Tennis player Agassi Andre: biography, personal life, sports career. Agassi Andre: biography, career, victories and personal life of Andre Agassi tennis

Andre Agassi was born on April 29, 1970 in Las Vegas, USA. His mother was American, and his father, Emmanuel Agassi, was Iranian of Armenian descent. After moving to the United States, his father made a successful career as a boxer, however, despite this, he always cherished in his soul a special love for tennis. The thing is that even as a child, Emmanuel often watched American and British soldiers play tennis in the courtyard of the Christian mission. Subsequently, noticing a local boy at the fence, one of the military gave the boy his first tennis racket... Many years have passed since then.

Emmanuel moved from Iran to the United States, where he started a family, and also built a small clay tennis court near his home. Despite the fact that Emmanuel made a successful career in the field of boxing, he always taught his four children only to play tennis. Playing with the guys, the famous Iranian-American athlete hoped that each of them would make a successful career on tennis courts in the future. However, only one of Emmanuel's children, the youngest son Andre, had a chance to become famous in the world of tennis.

IN early childhood the future tennis player spent a huge amount of time on the court. Together with his father, he often went to various junior tournaments, where already at the age of ten he achieved quite significant results. In particular, in 1980, Andre Agassi became a finalist in the US Championship in his age group... A year later, he reached the semi-final stage. To help him make a successful career in the world of sports, Emmanuel sent his son to the tennis academy, Nick Bollettieri, who was a longtime friend of the boxer. To continue his career, Andre had to move to Florida, however, as it turned out, it was worth it. For several years of study at a prestigious tennis academy, he greatly improved his professional skills, and therefore at the age of fourteen he managed to win his first US title in his age group.

As a professional, Andre Agassi began performing at the age of sixteen. In February 1986, he appeared at a tournament in the Californian city of La Quinta, where he safely passed the first stage, but lost in the second then third racket of the world to Mats Wilander. Subsequently, he managed to repeatedly take revenge from the eminent Swede. Led by his coach Nick Bollettieri, Agassi grew and progressed rapidly. Therefore, at one point he became a real star on tennis courts.

Throughout his career, the talented American tennis player has remained one of the best representatives in his sport. For many years of performances, he managed to win more than sixty different tournaments, reaching the highest results in both singles and doubles.

There have been eight series tournaments in his career. Grand Slam, as well as a huge variety of other trophies. In addition, Andre Agassi became the first of two tennis players who managed to win not only all four leading tennis trophies, but also gold medal Olympic Games. In the nineties and early 2000s, he was a real legend in the world of tennis.

Andre Agassi won the Davis Cup twice with the USA national team. For his outstanding achievements in 2011, the athlete was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Thus, the son of an expatriate from Iran became a national hero of the United States, as well as a role model for many tennis fans.

In 2003, Andre Agassi became the oldest tennis player to top the WTA rankings. In total, the talented athlete spent 101 weeks as the first racket of the world during his career. In addition, for 16 seasons he was among the ten strongest players on the planet. This indicator became the basis for Andre's inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records.

Outside the tennis court, Andre Agassi has always been known as a rebel and playboy. Over the years, he has been the face of the new Canon 1000D Rebel camera, as well as the McDonald's restaurant chain. In one of the commercials, Andre was devouring hamburgers with such enthusiasm, which caused a flurry of discontent from people who advocate the principles of healthy eating.

At the end of 2000, the name Andre Agassi appeared in seventh place in the ranking of the most financially successful athletes of our time. During his career, he earned, according to various estimates, from $ 200 to $ 500 million. A significant part of these funds brought the tennis player advertising contracts with brands such as American Express, Adidas, Nike and some others. In addition, Andre helped out a substantial amount of funds for the rights to publish his own biography. Currently, Andre Agassi is a co-owner of a commercial empire that includes a network of sports and nightclubs, as well as companies engaged in restaurant, construction, real estate and restaurant business. Apart from everything else, Andre Agassi is known as a philanthropist.

