How to make stencils for gingerbread with your own hands, ready-made templates. Santa Claus gingerbread sleigh gingerbread sleigh

DIY Christmas sleigh. Master class with step by step photos

Salimova Evgeniya Igorevna, educator MBDOU KINDERGARTEN № 65 of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of children in Orel
Description: a master class can be used in their work by teachers, kindergarten teachers, teachers additional education, parents to create New Year's decorations.
Target: Create a festive mood.
- to learn to use waste material to decorate the group.
- to teach to show imagination, creative thinking.


Soon New Year! And the most important thing is to create a festive mood in children.
We all have a Christmas tree, Santa Claus with his Snow Maiden under it, gifts on New Year's Eve. But something is missing? I decided to complement the image of Santa Claus with such a sleigh with a horse.

Who is Santa Claus?

GRANDFATHER FROST (Morozko) - a mighty Russian pagan God, a character of Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who freezes the water with ice, generously showered winter nature with sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of winter festivities, and in case of need, into hard for a long time protecting the Russians from advancing enemies by freezing into the ice a hitherto unprecedented winter cold, from which iron begins to break.

Everyone knows that in Russia Santa Claus rides on a sleigh pulled by three horses, goes skiing or walks. However, sometimes fewer horses in the team are enough for him. Three is, of course, our everything. Unfortunately, unlike Santa's reindeer, fairy tales have not yet been composed about Santa Claus's horses. So I decided to create my own sleigh and a white horse for our Santa Claus.
- cardboard box 2 pieces (one for the horse, the other for the sleigh)
- PVA glue
- acrylic paint, white.
- color scheme for acrylic paint. (blue, pink)
- New Year's decorations, rain, tinsel.
Horse and sleigh patterns:

Let `s start!
We take any cardboard box. You determine the size yourself. My horse is 50cm high at the withers. Let's start with a cardboard box.

We draw a horse.

After we take a clerical knife and cut out the horse around the office. Draw the second half of the horse along the office of the first horse cut out. The only thing is, I changed the position of my legs.

This is my workpiece.

The position of the legs is clearly visible here.

Then we take acrylic paint and paint our blanks white. You need to paint over 3 times to achieve good painting.

While the main part of our work dries, draw and cut out the ears. We paint over.

At this stage, work with the horse ends. We paint over it from time to time. While she dries, we are engaged in sledges.
We also take the box and draw the outline of the sleigh. I drew the runners and the top separately. Cut it out.

Then we take PVA glue and a brush.

We glue the parts together. We make two such blanks.

We paint over. One coloring is enough here. Since the color of the sleigh will not be white.

Now we cut out the seat from the remains of the boxes. Its size can be adjusted depending on your room. I have a width of 25 cm and a height of 34 cm. We form the seat from two rectangles. Fasten to the runners with a stapler.

One of the rectangles is rounded at the top. Connect the parts together with a stapler.

We fix the second half of the sleigh.

Our blues are ready, it remains to repaint them in the color you need. And decorate.

Now let's start collecting the horse. Connect the two halves with a stapler.

We put small spacers inside from the remains of cardboard.

We fix the ears. You can draw the ears right away, I didn't have enough space on the cardboard, and I drew them separately.

Now let's start decorating. Let's start with the mane.
We take the dodge. And with the help of a stapler we fix it in place of the mane.

We attach tinsel from above.

In the process of work, I decided to change her tail, and I had to cut off the one drawn.

I made it out of rain. And she decorated the horse. I glued on the saddle, made golden hooves, snow bead reins. Your imagination is working here. And you can decorate it to your liking.

It's on the other side

Here is such a not at all complicated house you can make on the eve of the New Year,
and it will delight both you and your children for several weeks,
creating a festive mood.

To build our house, you need to cut out templates. The front wall is 15cm wide and 17cm high.

From each such template, we need to cut out two parts from the dough - these will be two of the four sides of our house.

