs along this river. Further there is a small pine forest, mounds, lakes, and fields, fields, fields.

As I said, the golf course consists of 18 holes, they, in turn, are divided into series of 2-3 holes. Each series is a small field with water barriers, sand traps, tall grass, a special lawn (green) with holes carved into it and a launch pad.

The launch pad is where the game starts and where the first kick is made. Each area where the hole is located is indicated by such a plate with a map of the area, with designations of features. Here is an example of hole number 2, which requires 3 hits to complete perfectly.

The starting area is marked with two marks showing the permissible boundaries of the zone where a ball peg (tee) can be placed.

The hole itself.

The courses for men and women at Loimijoki Golf are marked with colorful horseshoes. Yellow for men, blue for women.

Artificial lake. Can you imagine how many balls are in it? By the way, they don’t get them out of there, and that’s all - salam alaikum. There are also many of them in the river.

Here is another platform on a hill. It is more difficult and requires 5 hits to pass ideally. Pay attention to the green speck on top of this scheme - this is the green, and there is a hole in this area.

This is how the area where you want to hit looks like from the launch pad. "Do you see the gopher? No? But he is." It is impossible for an inexperienced player to see the flag that is stuck in the hole without a clue.

Let's zoom in, no, it's not visible.

Let's get closer, no, it's not visible.

Let's take a little to the left. Bingo! Here is the flag!

If you look a little to the right, you can see the flag of another hole. Here, in order to see such a hole, you need a rangefinder.

If a club member cannot afford to rent an electric car, then he is his own caddy and carries his clubs on such a cart.

But we are going back, our tour is over.

Golf, as I said earlier, is not a cheap pleasure, since the construction of golf courses and maintaining them in proper condition requires huge financial investments. All these expenses are reflected in considerable membership fees, because this sport is not available to anyone in Russia (hello crisis).

According to statistics, about a third of the members of golf clubs do not play at all: for them, being a member of the club is an image and business communication.

Thank you for reading to the end! How do you feel about golf? Have you played, would you like to play?
If you liked the post, be sure to check out the rest of the posts from Tavastia at the links below.

And finally, the very video in which you can see this golf club.

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