How to make a pig with your own hands: step-by-step master classes with photos. DIY devil

The Pig will become the symbol of 2019. Before the New Year, schools and kindergartens often hold contests for the best thematic craft, for this you want to make something unusual and original. Here are many step-by-step master classes on how to make a DIY pig craft with step-by-step photos and videos.

The pig is a sincere old woman, she is courteous, kind and extremely scrupulous. She can be trusted with any intimate secret, she will never give or divulge the secrets entrusted to her. She is distinguished by honesty, will never lie, even for her own good, she is simple and vulnerable. But she's not as weak as she is good-natured. As the saying goes chinese horoscope, the boar is a symbol of pleasure, innocence, passion and fertility. The year of the pig will be successful and favorable for everyone!

For this holiday, you can make a bunch of crafts with your own hands. A holiday gift can be absolutely any, but it will be better if it contains the symbol of the year - a pig. Decide in advance what you want to do for the coming year. The gift should be pleasant, beautiful and useful. But whatever one may say, but every person likes to receive a gift made with his own hands.

Here are the actual ideas:

  1. Sew or tie small copies of the piglets.
  2. Make a postcard with a pig and be sure to write a congratulation in it - a great gift for a colleague and just as an addition to the main present.
  3. Make your pigs a soft toy.
  4. From plastic bottle you can make a piggy bank.
  5. You can also make pillows for a sofa, armchair, and even a car. Lovely pigs will warm and delight those to whom you present them.

Although the piglets are pink and cute, they love measuring puddles and messing around in the mud. Often their delicate skin color is hidden under a thick brown layer of earth or clay. In this lesson, we blind a pink pig that bathes in a swamp. Let's start the lesson with the selection of material, then knead the mass in our hands, roll up the suitable parts and assemble them into a single product.

Sculpting is a useful and fun activity that is aimed at developing a child's mental abilities in the same way as drawing or creating paper appliqués.

Perhaps you will need such a figurine if you are creating a farm, playing an exciting game of reproducing animal sounds, or staging a play about three pigs. In any case, creating animals with your own hands is always fun.

What you need to work:

  • The main material is pink plasticine;
  • Brown plasticine;
  • Chestnut or acorn - will help save weight;
  • Toothpick - head and torso fasteners.

For work, we can take 1 block of plasticine to get a miniature figurine. An acorn or chestnut will save weight. These fruits have a rounded shape, so you can mask such a frame inside the body. In any case, we will have to show a fat creature, because all the pigs are very well-fed, so the extra volume of the body will not hurt.

From the prepared pink plasticine you need to make: the body (for it, prepare an acorn or chestnut and a large cake), legs, head and tail. Cut the block into pieces and knead each piece individually in your hands if you have dense, not wax, plasticine.

Stick a pink cake on the acorn, place it between your palms and smooth, roll out the surface. Next, you need to make a ball-head, attach using a toothpick. But the matter is complicated by the dense material that we placed inside the body.

You will have to first make a hole in the acorn, so that you can then insert a piece of a toothpick into it. Also make small fragments that will allow you to copy the appearance of the planned pet: ears, patch, tail.

Glue a wide patch on the ball. Sell ​​the dents twice. Glue a little above the eye, and cut out the mouth a little below.

Connect the head with the body with a toothpick. Glue the ears to the head, lowering the cakes down. Glue the tail back and twist it into a spiral. The figurine already looks like a pig.

Make your legs. There is no need to do each one individually. You can form simple rectangular pieces, cut along the tip of a toothpick, then glue two hooves to each workpiece.

Attach your legs to your torso. Also make a large brown plasticine cake - this will be a swamp where we will place our cute pig. She will love to swim in the sun.

The dweller of the farm - the plasticine pig is ready. She does not grunt, does not run away, does not ask for food - this is just a toy that looks very much like a real animal. Perhaps this is one of those three famous piglets who outsmarted the evil wolf.

In this master class, we will make just such a pig out of an ordinary plastic bottle.

It is better to choose a bottle with a pink cap. But you can paint any cover with pink acrylic paint.

Cut out the middle of the bottle - we need to shorten it.

We connect the upper and lower parts, if you wish, you can fix them with glue.

  • four foot covers;
  • printed ears and eyes.

You can print our sketch in A4 format.

Cut out all the elements, also do not forget to cut out the strip for the tail.

Using hot glue, fix the ears, eyes and pink jumpsuit.

We attach the legs.

Our glamorous pig is ready!

Such a fluffy and soft pig will turn out from knitting threads.

We have to:

  • woolen threads;
  • pink chenille wire;
  • felt;
  • button;
  • ready-made eyes;
  • cardboard.

We cut out two rings from cardboard: an outer circle with a diameter of 7 cm, an inner one 5 cm.

We cut the yarn 1-1.5 meters long into 5-6 threads.

We put two rings together and begin to wrap them with yarn.

We wind until the hole closes.

The last circles can be dragged with sticks.

Then we cut the yarn along the outer edge with sharp scissors.

We spread the rings a little, wrap the middle with a thread and tie it.

All that remains is to remove the rings and shake the pompom.

We make legs, a tail from chenille wire and glue it.