Andre Agassi is the best tennis player in the world, legendary champion... This is not a rave review, but the truth. Better than this athlete, no one owns a racket.

Andre's main achievements include the Golden Helmet. Agassi is the first tennis player to win an overwhelming victory on all courts in game competitions. It's no secret that the tennis player is also an Olympic champion.

Along with these undeniable talents, the brilliant athlete is also a charismatic, cheerful, charming person. In his life there were many ups and downs, he had quite serious problems on his personal front, but managed to find strength in himself, for which he was rewarded with the love of an equally talented athlete. But first things first. We will not reveal all the secrets at once.


Little Andre appeared in the USA, but he did not look like a traditional American, the appearance of the baby was specific. Although not surprising, he had Armenian-Iranian roots in his family. Until now, disputes about who the athlete is by nationality do not subside. Either he is Armenian or Azerbaijani. Tennis player Agassi Andre himself categorically refuses to comment on his nationality.

Andre owes his career to his father, he should thank him for his love for this sport, because his adored daddy began to train his son from childhood, seeing him all the makings of a champion.

Agassi's father himself also passionately loves sports, at one time he was professionally engaged in boxing, but somehow he saw an ordinary tennis ball and was carried away by this game, although he no longer dreamed of becoming a champion, referring to his middle age. That is why a caring father decided to realize his dream in his little son.

The trainings took place every day, for several hours. In his childhood, Andre already beat his less successful peers, however, in a crucial match he still loses to Pete Sampras.

An important point

It was this moment that became a turning point in the fate of the future champion. The father suddenly realized that he could not give his son everything that a professional could give, and that he would not become the best with him.

Andre was sent to a special school to take tennis lessons from a master of his craft. The educational institution was named after Nick Bollettieri. It was here that Agassi instilled his own unique style of play, thanks to which he became a leader among other students. Only one thing confused everyone - the boy's bad character, which manifested itself when communicating with peers, and in the future created serious difficulties for him.

Carier start

On the highest level Andre came out at the age of 16. I must say that there were initially both mistakes and failures, but the impudent and purposeful guy attracted attention to himself immediately. The fans watched his virtuoso game and could not take their eyes off. This is no coincidence, because Agassi's appearance was very unusual. The swarthy handsome man preferred only bright outfits, and he also had long hair. In general, a real macho heartthrob.


Many people note that a great athlete very often changed his mood, and his game depended on this. On bad days, he could play extremely disgusting and blow to a weak opponent. On the contrary, in an excellent mood, he could beat a seasoned professional.

But the problem took place, it was called instability and was Andre's main drawback. It is for this reason that for four years in a row the tennis player has not earned a single bright victory, although he managed to attract the attention of sponsors to himself.

Andre Agassi: sports career, tennis success

But in 1990, luck came to Agassi. A series has begun successful performances... Champion participated in the final Grandslam , although he lost. After that there were two more bright performances in US Open.

In 1992, the victory came into the hands of Andre. He wins the championship at the Grand Slam tournament. This high title was awarded to the guy who only appeared at the championship for the second time.

Even at competitions, the athlete managed to show his rebellious disposition. According to the terms of the Wimbledon tournament, all participants are required to wear a white uniform. This is a strict rule. The tennis player preferred only a bright form and did not want to limit himself in this right.

The first victory was won in 1994. It happened at the tournament US Open ... It was incredibly important for Andre because he was taking a short break in his career.

Next came success. In 1996 he won the title Australia open , and then won the title of Olympic champion. It was a triumph and a well-deserved reward.

After 1999, Agassi's career declined slightly. Unfortunately, he failed to conquer anything. But again a spurt, and again a victory at Roland Garros. The champion won the tournament four times.

