Second Olympic gold! The women's national biathlon team of Belarus won the relay. One step away from medals

Italy won the women's relay in Hochfilzen. Russia did not reach the podium.

Hochfilzen (Austria). Stage of the World Cup. Women. Relay race
1.Italy (Vittozzi, Rungaldier, Wierer, Sanfilippo) - 1: 10.58.7 (0 + 3)
2. Sweden (Persson, Brursson, Nilsson, Oberg) - 8.4 (0 + 9)
3. France (Chevalier, Simon, Emonier, Bescon) - 11.8 (0 + 8)
4.Russia (Pavlova, Yurlova-Perkht, Vasnetsova, Starykh) - 47.2 (0 + 6)
5. Belarus (Alimbekova, Krivko, Sola, Kruchinkina) - 1.13.4 (0 + 4)
6. Norway (Knotten, Eckhoff, Lanmark Tandrevold, Ulsbu-Roisland) - 1.24.4 (2 + 11)

Six additional rounds prevented the Russian national team from interfering in the fight for medals in women's relay at the World Cup in Hochfilzen. To fight for the awards, the Russian women had to shoot something like the biathletes from the Italian national team, who became the first with three additional rounds.

Debutante Slaughter

At the first stage coaching staff put, which only in this season made her debut in the main team. And in the debut relay at the World Cup, she had to become a butcher. From the current national team, the first stage could have run, but she finally lost her form.

Pavlova coped with her task. Before the first shooting, she was not torn anywhere, stayed in the group of the strongest in fifth place, cleanly shot prone and went the third distance. True, she came to the second shooting with a slight lag behind the top three and could not do without a miss.

Veteran in the role of catch-up

But one additional cartridge in the first relay race at this level in his career is a completely normal indicator. In the final segment of the distance, Pavlova tried to keep the speed of the leaders, but in the last 500 meters she lost a little.

Anya Sola, Skardino, Domracheva, their opinion about the cat Basilio, that is, Korolkevich is nothing in comparison with the opinion of the really greats.
And this, for a minute, and Vilukhin, and Starykh, and, for sure, someone else.

thanks for the hint. I wouldn't even remember about her.

for the successful introduction of youth into battle, one needs a very serious experience and grandmaster control.
As for the Germans, only Dahlmeier “took off” out of a whole group of girls as a whole, so the same Belarusians got a slip with Anya Sola. Anya, at 19, successfully debuted on the KM in the relay immediately after a number of excellent performances at the KIBU 2 years ago, then she was literally pulled from the KIBU to the KM.
But then something did not work out at all during the offseason with Korolkevich, and so far she is only a pale copy of herself 2 years ago.
Although she is considered more promising and this summer she trained with the first team, while Alimbekova - with the second team.

zakol, and who is poisoning them?

Khinskiy, of course, and I have thoughts about the race, what helped some, what prevented others, but my team is much more interesting to me.

I've been talking about coaches since I first appeared here on the site. I just disgust the persecution of our young coaches, arranged by the fans under the guidance of Gu.

WITH THE VICTORY OF YOUR HOCKEYS! Also to kick these turkeys-Canadians the skin and then already NIRVANA!

zakol, I have something to argue with, but somehow we moved away from the blog topic.
There is such a holiday for Belarus, and we are with our problems.))
This is not the first time I am convinced that the fate of the relay is decided at the 3rd stage. Even such a genius biathlete as Domracheva needs to bring a comfortable gap.
And everyone's heart was pounding when Dinara Alimbekova entered the race. And she did it.
But in their own objective indicators it is far from the best, even at the KE level.
And remember Merkushina in the Hochfilzen relay, when at the 3rd stage she also raised her team from 3rd to 2nd place. And also, after all, she is far from the strongest in comparison with her rivals.

In this regard, I would like to say about that component of any sport, which is almost never talked about.
This is trust and coaching feeling. What is not in our team. The first mistake and you are already in disgrace. Our path from KM to internal starts is the shortest and you can wait for a return return for more than one year.
I'm not talking about the chuyka.

chaotic, Corinne Niogre became an OCH at age 19.

