Is it possible to work out in a gym with a temperature. What you need to know about exercising for a cold

Text: Marat Tanin

You will be surprised, but if you ask ten of your acquaintances whether sports are useful or harmful for colds, opinions will be divided approximately in half. Each of them will have their own truth, depending on the lifestyle. At the same time, none of them, for sure, are doctors, right?

For a long time, doctors around the world argued whether it was harmful to the body sport for colds... After all, when you are sick, your body is already weakened by the struggle with the disease, what kind of physical activity is there!

How does sports with a cold affect your well-being?

At the end of the twentieth century, North American doctors tried to prove that physical activity with a cold not only will not harm the well-being of a cold person, but even help the body to cope with the disease. During the study, a group of volunteers was injected through the nasal cavity with the common cold virus. After that, all experimental subjects had a runny nose, as expected. After some time, when the disease reached its maximum symptomatology, the sick were sent to undergo the "sports for colds" test - using a treadmill. After that, the researchers recorded that the cold did not affect the work of the lungs, as well as the ability of the patient's body to endure physical activity.

Sports and colds - two things incompatible?

It would seem what positive result! However, there were many critics of such studies. They argue that doctors are experimenting with a strain of the cold virus that is too mild, which causes little or no health complications. Whereas in real life a sick person is attacked by viruses different types, which, firstly, can damage lung tissue and bronchi. And secondly - cardiovascular system... And this means that if, for example, physical activity is considered not with a cold, but during the flu, then you can get serious complications in the heart. Playing sports, a sick person overloads the myocardium. Influenza causes inflammation.

Another serious objection to overseas researchers is the fact that any cold slows down the anabolic processes in the muscles. And physical activity for colds with delayed anabolism will lead to muscle destruction. Not to mention the positive effect of training - it simply will not be.

So is it worth playing sports for a cold? Unlikely. At the very least, there will be no benefit from training. And in the worst case, you risk getting complications from the disease. Take a break and spend these three days at home. Treadmill will not run away from you.

A cold is, albeit an unpleasant, but quite common disease, especially in the off-season. Sometimes she is able to confuse all plans, but what about people whose regular sports have become a good habit? Should you skip a workout at the first symptoms of the disease? How many specialists - so many opinions as to whether it is possible to play sports with a cold.

Regular morning jogging, fitness, swimming and other sports not only improve physical fitness, but also help to strengthen the body's resistance to various diseases, including colds. However, is there any reason to continue exercising if you feel unwell? In this case, such motives as the desire to become slimmer, fit and more attractive fade into the background. Still, being healthy is a priority.

How do opponents of training with an onset of illness justify their views?

Risk of complications

A number of doctors adhere to the point of view that any exercise during illness will bring absolutely no benefit. They justify this by the fact that even healthy person it is undesirable to go out into the cold air immediately after intense physical activity or visit crowded places due to the fact that the body's defenses at this time are somewhat weakened. Whereas with a cold, immunity is already suppressed and there is a high probability of getting complications.

Malaise is a reason to cancel your workout

Action of the hormone cortisol

Colds lead to a decrease in the level of anabolic processes in the muscles and in the body as a whole. Along with this, the production of cortisol increases. It is a catabolic hormone that can break down muscle tissue and increase blood glucose levels. In addition, it also contributes to the accumulation of fat mass. By itself, this hormone, the production of which is activated during stress, hunger, overwork and illness, is not at all harmful, on the contrary - it is designed to mobilize everything nutrients... In the future, muscle proteins decomposed to amino acids will serve as building materials for the restoration of the body. However, exercising during a cold can negate all the beneficial effects of cortisol, and all exercise will only give the opposite effect.

Danger of spreading infection

Another risk is also called during training during the period of illness - during the inflammatory process, the lymph nodes enter the fight against microbes and bacteria. They stand on guard, taking the hit on themselves and preventing the virus from spreading throughout the body. Intensive training will allow the infection along with the blood to penetrate into other organs, and the consequences can be very serious.

When is a cold not an obstacle to exercise?

