How to take fat burning supplements. Effective fat burner - what is it

Fat burners- This is a type of sports nutrition or special preparations that are designed to reduce excess body fat. Fat burners can help you lose weight, improve muscle definition, allow you to concentrate better on exercise, and make your workout easier.

The main mechanisms of action of fat burners: stimulation of metabolism in the body, suppressing appetite, reducing the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from the digestive tract, blocking the synthesis of fat in adipose tissue and removing excess fluid. Mainly, fat burners accelerate the breakdown of fat molecules and convert fat into free energy, increasing its consumption.

Fat burners are for people who exercise and want to reduce body fat. The effect of fat burners is realized during exercise, subject to diet. If the consumption of fat burners is not combined with exercise and proper nutrition, then the effect will be much weaker, so there is no point in using them for people leading a sedentary lifestyle with nutritional defects.

Currently, sports nutrition stores offer a wide selection of fat burners, with a wide variety of formulations and mechanisms of action. The choice of fat burner must be taken seriously, since certain fat burners are suitable for each person, others may be less effective and even harmful to health.

The most common fat burners contain the following ingredients:

  • Caffeine
  • L-carnitine
  • Guarana
  • Chromium picolinate
  • Chitosan
  • Green tea extract
  • Tyramine
  • Omega-3 fatty acid

Basically, these are substances of natural origin and they are all approved for use by athletes participating in competitions.

The main types of fat burners

The following list lists the main types of fat burners and other supplements that help to increase muscle relief and venous drawing:

  • Thermal Engineering
  • Carbohydrate blockers
  • Fat blockers
  • Thyroid stimulants
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Cortisol blockers
  • L-carnitine
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Diuretics
  • Other fat burners

All these additives are radically different in properties, presence side effects and reception mode. Many of them are not very beneficial for health, while others, on the contrary, strengthen it and increase life expectancy. Read this list carefully and choose the one that suits you best.

Combination of fat burners

To enhance the effect, fat burners different types can be combined. Safe and highly effective combinations:

1. Thermal Engineering + Carbohydrate Blockers + Fat Blockers + Thyroid Stimulants + Cortisol Blockers + L-Carnitine

At first glance, this combination looks just monstrous, but getting into the subtleties of interaction, you can easily understand that this is a fairly safe combination that guarantees maximum efficiency. To take all these types together, you will need only 2-3 supplements, which combine several fat burners.

Security and compatibility

Most modern thermogenics combine: stimulants, thyroid stimulants, diuretics and other components precisely because these components have a synergistic effect and are fully compatible. For example, the combination of L-carnitine and thermogenics makes the use of the latter safer, since carnitine protects the heart and blood vessels from overload, reduces the catabolism of muscle tissue. To this you can safely add blockers of fats and carbohydrates, they are not absorbed at all, therefore they will not interact with other species in any way. Omega-3 fatty acids also have protective action on the heart and blood vessels, and are very effective when taken together with thermogenics, carnitine and nutrient blockers. Cortisol blockers do not directly affect the metabolism and pharmacodynamics of other fat burners, but interact only with cortisol, therefore they are also excellently combined, and they also inhibit muscle breakdown, especially under the influence of thermogenerics.

Output: almost all types of fat burners are well compatible, as they have different points of application in the body. The latter fact allows you to maximize the efficiency of the cycle, reduce the frequency of side effects and protect muscles from destruction.

A warning: do not combine the same type of fat burners, it can be harmful to health and will not be justified from the standpoint of effectiveness. All combinations must be coordinated with a specialist.

Supplementary sports nutrition

During cycles of weight loss and relief formation, you have to adhere to strict diet... In this regard, the body does not receive many necessary substances, as a result of which, after losing mass, muscle mass sharply decreases, the properties of the skin deteriorate, and even a number of diseases may occur. Fortunately, all this can be avoided if the right approach to the selection of sports nutrition during the cycle.

