Bulkin pavel nikolaevich fsb biography. Bulkin pavel nikolaevich

The importance of personnel planning, reproduction and formation of personnel and the potential of management bodies is immutable both in relation to a firm or corporation, and in the region - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Very often, or almost always, personnel policy can determine the fate of not only a certain company, but also entire states. Remember the role of personality in history?

I suggest you take a look at what is happening in this regard in our republic. Let's start our conversation with the list of heads of territorial bodies of federal ministries, services and other departments on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia as of April 2015.

  1. The office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District is the Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aleksandr Viktorovich Belyaev (lived and lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  2. Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chairman Petrenko Valery Leontievich (a native of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  3. Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kalmykia - Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Samsonov Alexey Mikhailovich (arrived from Kaliningrad).
  4. Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chief Bulkin Pavel Nikolaevich (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister Mishagin Andrey Vasilyevich (arrived from the Tula region).
  6. Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Ministry of Defense Denis Aleksandrovich Minin (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  7. Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Kalmykia - Head of Andrey Valentinovich Koldomov (arrived from the Udmurt Republic).
  8. Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kalmykia - Chief Alexei Ulyumdzhievich Nadbitov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  9. Military Commissariat of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Military Commissioner of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakov Yuri Kenzhalievich (arrived from Krasnodar Territory).
  10. Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia and Astrakhan region- Chief Stanislav Vladimirovich Maslov (arrived from the Vladimir region).
  11. Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia - Acting head Chuzhginov Andrey Alexandrovich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  12. Office of the Federal Service of Bailiffs in the Republic of Kalmykia - Acting Chief bailiff of the Republic of Kalmykia, acting Head of the FSSP Department for the Republic of Kazakhstan Evstigneev Vladimir Nikolaevich (arrived from the Penza region)
  13. Election Commission of the Republic of Kalmykia - chairman Dikalov Alexander Nikolaevich (a native of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  14. Service for the Republic of Kalmykia of the Regional Directorate of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for the Control of Drug Trafficking in Russia for the Astrakhan Region - Head Alexander Viktorovich Chumachenko, Deputy Head of the Regional Directorate of the RU Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Astrakhan Region (resident of Astrakhan).
  15. Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (UFSIN) of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia - Chief Sizukhin Mikhail Nikolaevich (arrived from Volgograd).
  16. Branch of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (National Bank for the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Chairman Timoshenko Yuri Vladimirovich (arrived from Samara).
  17. Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Kazakhstan - head Pashnanov Erdne Lidzhievich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  18. Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head Alexei Mikhailovich Rozhkov (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  19. The territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Kalmykia is the head of Kegdeeva Tamara Borisovna (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  20. Center for Special Communication and Information of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chief Konstantin Gelievich Kim (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  21. Department of the State Courier Service Russian Federation in the city of Elista - the head is Kochenkov Gennady Aleksandrovich (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  22. Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Republic of Kalmykia - Head Kakunov Petr Vasilievich (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  23. Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kalmykia - manager Gennady A. Mazanov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  24. Regional branch of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kalmykia - manager Ivanov Chingiz Veniaminovich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).

Let's add to the list three large monopoly enterprises that have a significant impact on the socio-economic state of the Republic of Kalmykia:

  • Kalmyk branch of IDGC of the South (formerly JSC Kalmenergo) - director Sergei Alekseevich Chekmarev (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  • OJSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Elista (former OJSC Kalmgaz) - Executive Director Ganzikov Sergey Andreevich (arrived from the village of Remontnoye, Rostov Region).
  • Kalmyk branch of OJSC Rostelecom (former branch of UTK and OJSC Electrosvyaz) - director Arslan Bataevich Kornyakov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).

The list includes only appointed managers. All information was obtained exclusively from open sources and does not violate the provisions of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" at all. Analysis of the list shows that:

1) out of 27 managers (at their permanent place of residence): 13 - residents and natives of Kalmykia, and 14 - visitors from other regions of the country, the so-called "appointees", or "temporarily posted";

2) out of 27 leaders (by nationality): 17 - Russians, 8 - Kalmyks, 2 - of another nationality.

In principle, the federal authorities have the right to appoint any of their regional leaders who, in the "vertical" of power built and somewhat contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, do not obey the regional authorities. The mechanism of coordination between federal and regional authorities when appointing officials on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is laid down in the Constitution of Russia (Art. 72) and some laws of the Russian Federation, for example, in Federal Law No. 184-FZ "On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power ... ".

But in practice, this law is not fully implemented. This affects the interests and rights of the regions, especially the national republics, in which the issues of nationality of heads of state structures are important from many points of view. It looks like the federal center not only does not take into account these conventions, but also involuntarily ignores them.