And one more template for the two remaining sides of our house.
Template length 17cm and width 7cm.
Roof template 22 cm long and 14.5 cm wide.
On a sheet of parchment, roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick. If rolled thinner, the gingerbread will be too dry.
We apply ready-made templates and cut along the contour.
We remove the scraps and transfer the cut parts along with the parchment to a baking sheet.

We bake on the middle shelf of the oven at 180oС for 20 minutes.
After baking, while the dough is still hot, we cut out the details of doors and windows using the same patterns cut out of paper.

Cut out while the baked goods are hot. Cut the cut out window in half lengthwise. These are the future shutters. Cool all the details on the wire rack.

Now we cut out the windows in the side walls of the house.

From the remaining dough, cut out the roof of the house, Christmas trees, a pipe, small coasters for Christmas trees, any interesting details and figures.

This is how the windows look with inside... We attach the marmalade to the cut-out windows with icing made of powdered sugar and protein.

And this is how these windows look from the outside. A little more, and we will decorate them with icing snow and shutters.

We fasten the walls of the house to each other using the same glaze.

To keep the walls well while the glaze dries, we will support them with glass jars or boxes for convenience.
Now we remove the supports. The glaze is dry and you can fix the roof and decorate the windows.

We fasten the roof of the house to the walls.

We put the support for 10-15 minutes so that the glaze dries a little. We fix the second half of the roof and leave it to dry.

We fix the shutters, draw a window and decorate with icing-snow

We draw tiles, decorate the windows and roof with snow and icicles.

Using the melted chocolate, draw "wooden" beams on the house with a brush.

We paint with chocolate on the shutters and doors.

We fix the pipe.

We plant Christmas trees near the house, fixing them on gingerbread stands.

We attach the Christmas trees to the stand with glaze.

We will draw a Christmas wreath from the cornet above the entrance.

Let's decorate it with red dots of "berries".

Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar. At first, chaotically, and then sift it through a fine sieve so that the snowball looks fluffy and fresh.

Let's liven up our house with a figurine of a snowman and the light of a garland or a flashlight inside the house.
Warm, cozy and tasty.
We can celebrate Christmas!

And now the recipe!
For the test:
4 cups flour
1 sachet baking powder
200 g butter
200 g icing sugar
5 tablespoons of liquid honey (if the honey is candied, heat it up in a water bath)
4 egg yolks
Spices for 1 tsp:
ground ginger,
cinnamon (this is to your taste, because not everyone likes cinnamon),
zest of 1 lemon,
Knead the dough, wrap in plastic and put in the refrigerator for several hours.
This dough is very tasty, fragrant, but you need to work with it carefully so as not to break.
and another recipe
- 100 g butter
- 200 g black molasses
- 175 g honey
- 500 g white flour
- 100 g ground almonds
- 15 g ground ginger
- 5 g spice mixture
- 5 g ground cinnamon
- 2.5 g ground nutmeg
- 10 g of baking soda
- 100 g chopped ginger
- 100 g of minced zest of various citrus fruits
To make the house shown in the photo and according to the given templates, triple all the indicated quantities of products.
For glaze:
- 500 g icing sugar
- whites of 2 eggs
- 5 ml lemon juice
- Rolling pin
- 2 baking sheets
- Pastry bag with attachments
- Board for assembling the house
And one more house

The roof of the house is covered with cookie tiles, the chimney is lined with halves of peanuts, the shutters are made of waffles, the staircase with columns is made of candies.
Next to the house are trees made of waffle cones for ice cream and stones made of gingerbread cookies.

