Brain fitness games. Develop intelligence and logic: fitness for the brain

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Our brains are lazy and clumsy. If you load him with the same type and familiar tasks, he quickly becomes "dull" and loses the ability to act quickly. The gears in the head start spinning more slowly and with a creak.

website found 15 sites where there are many different brain trainers. With the help of tasks, exercises and games, today we will train memory, tomorrow logic. And we will get a beautiful and fit mind.

Wikium suggests that you first be tested and determine the quality of your memory, thinking, attention. Based on these results, you get a training program. Again, there is a paid tier, where more features are promised.

This site greets us with the phrase: "There are no people with bad memory. There are people who do not know how to use it." By doing simple exercises, you can develop memory, get skills in memorizing numbers, words and texts, develop attention and creative thinking. The site also has small articles with useful tips.

On the site, you can test your memory and take online training of attention, concentration, reaction and other brain functions using programs and games. There is a detailed theoretical part about what the brain is and how to keep it in good health.

There is only one brain trainer on this site - the N-back problem. This is an exercise that improves operative ("working") memory, improves mobile intelligence, and optimizes the speed of thinking. The essence of the game: the user sees the squares in the cells of the matrix and hears the letters. In this case, it is necessary to determine and indicate whether the presented image met on n-positions (1, 2, 3 ...) back.

The games posted on this site are designed to train memory, speed, flexibility of thinking, and computational skills. Before you start training, you will need to determine those capabilities of the mind that you want to develop in the first place. This will determine the choice of exercise for your training.

Another site with logic games, puzzles, memory exercises and mindfulness puzzles. The motto is "Boost Your Brain".

On the site "Entertaining Pedagogy" there is an interesting test, passing which, you can determine the age of your brain.

This is a site about the capabilities of the human brain and the development of intelligence. Here they talk about how our head works, how everything works there, and give advice on how to speed up this work. For example, there is an article "How to improve short-term memory", logic puzzles and much more.

Online game to develop the speed of the account. There are several modes: training, where time is not counted; marathon - you need to answer 20 questions as quickly as possible; unmistakable, where the game lasts as much as two minutes, but no mistakes can be made, and others.

Hiking in gym, morning jogging, lifting weights in gyms help our body to maintain sports uniform make a person strong, healthy and visually attractive. The human brain needs similar training, it must be constantly kept in good shape, developing and improving cognitive abilities: attention, logical thinking, memory, accuracy of actions, speed of perception and processing of information, its comprehension.

Brain training

The above training process does not talk about frequent watching TV series, hours of spending time in in social networks and other similar situations. The quality of thinking and even the duration of a human life depends on the efficiency of the brain. The development of such abilities makes a person more successful, allows you to quickly analyze the situation and make the right decisions. Increase brain activity will allow you to quickly find a way out of any situation, analyze and work it out.

Brain fitness for the brain originated in the United States about 30 years ago. Initially, it was a method for the rehabilitation of people with various diseases, on the basis of which it was possible to obtain a clear picture of the state of mind at the current moment in time, for which biological feedback was used.

Since then, this area has begun to actively develop, millions of dollars are invested in it by the American government every year. With the help of this method, such pathological conditions as depression, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches and hyperactivity are successfully treated today.

Mind Fitness Website - Simple and Affordable

If the application of this technique helped only sick people, it is possible that its application would be known only in narrow circles with limited access to such information. Modern psychology has long adopted the use of such approaches, and mind training began to be actively used for various groups of people.

Based on statistical data, only 10-11% of people manage to do all the previously planned tasks during the working day. More than half of working people suffer from forgetfulness, many have difficulty communicating and conveying their point of view to others. In all of the above situations, brain fitness is able to provide real help.

With Wikium you can organize the process of brain training (brain fitness) according to an individual program

The application of this method will help to achieve desired result... A person can gain practical skills in the following situations:

  • achieving success;
  • career advancement;
  • planning life situations;
  • correct analysis of what is happening around.

This is just a short list of what to strive for. In fact, you can get significantly more results that exceed all your expectations.

Fitness for the brain allows you to effectively and in short time develop logical thinking, enhance mindfulness, strategic and analytical capabilities.

Fitness for the brain over a cup of coffee. Online puzzles

1. Exercise "Constellations". The task is to unravel all the stars in the constellation and their lines do not have any intersections. You can change the location of the stars an unlimited number of times.

2. The "hit the hole with the ball" puzzle. The task is to get the ball into the hole, and it moves, only to the obstacle. You can control the ball with the help of arrows, there are no restrictions on moves and time.

3. Connection puzzle. The player needs to draw a continuous line through all empty cells of the square. The beginning of the movement is associated with the first mouse click. The line moves until it reaches the obstacle. You can always start the level again.

4. Exercise "Chain Reaction". All figures in a square in the exercise should be marked with a cross, and each next figure in the chain must repeat the previous one in color and shape.

5. Puzzle "Fifteen". One of the oldest puzzles in the development and modeling of algorithms. Back in the 19th century, this exercise was used to train the brains of both adults and children. The goal is to line up randomly scattered chips with numbers in strict order.

6. Exercise "Jumping". The task is to clear the field of cubes.

7. Mahjong. Chinese sages created a puzzle like a simulator nervous system... In addition, exercise helps to build patience and stamina. It is necessary to remove the tiles in pairs.

