Sports nutrition. Sports pharmacology and dietetics

The book covers in detail the methods and means of modern pharmacological support training process and principles rational nutrition athletes. The presentation is carried out taking into account the specialization and qualifications of athletes, their gender and age characteristics, the period of preparation and the direction of the loads. Apart from medicines, a description and recommendations on the use and dosage of products of increased nutritional value and biologically active food additives (BAA). The necessary attention is paid to the pharmacocorrection of a number of borderline and pathological conditions typical for athletes: overstrain syndrome, "athletic" heart syndrome, climate zone maladjustment, sports immunodeficiencies, injuries, etc.

The manual is intended for sports doctors, coaches, students and teachers of medical universities.

Publisher: Williams, Dialectika, 2008

ISBN 978-5-8459-1389-0

Number of pages: 256.

The contents of the book "Sports pharmacology and dietology":

  • 11 Introduction
  • 13 From the publishing house "Dialectics"
  • 15 Chapter 1 physical performance
    • 15 1.1. Classification, rationale and principles for the use of non-pinging pharmacological agents in modern sports medicine
    • 17 1.2. The main pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements in elite sports
    • 25 1.3. General features and features of pharmacological support of physical performance in representatives of various groups of sports
    • 35 1.5. Pharmacological support of the stages and periods of training of athletes in the macrocycle
    • 38 1.6. Recommendations for individual schemes of pharmacological provision sports training
  • 41 Chapter 2
    • 41 2.1. The main provisions of the nutrition of athletes
    • 42 2.2. Characteristics of the main food components and features of their use in sports nutrition
      • 42 2.2.1. Proteins and features of their consumption in sports nutrition
      • 44 2.2.2. Fats and features of their consumption in sports nutrition
      • 46 2.2.3. Carbohydrates and features of their consumption in sports nutrition
      • 50 2.2.4. Vitamins and mineral elements and features of their consumption in sports nutrition
      • 57 2.2.5. Water as an indispensable component of the diet of athletes
    • 60 2.3. Common features and nutritional characteristics of representatives of various groups of sports
    • 70 2.4. Principles of basic nutrition and ergogenic diet
      • 70 2.4.1. Features of the basic nutrition of athletes
      • 72 2.4.2. Features of the ergogenic diet
    • 76 2.5. Energy value, the content of the main nutrients and daily layouts of products in the exemplary diets of athletes, taking into account the periods and stages of their preparation
    • 84 2.6. The use of dietary manipulation to correct the body weight of athletes
    • 86 2.7. Validity of the use of products of increased biological value, specialized products sports nutrition and biologically active additives to improve performance
      • 86 2.7.1. Products of increased biological value
      • 88 2.7.2. Special sports nutrition products
  • 93 Chapter 3
    • 93 3.1. general characteristics, classification of dietary supplements and recommendations for their use in the practice of sports training to improve performance
    • 101 3.2. Dietary supplement of an adaptogenic nature
    • 102 3.3. Dietary supplement of actoprotective action
    • 105 3.4. Antioxidant dietary supplement
    • 107 3.5. dietary supplements containing polyunsaturated fatty acid
    • 109 3.6. Anabolic dietary supplement
    • 117 3.7. Dietary supplements used as plastic substrates
    • 122 3.8. BAA to improve energy supply
    • 127 3.9. BAA of restorative action
    • 128 3.10. BAA of bioregulatory action
    • 132 3.11. General rules the use of dietary supplements depending on the nature of the loads
  • 135 Chapter 4. Pharmacotherapy of some borderline and pathological conditions in athletes
    • 135 4.1. Methodological aspects of pharmacological correction of overvoltage in athletes
    • 144 4.2. Pharmacotherapy of sports medical pathology
      • 145 4.2.1. Sports sickness (overtraining)
      • 146 4.2.2. Myocardial dystrophy
      • 148 4.2.3. Hepatic pain syndrome
      • 149 4.2.4. Bronchial asthma (physical effort)
      • 151 4.2.5. physical allergies
    • 152 4.3. Pharmacological correction of climate zone disadaptation
      • 153 4.3.1. Pedagogical and organizational means of accelerating the adaptation of the body to new conditions
      • 154 4.3.2. Medico-biological means of accelerating the adaptation of the athlete's body to new conditions
    • 156 4.4. Treatment sports injury pharmacological preparations
    • 163 4.5. Pharmacological correction of osteoarthritis
      • 163 4.5.1. Symptom-modifying drugs
      • 164 4.5.2. Structure-modifying drugs
      • 166 4.5.3. External funds
      • 167 4.5.4. Glucocorticoids
      • 168 4.5.5. Dietary supplements in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • 171 Chapter 5. Correction immune system athletes to maintain sportswear
    • 172 5.1. Influence of pharmacological preparations on immunological reactivity
    • 174 5.2. Pharmacological correction of sports (secondary) immunodeficiencies
    • 181 5.3. Immunological deficiency of athletes and indications for the use of immunotropic agents
  • 189 Chapter 6
    • 189 6.1. Etiology, pathogenesis, ECG manifestations, clinical features
    • 197 6.2. Morphology of the “athletic” heart
    • 201 6.3. Features of the ECG in athletes
      • 202 6.3.1. Physiological hypertrophy
      • 205 6.3.2. Pathological hypertrophy
      • 205 6.3.3. ECG at various stages of athletes' training
    • 210 6.4. The state of the vegetative nervous system
    • 211 6.5. Clinical characteristics"sporty" heart
      • 211 6.5.1. Pathological "athletic" heart
      • 212 6.5.2. Acute overexertion of the heart
      • 213 6.5.3. Chronic overexertion of the heart
      • 214 6.5.4. State of cardio-vascular system after stopping training
      • 215 6.5.5. Athletic heart and connective tissue dysplasia
    • 219 6.6. Pharmacotherapy of cardiac dysfunction in athletes
  • 225 Chapter 7. Principles of pharmacological correction of dysfunction of the male and female organisms
    • 225 7.1. Erectile dysfunctions in athletes and principles of their pharmacological correction
    • 230 7.2. Morphofunctional capabilities of women in the process of long-term and acute adaptation to extreme loads modern sports and main approaches to its pharmacological correction
    • 238 7.3. Pharmacological correction of premenstrual syndrome in female athletes
  • 241 Conclusion
  • 242 List of accepted abbreviations
  • 245 Literature

