Boom speed. The most powerful crossbows in the world

Therefore, when someone compares firearms with bows, you need at least something to read about bows first. And if you can't even touch it, then it's better not to write.

Just 18 August 2013 in the UK another record was set for the firing range of the compound in the target firing mode (aimed firing) for weak 45 pound bows - at 733 meters. 60-pound bows shoot accurately at ranges over 800 meters.

So when I say that the 70-pound BEAR MOTIVE-6 is suitable for shooting wild boars at ranges of 100-120 meters - I know what I'm talking about. Because it is suitable for 150, if the shooter is good.

If we take in relation to the forces allowed in Russia for compound bows, that is, with a pulling force of no more than 27 kgf (+ 5%), then, as we see from the table below, they shoot at a distance of more than 870 meters.
How long does a smoothbore gun fire? Yeah, I see. But I will honestly tell you that rifled is not every kind, and not every kind of ammunition will shoot at 870 meters.

As for the accuracy of archery, then (in this regard, I am simply injected into a wild cackle by "snipers" from the Hansa, who talk about MOA there and measure microns in their pipes at a cost of 300,000 rubles, and then at competitions they give out such a clinical picture, which is simply called "rzhunemagu ") you can't see our firearms in the Olympic tops (but in the garbage dump in the Hansa" specialists "- a battalion of snipers can be formed for the Olympics ... but it is not in the world tops of this battalion, the talkers are just tongues). Even in the ladder, perhaps the only discipline available to our Olympians, we slipped into nowhere, and at the same time we always shoot from someone else's weapon. It's like in equestrian sports - specialists - like horse manure, and one pensioner has risen above 50th place over the past 20 years.

But our girls in archery feel fine, as do the Ukrainians on the podiums of cups and world championships in archery. Just like at home. Including in the compound, that is, the block bow.
AND Olympic medals and the recent World Cup at Loginova's is proof of that.

When viewing the information further, it should be understood that for olympic bow the size of the "bull's-eye" in the central part of the target is 4 cm in diameter, and for compound onion- only 2 centimeters. And the accuracy data is given only for shooting outdoors, that is, outdoors.

When it comes to block shooting 90 meters (only men's discipline, women officially shoot a maximum of 70 meters), Mike Schlosser from the Netherlands scored 350 points among middle-aged men this summer, and in the category of the elderly - more than 50 years of men his compatriot Peter Elzinga 352 points... To make it clear - three dozen arrows, that is, 36 arrows, the maximum points are 360. That is, at a distance of 90 meters in a 2 cm circle, in 50 years my uncle put 28 arrows in a row and another 8 hit the nine - 3 cm to the side. At the same time, you need to understand that the archers do not have any optical sights and they shoot while standing and not from a stop.

Important note: remember that your range will depend primarily on the weight of the arrow / tip, as well as technical characteristics and your crossbow. For a detailed understanding of how this will affect how far your crossbow can shoot, see another article: Arrow Speed ​​Drops with Distance. In it, you will find out what speed the arrow loses when flying from zero to 50 meters, depending on the initial speed of the arrow

So ... how far?

The answer will depend on four factors:

  • How good is your stuff (selection of crossbow, arrow and head)?
  • Are you hunting or shooting at a fixed target?
  • What is the muzzle velocity of your crossbow?
  • How good is your scope?

If reaching the maximum indicator is the main thing, then take for example the popular models: crossbow Interloper Styx or crossbow Man Kung XB 52, with boom reach from 105 m / s. If the arrow is released at an angle of 45 degrees, the arrow will fly over 400 meters. But you and I must understand that it will never be possible to hit from such a distance aiming, but in principle, you should not have the task of hitting from such a wild distance.

Effective range for hunting with an arrow from a crossbow.

