Scenario of theatrical autumn performance for senior preschool children “The Frog the Traveler. "In the footsteps of fairy frogs": virtual tour Scenario of the game travel frog traveler

Scenario autumn holiday for the preparatory school group "Autumn Fairy Tale" (Based on the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler")

Objective: To develop the creativity of children by means of different types activities.

Objectives: To continue to introduce children to musical culture. To cultivate an artistic taste, a conscious attitude towards the musical heritage and contemporary music. Continue to enrich children's musical experience. To promote the creative activity of children in the available types of musical performing activities (singing, dancing, theatrical activities, dramatization). Strengthen the combination of speech and movements, develop the rhythmic side of speech. Stimulate the formation and development of musical abilities, thinking, fantasy, imagination.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler"

Characters: Autumn, Leading - adults; rain, ducks, frogs, mushrooms, squirrels, Wolf, Fox, Hares - children.

The script uses verses by S. Nasaulenko, G. Vikhareva, M. Plyatskovsky, as well as quatrains from the magazines "Preschool Education".

To the music "colorful autumn" T. Morozova children enter the hall and get up scattered. They are holding multi-colored leaves.

Leading. Hello dear guys! So a cheerful, resounding summer flew by. Every season of the year - its turn came for the fall. Today we will meet with Autumn and find out what interesting it will tell us about its time.

The fun summer has passed,

And the sun brings little warmth

Autumn has come, the foliage has turned yellow,

It's time to say goodbye to summer.

In a dress of bright gold

Autumn wanders under the stream.

Leaves fly in the wind

And they whirl and rustle.

What kind of guest came to us,

What a joy it brought

Or gloomy autumn rain

And won't we have fun?

Leaves are spinning, falling under your feet,

And they whisper quietly in our garden.

And a thin cobweb over the ponds

Rains jumped in the wind.

Sad picture outside the window -

Leaves fall. We are waiting for autumn.

Come to us, Autumn, come

And bring joy with you.

Song "Sad Rain" (music and lyrics by L. Kuklina)

To lose, children wave leaves, spin, and at the end they sit on chairs.

Autumn enters to the music "October", walks around the hall, stands in the center of the hall.

Autumn. Hello dear children. I heard your song and came to you. Although everyone thinks that Autumn is a sad time, but how much beauty and joy I bring with me, and not just gloomy sky and cold rain! What a generous and delicious harvest I give you this winter!

The breeze sweeps the paths

And the golden foliage swirls

What happened in nature? Want to?

I will definitely tell you.

Shoals fly away

Flocks of gray cranes

To a warm land

Where there are no blizzards

They are in a hurry to fly away.

Crane, crane,

Have a good trip.

Crane, crane,

Come to us in the spring.

Song "Don't be sad, crane" (music and lyrics by Z. Root)

Children sit on high chairs.

Autumn. Of course, the birds will definitely return to their native land, but it is cold for them to spend the winter here, let them fly to warm lands. And with us remains my friend - a rain cloud. When I appear, she is right there and always tells me all sorts of interesting stories with its raindrops.

Dance "Rains" muses. A. Joyce.

Autumn. Do you want me to tell you one amazing story that my friend a cloud told me?

Autumn. Well, listen! In one

Princess Frog

Musical performance based on Russian folk tale

Action one

Scene 1

Tsar's palace. Throne.

Storyteller. A long time ago, the king lived alone, He was rich and noble.

One raised three sons And loved more than all riches,

Prepared for military affairs. But the years passed, and he became old,

Forgot honor and glory. I called my sons to me,

The heirs to the state

Tsar. My dear sons, I am old, though rich.

I want to marry you as soon as possible And see the grandchildren.

The eldest son. Well, bless us.

Middle son. We agree, father, wife.

Ivan. Who should we marry? Answer.

Tsar. The arrow will point the way. Where she falls - mind you.

You cannot turn off the path. You will find your brides at once,

And you will bring them to our kingdom. Let's finish weddings - a feast up the mountain,

How will you get home.

Taking a bow, arrows, bowing to their father, the sons leave.

Scene 2

Boyar's daughter in front of the mirror.

Boyar's daughter. How beautiful, how sweet, How blush and white!

Go around the whole world, There is no better peephole in the world!

Beads are on fire! Earrings shine like a diamond!