Difficult period

Let us tell the readers what caused such a long downtime in the career from 1996 to 1999. In 1997, a young and handsome guy met the gorgeous Brooke Shields. It was during the period of this relationship with the Hollywood actress that the tennis player did not win a single victory, it came to the point that he was even beyond hundreds of players.

With his wife, he could not find a common language, as he later said, the actress was unable to understand his attachment to sports.

But for the duration of the relationship, Brooke managed to snatch Agassi Andre from the clutches of tennis. During this time, he lost his former physical fitness... There was also a risk of disqualification because methamphetamine was found on the player during a doping test. Agassi escaped punishment. Then the anti-doping committee made concessions to him and believed the explanations.

The marriage to Book Shields soon fell apart. The champion began to work on himself, trained hard, and again achieved impeccable physical shape.

Personal life

As already clear, Agassi Andre had the role of a passionate man who loves women. During marriage, he was constantly jealous of his first wife. After the divorce, he again became the best player.

After a while, Agassi met and began dating Steffi Graf. Soon the guys got married. Here Andre's father played his role, he advised his son to opt for a famous tennis player.

In 2001, the wedding ceremony of Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf took place. She was humble and secret.

Andre Agassi, for whom children were very desirable, twice became a dad. In 2001, Jaden was born, and in 2003 - Jazz.

Reasons for love for Steffi Graf

An interesting fact is that in his time Agassi singled out many reasons for his passion and unconditional love for his wife Steffi Graf. We will share the information with our reader. What kind words did Andre Agassi's wife deserve?

  1. Kind. A married couple practically does not quarrel, and this is all thanks to the gentle nature of the spouse.
  2. Passionate. Franking with reporters, tennis player Andre Agassi said that his wife is much more sensual than model Brooke.
  3. Generous. A rather characteristic feature for the Germans is economy, but it is not inherent in it. Steffi loves to give his spouse expensive gifts.
  4. Loves children. The count always dreamed of having children, and was very happy about the birth of her babies.
  5. Unselfish. Andre's wife is the only one of all his passions who has shown absolutely no interest in his capital.
  6. Loves life. She knows how to enjoy every day.
  7. An excellent tennis player. Steffi fully shares her husband's hobby for sports, because she is a champion herself, so the couple often spend their leisure time on the tennis court.

Activities after the end of the tennis career

The brilliant sports career Andre Agassi supreme title US Open ... A year later, he was injured, and could no longer achieve high results.

The impressionable athlete burst into tears, and the audience saw off the champion standing and deafening applause.

Now Agassi André has a business, he is quite successfully engaged in sponsorship. Also, a tennis player at one time opened a tennis academy, so he could not completely leave the sport. Note that Andre is also engaged in charity work, he helps poor talented children from low-income families.

Curious facts about the tennis player

Let's highlight the most bright moments and achievements in biography famous person and a brilliant athlete.

  • For all the time he played tennis, he won sixty tournaments. Of these, eight in the Grand Slam tournament, and seventeen in the Masters.
  • With regards to the awards. The champion has two cups for single player, as well as five for pair battles.
  • The school, opened by the athlete, gladly accepts children from disadvantaged families.
  • The champion's wife is no less known to the whole world than he is. She gave birth to her husband two wonderful children.
  • The first official wife of a tennis player was actress Brooke Shields. The marriage with her broke up due to strong jealousy and a number of omissions associated with professional career athlete.
  • During the time spent in his sports career, Andre has earned a tidy sum. It amounted to thirty-one million dollars.
  • The champion's name is on the Walk of Fame.
  • The athlete was the face of a popular network fast food McDonald's.
  • In 2009, a book dedicated to the champion's biography was published in the world. In it in question about all his ups and downs, as well as life after sports.

Now you know the biography of Andre Agassi. He managed to reach unprecedented heights, despite numerous difficulties. After all, the first victory begins over oneself. The name of the talented champion is forever inscribed in the history of tennis.