When using any crossbow with an initial arrow velocity of 100 m / s and above, the average effective range of hitting the target is 45 to 60 meters. You can, of course, try to make a shot at 80 and even 100 meters, but remember that with each meter the arrow speed decreases and if, for example, you are hunting, then the power of the shot at long distances may not be enough to defeat the game. The real question here is whether it is possible to hit an animal with perfect precision and pierce vital organ(NS); most people never come up with an exact answer. That is why most crossbow hunters prefer to shoot from a maximum distance of 30 meters. Not because the arrow will not hit the beast at a great distance, but because they want to be sure that the arrow will hit exactly where it should, otherwise, the hunter would only injure the beast, and he would suffer. Hunters are 99% humane people.

Effective range of crossbow practice shooting.

Shooting practice usually occurs with conventional sports tips on isolon shields. Shooting practice can take place at any distance convenient for you, but it is worth knowing that if you are going to the forest to hunt, then it is advisable to shoot your crossbow at the expected distance for hunting. Also remember that your hunting tip should be the same weight as your sports one, so the arrows should be identical for zeroing on the hunt itself. If you wish, you can hit both 80 and 100 meters, but it will take a lot of time and patience from you to shoot a crossbow at such a distance, but for hunting it will no longer be an effective hitting range.

Do not forget that an arrow fired from even the most powerful and fast crossbow will begin to descend literally after 15 meters.

Look more clearly: a 400 grain arrow fired from a crossbow with an initial arrow velocity of 107 m / s. (350 fps) will descend vertically as follows:

1.5 cm at 18 meters

9.67 cm at 27 meters

27.45 cm at 36 meters

53.67 cm at 45 meters

similar materials:

16.09.18 The drop in the speed of the arrow's departure depending on the distance

The first primitive bow was invented at the dawn of human civilization and had a very strong influence on its development, on the fate of tribes and entire peoples. Archaeologists have unearthed rock carvings of archers in the Spanish mountains dating back to the early Mesolithic era, and stone arrowheads dating back over 60,000 years have been found in the South African Sibudu Cave. At first, the bow was used for hunting and was a very convenient means of obtaining food. Later, the bow began to be used as a weapon in warfare and was so up to early XIX century. Nowadays, archery is a sport that requires great art. For the first time as a sport, archery was included in the program of the second Olympic Games in 1900 in Paris. Let's try to figure out what you need to know to make a simple bow, and how to hit the target when shooting with a bow.

The simplest bow consists of the base of the bow itself, a bowstring and arrows. You can make such a bow with your own hands, especially if you went on a hike. The base of the bow must be strong enough and at the same time flexible, withstanding a bend of 110-130 0. For this, the trunk of a young tree is suitable. Maple or walnut is best. You can also use cherry or birch, but it is better not to take conifers. The base should be fairly flat and smooth, about 1.5 m long. The ends of the base must be carefully processed and small indentations for the string should be made at a distance of 1-2 cm from the ends. As a bowstring, you can use absolutely any sufficiently strong and inelastic rope that can withstand a load of 30-50 kg and an elongation of about 1%. The length of the bowstring should provide a bow base bend of 170 °. When pulled, the string should emit a characteristic humming sound. Arrows for a bow can be made from straight and without knots of tree branches 50-70 cm long.In order for the arrow to fly well, you need to make arrowheads, for example, from a pointed hard tree, as well as plumage, which can be made from bird feathers or pieces of thin plastic. Thus, we made a rather primitive bow, but quite capable of aiming a few tens of meters.

The sport bow used in modern competition differs significantly from the simplest bow. It has a rather complex design, which includes a number of important elements, allowing to significantly improve the quality of shooting:

  1. Shoulder (top and bottom)
  2. Lever
  3. Aim
  4. Plunger
  5. Shelf
  6. Bowstring
  7. Nest
  8. Bowstring winding
  9. Front sight
  10. Tee
  11. Front stabilizer
  12. Side stabilizers
  13. Stabilizer weights
  14. Shoulder glass (top, bottom)
  15. Overlay

Let's now try to figure out how to shoot and what needs to be considered in order for the arrow to hit the target. In order for the arrow to fly, it is necessary to pull the bowstring with the arrow and release it. The elastic force of the stretched bowstring will act on the arrow, giving it the speed it needs to move. The law that determines the dependence of the elastic force on the amount of deformation was discovered by the English physicist Robert Hooke:

where - the elastic force, - the amount of deformation, - the coefficient of elasticity.

