Siberian tournament for young physicists. Tournament of young physicists

The VI open Siberian tournament for young physicists has started. This year, 26 teams are participating in the Siberian tournament: from Barabinsk, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Evsino, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoobsk, Lebedevka, Maslyanino, Mezhdurechensk, Mirny, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Rezh, Sukhoi Log, Talmenka, Ulan-Ude.

The tournament for young physicists is unique team competition for solving physical problems of a research nature, which has its own unique format. Schoolchildren have been solving these problems since the beginning of September, and now they have to prove themselves in physical battles. Each round of combat includes a challenge report, opposition, peer review, and general discussion. To win such a competition, you need to be a skilled experimenter, understand the theory, be able to present your results clearly and clearly, and be prepared for unexpected turns of the discussion. The work of the guys is assessed by a jury consisting of scientists - physicists.

At the opening, the TUV participants were greeted by:

Fedoruk Mikhail Petrovich, professor, rector of NSU;

Solodovnikov Mikhail Yurievich, President of the Siberian Youth Theater;

The tournament will last until February 4, all events are held in the main building of the NSU. The organizers of the tournament are the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Policy of the Novosibirsk Region, the Regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth, Novosibirsk State University, the Foundation for Support of Education Projects.

For reference. The Siberian tournament is part of the IYPT tournament system. Participants first participate in their regional tournament, then in the Russian one. In turn, the winners of RosTUF represent Russia at the International Tournament of Young Physicists. In 2014 in the UK and 2015 in Thailand Russian team consisting entirely of Novosibirsk, two times in a row managed to win silver medals.