As you know, under conditions of hunger, the body begins to actively destroy muscles in order to obtain amino acids for the synthesis of important proteins. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to take sources of amino acids: proteins, BCAA or amino acid complexes. It is better to use slow proteins, they are gradually absorbed, do not cause an insulin peak and therefore do not interfere with fat burning in any way, but they will provide muscle nutrition and prevent catabolism. If you want to radically reduce the calorie content of the diet, then BCAA or amino acid complexes are suitable for you, they contain a small amount of calories and inhibit catabolic reactions well, at the same time they do not reduce the effectiveness of fat burners, and do not inhibit the process of losing weight.

A rigid diet leads to a decrease in the intake of important microelements and vitamins into the body, this gives rise to the need for the mandatory intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. Otherwise, hypovitaminosis may occur, the elasticity of the skin will decrease, metabolic disorders may occur, and so on. Vitamins are even necessary for breaking down fat, so a deficiency will reduce the effectiveness of training.

If you want to increase bump and venous definition, you can include arginine-based supplements in the complex. It is a NO precursor that improves muscle nutrition, enhances pumping, improves relief and dilates veins. In addition, the use of sports nutrition with creatine is allowed. Creatine increases strength and allows you to train more intensely, accelerating the fat burning process.

Probably, in the sports environment, the disputes about which fat burners for weight loss are the most effective and how to choose the most the best option... Let's consider what makes a fat burner the best in its category, and also give an example of the TOP-3 of the most popular and effective products today.

Effective fat burner - what is it?

First, let's consider what a fat burner is and what it is for. First of all, it is sports supplement which aims to stimulate burning subcutaneous fat... It can provide a noticeable result only in combination with a diet and the right training, without which neither drying, nor even ordinary weight loss is simply impossible. Without following the usual rules, a fat burner is practically useless.

By their action, all fat burners are divided into different kinds:

  • Thermogenics is one of the most popular and effective options. These fat burners can safely raise your body temperature, boost your metabolism, and dull your appetite.
  • Lipotropics - additives from this category are aimed at accelerating metabolic processes, in particular lipolysis. And although there is a lot of controversy around their action, the most important advantage of lipotropics is the absence of such side effects as insomnia, increased blood pressure and others that are characteristic of thermogenics.
  • Cortisol blockers - The action of these fat burners is quite simple, it is aimed at blocking cortisol (catabolic hormone). In addition to slowing down catabolic processes, their advantage lies in the fact that they allow you to preserve muscles, therefore they are suitable even for extreme drying.
  • Blockers of carbohydrates and fats - the action of drugs is quite simple and obvious, it is aimed at blocking the absorption of substances by the body.
  • Thyroid stimulants - This category affects fat burning by stimulating the hormonal system and affecting the thyroid gland. The action is simple - the activation of hormones that improve lipolysis and metabolism.
  • Levocarnitine (L-Carnitine) is a well-known supplement that promotes faster breakdown of fats and release them for energy. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase endurance, energy, stress resistance, blood cholesterol levels, etc.
  • Diuretics are drugs that have a pronounced diuretic effect. They remove fluid from the body, therefore they are not suitable for stable weight loss. Used to accentuate the peak of the form before the competition.
  • Anoretics are drugs that dull appetite. In fat burning, they do not take any role and help rather indirectly than directly.

Effective fat burners - TOP-3

So that you do not spend days on end trying to study and analyze all the information about fat burners, we have done all the work for you and formed a TOP of three best products this category. Regardless of the choice of fat burner, you are guaranteed to get the most powerful complex, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt.

This is a professional fat burner designed for experienced athletes. High dosages and the most complete formula will not only promote active fat burning, but also preserve muscle mass... In addition, the supplement will stimulate thyroid function, energy production and decrease appetite.

DMAA(1,3-Dimethylamylamine) - Increases fat burning, reduces appetite and improves concentration during workouts.

Ephedra- analogue of amphetamine and methamphetamine, which triggers fat burning processes, improves endurance and energy. Additionally, it reduces appetite.

T2- one of the thyroid hormones, thanks to which it is possible to increase metabolism and improve fat burning in the body. Allows you to effectively eliminate excess fat and build muscle.

Caffeine- an invariable component of any fat burner, helps to increase energy, stimulates the central nervous system, reduces appetite.

ALPHA-GPC Is a product of the education of a lycetin. Promotes the formation of phospholipids, which push the threshold of fatigue.