Andre Agassi

Birthday: 04/29/1970
Place of birth: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Citizenship: USA
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 80KG
Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Bold, daring, incomparable
Now Andre Kirk Agassi is a successful businessman and philanthropist, as well as a happy father of a family, whose appearance does not suggest that he ever played sports. However, this name is well known all over the world, even to people far from sports, and tennis fans still remember his legendary two-handed backhand, an exciting game on the back line, almost "ping-pong" speed of the game. After giving tennis more than thirty years of his life, Agassi was one of the first rackets in the world for almost twenty years, and at the end of his career he became the oldest among the leaders of the ATP (Association of Professional Tennis Players) rating. Agassi's autobiography does not leave anyone indifferent: in the life of the great tennis player there were dizzying ups, family conflicts, stormy romances, real friends, scandals, drugs, but the most important thing in his life were triumphant victories on the courts, which were replaced by deep affection for his wife and children , and doing charity work.

Andre Agassi was born on April 29, 1970 in Las Vegas. His father is from Iran with Armenian roots Emanuel (Manu) Agassi, who took the name Mike after moving to the United States, his mother is American Elizabeth Dudley. Andre's biography (as, indeed, the life of the entire Agassi family) was shaped by the unrealized childhood dream of his father. He really wanted to become a tennis player, but in post-war Iran only British and American soldiers played tennis. Manu Agassi became a famous boxer, but he taught all his children to play tennis and coached to exhaustion. The Agassi house in Las Vegas was very poor, but there was a tennis court in the yard, and Mike personally improved the devices for serving balls and removing them from the ground. The daughter of Agassi Tama did not show any special sports abilities, the second daughter, Rita, became a rather successful tennis player, and her son Philip, after intensive training, received a wrist injury and could not count on a high result. The birth of the fourth child was unplanned - the doctors even assumed the disease and recommended surgery - but for Mike Agassi it was another chance that fully justified all his hopes. He hung over his son's crib tennis balls and gave him a ping-pong racket, then took the child out onto the court as soon as he started walking. His father forced Andre to hit thousands of balls from the serving machine until the whole yard was covered with them, not paying attention to the tiredness and anger of his son. At the age of 10, Andre Agassi entered the second round of the US Junior Championship, and a year later he was already in the semifinals. At 13, he entered the Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Florida. Despite the conflicts caused by the difficult nature future star tennis, at the age of 14 he became the US youth indoor champion, and at the age of 16 he began a professional career.

In 1986, Andre Agassi managed to enter the hundred best tennis players world and compete in the Grand Slam tournament at the US Open. IN next year he has already reached the semifinals of the Grand Prix tournament and became the 25th in the ranking of tennis players.

In 1988, Agassi won 6 Grand Prix tournaments, twice reached the Grand Slam semifinals, as part of the US national team, he led the team to the Davis Cup World League and as a result became the 3rd in the world classification.

He subsequently won the ATP World Championship (1990). Olympic Games 1996, won all four Grand Slam tournaments, becoming the owner of the Golden Slam. Andre Agassi also won 26 matches of the Australian Open, twice as part of the national team reached the Davis Cup final, and for 16 seasons was one of the ten strongest tennis players. At the same time, Agassi often shocked the audience and the judges with scandalous antics - he could defiantly catch the ball in the game, spit in the direction of the referee, and bicker with rivals. The famous tennis player loved to shock others with his appearance; he bought a private jet, neglected his exercise regimen, and used drugs and junk food without hiding it.

In 1993, Andre Agassi suffered a wrist injury. During treatment and forced inaction, he was introduced in absentia to the film actress Brooke Shields, who was five years older than the famous tennis player. Communication with Brooke benefited Andre - he tightened the training regimen, began to dress more discreetly and even shaved his head. In 1997, the couple got married, which lasted only two years. Agassi's difficult character, his constant jealousy were supplemented by sporting failures - in 1997 he performed extremely unsuccessfully and dropped even below the position in the ranking from which he once began his professional career.