However, not all experts are so categorical in their attitude to sports during a cold. Many are of the opinion that, subject to a number of conditions, it is quite possible to go to training. If the disease proceeds without fever, and the general well-being is quite satisfactory, moderate exertion will not harm. In some cases, exercise can even help relieve nasal congestion.

However, main principle such occupations are a sense of proportion and the absence of fanaticism. However, there are several basic recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the duration of training by one and a half to two times, as well as reduce their intensity.
  2. Give up strength exercises- they still will not bring the desired effect during this period, which is due to the aforementioned effect of cortisol on the muscles. Better to do stretching, jogging, yoga, step aerobics.
  3. Monitor your heart rate. If it exceeds 120-130 beats per minute, it is advisable to stop the lesson.
  4. Increase your daily fluid intake. It is better to give preference to ordinary warm water, which should be drunk a little every 15-20 minutes.
  5. Do not forget about good rest after class. A significant role in recovery is played by a night's sleep of at least 8-9 hours.
  6. Avoid hypothermia and visit crowded places after workout.
  7. Gradually increase the load as you recover. A return to the usual regimen is possible about the third week after recovery.
  8. Take vitamin preparations recommended by your doctor during the recovery period after a cold.

Will playing sports while having a cold be beneficial or harmful? Studies have shown that exercise is not harmful with moderate exertion, however, it does not contribute to a speedy recovery in any way. It should not be forgotten that the overwhelming majority of colds are caused by viruses, and the patient, coming to sport Club or a gym, where many other people are engaged in an enclosed space, can become a source of infection. Considering that it is not very comfortable to train in a medical mask, it is worth considering the possibility of doing fitness at home or on fresh air.

When is training contraindicated?

Despite the fact that the views of doctors on whether it is possible to train for a cold are different, there are a number of categorical contraindications to exercising.

Elevated temperature

No specialist will approve of sports for colds if the patient has a fever. The benefits of classes in this state will not bring you exactly, but with a high degree of probability they will provide further problems with the heart, lungs, kidneys or other organs.


This disease is dangerous, first of all, with possible complications, moreover, it proceeds with fever and general weakness. With the flu, do not exercise. In the early days, bed rest should be observed. If it is useful to get up and walk around the room from time to time, then you will have to wait with the exercises until you are fully recovered.

Don't exercise if you have the flu - stay in bed

Severe cough, shortness of breath

Diseases of the lungs and bronchi are a good reason to visit a doctor, not a gym, since they require prolonged drug treatment.

You can not play sports when there are body aches, headache, muscle pain, joint pain against the background of a cold, the progression of symptoms of the disease, severe weakness, fatigue. If the body is exhausted, it is better to give it rest, and not exhaust it with additional stress.

How long it will take to fully recover from an illness depends on many factors, and it is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting sports again. After all professional athletes are always under the supervision of a physician who monitors their health and develops an individual program for the rehabilitation period.

How to maintain and improve health with the help of sports?

Regular exercise and sports reduce the risk of viral and other diseases by an order of magnitude. This is because active image life increases the body's resistance, helping to increase the number of white blood cells needed to fight viruses, and improves overall health. How much and how should you do it to be beneficial?

Daily jogging strengthens the immune system

According to experts, the most effective for strengthening immune system the following activities:

  • Daily half-hour jogging or walking in the fresh air.
  • Cycling 3-4 times a week.
  • Yoga.
  • Aerobics, water aerobics.
  • Tai chi is a Chinese form of gymnastics that is suitable for both young and elderly people.
  • Stretching - stretching.

However, no matter what kind of sport you prefer, you should take into account the characteristics of your own body and not chase after exorbitant results. You should not be guided by the indicators of acquaintances and friends. Having loaded oneself to exhaustion, no one has become healthier yet. Excessive loads weaken the immune system and just open the way for diseases. And the main goal of practicing any kind of sport, if it comes not about Olympians fighting for medals and records, but maintaining health.

With the onset of cold weather and the off-season, many people are faced with colds. Such ailments are significantly unsettling, but are they a contraindication for playing sports?