I didn't have a pink button of the right size for the piglet's patch, so I painted the appropriate button with pink nail polish.

We glue all this to our pompom.

The soft pig is ready!

It took me half a skein of standard yarn.

Origami bookmark

Many parents and all educators devote a lot of time and attention to the development of fine motor skills in children. Why do this? By developing fine motor skills, you also develop the brain, that is, attention, thinking and memory. How to do it?

For the development of children's fine motor skills, created special techniques and quite a few books have been written. But even without knowing all this, you can come up with something new, interesting and useful for your child every day.

For example, you can make an unusual bookmark for books in the shape of a pig using the origami technique. By itself, this unique ancient technique already designed to develop fingers and pens, as well as attention.

Materials required for making a bookmark:

  • colored paper pink double-sided;
  • scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • glue;
  • button.

First, we need to build a square with a side of 12-15 cm using a ruler and a pencil.

Carefully cut it out and fold it diagonally once.

Now you need to fold the two corners to the fold, as shown in the photo.

Fold the side corners and wrap them in the resulting envelope. The blank corner is ready. Now we begin to revive it.

We will make a pig out of the resulting corner, so we need to cut the ears out of the same pink paper. A pink large button will serve as a piglet. The eyes can be taken ready for toys, but you can draw and then cut them out.

Gently glue the button, eyes and ears. It turned out to be a funny, funny pig that will store the page and you can easily find it.

And what an original gift it will be for dad or grandmother! All the more valuable because it is made with children's pens.

Each of us has pencils and pens. Especially in children. And so that they are all in one place and not lost, we will crochet a cute pencil holder in the shape of a pig. This pencil holder will perfectly fit into the nursery. In addition, it will not be difficult to tie it.

To knit pencil holders we need:

  • light pink, dark pink and black yarn;
  • hook;
  • needle;
  • a little padding polyester;
  • Cup.

We start by knitting the bottom of the pencil holder. We will tie a circle of columns with a crochet. We knit with light pink yarn.

We will make a sliding loop and knit twelve columns into it. Starting from the second row, we will make increments. In one row in each loop, in the other through the loop, in the next through three loops, and so on. We knit a circle to the size of the bottom of the glass, which will be the base of the pencil holder. We have the bottom ready. It is better to take a heavy glass for the base so that the pencil holder stands firmly and does not fall.

And now we need to slightly raise our next row. To do this, we knit a row behind the back walls of the loops and do not make any more increments. We start to knit the walls.

We knit rows until our knitted cup hides the base. So we tied a regular glass.

We will tie the nose of the patch. We knit it with dark pink yarn. We sew two loops and knit six single crochet into one. We will make increments from the second row. In one row in each loop and in the other row through the loop.

Then we knit a row behind the back walls of the loops and knit another row with single crochets.

Now we will knit the ears of the pig. We knit them with dark pink yarn.

We will make four air loops and in the initial loop we will make two double crochets. We knit four reversal rows. And in each of them we make an increase in the first and last column.

With light pink yarn, we tie each ear with single crochet columns.

We will tie the eyes with black yarn. In a sliding loop, we will make ten half-columns with a crochet and tighten the loop.

On the patch we embroider minks with black yarn. We sew a patch to the middle of our knitted glass, filling it a little with padding polyester.

And we sew the ears on the sides, folding their wide part in half. To sew the ears evenly, you can find the middle and count the same number of columns in two directions.

Then we sew on the eyes.

All that remains is to embroider a smile. We also embroider it with black yarn.

The crochet piggy pencil is ready!

How to crochet booties

How to knit such adorable booties in the form of pigs for your baby with step by step photos, see here.

DIY application from foamiran "Pig"

You will get a little pink pig if you repeat this interesting lesson. Naturally, it is intended for children, they are the big fans of papermaking. The figurine will turn out to be unique, because you need to make it exclusively from circles. To somehow diversify the work, we will replace paper with foamiran - an unfamiliar material with a unique soft texture. It will be even more interesting to work with him.

If you have a pink leaf, then it is perfect for a little pink pig, if not, then take paper or foamiran at your discretion. The circles will become parts for making crafts, this shape will allow you to reproduce the fact that the pig is chubby.

To make the piglet applique, prepare:

  • pink foamiran;
  • blue cardboard;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • white paper coin;
  • black marker.

How to make an applique in the form of a pig with your own hands step by step.

Blue cardboard will become a canvas for an interesting foamiran applique. The pink leaf will subsequently become a pig; a sufficient number of circles of a suitable size must be cut out of it. Such a minimum of materials will be used.

Cut 3 large and 1 small circle from the pink foamiran. The small circle will become the head, one of the larger ones will become the body of the pet. Leave them unchanged. Cut the remaining two large circles in half. While you need 3 semicircles to simulate legs, the hind legs will visually merge, so the second one can not be shown.

Glue a large whole circle in the center - this is the body of a piglet, you need to position it so that all other parts of the body fit onto the prepared sheet. Directly to the round body, adjoin one half of the circle - a leg, push the other leg forward a little. But make these 2 details on the same level. Thus, the front legs will already be in place.

On top of the two semicircles, stick a small circle - this will be the head of the animal. Add a leg at the back, turning the part with the convex side towards the head.

