When will be the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad. Everything you wanted to know about the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The only condition for organizing a municipal tour is the participation of at least two schools. That is, there can be several organizers in a municipality. (However, we still believe that one or two rounds per municipality is the optimal scheme. In some especially organized regions, this is the scheme.)

(An exception has been made for Moscow schools, which have 2 or more departments. Now they can organize a municipal tour only for their departments, although of course it is better to invite other schools.)

The municipal organizer is obliged to provide a minimum of 10 places for each school, but the school itself may nominate a smaller number of participants. The exact number of students is determined by the municipal organizer based on his capabilities. It is important that schools send the really strongest on a municipal tour and in as many parallels as possible. Attention! A municipal organizer is not obliged to host all schools in his municipality! He may generally limit himself to inviting one single school (all have different possibilities).

Any school in the district can offer itself as the organizer of a municipal tour, if it makes such a decision, then it must agree in advance with at least one other school that conducted the school tour that they will come to their school and participate. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL ORGANIZER WITHOUT DOWNLOADING YOUR SCHOOL TOUR RESULTS. Only the organizer can apply for a municipal tour.

Consider two situations: a school organizing a tour and a school that just wants to take part.

Organizing school after passing the moderation, downloads tasks in the personal account and prints them according to the number of participants. During the tour, involves accompanying teachers to judge in classrooms, and then to check works. After completing the verification of works, uploads their results to the site.

Participating school closely monitors on the website who submits an application from the municipality, and as soon as he sees the approved application, he writes off the organizer and informs about his desire to participate in the tour. But it is better to take the initiative, and as soon as possible without being afraid to act as organizers.

To the attention of beginners! The organizers of the Olympiad do not accept overestimated results - we care! The tasks are designed in such a way that it is impossible to show a 100% result, and if the school presents results that obviously do not correspond to reality, the organizing committee will cancel them without any warning along with all the results of the school in the municipal round. Therefore, we advise local organizers to understand very clearly the rules of the Olympiad, to understand that non-compliance with temporary regulations, admission of negotiations in places of writing work, write-offs, verification of works without strict compliance with the keys to all tasks is unacceptable. It is also necessary to store the works of the participants until November 1 and, if requested, be ready to send scans to the organizing committee. (Actual).

Let's add that there is already a unique person who has more than 5 maximum results on the school tour (and even in the same parallel)! For example, in the school in which the organizing committee conducts, there is not a single such result!

Dates of the

Municipal tours must take place on any day from September 30 to October 7. Tasks on a municipal tour and the time to complete them on a municipal tour will be the same for all ages from grades 5 to 11, but diplomas will be issued by age group, that is, passing scores for each group are different.

Results upload deadline

No later than two days after the tour.

Who will go from the municipal tours to the regional stage?

At the next stage, participants are guaranteed to be able to test their strengths from each age group who will gain the passing score set for each region based on the results of the loaded results of the municipal round. Passing scores for regions will be published no later than October 13th.

What should be done for those schools in whose municipalities, for various reasons, the tour will not be organized?

Unfortunately, the Olympiad is over for such schools this year! Believe me, there is still a lot of time, and you can always find and invite two neighboring schools to participate.

If something in the presented scheme is not clear, ask questions in the comments.


The most important thing is to ensure competent refereeing.

We had wonderful organizers who did not understand the rules, and, alas, the year of participation was lost for their students. We ruthlessly, without entering into a discussion, delete the inflated results and the children do not even receive certificates.

What's important?

- Exclude cheating and any conversations during the Olympiad (often teachers do not pay attention to this, and refereeing in classes should be stricter than on the exam). Children from the same school cannot sit next to each other, even on neighboring desks.

Clearly comply with time regulations(this is the most common mistake). Let's dwell in more detail.

"Poem" - 2 minutes to memorize + 7 minutes to write;

It is important that the children learn the poem for only 2 minutes, then the sheets need to be collected. And so that no one does any cheat sheets during memorization. And when they write down what they have memorized, you need to make sure that you do not look at the neighbor on the other desk (everyone is sitting one at a time).

Then the participants receive 3 tasks at once

"Crossword" + "Test for erudition" + "Word" - 20 minutes for three contests.

In this competition, the judges are resting, looking only not to cheat. Participants decide for themselves in what sequence they will perform and how they will allocate time between tasks. You can do one thing, then return to it again. After 20 minutes, all tasks are picked up.

Let us dwell separately on the "Word" competition in the municipal round. It is necessary not to write down as many words as possible, but to write the words in accordance with the number of the indicated letters, that is, if the number "5" is in front of the cell, then a word of 5 letters must be written, if it is "> 6" then the word must be at least than 7 letters. Words are nouns, common nouns, in the singular, composed of the letters of a given word. A total of 16 words are proposed.

"Compliance" - 1 minute to memorize + 5 minutes to write

Here you need a very clear refereeing. Issue a sheet with pictures for exactly 1 minute, make sure that no cheat sheets are made, and pick up the sheet after 1 minute. And only without having a sheet on the table (or it can be turned with the blank side up), the participant writes in the cells what was located and where.

