Love compatibility wife horse husband cock. Horse and rooster compatibility in different spheres of life according to the Chinese zodiac

Nata Karlin May 30, 2018, 12:52

Horoscopic Horse and Rooster are a strange couple, whose relationship is built on disharmony. They quickly converge, but also quickly diverge due to inconsistencies in views and constant minor conflicts. To understand why this is happening, you should take a closer look at what the signs are individually.

Representatives of the eastern sign of the Horse are very sociable and curious people. They are attracted by everything new: travel, friends, work

Since the Horse has to spend money to implement plans in life, she is very zealous about money. It is the Horses born in the year, most often hold leadership positions, but also as ordinary employees, they are sociable people. You can't take offense at them for a long time and you always want to listen. A fly in the ointment is added to this barrel of honey by negative character traits, which are expressed by irascibility, sloppiness and a tendency to violent arguments.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are sociable people, but they are able to transform reality in a conversation for the benefit of themselves.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are sociable people, but they are capable of transforming reality in a conversation for the benefit of themselves. Representatives of this sign often act "in public" and are arrogant.

In the year of the zodiac Rooster, people are born who say things in plain text.

In a conversation, they are able to lay out everything they think about the interlocutor. They don't even think they can offend with their statements. Self-confidence in one's abilities and beauty can become a source of depression when constructive criticism of such a person appears. The inexhaustible optimism and support of relatives helps to regain balance.

Many are attracted and forced to come to terms with all the shortcomings in the zodiac Rooster precisely by its positive qualities: the inability to deceive, excellent ability to work, honesty and adherence to principles.

Compatibility horoscope for Horse and Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

The primary stage in the relationship of these two lovers surprises with calmness. While the Horse and the Rooster are passionate about each other, they have nice conversations. But very soon the active Horse will show all its energetic character.

A love relationship will develop well between these two if both make enough effort. They think big, but rarely translate their plans into reality. Since in love relationships they have to face more often than in friendly ones, conflicts for them are not uncommon, and compatibility in this case is lower.

If the Horse, regardless of gender, implements the ideas of the Rooster, in the process of engaging in a common cause, they will not notice each other's shortcomings

Conflicts appear as soon as they start living together. The horse is sloppy and pays little attention to household needs... It is unusual for her to take responsibility for living together, so a clean Rooster will constantly teach her and make comments.

Compatibility in love of these representatives of the zodiac signs is possible only with intensive work on oneself. They should learn to turn a blind eye to their partner's shortcomings. Astrologers say that the Rooster and the Horse are too hot-tempered and aggressive. Any conflict is able to end a successfully developing relationship.

Conflicts between the Horse and the Rooster appear as soon as they begin to live together

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of Horse and Rooster

This strange and disharmonious union has a right to exist if the husband is born in the year of the Horse. He just needs to learn to appreciate the efforts of his partner to preserve the marriage. The Rooster woman rarely bends under the opinion of her partner, but she knows how to realize the needs of her husband. Difficulties in marriage arise when the distribution of responsibilities in everyday life begins.

Horoscopic Rooster is not very fond of housekeeping, but for the sake of the family he can change his habits

In a couple where the wife is a Rooster, sex life plays with bright colors, since she has a good imagination. Difficulties arise due to the fact that a man born in the year of the Horse, more often wants only satisfaction. Moreover, he uses standard methods for this.

For a Horse woman, a marriage relationship can be a true test, since she does not accept the ostentatiousness of her partner. It is up to her to decide whether to stay with such a partner or not, since a man born in the year of the Rooster is not capable of decisive action. In the bed of such a couple rarely agreement is reached, since the Rooster husband has little respect for his chosen one. Here again the Horse will have to take active actions and turn on the imagination.

The Horse woman does not accept the ostentatiousness of the Rooster partner

Friendship between a Horse and a Rooster in the Chinese calendar

Representatives of these two signs are quite capable of being friends for much longer and more productive than being married. Those born in the year of the Rooster and the Horse become excellent companions. But a strong friendship can destroy latent irritation and indifference to each other.