Sources of

Department of Education of the Novosibirsk Region (, 01/02/2017
Official website of the Governor and the Government of the Novosibirsk Region (, 07/02/2017
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    • 12/18/2019. A personal account has been opened for registering and uploading tasks for the correspondence round of the 2020 tournament
    • 12/18/2019. The rules for the absentee stage of the 2020 tournament have been published
    • 07/19/2019. 2020 Tournament Objectives Published
    • 02/15/2019. The deadline for submission of applications and information on the participants of the final stage is February 24, 2019. All detailed information is available from the leaders of regional tournaments and the leaders of the teams participating in the correspondence stage.
    • 02/15/2019. The list of possible participants of the tournament has been published
    • 02/15/2019. The results of the extramural stage of the tournament in the individual standings have been published
    • 02/15/2019. The results of the correspondence stage of the tournament in the team standings have been published
    • 02/01/2019. Registration for downloading correspondence problems is closed
    • 10.12.2018. A personal account has been opened for registering and uploading tasks for the correspondence round of the 2019 tournament
    • 10.12.2018. The procedure for holding the absentee stage of the 2019 tournament and the rules for issuing problems have been published
    • 09/14/2018. 2019 Tournament Objectives Published
    • 09/14/2018. New regulation on TUV published
    • 05/14/2018. This year, at a meeting of managers, all major league teams were invited to take part in qualifying interviews, which took place on March 31. The results of the interview and the list of 12 candidates for the 2019 national team have been published. Physics was assessed from 50 points (report from 30, opposition from 20), English - from 20 points. The work with candidates for the 2019 national team will take place in several stages. Training camps of both teams (2018 and 2019) will be held in Yekaterinburg at the end of June. To organize the work at these training camps, three teams will be formed (one is the 2018 national team, two of the 2019 candidates) and full-fledged physical battles will be played on English language... Also will be organized will be held educational program for candidates. In the fall, the second training camp will take place, and after the next RosTUF and following its results, the Russian national team will be selected at IYPT-2019 in Poland.
    • 05/14/2018. The composition of the Russian national team at the 31st International Tournament of Young Physicists: Nikita Kozlov (captain), Polina Turishcheva, Kirill Poltoradnev, Daria Razueva, Anastasia Paltseva. Team leaders: Bashkatov Yuri Leonidovich (NSU), Merentsov Alexander Ilyich (UrFU). Results of selection for the national team of 2018 published
    • 05/14/2018. Individual tournament results published
    • 05/14/2018. The results of the tournament in the team standings have been published
    • 05/14/2018. from 24 to 30 March in Novosibirsk on the basis of the Specialized educational and scientific center Novosibirsk State University hosted the 40th All-Russian Tournament of Young Physicists. The tournament was attended by 29 teams from Moscow, Dolgoprudny, Tver, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Kachkanar, Serov, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Simferopol, Barabinsk, Novosibirsk, Mezhdurechensk, Tomsk, Mirny (Republic of Sakha Yakutia). V major league defeated the teams "Demons of Physics" (Yekaterinburg), "Izolyenta" (Voronezh), in the first league the winner of the tournament was the team "Synergy" (Novosibirsk).
    • 16.02.2018. The final stage of the 40th All-Russian Tournament for Young Physicists will be held from March 25 to March 31, 2018 in Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok), at the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Novosibirsk State University. The list of teams participating in the final stage is formed on the basis of the protocols of the qualifying regional tournaments and the correspondence (Internet) stage. The leaders of these teams must fill out this form with the data of the participants and send it to Olga Viktorovna Inisheva ( [email protected]) until February 20, 2018.
    • 16.02.2018. The list of teams participating in the final stage of the XL All-Russian Tournament for Young Physicists has been published
    • 16.02.2018. The protocols of the teams' rating compiled based on the results of the correspondence stage of the tournament have been published
    • 16.02.2018. The protocols of the personal rating of the participants of the correspondence stage of the tournament have been published
    • 31.01.2018. Registration for downloading correspondence problems is closed
    • 06.12.2017. Open for loading correspondence problems
    • 23.11.2017. Dear participants! Please read the information about the regional stages and the 2017 TUV Correspondence Stage
    • 11/23/2017. New regulations of the All-Russian TUV published
    • 09/18/2017. Challenges for the 2018 tournament published
    • 28.04.2017. The list of winners of the 2017 tournament has been published. Congratulations!
    • 02/18/2017. The final stage of the All-Russian tournament for young physicists in 2017 will be held from 25 to 30 March 2017 in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. To participate in the tournament, you must submit an application before March 10. The application is submitted by sending an email with a completed form (Excel format) to the address [email protected] Read all the details in the information letter
    • 02/18/2017. The minutes of the qualifying stage have been published.
    • 02/04/2017. The final stage of the All-Russian tournament for young physicists will be held in Yekaterinburg, at the end of March 2017. Applications for participation will be accepted after summing up the results of the qualifying stage of the tournament.
    • 02/04/2017. The rules for registration of works of the qualifying stage have been published
    • 12/22/2016. Congratulations to our colleagues! The City Tournament of Young Physicists was held at the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management. A full report on it is available
    • 04.12.2016. Open for loading correspondence problems
    • 17.07.2016. Problems of the 2017 tournament published
    • 04/10/2016. Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners of the 2016 Tournament!
    • 02.03.2016. Documents about the in-person stage of the Tournament have been published: application form, information letter and preliminary program.
    • Please send the completed application form to [email protected] Inishiva Olga Viktorovna until March 7 inclusive!
    • 02/15/2016. The face-to-face stage of the Tournament will take place in Yekaterinburg from 24 (arrival day) to 30 (departure day) March 2016. Applications for participation are accepted by Olga Viktorovna Inisheva by e-mail [email protected]
    • 02/12/2016. The list of winners of the correspondence round of the 2016 tournament has been published
    • 01/20/2016. The ability to download assignments for the correspondence round has been extended once again until January 28, 2016 inclusive.
    • 08.01.2016. The ability to download assignments for the correspondence round has been extended until January 20, 2016 inclusive.
    • 12/25/2015. The Siberian Tournament of Young Physicists will be held on January 27-30. Those who want to go there need to submit a preliminary application in the next few days - the main one can be written later. All applications, questions about check-in, etc. are served to Marina Petrovna Shchupko, her address is indicated in the information letter
    • 09.12.2015. Open for loading correspondence problems
    • 09.12.2015. The zonal Tournament of Young Physicists will be held in St. Petersburg on December 24-27, 2016. Details in the information letter
    • 11/21/2015. On December 3-5, Moscow will host the Moscow Tournament of Young Physicists. Moscow participants can register
    • 18.09.2015. The tasks of the correspondence round of the 2016 tournament have been determined
    • 10.07.2015. Challenges for 2016 tournament published
    • 03.07.2015. Congratulations from Novosibirsk, who won silver medals and seventh place among teams international tournament from 27 countries!
    • 10.04.2015. The results of the final battle and the results of the teams of the intramural round of 2015 have been published
    • 10.04.2015. The list of winners and prize-winners of the 2015 face-to-face round has been published
    • 02.24.2015. An information letter about the 2015 face-to-face tour has been published
    • 02.24.2015. The list of winners and prize-winners of the 2015 correspondence round has been published
    • 02.02.2015. Registration for downloading correspondence assignments is closed
    • 01/29/2015. Registration until January 31 inclusive! Please send exactly one problem from the proposed
    • 12/16/2014. Registration, and today is almost the 15th (+ -1) December! Please send exactly one problem from the proposed for correspondence completion until January 20th
    • 09/18/2014. Registration will be open on December 15, 2014
    • 09/18/2014. For the qualifying correspondence round, problems are proposed: 3, 6, 9, 11, 16 from the general list
    • 18.08.2014. Problems of the 2015 tournament published
    • 17.07.2014. IYPT 2014 from the Novosibirsk team
    • 17.07.2014. Congratulations to the Novosibirsk team for winning silver medals at the International Tournament!
    • 10.04.2014. Congratulations to all the participants of the face-to-face tour with the successful completion of it, as well as the winners and awardees!
    • 03/17/2014. Information about the TUV summer school has been published
    • 03/12/2014. New regulations published
    • 02/19/2014. An information letter about the on-site tour in Novosibirsk has been published
    • 02/19/2015. Team registration has been extended until March 7th. Applications sent later will not be accepted.
      Application for participation, you need to download, fill it and send: ""
      Participation in the tournament is possible only with a team of 4-5 people. Leaders and / or accompanying persons - 1-2 people. It is possible to create your own team or join an existing incomplete team. The organizers provide free accommodation in the hostel of the NSU SSCC to the winners and prize-winners of the correspondence round. Leaders and other team members must pay for accommodation in the amount of 650 rubles per day. Registration fee is absent. All participants pay for travel to Novosibirsk and back, as well as meals.
    • 02/18/2014. The face-to-face tour will take place in Novosibirsk on March 25-31. The approximate schedule is as follows:
      • 25-26 arrival
      • 26 opening before lunch, one fight in the afternoon
      • 27 one fight before lunch
      • 28 two fights
      • 29 one fight before lunch
      • 30 finals before and after lunch, closing after finals
      • 30-31 departure
    • 02/18/2014. In order to register yourself and / or your team on full-time tour, you should write by e-mail to Marina Petrovna Shchupko "". (Replace AT with @). This must be done before 25 February 2014!
    • 02/15/2014. Published
    • 02/15/2014. The list of winners and awardees of the 2014 correspondence round has been published. In the near future, there will be an announcement about the face-to-face tour.
    • 31.01.2014. The correspondence tour is over. The results will be coming soon (when we have checked everything). Registration is closed. Dear participants sent a lot good work! It's a pleasure to check them out. Thanks!
    • 27.01.2014. The deadline for sending the task of the correspondence tour has been extended one more (but already the last) time until January 30, 2014 until 23:59
    • 01.21.2014. The deadline for sending the task of the correspondence tour has been extended only to January 25, 2014 until 23:59
    • 12/23/2013. Dear participants! Please note that for the correspondence tour you need to send exactly one task of the proposed. Don't send everything you have. Choose the best one.
    • 12/23/2013. Registration on the site is open. You can go to your personal account, register there and send the solved problems of the correspondence tour. Until January 20!
    • 09/05/2013. The list of tasks for the 2014 extramural tour and the rules for completing tasks has been published
    • 08/10/2013. Problems of the 2014 tournament published
    • May 16, 2013. Created by