In Kalmykia, the imbalance in this issue is aggravated by another feature. In some ministries, departments and companies, deputy chiefs, heads of departments and other specialists are also “non-local” - newcomers from other regions, temporarily appointed. In conditions of an acute shortage of jobs in Kalmykia, this leads to several negative phenomena and consequences at once. First, local specialists, whose jobs are “busy,” do not find work and are forced to multiply the flow of labor and other migration from Kalmykia. Secondly, as practice shows recent years Such officials sometimes come to Kalmykia for titles and in the hope of additional sources of income, becoming not only participants, but also customers and initiators of corruption schemes.

Thirdly, people who have nothing to do with Kalmykia, as a rule, do not take into account the national, cultural and other peculiarities of the region and remain indifferent to the vital interests of the local population, to the need to respect and protect their rights and freedoms.

Fourth, a significant part of the salaries and other income of such managers is spent outside Kalmykia. In addition, there are absolutely egregious cases when on the part of "visiting" officials in relation to their subordinates - natives of Kalmykia, manifestations of disdain and humiliation of human and national dignity were allowed.

Unfortunately, the regional authorities do not solve this problem in any way - a potential source of conflict situations - either because of their own total dependence on the Moscow authorities, or because they do not understand the importance of protecting the regional economic, social and national interests of the residents of Kalmykia.

I hope that in the current personnel imbalance, there is still no discrimination and mistrust towards the republic and its entire population, including the Kalmyk people, that this is only an accident and a temporary phenomenon. I am sure that there are many experienced and responsible, promising and successful leaders among the residents and natives of the republic. They will be able to solve the problem of personnel crisis in the administrative corps of Kalmykia.

It remains to urge the Kalmyk authorities to more decisively defend regional and national interests. And all of us, residents of Kalmykia, will observe how the authorities correct the existing shortcomings and problems, and where necessary - help with friendly criticism and public participation.

Personnel policy is not a monopoly prerogative of the authorities, but the subject of close attention and complicity of the people, but only if the government does not move away from it, does not try to close the doors in front of the public and does not strive to resolve all issues behind the scenes. Officials still have a lot to learn in building relations with the people, which, in fact, is, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the source of power.

: Chairman of the YABLOKO party, well-known public and political figure Batyr Boromangnaev presented his analysis of personnel policy in the Republic of Kalmykia, KalmykiaNews reports.

Analysis management personnel in Kalmykia:

The importance of personnel planning, reproduction and formation of personnel and the potential of management bodies is immutable both in relation to a firm or corporation, and in the region - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Very often, or almost always, personnel policy can determine the fate of not only a certain company, but also entire states. Remember the role of personality in history?

I suggest you take a look at what is happening in this regard in our republic. Let's start our conversation with the list of heads of territorial bodies of federal ministries, services and other departments on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia as of April 2015.

  1. The office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District is the Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aleksandr Viktorovich Belyaev (lived and lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  2. Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chairman Petrenko Valery Leontievich (a native of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  3. Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kalmykia - Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Samsonov Alexey Mikhailovich (arrived from Kaliningrad).
  4. Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chief Bulkin Pavel Nikolaevich (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister Mishagin Andrey Vasilyevich (arrived from the Tula region).
  6. Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Ministry of Defense Denis Aleksandrovich Minin (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  7. Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Kalmykia - Head of Andrey Valentinovich Koldomov (arrived from the Udmurt Republic).
  8. Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kalmykia - Chief Alexei Ulyumdzhievich Nadbitov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  9. Military Commissariat of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Military Commissioner of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakov Yuri Kenzhalievich (arrived from Krasnodar Territory).
  10. Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia and the Astrakhan Region - Chief Stanislav Vladimirovich Maslov (arrived from the Vladimir Region).
  11. Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia - Acting head Chuzhginov Andrey Alexandrovich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  12. Office of the Federal Service of Bailiffs in the Republic of Kalmykia - Acting Chief bailiff of the Republic of Kalmykia, acting Head of the FSSP Department for the Republic of Kazakhstan Evstigneev Vladimir Nikolaevich (arrived from the Penza region)
  13. Election Commission of the Republic of Kalmykia - chairman Dikalov Alexander Nikolaevich (a native of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  14. Service for the Republic of Kalmykia of the Regional Directorate of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for the Control of Drug Trafficking in Russia for the Astrakhan Region - Head Alexander Viktorovich Chumachenko, Deputy Head of the Regional Directorate of the RU Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Astrakhan Region (resident of Astrakhan).
  15. Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (UFSIN) of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia - Chief Sizukhin Mikhail Nikolaevich (arrived from Volgograd).
  16. Branch of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (National Bank for the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Chairman Timoshenko Yuri Vladimirovich (arrived from Samara).
  17. Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Kazakhstan - head Pashnanov Erdne Lidzhievich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  18. Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head Alexei Mikhailovich Rozhkov (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  19. The territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Kalmykia is the head of Kegdeeva Tamara Borisovna (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  20. Center for Special Communication and Information of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chief Konstantin Gelievich Kim (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  21. Department of the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation in the city of Elista - head Kochenkov Gennady Aleksandrovich (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  22. Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Republic of Kalmykia - Head Kakunov Petr Vasilievich (lives in the Republic of Kalmykia).
  23. Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kalmykia - manager Gennady A. Mazanov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).
  24. Regional branch of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kalmykia - manager Ivanov Chingiz Veniaminovich (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).

