Bendy World Cup results. Dramatic and happy ending

The world bandy championship ended yesterday in Sandviken, Sweden. Gold medals were played by the trendsetters in this sport - the national teams of Russia and Sweden. Alas, our guys could not defend the title of the best team on the planet, losing to the ice owners with a score of 3: 4.

But in the final everything started more than successfully for the team of Sergei Myaus. In the first half, Janis Befus brought the Russian national team ahead in the 19th minute - 1: 0. Four minutes later, the Swedes won back with the efforts of Daniel Mossberg - 1: 1, but at the end of the half, Evgeny Ivanushkin and Almaz Mirgazov allowed the domestic squad to go for a break, leading the score 3: 1. By the way, for Evgeny Ivanushkin, this ball became the thirteenth in the world championship. Thus, he repeated the "all time" record that belonged to the great striker Sergei Obukhov.

Alas, ours could not keep the advantage in the second half. Kristoffer Edlund and Erik Pettersson were able to level the score, and when the stopwatch was counting down the last seconds of regular time, Adam Gilliam shot through our goalkeeper Roman Chernykh and set the final score on the scoreboard - 4: 3.

The Swedes regained their crown five years later. Until yesterday, the Scandinavians were the best in 2012 when they beat Russian team in the final match of the World Cup in Kazakhstan.

However, in terms of the total number of champion titles in the history of world championships, our team (taking into account the results of the USSR national team) is confidently ahead - 24 golds against 13 for the Swedes.

As for the match for third place, the Finnish national team did not experience any problems with the Norwegians - 11: 1.

For the 20th time, Suomi hockey players won bronze medals at the World Championships. But the Norwegian team played the match for third place for the second time in history, in 1993 the Norwegians won bronze medals.

The Russian national team led along final match with a score of 3: 1, but could not keep the advantage

It is also worth recalling that the next world championship in Russian hockey will take place in Khabarovsk. Tournament in group "A" is scheduled from January 29 to February 4, 2018. The games will be hosted by the wonderful "Erofei" arena. As the head of the region Vyacheslav Shport noted earlier, the championship will attract interest to the Khabarovsk Territory at international level, will increase its investment and tourist attractiveness.


Ball hockey has chances to be included in the program of the 2022 Winter Olympics, which will be held in Beijing - the president said on February 4 in Sandviken International Federation Bandy and the Russian Bandy Federation Boris Skrynnik said in an interview with Russian media.

Recall that representatives of the organizing committee of the Games-2022 visited Sandviken. During the working visit, members The Olympic Committee China held talks with Skrynnik on the inclusion of bandy in the program of the 2022 Olympics, which will be held from 4 to 22 February in Beijing.

“We had negotiations with the Chinese side, including representatives of the Chinese Olympic Committee and the marketing company that organizes the 2022 Games. They invited us to visit the exhibition dedicated to the Beijing Games in September 2017. The Chinese are also planning to visit at the end of this season matches of the Russian bandy championship in Khabarovsk. There are definitely chances for the appearance of bandy at the 2022 Olympics. Yes, there was talk about 2026, there were informal negotiations, we were given signals that 2026 is the final date for including bandy in the program But we are trying to get bandy included in the 2022 Olympics program.

It is no coincidence that representatives of the Chinese Olympic Committee attended the World Championships in Sandviken. We also met with representatives of a production company that promotes the Beijing Olympics. In addition, a letter was received from the IOC stating that its representatives are studying how our sport can be popular in Olympic Games", - quoted by Boris Skrynnik world news agencies.

In swedish Sandvikene will host the 2017 Bandy World Championship, also known as the 2017 Bandy World Championship. Note that the Group B tournament will be held from January 24 to 28 in Trollhättan at the Slettbergshallen arena. And the most delicious for bandy fans will start on January 29, when the elite championship kicks off in Sandviken at the Goransson Arena. The final will take place on February 5th.

Ball Hockey: World Championship 2017 - Participants

Naturally, on World Bandy Championship Russia and the hosts of the World Cup, Sweden, are the top favorites. Hockey players of the Finnish national team will try to compete with the Russians and the Swedes. In addition to these three teams, five more teams will take part in the 2017 Bandy World Championship in Group A - Norway, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the USA and Germany.