Joint hobbies and hobbies can bring them together.

The inconsistency of characters will prevent them from getting closer, even with frequent communication at joint parties or social events. After all, the zodiac Rooster does not tolerate criticism and objections, and the Horse is too hot-tempered.

At first, the compatibility in the work of the Horse and the Rooster looks quite promising. Especially if in tandem the guy is the Horse, and the girl is the Rooster by year of birth. She gushes with ideas that the man really likes. The Zodiac Horse is ready for action and will gladly undertake to implement projects. A conflict and a break in a business union arises if the Horse begins to behave chaotically and impulsively. This behavior causes criticism and irritation of the Rooster.

The Rooster hates criticism, and the Horse is too hot-tempered

Horse man and Rooster woman compatibility

The combination of a couple, where he is a Horse, she is a Rooster, is quite capable of developing into a stable relationship. It is in such a union that a woman feels herself in her place. The horoscopic Rooster can only come to terms with the extravagant disposition of his partner.

The woman in this pair is an excellent housewife and mother. Her children and husband feel a reverent attitude towards themselves. Rooster wife always proud of and admires the merits of their loved ones... A man born in the year of the Horse in this union can become real support if a woman takes on the responsibilities of the house.

He is not able to perceive criticism in his address, so the Rooster wife will have to tame him only with affectionate words.

It is worth noting that the Horse husband is still not selfish. He will gladly listen to his wife's advice. After all, she has many ideas that can be realized in everyday life and business. Happiness and compatibility in this union is possible if a woman takes on the role of a peacemaker. She will have to use female tricks to curb her partner.

The Rooster wife will have to tame her Horse husband with affectionate words

Horse woman and Rooster man compatibility

What to expect from the union, where she is the Horse, he is the Rooster, according to the eastern horoscope? This is a complex relationship, when partners can hardly get along in the same area. In most cases compatibility is possible only for the first time while the passion lasts.

For the Horse woman, the Rooster man is a kind of relative who constantly teaches her the right actions. Any quarrel begins with a straightforward statement from a man., which issues claims without much selection of phrases. She pouts, and the conflict flares up.

Horse Girl lacks the sense of devotion from Rooster Guy

The Horse Girl does not feel that the Rooster guy is a devoted partner. In her opinion, he is not able to share her aspirations and views on life. For him, such a companion is too active and not very economical. Compatibility is only possible if the woman learns to respect the man and stops playing the role of Xena the Warrior.

Compatibility of signs woman Rooster and man The horse is rather strange and, in rare cases, successful. Having often met each other on their way, these people quickly converge and just as quickly disperse. A couple learns all sorts of extremes and it is very difficult to find harmony, balance and mutual understanding.

The Horse man and the Rooster woman are not combined in the best way. Relationships have very slim chances. At first, the Horse man will attract the Rooster woman with his ebullient, active nature and courageous character. Since in moments of inspiration he is capable of even more active and effective actions, then, being carried away by a bright Rooster woman, he will almost certainly make the most favorable impression.

In everyday life, and this is very important, these two differ quite a lot. Cock show and superficiality will infuriate a pragmatic, practical Horse man. The extremely low flexibility of both partners will also not play into the hands of their union - it is difficult for them to compromise and put themselves in the shoes of their beloved. In general, these two are unlikely to be able to harmoniously "get used" to each other.

Horse man and Rooster woman in love

A Horse man and a Rooster woman rarely have a successful compatibility, if we talk about the prospect of a long relationship that grows into marriage. As a rule, they have great short romances without commitment, but when they start to look at it seriously, contradictions are revealed that lead to separation.

One of the few factors that can keep them together is overall project work. The Rooster woman has many ideas, but she extremely rarely embodies them, because she does not have sufficient open-mindedness and confidence. If you infect a Horse man with such an idea, he will light up and help. Of course, he will have to correct a lot, make him more viable, but he will be interested in it, which means it will be a joy.