This year we are posting 35 images in advance (see attached file to), from which the "Matching" tasks will be formed on the municipal and regional tours. On the municipal tour, the images will be with captions.

"Reading" - (5 minutes)

This is the time both for studying the text and for writing down the answer. It is very important to track for exactly 5 minutes.

"Logic" - 15 minutes

Well, here they just perform and hand over.

Helpful advice, how to organize collection and distribution of sheets(we ourselves have been doing this for many years).

Before the start of the round, a set is assembled: down the piles - with the clean side up - put a form with the logic task, then - with the clean side up - reading, then - the answer form for the "correspondence" task, the form for the "correspondence" assignments with the clean side up, on top - a crossword puzzle with test and word, the form of the answer to the poem with the clean side up, the text of the poem. For convenience, all this is stapled in the corner. Further, such a set is placed in front of the students on the desks, and the students, at the command of the judge, tear off one sheet after another (you need to be careful when several sheets are in a time interval: I must say that 2 sheets are torn off at once, while looking at the desks to see if anything is confused -then).

When the “memory” tasks are performed, after the expiration of the time, the students simply turn over what they learned with the clean side up and immediately tear off the answer sheet and begin to write, and the judges walk through the rows and take the task sheets.

The details of the check are reflected in the keys.

And more importantly: in the school column, you need to write only the numbers of its code in our database.

But before conducting the tour, you must definitely read this news again (so that later you do not say that we did not warn you or that you have the whole class future Nobel laureates)

In order for you to navigate in normal results, JUST do these tasks yourself. In support, ask one of your adult relatives to do this. And you will see that it is almost impossible to get 100% results in any of the contests.

A responsibility! All organizers are responsible for non-distribution of tasks in any form prior to their publication on the site!

You cannot send assignments to anyone, even if the applicant is represented by the organizing committee or "with the permission of the organizing committee", etc. So crooks do it from time to time. If you receive such a message, then immediately forward it to us, and we will try to take action. But we NEVER allow assignments to be sent to anyone until they are published on our website.

You cannot give extra task forms to interested teachers (they must either be destroyed or remain with the organizers before we publish them on the site).

Children and teachers should not be allowed to photograph assignments.

You can not give verified work before we officially allow it through the site.

It is necessary to save all the work for a month and be ready to send a scan of this or that work at the first request of the organizing committee.

And the last thing that probably interests most of the participants. What's next?

Those participants who achieve a passing score, which will be set before October 13 after analyzing all the results (different regions may have different passing points), will be invited to the regional tour (registration of the organizers of the regional tour will be open on October 11 and will run until October 15) ...

Participants who have received the right to participate further and wish to use this right will have to submit an individual application on the site by October 20, indicating which tour organizer they will go to. Attention! Final tours will not be organized in all regions, and there is a high probability that you will need to travel to the nearest region where the tour is taking place. The problem with very remote regions - we will solve it promptly on an individual basis.

Why Vseross is cool

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (aka VOSH, aka VOSH and Vseross) is the oldest and most prestigious Olympiad in our country. Winners and awardees of its final stage are enrolled in specialized universities without exams.

The prototype of the national Olympiad can be considered the “Olympiad for young students”, which was held in the Russian Empire in the 19th century. In the USSR, since the 1930s, city Olympiads for schoolchildren in mathematics, physics, chemistry, linguistics and other subjects began to develop.

Today All-Russia is supervised by the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation.

Vsosh logo

The All-Union School is held in 24 subjects. The most in demand among schoolchildren in 2018 were the following.

  • Russian language.
  • Maths.
  • English.
  • Biology.
  • Literature.
  • Social Studies.

All-Russia stages

The All-Russian School Olympiad is divided into four stages: school, municipal, regional and final. The first stage is the most massive. It is attended by about 6 million people. Now imagine what kind of selection the participants go through if only a few hundred make it to the final.

For the timing of each of the stages in 2019-2020 academic year can be followed on the official website of the Olympiad. School tour has already begun - hurry up to participate!

School stage

  • Organized by schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.
  • Held in September - October. The deadline is no later than October 15th.
  • Participants are students in grades 5-11, and in Russian language and mathematics - and 4 grades.
  • It is conducted in person, but there is also an Internet stage (we will talk about it a little later).

Municipal stage

  • Organized by local authorities in the field of education.
  • Held in November-December.
  • Designed for grades 7-11.

Regional stage

  • Organized by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education.
  • Held in January-February.
  • Designed for grades 9-11.

The final stage

  • Organized by the Ministry of Education of Russia.
  • Held in March-April.

Moving from stage to stage

Anyone can participate in the first stage. On the municipal invite those who performed well at the school, on the regional - distinguished at the municipal and so on.

  • “Perform well” doesn't necessarily mean a winner or awardee. At each stage there is a threshold, overcoming which the student passes to the next round.
  • Assignments are by grade, not by age. For example, the tasks of the municipal stage are built on the basis of the program of grade 7 and older, and starting with regional phase- from the program high school... In the history of All-Russia there was a case when a fourth-grader took part in the final stage - the child prodigy performed tasks of the 9th grade, starting from the school stage.
  • The winners and prize-winners of the last year can participate in the stage at which they stopped, bypassing qualifying rounds... For example, if in 2018 you won the final stage in physics, then in 2019 you have the right to come to it again. Therefore, there are two- and even three-time winners of the All-Russian finals.