Now you need to use the remaining half from the third large circle. At the second stage of work, we cut 2 of them in half, but only 3 halves were used for the legs. So, the last piece will be used for the ears and tail. Cut 3 segments. Thus, the initially prepared parts will be triangular.

Glue the ears to the head, pull the tips down and hold with glue. Glue another segment in the back in the form of a tail, bend it a few times to show an imitation of a hook. Foamiran figurine is ready. Now you can arrange the muzzle. Stick a white paper coin in front - a patch, draw black dots. Also make 2 slits - eyes. That's all the manipulation of materials.

The piglet turned out to be very positive, this children's craft will appeal to all kids, because it is easy to perform and bright.

By the same principle, you can perform completely different familiar or exotic animals. Experiments are always interesting and useful for the development of children.

How to make another one, here is such an application, see here

How to make a chestnut pig with your own hands

Of course, pigs are most often depicted as pink, and chestnuts are most often depicted in brown material. We have 2 ways - to mask the chestnuts under a thin layer of pink plasticine, or to use the pink mass only fragmentarily, gluing additional parts of the figure.

This lesson details how to make a pet from natural material. This craft is easy to do, so kindergarten kids will master it. How to do it, see here.

Each child asks mom or dad to buy him a Kinder surprise, not so much to taste delicious chocolate as to see what kind of toy is hidden inside. Did you know that you can make a toy from a kinder surprise capsule with your own hands? Children will be happy to get to work.

Thus, they will experience a triple pleasure: they will taste their favorite sweetness, be surprised and delighted with the surprise they find inside, and will also have an interesting time with fascinating creativity. with step by step photos here.

Do-it-yourself piggy pigs video lesson

Do-it-yourself yellow pig from paper

Bookmarks are always appropriate. They are used by absolutely everyone, be it adults - they always love to read at night, be it teenagers who go to school and use textbooks, be it children to whom their parents read interesting and instructive stories. Thus, the bookmark can become a symbolic gift for the New Year, made with your own hands. And it represents the head of a pig. You will not find an easier option. Step by step master class here

To decorate the New Year's table, you can make such a pig from a lemon.

Yellow pig - symbol of 2019

People born in the Year of the Pig are usually successful in business. Representatives of this sign are energetic, resourceful and straightforward. They take their business seriously and can go to great lengths to fulfill their desires. Moral and material satisfaction fully characterize the Year of the Pig. But some people can live this year carefree without much money. They do not notice aggression and betrayal in others.

In the year of the Pig, the brave and strong people who go ahead in any situation. Boars are hardworking and smart, but at the same time they believe in deception, often confusing it with the truth. Boars prefer to follow a straight path, they are simple and open people who can find a common language with the society around them.

The pig is a great player. She hides a competitive spirit that she usually does not show to strangers. She often doesn’t believe in herself. Often a bunch of questions revolve in her head, for example, about how she should act correctly in a particular case. This is a very sincere person, he can easily conquer any person with his open and honest thoughts and actions.

The pig sees in the people around him only good qualities... She will not even think that there may be enemies among her close people. She wants to believe that only kind and honest people live in the world. Often she is disappointed in people because of her good-natured attitude. It is almost impossible for someone who has undermined his reputation in her face to become her friend again.

The simplest and cutest do-it-yourself nylon pig

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The symbolism of the upcoming 2019 is the yellow pig. In this article, we will look at a few simple step-by-step DIY pig making master classes.

We will show in detail how you can independently make from materials that can be easily found in every home, such do-it-yourself crafts for the year of the pig, like a piggy bank, we blind piglets from dough, we will do simple crafts for kindergarten, we will learn how to sew a pig from nurseries tights and socks, we will make a pig-ball out of thread, we will make a coffee toy, and we will also learn how to sew a pig-tilde from fabric. And at the end of the article, a video bonus will be waiting for you: making a pig from pompons as a gift for New Year... So, if you're ready, let's get started!

Papier-mache: piggy bank

To make a funny papier-mâché piggy bank, we will use toilet paper or newspapers, acrylic putty, acrylic paints, PVA glue, a balloon, foil, a foil reel.

The first step is to inflate the balloon. Then, in several layers, we apply prepared scraps of newspaper dipped in PVA glue and water on the inflated ball so that our piggy bank is not soft, but strong enough and let it dry.

In a plastic bucket, we will prepare a mass for papier-mâché: you need to tear toilet paper or napkins into small pieces and add PVA glue. Mix everything well! We coat the future pig with the obtained "chewed paper".

When the papier-mâché frame dries well, the ball must be carefully burst and pulled out. Now we need to close the hole through which we pulled the ball: for this we glue it crosswise with masking tape and apply papier-mâché, leaving a small rectangular hole - this will be the slot where the money is thrown.

Divide the foil reel into four equal parts - it will serve as legs for our pig. We glue the legs to the pig with masking tape. Then we apply papier-mâché. The inside of the legs must be filled with something heavy - so our pig will become more stable. Sand or a small metal object, such as a nut or screws, will do.

We make a patch of foil for the pig, under which you need to form a mouth (upper and lower lip).