Bandy World Cup 2017: groups

Matches group stage The 2017 Bandy World Championships will be held from January 29 to February 1. Eight teams are divided into two groups of four teams. The teams of Sweden, Russia, Kazakhstan and Finland will play in Group A. In Quartet B, teams from Belarus, Norway, the USA and Germany will converge. Note that all 8 teams participating in the championship will advance to the playoffs, where in the elimination matches - starting from the stage of the quarterfinals - and the strongest will be revealed.

World Bandy 2017: Schedule

The group stage will feature 12 matches - 6 in each group. On January 29 at 16:00 Moscow time in the opening game of the World Cup, Sweden will play with Finland. Three matches are planned for January 30 at once: at 15:00 (hereinafter - Moscow time) the USA will start playing with Germany, at 18:00 the match Belarus - Norway starts, and at 21:00 the Russian national team will start in the tournament with a match with Kazakhstan.

All 4 matches of the 2nd round of the group stage will take place on 31 January. At 12:00 Germany will play with Belarus, at 15:00 the Norwegians will face the Americans, and at 18:00 the Russian national team will face a difficult match with the Finns. The Swedes will finish the game day with a match with Kazakhstan (21:00).

The final 3rd round of the group stage of the 2017 FWC Bandy will take place on 1 February. At noon in Moscow, the Germans will play with the Norwegians, at 15:00 the Belarusians will play a match with the Americans, at 18:00 Kazakhstan will meet with Finland, and finally, for dessert - a rehearsal of a possible final, at 21:00 the Russian national team will play with the hosts of the World Cup, the Swedes.

All quarterfinals will be held on February 2 according to the following scheme: the winner of group A will play with the 4th team of group B, the 2nd team of group A - with the 3rd team of group B, the 3rd team of group A - with the 2nd team of group B and the 4th team of group A - with the winner of group B. The start time of the 1/4 finals - 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 - which pair will play at what time, the organizers of the tournament will inform later ...

Bandy World Championships 2017 Championship details Location Sweden Sweden stadium (s) Joransson Arena Tournament Dates January 29 - February 5, 2017 Top places Miscellaneous

Participating teams


Tournament A

  • Russia
  • Sweden
  • Kazakhstan
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Belarus
  • USA
  • Germany (tournament winner B for the 2016 World Cup)

Tournament B

  • Latvia (tournament outsider A for the 2016 World Cup)
  • Estonia
  • Hungary
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
  • Mongolia
  • Somalia
  • China
  • Ukraine
  • Czech Republic

Possible participants

  • The possibility of returning to the ranks of the participants of the championship of the national team of Canada is being considered. Also, many experts are waiting for hockey players from Denmark and Afghanistan to appear at the world championship.

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Excerpt from the 2017 World Bandy Championship

Pierre suddenly blushed crimson and tried for a long time not to look at Natasha. When he decided to look at her, her face was cold, stern and even contemptuous, it seemed to him.
- But you definitely saw and spoke with Napoleon, as they told us? - said Princess Marya.
Pierre laughed.
- Never, never. It always seems to everyone that being in captivity means being a guest of Napoleon. Not only did I not see him, but I also did not hear about him. I was in a much worse society.
The supper was over, and Pierre, who at first refused to tell the story of his captivity, gradually became involved in this story.
- But is it true that you stayed to kill Napoleon? Natasha asked him, smiling slightly. - I then guessed when we met you at the Sukharev Tower; remember?
Pierre admitted that this was true, and from this question, little by little guided by the questions of Princess Marya and especially Natasha, he got involved in a detailed account of his adventures.
At first he spoke with that mocking, meek look that he now had at people, and especially at himself; but then, when he came to the story of the horrors and sufferings that he saw, he, without noticing it himself, got carried away and began to speak with the restrained emotion of a person who was experiencing strong impressions in his memory.
Princess Marya, with a gentle smile, looked first at Pierre, then at Natasha. In this whole story she saw only Pierre and his kindness. Natasha, leaning her elbows on her hand, with a constantly changing, along with the story, expression of her face, watched Pierre, without stopping for a minute, apparently experiencing with him what he was telling. Not only her gaze, but the exclamations and short questions she made, showed Pierre that from what he was telling, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was evident that she understood not only what he was telling, but also what he would like and could not express in words. About his episode with a child and a woman, for whose protection he was taken, Pierre told in this way:
“It was a terrible sight, the children were abandoned, some of them were on fire… In my presence, they pulled out a child… women, from whom they pulled things, pulled out earrings….
Pierre blushed and hesitated.
- Then a patrol arrived, and all those who did not rob, all the men were taken away. And me.
- You probably do not tell everything; You must have done something ... "said Natasha, and she was silent," good.
Pierre went on with his story. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to get around the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he did not miss anything.