The Horse man is an excellent figure, and the Rooster woman is an excellent organizer, so work on a common project, especially a large-scale one, will unite them and smooth out everyday conflicts. Speaking about the latter, it should be noted that they are inevitable: the Horse man is not neat enough by the standards of the Rooster woman, he lacks organization. Of course, he should try, but she needs to be softer, not criticize, but learn to enjoy the little things.

Horse man and Rooster woman in a relationship

The first period in a relationship can be quite enjoyable. The Horse man is energetic and active, which makes a pleasant impression on the Rooster woman, who is used to thinking big, but rarely realizes at least part of her plan. She has a lot of ideas, but, as a rule, they are far from reality. In this context, the Horse man can be quite useful. Undoubtedly, at first, the Rooster girl will try to embody her conceivable and inconceivable ideas through the Horse man.

For a positive development of events, it is very important that the Rooster woman is able to close her eyes to the impetuosity and sloppiness of the Horse man, his selfish manifestations and obstinate behavior. He, in turn, needs to stop taking at his own expense her constant nagging and criticism.

By showing more flexibility, the Rooster girl will be able to maintain a pleasant relationship. The Horse man will become a support for her, provided that she takes over the management of household affairs and learns to enjoy the little things, instead of expressing dissatisfaction. The Rooster woman can influence many processes if she learns to control a man like a woman, taming aggression and transferring it into a peaceful creative channel.

It is not so simple, but it is through this behavior and perception that the Rooster woman will be able to build deep relationships in marriage with the Horse man. It is important for them to learn to trust and give in. Remember that everything is possible - there would be a desire.

Horse and Rooster compatibility, marriage

If a man-Horse and a woman-Rooster enter into marriage, then the relationship between them will be open and sincere. This couple will have a nice home filled with hospitality. The Horse man is distinguished by sentimentality and sensitive character. The Rooster Woman, on the contrary, is a very earthly and straightforward lady. The compatibility of the male Horse and the female Rooster depends on the commonality of views on the world around them. This marriage is dominated by passion and romance. Perhaps for this reason, sincere love between the couple soon passes. In place of feeling comes a senseless battle for leadership.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of people belonging to these signs is fraught with some problems. In a relationship, harmony is constantly disturbed due to the similarity of the negative sides of the character of partners.

The Horse and the Rooster have really complex personalities. Compromise is very difficult for them, especially when you have to admit that you are wrong. These people will constantly conflict and try to break out to dominant positions. For them, the best option would be to destroy the union, rather than try to keep it.

People who were born in the Year of the Horse are great companions and companions, they really like to communicate with people. But when it comes to intimate relationships between a man and a woman, problems arise.

Horses are impulsive, independent and can be indifferent to someone else's opinion. It is very difficult to get along with them for a Rooster, who does not tolerate objections. In response, the Horse will not remain silent and return the blow - this will begin a new conflict.

General information about the compatibility of these two signs of the eastern horoscope

The compatibility of these people is really a weird thing. It often happens that such an alliance develops in an instant, but also quickly collapses. This is due to the inability to find mutual understanding and balance in relationships.

From the very beginning, this union can look pretty good. The Horse is an active and active person, therefore, it can impress the Rooster, who is accustomed to thinking grandiosely, although he always lacks the strength to implement his own ideas, because the Rooster's ideas can very rarely be matched with reality.

In such a context, the Horse that is nearby can be useful, since at the very beginning it will help him to realize all possible and even impossible projects.

A person born under the sign of the Horse is a very enthusiastic person, and if the ideas of the Rooster are of interest to her, she can go deep into joint activities. It must be said that in a large-scale sense, such a similarity of interests can make relations stronger, and even everyday disagreements will not interfere with this.

Naturally, the Horse will have to come to grips with adapting a lot of what the Rooster will offer her, but she will definitely cope with it. As long as both partners have serious and connecting affairs, all problems and other small difficulties will recede into the background. The Rooster will take up the organization of the process, and the Horse will embody it in reality.

The positive plan for the development of such relationships will have to be corrected in the area that is related to family happiness, because it will appear only when the Rooster stops getting angry at some of the Horse's slovenliness and bright impulses, at her selfishness and obstinacy. Horses need to stop taking criticism from the Rooster to seemingly nonsense to heart.

