Celebrating the new year in new zealand. Christmas in new zealand

It has long been the favorite time of the year. First, long vacations allow you to meet family and friends and celebrate at the same time and New Year... In New Zealand, it is not as popular as Christmas, but no one will ignore another reason to have fun. Secondly, the holidays loved by the whole world fall in New Zealand in the summer season, and therefore most of the inhabitants of the islands take a vacation for this time. In a word, when planning a tour for the New Year holidays in New Zealand, keep in mind that tickets will be expensive, hotels will be overcrowded, and there will be more people on the streets and in national parks than usual.

Sky, plane, new year

To ensure that airfare does not absorb the entire budget planned for travel to New Zealand, plan your trip well in advance. Early booking will help to avoid the traditional markups that carriers and intermediaries use when selling tickets to earn money for a New Year's sandwich with caviar.
If you start monitoring the cost of flights from to 8-9 months before the New Year, the picture will look like this:

  • Chinese airlines will take you the cheapest way from the capital to the capital of New Zealand. China Southern Airlines, whose aircraft take to the skies from Sheremetyevo, charges from $ 1,100 for its services. There are two changes on the route - at and. In total, excluding connections, the flight takes from 21 to 23 hours.
  • Native Aeroflot also flies to New Zealand, and you can go on New Year's holidays to the ends of the world on board. Ticket prices start at $ 1250, and the aircraft makes a transfer at Incheon Airport, located in South Korea... You will have to spend about 20 hours in the sky.

All other carriers offer either too inconvenient long connections or expensive tickets.
If you can plan your trip to New Zealand well in advance, you can save a lot of money on early ticket purchases. Subscribe to the email newsletter on the websites of the airlines you are interested in. So you can receive all the latest news about discounts, promotions and special offers on ticket prices.

  • www.airchina.com. Chinese Airlines website that has an English language page.
  • www.aeroflot.ru. On the Aeroflot website, you can not only book tickets, but also become a member of the Aeroflot-Bonus program, which allows you to accumulate flight miles and spend them on tickets and paying for hotels around the world.

It is best to book well in advance for hotels and guest houses in New Zealand during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Going on vacation and vacation locals do not stay at home and prefer to travel.
If you are planning to visit restaurants, museums, national parks and attractions, check their opening hours for the holiday time. It so happens that some establishments shorten their opening hours, or even close for a few days.
For the same reason, check the websites of car rental companies at least one month before your expected arrival. It is most convenient to get acquainted with New Zealand by car, and free wheels in rental offices in "high" tourist season may not be.

Preparation for the holiday

New Year's week preparations begin in the country long before Christmas Eve. Already at the beginning of November, the first decorations appear in cafes and shops, and salespeople, waiters and service personnel put on Santa's hats and the costumes of his assistants. Fairs are starting to sell toys for Christmas trees and delicious things that traditionally appear on the tables of New Zealanders these days - chocolate made, Danish butter cookies in cans, German marzipan figurines. The squares of towns and villages are decorated with decorated Christmas trees, in the role of which are local pine trees, reminiscent of Siberian cedar with fluffy needles.
In early December, parties and celebrations of Christmas and New Year begin to thunder in all clubs of interest. BBQ on fresh air hosted by dog ​​clubs and retirement, horseback riding and golfing communities. Schools host their own events for parents and children, and in churches activists compete not only in singing hymns, but also in baking pies.

How New Zealand is celebrated

The main festive events in the country are timed to coincide with Christmas, after which most New Zealanders go on vacation. The most heat-loving ones fly to the beaches and, the rest go to national parks, where campsites are equipped for those who like to spend their holidays in nature.
In Auckland, the main festive events are centered around the SkyCity Casino, which hosts New Year's fireworks. Usually, it is broadcast by many media outlets, because New Zealanders are among the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year, and the Oakland fireworks are thundering before Sydney, Tokyo and Seoul.
Of all the cultural and entertainment and mass events dedicated to the Christmas holidays, tourists are usually interested in a variety of festivals. It will be interesting for you to take part in wine and music festivals:

  • The most inexpensive and popular is the Rhythm-n-Vines festival. Mainly young people from 21 to 30 years old take part in the celebration of rhythm and wine.
  • BW Camping Festival is hosted by car enthusiasts who prefer mobile homes and camping in national parks.
  • Beach festivals on the North Island invariably end with fireworks and nightly dancing in the sand.