We are all perfectly familiar with the sport of hockey and are accustomed to the game that millions adore. Not every ice hockey fan knows that there is another wonderful and exciting sport - "bundy" or bandy. A variation of this type of hockey has gained great popularity in the Scandinavian countries and Russia. The World Bandy Championship is held every year. it will take place in the Swedish city of Sandviken.

The history of ball hockey

Bendy in its current form began to form in England in the first half of the 19th century. Some football teams, in particular "Sheffield United" and "Nottingham Forest" practiced it combining with football activities and gradually the first clubs with bandy appeared. The National Bandy Association, the first of its kind, is formed and established rules of the game are established. The British managed to popularize the sport outside the country (Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, etc.) before the beginning of the 20th century. The British, working at Russian enterprises at that time, created special "circles", which significantly affected the development of field hockey in Russia.

Petersburg student Pyotr Moskvin organized the "Sport" club and created new rules in sports form... In March 1898, the first duel was played according to the newly introduced rules. Experts believe that this match was the birth of the game. The first major tournament there was the European Championship in Davos (Switzerland), then, due to the war, the discipline suffered a long stagnation. The "English" bandy, well-known at that time, was losing popularity, many federations began to cultivate the Canadian version of hockey, only in Austria they played bandy, but until the end of the twenties. The Baltic States actively held competitions. The Scandinavians and the Soviet Union did not forget about bandy. The game in these states has found high level, but there were differences in the interpretation of certain points - the size of the goal, the sides and the prohibition of transfers at the top. At the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo, bandy was included as indicative view, and in 1955 the countries agreed and the first meeting took place under the modified rules. In 1957, the World Bandy Championship was held for the first time, this event took place in Finland. The first tournament was attended by three teams - the USSR, the Finns and the Swedes. In the second championship (1961) Norway was added. Competitions began to be held every two years, and since 2003 every year. Countries gradually joined the bandy North America and Asia. There are not many teams in the modern championship, any federation that wants can show up. In 2016, the tournament was hosted by the Russian Federation.

Ball hockey rules

Since the origins of the game were in the UK, the rules were influenced by the influence of football. Classic hockey is inherently born of bendy, despite the similarity of the latter to playing with feet. The size of the court is similar to football, the difference is that they are played on ice, not on grass. Players lead small ball, similar in size to a tennis one, with a special stick, different from a regular hockey stick. There are also deletions for violations. When a white card is seen, the player leaves the game for 5 minutes, if the card is blue, then for 10. In teams of ten field players, plus the goalkeeper. Substitution is not limited, the only thing is that substitutions cannot be made during a corner. Time-outs are allowed, opponents fight for two periods of 45 minutes each, if there is a draw - two overtimes for fifteen minutes before the first goal is scored. A number of elements “borrowed” from football: corner kicks, free kicks and free kicks, offside, it is forbidden to play by hand to field players and the goalkeeper outside the penalty area. Bendy is called herself fast play from the existing ones.

Where will the 2017 World Championship and the schedule

The IFB President announced that Sweden will host the 2017 Bandy World Championship. The thirty-seventh championship in history in a row. The venue will be Sandviken, where teams from the elite division will play. Define best team will be from January 29, and on February 5 they will play the final. The Swedes are sure that the optimal place for the championship has been chosen "Goransson Arena". The World Cup was held here and there will be no problems with a larger tournament.

The national teams will be divided into 2 groups, in one the "giants" will gather, in the second weaker teams. Group A members (Sandviken):

  • Russia;
  • Sweden;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Finland;
  • Norway;
  • Belarus;
  • Germany (won group B in 2016).

Group B matches will be played in another city - Trollhattan), namely:

  • Latvia (departed last year);
  • Estonia;
  • Hungary;
  • Japan;
  • Holland;
  • Mongolia;
  • Somalia;
  • China;
  • Ukraine;
  • Czech Republic.

The teams from the main division will later be divided into two quartets, having played all the fights, the seeding in the quarterfinals will be determined (the first with the fourth, the second with the third), losers with a less impressive difference of 1/4 will play for 5-6 places, and the worst teams will determine the "survivor", the loser will go down a "step" - group B.

In the second group, everything is the same, but most likely no one will fly out. Although it existed in 2012, and Group C. The triumphant of the division will enter the strongest for 2018. In 2018, applications for participation from Switzerland, Denmark and Austria are possible.