8. Puzzle "Falling balls". In the game, a person must collect balls of the same color together. Each level can be completed several times. Exercise helps develop mindfulness.

9. Puzzle "Sweep". This is a task, first of all, on ingenuity. It is necessary to remove the required number of red shapes in three clear movements. Only three strokes are allotted to solve the problem.

10. Exercise "catch the cat". You should surround the animal, preventing it from escaping. One move is given to the player, the other to the cat. Victory is awarded when the cat is surrounded on all sides.

11. Puzzle "Free road". The player must clear the virtual road and move the piece to the exit. The difficulty of the task increases from level to level.

Solving puzzles on a regular basis will allow you to perfect your brain activity, and at no cost.

Fitness for the Brain - that's what I called this article, because it will talk about how to train your cognitive brain functions. It is obvious to me that for self-improvement it is important to train your brain with the help of various exercises, thanks to which it develops: memory, attention, thinking, reaction speed, concentration, intuition, etc. To date, thanks to high technologies, a project has been created that makes smart games for brain development.

This program was developed jointly with scientists from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and clinical psychologists from well-known Moscow clinics. It uses gaming technologies based on the most effective techniques development of cognitive functions of foreign and domestic researchers.

Fitness for the brain will be useful at any age: it will help children and adolescents develop memory, increase intelligence and reach new heights in the learning process. For middle-aged people, cognitive training increases work capacity, attention and working memory. In old age, they keep mental work at a high level.

Fitness for the brain with BrainApps

I present to your attention "BrainApps"- smart games to develop your brain.

A few months ago I signed up for "BrainApps" and began to do a workout almost every day with the help of games that this company developed.

What is interesting every day the program offers to play different games and from simple to more complex to move through the levels developing your brain. Within a few weeks, I noticed the first results. For example, he began to memorize phone numbers from the first time, read faster and easier to assimilate and memorize information. There is a feeling that these games form new neural connections and the brain starts to work more efficiently every day!

Here are the skills these games develop.

The word "fitness" is associated with physical exercise, now it is fashionable, and every year more and more people start to go in for sports, physical education, go to gyms.

However, there is still fitness and for the brain... "What is it?" - you ask. Fitness for the brain- these are regular mental (intellectual) loads, interesting tasks and developmental games that help maintain flexibility and health of mind until a ripe old age.

Brain fitness program

How to Maintain a Healthy Mind and Body? The answer is simple, the least you should do is exercise your body and brain in the morning. Exercise for the brain wakes up your brain and activates it for the whole day. The principle of operation is comparable to a simple charge consisting of physical exercise, which give a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Combining exercise for the brain with exercise for the body can not only prolong life, but also significantly improve the quality of your life right now.

As a warm-up in the morning, you can use special brain games developed together with Russian scientists.

But that's half the battle. If you want to be successful in something, then it is better to undergo training according to a special program. Here are some of them (and immediately after them):

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

Purpose of the course: to develop memory and attention in a child so that it would be easier for him to study at school, so that he could better memorize.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to memorize texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of remembering the necessary information will increase

Brain fitness secrets, train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practice session from advance.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read books, articles, mailings, etc. that are of interest to you very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With the synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception amplified many times! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

Speeding up verbal counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, percent calculation, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Verbal counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deeper into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and invest it in the future.

Online games for brain fitness

We offer several powerful brain fitness games. You can play some of them right on this page!


Memory Matrix game

  1. Develops memory capacity
  2. Improves visual memory
  3. Improves spatial memory

Immediately after the start, a field with several filled cells will appear on the screen. In 3 seconds, you need to remember which cells are painted over, and click on them when the field is cleared. With almost every successful round, the field expands. The more cells you need to memorize, the more efficiently the memory develops and the more points are earned. The first results will be after 10 minutes of the game.

Game "Stroop's Challenge - Reboot"

For example, to begin with, I would like to advise the game "Stroop's Problem - Reboot". The goal of the game is that you will need to choose 1 out of 2 proposed cards after determining whether the name of the color on the first one converges with the color on the second one. You will be able to pass without a single mistake by showing good time? Let's try!

Entertainment site

site - an entertainment site dedicated to fitness for the brain with a cloud of games, simulators and developmental exercises. Our site gives you the opportunity to keep your brain active and flexible through your games. Yes, that's right, games. They also develop various skills such as: Memory, Verbal counting, thinking, orientation, reaction, logic, attention and much more.

We also offer the site of our partner where you can find many interesting games satisfying your taste:

Just as great fitness for the brain reading philosophical books, where you need to think and analyze a lot, and in combination with speed reading this practice just blows the brain :-)

Piggy bank game

I can not resist not to advise you the game "Piggy bank" from the same site on which you need to register, specifying only your E-mail and password. This game will be able to suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 boxes, in which the amount of coins is the greatest. Will you be able to show an excellent result? We are waiting for you!

Workout over a cup of coffee

WITH brain fitness site... You can develop even with a cup of coffee. Workout over a cup of coffee what could be better? Is not it? The playful form of fitness will help you distract from other activities, fitness for the brain will become your entertainment, which will help the development of your brain, individual qualities such as: Logic, observation, attentiveness, coordination, memory and much more. Workout with a cup of coffee can be in a cafe, at work, and at home. With your smartphone, laptop or tablet, you can exercise whenever you want.

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

I present an excellent game "Mathematical Comparisons", with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question associated with a picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How many can you answer?

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