And the outfit is silk, satin!

An arrow flies in, the eldest son runs in.

The eldest son. No one is more beautiful than you!

I am a young prince, I have been looking for you all day!

Bow to each other, leave.

Scene 3

A merchant's yard, a merchant's daughter is sitting at a table with food.

A merchant's daughter. Pretzels and buns, Fried chicken

And sweet jam and sour cream in tubs,

Cucumbers and cabbage soup, honey, pie with delicious filling!

I am not averse to taste everything, I am a merchant's daughter!

An arrow flies in, the middle son runs in.

Middle son. I am ready to dine with you, Taste a treat.

I like a mountain feast. I'm a young prince!

I want to marry you, Show the whole kingdom!

They bow, leave the hall.

Scene 4


Ivan. I walked in the forest, I walked in the field, I walked around the swamp, -

To know, this is my fate, Since I have not found a bride.

Ouch! Frog! What a marvel! Did you find my arrow?

Frog. I am your bride, Vanya. You take me as your wife

Do not twist, my prince, It can be seen that I am your destiny!Ivan picks up a frog and leaves.

Second action.

Scene 1

Royal palace.

Storyteller. Day, and two, and three pass. Sons go home

Daughters-in-law are led by the hand into the royal house, into his rest.

Respectfully invites the Tsar's daughters-in-law to the palace,

Father is glad to tears that the children got married at last!

Weddings are fun to play And all the guests are treated!

Dance "There is a ball in the palace today"

The sons lead the brides into the hall, sit down at the throne. Ivan enters alone. The guests are dancing.

The storyteller . Time to night, the feast has died down, the King is calling his sons, for them

He prepares a commission, And instruction for his daughters-in-law!

Tsar. Let them sew the shirts on time! Bake a big cake!

They will embroider needlework overnight! I do not like idleness in the kingdom.

The elder sons leave with their daughters-in-law.

Ivan goes to the stove, near which a swarm of frog appears.


Ivan. How will you bake a pie? How will you sew a shirt on time? You are a frog, not a girl.

Lie down abalone. Is that why you can't sleep? My prince, do not be shy, The morning is wiser than the evening.

Scene 2

The king is on the throne, the sons are carrying the daughter-in-law's shirts on trays - burnt pies.

Storyteller. The night has passed, and again the morning. Sons bear to father

Homespun shirts, So that the king was to the face.

And the daughters-in-law carry bread, They are waiting for the praise of their father.

A merchant's daughter. I am a merchant's daughter. Hands tirelessly

Sewed and baked all night, Tired not knowing.

Boyar's daughter. I am a boyar daughter. I did not dare to close my eyes,

I wanted to surprise the kingdom with needlework!

They boast about needlework, bread.

Tsar. That's the bread! Here are the shirts! You, daughters-in-law, sluts!

Get out of sight! Speak, my youngest son, Where are the presents? Where is the daughter-in-law

A merchant's daughter. Drowned in a tub of dough!

Boyar's daughter. Lost all the needles! The frog is of little use.

Tsar . Be quiet, you are empty! They wanted to go outside the gate.

Ivan. My frog baked White Bread ...

A merchant's daughter. What did you bring?

Boyar's daughter. Tell me well!

Ivan. Needlework is sewn with silk ...

Tsar. That's the bread! Bread for all bread. Perfectly baked. I invite everyone to the feast.

All solemnly go out. Ivan approaches the stove, on which a frog appears.

Frog. What, my prince, is not happy? Why did you hang your head?

Ivan. How are you going to the feast? How will you dance, how will you sing? You are a frog, not a girl ...Frog. Is that why you can't sleep? My prince, don't be shy. The morning is wiser than the evening.

Scene 3

A feast in the palace. The king is on the throne. Sons enter with smart daughters-in-law.

Ivan walks alone, stops at a distance.

Storyteller. The night has passed, and again the morning. The sons are going to the feast.

They lead their wives in pearls and brocade kicks.

Only Ivanushka is not cheerful, he hung his head up.

The music plays loudly, the spoons greet the guests!

Dance with l burns "Quadrille".

Guests are seated in the hall.

The eldest son. Where is the frog? Did you run away?

Boyar's daughter. Have you rode to the swamp?

Middle son. Croaks loudly on a bump!