A negative plan for the development of the relationship between the Horse and the Rooster will take shape in the absence of concessions, trust and an idea that connects partners. Both have an explosive temperament, which there is no one to tame, they must do this themselves. Pure passion will not be able to maintain such a union for long - for this there must be a platform based on balance. By reinforcing the relationship with interaction, partners will definitely preserve the union.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Rooster man and Horse woman

This is a very difficult combination, it will be difficult for such people to live together in the same territory. As a rule, the beginning of a relationship is laid by an insane passion, which then fades away, like the relationship itself.

In such a pair, a woman will treat a man more like a relative, constantly pouring out instructions. The straightforward Rooster expresses all his claims to his partner directly in the forehead, followed by resentment on her part and an inevitable conflict.

The Horse does not at all perceive the Rooster as a reliable man who shares its goals and outlook on life. He does not want to live his whole life with an overly business-like and active person.

This marriage will last only on the basis of mutual love and respect of partners. If the Horse is constantly in a belligerent mood, most likely they will part.

Horse man and Rooster woman

These partners are more compatible in both love and marriage. The woman will feel at ease, but it will take time for her to come to terms with the explosive nature of the man. The Rooster Woman is a wonderful hostess, she loves children and her husband very much, always gives them her admiration and is proud of any achievements of family members.

The Horse man in this family is able to turn into a reliable support only in one case - if the wife is fully engaged in all household chores and activities. The role of a woman will be quite heavy, since the Horse absolutely does not tolerate criticism in his address, and he will have to calm him down with gentle persuasion, soft words and other tricks inherent in the female sex.

However, the man here is not at all egoistic, because he will always listen with sincere interest to all the thoughts and ideas of his wife. The most successful of them, he will gladly translate into reality at work or in everyday life.

Happiness in this union will appear, as well as in the first version, with the calmness and balance of the wife.

If she really loves a man, she will be able to pacify his character, which will make the Horse and Rooster family just perfect.

Cons of the union

  • The independence of the Horse may be more important to her than the preservation of the family.
  • The Rooster's quick temper leads to constant quarrels and angry attacks.
  • Competition of spouses and their refusal to interact.
  • There is a risk of hobbies on the side. Probably serious.

Sex compatibility

The sexual union of these partners will be wonderful. It is indeed a very important area of ​​life for each of them, despite the fact that both the Rooster and the Horse value spiritual closeness very highly.

Here, everything can be influenced by the type to which the Horse partner belongs: he can be both very energetic in terms of sex, and a rather passive conservative. In the latter case, the relationship with the Rooster in the intimate sphere will definitely work out, because he is a connoisseur of traditional sex.

If the first option is more likely, and the rooster has got a too passionate person as a partner, most likely, soon it will not be enough for her alone.

However, each of these partners will not abandon the relationship on the side, most likely this can happen during a period of quarrels and conflicts. However, in general, according to the horoscope, the sexual union of the Horse and the Rooster is very good. It will be built, first of all, on tenderness, aesthetics and mutual inspiration.

Friendship compatibility

The Rooster and the Horse have a friendly compatibility. A man and a woman can also become friends. In some cases, such a union will be even stronger than love or marriage. People belonging to these signs are able to create a friendly bond, but they will not become best friends: conflicting characters will interfere. In such a friendship, you can often notice a touch of indifference and some secrecy between partners.

Compatibility can manifest itself in hobbies, joint interests, or socializing in a secular environment. These aspects will be able to unite the Rooster and the Horse, but not create a strong friendship, it will remain superficial. These people will sometimes spend time together, meet at social events, but they will not be able to really get close.

Business Compatibility

In the beginning, such a business partnership will look quite promising. The rooster has many ideas and plans. Yes, perhaps not all of them can be implemented, but they are. This variety appeals to Horses.

She wants action all the time and she is ready to carry out the plans of the Rooster. Most likely, a business union will come to a break if the impulsiveness and instability of the Horse begins to dominate in the relationship. The fact that the partner does not trust her, she takes for passivity. All this will lead to mutual criticism and irritability in the relationship.