White dough (for roof, chimney)
Ginger dough (for walls)
Glaze (snow, smoke from a chimney, fastening parts, finishing windows, doors)
Cookies "Waffles" (shutters)
Covered with fragrant glaze crumbs or sprinkles in the form of cradles (decoration over windows)
Multicolored crumb - balls (decoration of festive illumination and trees)
Square biscuits (canopy over the porch) - 2 pcs.
Peanut halves (chimney)
Cookie cakes (roof tiles)
Ice cream waffle cones (Christmas trees)
Lollipops like "hols" or "bon-pari" (columns at the porch, mailbox)
Small gingerbread cookie (stone path)

1. One square = 1 cm.

2. Redraw the pattern in full size in centimeters (it is more convenient to use paper in a box).

3. All parts are made in 2 pieces, pipe - 3 pieces.

4. Parts "1" belong to the first large house, parts "2" belong to the second small house.

5. The walls are baked from ginger dough.

6. The roof is baked from white dough.

7. One end of a large house is baked half of white, half of ginger dough (see "White dough", item 13.).
The second end of the large house is baked from ginger dough.
The ends of the small house are baked only from ginger dough.

8. The stove tube is baked from white dough.

For this recipe, knead the dough once.

180-200 g butter
2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda, quenched with vinegar
1 egg
3 cups wheat flour

1. In a large bowl, beat the butter with an electric mixer for 30 seconds or until fluffy.

2. Add baking soda and sugar, beat until combined.

3. Add egg and beat until combined.

4. Add flour and quickly knead the dough.

5. Cover the dough and refrigerate for about 2 hours.

6. After cooling, divide the dough in half (it is more convenient to roll it out) and roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer 5-6 mm thick. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table (board), be sure to sprinkle flour on the table.

7. Place a paper pattern of the corresponding house part on the rolled layer and cut out the dough part along the contours.

8. Carefully transfer the part to a baking sheet (you can cover the baking sheet with foil). Put the paper pattern back on the part and, if the edges of the part are deformed during the transfer, touch up.

9. Bake at t ° 150 - 170 ° С for 5-7 minutes. When the part is slightly browned, it is ready.

10. Quickly remove the part from the oven, transfer it to the board and, placing a pattern on it, align the edges (since the dough contains soda, the dough breaks slightly during baking).

11. Cool the part.

12. Do the same with all parts that are baked from white dough. It is necessary to form and bake small cookies from the remains of the dough - "stones", from which a "stone fence" will be made near the house.

(white roof and butt ginger wall are baked together):

13.1. Make a paper pattern of the end of a large house in duplicate.

13.2. Cut one copy of the pattern along the dotted line of the roof and cut this part - the roof - out of white dough (don't bake yet!).

13.3. The lower part of the part - cut the wall of the end of the house from ginger dough (on a paper pattern, the part ends with a solid line located just above the dotted line, parallel to it).

13.4. Spread the gingerbread batter over the white roof along the border, just like you would on a paper pattern. Lubricate the place of application with a little water for gluing and press gently.

13.5. Cut strips from the ginger dough (to the size of the pattern) and use water to glue them onto the white dough roof.

13.6. Gently transfer the part to a baking sheet (can be covered with foil). Put a whole paper pattern on the part and touch up the edges that were deformed when the part was transferred.

13.7. Bake at t ° 150-170 ° C, 5-7 minutes. When the part is slightly browned, it is ready.

13.8. Quickly remove the part from the oven, transfer it to the board and, placing the whole pattern on it, align the edges.

13.9. Cool the part down.

According to this recipe, knead the dough twice, each batch separately.

80-100 g butter
one and a half glasses of sugar
one and a half teaspoons of ginger
one and a half teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon baking soda, quenched with vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 cups honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups wheat flour
1 cup bran or 3 cups wheat flour

1. In a large bowl, beat the butter with an electric mixer for 30 seconds until fluffy. Add sugar, ginger, cloves, quenched baking soda and salt and beat until combined.

2. Add egg, molasses and lemon juice, beat until combined.

3. Add flour and knead the dough.

4. Wrap the dough in plastic and keep in a cool place for 3 hours.

Christmas trees, we will have waffle cones for ice cream. If there are no cones, then we will make the Christmas trees ourselves - we will bake from white dough.

1. Cut out circles of different diameters from the rolled dough - from the largest (bottom of the tree) to the smallest (top). We make cloves around the edges of each circle with a knife. Thus, we get jagged circles.