At the moment of separation of the arrow from the bowstring, the potential energy of the stretched bowstring will be converted into the kinetic energy of the arrow. Taking into account that the coefficient of elasticity of the bowstring of sports bows is approximately 3 10 6 N / m, the maximum stretching of the bowstring at the beginning of archery is about 1 cm, the mass of the arrow is approximately 30 g. Using the law of conservation of energy, we find the initial velocity of the arrow:

where is the mass of the arrow, is the initial velocity of the arrow, is the coefficient of elasticity of the bowstring, is the deformation of the bowstring. Having carried out mathematical transformations, we get:

An arrow released from a bow at a speed flies along a trajectory close to a parabola, so to hit the target, you need to aim higher than the target. Let's calculate what should be the initial angle between the arrow and the horizon for the arrow to hit the target at a distance from the shooter. The arrow will be considered a material point, and the air resistance will not be taken into account.

Using the kinematic equations for motion with constant gravitational acceleration, we get:

hence, for a distance of 50 m and a speed of 100 m / s:

That is, in order for the arrow to hit the target located at a distance of 50 m, the initial angle between the arrow and the horizon should be about 1.4 degrees. Since in real shooting the air resists the movement of the arrow, the angle should be slightly larger. To correctly determine this angle, a sight is used, taking into account the firing range and air resistance. In addition, allowance must be made for the presence of wind.

It should be especially noted that when using a bow, one must not forget about safety, since archery is potentially dangerous species sports. In no case should you point a bow and arrow at a person or at the place where people are. An arrow hitting a person can have the most dire consequences.

We offer you to solve the problem using the proposed method:

Calculate how much the arrow will hit vertically if the starting angle is 2 degrees, and the starting speed and distance to the target have not changed.

Since in our time the crossbow is used mainly for sports entertainment and hunting, most people do not know about the real capabilities of this weapon, and sellers in stores cannot give accurate and reliable information about what is the firing range of a crossbow. Despite the fact that he and the carbine or rifle have similar shooting techniques, there is a huge difference between them. Therefore, any claims that these are highly effective small arms are untrue.

The range of a crossbow arrow depends on four factors:

  1. The quality of the weapon itself, arrows and arrowheads.
  2. starting speed arrow departure.
  3. Shooting is carried out at a fixed or moving target.
  4. Aiming quality.

When shooting from a crossbow, it should be remembered that the characteristics of a crossbow arrow are far from a rifle bullet. Both the speed and the flight range in this case will be significantly lower. So, maximum speed is 125 m / s and is developing already at the 20th meter of flight. Further, there is a gradual deviation of the boom from the given trajectory.

An arrow fired from modern crossbow, capable of covering a distance of more than 300 meters. However, the aim of the shot in this case is out of the question.

Despite its limited range, the crossbow has several important advantages. The fact is that, unlike a rifle bullet, an arrow is capable of inflicting a fatal wound even when it expires. Many hunters believe that an arrow can inflict significant damage on an animal. big damage than a bullet. This includes both physical pain and significant internal bleeding. Therefore, in skillful hands, a crossbow can be a truly formidable weapon.

Designed for hunting large animals such as an elephant

One of the important criteria is the effective engagement distance. It depends on the following factors:

  1. Crossbow model. Generally, the tighter the bowstring tension, the higher the range of the shot. However, powerful crossbows are heavy, which can be inconvenient for many hunters.
  2. The type of arrows used. Arrows can differ in mass, which greatly affects the range of the shot.
  3. Shooting skills of the hunter. An experienced shooter is able to calculate the degree of error for hitting a distant target.
  4. Natural and climatic conditions under which the shot was fired.