    Physics is an interesting and exciting science. How many unusual phenomena can be explained with its help. Usually scientists, professors, in short, people with higher education... But the tournament for young physicists (hereinafter TUV) is an opportunity for high school students and not only to feel like real scientists and researchers.

    Still, what is a tournament for young physicists?

    Tournament of young physicists- one of the leading international team competition high school students in the ability to solve complex research tasks, convincingly present their solutions, defend them in scientific discussions.
    Alas, this definition is far from covering the entire tournament. Therefore, in this article I will try to tell you about TUF in full measure. I want to clarify right away that there are many types of tournament, which are not particularly different from each other. But this article will talk about the Siberian and All-Russian tournaments (since I only participated in them).

    Publishing tasks

    It all starts with the publication of seventeen problems on the website of the international tournament for young physicists in the middle of summer. Next is the translation of tasks on the site all-Russian tournament as well as a reference kit.

    It is worth noting that the tasks are research tasks, that is, they require a lot of experiments and experiments, a physical substantiation, both qualitative and quantitative.

    Example task

    The rope ladder consists of wooden rungs, alternately inclined in opposite directions. Hang it vertically and then release it. When such a ladder falls onto a horizontal surface, its upper end moves downward faster than it would with a free fall. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how it depends on suitable parameters.

    Observation of the phenomenon

    At the beginning of September, ten of the seventeen problems for the Siberian tournament are published, which takes place two months before the All-Russian, namely in early February. Then the teams begin to prepare for the tournament.