2. We bake the circles and fold them in a pyramid from the largest circle to the smallest, smearing with glaze. To make the tree taller, you can put round small cookies, also baked from white dough, between large parts.

3. In the same way we collect a few more trees.

4. Decorate the finished Christmas trees: glaze, tinted green, place in a small bag and squeeze out, outlining the jagged edges; Sprinkle the Christmas trees with multi-colored sprinkles, dust on top from a strainer with powdered sugar - "snowball".


Bake a large base crust that will make it easy to assemble your house. The area of ​​the base should be larger than the area of ​​the house (you can bake the base in parts and glue it with glaze).

The glaze is used immediately, so do it after the house is ready to assemble. Do not double the recipe right away, make the second batch of icing only when necessary.

3 egg whites
750 grams caster sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla
food colorings

1. In a deep bowl, beat the egg white, add sugar and vanilla.

2. Beat with an electric mixer on high speed for 7-10 minutes or until very stiff foam. The glaze should not be liquid. To prevent the glaze from drying out, cover the dishes with a damp towel.

3. It is convenient to apply glaze for gluing parts using a bag (2 bags are obtained from an A4 file). Roll up the bag and fasten it with a stapler along its entire length so that it does not unwind. Fill the bag with glaze and, turning the top, fasten it with a stapler (so that the glaze does not come out). To prevent glaze from leaking out of the holes from the staple staples and not getting your hands dirty, a bag filled with glaze must be wrapped with a sticky thin plastic wrap, twisting it at the top. Cut off the sharp corner of the bag straight or obliquely, just a little.

4. If the glaze does not adhere well to the part, moisten the glued areas with water using a brush. Glaze can be applied to both gluing points.

5. Glaze of a different color (for finishing windows, Christmas trees), paint with dry dye.

The more precisely you make the parts of the house, the easier it will be to fit them together.


Baked and chilled parts can be decorated prior to assembly by carefully checking that the level of the windows is the same height on all wall parts. And you can decorate after assembly.

If you are decorating before assembly, then during assembly you must act EXTREMELY CAREFULLY so as not to damage the painted windows and decorations.

On a paper wall pattern, draw the windows evenly. In accordance with the drawing, draw windows with glaze on the walls (using a bag).

Glue waffle shutters on the glaze between the windows. Decorate them with a pattern.

On the top of the shutters and "window frames" on the glaze, glue multi-colored squares (crumbs covered with glaze).


Make a canopy at the end of the large house. To do this, cut one square cookie diagonally into two triangles, glue the first triangle on the glaze above the painted door.
Cut the other square cookies crosswise into two identical rectangles and glue them to the first triangle in the form of the letter "/ \" (see Fig. 3).

Make columns: for stability, glue the lollipops on the glaze to the straw, adjust the “columns” in height from the base of the house to the canopy, glue with the glaze.

Glue the end of the canopy with the second triangle.

Use the frosting to glue the candy mailbox next to the door.

Border the windows with green glaze from a bag and draw garlands over the porch, glue on them a multi-colored crumb - "light bulbs". (see fig. 3).


Prepare the “base of the house”. Match the details according to the picture. Glue the details to the base of the house and glue them together with glaze. Wait until all joints are firmly fixed. For reliability, as the house is being assembled, the wall joints can be additionally coated with glaze from the inside of the house.

When the ends and walls are securely dry, you can glue the roof parts. Hold them until the frosting is dry.

Glue the three chimney pieces together and glue them to the end of the small house. Glaze and coat with toasted and peeled peanut halves.

Roof tiles.
Apply frosting evenly to the roof surface and arrange the cookie cushions in a checkerboard pattern. The glaze should be thick, otherwise the pads will crawl down, they will have to be kept for a long time. The liquid frosting can be re-mixed with the icing sugar. Mask the uneven edges of the "tiled roof" by edging with glaze. Powder the roof with powdered sugar - "snowball" from the top of the strainer.