Aboriginal traditions

The indigenous people of New Zealand have their own view of the timetable for the change of years. For them, the new year comes at the moment when the Pleiades star cluster appears in the constellation Taurus. This usually happens in late May or early June, and therefore the Maori does not have a constant New Year's date.
In the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand, this group of stars is called Matariki, which means "small". This is also the name of the New Year celebrations.
According to tradition, Maori fly hundreds of kites on Matariki days and the celebration of the New Year turns into a colorful festival. Fairs across the country these days sell traditional Maori souvenirs, jewelry, clothing and sweets.

All prices in the material are approximate and shown as of April 2017. Per up-to-date information follow the official websites of carriers and service providers.

Celebrating the New Year in swimwear is gaining popularity.

Moreover, this can be done not only in traditional Egypt, but in the distant and beautiful New Zealand, where the golden sand of the beaches alternates with high cliffs, blue lakes and emerald forests. We will be happy to tell you how the New Zealand New Year differs from ours, how to organize a trip and where is the best place to spend a festive night.

Organization of the trip: tickets, visas, hotel

The most expensive thing when organizing a trip is buying an air ticket. If in normal time tickets to New Zealand can be bought for 50,000 - 56,000 rubles, then on holidays the prices for a flight Moscow - Wellington - Moscow start at 68,500 rubles. However, if you think about booking in advance and subscribe to the most lucrative offers, you can get discounts from major airlines.

With hotels in New Zealand, everything is much better, and the prices for accommodation here are more than democratic. So, a place in a hostel can be rented for 400 rubles, a double room in a cozy 3-star hotel - for 1500, and luxurious apartments overlooking the endless beach - from 3700 rubles.

In addition, fans of "wild" tourism will like the fact that there are dozens of campgrounds along the coast. Accommodation in tents here is free, and you will have to pay about 100 rubles a day for parking a car and enjoying the benefits of civilization.

Getting a visa to New Zealand is also not as easy as it seems. The list of required documents is very extensive, in addition, your card must have at least $ 1000, and another 4000 rubles have to be paid for the consular fee. However, you can save yourself from a solid part of the problems with obtaining a visa by contacting us for help.

Best places to celebrate

There are three equally popular ways to celebrate the New Year in New Zealand.

The first is a big city party night club, incendiary dances until the morning and champagne to the accompaniment of fireworks. It will cost about 3000 - 5000 rubles per night, depending on the chosen institution. Devenport and Wynyard beaches in Auckland are best suited for such a vacation. Dozens of restaurants and cafes will be open all night, the main fireworks will be perfectly visible, and the morning of the new year can be met while swimming in the warm surf.

The second option is suitable for lovers of nature and solitude. After all, it is no less popular to celebrate the New Year only with your own company, having left far from the city. Most often, tourists choose the Bay of Islands or the Rotorua Valley of Geysers for such purposes. However, there are also those who prefer the enchanting scenery of the South Island or the thrill of the geothermal area of ​​the North Island.

And the last option, popular with wealthy travelers, is a cruise. The giant sea liner smoothly curves around New Zealand, stopping at some of the most scenic spots while the fun is on board. Several restaurants, discos, animations and its own fireworks keep the guests entertained. True, you will have to pay a lot for such a vacation. A weekly cruise will cost between $ 1,500 and $ 2,000, depending on the type of cabin.

New Year's traditions in New Zealand

As in many countries, Christmas is the main holiday here, and preparations for it begin in November. Live pines in pots are sold on the streets, and holiday sweets are delivered to shops, which are simply not available at other times of the year. By the way, it is completely incomprehensible why harmless marzipans, marmalade slices and Belgian chocolate disappear from sale in January.

All holidays, and the celebration lasts almost a week and a half, New Zealanders visit each other and have picnics. Children will also have a traditional New Year tree in schools and sports clubs, only it will not go quite like that of their peers in Russia. Open-air parties, live music, gifts and the opportunity to invite the whole family to school make these moments an ideal getaway for all generations.

The New Year itself is considered a youth holiday and is widely celebrated only in large cities. Crowds of well-dressed people take to the streets closer to midnight, bringing alcohol and delicious food with them. They admire the fireworks and then head to a club or restaurant to continue having fun. In the morning, those who live on the coast certainly meet the first dawn by the water, and then go home to sleep off and continue to visit and receive gifts with renewed vigor.