Let's add to the list three large monopoly enterprises that have a significant impact on the socio-economic state of the Republic of Kalmykia:

  • Kalmyk branch of IDGC of the South (formerly JSC Kalmenergo) - director Sergei Alekseevich Chekmarev (arrived from Rostov-on-Don).
  • OJSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Elista (former OJSC Kalmgaz) - Executive Director Ganzikov Sergey Andreevich (arrived from the village of Remontnoye, Rostov Region).
  • Kalmyk branch of OJSC Rostelecom (former branch of UTK and OJSC Electrosvyaz) - director Arslan Bataevich Kornyakov (resident of the Republic of Kalmykia).

The list includes only appointed managers. All information was obtained exclusively from open sources and does not violate the provisions of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" at all. Analysis of the list shows that:

1) out of 27 managers (at their permanent place of residence): 13 - residents and natives of Kalmykia, and 14 - visitors from other regions of the country, the so-called "appointees", or "temporarily posted";

2) out of 27 leaders (by nationality): 17 - Russians, 8 - Kalmyks, 2 - of another nationality.

In principle, the federal authorities have the right to appoint any of their regional leaders who, in the "vertical" of power built and somewhat contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, do not obey the regional authorities. The mechanism of coordination between federal and regional authorities when appointing officials on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is laid down in the Constitution of Russia (Article 72) and some laws of the Russian Federation, for example, in the Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies state power ... ". But in practice, this law is not fully implemented. This affects the interests and rights of the regions, especially the national republics, in which the issues of nationality of heads of state structures are important from many points of view. It looks like the federal center not only does not take into account these conventions, but also involuntarily ignores them.

In Kalmykia, the imbalance in this issue is aggravated by another feature. In some ministries, departments and companies, deputy chiefs, heads of departments and other specialists are also “non-local” - newcomers from other regions, temporarily appointed. In conditions of an acute shortage of jobs in Kalmykia, this leads to several negative phenomena and consequences at once. First, local specialists, whose jobs are “busy,” do not find work and are forced to multiply the flow of labor and other migration from Kalmykia. Secondly, as the practice of recent years shows, such officials sometimes come to Kalmykia for titles and in the hope of additional sources of income, becoming not only participants, but also customers and initiators of corruption schemes.

Thirdly, people who have nothing to do with Kalmykia, as a rule, do not take into account the national, cultural and other peculiarities of the region and remain indifferent to the vital interests of the local population, to the need to respect and protect their rights and freedoms.

Fourth, a significant part of the salaries and other income of such managers is spent outside Kalmykia. In addition, there are absolutely egregious cases when on the part of "visiting" officials in relation to their subordinates - natives of Kalmykia, manifestations of disdain and humiliation of human and national dignity were allowed.

Unfortunately, the regional authorities do not solve this problem in any way - a potential source of conflict situations - either because of their own total dependence on the Moscow authorities, or because they do not understand the importance of protecting the regional economic, social and national interests of the residents of Kalmykia.

I hope that in the current personnel imbalance, there is still no discrimination and mistrust towards the republic and its entire population, including the Kalmyk people, that this is only an accident and a temporary phenomenon. I am sure that there are many experienced and responsible, promising and successful leaders among the residents and natives of the republic. They will be able to solve the problem of personnel crisis in the administrative corps of Kalmykia.

It remains to urge the Kalmyk authorities to more decisively defend regional and national interests. And all of us, residents of Kalmykia, will observe how the authorities correct the existing shortcomings and problems, and where necessary - help with friendly criticism and public participation.

