About contactless karate. Better to be than to seem! Contact karate Nekrasovka

Residents of the Krasnaya Gorka microdistrict and the nearby Moscow district Nekrasovka got an excellent opportunity.

On October 1, 2015, not just a hall for practicing this wonderful martial art was opened here, but specialized school karate. This event became possible thanks to the efforts of the devotees.

The school has built a multilevel process that involves the systemic training of future athletes, and what is important, important role assigned to the educational aspect. Leader and head coach schools of Kyokushin Karate "Satori Dojo" - President of the All-Russian physical culture and sports public organization "Union of Kyokushin Karate of Russia" Alexander Sergeevich Kramyshev.

Now there is a recruitment in groups initial training first year of study, boys and girls from the age of 4 are accepted. Instructors Alexander Valerievich Kolesnikov, Artem Viktorovich Nechaev, Konstantin Eduardovich Mosesov work with the athletes of the first year of training. All students are divided into age groups 4-6 years old; 7-9 years old; 10-12 years old; 13-14 years old; 15 years and older, a specialized group for girls is open.

Now adults can also get acquainted with Kyokushin Karate - beautiful and effective view, which is rightfully considered one of the strongest karate on the planet. Evening and earlier morning hours are allocated for classes in this age category.

"Satori Dojo" is a school with a history, among the students there are many talented athletes who have successfully performed and are performing at competitions of various levels, including winning international tournaments... Together with classes and mastering self-defense skills, children get a lot of opportunities - to participate in tournaments, holidays, competitions, training camps, summer camps karate, an opportunity to compete not only in Russia, but to visit the homeland of karate - Japan. So, every year the pupils of the school perform at the Japanese Championship, and their parents get acquainted with the culture and peculiarities of this interesting country, traveling and visiting the most interesting places.

So! We invite everyone, without restrictions on age and gender, to practice the most popular species contact karate.

Any level of training, for children and adults, individually and in groups.

We will find an individual approach to anyone interested in learning Kyokushin Karate!

Overcome fear? Stand up for oneself? Get stronger? Be able to win?

The school motto: "From increasing self-confidence to a master of contact karate!"

Come, we will help!

Phone for appointment + 7-909-154-9956

The address:st. 2nd Volskaya, 11, bldg. 4, (third floor)

This time we managed to work out with a karate coach for only a month, then we moved, but we were looking for him on purpose. And before that, Yaroslav worked with the same coach for a year, where he passed the next level, the coach himself took him. We are happy, he is a good specialist.

Grade 5

Before he got to Grigory Anatolyevich, he was engaged in various martial arts for several years, with an emphasis on contact martial arts. This is what helped to assess the professionalism of the coach. Literally, in the first few lessons, I began to learn the nuances of the technique, which makes it possible to significantly increase the accuracy and ...

the force of the blow, and he himself was no longer a beginner. Grigory Anatolyevich gives a very good theoretical training, easily explaining it in practice and showing the errors that arise. I am impressed that when questions arise, the ready can easily disassemble each movement from the point of view of physics, efficiency, show and disassemble in practice. For beginners - in order to obtain an extremely serious theoretical and practical base, who have been practicing for more than a year - to analyze all movements, increase the effectiveness of the general one, and in particular. Believe me, Grigory Anatolyevich really has a lot to learn. Recommend.

Grade 5+

Dmitriy, m. Electrozavodskaya

Ordering services: Karate.


The impressions from working with the trainer are extremely positive. I have been practicing with him at the "Moscow Kodokan" martial arts center for over a month now and I am almost satisfied with everything. Roman Viktorovich is extremely pedantic about the issues of setting the technique and devotes a lot of time to beginners, working out all aspects of ...

the slightest detail. He starts from the very beginning and does not let you go to the next "step" until you have completed everything. basic exercises perfectly. On the one hand, this approach may seem overly pedantic and even knock down arrogance from an ambitious beginner, but you very quickly understand that this is how you can understand the fundamental foundations of the studied single combat, and not just learn how to fight well. The small size of the group is also encouraging, which, in fact, allows the coach to pay enough attention to everyone. Of the shortcomings, I can only note the specifics of the hall, originally intended for karate training, and not boxing. There is only one punching bag, but you have to practice barefoot on the tatami. However, the absence of pears is successfully compensated by the abundance of pair work and physical exercise and it is easy to get used to the tatami.

Grade 5-

novel, m. Chistye Prudy

Ordering services: Boxing.


We really enjoy studying with a karate coach. Alexey Alexandrovich conducts classes in an interesting way. He found an approach to the child. I like him both as a person and as a specialist. The training is intense. Alexey Alexandrovich is a professional in his field. There are no comments to it.

Grade 5+

Natalia, m. Novye Cheryomushki, University

Ordering services: Karate.


Alexei, M. Kitay-gorod

Ordering services: Karate.