Synephrine- a stimulant that is several times more powerful than caffeine. Improves concentration, accelerates metabolism and suppresses appetite.

Green tea extract- energetic and antioxidant.

Gordenin Is a harmless CNS stimulant that also helps break down fat for energy.

Complex of vitamins C and B- helps to strengthen nervous system and skeletal muscles.

If you want to lose weight or achieve perfect drying, then you can hardly do without this product. It will provide a charge of vivacity and energy, as well as improve thermogenesis, concentration and endurance.

Caffeine- a stimulant that gives an increase in energy, concentration and improves metabolism.

Amperall- a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system, which is similar to geranium. Stimulates metabolism, fat burning and energy production.

Dendrobium- antioxidant, immunomodulator and anticarcinogen.

Theobromine- improves heart function and dilates blood vessels, significantly improves pumping. It also promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Advanza ZTM- one of the analogues of ephedrine, which accelerates metabolism, lipolysis, thermogenesis and protein synthesis.

Yohimbine- an irreplaceable ingredient that suppresses appetite and activates fat burning processes. Improves performance.

Bioperine- increases the bioavailability of components.

Cobra's composition is ideally matched in order to provide maximum effect... The formula does not contain anything superfluous and is suitable for both pros and amateurs!

Most likely, you will be interested in looking at the reviews about.

Anyone interested in fat burners has watched this product in the top of the best supplements for years. Burn 5, 10 or even 15 kilograms? Lipodrene makes these numbers a reality! Fat burner not only promotes fat burning, but also provides energy and vitality.

Ephedra- component number 1 in most powerful fat burners. Improves thermogenesis, stimulates the central nervous system and reduces appetite.

Phenylethylamine- improves concentration and mood for hard work.

Theobromine and Synephrine- powerful stimulants that increase energy, thermogenesis, and also reduce appetite.

Yohimbine- promotes faster breakdown of fats and suppresses appetite

Hoodia- helps to dull appetite and reduce thirst.

Cassia extract- mild diuretic.

Acacia extract- improves mood and euphoria.

5-methoxytryptamine HCl, Naringen and 6.7 Dihydroxybergamottin- improve the action of all components and their synergy.

Caffeine Is a powerful CNS stimulant that improves fat burning and provides energy.

The effectiveness of Lipodrene has long been undisputed. This is a truly powerful product that, together with diet and proper training, can achieve amazing results.

Girls can choose the right sports nutrition fat burners for weight loss for women after reading this article.

By watching this video, you will make your fat burner work 100%:

Now you know even more about how to choose an effective fat burner. We invite you to try something from this rating and leave your feedback in the comments!

Many of us, for one reason or another, have ever tried to lose weight. Sometimes we resorted to healthy methods, and sometimes, frankly, not very much.

Now we want to convey to you that there is no need to sit on one-day diets in order to achieve quick results... There are much more convenient ways to get rid of excess fat - these are dietary supplements! They are great helpers in losing weight, but they should not be regarded as magic pills that will solve your problems.

First of all, you should be very careful about your diet. You need to make sure you eat what is organic, healthy, and as healthy as possible. Once you're sure your meal plan is optimal, you can start improving. When you are confident that you are doing your best, only then will progress begin.

In order to burn more fat, you need to have as much more muscle... This is the next step towards weight stabilization. Make sure you have enough cardio (volume depends on your metabolism, physique, activity level, etc.). When all of the above conditions are met, you are ready to start taking nutritional supplements.

Be sure to check with your doctor. Some nutritional supplements, for one reason or another, may be contraindicated for you for health reasons.