A merchant's daughter.You would bring her in a handkerchief!

Boyar's daughter . She will dance and sing, Will surprise the honest people!

Everyone laughs loudly, thunder is heard, the guests hide in fear.

Tsar. What's that noise? What is the din?

Ivan. You don't need to hide. Frog in a box.Goes to visit the palace.

A merchant's daughter. Thank God! Miracle Yudo mwe will see at last!

Dance of Vasilisa and the swans "Sudarushka".

Ivan. Oh! What a beauty! Who are you? Don't guess.

Your beauty can only be described in a fairy tale!

Vasilisa. My dear friend, listen, I am your wife, Vanyusha!

Your name is Vasilisa, you called, I'm right there!

Dance Vasilisa and Ivan "Korobeyniki"

The eldest son. The frog surprised everyone. I amazed with beauty!

Average second son. Stars are frequent, the month is clear! Her steps, her eyes are beautiful.

Boyar's daughter. Well, think about it - a frog! In the stars from heels to crown!

A merchant's daughter. We will sing no worse, we will dance for you now together.

Two daughters-in-law are dancing "Polka"grimacing, bouncing comically.

Tsar. Pick up and say hello to get out of sight!

Get ready, you fools. Come back home!

The daughters-in-law run away.

Storyteller. Vasilisa invites and leads her to the table,

He treats you with sweets, He leads a kind speech.

The Tsar leads Vasilisa through the hall, the sons and all the guests come out after them.

Scene 4

Svetlitsa Ivan.

The storyteller . And Ivan is in a hurry to the loft. He fell in love with the Tsar Maiden,

She quickly throws the skin into the furnace and burns it in the fire!

The actions of the heroes correspond to the text of the Storyteller.

Vasilisa. Oh, you are my clear prince, Would wait only three days!

You hurried in vain, Forever would have been yours.

And now goodbye, Vanyusha! I am beyond the distant lands,

In the thirtieth state, Where Kashchei rules!

Storyteller. Suddenly turned into a cuckoo, flew up instantly to the window

And she disappeared, and Vanyusha hurried to look for his wife.

Act three

Scene 1


Storyteller. Ivan walked for a long time, far away, He was wearing boots, a caftan.

An old man who was completely gray-haired was met in the forest by Ivan.

Old man. Hello, well done! Where and where are you going from?

Ivan. V the kingdom of the evil Kashchei, to return Vasilisa.

Old man. Here's a ball for you, prince. Feel free to follow him.

Keep up with him along the paths, along the paths

Storyteller. The old man bowed and disappeared ...

(Ivan runs across the hall, holding a bow)

In an open field, suddenly - a bear! And let’s roar like thunder!

Vanya aims with a bow - Science will be evil! And the bear growls.

Bear. Vanyusha, don't hit me, listen!

Although I am an evil, insidious beast, I will be useful to you, believe me!

Storyteller. Vanya keeps running forward, does not lag behind the ball.

A drake flies in the sky, The drake screams loudly.

Vanya is aiming from a bow - There will be science! The drake says ...

Drake. Listen, have pity on me, Vanyusha! I'm not angry with you, And I will be useful to you!Storyteller. Vanya keeps running forward, does not lag behind the ball.

A hare to the clearing - a gallop! "Watch out for me, buddy!"

Vanya aims with a bow - There will be science for the gray! The hare says ...

Hare. Don't hit me, then I'll be useful to you, Vanyusha, listen to the gray hare!

Storyteller. Vanya keeps running forward, does not lag behind the ball.

He sees - the sea-ocean, Ivan saw the pike,

Lies on the sand, does not breathe,

He says the word, Vanya hears.

Pike. Have pity on me, Ivan, Throw it into the ocean soon!

I will be useful to you, Vanyusha, listen to the wise pike!

Storyteller. Vanya helps the pike - Throws blue into the sea.

For the ball he runs into the forest, And in the forest there is a hut.

Dance of the Forest and Baba Yaga.

Scene 2

Baba Yaga's hut.

Ivan. Become, hut, back to the forest! Turn your front to me!

Who lives in a hut on legs? Look out the window soon!

Baba Yaga. I live - Baba Yaga! Bone, know, leg!

Why did you come here? Lost what or found?

Good fellow, where are you from And where are you going?