Using a bag with glaze, make an imitation of icing: touch the tip to the edge of the roof, gently squeezing the bag - the glaze will drain, forming an icicle. Repeat along all the edges of the roof and along the awning above the front door.

Gluing the "stones" with glaze, make a "fence". Place “Christmas trees” in the yard. You can make "snowdrifts" - grease the "stones" with glaze and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Imagine!

What should ultimately turn out - see the title. Design options:

Santa Claus's gingerbread sleigh

Paint each baked detail, dry the glaze well and only then glue it.
After gluing and hardening the joints, make the finishing: masking the seams, applying "icicles", imitation of snow, etc.
Like gingerbread houses, sleighs are glued together with sugar-protein drawing mass (icing) or hot thickly boiled sugar icing, or hard chocolate (black or white) melted in a water bath.

Sift flour with baking powder, add cocoa powder and ground ginger, cloves.

In a separate bowl, combine butter, sugar and honey.

Melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally, until a homogeneous syrup is obtained. Cool to room temperature.

Add an egg to the flour with spices and pour in the cooled syrup. Knead a smooth dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Decorate the cooled parts with protein glaze. To do this, beat the protein a little with a fork (you do not need to beat until fluffy foam), and then add powdered sugar one tablespoon at a time until the desired consistency is formed (it should not be very liquid). At the very end, add 3-5 drops of lemon juice and cover the icing with a wet towel for 15 minutes.

The protein glaze is ready, you can start working. To decorate the gingerbread we need a cornet (or you can take a file and cut a corner). Next, you need to fill the cornet with glaze and you can start decorating the gingerbread cookies. The gingerbread painting depends on your imagination.

The painted parts must be well dried until completely dry, and only then they can be glued together. To glue all the parts, you need to apply a thick layer of thick sugar glaze on the surfaces to be glued, and then connect the parts. This should be done gradually so that the joints are held together and dry.

The preparation of the dough itself is not particularly difficult, everything is quite simple. But the collection of sledges, of course, requires attention, efficiency and, of course, caution, since the parts must be glued together with hot caramel and it is necessary Special attention so as not to burn yourself! Dough preparation.
1. In 175 grams of flour, add 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. To mix everything.

2. In a separate bowl, knead the softened butter with a knife.

3. In another bowl egg beat with cane sugar.

4. Pour the whipped egg mixture into a bowl of softened butter and stir until smooth.

5. Pour 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder there and mix.

6. Then gradually add the flour mixture and knead the dough.

7.Cover the finished dough cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

8. After 2 hours, take out the dough and on a floured work surface roll out the dough into a layer, the thickness of which should exceed 5 mm and be about 5-7 mm.

9.Using pre-prepared stencils, cut out the necessary shapes from the dough, for the sleigh: two walls, a seat and a back, one deer and a deer stand (I made it in the form of a Christmas tree).

10. Gently transfer the finished dough form to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or baking film.

11. Cut out all the necessary forms and put on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated at 180 degrees for 7 minutes.

I also cut out three additional Christmas trees and cut them into equal halves, so that I can later join into one.

12. When the molds are baked, let them cool down and then you need to prepare the icing, the recipe for which can be viewed by clicking on this link.

13. When the gingerbread tins are cool, you can decorate them with icing sugar, or you can add food coloring. After decorating the forms, let the glaze set for about 20 minutes.

14. To glue the molds, you need to prepare caramel; for this, pour 3 tablespoons of water into a saucepan and pour 100 grams of sugar.

15. Put the saucepan on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, let it boil for a few minutes, until the caramel, when it gets into cold water will not spread along the bottom and from which you can roll a ball.

16. Once the caramel is ready, gently dip the edges of the molds to be glued in the caramel and attach to another gingerbread piece.

Put all the parts together. Place the deer on a Christmas tree stand for its stability.
17. Places of gluing can then be closed also by decorating with sugar glaze.

The glazed gingerbread sleigh with a deer is ready. Please your family and friends!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Cooking time: PT02H40M 2 h. 40 min.

approximate cost portions: RUB 60

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