If you are tired of the traditional celebration with Olivier and a Christmas tree and want this New Year to be remembered for a long time, go to book tickets to New Zealand. Having danced with Santa on the beach, admired the fireworks and breathed in the scent of Christmas flowers, you will definitely not regret having decided on such an unusual celebration.

New Year is a holiday with many pleasant traditions.
Each country has its own unique flavor, thanks to which this night becomes truly magical.
It is especially pleasant to get acquainted with New Year's customs, since they are associated with a good fairy tale, in which it is not only interesting, but also informative.

I propose to talk in detail about the original traditions of some English-speaking countries, gifts that are customary to give, dishes decorating the table and other attributes of one of their favorite winter holidays.

New Year in the United States of America: Times Square Ball, Baby New Year and a clean slate

The symbol of the New Year in America is Baby New Year, a baby in a diaper.
It is believed that the baby actively grows during the year and at the end of the year it grows old, transferring its powers to the next newborn, this happens from year to year.

The New Year's table consists mainly of light snacks, various casseroles, sweet puddings and pies.
A knitted sweater is considered a traditional New Year's gift.

One of the most popular places to celebrate the New Year is Times Square, New York.
It is on the square on December 31 at 23.59 that you can witness one of the most spectacular events: the descent of the ball of time from a 23-meter height along the flagpole.
At midnight, the ball reaches its lowest point, which marks the beginning of the New Year.

New Year's Eve is new stage in life, so many take stock, make a list of goals and desires, make important decisions, expecting changes and believing in the best.

New Years in the UK: "New Year Arrival", "first footing" and apple pie

In Great Britain, favorite delicacies are prepared for the New Year: apple pie, pudding, round oat cakes with a hole in the middle, and, of course, baked turkey.
In Scotland, they bake a shortbread cake with almonds, nuts, marzipan figurines and national symbols made from sugar.

On New Year's Eve, people exchange souvenirs, sweets and postcards.
Parents give their children caramel canes: caramel sweets with cinnamon and mint.
A truly festive atmosphere reigns on the streets: toys, fluffy Christmas trees decorated with garlands.

New Year is celebrated under the battle of Big Ben.
When the clock starts striking midnight, it is customary to open the back door of the house to spend the Old Year, and with the last blow open the front door to let in the New, this custom in Great Britain symbolizes the beginning of a new round in life.

Another New Year's tradition is called "first footing", it says: the year will be especially successful if the first guest in the house is a young man, preferably with dark hair.
The first guest should bring with him bread, coal and a pinch of salt: symbols of food, warmth and well-being.
After he burns the ember in the fireplace, everyone congratulates each other, and the guest who brings good luck is sure to be fed.

In a word, the best expectations and hopes are associated with the coming of the New Year.

New Years in Australia: Sydney Harbor, Metrosideras and Santa Claus in shorts

The onset of the New Year in Australia falls on the real summer, so Santa Claus wears beach shorts, a beard, a red cap and a bag in his hands.

An Australian New Year tree, this metrosideros is a tropical plant, strewn with needle-like purple flowers during flowering.
Often, this tree is installed at home and New Year's gifts are placed under it.
But, of course, Christmas trees are also an integral part of this holiday.

At midnight, Sydney Harbor is lit up with one of the most grandiose colorful fireworks, which attracts tourists and Australians alike.

New Year's Eve in New Zealand: pohutukawa, fireworks and beach parties

December and January are the height of summer in New Zealand.
On holidays, residents decorate their homes with New Year's garlands and snowflakes.
For a festive New Year's dinner, baked turkey with various sauces and vegetables is served.
For dessert, fruit pudding is prepared.

The traditional Christmas tree that remains on New Year's holidays is pohutukawa: a tree with red, needle-like flowers.
It blooms just in time for Christmas and blooms violently for about a month.

The hot climate makes it possible to arrange picnics, beach and themed parties accompanied by colorful fireworks.

In general, despite certain differences in celebrating the New Year, all people are still united by the belief that everyone next year will be better than the previous one, and most of the centuries-old traditions and customs are aimed at the most important thing: attracting good luck and happiness.

May this New Year begin on a prosperous note!