Now we need to sculpt eyes and ears for our pig - they can be made either from the remains of papier-mâché or molded from clay.

The flexible wire will serve as a tail for the pig: we twist it, covering the tail with the remnants of papier-mâché. After our pig is completely dry, it must be properly treated several times with acrylic putty and then wiped with a cloth soaked in water - this is how the pig's barrel will be leveled.

Our piggy is ready for painting!

First you need to apply dark paint, you can use several different shades. Then red paint is applied to the craft with a sponge.

Then - pink, and as the final stage - pink and white paints are applied. The last step is to apply white paint to the protruding surfaces. Our piggy bank is ready!

We offer you another version of the piggy bank, the step-by-step execution of which you can watch in the video:

Salted dough suspension piglets

As a wonderful souvenir gift at home, you can also make a piglet pendant from materials that can be found in every home - flour and salt. It is very easy to make such a pig, it turns out to be very cool and is suitable as a talisman that any child will be happy with, or as a craft in a kindergarten. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to make such a souvenir.

DIY simple crafts for kindergarten

As a product that can easily be made, a paper craft, a suit for a children's matinee - a mask and pig ears, as well as a pig in a pen, acts as a product that can be easily made. Let's consider step by step how easy it is to do such crafts yourself.

Paper craft

To make such a toy paper souvenir, we need: a pencil and a black marker, a ruler, colored paper - pink or red, as well as silver, a stapler and glue, plastic eyes prepared in advance, a ribbon for decoration.

The body of our pig should be voluminous; for this we need colored paper - pink or red. We cut out an even rectangle from paper, connect the edges with glue or a stapler so that we get the base-body for our craft - a high and wide tube.

Next, we make the basis for the pig's face: we take paper of two different colors, from one we cut out a larger circle - the head of our pig, and two small triangles-ears, from the second - a smaller oval-patch. Eyes for pigs can be taken prepared in advance - plastic, or you can cut them out of other colored paper yourself.

Now you need to connect all the parts we cut out: bend and glue the ears and the patch to the head in series. On the patch we draw the nostrils, under it - a smiling mouth. Draw cilia on the eyes.

Now you need to cut out the rest of the details from multi-colored paper - for the belly of the pig, take a silver color, and red for the front legs and tail. We glue the prepared parts: we glue the long legs on the sides of the pig's body, the tail to the back of the craft, and the tummy to the front.

We tie a thin ribbon around the pig's neck and tie an elegant bow. Our pig is ready!

The finished paper craft-pig can be presented as a New Year's present, and it will also look good on a decorated Christmas tree as a toy.

You can also make such a craft out of cardboard:

Suit: mask and pig ears

It is very easy to prepare such a costume for a children's matinee on your own, since it does not require sewing and its production will take only a few minutes.

For a costume consisting of a patch, ears and a pig's tail, we need:

  • felt or fleece pink and white,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • stapler,
  • paper cup,
  • elastic band color pink,
  • thin elastic band,
  • white thin plastic hair hoop.
First we make a ponytail: Cut off a piece of felt fabric - it should be slightly longer and wider than a piece of wire. We put the wire inside the piece of fabric cut rectangularly, wrap and glue the fabric well.

Then we take an elastic band, fold it like a belt, attach the tail we have prepared in the middle and fasten it with a stapler or glue. We twist the tail like a pig. One piece of the costume is ready!

Now we start making a patch... To do this, take a small-diameter cardboard cup, apply a piece of pink felt to it, circle and cut out the resulting circle - this will be our patch. Cut off the top from the glass so that the height of the glass is one and a half to two centimeters.

Cut off a rectangular strip of the same width from the felt so that you can wrap our glass. Now we glue our cut out parts to the glass: a circle - to the bottom, a rectangular strip - along the entire glass. It turns out to be a pretty pink patch!

Cut out two small oval details from white felt - nostrils. We glue on the patch exactly in the middle.

We make two small holes on the sides of the cup, into which we insert a thin elastic band. We tie an elastic band on each side to a large knot inside the cup-patch. We try on our nose on our head, it should hold tight enough - so that it does not fall off, but also does not press hard. Our nose for a pig costume is ready!

Getting started making ears... To do this, we need to cut off two large pieces in the shape of pig ears from the pink felt. Then we take our headband, glue our eyelet, pinch it and wrap it around the hoop, fix it well with glue.

Our costume for the holiday is ready!

Pig in the pen

To make such a textile craft, we need:
  • empty plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters,
  • plastic eyes,
  • 4 plastic covers,
  • a piece of light felt or felt material,
  • a small piece of flexible wire,
  • a piece of padding polyester,
  • nylon white stocking,
  • multi-colored paper,
  • several wooden skewers,
  • a roll of twine,
  • shoe cardboard box cover,
  • gouache in red and white,
  • colorless varnish,
  • hot glue,
  • a few pebbles, acorns and twigs.
First, we will prepare a pen for the pig: turn the box upside down, glue the required number of wooden skewers around the entire perimeter.

We glue the box with inside green paper, weave a fence from twine around the glued skewers. We put acorns and pebbles in the pen, put a plastic jar - a feeder for our pig, arrange twigs-trees. Our pen is ready!