It is also very important to know which animal will be hunted. If it comes O sports equipment, then the model of the crossbow is also selected for a specific discipline.

With an arrow weight of 27 grams, its speed will exceed 120 m / s, from which we can conclude that the crossbow copes with the task. But, for example, for some hunters, an ethical question also arises: an arrow can hit a target from both a 15-meter and 100-meter distance. Everyone decides for himself how close he wants to get to the target. Experienced hunters prefer to approach the animal as close as possible, so as not to chase it through the forest later. But if this is hunting with dogs, then of course the firing range of the crossbow is an important aspect.

Important! The simplest and most effective distance for a beginner is 10-12 meters. In this case, there is no need to think about the trajectory of the arrow and the strength / direction of the wind. It will be easy to reach the goal from such a distance.

Boom trajectory when fired

The crossbow has far from the highest arrow speed, but it does its job quite well. The fastest crossbow has an arrow coming out at a speed of 120 meters per second. The arrow weighs 420 grains, which is a troy measure of weight (approximately in grams, this is equal to 27 grams). If we compare an arrow for a crossbow and a bullet, we notice that the arrow is 3-5 times heavier than the bullet, and the length of the arrow varies between 20-22 inches (or 50-55 cm).

During flight, the arrow is influenced by various natural factors (wind, gravity, etc.). Already after 25 meters, you can feel it: every next 5 meters, the arrow flies 3-7 cm lower, and 1-3 m / s speed is also lost (depending on the technical characteristics, the firing range from the crossbow also changes).

Firing range depending on the model

The crossbow is well suited for leisure and recreational shooting, as well as for sports training and improving accuracy skills

Consider several of the world's most famous models for this parameter:

  • MK-80A3. The Taiwan model is made of an aluminum alloy and weighs 0.6 kilograms, with a total length of 45 centimeters. Quite popular among domestic buyers small arms this type. The aiming range is 15-18 meters, and the power of the crossbow is provided by two arcs and a bowstring tension stroke of 14 centimeters. The arrow's speed is 47 meters per second. The set includes darts, and the mechanism itself is equipped with an automatic safety device that prevents spontaneous firing.
  • "Aspid". An elegant and elegant pistol-ballet with such a formidable name is produced by the Interloper company and is more intended for entertainment than hunting. It is multifunctional, you can shoot balls, darts and arrows, and the accuracy of the shot in any form is quite high. The speed of the fired arrow reaches 50 meters per second, and the aiming range is from 30 to 50 meters. In addition to the design characteristics, the advantages include the low weight and small dimensions of the "Aspid".
  • BARNETT Ghost 400. The manufacturer has equipped this crossbow with all the technological innovations that are only known at the time of the creation of the Ghost 400. Suitable for both amateurs and professional hunters. The initial speed of the arrow is 122 meters per second. Having a light weight, it is easy to use, and the block system allows you to pull the bowstring without much effort. An optical sight is installed on the body. Frightens away, with all the advantages of the model, only the high price of almost 75 thousand rubles.

American company Barnett produces mainly hunting crossbows, powerful, reliable and high quality, one of the very successful models of this brand was the Barnett Ghost-400 crossbow.
  • Excalibur Matrix Mega 405. An arbitrarily powerful model, with an arrow speed of 124 meters per second, was presented by the Canadian manufacturer in 2014. Designed for hunting large animals, and there has long been a joke between hunters that with the help of Matrix Mega 405 you can get an elephant as trophies. In addition, it is equipped with a vibration damper and stabilizer, which greatly simplifies shooting. Having a complex design, it can be easily disassembled and stored in a compact case, which is very convenient for transportation and hiking.
  • Carbon Express Covert CX2. Produced by an American company for the production of light weapons and has long established itself with better side in the circle of American hunters. The manufacturer positions it as a multifunctional and versatile crossbow for hunting and entertainment. The base of the body is made of aluminum, which greatly lightens the weight, the forearms can be adjusted to a certain range and firing power. The boom speed at the outreach is 118 meters per second.
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