Travel plan

Explore the nature of the West Coast and the city of sails and volcanoes
Kia ora, haire may. Welcome to the land of the Long White Cloud of Aotearoa. Meeting at the Auckland airport with your Russian-speaking guide.
Attention: for the participants of the tour arriving on this day, a meeting will be organized at 11-00 in the morning at the airport at the reception desk (on the left side when you exit into the meeting room next to the McDonald's restaurant - the guide will be with a NEW YEAR sign). Those who arrived in New Zealand the day before will be met by the guide in the hotel lobby at around 10 am. The pick-up time will be re-confirmed on the vouchers. Those tourists who arrive on the first day after 9-30 in the morning will have to pay extra for the transfer to the hotel and will miss the excursion around Auckland due to the arrival too late.
Gathering together, we head to the West Coast, the filming location for films such as The Piano, Tarzan and Warrior Xena. From here, there are delightful landscapes of black sand beaches stretching into the horizon and many kilometers of cliffs. The coast is covered with subtropical forests, shrouded in a light curtain of fog from the rolling waves of the "roaring 40s". There is also a colony of yellow-headed boobies that revive the bizarre rocks. After a scenic walk to the bird cliffs and along the black sand beach, we will also visit a local brewery for a tasting and lunch (payable locally).
Then it was time to explore Auckland - the city of sails and volcanoes. Climbing to the top of the volcano for a bird's eye view of the city. Parks, gardens, promenade, harbor bridge, first mission, beaches, large marina in the southern hemisphere, tallest tower in the southern hemisphere (328 meters, tower climb not included), America's Cup region and more. Auckland is consistently ranked in the top five cities in the world for quality of life. In the evening free time.

Unique caves, fairy tale for adults Hobbiton and thermal springs / 355 km.
In the morning we part with the life of a noisy metropolis. Meeting with the dairy valley - the birthplace of Ankor butter. Our path leads to the Waitomo region. Discovery of the world of caves, which have become home not only for stalactites and stalagmites, but also for amazing luminous creatures. These caves are included in the BBC Planet Earth series and are among the most unique in the world. Even Bernard Shaw, who did not like loud words, was so amazed that he called them "the eighth wonder of the world." We will go down to the cave and then take a boat along the underground river to the grotto, where the walls and ceiling resemble the Milky Way on a clear night (included).
We continue our journey into a real fairy tale for adults - the filming location of the famous "The Lord of the Rings" movie. We will walk through a hobbit village surrounded by pastoral New Zealand landscapes (not included, $ NZ 79 per person) with commentary, facts and curious stories.
Even those of us who have never heard of Tolkien's work and have not seen the legendary trilogy will not be disappointed. End your tour in the legendary Green Dragon Pub with a glass of ale, beer or ginger drink.
The final section of the route to Rotorua (roto is a lake, rua is the second), which gave the name to the city of spa, geothermal phenomena and Maori culture. This region is famous for its geysers and the "fragrance" of hydrogen sulfide. The history of this place takes us back eight centuries, when the first Maori appreciated the gift of nature in the form of hot water, steam and healing mud.
Upon arrival, we recommend spending time in the famous hot mineral pools(payment on the spot). Great for recuperation and deep relaxation.

Active volcano White Island, valley of geysers, kiwi bird and Maori culture, New Year celebrations with a concert on the embankment
We have free time in the morning. You can walk through the main streets and parks, the gardens of Rotorua and the lakeside promenade, soak up the mineral springs of the Polynesian SPA (payable on the spot) or make yourself a New Year's gift and go to another planet. We recommend taking a helicopter ride to the active White Island volcano in the Pacific Ocean (not included, 3 hours, weather dependent, $ NZ 935 per person).
New Zealand is located in the Ring of Fire, which, almost like a ring of Omnipotence, unites the islands and continents around the Pacific Ocean. The helicopter flight to White Island is without a doubt one of the most unique excursions in New Zealand.
A private reserve - the active White Island volcano is quite difficult to describe in words. The phrase: “we get to another planet”, in our opinion, can somehow convey the essence of what we saw. There is little to compare this place with, except with the Moon or Mars. Landing directly into the volcano crater, smoking and soaring with acid gases. We go on foot in helmets and gas masks around the crater, imagining ourselves in spacesuits on the set of a fantastic film and never ceasing to be amazed at the diversity of nature on our planet. Colossal fumaroles shooting out with hot vapors, a huge crater acid lake, fields of yellow crystallized sulfur, seething pits with molten rocks, multicolored crater walls. Better to see once ...
In the afternoon, we walk along the Valley of Geysers and admire the seething mud pools and geysers in the form of huge fountains with boiling water (included).
Then we will have a unique opportunity to watch the unique of the country - the kiwi bird. But that is not all. There are also Maori craft workshops and an exemplary cultural center - Marae (included).
Next, a walk through the forest of gigantic sequoias and tree ferns, including the main symbol of the country.
In the late afternoon, immerse yourself in Maori culture in an ethnic village (not included, $ NZ120 per person) with a rowing of warriors in a military canoe, a show with the famous dance of the Haka warriors and a dinner of traditional Maori Hangi dishes from an earthen oven.
The evening continues on the waterfront with a concert, music, dancing and great fireworks at midnight. Happy New Year!