Bravissimo, Belarus! No words how wonderful!

The Swedes are great. Pichler deservedly receives premium bonuses. So in four years, practically from scratch, prepare a team! Yes, they are no longer randomly shooting upstarts, they are serious rivals in the elite. I admire.

And how pale we look against the background of all this. Now I am convinced that neither Yurlova, nor Shipulin, nor Tsvetkov would have changed the situation. So simple, hope is the last to die.

Well, soon we'll see what our miracle trainers will do in the last stages of the KM. It has never been so interesting ...

Khinskiy, are you hinting that I cut off Sentsov's phrase? But the two quotes differ only by the word "Known." This does not change the meaning a single gram. But that's all you are. Another problem is that you see in the phrase only banality about development.

Earlier I was accused of being against the youth. Now I am unnecessarily drowning for the youth? I don’t know how much is included in Reztsova, but so far I don’t see that, even at a decent level, she is progressing relative to her best peers. I don’t know what level it will reach. I want to be very tall, you want her not to overtake Kaisheva.

I am not a magician and cannot see the inherent possibilities from the couch. I can only see serious restrictions on the path of development. The wizard is you. How else did you see an athlete of the Forsberg level? Now you have to accuse the whole world of intrigues against this athlete. And everything is much simpler.

I agree, Dinara Alimbekova is an Olympic baby with an iron character, she got all the title ones at her stage in bad weather!

Dinara Alimbekova, if I'm not mistaken, also became the youngest Olympic champion in biathlon. She turned 22 in January.
Neuner's first win was at 23.

By the way. You shouldn't be driving on Gu. Everything is relative.
You just haven't heard our Belarusian collective farm commentators. Gu, against their background, is just an academician. Match TV is not shown in Belarus and is blocked on the Internet. All of our people are looking for how and where to watch biathlon with him.

Experienced, this means that the Bulbash were lucky, and they will be moved to the 4th-5th legal place in the near future

Congratulations to the Belarusian team and its fans!

Well done brothers-Slavs!

PS. It's amazing how else there was no GU in the pictures with the champions
As it turned out, he already lit up with a selfie.

Congratulations to the girls and all the fans! A mind-blowing race, but we did it, we won! All the girls are smart, but the third stage is three times smart!

1. Congratulations to the team. GOOD MEN! With a harrractor, victory.
2. Now for the sharp-tongued "doping scandal" I understand and Dasha - well, AIT, well, AIT. Precisely Hades, damn it.

Well done girls! They brought joy to the people of Belarus and Russia.
PS. It's amazing how else there was no GU in the pictures with the champions.

well done Bulbashka). very happy for the girls and Dalen

zakol, they ate Polkhovsky in vain, it would have been better than that of Pichler with the Swedes.

zakol, in juniors in the 14-15 season, Kaisheva sprinted faster than Eberg, Vittozzi and Magnusson. Slivko ran to the same feet with Eberg.
But in the 15-16 season, Oeberg won with Christina Reztsova, in whom, in your opinion, “a lot is put”, won almost 2 minutes by move.
The complete phrase of Sentsov looks like this: "It is known that physical and functional capabilities are not acquired, but developed, you can only develop what is laid down by nature."
So, after all, they are developing, but it was more convenient for you not to notice.

And so far only two people know about the inherent capabilities of Kaisheva: it's you and Denis Norkin.))
And if we talk about a certain predisposition, then it is more necessary to bear in mind the predisposition of the RBU leadership to certain athletes, and not their physical capabilities.

As for Eberg, her predisposition is that she sharply increased in strength training, and not in some inherent superpowers. For example, Mironova's functionality is clearly higher, but Hannah was developed, and Sveta's equipment was altered.
And then these people hire clerks and "rogues" who broadcast about Baba Masha, about children's coaches and about the fact that they have recruited the wrong ones.

Congratulations to the girls from Belarus with such a gorgeous victory! They just staged a holiday for the soul! GOOD MEN!

And what is “in many ways this race is a lottery”? Lotarey she is only in the position of shooting, well, such “lotareas” were already visible and invisible, today Belarus wins in these “lotareas” - and nothing will move them off the pedestal.