Most of the food we eat is extremely poor nutrients... This also happens due to improper transportation and storage, the use of pesticide fertilizers, feeding livestock with hormonal drugs.
Eating a multivitamin supplement containing all of the essential nutrients helps to promote health and prevent many diseases. Long-term use of multivitamins (preferably in combination with minerals) and other independent substances (such as, for example, calcium or folic acid) has had a significant positive effect on most body systems, starting from strengthening immune system in weakened elderly people and to a significant reduction in the risk of congenital pathologies in newborns.
It must be remembered that if you are sitting on strict diet, then your body receives less nutrients and, in the end, this diet can become destructive for your body.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

You probably know that amino acids are the building blocks of the body. You eat protein food, it is digested in gastrointestinal tract into individual amino acids and amino acids with short chains, which directly enter the bloodstream. The range of beneficial effects of amino acids ranges from their ability to repair and build muscle tissue to the production in our brain of substances that help improve brain function, which in turn provides energy to maximize both training process and the post-workout recovery process.
It is scientifically proven that BCAAs accelerate tissue regeneration and increase the ability of cells to produce ATP. And this, in turn, promotes the growth of muscle mass and, and also blocks the entry of tryptophan into the brain, a substance that causes fatigue, increases protein synthesis, improves digestion, and also promotes vasodilation, and thereby, better protein absorption and increase growth hormone levels in the blood.
Amino acids are also good in that they prevent catabolism (devouring by the body of its own muscle mass in a calorie deficit).

Whey Protein

Whey protein is considered to be the best form of protein. It provides the body with essential building materials for the production of amino acids needed to build muscle tissue. Every athlete, from amateur to professional, knows the importance of consuming protein foods and protein supplements. Studies in which scientists have studied various types of protein and their effect on the human body have shown that the total amino acid composition of whey protein is the most balanced and optimal for assimilation. human body... Whey protein intake also has a positive effect on the level of hormonal and cellular activity of the whole body.
One cannot but mention the positive effect of whey protein on the body's immune system and its pronounced antioxidant properties.
Coupled with physical exercise Whey Protein will allow you to build muscle mass.


Studies have shown that after intense workout the level of glutamine in the body is reduced by 50%. Glutamine is the cellular fuel of the immune system that can help minimize muscle breakdown (catabolism) and has a significant effect on protein synthesis in the body. Many studies support the ability of glutamine to influence the growth of cells in the body. And the most recent research suggests that consuming just two grams of L-Glutamine in liquid form significantly increases the level of growth hormone in the body. Thus, L-glutamine supplementation also promotes muscle gain.
So L-glutamine plays important role in the functioning of the body's immune system. Catabolism, or muscle breakdown, occurs when the body begins to use up muscle stores of L-glutamine to transport nitrogen or maintain the immune system. L-Glutamine is an especially indispensable supplement for supporting muscle gain progress.

Fat Burners / Thermogens

Thermogens really literally burn fat. There are several different ways the effect of thermogens on fat destruction.
First, they affect how efficiently our body can use fat tissue during intense training. They contribute to its breakdown and its speedy entry into the bloodstream. Thus, it is the fat that begins to supply you with energy during your workout. One of the drugs that has this effect is Yohimbine.
Secondly, as the name initially suggests, thermogens contribute to an increase in core body temperature, which contributes to the burning of more calories, even just on average per day. A typical thermogen with this property is caffeine.

L-arginine and nitric oxide

Nitric oxide is responsible for blood circulation in the body and "organizes" communication between nerve cells. The fact that nitric oxide improves blood flow could not be overlooked by athletes, because the better the blood circulation, the more nutrients enter the muscles, thereby increasing their size due to their tension.
Arginine has recently become known for its ability to resist free radicals, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and boost the metabolism of body fat. Arginine also regulates the body's salt balance. This makes it especially attractive to professional bodybuilders as excess water retained in the body can fundamentally spoil appearance... They will look puffy and tired. Arginine is also considered one of the most important substances in gaining muscle mass also because it dilates blood vessels and is actively involved in protein synthesis. Consuming these supplements will help promote muscle growth and nutrient saturation of your cells. A little caffeine will not hurt in this case, but only if you are not hypersensitive to stimulants.

All of these supplements can be purchased at any sports nutrition store.

To quickly get rid of extra pounds, many use fat burners for weight loss, which are of plant origin or chemical production.