Shortly after the divorce, Agassi went to the French Open and won it. The winner of the same championship was also famous tennis player Steffi Graf, who simultaneously announced the termination sports performances... A close relationship was established between them. In October 2001, Andre and Steffi got married, and five days later their son was born, who was named Jaden Gil; two years later, the star couple had a daughter, Jazz Ellie.

Living with the calm and sane Steffi completely transformed Agassi. His scandalous antics and unhealthy habits are a thing of the past. In 2003, he became the first in the ATP ranking and also the first who managed to do this at that age and, moreover, hold this position for 14 weeks. However, numerous injuries were already making themselves felt. In 2005, Agassi reached the semi-finals of the Grand Slam, becoming the oldest finalist at that time and entered the top ten, and in 2006 he stopped his sports career. His total earnings for all the years of performances amounted to more than $ 30 million.

Back in 1994, Andre Agassi founded his own educational foundation, contributing to the restructuring of school education, and in 1997 - sport Club in Las Vegas, where 2 thousand children study for free. In addition, he supports various healthcare projects. Agassi's name is on the lists of the International Tennis Hall of Fame and the US Hall of Champions; under the portrait of the great tennis player there are three words: bold, daring, incomparable

Andre Agassi was born on April 29, 1970 in Las Vegas. His father is a native of Iran with Armenian roots, who after moving to the United States took the name Mike, his mother is American Elizabeth Dudley. Andre's biography (as, indeed, the life of the entire Agassi family) was shaped by the unrealized childhood dream of his father. He really wanted to become a tennis player, but in post-war Iran only British and American soldiers played tennis. Manu Agassi became a famous boxer, but he taught all his children to play tennis and coached to exhaustion. The Agassi house in Las Vegas was very poor, but there was a tennis court in the yard, and Mike personally improved the devices for serving balls and removing them from the ground. The daughter of Agassi Tama did not show any special sports abilities, the second daughter, Rita, became a rather successful tennis player, and her son Philip, after intensive training, received a wrist injury and could not count on a high result. The birth of the fourth child was unplanned - the doctors even assumed the disease and recommended surgery - but for Mike Agassi it was another chance that fully justified all his hopes. He hung tennis balls over his son's bed and gave him a ping-pong racket, then took the child out onto the court as soon as he began to walk. His father forced Andre to hit thousands of balls from the serving machine until the whole yard was covered with them, not paying attention to the tiredness and anger of his son. At the age of 10, Andre Agassi entered the second round of the US Junior Championship, and a year later he was already in the semifinals. At 13, he entered the Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Florida. Despite the conflicts caused by the difficult nature of the future tennis star, he became the US youth indoor champion at the age of 14, and began his professional career at the age of 16.

In 1986, Andre Agassi managed to enter the top 100 tennis players in the world and compete in the Grand Slam tournament at the US Open. The following year, he reached the semifinals of the Grand Prix tournament and became 25th in the ranking of tennis players.

In 1988, Agassi won 6 Grand Prix tournaments, twice reached the Grand Slam semifinals, as part of the US national team, he led the team to the Davis Cup World League and as a result became the 3rd in the world classification.

Subsequently, he won the ATP World Championship (1990), the 1996 Olympic Games, won all four Grand Slam tournaments, becoming the owner of the Golden Slam. Andre Agassi also won 26 matches of the Australian Open, twice as part of the national team reached the Davis Cup final, and for 16 seasons was one of the ten strongest tennis players. At the same time, Agassi often shocked the audience and the judges with scandalous antics - he could defiantly catch the ball in the game, spit in the direction of the referee, and bicker with rivals. The famous tennis player loved to shock others with his appearance; he bought a private jet, neglected his exercise regimen, and used drugs and junk food without hiding it.