Ivan. To the kingdom of the evil Kashchei, to return Vasilisa!

Baba Yaga. I know, I know, Vasilisushka lives with Kashchei.

For him sings and dances, Embroiders, bakes bread.

Ivan. How can I drive Kashchei away? Punish the evil thief?

Baba Yaga. At the end of the needle is death, That needle lies in the egg,

An egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, A hare is sitting in a chest.

And the chest is hidden on the oak. Kashchey that oak guards,

More protective of the eyes. How to enter into battle with Kashchei, Take your wife home!

Scene 3

A decoration of an oak tree, a chest on it, Kashchei emerges from behind an oak tree.

Kashchei. I am Kashchei the great, evil, I take care of my peace!

Rich in silver and gold, In pearls are my chambers,

Vasilisa sings to me, she embroiders, she makes a speech,

I am immortal, no doubt! There is only one secret ...

I guard the mighty oak, More than the eyes of the shore.

A chest hangs on the branches, a needle lies in the chest,

Whoever gets that needle - Immediately destroy my life!

The phonogram sounds - wind, hurricane, thunderstorm. Ivan runs out, fights Kashchei.

Ivan rocks the oak. A bear comes out, comes to the aid of Ivan. The chest drops, then a hare and a drake run out. From the waves of the sea, the pike serves an egg to Ivan,

he raises the needle over his head.

Ivan. I defeated Kashchei, killed the Evil Thief.

Ivan solemnly leads Vasilisa.

Storyteller. Our fellow won - Evil Kashchei found the end.

No matter how he fought or rushed, And disappeared, no matter how hard he tried.

Our young prince goes home,

With Vasilisa down the aisle! That's the end of the fairy tale . Everyone goes out to bow.

"The Frog the Traveler" Scenario of theatricalization of the fairy tale of the same name by V.M. Garshin

author: Bychkova Yulia Ivanovna- teacher additional education, head of the theater studio "Obraz", MOU DO "Children's Theater Center", Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk.
The publication is intended for the use of the material in extracurricular work by educators-organizers, teachers primary grades, librarians, as well as heads of children's theater studios, circles, teachers of additional education.
The script of the play is addressed to primary school students.
As the leader of a children's theater group, I know from my own experience that in theatrical activity with children there is a problem of choosing a repertoire. It is difficult to find a children's script that would contribute to a deep comprehension of the ideological content of fiction, which forms the children's reading and spectator culture. With more than 20 years of experience working with children in the field of theater education, I often turn to methodological techniques theatricalization, which is based on the interaction of theater and classical literature. There is a lot of good literature, but a literary work differs significantly from a theatrical play in its specifics and language of presentation. Therefore, many theater teachers are forced to create staging of their favorite literary works themselves, translating them into the genre of the play.
The use of theatricalization in staging a children's performance allows to develop the creative abilities of students, introduces them to the best works of domestic and foreign children's literature, develops a whole range of personally significant competencies: holistic-semantic, educational and cognitive and general cultural.
When choosing material for theatricalization, you must adhere to certain criteria, such as: preserving the author's intention, the relevance of the topic to the reader's, audience's interests and age characteristics students.
Target: development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities based on the material of classical literature.
-improving the artistic skills of children;
-the liberation of the child;
-work on speech, intonation;
-development of the ability to convey simple emotional states of characters, using facial expressions, gesture, movement;
-collective actions, interactions;
- awakening in children the ability to sympathize and empathize with what is happening;
- formation and development of children's literary taste.

Source used: fairy tale by VM Garshin "The Frog the Traveler", folklore.

Characters: Traveling Frog, Frogs, Ducks.

Recommendations for setting:
2 groups of children are working on the fairy tale in accordance with the scenes: 1 scene - frogs, 2 scene - ducks. The number of actors in a scene can vary, regardless of gender or age. The performance does not require decorations and props. Theatrical costumes may include only some elements that convey the images of fairytale characters (for example: frogs - green bandanas, ducks - red baseball caps).
Musical arrangement: any of your choice
Preliminary work on the fairy tale in different types children's activities:

1.Communication- reading and telling the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler". Conversation on a fairy tale. Discussion of the actions of the characters of the fairy tale, discussion of the fairy tale as a whole. Retelling a fairy tale, learning dialogues.