Personnel policy is not a monopoly prerogative of the authorities, but the subject of close attention and complicity of the people, but only if the government does not move away from it, does not try to close the doors in front of the public and does not strive to resolve all issues behind the scenes. Officials still have a lot to learn in building relations with the people, which, in fact, is, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the source of power.

Batyr Boromangnaev
chairman of the KRO party "YABLOKO"



A graduate of the Higher School of the Red Banner of the KGB of the USSR. F.E. Dzerzhinsky



The Interregional Football Tournament for the Cup of the Hero of the Russian Federation Baatra Gindeev has started in Kalmykia

The Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov, Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Kalmykia of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Belyaev, Chairman of the Kalmyk organization "Dynamo", Head of the FSB RF for the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavel Bulkin, Head of the Mayor's Office of Elista Artur Dordzhiev addressed the tournament participants with welcoming words.


The festive program began with a solemn parade of 23 Dynamo teams physical culture... After that, the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov and the chairman of the Kalmyk republican organization "Dynamo", the head of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavel Bulkin officially launched the festive event. The head of the region warmly congratulated the representatives of the Dynamo sports society on the anniversary and noted that the Dynamo Society serves as a vivid example of courage, courage and striving for victories, and despite the hard times, Dynamo managed to keep the main thing - organization, cohesion and of course athletic performance... Over the years of existence in the Republic, hundreds of our famous athletes have gone through the Dynamo school - world and European champions, winners and prize-winners Olympic Games... Then he awarded the champion of the Olympic Games in London rhythmic gymnastics, Honored Master of Sports, Hero of Kalmykia, pupil of the Kalmyk Dynamo Alina Makarenko - the Order of the White Lotus. The holiday was attended by the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Igor Zotov, Senator Batu Khasikov, Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic Anatoly Kozachko, Minister of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alexander Gederim, representatives of other regional organizations "Dynamo". In honor of the anniversary, for their contribution to the development of the Dynamo movement, a large group of veterans and sports activists were awarded certificates and anniversary medals "90 years to the Dynamo Society", and the Head of the Republic was presented with a badge "For strengthening the sports community".

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kalmykia hosted a solemn meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of the SOBR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Kazakhstan

Words of deep gratitude and gratitude for courage, resilience and a high sense of responsibility were addressed to the special forces in the speeches of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alexey Orlov, the Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Kazakhstan Baatr Gindeev, the chief federal inspector for the Republic of Kazakhstan Alexander Belyaev, the head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavel Bulkin, the Chairman of the People's Khural Anatoly Kozachko.

Sports society "Dynamo" - 90 years

For many years and fruitful work on the development of the Dynamo movement, propaganda healthy way In his life, Pavel Bulkin, the head of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Kazakhstan, presented the head of the region, Alexei Orlov, with a badge "For strengthening the sports community" from the central council of the Dynamo Society, and commemorative medals - to the heads of various ministries and departmental structures, including the chief bailiff of the republic, Anatoly Taranov.

Changes have been made to the composition of the anti-terrorist commission of the Republic of Kalmykia

Today, the Head of Kalmykia, Alexei Orlov, signed the Decree “On Amendments to the Composition of the Anti-Terrorist Commission of the Republic of Kalmykia, approved by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia dated June 7, 2006 No. 94“ On Measures to Implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2006 No. 116 “On Measures countering terrorism "(as amended on July 6, 2007 No. 107, dated June 7, 2008 No. 113, dated July 1, 2008 No. 126, dated August 26, 2008 No. 152, dated February 13, 2009 No. 21, dated September 30, 2009 No. 270, dated October 26, 2009 No. 341, dated March 5, 2010 No. 73, dated April 18, 2011 No. 67, dated April 19, 2012 No. 48, dated September 20, 2012 No. 123) "(Elista, November 9, 2012, No. 150), according to which the following changes were made:

- Pavel Nikolayevich Bulkin, Head of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kalmykia, was added to the commission.

New head of Kalmykia FSB appointed

According to Vesti-Kalmykia, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing a new head of the FSB department in Kalmykia. Colonel Pavel Bulkin became him.

"Shield and sword" over a great country

In a festive atmosphere, the head of the department, Colonel Pavel Bulkin, congratulated his colleagues. In his welcoming speech, he read out the congratulations of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Director of the FSB of Russia General of the Army Alexander Bortnikov, thanked the personnel for the service, expressed deep gratitude to the veterans, assuring them that worthy officers devoted to serving the Fatherland had come to replace them, as well as dwelled on the significant results of the operational activities of the department.

New head of the FSB of Russia for Kalmykia appointed

By the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Colonel Pavel Bulkin was appointed head of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia.

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