Syabrov with VICTORY! Nemchure is the name of the stage 2 biathlete, not a medal.

Bulygina removed all the questions, if anyone still had them. Not a relay fighter. Its responsibility does not mobilize, but suffocates. Quite rightly, ours did not put her in the golden relay.

Also compare the Bolorussians with the Kazakhs. Did the first get rid of Polkhovsky in time? The friendly team of Ukraine suddenly turned out to be, according to their own athlete, Opoy. Pichler's persecutors fell silent ... In general, where did all the trolls hide?

Marina, thank you.

Congratulations to the Belarusians! Domracheva is now the most titled biathlete in history. How old is Alimbekova? Our incompetent "leaders" would not let her go to the relay at a cannon shot. We have so many "experienced" turtles, reliable in shooting!

In general, I expect a serious change in personnel policy following the results of this most disastrous season in history. But this cannot be achieved without disbanding the RBU.

Of course, in many ways this race is a lottery, but if the Belarusians with Daria Björndalen looked more preferable, especially at the last stage! but the Swedes., The Swedes have finally established themselves for me personally - a very strong team, with a promising and attractive (very even) leader!))

In Sochi, the Germans sacrificed the result for the sake of "rolling out" Preuss and Dahlmeier. Here are four years of rolling out and what different results! Laura is a star, and Francisca just failed the German team today. The current Dahlmeier medals actually need to be divided between two Olympiads for all German women, and it turns out to be watery. But these are the problems of the Germans. The example of two athletes is important to me.

I absolutely agree with Alexander Sentsov that "physical and functional capabilities are not acquired, but developed, you can only develop what is inherent in nature." No matter how you roll out the middle peasant, you will still get the middle peasant. Well, not given and that's it. In other words, no matter how you roll out Kaisheva, you will still get Romanova. And what I didn’t do for sure was not driving Romanova out of the team. The Romanovs will also be useful to us.

Did you see Hannah running for the silver medal today? I would say inspired. Which of our young and capable of shooting is so gifted by nature? Why are we losing these far on the outskirts of the national team? Now it is clear what Pichler meant when he said that he did not see our youth as gifted as Lena Neuner? I look forward to new generations of biathletes. Girls appeared in skiing - they should also in biathlon.

Thanks for the compliments)

Valentinovna, I am waiting for alternative ones, as in the section - skis - "Competitions for skiers not allowed to the Olympic Games start on February 24"

ledylyu, there is information on the next branch in the results of Russian races.

On a nearby branch, skis, they wrote about alternative cross-country skiing February 24 near Arkhangelsk, 400 people, there is no information about biathlon and about the broadcast. Does anyone know what?

Khinskiy, LES, at one time you choked with delight with the genius of the German TSh, who went on to radically rejuvenate the national team. And who of those young people "rolled out" to the level of world leaders, except for Laura?
Actually, Dahlmeier did not need to "roll out" after the two-time championship at the YCCHM. As, however, and Oeberg, for the same reasons. I expect the same, at least from Vasnetsova.

UEB is not a coach, he does not yet have a coaching license.
He is officially an assistant coach.

aaayyy 22 February 2018 (16:57)). There is absolutely no enthusiasm to write without ours, but after reading the anecdote about the Finn, I laughed heartily. In this topic, - I wear a stone in my bosom, but it can be seen with it and leave.

I just love biathlon: “Krivko 3 season rolls out at every stage BECAUSE and grows! And Zakol and Deniska want to expel all Kaisheva from the national team ... that's the difference for you. "
Sir, what are you talking about? Krivko is 26 years old, Kaisheva is 23, and I dare to believe that Ulyana has already registered in the base.

Sal, you personally with a victory! The girls are so great! Ira passed from zero, Dinara did not hesitate, even created a reserve after the second line, Dasha simply could not help but come first!

Weather decided to repay Dasha's debts for the start of the Olympics and the sprint of the 2015 Biathlon Championship. Well done, girls!

Oh my goodness! What a race it was! I still have no words of joy)) Happy Victory!