2.Perception fiction - reading stories and fairy tales from the works of V. M. Garshin. Reading poems and stories about the images of the animal world. Studying children's folklore.

3.Cognitive research- conversations on the topics "If the frog-traveler would have another opportunity to go to the south ... ..", "The courage of the city takes, and boasting punishes itself"

4.Playroom- puppet theater based on the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler", inventing sketches - "Swamp", "Airplane", "The Dream of Frogs", etc.

5.Productive- drawing sketches of theatrical costumes. Production of invitation cards and posters for theatrical performance.

6.Musical and artistic- learning the dance composition "Frogs", learning the song "Ducks".

"The Frog the Traveler" (theatricalization of the fairy tale of the same name by V.M. Garshin)

Scene 1. "Frogs"
Music sounds. In a merry noisy dance, frogs enter the stage. The dance ends. Words sound against the background of music

All Frogs(in chorus). Once upon a time there was a frog-frog.

Frogs during a little pantomime choose a Frog(Traveler)
Frog traveler. She sat in a swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, and in the spring croaked loudly with her friends.

The frog dance continues.
1 Frog. But one incident happened.
Frog traveler. Once she was sitting on a branch of a driftwood sticking out of the water ...
During a short pantomime, frogs choose a frog, which comes out to the center of the stage and depicts a "snag".

The traveling frog easily sits down on it and continues its monologue.
…. and enjoyed the warm, fine rain.
"Oh, what a wonderful wet weather today! What a pleasure it is to live in the world!"
(Enjoying) The rain drizzled down her variegated lacquered back, its drops dripped under her belly and behind her legs ....
Vodicka, vodichka
Wash my face
To make the eyes shine
To make them green
To make the mouth laugh….
Snag Frog. And so that I get wet ...
Frog traveler. (Continues to enjoy and rejoice in the rain)... And it was deliciously enjoyable!
Frogs, chuckling, they say in turn:
1 Frog. It was so pleasant that she almost began to croak, but, fortunately, she remembered that ...
2 Frog. The sky was breathing in autumn ...
3 Frog. Frogs don't croak in autumn!
4 Frog. By croaking, she can drop her frog dignity!
Frog traveler. (coming to his senses and ashamed, pronounces in a whisper)
Chock, chock, chock
Teeth and hook
Who will say the word-
A click on the forehead!
All frogs. Therefore, she said nothing and continued to bask.

Music sounds. All frogs, yawning, go to bed. The traveling frog cannot sleep at all, it is quietly trying to escape. All frogs wake up and run after her.

Scene 2 "Ducks"

On the stage, looking around, the Frog-traveler runs in, which managed to hide from her friends. Suddenly, disturbing music sounds in the distance. The traveling frog looks up to the sky.
Frog traveler. Suddenly, a thin, whistling, intermittent sound rang out in the air.
Music sounds louder and closer.
There is such a breed of ducks: when they fly, their wings, cutting through the air, as if singing or, better to say, whistling. Few-fie-few-few (humming).
A flock of ducks appears on the scene, lined up in a makeshift plane.

The music sounds even louder.
The ducks, having described a huge semicircle, descended and sat down in the very swamp where the frog lived.
The traveling frog hides and watches the ducks from the side.
The frogs sit in a semicircle.

1 Duck. Quack quack! It's still a long way to fly, I have to eat.
2 Duck. Quack quack! It's getting cold already! Hurry south!
3 Duck. Hurry south!
All ducks.(interrupting each other) Hurry south! Hurry south! Hurry south!
The traveling frog decides to come closer to the ducks and very timidly, carefully and very kindly tries to talk to them.
Frog traveler. Lady duck and Lord duck!
And what is the south to which you are flying? I apologize, bonjour, ikskewsme, for disturbing you.
The ducks look at the Frog - the traveler in surprise and slowly surround her.

4 Duck. And the ducks surrounded the frog.
5 Duck. At first they had a desire to eat it, but each of them thought ...
6 Duck. Oh, give ish you are fantasizing! 90x90x60!
All ducks.(in chorus and regret) The frog is too big to go down his throat!
The traveling frog rushes from one duck to another, begging for an answer.