In 1993, Andre Agassi suffered a wrist injury. During treatment and forced inaction, he was introduced in absentia to the film actress Brooke Shields, who was five years older than the famous tennis player. Communication with Brooke benefited Andre - he tightened the training regimen, began to dress more discreetly and even shaved his head. In 1997, the couple got married, which lasted only two years. Agassi's difficult character, his constant jealousy were supplemented by sporting failures - in 1997 he performed extremely unsuccessfully and dropped even below the position in the ranking from which he once began his professional career.

Shortly after the divorce, Agassi went to the French Open and won it. The famous tennis player Steffi Graf became the winner of the same championship, who at the same time announced the termination of sports performances. A close relationship was established between them. In October 2001, Andre and Steffi got married, and five days later their son was born, who was named Jaden Gil; two years later, the star couple had a daughter, Jazz Ellie.

Living with the calm and sane Steffi completely transformed Agassi. His scandalous antics and unhealthy habits are a thing of the past. In 2003, he became the first in the ATP ranking and also the first who managed to do this at that age and, moreover, hold this position for 14 weeks. However, numerous injuries were already making themselves felt. In 2005, Agassi reached the semi-finals of the Grand Slam, becoming the oldest finalist at that time and entered the top ten, and in 2006 he stopped his sports career. His total earnings for all the years of performances amounted to more than $ 30 million.

Back in 1994, Andre Agassi founded his own educational foundation, contributing to the restructuring of school education, and in 1997 - a sports club in Las Vegas, where 2 thousand children study free of charge. In addition, he supports various healthcare projects. Agassi's name is on the lists of the International Tennis Hall of Fame and the US Hall of Champions; under the portrait of the great tennis player there are three words: bold, daring, incomparable.

April 29 marks the 44th anniversary of the great American tennis player, ex-first racket of the world, eight-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments, Olympic champion Andre Agassi.

In his career, Agassi played over 1000 matches and in most of them he looked great. It was not easy to choose the top ten, but we did our best and put them in chronological order.

WIMBLEDON 1992. SEMIFINAL. AGASSI - John MCINROY (USA) - 6: 4, 6: 2, 6: 3

Agassi did not immediately fall in love with Wimbledon. After swiftly losing to Henri Leconte in the first match in 1987, he declared that he would never return, and indeed did not return to the All England Lawn Tennis Club until 1991. But one day, having reached the quarterfinals there, he realized that the turf was not so bad, and began to prepare seriously. In 1992, he arrived at the most prestigious tennis tournament in a world with the intent to win.

In the semifinals, his rival was the great compatriot John McEnroe, who was approaching the end of his career. It was with him that Agassi had paired up at Roland Garros a few weeks earlier and trained with him for two weeks and personally gave advice on how to neutralize him.

André had a very clean semi-final. His backline shots, especially the forehand, and his signature serve were great. He celebrated the victory with a score of 6: 4, 6: 2, 6: 3 in 1 hour 51 minutes.

AUSTRALIAN OPEN-1995. THE FINAL. AGASSI - SAMPRAS (USA) - 4: 6, 6: 1, 7: 6 (8: 6), 6: 4

If you ask experienced tennis fans for advice on which matches of Agassi should be reviewed first, they will answer you: the finals against Sampras. And they will be right. The rivalry between the two compatriot peers was special and truly adorned the tennis of that era.

This match stands apart in the list of fights between Agassi and Sampras. Andre took care of himself and for a long time did not go to Australia, and as soon as he went to conquer the Green Continent, he immediately reached the final, where he met ... Of course, with Sampras, who defended the champion title. As always, the tennis players played a super match. And Agassi, having given the first set, fought back and celebrated the victory - 4: 6, 6: 1, 7: 6 (8: 6), 6: 4.

US OPEN-1995. THE FINAL. AGASSI - SAMPRAS - 4: 6, 3: 6, 6: 4, 5: 7

After defeating Sapras in Australia, Agassi took the lead in the world rankings from his rival compatriot, and throughout the season they fought with each other for the title of the first racket of the world. But in the final of the US Open, Pete interrupted Andre's summer super series, which had 26 wins in a row and four won tournaments - 6: 4, 6: 3, 4: 6, 7: 5.