Natural fat burners

  1. Apple vinegar- reduces appetite, improves, participates in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Before eating, you need to drink 1 glass of water, to which you need to add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and honey.
  2. Sprouted grain- 100 g and before lunch you will not want to eat at all. And the B vitamins, which are in it, are a barrier to fat absorption.
  3. Citrus- thanks to vitamin C, digestion improves and the amount of cholesterol is normalized. Even a couple of slices of grapefruit can help you shed those extra calories, making it a great fat burner.
  4. Caffeine found in green tea, it helps speed up the metabolic process and removes fats from the body.
  5. Chilli improves the rate of metabolic processes by 25%. Add it to snacks and hot meals and you can burn extra calories.
  6. Ginger root- a good fat burner for women. It has a positive effect on blood supply, metabolism and gastric secretion.
  7. Spices and spices, which must be used for cooking, will help improve digestion and the cleansing function of your body.
The best chemical fat burners are:
  1. Lipo-6x from Nutrex. Thanks to the unusual multiphase technology, fast and slow acting components are combined in one capsule of the drug. Due to this, the drug works for a long time.
  2. L-carnitine. This substance is used to increase the rate of fat burning.
  3. Stimulant X (Anabolic Xtreme). This drug has a stimulating effect that lasts up to 8 hours. In addition, it suppresses appetite.

Based desired result, you can choose the most suitable fat burner for yourself.

There are 2 types of fat burners: lipotropic formulas and thermogenic formulas. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the most common lipotropic complexes, and describe their effect on the human body.

Influence on the body

The lipotropic factors contained in such complexes are L-carnitine, lecithin, choline, linoleic acid, inositol, methionine, etc. help transport and utilize fats. Their action makes it easier for the liver to process unwanted fat, and also reduces the amount of this fat. The combination of these lipotropic factors, as well as natural herbal extracts, which are designed to remove excess water from the body, helps to achieve maximum results in converting adipose tissue into energy and removing water from the subcutaneous layer.

Lipotropic complexes do not increase the heart rate and body temperature, therefore they are suitable for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are contraindicated.

The main active components of lipotropic drugs are as follows.

Chitosan- blocker of fat from food. The difference between this product lies in the fact that it creates an obstacle to the formation of a fatty layer, while fatty acids cannot communicate with each other, be deposited in reserves (calorizer). Chitosan is a fiber that is obtained from crustacean shells. It is used by athletes in a high-calorie diet in order to gain lean muscle mass. Chitosan is often consumed as a stand-alone food supplement during rare dietary deviations. There is no point in supplementing, because, but with an excess of calories, weight loss simply will not happen.

Pyruvat- This is a substance that is found in some foods (apples, cheese, wine, etc.) and which our body produces itself. Supplement manufacturers insist on its fat-burning properties, since it is with pyruvate that fat breakdown begins. The compound promotes the release of energy inside cells, like carbohydrates, but enters the cells without insulin (this ensures its instant assimilation). Therefore, the substance does not have a negative effect on fat metabolism, which can usually occur when a large amount of carbohydrates is consumed. In addition, Pyruvat has an effect on reducing the amount of ammonia in the muscles.

L-Carnitine increases performance and endurance, stimulates fat burning and lowers blood cholesterol. It is generally recommended to be taken in combination with. During intense exercise, carnitine plays a role in providing energy to muscles to aid fat utilization. So, carnitine is a powerful factor that affects metabolism contractile proteins in the period of intense loads in the direction of their savings. A decrease in the concentration of carnitine in the muscles during intense physical exertion is difficult to compensate for with a regular diet. To maintain a stable level of its own carnitine,.

The basic formula looks like this: FAT + OXYGEN + L-CARNITINE = ENERGY... The storage of glycogen in the muscles is saved, endurance increases during training or competition, at the same time, the oxygen saturation of the cells is noticeably improved. The drug is widely used as a natural food supplement for athletes and exercising people who want to.

Acetil-L-Carnitine is a modification of the amino acid L-carnitine, a natural regulator of fat metabolism in muscle cells, which transports triglycerides across cell membranes (calorizator). So, the fat accumulated in the body is carried out to the metabolic circles of the body in order to develop energy from them during prolonged exertion.

The results of the study of the effectiveness of lipotropic complexes are very controversial in comparison with thermogenic additives, which are not shown to everyone. However, they can be a good help for people who want to lose weight and are taking their first steps in this direction. The advantage of lipotropics is that they contain exclusively natural ingredients, and the supplements themselves are absolutely safe.

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