Already far away ancient times athletes paid
significant attention to nutrition and its impact on
health and physical form. Of course, among
note that then Athletics was part
struggle for survival: the slow will not get
food, the weak will not protect the family.
Whatever it is, when it comes to
Greece, everything is calculated in millennia. That's
four thousand years. Note that ancient Greek
the doctor under the word "diet" understood not what is possible
eat, and when what can you eat, since the Greek
the word "diet" meant a way of life, a regime, including

sports nutrition
branch of nutritional science,
aimed at providing
nutritional support
athletes of various qualifications
youth sports
and ending with top-level sports
skill and ex-athletes

The purpose of mastering the discipline

The purpose of mastering the discipline "Sports Dietetics" is
providing future specialists in physical education and sports
knowledge in the field of nutrition of athletes, designed to replenish
vital activity
to realize the plastic provision of body functions and
metabolic processes. It is equally important to identify the main
principles on which the basic nutrition of athletes should be built,
and the possibility of targeted effects of food products on
indicators of physical performance and health preservation

learning goals

be able to analyze diets and identify
typical nutritional errors, consumption deficiencies
main products
master the skills of compiling a diet
for a healthy person
master the skills of planning and combining
individual and family diets
master the skills of keeping a food diary and
other methods of accounting for nutrition (meals)
understand the products on the market
and in stores, be able to form your own (personal)
consumer basket, plan a grocery
formulate diets and diets
in accordance with energy consumption, activities
and daily tasks,
individual features
learn the basic concepts of health, rational
nutrition and be able to put into practice the principles
healthy lifestyle

Competencies of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline "Sports Dietetics"

Mastering the course "Sports Dietetics" allows the student to contribute to
mastery of the following competencies:
the ability to improve and develop their intellectual and
general cultural level;
the ability to independently master new research methods, to
scientific and pedagogical
professional activity;
ability and willingness to use in professional activities
innovative technologies, modern means and methods of scientific
ability for continuous self-education
training sessions;
ability and willingness to use modern technologies, means and
methods of training athletes and evaluate the effectiveness of their application;
ability and willingness to adjust the training and
competitive load based on the control of the athlete's condition;
ability and willingness to use effective means
restoration and improvement of sports performance
ability and willingness to develop and implement programs
pre-competitive, competitive preparation and post-competitive

As a result of mastering the discipline "Sports dietology" the student must:

- to know the functions of the basic nutrition of athletes, its
value for improving metabolic
bases of sports working capacity;
- be able to estimate energy costs and
changes in plastic exchange when performing
physical activity and calculate the amount
changes in the body;
- have the skills to effectively use
ergogenic diet to increase the level
athletes' health.

The structure and content of the discipline "Sports Dietetics"

set out
biochemical foundations of nutrition
come to light
athletes and people not involved in
nutrition of athletes draws attention to
principles of organizing basic nutrition and
ergogenic nutrients in sports nutrition,
their impact on athletic performance
taking into account
the need to take into account the relationship of nutrition
with periodization sports training.