ROLAND GARROS-1999. AGASSI - MEDVEDEV (UKRAINE) - 1: 6, 2: 6, 6: 4, 6: 3, 6: 4

In 1997, due to injuries and personal problems, Agassi dropped out of the Top 100. It seemed that his best years already behind. But he put the skeptics to shame, not just returning to their previous positions, but showing top scores in his career. From 1999 to 2003, Andre won five of his eight Grand Slam tournaments, the first of which was at the Roland Garros courts in the summer of 1999.

In the first two sets of the fight with Ukrainian Andrei Medvedev, the American took only three games, and it was hard to believe that this match would be able to return, but Agassi succeeded in an amazing comeback - 1: 6, 2: 6, 6: 4, 6: 3, 6: 4.

This victory was special for the tennis player from Nevada: having won Open Championship France, he became the fifth tennis player in history and the first in Open era who got the career Grand Slam.

US Open-99. THE FINAL. AGASSI - Todd MARTIN (USA) - 6: 4, 6: 7 (5: 7), 6: 7 (2: 7), 6: 3, 6: 2

In the same season, Agassi played twice in the Grand Slam finals. At Wimbledon, he lost to Sampras, and at the US Open he met with another compatriot - Todd Martin. The two Americans delighted their native audience with an amazing game. Agassi did not give up a single game on his serve, but, nevertheless, he lost two games in tie-breaks and it took all five sets to determine the winner. What happened in the US Open men's final for the first time in 11 years.

US OPEN-2001. QUARTER FINAL. SAMPRAS - AGASSI - 6: 7 (7: 9), 7: 6 (7: 2), 7: 6 (7: 2), 7: 6 (7: 5)

Agassi and Sampras gave out superfights not only in the finals. Yes, until the title was not a step or two, but this match is rightfully called one of the best in the history of tennis. For four sets, none of the opponents gave up their serve. Before the fourth tie-break, spectators in the crowded stands of Arthur Ash's arena got to their feet and gave the two American superstars a standing ovation. Sampras eventually celebrated the victory - 6: 7, 7: 6, 7: 6, 7: 6.


Even at 33, Agassi looked brilliant on the court. Yes, the fight in that final did not work out at all, but only because Andre looked brilliant. He literally strangled, destroyed his rival. 67 minutes and only 23 games!

“Taking his opponent by the throat, Agassi did not let go of his iron grip until the last point, leaving the poor German with no chance,” wrote “SE” in January 2003.

TENNIS MASTERS CUP-2003. GROUP TOURNAMENT... AGASSI - Roger FEDERER (SWITZERLAND) - 7: 6 (7: 3), 3: 6, 6: 7 (7: 9)

It was an outstanding game played by both masters - the mature Agassi and the rising star Federer, tennis of an outstanding level. Andre's match balls went unfulfilled, and he allowed Federer to win the first victory in their confrontation. After that Swiss, he never won again.


- 7:6 (8:6), 7:6 (8:6), 5:7, 1:6, 6:3

It was an amazing match - tense, full of beautiful struggle and drama. Combination of power and matching game. Agassi almost broke the resistance of his opponent, but the Russian who served well did not give up. The American lost, but his fans are unlikely to turn their tongues to accuse him of this.

US Open-2005. QUARTER FINAL. AGASSI - James BLAKE (USA) - 3: 6, 3: 6, 6: 3, 6: 3, 7: 6 (8: 6)

And again, two Americans at the US Open, to the delight of the numerous spectators who created an amazing atmosphere at the stadium, organized a super game. Exchange powerful blows from the back row stretched out for five sets, and Agassi managed a phenomenal comeback from a 0-2 score in sets. The American was two points away from defeat, but managed to get out - 3: 6, 3: 6, 6: 3, 6: 3, 7: 6 (8: 6).

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