National teams of the 2017 World Bandy Championship

Let's start with the Russian team. The national team has invariably been a member of the world forum since 1993. Never in its history has it taken away from the World Bandy Championship awards lower in rank than bronze. 2004 was considered a failure for the Russians, then the national team was third. The Russians were the best on the planet ten times, they lost the final eight times. On the ice of the main rival for many years, the team will be motivated as never before and, along with the hosts of the tournament, Russia is the main contender for the title of the strongest. The guys will be trained by Sergey Myaus. The Russians are the champions of 2016.

The most titled of the acting teams (if not to attribute the achievements of the USSR to independent Russia) are the Swedes. It was they who more often than others put a spoke in the wheels of the Russians. The Swedes played their debut match in history with the Finns in 1919 (1: 4), won an exhibition tournament at the Olympics in Norway. The first title was issued in 1981 on the ice of Khabarovsk. In total, the Swedes have won eleven victories in the forums, seventeen silver medals and eight bronze medals. The team's record-holder in matches is Per Voshaug - he has played 129 career fights. The mentor is Svenne Olsson.

Some of the strongest cannot do without the Finnish team. "Suomi" is also one of the teams that began to play at the inception of hockey. They took part in all tournaments except the debut championship in 1957. They became triumphant once - in 2004. Then the Finns were three goals behind the Swedes, but leveled the score and in overtime defeated the opponent thanks to the “golden goal”. In 2011 and 2016, they lost the final to the Russians with an authentic score - 1: 6.

Finland has 19 World Cup bronze medals in its "piggy bank". The team lost eight times in the finals.

Kazakhstan has been a regular participant in the tournament since 1992. We made our debut by winning the Finns 4: 3 sensationally. Since 1997 he has been playing in the "elite", and thirteen times in a row, with the exception of 1999, he has been participating in the semifinal battle. The Kazakhs have six bronze medals from the World Cup and six victories in Asian Games... Kazakhs compete with all national teams in the tournament and are ready to fight in 2017.

The Norwegian national team is one of the founders of the federation and played its first duel in 1927, losing to the Swedes. Played at the world bandy championships since 61 years of the XX century. In 1969, the Norwegians did not play due to disagreement with politics Soviet Union in relation to Czechoslovakia. It is worth saying that the Norwegians are much weaker than the top teams and the highest result is silver in 1965 and bronze in the 1993 World Cup. At the 1952 Olympics, they played in the final, but lost.

The national team of Belarus has been playing in the tournament since 2001. At the debut forum, they lost to everyone, scoring only a puck. Belarus is a frequent "guest" in play-offs for the opportunity to play in the top division, the team finished the last World Cup in 6th place.

The US national team, despite twenty-three participation in the world championship, has never won medals and is also “wandering” from division to division. It is interesting that for 15 years the team was headed only by Swedish specialists.

The German national team has been playing at the World Cup since 2014 and at the last tournament "snatched the registration" in group A.

About the teams of group B, we note the number of participation of the national teams in the competitions:

  • Latvia - 10;
  • Estonia - 12;
  • Hungary - 17;
  • Japan -5;
  • Netherlands -17;
  • Mongolia - 8;
  • China - 2;
  • Ukraine -3;
  • Czech Republic -1.

On this list, the attentive will notice the absence of the Somalia national team. It is no coincidence that we did not mention it, as the team deserves special attention.

The Somalis became members of the federation in 2013 and a year later played in Group B and so on in 2015-2016.

Somalia national bandy team

The uniqueness of the team is that all of its hockey players live in Sweden and train in the Swedish city of Burleng. Diaspora of Somalis there are over three thousand people. A documentary was made about the national team. In December 2013, they had their first sparring with veterans from Burleng and lost 0:15. The match had a resonance, it was attended by two hundred fans and the media.

The Somali national team played the official game with bandy in the Russian city of Irkutsk, crushingly lost to the Germans 1:22. The first goal in the history of the team was scored by Anwar Hared, assisted by the goalkeeper Ahmed Mohamed. The national team left the tournament with three goals. Somalia is a prime example of the principle that nothing is more important than participation.

The 2017 World Bandy Championship will be remembered for the large number of goals incredible speeds and atmosphere. It will be very exciting to watch the battle of the giants, as well as look at group B, where the mysterious Somalia will take to the ice for the fourth time at the World Cup.

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