Now we are making a pig from a plastic bottle: we cut the bottle into several parts - the bottom, the middle and the neck. We connect the neck to the bottom, glue it with hot glue.

Using scissors, carefully cut out the mouth under the bottleneck. We wrap the bottle with a padding polyester, and also make a hole-mouth with the help of scissors.

We tighten the body of our workpiece with a tighter stocking, cut out a hole-mouth and fix it with hot glue.

Our stocking knot on the neck of the bottle must be closed with a snout: for this we cut a circle out of white cardboard, tighten it with nylon, tighten it with a thread - our snout is ready.

On the bottom of the bottle, the knot must also be closed with a wire tail, which we pre-tighten in the area of ​​the bottom with nylon.

Cut out the pig's ears from light felt, glue it to the head.

We prepare the legs: we take plastic corks, tighten them with padding polyester and nylon, tighten them with a thread, fix and glue them to the pig's body with glue.

We prepare the gouache: we mix the red and white colors so that it turns out pink. Paint over our pig evenly. Apply a colorless varnish on top. After the craft dries, glue the eyes and nostrils to the pig. Our piggy corral craft is ready!

We sew a pig from children's tights

Making such a souvenir will not take much time; this will require a synthetic winterizer, children's tights or socks and a little imagination. The piggy craft is easy to complete by following the step-by-step instructions below. Ready? Then let's get started!

Socks also make good piglets:

Pig ball made of thread

To make such an original craft, we need the following materials:
  • pink threads / yarn,
  • colored paper,
  • scissors,
  • an inflatable ball of a round or oval shape,
  • PVA glue,
  • plastic cup,
  • needle.
First, we need to prepare the base-body of the pig: for this we take a ball, inflate it to the size we need. Now we pierce the plastic cup through with a needle: the resulting holes should pass near the very bottom of our cup. We will pour PVA glue into it, and we will pull the thread through the holes so that it passes through the glue poured into the glass.

We wrap our inflated ball in a chaotic manner with a thread dipped in glue, so that we get as many weaves as possible. The larger the layer of wound threads, the stronger the craft will be. You can stop glueing the ball when it almost disappears under a layer of thread.

It must be remembered that the glue dries for a long time, about a day, so such a craft must be prepared before the holiday in advance.

After the glue is completely dry, you need to pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it from the craft.

The legs of a pig are made in the same way: a sausage ball is inflated, wrapped with threads, then after the glue dries, the ball must be carefully burst and removed from the legs.

Now you need to glue the legs to the body; while the glue dries up, we can start making the pig's face. To do this, on colored paper, we first need to draw all the necessary details - a patch, eyes and ears, then cut them out and glue them on the pig's body.

Then you need to stretch a long thread and secure it with a loop knot - it will come in handy if we want to hang our craft on the Christmas tree.

Coffee toy

A New Year's souvenir-pig in the form of a coffee toy is just as easy to make, its scheme is quite simple, while it will have an exquisite aroma of coffee, vanilla or cinnamon and will give its new owner only positive emotions. Let's start creating a coffee toy!

The technique for making such a souvenir is quite simple, and for making naf-naf we will need it: light coarse calico, light threads, stuffing material - synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, vanillin or vanilla sugar, cocoa, instant coffee, cinnamon, scissors, PVA glue, a needle, old toothbrush, gel pen, small container for diluting the fragrance, brushes, acrylic paints.

First, you need to prepare and cut out a template - you can attach tracing paper or loose paper to the monitor screen and circle the outline of the toy with the photo.

The toy can also be cut out in any size, just click on the picture and its size will increase. It is also advisable to transfer the cut out pattern to thin cardboard - it is more practical and convenient.

Now our pen will come in handy - we will outline the resulting pattern with it; you need to do this on a fabric that is folded in half; if you plan to sew more than one toy, then it is necessary to leave on the fabric between the patterns a space for the seam allowance of about 0.5 cm, while the seam itself is better not done along the drawn line itself, but next to it: the trace from the handle will not be noticeable if the fabric gets wet.

It is necessary to simultaneously sew two layers of fabric along the line; the seam begins and ends between the hind limbs of our craft, while about 2 centimeters remains unstitched - this hole is necessary so that it is more convenient to fill the pig. Also, you cannot cut the threads of the seam so that it does not come apart when we turn out and stuff our pig.

We also cut triangular teeth at the place of the seam allowances, leaving the distance to the seam itself also about 0.2 cm - this will allow the seam on the toy to remain smooth, not puff up in different directions.

Now we turn it out and stuff the stitched pig; for particularly tight spaces, the ends of the folded scissors are suitable. We fill the toy with padding polyester using unsewn holes: the more padding polyester inside, the more "plump", "pot-bellied" our pig will be. It is necessary to carefully sew up the holes through which we stuffed our pig and thread it - this will help to easily hang our pig to dry.

Now we will prepare a flavoring agent for our craft: dilute 40 ml of boiling water in a prepared container and add a teaspoon of coffee. Then the remaining ingredients - vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa - add about a quarter teaspoon to the resulting mixture.

Stir everything thoroughly and cool. Then it is necessary to add about half a teaspoon of PVA glue to the mixture, mix thoroughly.