VSOS on family education

The All-Russian School Olympiad is also available to “family members”. There are two ways for homeschoolers to take part in the first phase.

  1. You need to enroll in the contingent of an accredited school, as for. Then you can take part in the school selection for the All-Russian in person.
  2. If you do not have time or do not want to be attached to the school, you can participate in the All-Russian school Internet stage. It is intended for those who, for objective reasons, cannot participate in person. After registering for the desired subject, you can download assignments and forms. The system records the date and time of receipt of tasks. The completed work must be uploaded within 24 hours. Otherwise, it will not be considered.


For each stage, the quotas of prize-winners and winners are determined, as well as the thresholds that need to be overcome. Winners are selected for each subject and stage. The threshold is the average. Therefore, the organizers report them after checking all the works of the participants.

For the first two stages, the rule applies: participants who have typed maximum amount points, can be recognized as winners only on condition that the number of points scored by them exceeds half of the maximum possible. Therefore, a situation is possible when in the school and municipal stage there are no winners at all, but only prize-winners.

The winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is the one who gains the most points in the subject at the final stage.

Results begin to be announced at the end of April. Diplomas that open the doors of the country's universities are received not only by the winners, but also by the awardees. The number of prize-winners and winners usually does not exceed 25% of the number of participants in the final stage.


The main benefit provided by the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren to prize-winners and winners of the final stage is admission to specialized universities without exams. Results obtained in any grade starting from the ninth grade are accepted.

Benefits for admission to a university are provided only by a victory or a prize at the final stage.

All-Russian may not pass profile exam... It is enough to write basic mathematics and step over the threshold in Russian.

If the winner enters a non-core specialty, by the decision of the university, he can be credited with 100 points for the Unified State Exam in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. In this case, the correspondence of the direction and profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university itself.

Example: you won the All-Russian competition, but you want to enter a university that is not in your profile. For example, you won the Russian Olympiad, and you want to enter a university in the field of Economics, where the core subject is mathematics. Then you need to pass the exam in social studies and mathematics, and Russian will be credited to you as 100 points, and you will participate in the general competition, but with a guaranteed "hundredth" in your pocket.

The discount for admission to a university is maintained for four years following the year of graduation.

How to prepare for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

  1. Study the tasks of the past Olympiads. Familiarize yourself with the requirements, learn to see the logic of the Olympiad tasks.
  2. Prepare for specific milestones. If you have a regional one, do not aim at the final tasks. There are times when a student easily solves problems from the final, but cannot pass municipal stage.
  3. Participate in other Olympiads. They will help you practice and gain experience.
  4. Make a preparation plan. Distribute the workload evenly, write everything down by week and day - what topic you will be working on, how many hours will you spend studying or reviewing it, as well as solving problems. Be sure to take into account how much time you will have to stay for your main studies, hobbies and rest.
  5. Use specialized sources for preparation. At the Olympiad courses at Foxford's online home school, children deepen their knowledge of the chosen subjects and learn to solve competitive problems. Many courses are taught by the All-Russian winners themselves, as well as by members of the jury of the Olympiads.

Do you want to participate in the All-Russian or other school Olympiad? Check out these articles as well.

The municipal stage has begun in Moscow All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren... Last weekend, competitions in biology and literature were held.

The competition is attended by students of grades 7-11, who successfully performed at school stage, as well as the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the last year.

A total of 15 subjects were invited to the Olympiads more than 160 thousand students metropolitan schools. The school stage continues in nine more subjects.

Competitions in different subjects are usually held on different days. This is done so that the guys can try their hand at different disciplines. The Olympiads, in which the largest number of schoolchildren participate, will be held on weekends.

For the first time this year, the municipal stage in law and economics for students of grades 7-10 will be held online. Since last year, competitions in biology and physics have been held in this format.

To participate in the Olympiad for children with disabilities health in Moscow are special conditions... At the moment, 59 blind and visually impaired schoolchildren and 65 children undergoing long-term treatment have been invited to the municipal stage. For the first time this year Olympiad will be held at the Morozov hospital.

The Center for Pedagogical Excellence organizes online courses for participants in all subjects. Classes are conducted by coaches of the Moscow national team and teachers of the Association of Olympiad Winners. Courses are also held for teachers where they can get an introduction to the format of assignments at the municipal stage, consult with experts and master the principles of verification.

The invited participants receive all information about the municipal stage in their schools. You can get acquainted with the tasks of past years and practice before the competition on the website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held annually for pupils of grades 4-11 in 24 subjects: Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese, astronomy, biology, geography, computer science, history, literature, mathematics, MHC, OBZh, social science, law, technology, physics, physical culture, ecology, economics and chemistry.

The competitions are held in four stages - school, municipal, regional and final. The winners and prize-winners of the final can apply for benefits when entering universities.

In the capital, the organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is the capital's Department of Education and Science. The Center for Pedagogical Excellence coordinates the first three stages.

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