The program of the course "Sports Dietetics"

BALANCED DIET. Modern ideas about rational nutrition. General
principles of rational nutrition of athletes.
ENERGY EXCHANGE. Energy costs and energy value of food. Exchange
energy and metabolism. Methods for calculating the daily energy consumption of athletes.
PROTEINS. The importance of proteins in human nutrition. Functions of proteins in the body. The role of amino acids
in metabolism.
FATS. Importance of fats in human nutrition. Functions and metabolism of fats in the body.
neutral fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Phospholipids. Cholesterol. food
the value of fats.
CARBOHYDRATES. Importance of carbohydrates in human nutrition. Functions of carbohydrates in the body.
Classification of carbohydrates. Mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Alimentary fiber. Picture of
glycemic index.
VITAMINS. Classification. role in metabolism. Characteristics of the main groups
water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Need for vitamins. Common
deficits. Exogenous and endogenous causes of vitamin deficiency.
MINERALS. Classification. The role of minerals in the body. Macro and microelements. Water and mineral exchange. Athlete's diet.
HEALTHY FOOD. Modern ideas about healthy eating. Nutrigenomics and
nutrigenetics - a new era of nutrition.
NUTRITION OF ATHLETES. Basic principles of nutrition for athletes. Power value as
adaptation factor during physical exertion. Evaluation of the nutritional status of athletes.
BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE ADDITIVES. Products of increased biological value.
Special sports nutrition products..
taking into account the specifics of the training process and the period of the annual training cycle.
principles of keeping a food diary. Control and analysis of the diet according to the food diary.
The use of computer technology for the organization and evaluation of rational nutrition
FOOD AND FITNESS. Catering during health-improving physical
culture (fitness, bodybuilding, aerobics).

The content of the article:

It must be said right away that sports pharmacology and dietology are now developing quite quickly, although pharmacology for athletes does not officially exist. There is no such discipline in any educational institution. The reason for this is quite understandable. After all, if you start teaching sports pharmacology, write study guides, then it will be clear to everyone that doping does not exist.

Features of the use of drugs in sports

Athletes use drugs that allow them to survive under high loads. What the body drinks during intensive training is unnatural for it. AT human body there are no genes due to which it is possible to build up a huge mass of muscle tissue, and people do not have a predisposition to develop high endurance, speed, etc.

Now the conversation is about professional sports, and all the achievements obtained by athletes are unnatural. This should be well understood. Without the use of appropriate pharmacological preparations, people will not be able to achieve high results, since the body of each person has a genetic boundary.

Now sports pharmacology and dietetics are at the mercy of sports doctors. At the same time, it should be noted that they represent the least enlightened part of the entire medical community, but logically, everything should be exactly the opposite. It's most likely a matter of natural selection. Doctors practicing in clinics are responsible for people's lives, and one can recall more than one case of scandal that arose due to the death of a patient.

It is much easier for sports doctors in this regard. Such a burden of responsibility does not hang over them, since they have to work with healthy people. This is how natural selection works, and sports doctors are often those people who are willing to earn little, but do nothing and not respond. Of course, this situation requires a radical change.

What should be changed

It’s worth starting with the fact that the very concept of “doping” was canceled. But this step sports federations and committees does not seem real. After all, teams and athletes convicted of using illegal drugs pay fines and considerable ones. Thus, it is necessary to create a procedure for challenging the decisions of anti-doping commissions in court, as well as to legitimize the change of penalties in the direction of reduction. Such a step will solve almost half of the existing problem.

After all, when Main coach The team deliberately forces all athletes to use a low-effective drug that is easily detected during the competition, and then allows all their athletes to be tested, of course, the drug will be detected, and the athletes will be disqualified. The coach then simply resigns.

In this case, there is practically no doubt that he was paid a decent amount. It's no secret that much more can be paid for the defeat of the team than for the victory. It remains to be seen who gets paid for this.

The next step should be the recognition of sports pharmacology at the official level. It should become one of the compulsory disciplines in medical and physical education institutions of higher education. It is necessary to accumulate information step by step, systematize it and subsequently apply it for the benefit of the health of athletes, and not to the detriment. After that, society will change its position regarding sports pharmacology and nutrition.

It is important for everyone to understand that sports pharmacology cannot be separated from clinical pharmacology. In those moments when an athlete needs help with an injury or any other, then the usual clinical studies are carried out first, the task of which is to diagnose the problem and its causes. The same is done for ordinary people.

Diseases are transmitted from parents to each person, and humanity at this stage of its development cannot avoid this. Any parental disease is inherited, and only one question remains, how quickly will it manifest itself?

Every intense training in any sport needs pharmacological support. Without this, athletes will simply lose their health without achieving results. Sports pharmacology and dietetics should be selected only after a thorough clinical study of the athlete. At the same time, it is necessary not only to focus on achieving results in the future, but also to cure existing diseases, or at least try to postpone the time of their development if they were inherited.

The fusion of clinical and sports medicine is long overdue. Without such a step, it is not possible to correct the current situation. Some time ago, sports pharmacology could be said to be dead. At present, they have come to life, but its further fate depends only on us. There are only two options for the development of events.

If everything is left unchanged, then athletes will continue to suffer from inexperienced sports doctors prescribing drugs, while not knowing all their properties and effects on the body. Teams and athletes will, as before, pay huge fines.

If you start taking action, then the concept of "doping" will disappear sooner or later. Public opinion should also contribute to this. Only when ordinary people understand that doping does not exist, then sports functionaries will have to change something.

Watch a video about sports pharmacology:
