Tatyana Vedeneeva: biography, personal life. Tatyana Vedeneeva: oat broth on an empty stomach is the key to beautiful skin Former husband of Tatyana Vedeneeva - Valery

The famous TV presenter, actress from the movie "Hello, I'm Your Aunt" is different from her sixty-year-old contemporaries. A seemingly elegant, fragile, energetic woman cannot be given more than 40 years. With a height of 175 cm, she weighs only 64 kg. The secrets of harmony and youth lie in her diet.

Tatyana Vedeneeva believes that the contents of the plate are reflected on the face. No Plastic surgery will not be able to help if you eat whatever. The presenter repeatedly repeated that she would never eat a complex sandwich made of bread, butter, sausage, but would prefer a piece of cheese.

Tatiana Vedeneeva's diet is based on several principles:

Food discipline is Tatiana's main principle. She believes that if a woman wants to look good at 60, then it is necessary to monitor the contents in the plate at a young age.

Secrets of youth TV presenter

Diet menu

On one of Elena Malysheva's programs, Tatyana Vedeneeva, as a guest of the program, shared a detailed menu:

  • Breakfast: glass pure water, later - 150 g of green buckwheat or a piece of cheese with a cup of natural coffee, or 200 ml of yogurt.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of fish with vegetables or a bowl of soup.
  • Dinner: a serving of raw vegetable salad.

The diet is very meager, the calorie content is only 720 kcal. But as Tatiana assures, she feels very comfortable and has no health problems. It is possible that the presenter is a little disingenuous and she rarely adheres to such a menu in order to keep herself in shape, or there is a need to lose a couple of kilograms.

Tatyana Vedeneeva is not just an actress. This is the same aunt Tanya, under a soft smile and tales of which more than one generation of young TV viewers fell asleep, and their mothers asked for a haircut "like Vedeneyeva's" in hairdressing salons. Leading festive celebrations and official events considered the darling of those in power. However, behind the angelic appearance was a solid character, and when the political situation in the country changed, Tatiana showed that she could do without television.

Now a woman is a welcome guest in the studios, where the personal life of the stars, and the ways to achieve success in a career, and ways to maintain composure when this success is not, is discussed. In addition, Tatyana Veniaminovna is one of the ten most beautiful faces of Soviet and Russian television.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Veniaminovna Vedeneeva was born on July 10, 1953 in Volgograd. She managed to try herself as a TV presenter, actress and journalist. Since childhood, the future celebrity is accustomed to working hard and hard, and therefore achieves results in life.

Tatyana's parents hoped that their daughter would be a teacher or doctor, but at the age of 14, the girl was already tuned in to study at the theater institute. In 1972, Vedeneeva went to enter the Moscow GITIS, although her mother advised me to start building a creative biography closer to her home - in Saratov.

The girl surprised the selection committee with her choice of repertoire - the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". Despite the frivolity of the proposed number, the examiners ruled in her favor. In her youth, Tatyana begins to take an interest in a career in cinema, but she is remembered by the audience as the host of a children's program.


Tatyana, tall (height - 176 cm), a sophisticated beauty, easily got roles even in her student years. In 1973, in her first year, the girl starred in her debut film Much Ado About Nothing.

An actor who in the future will become no less famous than Tatyana Vedeneeva also took part in the filming of the film.

In the second year of the institute, Vedeneeva starred in the TV series "Police Sergeant" and the drama "Hello, Doctor". A year later, the student got the role of Ella Delei in the film "", which made the actress famous.

Filmmakers of the 21st century have not forgotten Tatyana Veniaminovna. In the melodrama "Three Stars" about young people who inherited a hotel, she became a screen wife. In the comedy "Let the Milky" she played the mother of the main character in the performance. They starred,. The virtuoso pianist also appeared in the frame.


In her student years, Tatyana provides herself independently by participating in the filming of feature films. Vedeneyeva's filmography is replenished with popular works, but the girl decides not to be limited exclusively to cinema, she tries to realize herself in different areas... Soon she was offered leading roles in theatrical productions.

After graduating from the institute, Vedeneeva began to serve in the theater named after. The artist was advised to register in Moscow, since at that time it was very important. But even for the sake of a career, the girl did not want to go to a fictitious marriage, adhering to the principles of mutual love and understanding in relationships. As a result, due to the lack of Moscow registration, Tatyana was left without work.

Vedeneeva returned to the theater stage only in 2009, starting to work in the troupe of the School of Contemporary Play. There, the artist took part in several productions, among which one can note the performances "Russian Jam", "Waltz of the Lonely" and "The Last Aztec".

Tatyana Veniaminovna has repeatedly focused the attention of journalists on theatrical activities. She has repeatedly stated that the greatest difficulty for her in the theater is rehearsals with partners, since for professional career she began to consider herself more of a person belonging to the television world. And television is an individual matter that does not require special intervention from the collective.

In March 2017, the theater “School of Modern Play” hosted the premiere of the play “ROCK-N-ROLL AT SUNSET” with the participation of the actress. Vedeneeva plays several roles at once, transforming into various images. This is a lyrical comedy about 2 lonely dancers, full of tricks, dancing and dressing up. The heroes of the play master sports rock and roll, quarrel, disagree and converge, and eventually become attached to each other. The performer of the leading role in this production sang for the first time.

Tatiana continues to devote more time to the theater. In an interview with media representatives, the Russian actress pointed out the fact that the business is already established and under supervision, and the television and the stage remain for her a stimulus for development, which gives strength to new achievements. With the play "ROCK-N-ROLL AT SUNSET" Vedeneeva confirmed plans to participate in theatrical performances in the future.


When Tatyana Vedeneeva was told that a competition of announcers was being held on television, she immediately decided that she had to try her hand at a new casting. The girl went to lessons with masters who helped to learn a lot of new things in this profession. As a result, the contestant was hired.

Of course, the aspiring TV presenter was not trusted to immediately conduct rating programs, and for a whole year Tatyana worked only on the night air, which took a lot of energy and did not bring any popularity. In addition, Vedeneeva hosted programs that were broadcast exclusively in the Far East.

Gradually Vedeneyeva began to assign programs from the daily broadcasting schedule. She is immediately noticed by the directors of other television programs, offering participation in projects that will help the TV presenter rise to the top of Soviet TV. Soon Tatiana became the host of the "!" The mid-80s is the peak of the journalist's popularity. Vedeneeva becomes the most recognizable media person in the Soviet Union.

Working on television made it clear that envy is an integral part of the profession of a television journalist. The girl realized this truth after a business trip to France. Returning home, Tatyana began to notice the sidelong glances of her colleagues. The activities of the TV presenter were even discussed at a meeting in one of the ministries, where officials approved the decision regarding Vedeneyeva's trips abroad.

In 1993, the TV presenter was fired. As Tatyana herself says, she left of her own free will. Vedeneeva went to England for a medical examination, and since there were many visitors in the queue for the doctor, she called to work and asked for another week of leave, to which she heard: if she did not return on time, she could take things. Returning to her homeland, Tatiana resigned without waiting for any instructions:

“If I had gone to the authorities and asked to come back, they probably would have taken me. But I didn't. It's not in my nature to ask someone for something. "

Soon Vedeneeva, together with her husband, went into business - the production of tkemali sauces. The product became popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world, and the new company was named "Trust B". At the same time, Tatiana hosted children's performances and starred in the film "Merry Tram". After that, the journalist no longer appeared on the screens.

From 1992 to 1999, the couple lived in France. After returning to Russia, Vedeneeva found her name in first place on the list of the country's most popular TV presenters. Tatyana realized that she would remain in the memory of many children and adults for a long time.

Tatyana Vedeneeva on the program "Alone with everyone"

In 2000, the woman decided to resume her television career. Vedeneeva became a co-host in the TV show "Next to You". In 2014, especially the audience remembered straight Talk Tatyana Vedeneeva about her career and life already as a guest on the program "Alone with everyone", which was hosted by Yulia.

Then, for some time, the celebrity could be seen on the Domashny channel, where she hosted an author's program called Tatiana's Day, as well as the Matter of Taste show. For several months on the channel "Russia-1" there was a program "Formula of Love" with her participation. Since the fall of 2013, Tatyana Vedeneeva has been on the First Channel of the host of the program "In Our Time".

In 2016, Tatyana Vedeneeva commented on the appointment of a boxer and deputy of the State Duma, the TV presenter "Good night, kids!" According to her, in order to please children, you need to be sincere, because small viewers feel the world around them differently, instantly recognizing any aggression on a subconscious level.

In the same year, the legend of Soviet television appeared at the Miss Moscow contest. The jury and visitors of the event admired appearance actress, especially noting the long dress of the Malene Birger brand. Despite its age, the 80s style icon looked amazing.

In the Internet space, the operations that Vedeneeva resorted to in order to maintain a youthful appearance were discussed. The result of the interventions was not always successful. Tatyana did not hide that she was doing plastic surgery:

“People are not born with wrinkles and bags under their eyes - they appear with age. They are not something that can be corrected, but even necessary, if there is money for it and if you want to look good and modern. "

Personal life

At first Vedeneeva connected her life with an artist-restorer. In this marriage, a son, Dmitry, appeared. But when the husband began to lean on alcohol, the marriage had to be terminated. Over time, Valery stopped drinking and restored relations with his son.

Dmitry studied to be a writer in England, then returned to Russia, received an economic education, founded a media monitoring company and again left for Foggy Albion. He works, according to a number of sites, on the BBC channel and has plans to become a writer.

In the early 90s, Tatiana hosted the program "Morning", where she talked with businessman Yuri Begalov. At that time, she was married, and the man was in a relationship, raised two children.

Fate brought Tatyana and Yuri together twice more at social events, after which a romance began. After a while, Yuri became the husband of a TV presenter.

Vedeneeva and Begalov have been married for 15 years, 9 of them on the Cote d'Azur. With difficulty, but Tatiana found understanding with the daughters of her beloved man Lana and Natalia. The family broke up in 2009 due to Yuri's betrayals and the appearance of his child on the side. The TV presenter did not close her eyes to this, she generally does not recognize the expression "Fight for love." The former spouses remained good friends and business partners.

In addition to live communication, Tatyana Veniaminovna has another way to communicate with fans - Instagram. On the page on the social network, the TV presenter publishes photos from her vacation, with colleagues and other public figures. Vedeneeva chooses traditional ways to maintain interest in herself, if she demonstrates her figure, then only in exquisite outfits, and not in a swimsuit.

Tatyana Vedeneeva now

Now Tatyana Vedeneeva is busy building her own house in the Moscow region. The TV presenter has lived most of her life in the center of Moscow and finally decided to move to a place where there is silence and clean air. In an interview, the woman said that a century-old marble staircase became part of the interior, which she saved from destruction when the building on Krasnaya Presnya was demolished in the capital.

The actress collaborates with Ekaterina Kretova, Evgeny Kozlov.

It was assumed that the participants in the scenes would appear under their own names, thus, as if reflecting their life, but Vedeneeva called herself Irina Olegovna. According to the plot, the heroine falls in love with a guy who is three times younger, and Tatiana did not want to draw parallels between stage and real life.

“I'm not, after all! For me, an affair with a man who is 20 years old is basically impossible. I can't even imagine such a thing. That is why I do not like the play and all the time I tell the director about it ”.

The artist first met the new 2019 year outside the walls of the house. Tatyana Veniaminovna went to Red Square and, as she later told followers, was a little worried about the large number of people on the streets.

In January, the School of Contemporary Play returned to the renovated building on Trubnaya Square. Tatiana Vedeneeva, like the rest of the troupe, is involved in the gala performance on this occasion “The opening of the theater. The trumpet is calling. "


  • 1974 - "Hello, Doctor!"
  • 1974 - "Police Sergeant"
  • 1975 - "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
  • 1976 - Siberia
  • 1985 - Start over
  • 2013 - Three Stars
  • 2015 - The Milky Way

Tatiana Vedeneeva is familiar to very many - someone remembers her from old films in which she played, someone remembers "Good night, kids!", In which "Aunt Tanya" amused the children for several years. A fit young woman, always looking after herself, always playing her roles perfectly - this is how people remember her.
Now, of course, she is no longer young - she is over fifty. But it is enough to make a request "Tatiana Vedeneeva" in search engines and look at the photo to understand that the years seemed to have passed her by. All the same slender (you can drive in another query "Tatiana Vedeneeva's height and weight" and find out that with a height of 175 cm, Tatiana's weight does not exceed 60 kg), she can be given a maximum of thirty-five. The solution to this phenomenon is simple, and the actress herself easily reveals it (but age, on the contrary, hides it - perhaps it does not want to shock the general public with such an obvious discrepancy).
The secret is simple - the diet of Tatyana Vedeneeva, developed by her independently, has an excellent effect on the body and does not allow it to blur overweight and grow old prematurely.

The first part of the secret is mood and sleep

Vedeneeva's diet includes not only a diet, but also a daily routine. According to her, it is worth sleeping at least eight hours a day, but not more than nine. This allows you to get enough sleep, but not make you sleep too long (sleeping too long is also bad for your health, like constant lack of sleep).
Just as important as sleep is the mood in which you spend the day when you wake up. If you frown and yearn, you will have wrinkles and life will not be easy at all. If you are in a great mood, you do not communicate with people unpleasant to you and do not do anything that would be disgusting to you - the body will thank you with excellent physical condition.

“Imagine that you are wearing a magic cap. - Tatiana herself advises when she is asked about this aspect. - He lets you all the good, and all the bad, on the contrary, repels and scatters. "

She also advises to do more good deeds - what is done is returned, if not by material benefits, then by positive energy, which significantly improves mood and helps to live.

The second part of the secret is nutrition

Of course, if it were only a matter of mood and sleep patterns, no one would call the resulting instruction a diet. But the second part of the secret includes some nutritional tips.

  1. Eliminate fats from your diet. Down with mayonnaise and sauces based on it, fatty meat, butter, bacon and bananas from the table. Avoid potatoes - they are rich in starch. Don't eat fatty fish.
  2. Include plenty of oatmeal in your diet. This is a wonderful porridge that you can eat every morning, it is extremely healthy and does not contain any fats. But there are plenty of vitamins in it.
  3. Don't exclude bread from your diet. Most diets advise to give it up, but Tatyana Vedeneeva does not hide her weakness for bread (a diet is not a reason to give up her favorite food, right?) Does not hide from anyone. Therefore, the bread remains on the table and hardly anyone will be hurt by a couple of toasts at breakfast. Of course, you shouldn't get carried away and eat loaves of bread, but a few slices are allowed. Same good idea- try different types of bread with additives. So, for example, Tatyana Vedeneeva's nutrition includes bread with bran, nuts, dried fruits or sunflower seeds.

This diet is very simple and will help you maintain physical fitness without violence against oneself. Without jogging in the morning, the painful refusal of everything sweet, without trying not to eat bread.
Tatiana Vedeneeva's diet is very humane. Try it and you won't have to regret it.


Since childhood, Tatiana was distinguished by character and hot blood. This, says the actress, is "hello" from the ancestors, among whom are the Don Cossacks. A lively girl at the age of 14, together with her friend, went to a theater group and became seriously interested in theater. Later, she secretly sent a letter to GITIS asking him to tell her about the rules of admission. Oddly enough, the answer came. As soon as a package with assignments was sent from Moscow, the parents were shocked. Dad dreamed of a daughter, a teacher, and mom of a doctor. But Tatiana insisted on her choice.

In 1972 Vedeneeva went to Moscow. For the selection committee of GITIS, the girl prepared a strange repertoire: instead of serious classics, she read The Ugly Duckling. And this, in part, decided her fate, later Tatyana began to tell fairy tales to the whole country.

Actor career

Already in 1973, the freshman starred in her first film. It was the comedy Much Ado About Nothing. The film was played by students of GITIS, namely Alexei Trushkin, Konstantin Raikin, but Alexei Kornev and Boris Ivanov were already famous.

A year later, Vedeneeva appeared in the TV series "Police Sergeant". On the set, she appeared with Oleg Yankovsky. This was followed by the drama "Hello, Doctor".

The finest hour came with the comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt!" in 1975. In the film, the actress played the companion of a millionaire, with whom the main character is in love.

Cinema helped Tatyana Vedeneeva to become financially independent. The student was able to live in a rented apartment, not a hostel.

After the theater, Tatyana Vedeneeva went to work at the Mayakovsky Theater. And here she was told that for the sake of a successful career, something urgent to do with a residence permit.

And the only viable option was a fictitious marriage. But the actress did not attach any importance to this, introduced herself to the troupe and began to patiently wait for the first role. Two months later, the chief director Andrei Goncharov summoned her and scolded her for skimping with registration. Meanwhile, Tatyana believed that a fictitious marriage was unacceptable, and it was possible to create a family only for love. Therefore, she was left without a registration and without a job.

TV career

Quite by chance, Tatiana found out about the competition of announcers on television. Vedeneeva learned about him from a friend. The actress found out that registration was not important there, took a couple of lessons from professionals and Tatiana was accepted. However, Vedeneeva was knocked out of the usual image of the announcer. She barely wore makeup, besides, she was trimmed to look like a boy.

For the first year, the newly-minted TV presenter was trusted only by night broadcasts, since already star announcers refused to work in the dark. In addition, Tatyana appeared only in those programs that were broadcast to the Far East. Therefore, there was no question of fame throughout the country.

A few months later, the presenter was rewarded for her efforts and allowed to work during the day. As soon as the girl got used to it, they began to invite her to other programs, including music and entertainment. Well, later Tatyana Vedeneeva began to broadcast "Good night, kids!"

Well, in the mid-80s, Vedeneeva became the most popular TV presenter of Central Television. Aunt Tanya was loved not only by children, but also by adults. And the sympathy has been preserved for many years.

TV lessons of life

Television showed celebrities what envy and jealousy are. In the late 70s, Vedeneeva was sent on a business trip to France. The French liked the young Soviet presenter, so she was offered to stay for a few days to see Paris.

Upon returning from a hospitable country, Tatiana was awaited by cold looks and pursed lips of her colleagues. Moreover, her colleagues began to publicly discuss it at a meeting of the Minister of Television and Radio Broadcasting. However, the latter stood up for the girl.

Therefore, then Vedeneeva was again sent on business trips abroad. They say this is no coincidence, the presenter really liked Leonid Brezhnev himself. She even hosted one gala concert on his birthday.

Personal life of Tatyana Vedeneeva

The first husband of the presenter was the artist, whose mosaics are in the residence of the Patriarch. And Tatyana Vedeneeva broke up with him for a rather banal reason - alcohol. The couple had a son, Dmitry, and the presenter could not stand the following picture: an eternally running away mother and an ever-drunk dad with a bottle of cognac in his hand.

Tatyana Vedeneeva on video

In the early 90s, Vedeneeva moved to the position of a journalist in the program “ Good morning". Once she interviewed a businessman and owner of an oil company, Yuri Begalov. The young man seemed to Tanya to be very smart and intelligent, but after the shooting he disappeared. And a couple of months later, Yuri reappeared in Vedeneyeva's life. He became a sponsor of the "Step to Parnassus" festival, where the journalist was the presenter.

After the festival, the presenter was given a prize with a funny wording - a 10-day trip to the Canary Islands in a 5-star hotel. The married woman at first refused, and then she made up her mind. It turned out that Yuri Begalov also went to the islands.

However, there was no romance on vacation. At that time, Tatiana was married, and Yuri is not free. The TV presenter did not see any prospects. However, real feelings flared up in Moscow. The couple made an appointment in a cafe and at one point Vedeneeva realized that life without this person is impossible.

In the early 90s, the businessman and the presenter got married. Yuri found a common language with his wife's son, and Tatyana made friends with the businessman's two daughters, although it was difficult.

Own business

In 1993, Vedeneeva was fired from television. According to her, she and her family were vacationing in England and made an appointment with a very important doctor. But then the vacation ended, and it was necessary to return home. The London physician could see only a week later. To Tatyana's question to the head about the postponement, she received a short answer: come or quit. At that moment, the presenter, who had worked without complaints for a decade and a half, took an offense. Why hold onto a seat if you don't need it and cost nothing? Therefore, the girl wrote a statement "on her own." In her heart, Tanya hoped that she would be returned, however, no one called.

As soon as Vedeneeva was left without work, she immediately decided to open her own business. She persuaded her husband to start producing sauces and organic products. This is how the Trest B company appeared.

Tatiana Vedeneeva and Valery Syutkin

Tatiana Vedeneeva diluted this exciting new work with participation in children's television plays. The actress has starred in The Merry Tram and The Little Queen and Others. And more in the 90s on television did not flicker.

Until 1999, Tatiana lived with her husband for seven years abroad, in France. The son studied in England. And upon returning home, I discovered that grown-up boys and girls remember the programs "Good night, kids!" And in the rating of the most popular TV shows, which was published in the late 90s, she was surprised to find her last name in first place.

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