Frog traveler. Madam! Monsieur! Mademoiselle!
Ladies and gentlemen! Please tell me what the south is.
1 Duck. Oh, it's very good there!
2 Duck... There's a lot of warmth there!
3 Duck. Do not freeze your paws there!
4 Duck. There is no icicle on the nose!
5 Duck. There is a glorious warm swamp!
Frog traveler. Are there many midges and mosquitoes?
All ducks(chorus, enthusiastically) Oh-oh-oh-oh! Whole clouds!
Frog traveler... Kwa! ( scared) Forgive me - autumn frogs do not croak, it seems I have dropped the frog's dignity ... ..
All ducks.(in chorus, with condemnation) Quack! Quack!
6 Duck. Hurry south! Quack! Quack!
7 Duck. It is cold here!
All ducks.(in chorus) Hurry south! Hurry south! Hurry south!
Frog traveler.(pleading and falling to her knees) Take me with you!
1 Duck. Oooooo! This is amazing to me!
2 Duck. How will we take you?
3 Duck. You have no wings.
Frog traveler. Let me just think for five minutes, I'll be right back, I'll probably come up with something good.
The birds agree and sit down again in a semicircle.
(into the hall) And the frog dived into the mud and completely buried itself in it, so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking.
The traveler frog disappears, and the ducks sing a song.

(The song is sung by "overseas ducks", so the words sound with a foreign accent)

And again to fly to the south….
Overseas duck you have a rest
And again to fly to the south….
And again to fly to the south….
Fly! Fly!
And fly south again ...
4 Duck. Suddenly her face appeared from the water
5 Duck. And the expression on that muzzle was the most radiant that a frog could possibly do.
Frog traveler. (having fun and running) I came up with it! I found! Let the two of you take a twig in their beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, and I will go.
All ducks.(chorus, enthusiastic) Quack! Quack! Quack!
Frog traveler. It is only necessary that you do not croak… .KVA! ... but I didn’t croak, and everything will be fine.
All ducks.(in chorus, even more enthusiastic) The frog's intelligence delighted the ducks so much that they unanimously agreed to carry it!
Frog traveler. (commanding and controlling ducks) Found a good, solid twig!

Ducks look for twigs and bring back different sizes. The traveling frog carefully chooses a suitable twig, then joyfully shouts:
Found! Found a good, solid twig!
(continues to command) Two ducks took him in their beaks!
6 Duck. The frog clung to the middle with its mouth
7 Duck. And the whole herd took to the air.
Ducks line up in a makeshift plane, two of them take a rod from both sides, and the Traveling Frog stands in the middle and all imitate a flight.
1 Duck. The frog took its breath away from the terrible height to which it was raised
2 Duck. In addition, the ducks flew roughly and pulled the twig.

3 Duck. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around.
4 Duck. This is how she perfectly came up with
5 Duck. Our frog's amazingly clever head
6 Duck. Even among ducks there are few of them.
The traveling frog tries to open its mouth for a second, then, frightened, grabs the twig again.
7 Duck. Oh, look, he could hardly resist not to thank them, but remembering that, opening her mouth, she would fall from a terrible height.
1 Duck. She clenched her jaw even tighter and decided to endure.
Ducks peer into the distance
2 Duck Ducks flew over the harvested fields

3 Duck. Over yellowed forests
4 Duck. And over villages full of bread in stacks
5 Duck. People looked at the flock of ducks and, noticing something strange in it
6 Duck. It seems to me that the frog desperately wants to fly closer to the ground in order to show itself and listen to what they say about it.
Voices from the audience:
1st. Ouch! Look, look! Ducks carry a frog!
2nd. Look, look! What a miracle!
3rd. Do ducks carry a frog? Can not be!
4th. Look, look! What a miracle! And who invented such a clever thing?
The traveling frog lets go of the cane and spins in place.
Frog traveler. It's me! I AM! Yayayayayayayayayaya!
Music and sound sound, imitating the rapid fall of the object. The traveling frog lies prone on the floor, arms and legs outstretched to the sides.
The ducks fly away. Frogs run out onto the stage.

1 Frog. What a great happiness for her that she did not fall on a solid road
2 Frog. Or let's say on the roof of a big house
3 Frog. She flung herself into a muddy pond.
The traveling frog slowly rises and continues to show off.
Frog traveler. It's me! I came up with this! I AM! And only me! I came up with this! I! I! I! It's me! I came up with this! I AM!