I am 26. I am physically poorly prepared, I have never been involved in such martial arts before. Once, once, I tried to do this kind of martial arts ( hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, there for a long time without talking (because there was no time for conversations - there were a lot of people), they put me in sparring with ...

quite an experienced partner who mistook me for a pear and "marked" me in full. On this coaching ended. I realized that it was more like a coaching club for the improvement of already trained athletes. I had to start from scratch. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to build classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarity - the weak physical fitness and other individual characteristics, patiently clarifying and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons, I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This instilled in me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not there before. For all this, I am very grateful to him and I consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, able to teach martial arts to any beginner (even such as I am a "nerd" :-))

Grade 5+

Andrey, M. Dynamo, Maryina Roscha, Timiryazevskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


Ueda Masaru - very good coach in karate! We love to study with him! The coach found an approach to the child. He conducts classes on high level... Ueda Masaru works professionally! We like not only his approach to classes, but also his respectful attitude towards our child. The coach pays ...

In non-contact karate, in contrast to contact types of martial arts, fights are not conducted in full contact form, i.e., striking the opponent with full force is prohibited. The winner in the duel was the one who quickly jumped to the enemy, shouted louder and showed the visibility of a blow (designated a blow).

According to Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of one of the most powerful contact styles of karate, Kyokushinkai, "without contact, karate becomes more like a dance than a serious fight."
According to opponents of contactless karate, it creates in children the illusion of having martial arts skills, in contrast to real self-defense skills, because, having high-grade "belts" in the lower grades of school, they are not really ready to fully resist the enemy. do not have the skills of the powerful, crushing blows and blocks from them that require years of work, I do not have enough endurance and fortitude to resist them.

In practice, athletes who have been practicing contactless karate for a long time, as a rule, are inferior in real fights even to novice karate fighters Kyokushinkai, Kudo, Muay Thai, sambo and MMA. The only "plus" of contactless karate in comparison with contact karate its adherents see less trauma during fights and during training. But whether this is better in terms of developing effective self-defense skills and fostering the fortitude of young athletes is a big question. Real life does not give indulgences and has no simplifying rules ...
By the way, for many years practicing contact karate I do not remember a case of serious injuries in training, either at home, or at friends and children in the section. Adepts of contact styles of karate are not afraid of any blows, they can somersault and push-ups on their fists on the bare floor, become "stronger than steel". But I've heard a lot about injuries in " great sport"...

There are more and more sections of non-contact karate around, and the sections of contact karate are not increasing. Why? Let's figure it out.
For non-contact karate, expensive bags and makiwars, pads and other protection are not needed, in the hall it is not required optional equipment and equipment, expensive tatami mats are not needed for the competition. For the school and the Ministry of Sports, medals and titles of students are pouring in like a cornucopia. But most importantly, it is easier to train children in non-contact karate, they are not afraid to fight not at full strength, but "for fun", there are no problems with competitions, receiving belts and medals.

In contact karate, each belt is won "with blood and sweat" basic technique, tests for strength and endurance-condition, on the exam it will be necessary to withstand from 5 to 30 full-contact fights with equal or more strong opponents). Therefore, in contact karate, each "colored" belt is so valued, and its wearer is respected. And it is very difficult to win even local competitions, because they are really hit, and not "designated", and they are hit hard and often. And not all parents like this. They are pleased to say that "my son (my daughter) is engaged in karate, has such and such a belt and a champion (s)." And what style of karate is engaged in and whether their son (daughter) can simply defend himself, not to mention those close to them - they are not so worried.

The financial component also matters. In the non-contact karate sections, the prices for classes are significantly lower than in the contact sections. Often, it is declared that classes in the section are completely free of charge. But in reality, money is still charged, and to the same, if not more, amount. Because there are more belts in such styles, and they are changed very often, for which you have to pay well. In contact styles, delivery on belts no more than 2 times a year. In fact, the costs of classes in contactless sections turn out to be no less, if not more, and the visibility of "availability" still attracts unsuspecting parents!
As a result, gyms are "busy" with more "comfortable" contactless styles for the director and parents, and for contact styles the doors are closed ...

From the technical point of view, teaching modern children a style of fighting "with one blow on the spot" contactlessly devoid of real practical meaning, because, in addition to impetuosity, this style requires the development of a powerful single blow and stuffing (hardening) of the limbs on bags and makiwars, which is us in Russian sections of non-contact karate (unlike Okinawa), most often, is not done. Plus, the style was designed for assassination, not self-defense. In real conditions, as the practice of contact styles and MMA shows, one blow to neutralize a prepared opponent is completely insufficient.

In contact styles of karate, the vast majority of all kinds of attack and defense scenarios are studied, moreover, preference is given to "ligaments" rather than single strikes. Full blows are applied to different pain points, including on the legs, which is not in contactless styles (only direct punches to the face, punches to the neck, groin, back and knees are prohibited). This places high demands on both endurance and a variety of attack and defense techniques. In contact styles, even formal complexes - kata are learned by decoding (bunkai) of each key element and practicing it as a self-defense technique with a partner.

One way or another, both non-contact and contact martial arts, undoubtedly, unlike sitting at a computer or a tablet / smartphone, contribute to the development of many useful skills in children, increase their level physical development and lead to the moral growth of the individual.

I urge children and parents to practice contact karate! And dancing is also worth doing quite contact. For example - tango. Better to be than to seem!

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