Percentage compatibility

  • Love compatibility: 80%.
  • Marriage compatibility: 70%.
  • Friendship compatibility: 50%.
  • Sex compatibility: 90%.
  • Business compatibility: 60%.

At the very beginning, the Rooster may be very interested in the Horse, which is capable of implementing all his plans. If they have joint affairs, the union will become strong. If everything goes differently, the prognosis is not very favorable.

In addition, the Rooster will have to come to terms with the Horse's frivolous attitude to life, and it is better for her to learn how to cope with the flow of criticism coming from a partner.

Compatibility of a woman Horse and a man Rooster is hardly possible, since these people are too different. It so happens that when they meet, they quickly get closer, but also quickly separate. It is too difficult for them to achieve balance, harmony and understanding together.


The first phase of a relationship can be quite normal. The Horse woman is energetic and active, which will make a pleasant impression on the Rooster man, since he is used to thinking big, but far from always accomplishing his plans. He has a lot of ideas, but they are often unrealistic. And in this sense, the Horse that is nearby will be able to help him and through her he will want to realize all his possible and impossible projects.

The Horse woman is an addicted nature and if she finds meaning for herself in the ventures of this man, then, most likely, she will take up their common affairs closely. In a global sense, the unification of interests can become a strengthening moment, despite the different views in the conduct of everyday life.

Most of the Horses suggested by the Rooster will have to be adjusted to real conditions, but this will not be difficult for her. While the couple will be engaged in important uniting matters, minor problems and difficulties will be resolved by themselves. The Rooster will become the strategist organizing the process, and the Horse will begin to implement it.

Two options for the development of relations

The best option for the development of relations is possible if the Rooster man forgives the Horse for her impetuosity, slovenliness, obstinacy and selfish habits. And the Horse, in turn, will not react too violently to the constant nagging and criticism of the Rooster because of every little thing. If they work on themselves, then their union will be happy.

The worst case for the development of their relationship will develop if the partners do not learn to give in to each other, trust and they do not have a common goal. Each of them has an explosive temperament that they will have to tame on their own. Not a single union will last only on passion, therefore it is necessary to build a balanced solid foundation. Close interaction of partners will allow you to overcome all life barriers.

In this union, the fact of the presence of an important internal component of the Rooster man will play an important role, or rather, whether the Horse woman will be able to consider her. Not seeing his talents, the Horse woman will very quickly end the relationship. However, if she can appreciate and respect the Rooster man, then love and marriage are likely to work out well.

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The compatibility of the Horse and the Rooster in love according to the Chinese horoscope is quite problematic, so their union is unlikely to be successful. The difference in views and life aspirations makes the representatives of the signs constantly conflict, figuring out who is right and who is wrong. Only a common goal can unite partners, to which the Horse and the Rooster will strive equally.

Horse characteristic

People born in the year of the Horse in the horoscope are smart, energetic and not deprived of talents. They are always in the center of events and have their own judgment about everything. The most significant drawback of representatives of the sign is the rejection of someone else's point of view, if it does not completely coincide with their own. In friendship, people of the sign are extremely sympathetic, and in love, they are passionate and reckless. Men of the year are sociable and kind, and women are self-confident and independent.

Elemental influence

Under the influence of one of the five elements, the classic characteristics of the representatives of the sign can change. Thus:

  1. People born in the Metal Year (1930, 1990) are bold, determined and straightforward. They hate any encroachment on freedom and can give the offender a serious rebuff.
  2. The aquatic representatives of the sign (1942, 2002) are friendly and cheerful. In their desire to achieve their plans, they are able to move mountains.
  3. Under the influence of the Tree (1954, 2014), generous and magnanimous personalities are born. They are loved by friends and respected by acquaintances.
  4. The Red Fire Horse (1906, 1966) is an extraordinary nature. In the East, people born in the years of fire were feared and respected. It is the fiery representatives of the sign that double all their qualities of character, which can be turned both for good and for harm.
  5. Under the influence of the Earth (1918, 1978), honest, wise and careful people are born. They are extremely talented, but overly humble.