Geothermal Valley Sacred Waters, Huka Falls, Lakes Taupo and Rotopounamu in nat. Tongariro park / 180 km
In the morning we continue our route south. We will have a walk through the most colorful geothermal valley in the country - the Sacred Waters reserve to meet unique creations - the artist's palette, the Champagne lake and the devil's baths (included).
Next, we are heading to Lake Taupo with an area of ​​615 sq. km, which flooded part of the huge caldera of an ancient volcano. Weather permitting, views of the Valley of the Volcanoes on the horizon.
We admire the waterfall, dumping enough water in a few seconds to fill the Olympic pool. Here you can also become a participant in a unique adventure - a jet boat ride under the most powerful jets of falling water (not included, 30 minutes, $ NZ 129). Here we go for a walk along the picturesque river to the hot springs, where you can swim if you wish.
We continue our way to one of the oldest nat. parks of the world, the territory of natural and cultural heritage of UNESCO, the main place of the final scenes of the Lord of the Rings - the Valley of the Volcanoes. The three main volcanoes periodically erupt with incandescent lava and tons of ash. Here we will take a walk to the magical lake Rotopounamu. This lake in the jungle of the Valley of the Volcanoes was formed in an ancient crater. According to Maori legends, this lake is the center of the energy of the water of our planet. There are also modern theory the four energies or elements of the Earth, according to which this lake controls the element of water. http://multiversalyoga.org/journeys/energy-centers/
We will walk through the local rain forests around the lake and relax on the sandy beach. If you wish, you can take a dip and cleanse your energy.
We spend the night at the nat. Tongariro park at the foot of the volcano at the legendary Chateau Tongariro hotel.

Walk in the Valley of volcanoes in the nat. Tongariro park and the capital of the country Wellington / 340 km
In the morning we go on a walking tour (2 hours) along the Valley of Volcanoes to a picturesque waterfall.
Then the best opportunity to see Mordor from a bird's eye view is a scenic flight over the Valley of Volcanoes with stunning views from The Lord of the Rings (not included, $ NZ 215, 25 min).
We go to the very south of the North Island to the capital of the country - Wellington. After a detour of the Ruapehu volcano, we will descend from the volcanic plateau along the picturesque canyon of the Rangitikeya River. On the way, we will make a stop for a walk through the elven forests. We continue our way through numerous pastures to the coast of the Tasman Sea and further to Wellington.
Upon arrival, we will get acquainted with the capital and the city of winds. Te Papa Museum, the "bee" parliament building, a huge administrative building and a wonderful church made of local wood species (entrance to the church is paid locally if the church is open to the public).
Climbing Mount Victoria from the best view the city, Wellington Harbor and the port of Nicholson. Free time and rest in the evening. Overnight in Wellinton.

Cruise to the South Island, wineries and walk to the seal colony / 155 km
In the morning we will have a scenic cruise to the South Island (included, 3.5 hours), first through the Cook Strait and further along the narrow bays of Queen Charlotte to Picton - the sea gate of the South Island.
Arriving, we go to the most famous wine region of the country - Marlborough. We will have lunch at the winery with tastings of an amber drink, first of all Sauvignon Blanc (payment on the spot). At the request and availability of time, we can taste wines in one or two other wineries (payment on the spot).
In high spirits, we continue our way to the Pacific Ocean to the village of Kaikora. Kai is food, bark is lobster. This place is unique for its landscapes, but also because cold and warm currents meet in a deep canyon near the coast, forming favorable conditions for the growth of a huge amount of plankton. It is a paradise for the entire ocean food chain. The road first leads through the vineyards, then falls into the arms of the Pacific Ocean, sliding along the rocky coast.
Having reached Kaykory, we will go for a wonderful walk along the edge of the peninsula to the colony of sea seals, peacefully sleeping on the coastal rocks after night hunting... Overnight stay near the Pacific coast.