Apply the resulting composition with a toothbrush to our pig in such a way that the fabric is dyed and not completely saturated.

Now we need to dry our toy; to do this, we hang it on a wire rack in the oven, turned on on low heat, for a quarter of an hour.
If, after the end of drying, damp spots still remain on the toy, you must turn off the oven and thus dry our workpiece.

Once completely dry, the fabric soaked in glue coffee solution will become tough and can be easily applied to any funny pattern.

We start coloring - first with a simple pencil to outline the details, and then with the help of acrylic paints. After the paints are dry, you can attach a loop or magnet to the coffee toy - then you can hang it on the Christmas tree or on the refrigerator.

It is advisable to avoid getting moisture on the toy. Our wonderful do-it-yourself coffee pig is ready!

We sew a tilde pig

In order to make such a wonderful souvenir, we need a printout of the pattern, cut out and translated into the selected material. As a material for such a toy, a natural plain light fabric such as linen, cotton, calico, poplin is best suited. You can take materials from old clothes or a new piece of fabric.

The pattern itself consists of several parts - the little body of the pig, ears and legs.

The fabric must be folded in half, place patterns on top of the pattern and circle; do not forget to leave 0.5 cm for the seams. Now we cut out the resulting parts and sew them as shown in microns.

Be sure to leave holes for filling the craft with stuffing and in order to sew on a pig's tail. Next, we need to sew the resulting parts and turn them out. We fill the craft with filler, for example, synthetic winterizer, holofiber, synthetic fluff; You can also put a sachet in your pig.

It is necessary to sew the legs and ears to the body of the pig with the help of a secret seam. We design the face: you can glue the eyes with plastic ones, sew on beads, embroider with threads or draw with paints, nostrils - draw or embroider with floss threads; you can draw a blush on the pig's cheeks, so it will become more elegant.

In order to make the last part of our pig doll - a playful tail - we need to cut out a rectangular piece of fabric that is suitable in size and sew a piece of flexible wire into it.

We fix the end of the wire inside the tail with glue.

After the glue dries, pull on the second, free end, and it will take the shape of a pig's twisted tail. We sew a tail into the body of our toy.

See below for a few more options for textile pigs:

Bonus Video: Pom Pom Pig

This video presents a master class that reveals step by step the process of making a pig from homemade pom-poms.

All presented in the article step by step instructions making homemade toys-souvenirs of a pig - a symbol of the upcoming 2019 - are very simple, for their repetition you need simple materials that can be found in every home. With a little patience, skill, and care, you can craft any of these toys yourself.

You can arm yourself with threads and nails and make pictures in the style of piggy string art:

A souvenir pig is a gift that will not leave anyone indifferent, it will give joyful emotions to everyone! Dare and create with our master classes!

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Despite the wide variety of lures in fishing shops, it is not always possible to find the right one. They meet, of course, very good models, but the price for them is unreasonably high. In my understanding, the "devil" should be elongated-drop-shaped, with a longitudinal hole for passing the line, and not with a ring. Only in this case is the correct orientation of the bait possible - vertical, and there may be distortions with the ring.

The hooks on the bait should be large, round-shaped, their spread is slightly less than the length of the bait's body. Many may argue that they successfully catch with "devils" of a different shape. I like this one, and confidence in the tackle largely determines the success of fishing. If you manage to acquire good "devils", this does not mean that you will be lucky next time, and cliffs are a fairly frequent occurrence. From this situation, you can find a simple way out - to do the "right" "devils" yourself.

There is a technology when the body of the bait is made from a sinker-olive, turned to the required diameter. The hole in it is drilled out on one side so that hooks can be inserted, which are then soldered. Further, with the help of a file and sandpaper, the devil is given the desired shape.

This technology is simple, but rather laborious. For the new season, several of my familiar fishermen wanted to learn how to “draw” at once, so I decided to master their more mass production.

A friend advised me to try casting baits. I thought for a couple of days how best to do it. The main problem is fixing the hooks to ensure they are in the correct position. The hooks are well positioned in a regular stationery eraser, but it doesn't like heat. It is easy to make castings in a plaster mold, but you cannot fix the hooks. The idea came by itself - to make a combined form. I tried to implement it in practice - everything worked out the first time.

To make the mold you will need: a small amount of alabaster, two stationery erasers, a small piece of wax (as an option - from a candle), a tube of cyanoacrylate (superglue), a razor blade or a sharp knife.

First of all, markings are made on one of the sides of the eraser - three straight lines intersecting at one point at an angle of 120 °.

My lures have three hooks welded together, the angle between which should be 120 °. If you put four hooks, then two straight lines are drawn at an angle of 90 °. Next, the eraser is cut with a blade half the thickness.

Hooks will be inserted into the resulting cuts. I use ready-made tees from companies such as Owner, VMC, Gamakatsu, which have the desired shape, strength and sharpness. The curved parts of the tee pods are inserted into the eraser, and the forend and barbed tips should stick out. At the places where the stings exit, we make notes, after which we take out the hook, and on the marked places we fasten the pyramids from the eraser with small drops of glue, slightly larger in height than the stings protrude.