It would seem that the health benefits of sports are absolutely beyond doubt. Therefore, many people who regularly engage in physical activity, even during illness, are in no hurry to give up them. However, most coaches and doctors are sure that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports with a cold is negative. Malaise and physical activity not too compatible. Therefore, before going to training unhealthy, it is better to think carefully.

Fitness classes if your throat hurts

It would seem that a slight sore throat does not disturb the state of health too much. However, studies have shown that any cold (even an uncomplicated one) slows down anabolic processes and triggers the production of a catabolic hormone called cortisol. This substance can destroy muscles. Sports activities only spur catabolic processes, which, against the background of a slow metabolism, reduces the effect of training to zero and violates the integrity of muscle tissue.

A sore throat usually occurs at the initial stage of ARVI development, the closer to recovery, the less the severity of this symptom. Therefore, with such a violation of the state of health, it is better to postpone classes in the gym until later.

Is it worth going to the gym with a cold or not?

Sometimes a runny nose becomes almost the only symptom of a cold. Also, such a sign can be observed at the final stage of recovery, when all organs and systems are already gradually returning to normal. But can a runny nose interfere with sports? There are several interesting theories on this score:

  • Many experienced athletes assure that physical activity can eliminate the symptoms of nasal congestion, since blood accelerates during sports. This effect really takes place, especially when exercising in the fresh air. But it is rather short-term, soon after the end of the class, the congestion returns, and against the background of general fatigue, it can be felt even more pronounced.
  • On the Internet, you can also find the theory of the "rule above the neck", which states that if the symptoms of ailment are concentrated only in the throat and nose, it is quite possible to continue to exercise. But such confidence has been completely destroyed by world scientists. The human body is an integral mechanism, and all its organs and systems are closely interconnected. The throat and nose should not be considered separately.

  • Some doctors warn that in ENT diseases, pathogenic microorganisms are blocked by lymph nodes, and physical activity activates the lymph flow and can provoke their spread throughout the body.

Doctors allow for not too intense training, when the runny nose is of a non-infectious nature or is residual and does not at all affect the state of health.

Sports will not help get rid of a cold as soon as possible. And if you swing in a dusty room or swim in a pool, colds can flare up even more.

Gym and cough

Cough is another condition in which going to the gym is best to postpone until later. When exercising, a person is forced to make frequent deep breathing movements through the mouth, which can aggravate the problem of coughing and contribute to the spread of infection. Doctors warn that exercising in a rocking chair is either intense workouts on cardiovascular machines when coughing increases the chances of developing complications. As a result, even a slight coughing is fraught with the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.

The risk of complications increases several times when training indoors and with a crowd of people.

Is it acceptable to exercise with a temperature?

Fever is a serious symptom. Firstly, this manifestation of malaise indicates the active phase of the disease, and secondly, it indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease.

Training at a temperature is categorically contraindicated, even if the deterioration in well-being is not too pronounced. This recommendation is explained very simply:

  • At a temperature, the body spends all its energy on fighting infection, and any physical activity will weaken it and reduce its resistance. As a result, the disease can play out more violently than it could.
  • The rise in temperature immediately affects the work of the heart. And training will speed up your heart rate even more. And this is dangerous: you can face arrhythmia, myocardial overload and inflammation (myocarditis).
  • At a temperature, it is advisable to observe bed or semi-bed rest. If you transfer the disease on your legs, you can face dangerous complications in the kidneys, joints and other organs and systems.

Even if life is subject to strict discipline and an iron will, during the active phase of the disease it is better to give yourself some slack and just lie down. This will help you recover sooner and avoid complications.

When to return to physical activity?

It is possible to return to sports again after suffering a cold only after a final recovery. In this case, you should adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Exercise only half-heartedly, shortening the duration of the workout.
  • If you feel well or even improve, you can slightly increase the load.
  • If you feel unwell, you should refuse to continue training and rest.
  • You need to train at a reduced pace for at least a week after the illness.

Doctors and trainers are sure that there is no exact definition of how much to stop exercising after an illness. This time for each person is determined in individually, depending on how you feel.