Well, if the Russians did not participate, then the Belarusian winners are the most desired result... She watched the relay from the last stage and Dasha is just a heroine, she coped with all the obstacles on the way. I sincerely congratulate the girls!

transfer to the 4th stage: after lying down .. 2.9 km after standing
Sweden +59.1 sec ... +41.9 ... +55.7 ... +10.9
Ukraine +1: 06.3 +1: 26
Germany +1: 12.2 ... + 59.3 ... +1: 09 ... + 41.9

what did standing in the wind

Dasha is great, but the main character is Alimbekova: in the previous relay she was the weakest link, but today she just surprised.

Dakhusim, our holiday, let them revered))

Khinskiy, but with starts they just "drive" athletes, especially if the base is insufficient, but the ability is there. They run to health, run well and destroy it. I know I went through it myself.

Unlucky Germans: (This generation runs the risk of becoming medalless (except for Laura)
Belarusian surprised. Well done

Bjørndalen, with a successful combination of all circumstances, will be able to prepare an excellent biathlete or biathlete. There is also his merit in Daria Domracheva's peeds.

The Belarusian women's biathlon team created one of the main sensations of the Olympics, winning gold in the relay.

Our team was represented today by Nadezhda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dinara Alimbekova and Daria Domracheva.

The race was held in the most difficult weather conditions, with which the Belarusian biathletes coped well.

Nadezhda Skardino used two additional rounds and passed the baton to the tenth. The gap from the first place was 46 seconds, but Nadezhda left behind the strong national teams of Germany and Ukraine.

The weather conditions did not improve, but Irina Krivko incredibly worked her stage. She only used an additional cartridge once and moved our team to the fifth position.

For only the second time in her career, she performed in the adult relay, and the first experience was extremely unsuccessful. However, Dinara handled the pressure very well. She left the counter first! On the last lap, Alimbekova slowed down a bit, but passed the baton to Daria Domracheva in the group of leaders.

Domracheva took the lead in the race after the first shooting, but made her nervous on the second, having made three penalties. Nevertheless, Daria coped with a difficult situation and covered the targets with additional cartridges.

The women's national biathlon team of Belarus won the 4 x 6 km relay at Olympic Games in South Korean Pyeongchang.

Nadezhda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dinara Alimbekova and Daria Domracheva ran for the national team of Belarus in the relay. The Belarusians covered the distance in 1 hour 12 minutes 3.4 seconds, using nine additional rounds at four firing lines and avoiding penalty loops. Finished in second place were Swedish biathletes Lynn Persson, Muna Brursson, Anna Magnusson and Hanna Oeberg (10.7 seconds back; 0 laps + 12 extra rounds). The bronze was won by the French team consisting of Anais Chevalier, Marie Dorin-Habert, Justine Breza and Anais Bescon (+17.6; 0 +14).

For the first time in history, the national team of Belarus won the women's relay; this discipline has been represented in the Games since 1992. Domracheva became a four-time Olympic champion and six-time Olympic medalist. Domracheva is the first biathlete in history to win the Olympics four times. In Sochi, she won three gold medals, winning in individual race, Pursuit and Mass Start. In Pyeongchang, Domracheva also won a silver medal in the mass start, losing only to Anastasia Kuzmina from Slovakia.

At the first stage of the relay best result showed the Italian team. Lisa Vittozzi used one additional round and took the lead after the second shooting. At the finish line, she won 7.8 seconds over American Susan Dunkley. The third baton was handed over to Paulina Fialkova from Slovakia.

After the “prone” at the second stage, the representative of Slovakia Anastasia Kuzmina took the first position. The elder sister of the leader of the Russian national team Anton Shipulin beat the Italian Dorothea Wierer, who earned two penalties. The biathletes were shooting at the "stand" in the conditions of the intensified wind. Kuzmina, Norwegian Tiril Eckhoff and German Denise Hermann received a penalty loop. Precise work at the turn allowed Wierer to move from 13th position to first. On the last lap, the leader took the lead overall standings World Cup Kaisa Makarainen. She brought Wierer 14.2 seconds. Kuzmina passed the baton to third, 16.1 seconds behind the leader.