After showing the performance, the discussion of collective work is of no small importance, the actors evaluate their play and the play of their comrades, formulate the results obtained, and determine the goals of further work.
During the general discussion, the viewer can analyze his emotions and feelings, comprehend and rethink a literary work, draw conclusions and leave his wishes, reviews and recommendations in the “Guest Book”.
The theatrical fairy tale "The Traveler Frog" was staged by the "Obraz" theater studio in 2011. The play was shown at various events of the city's children's institutions. He became a laureate of the City Festival of School Theaters (Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, 2013), winner of the Interregional Festival of Theater Groups (Republic of Karelia, Olonets, 2014).

I. Konovalova

Frog traveler

1 action

Swamp. The frogs are croaking. Enter Frog in rubber boots, in a shawl, dirty.

Here is my swamp, here is my home,

So I turn green sometimes in summer.

Every day cares

business every day,

I forgot something

how young she was.

I would go to the resort,

rest slightly.

But with my finances

Cook does not shine either.

The Ducks come in.

Hello aunt! Help!

There was not enough food.

We can intercept a little - a little,

It swelled from hunger.

Oh, how wonderful you are

And dressed strangely.

From what - such a country

Have they come by accident?

U - We actually sat down by accident,

Now we fly to the South,

Show us soon, aunt,

Grocery store.

L (brightening up) -

Are you flying to the South now?

I would be just on the way!

Only there was not enough money,

To crawl on the train.

And what, ducks, would you, maybe

Used to grab me too?

I'll take more grubs,

There are two suitcases.

U (after consulting) -

Well, frog, get ready

Maybe we will.

At the same time you, dear,

We will save you from the swamp.

Ducks put a stick on their shoulders, the frog clings to it. The Ducks have suitcases.

2 action

L - Ducks, ducks, I'm tired,

Maybe we'll sit down somewhere in the shade

I saw a hut

With a round nose on a skate.

The Pig comes out.

S - Oh, and who came to us early

Going to visit from - under heaven?

Or the Germans are here with a battering ram

repeated? We're finished!

L - Ah, neighbor, do not be scared,

I'm flying to the South sooner.

Have landed a little to you,

Pour some tea with sugar.

S - You, Frog, do not be offended,

I can’t accept you.

The husband will return from the party,

Will call a pig.

Saying that the house is dirty

We have a mess in the yard.

L - and try it, Pig,

Call you a pig at least once.

S - What are you, what are you, will go broke,

He'll say I'm not like that

Well, he himself will spill slop

And rests on the rest.

L - You know, Pig, calm down,

We will not bother you,

And now close in the hut,

We will continue to fly.

3 action

You frog seem to be smaller

And it was easier

And now, during the summer,

You seem to have grown up.

There is some village,

And some kind of bump,

And there now, sister,

We'll sit down for an hour.


SHEEP: What is this miracle?

Ducks, or what? Frog?

And where are you from

So take your time?

You, Sheep, set the table for us,

Delicious treat.

We're tired on the road

Do you have your own grubs?

What are you, what are you? Ile not in the know

What's the Ram going home?

If, brothers, he is out of sorts.

That will blow the gate.

And he will scold me.

And call them a Sheep.

And you, his girlfriend,

Can't you call it a ram?

You are the same breed with him,

You are a Sheep, but is he a Sheep?

You're stupid, but he's not smart

Kohl doesn't want to understand.

I have no time for a quarrel with him, Ducks,

The head is already empty.

Sorry, but the gate

I will close. What a trouble!



Ducks, I have no urine to fly

Wait, I'll let go of my paws.

You frog take it easy

Here we sit down in the grass.


Who dropped them on a visit,

Who is not afraid of the horns?

Who asked for a fight?

Whose blood will be shed?


You, Kozulka, calm down,

We don't need a fight, believe me,

Better at home get ready

Set the table, let me eat.

You, Green, are crazy.

My Goat is running home

I already lost my face

From his horns, hooves.

What's wrong, now Goat

Calls and yells.

Nope, I'm sick with my head,

Goat himself and an idiot.


Hush, hush, don't shout


5 action

You see, a house on the edge,

The stove is heated in the hut,

Maybe they'll give you tea in a mug

Maybe three, maybe two


Who, why, where, where from?