It is well known that playing sports helps to strengthen the immune system. But if suddenly the cold is still stronger, is it worthwhile to load the body and continue training? Are these two concepts compatible?

How does a cold affect anabolic processes and is it worth playing sports with an illness?

The goal of any workout is to accelerate anabolism, which is responsible for muscle growth, and metabolism, which is responsible for the elimination of toxins, the breakdown of fats. It has been proven that infections and viruses that enter the body slow down these processes. The effect of doing strength exercises is lost. At the same time, it is noted:

  • Increased production of cortisol, which destroys muscle fibers;
  • A decrease in the number of leukocytes produced in the blood, which leads to a weakening of the immune system;
  • Lack of protein and energy, which leads to overwork and exhaustion.

In addition, blood flow increases when exercising. Bacteria that infect certain areas spread faster and can enter healthy tissues. As a result, the healing effect slows down, the time for cell regeneration and general recovery will increase.

Can you exercise with a temperature?

An increase in temperature is an increased production of protective cells that destroy foreign substances that have entered the blood, such as viruses and bacteria. At this moment, the body directs forces to break down and output them. Heart, kidneys and respiratory system are experiencing colossal loads. If you start exercising with these symptoms, the body is overworked. There is a risk of complications. Therefore, it is not recommended to exercise with a temperature.

Is it worth attending workouts if there is no temperature?

When there is no fever, but mild symptoms are present, for example, lethargy, nasal congestion, doctors also advise against playing sports. The reason is the same - you shouldn't load a weakened organism.

However, studies have also been carried out, during which it was confirmed that with such symptoms, the recovery time is identical to that of an unsportsmanlike person. In other words, training does not have a serious negative effect on the patient's body, but it will not contribute to premature recovery either.

In any case, it is important, if you have a cold, to consult a doctor and clarify whether it is worth continuing classes or it is better to postpone a visit. gym... Shielding yourself from negative consequences ARI and its complications, each athlete will give himself the opportunity to recover faster and return to performing important exercises for him.

You can go in for sports for colds, runny nose and other diseases, but only according to a lightweight program. Since the body fights against pathogens, and additional load on the muscular system worsens the situation. If you go to the gym with a cold, exercise hard and do fitness, the positive effect on the healing process decreases. Therefore, it is not recommended to exercise and do vigorous exercise when you are sick until the cold is completely gone.

With a cold, there is an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, due to the destructive effect on muscle tissue. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in large quantities for colds, is characterized by the destruction of proteins and muscle fibers... Cortisol is produced in large quantities when exposed to the following factors:

  • overwork (after training);
  • fear;
  • stress;
  • starvation;
  • colds, tonsillitis and other diseases.

But this hormone also performs a useful function of attracting nutrients. When you are sick, the body needs building materials, which are amino acids and glycogen. The hormone is involved in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, and glucose into glycogen. In this case, the body is stocked with building materials required for its recovery after ARVI.

Going in for sports if you have a cold is possible, but not worth it, there is no positive dynamics in this. Sport does not improve the condition. In addition, the action of the hormone cortisol is not beneficial during physical activity, but only contributes to the destruction muscle mass... Therefore, training, going to the gym to exercise is not worth it.

Above the Neck Rule

Among avid athletes, there is a rule called "above the neck". The peculiarity of this rule is that you can go in for sports to train in a rocking chair for a cold if the symptoms of the disease appear above the neck. That is, if you have a headache, teeth, throat, stuffy nose or inflamed tonsils, you can do it. The only unknown is the name of the founder of this rule, which will inevitably lead to various complications if it is observed.

To understand why it is not recommended to adhere to the “above the neck” rule and train for colds, consider what the lymphatic system is. So, the lymphatic system is presented in the form of lymph nodes and other small vessels. These vessels are filled with lymphatic fluid, which takes an active part in the elimination of toxins and harmful substances. In a normal state, when a person is healthy and nothing hurts, the lymph nodes are invisible, but if viruses attack him, then these nodes increase in size.