In the third stage, after the first shooting, the Italian Nicole Gontier took the lead. While prone, she earned a penalty loop and fell back to fourth position. I took advantage of the mistakes of my opponents Belarusian biathlete Dinara Alimbekova, the first to go the distance. On the last loop, she skipped ahead Christina Guzik from Poland, France's Justine Breza and Gontier.

Accurate prone shooting allowed Daria Domracheva to lead Belarus into the lead at the last stage. From the line, she left 11.4 seconds from the Frenchwoman Anais Bescon. On the stand, Domracheva used three additional rounds, but the mistakes of her rivals allowed her to keep the first position. She crossed the finish line with the Belarusian flag.

Relay results 4 x 6 km (Women)

M Bib National team Misses Result
1 10 Belarus 0 + 9 1:12:03.4
2 3 Sweden 0 + 12 +10.7
3 2 France 0 + 14 +17.6
4 7 Norway 3 + 12 +29.7
5 17 Slovakia 1 + 9 +38.4
6 8 Switzerland 0 + 16 +43.5
7 9 Poland 1 + 14 +43.6
8 1 Germany 3 + 11 +53.9
9 5 Italy 4 + 13 +1:04.1
10 11 Canada 1 + 11 +1:33.4
11 4 Ukraine 2 + 10 +1:41.4
12 6 Czech 4 + 11 +1:56.3
13 18 USA 1 + 10 +2:01.9
14 14 Kazakhstan 1 + 9 +2:14.6
15 13 Finland 2 + 13 +2:33.8
16 16 Bulgaria 2 + 9 +2:34.6
17 12 Japan 2 + 9 +3:44.3
18 15 Korea 6 + 16 +8:17.2
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  • Sensational victory for the women's biathlon team in the relay race. Our girls, having gathered their will, professionalism and speed into a fist, proved that they are the best. Nadezhda Skardino was the first to start the race. She covered all targets using two additional rounds. As a result, Irina Krivko took the 10th place. Dinara Alimbekova, the debutant of the Olympics, did not disappoint. She even went up one line. Darya Domracheva finished the race from Belarus. On prone, she shot clean, came to the front in the lead and made the fans a little worried. But three additional rounds covered all targets. The national flag could not stay on the flagpole - such was the tension at the finish. Nadezhda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dinara Alimbekova and Daria Domracheva - Olympic champions Pyeongchang! Shots of the golden finish of Belarusian women. A little later, a flower ceremony took place. Next to the Belarusians, Swedes and French women climbed the podium. The awards ceremony at the Olympic Plaza is scheduled for tomorrow at about noon. The live broadcast will be conducted by the Belarus 5 TV channel. This success allowed the Belarusian team to rise to 13th place in the medal standings. In total, the national team has three medals: Anna Guskova's gold in freestyle and Daria Domracheva's silver in the mass start.

    Sensational victory for the women's biathlon team in the relay race. Our girls, having gathered their will, professionalism and speed into a fist, proved that they are the best. Nadezhda Skardino was the first to start the race. She covered all targets using two additional rounds. As a result, Irina Krivko took the 10th place. Dinara Alimbekova, the debutant of the Olympics, did not disappoint. She even went up one line. Darya Domracheva finished the race from Belarus. On prone, she shot clean, came to the front in the lead and made the fans a little worried. But three additional rounds covered all targets.

    The national flag could not stay on the flagpole - such was the tension at the finish.

    Nadezhda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dinara Alimbekova and Daria Domracheva are Olympic champions of Pyeongchang! Shots of the golden finish of Belarusian women.

    A little later, a flower ceremony took place. Next to the Belarusians, Swedes and French women climbed the podium.

    The awards ceremony at the Olympic Plaza is scheduled for tomorrow at about noon. The live broadcast will be conducted by the Belarus 5 TV channel.

    This success allowed the Belarusian team to rise to 13th place in the medal standings. In total, the national team has three medals: Anna Guskova's gold in freestyle and Daria Domracheva's silver in the mass start.

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