Whales or dolphins, lobsters and travel through the Southern Alps to the West Coast / 330 km
In the morning, we suggest admiring sperm whales, the largest predators on the planet, while cruising in the open Pacific Ocean (not included, $ NZ 150 per person).
If you are not attracted to whales, we recommend swimming with playful dolphins in the bays of the Pacific Ocean as an alternative (not included, $ NZ 175 per person).
Upon returning to the earth's firmament, we will have lunch with fresh lobsters and other fresh seafood right on the shore (payment on the spot).
Then we head towards the Southern Alps to the West Coast of the Tasman Sea. A beautiful walk with alpine landscapes awaits us at the pass. The further route leads along the Buhler River valley. We spend the night in a small town near the coast.

Pancake Rocks, Crafts Center and Glaciers of Western Lands National Park / 275 km
In the morning we will have a walk to the nat. Paparoa Park on the amazing Pancake Rocks - a stunning natural architectural complex of rocks layered one on top of the other in the form of a stack of pancakes. But that is not all. At the peak of the tide, the real magic of nature begins ... the columns of water burst out in huge fountains, turning everything around into a theatrical performance of two elements.
We continue our route to the West Coast Crafts Center, where we can observe the craftsmen who work in the workshops for processing jade (pounamu), the value of which for the Maori culture is difficult to overestimate. Here you can also see the work of jewelers, glassblowers, stone painters and others. The further path leads through huge tracts of rain forests. The West Coast Road is considered one of the most scenic in Aotearoa. Most of this area is included in the natural heritage of UNESCO.
In the afternoon we arrive in the glacier region. A glacier is essentially an icy river that slowly moves downward under the pressure of its own mass. In addition to the fact that glaciers are of great importance for the ecology of the mountains and the valleys below, they are also very spectacular and incredibly beautiful.
The best way to enjoy the unique landscapes of many kilometers of glaciers, mountain peaks, rainforests and the coast of the Tasman Sea is by helicopter sightseeing flights with a short landing in the upper glaciers (not included, depends on the weather, prices range from $ NZ235 to $ NZ 450 depending on the duration flight).
For fans of unique adventures, we recommend a transfer by helicopter and subsequent “immersion” in the ice kingdom with an instructor in the form of a walking route in the very heart of the glacier (not included, 2 hours on ice, two helicopter flights, depending on the weather, $ NZ 435). Attention: You will be given all the necessary equipment, including equipment and cats, and will also teach you how to use all this household.
Alternatively, we go on a walking route to the terminal part of the Frans Josef glacier. Overnight in the Western Lands National Park.

Walks in rain forests, Southern Alps pass, lakes, waterfalls, labyrinth and mining town / 350 km
In the morning we will walk through the rain forests.
Then around the mirror lake, from where, in good weather, breathtaking views of the Southern Alps open up.
The further road winds in a narrow ribbon through the rain forests between the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Southern Alps and the edge of the Tasman Sea. Then it rushes along the river bank to the mountain pass, behind which the Makaror valleys are plowed up. We will take a walk to the picturesque waterfall in the nat. Inspiration Mountain Park. Nature and landscapes are changing right before our eyes. Turquoise glacial lakes simply cannot leave you indifferent.
Beyond the last pass, views of the Anduin River Gorge from The Lord of the Rings, the Queen's city and the country's longest lake, which took the form of a sleeping giant, open up. At the end of the path, we will walk through a wonderful town that has been preserved since the time of the gold rush. Arrival in the world capital of adventure, free time and relaxation.