Enlarged lymph nodes indicate the predominance of pathological processes. They increase, creating a kind of barrier for viruses so that they do not spread to other organs and systems, this indicates that an active fight between leukocytes and microbes is underway.

If, with a cold, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, headache, play sports, exercise and carry out physical exercise then the infection will spread throughout the body. This is due to the fact that the lymph nodes will not be able to create a barrier during exercise, so the virus will spread throughout all organs and systems. It is recommended that you undergo a course of treatment for a week and lie down at home, then, when the cold subsides, start hardening your muscles.

Sports at temperature

Colds, tonsillitis are often manifested with the development of high body temperature. Moreover, the temperature value depends on the complication of the disease, but often the thermometer mark reaches 38.5-39 degrees. In this case, people who seek to train and play sports simply cannot do this. Why? The reason is that with the development of such a temperature, there is complete impotence and weakening, a sore throat, chills. In addition, the person is shivering, and if the temperature is not brought down, it can be fatal. What to do in situations if the temperature is maintained at 37 - 37.2 degrees, and the whole body aches and hurts?
The situation suggests that the fight against infection is being carried out. A temperature of 37 - 37.2 degrees and a sore throat is even worse than 38 or 39, since this temperature cannot be knocked down by anything. It is also forbidden to go in for sports for patients with a temperature of 37.2 degrees or with a runny nose.

Often a temperature of 37 degrees is caused by the following diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • angina.

Symptoms that cause the development of 37-degree body temperature arise under the influence of various serious diseases. Therefore, instead of playing sports at a body temperature of 37 degrees, and even with a runny nose, you should rush to the hospital: treat your throat, SARS and other colds.

How to recover quickly?

If, in spite of everything, with a cold you rushed to go to the gym for training, then it is important to know that for a speedy recovery it is necessary to reduce the load by half. Reduce training time to 40 minutes. Drink plenty of water in small sips during exercise. The water should not be cold, so as not to provoke complications.

If you still want to play sports, then it is important to give preference to the following types of exercises:

  • running on the track;
  • step aerobics;
  • meditation;
  • stretching;
  • fitness classes.

Are prohibited sports activities requiring strong physical exertion, deadlift, bench press and squats. You cannot show your maximum for a cold, so it is better to leave these loads until complete recovery. If you feel a deterioration in health while doing fitness and performing other exercises, then you should stop the exhaustion of the body and consult a doctor.


After the cold recedes, the throat stops hurting and the doctor confirms your recovery, you can go to the gym and start exercising. Before doing physical activities, you should find out some points:

  • You should not do heavy exercises immediately after a cold, for example, run 20 km or bench press 100 kg.
  • You need to start with lightweight exercises, because the weakening has not yet passed, and the body will be in a similar state for about 7-10 days.
  • To accelerate the strengthening of the body, it is necessary to avoid physical exercise, drink vitamins, and strengthen the immune system. V otherwise, if you try to exercise and exercise 100% immediately after recovery, it will negatively affect your health.
  • After 1-2 weeks, you can return to the previous types of loads and go to the gym. It is recommended to do this gradually so as not to disrupt the recovery process.

If it is common for a person to exercise regularly physical training, then he is prone to rare manifestations of diseases or diseases that are mild. Sport strengthens not only the muscular and cardiovascular system, but also the immunity and the musculoskeletal system. Regular physical activity helps to increase the immune system's resistance to various ailments.

If you love to run, jogging for 30 minutes in the morning can increase your chances of not getting a cold. Even if you get sick, then with the right approach treatment, the cold will pass in a mild form and will not provoke complications. To say “no” to a cold forever, it is necessary not only to exercise regularly and run, but also to temper, maintain proper nutrition, and give up bad habits.

In rare cases, sports can act as the cause of the development of a cold. But such cases are isolated and are explained by the fact that a person simply overloads the body to the fullest, not giving it rest. In this case, immunity decreases and the body reacts to any negative factors.

Now you know why you shouldn't go in for sports when you have a cold. And if your health is dear to you, then it is better to start with drug treatment of the disease, and then start training.

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