The next step is to make the body of the bait from wax. It all depends on personal preferences. Mine are in the form of an elongated drop 10 and 15 mm long, 2.5 and 3 mm in diameter at the widest part. The wax in the hands heats up and acquires plasticity, easily rolls between the fingers. The pointed tip should be cut off slightly to create a flat area. Next, we glue the body onto the prepared eraser, strictly vertically, setting the pad at the intersection of the lines on the eraser (as it turned out, superglue glues wax well - a big plus).

The next stage is making a mold from alabaster. It can be disposable and break after casting the devil, but it is better to make it reusable - detachable, from two halves. Alabaster hardens very quickly, which allows you to speed up the process. First you need a small container. I use plastic boxes from small wobblers. In a box, you need to mix alabaster with water until sour cream is thick, about half the volume. After that, quickly, until the material begins to solidify, but carefully lower our eraser with the body of the bait into it strictly to half and leave it until it solidifies completely.

It is advisable that one side of the eraser touches the wall of the container. After that, if necessary, level the surface, being careful not to damage the wax. Next, melt a piece of butter in your hand and apply it with a brush with a thin layer on the surface of the alabaster. Then we prepare a new portion of the gypsum mixture, completely fill the container and wait for solidification. The result should be two layers of alabaster, separated by a thin layer of oil, with the body of the "devil" between them. If you do not use an oil layer, the alabaster halves will firmly hold together, it will be impossible to separate them without damage.

Gently peel off the alabaster around the eraser so that it can be removed without damaging the shape, and separate the halves. We remove the wax body of the bait and slightly grind the walls of the resulting grooves in the place of the joint with a fine sandpaper to ensure easy removal of the casting from the mold. With the help of a file in each of the halves, we make a recess so that when they are connected, we get a conical funnel for pouring metal.

Cut off the pyramids from the eraser, update and clean the cuts along the markings and make a small indentation with a drill at the intersection of the lines. In the alabaster half-molds, in place of the removed pyramids, there will be recesses in which the stings of the tee will fit. Thanks to this, they will not come into contact with the material of the mold and keep the sharpening level. In the process of making baits, the eraser can become unusable, having melted from repeated contact with the molten metal. It can be easily replaced if you have exactly the same. It is enough to attach it to the half of the form, mark the place from which the hook should come out, and make markings and cuts. Although practice has shown that the eraser is very durable - it easily withstands casting of several dozen baits.

That's all, the form is ready. It consists of an eraser, which serves as the bottom, and two alabaster halves, tightly connected to each other.

You can start casting!

For casting baits you will need: hooks No. 18-16, sanding paper, soldering acid and a brush, sewing pins with a ring, a small amount of lead and tin, a spoon or a small ceramic thimble crucible to melt them, pliers, wire cutters, clothespin or a piece of thread.

First, we prepare the hooks: you need to remove the ring with pliers, then remove the covering on the fore-end with a sandpaper to the bend and treat the cleaned place with soldering acid. Insert the prepared hook into the cuts on the eraser. Stick a pin slightly smoked over the candle flame close to the fore-end.

After removing it from the casting, a longitudinal hole will remain in the devil's body for passing the fishing line. The hole will exit at the base of the hooks. It can also be made from the side of the devil, if the point of the pin is clamped between the halves of the form, in the grooves scratched in advance.

Next, melt lead and tin in equal proportions in a crucible or spoon so that the whole body and funnel can be poured. Only lead can be used, but the alloy with tin is stronger and harder.

The melt must be thoroughly heated so that it flows easily and does not solidify too quickly. The pressure of the metal in the sprue helps to fill all cavities in the mold and improves the quality of the product.

Let the mold cool down for a while, carefully separate it and take out the casting. Using pliers, disconnect the sprue-cone from the body, and then using pliers, remove the pin from the body and the cone, which will be melted down and made the next bait.
From the resulting workpiece, we cut off the beads of metal with a sharp knife, process it with a file and fine sandpaper. We clean the hole with a pin or a special drill for jigs. If necessary, slightly adjust the hooks with round nose pliers.

Now let's start painting. We take out the bait from the solution, put it through the hole for passing the fishing line onto a pin or wire and wait for the acetone to dry. After that, we apply nitro enamel on the body of the bait with a brush to paint the models. military equipment... I prefer black, but you can use green, red, make fancy colors. We move the devil back and forth along the wire so that the hole does not stick with paint, remove and put it vertically on hooks to dry, for about a day - until it is completely dry. It is more expedient to produce 5–10 lures using this technology at once, successively going through stages with the entire series.

If desired, bait hooks can be decorated with beads, cambric, foam or other artificial bait, but I prefer "naked". Such "devils" fully correspond to the concept of "no-attachment jig", they proved themselves well last season, helped to catch the most different fish: from a match ruff to a kilogram bream.

I hope my small but quite successful experience will be useful to other amateurs. winter fishing, who decided to master such an interesting type of fishing, like a devil.

Using the presented technology, at home you can make not only "devils", but also other types of jigs of arbitrary shapes and sizes, as well as spoons. Good luck fishing!

In childhood, everyone watched a cartoon about a piglet, or listened to tales about three piglets, or Viinnie Pooh and his friend, a piglet. For the holidays, among the kids, the costume of a piglet, pink pants with suspenders, a light-colored blouse has always been relevant, but the most obvious and main advantage of the piglet is its patch. So now I will tell you how to do it.