    Preparing for the tournament

    At this point I will tell you how my team prepares. First, we all read together and superficially analyze the conditions of the problems, then each chooses a problem for himself (we have such an attitude that everyone solves his own problem, of course we consult among ourselves, but with such an attitude, it will not be possible to shift responsibility for his task to anyone) ... Next, we search for theory and make the first observations.

    Examples of observations

    Density visualization
    Schlieren photography is often used to visualize changes in density in a gas. Build a setup for schlieren photography and investigate how well it can resolve density differences.

    Electric honeycomb

    Pour some oil onto a horizontal metal plate and place a vertical metal needle over it. When a high voltage is applied between the needle and the plate, a cellular structure appears on the surface of the oil. Explain and research this phenomenon.

    Azimuth-radial pendulum

    Attach one end of the horizontal resilient rod to a rigid tripod. Secure the other end of the rod to the stretched thread to avoid vertical deflection, and hang the weight on another thread. In the resulting pendulum, radial vibrations (parallel to the rod) can spontaneously turn into azimuthal (perpendicular to the rod) and vice versa. Explore this phenomenon.

    After observing the phenomena, we put forward hypotheses, confirm or refute them by experiments and experiments. Then we find quantitative dependencies and deduce a mathematical model, if the physics of the problem is complex, then we make a quantitative assessment.

    It should be emphasized that mathematical calculations not supported by physics are, to put it mildly, bad form in a tournament.

    In general, a good report should contain the following points:

    • the phenomenon referred to in the condition of the problem is reproduced by experience;
    • a plausible qualitative explanation is offered;
    • a theoretical model of the phenomenon is presented, which allows predicting some quantitative dependencies;
    • these quantitative relationships were measured experimentally;
    • the results of the experiment are compared with the predictions of the theory.
    It is also very important to properly structure the report, because what you have done in five months needs to be told in 10 minutes so that you will be understood. Therefore, writing a speech and rehearsal also needs to devote a lot of time, although this is not always possible. Usually in the last days everyone completes the experiments and includes them in the presentation of the report.

    Physical combat structure

    Each physical battle can be divided into three rounds, in each of which the teams change roles. By the way, about the roles. After the draw, the teams assign the roles of speaker, opponent and reviewer. If the role of the presenter is clear, then what the opponent and the reviewer are doing.
    The opponent asks the Speaker clarifying questions, after which he presents his summary of the report. He makes an overview of the solution to the problem presented by the Rapporteur, analyzes its achievements and shortcomings, and formulates questions for discussion. The discussion discusses the solution presented by the Speaker and the basic physics of the problem. The Opponent's speech should not turn into a presentation of his own decision.
    The reviewer gives a brief assessment of the speeches of the Speaker and the Opponent,
    including the discussion that took place between them. (At the all-Russian tournament, the Reviewer participates in the general discussion and can ask questions to both the speaker and the opponent)


    The discussion is an integral part of the tournament, as there is a direct dialogue between the participants of the tournament, in which the physics of the phenomenon is discussed. The task of the discussion is to bring different points of view on the phenomenon into one true one, but this is not always the case. There are some tournament participants who do not want to listen to another point of view in any way, do not even want to discuss it, but persistently impose their own, while not explaining why their decision is correct. Therefore, if you consider someone else's vision physical processes the problem is incorrect, then justify why this is so, referring to physical laws. And try with your discussion buddy to find correct solution... It should be noted that discussion in a question-and-answer form is highly undesirable. Discussion should be reasoning, not short questions and answers.

    Regulations for the round of the Siberian tournament for young physicists

    The opponent calls the presenter for the task (1 minute)
    Presenter accepts or rejects the call (1 minute)
    Speaker preparation (5 minutes)
    Presentation of the report (12 minutes)
    Opponent's questions and speaker's answers (2 minutes)
    Opponent preparation (3 minutes)
    Opponent's speech (maximum 4 minutes)
    and discussion between speaker and opponent (14 minutes)
    Opponent sums up the discussion (1 minute)
    Questions from the reviewer to the speaker and the opponent and answers to questions (3 minutes)
    Reviewer preparation (2 minutes)
    Reviewer speech (4 minutes)
    Closing remarks from the speaker (2 minutes)
    Jury questions (5 minutes)

    International tournament for young physicists

    At the end of the All-Russian tournament, a national team is formed for the international TUV. It is worth noting the complexity of the international tournament. It consists, first of all, in the fact that all reports, discussions and discussions are conducted in English, and this directly affects the assessments of the teams.
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