You frog? So yes!

Are you on the ducks? What a miracle!

To the south!

Bring us down, Dog,

Give us three mugs of tea.

We have not eaten from the swamp,

There is not a crumb inside.

What are you friend about now?

Mine will come and start screaming.

Call me you bitch

Yes, and in the face can give.

You tell him, Dog,

What a male he is a male.

Well, you Duck, calm down,

Fly away from here.

Why are you so afraid of husbands?

That bones and cannot be collected.

6 action

Know, no one will feed us,

The fire must be kindled.

And cook your own food

Their mother is to grind them like that!

(Ducks and a frog make a fire, make tea, drink).

Like housewives

Do they tolerate such husbands?

Throw away the huts

Used to run away abroad.


I am a free fox

No children and no husbands

Maybe I'm still a girl

Apart from three hedgehogs.

I do not swear, I do not swear,

I live a lot of fun

I do not eat fatty at night

And the figure of the shore.

But on the other - that side - that

On figs I need it.

I would, women, agree

Marry a hedgehog.

But no one is calling something,

Here's the problem, here's the trouble

And I am beautiful with myself,

And as if she were young.

Here again we have a hitch,

My husband is in bad trouble with him.

And without a husband, it's a problem.

That's what nonsense.


I hear your argument, girls!

My advice is to bear children

And then little by little

Leave it to all husbands.

Your advice is not very cool

Mother, she must be a mother,

And as a beautiful woman

Stay? I wanted to know.

I'm a friend or a friend to you

I'll bring you to the clearing.

He- she will give advice,

How to keep afloat.

A woodpecker flies out.

Oh, hello, hello girls!

There are so many of you! Who are you?

Are you a girl, or a boy?

Or maybe it's gay?

We will not elaborate!

I am a stylist, I am a magician

And how best to introduce yourself.

I will tell you soon !.


My first advice is this:

Look over your enemies

And dignity is special

And spinning by the mirror

There is nothing to be sorry for.

The best things to wear.

It is possible to rest everywhere,

With my husband, with a friend, be careful!

But. And my main advice:

Love, love, love yourself!



















February 2 in the department of services for children of preschool and junior school age Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library for Ekolenok club members - pupils senior group"Fairy Tale" virtual excursion "In the footsteps of fairy-tale frogs" took place.

It is known that frogs are the most useful and interesting creatures. When we say "frogs", we mean, among other things, toads, because they belong to the same family - amphibians, ie. the life of these animals is closely related to both land and water. They are really very similar, they have a lot in common, but there are also differences, and sometimes it can be difficult to tell a frog from a toad. Preschoolers were offered two stories, the purpose - so that they could explain what the differences can be between frogs and toads. For example, “She is stocky, clumsy. She has no teeth. The skin is dry, rough, warty. The legs are short and cannot jump high ”(Toad). The next text: “Her body is elongated, graceful. The skin is slippery and smooth. The legs are long, so she can jump high. The head is large. There are teeth. He chooses wet places for housing ”(Frog).

Through the videos, preschoolers learned that frogs change their skin four times a year, each time eating their old outfit. It turns out that they are the only animals that can breathe in three ways - through the skin, the lungs and only through the mouth, and they absorb water through the skin. And how incredibly they swallow the food they have obtained! When swallowing, they use their eyes! As you know, frogs catch their prey with a sticky tongue and when the insect sticks to the tongue, the frog pulls the unfortunate mosquito into its mouth. And then the frog's bulging eyes close and protrude inward! And these internal bulges help push food down the throat.

Then the members of the club listened to VM Garshin's fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler", the storyline of which is very simple. The Frog lived happily ever after in its swamp, and would have lived as long if it had not been smart, curious and boastful. A whole adventure happened to her when ducks flying south visited her pond. It was from them that she learned about the wonderful warm lands, where there are many midges and mosquitoes. How can you not wish to see these places! And then the Frog came up with a very clever way to travel on ducks, which surprised and delighted the latter. The ducks agreed to the Frog's request to take her with him to fly with them to warm countries. The children understood the meaning of the tale and came to the conclusion that if the frog were not boastful, she would certainly have seen the southern countries. And they were very happy that the Frog remained alive and did not crash on the road.

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