Land of the fiords with cruise and flight over the mountain ranges of the Southern Alps / 290 km one way
We are on the doorstep of one of the largest national parks in the world and a UNESCO natural heritage site - the Land of the Fiords. Set off early in the morning for a day trip with a scenic Milford Sound fiord cruise (included).
Better to see once ... The greatness of the fiords is difficult to describe in words. Grandiose steep cliffs with glacier caps, picturesque waterfalls, the outstanding Miter peak have not left anyone indifferent. The road through the mountain gorges is no less picturesque and varied. Kazma sculptures, rainforests, mirror lakes, the stronghold of the Homer tunnel, alpine kia parrots and their flattering cousins ​​kaka, almost extinct takahe, secluded lagoons and much more.
After completing the cruise, so as not to repeat a rather long journey and enjoy the magnificent scenery from a bird's eye view, we recommend that you travel back to Queenstown by plane over the fiords, mountain ranges and glaciers of the Southern Alps (not included, depending on the weather, 35 minutes, NZD415 per person ).
For fans of more exclusive excursions, we recommend a helicopter flight to Queenstown with a glacier landing with breathtaking panoramic views (not included, weather dependent, 45 minutes, NZD800 per person).
You will also have free time to walk around the Alpine town and relax. The rest of the participants arrive in Queenstown in the late afternoon.

Free day in the world capital of adventure and the queen's city
Today is a free day for walking around the gardens, the embankment and the town with the opportunity to buy gifts for family and friends. For the more active, there are a lot of opportunities for entertainment: long jumps in tandem with a parachute - the beauty of the landscapes and the acuteness of sensations can hardly be overestimated; bungee jumping (43 and 134 meters) and giant swing; flights to hot-air balloon; paragliding or hang-gliding tandem flights; safari on a high-speed boat to wild corners of nature with landscapes from the Lord of the Rings; off-road jeep safari to the Lord of the Rings and ATVs; rafting and sledging on mountain rivers; horseback riding tours, etc. (payment for all excursions of the day on site).
We also recommend a scenic cruise on an authentic 100 year old steamboat on Lake Wakatipu with a visit to the farm.
Do not miss the breathtaking views from the observation deck on the mountain, which can be reached by funicular directly from the city center. Overnight in Queenstown.

Clay cliffs, Mount Cook, turquoise lakes and night sky / 365 km
In the morning we head along the eastern side of the Southern Alps to the north. We move through the Gibston vineyards along the Kawarau River and cross the Lindis Pas mountain pass.
Walk to the amazing clay cliffs formed a couple of million years ago as a result of the melting of glaciers on the summits of the Southern Alps.
Then we drive along the turquoise lake Pukaki right in the heart of the Mount Cook or Aoraki National Park - the highest peak of Aotearoa (3754 meters) and the crown of the mountain-ice kingdom. The first Everest climber, New Zealander Edmond Hilary, trained here.
Upon arrival, we set off for a walk through a mountain valley with overhanging glaciers and the best opportunity to admire Aoraki from the ground.
We continue our way to another turquoise lake Tekapo. In the legendary Church of the Good Shepherd, the design of the altar overlooking the lake and mountains is breathtaking (admission fee is optional, on site). Nearby is a monument to the great toiler - a shepherd dog. We are located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Optionally, you can take part in an excursion to the observatory with the observation of the starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere (pay on the spot). Overnight on the shore of Lake Tekapo.

Grand traverse over the highest peaks, acquaintance with the city of gardens / 255 km
In the morning we will have a great opportunity to make a grand traverse - a scenic flight on an excursion plane over the most contrasting landscapes of the country (not included, NZD390 per person). The cleverly mapped route reveals the beauty of the South Island in an incredible mix of landscapes such as glaciers and piercing mountain peaks, turquoise lakes with floating icebergs, rainforests and ocean beaches with rolling waves.
The further road gently passes from the foothills of the Southern Alps to the chess valleys of Canterbury, known as the granary of New Zealand. Upon arrival in Krajscec, we will get to know the city of gardens, which was seriously damaged by the earthquake in February 2011. We will walk through the wonderful botanical gardens and the central streets of the restored city.
Then we will honor the memory of those killed in the earthquake at the unusual memorial and see the world's only "cardboard" cathedral. Free time and rest in the evening.
Note: from Krajscec it is possible to take a full day excursion to Kaikoru for whale watching while cruising in the Pacific Ocean. If you wish to add this excursion to this tour, we recommend staying in Kraisce for one more day. Let us know if you have such a request and we will inform you of the cost.

Departure from New Zealand, completion of the program
Meeting with the driver in the hotel lobby at the set time according to your schedule. Transfer to the airport, completion of the program.
Hire ra, poaket ano! Happy journey to you!

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