Rooster traits

People with the year of the Rooster in the horoscope are brave, fair and know how to empathize. Representatives of the sign are not used to reaching into their pockets for a word and are often tactless. They do not tolerate dullness and uniformity, therefore they always look bright and even somewhat defiant. People of the sign are rather naive, therefore they often become victims of scammers. Men of the year are gallant and witty, and women are sociable and charming.

Elemental influence

Taking into account the influence of the controlling element, the characteristics of the people of the year are as follows:

  1. Metal representatives of the sign (1921, 1981) are responsible and persistent, but sometimes they are unjustifiably harsh.
  2. In the year of the reign of Water (1933, 1993) energetic, purposeful and eloquent people are born.
  3. Wooden representatives of the sign (1945, 2005) are caring, sensitive and versatile enough.
  4. In the Years of Fire (1957, 2017), strong-willed and purposeful individuals are born.
  5. Under the influence of the elements of the Earth (1909, 1969), hardworking, persistent and ambitious personalities are born.

Horse man and Rooster woman

The compatibility of the signs male Horse and female Rooster is very low, but there are many such unions. Some of them are born quickly and die just as quickly, others successfully exist for a long time.


Despite the huge gap in outlooks on life, the Rooster woman for the Horse man still has a place in her heart. The girl is unlikely to remain indifferent to the energetic and active guy, from whom she expects protection and support. A man with the Year of the Horse in the horoscope will lose his head when he meets the attractive and spectacular young lady of the Rooster. The romance of the representatives of the signs will be bright and will bring them a lot of good impressions, however, this will last exactly as long as the lovers do not intend to legitimize their relationship, imposing appropriate obligations on themselves.


In bed with the representatives of the signs, not everything will go smoothly either. The woman with the Year of the Rooster in the horoscope is a famous inventor and lover of sexual experiments. To a practical guy, all the delights of a mistress will seem strange and excessive. Taking into account such inconsistencies in views on sex, one of the partners will have to give in.


In marriage, representatives of the signs will face many conflicts and misunderstandings. The first thing that catches the eye of a young lady who loves order is the slovenliness of her soulmate. A woman who loves to criticize will certainly point out to a man all his shortcomings, but she is unlikely to achieve anything by this. In addition, a representative of the strong half of humanity does not like to do housework, so his wife should be ready to shoulder absolutely all household chores, both female and male, on her fragile shoulders.

Trying to change her faithful, the wife will tirelessly teach him, which will turn him against herself. If problems with the choice of the head of the family are added to all this, in whose place both spouses will apply, the marriage will soon come to an end. To save the sinking family boat, partners will have to forget about their fervor and sit down at the negotiating table, and the wife, as a more flexible member of the family, should play a decisive role in finding a compromise. If the representatives of the signs manage to agree, then, despite the poor compatibility in marriage, they will be able to live together happily ever after.

Male Rooster and female Horse

A pair of a woman Horse and a man Rooster refers to the unions of signs that have a rather low level of compatibility. The partners are too different, their views on life are radically opposite. A freedom-loving and independent lady will be uncomfortable living with a simple and rather critical man who, moreover, wants to gain unconditional power over her.


As for the sexual life of partners, its quality depends on the sincerity of the lovers' feelings. Representatives of signs primarily value spiritual closeness, if they have it, there should be no problems in bed. In addition, the Horse woman belongs to the young ladies with good sexuality and a rich imagination, and therefore can surprise her lover.


Many disappointments await the spouses in marriage. Having lived for some time with her husband under the same roof, the wife will understand that he is not as unusual as he seemed to her at the beginning of the relationship. In addition, his desire to manage his wife and excessive criticism will discourage the young lady from any desire to be married to him.

A conservative man will be annoyed by the impulsive nature of his wife and her extravagant ideas. Yet his attempts to somehow restrain his wife will be a failure. In the end, each of the spouses will be ready to break off the annoying relationship.

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