How to make a piglet piglet with your own hands.
To create, we do not need so much:
1) Elastic band, 20-25 centimeters, in length.
2) A4 sheet of paper.
3) Pink marker.
4) Two small plastic rings.
5) Glue, preferably PVA.

First you need to roughly imagine what size you would like to see your patch, in the foreground circle, whether it is for a child or for an adult. Usually it is 6-7 centimeters in diameter, it can be smaller, everything is relative.

We draw a circle on paper (you have decided on the size), but draw a little more, for folds to connect parts of the product.
We make small folds around the edges, to the size that you would like to see. So that the circle does not stare, we make small cuts, in the area where the bends are.
We take the thread and measure its length along the rim of the circle, apply the thread to the ruler and get the size ...
That's exactly this size, we cut out a rectangle along the length, decide for yourself whether you want a long nose or a short one, I make about 5 centimeters, for a child a little less. Also, we make the rectangle a little larger for gluing.
We glue the rectangle into a short tube.
We spread glue on the part of the circle that serves for fastening and insert the circle into the mini pipe, from the inside, until the glue dries up, hold it with our fingers from the inside.
We make holes, opposite each other, for an elastic band that will be worn on the head.
We glue small plastic rings to these holes, from the inside (you can take glue not PVA). So that the elastic does not tear the paper when stretched. You can take four rings for reliability, two on the side, with glue from the inside and from the outside.
We tie the elastic band, not very small, so that our patch would be slightly held.
In the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe nose, on top of the heel, you can also cut out part of the product, for convenience and so that it would sit correctly.
In the final stage, we paint everything pink, do not forget about the two nostrils in front, you can leave them blank and leave white.

Now, the question of the piglet itself disappears, because we have already made it!
Remember that the first pancake can always be lumpy.
Advice: never give up, try again and again, you will definitely succeed.
Thank you dear readers and comrades for your attention. Also read interesting information on any ship.

In the yard, 2015 has recently come, the reservoirs are covered with ice, somewhere it is strong, somewhere completely thin, and going out on it is life-threatening, but somewhere there is no ice at all and the spinning party continues. By my nature, more and more often I strive to visit open rivers in order to fish on them with a spinning rod, but sometimes there is no desire to feel the smells of a universal scale from the eternally stinking Moscow River, and then on such days I take a drill, get into the car and go to some pond or lake, or on the strong ice edges of the Oka. I will not say that a trophy-sized fish is caught, but from time to time there are test specimens. I fish mostly on a balancer or a vertical rod, but when the fish runs out in the hole, I collect the rest with a rewinder. I really like to catch the devil in such cases.

The choice of devils and witches in our stores today is huge - these are both home-made options from lead and tungsten, and the famous Tula baits. Today, they are considered the best option from mass-produced ones. Most of the range of fishing shops is represented by mid-priced impressed tungsten powder, and the vast majority of these lures are colored. And all would be fine, but often the quality of manufacture of these very "tungsten" devils (the witch differs in the number of hooks - she has 4 instead of 3 for the devil) wants to leave the best. And it's not about the accuracy of the assembly or painting - it's about the quality of attaching the hooks to the devil's body. When you hold the bait in your fingers, it is all so neat, even, the hooks are very sharp, and they will fit into your fingers. But as soon as you catch a dozen perches or roach on it, the paint peels off, and the whole essence of mass production begins to peep through it - a tungsten body covered with copper with a slot where the hooks are soldered. In appearance, the soldering is excellent, even, without shells and cracks (visible under a magnifying glass), but it is worth picking out such a devil from the mouth of a greedy perch or roach, as one body remains in the medical clamp, and it is good if it has one bent hook. There are frequent cases of the disintegration of the bait on the hooking or playing. All this does not add joy when you give money for the bait, and sometimes considerable money, and in the cold there is not the slightest desire to bandage the stupid bait. There are samples in which the hooks are held on the body only by covering the latter with paint. Such hooks bounce off along with the paint on the first or second bite. As a result of such low-quality devils, I lost a couple of good trophy bream with a weak bite. And I decided to start analyzing and making homemade devils with my own hands at home and please the “penguins” with the development. See what happened.

First of all, we need to decide what size and weight we use most of the devils. I love thin, run-down devils, with a ring at the top, with or without a bead, to taste already. I fish more often at depths of up to 3 m, so it makes no sense to use heavy tungsten devils. I see a game they are very aggressive, and this does not add to the effectiveness of catching. Lead or an alloy of lead and tin plays much more interesting and softer in such conditions. There are dozens of options for making such devils from lead, ranging from casting into a mold (the repeatability is simply amazing) and ending with a simple clamping of a float pellet on the forend of a tee or, in general, a single hook. And if the first option allows you to make high-quality baits, with hooks tightly sitting in the body, then the second is most often disposable "devils" for fishing. How are we to be?

Making a mold is difficult, time consuming, and often makes no sense.

And the way out is to be on your own - just run into a radio store for five minutes with two hundred rubles in your pocket and buy what you need.

Namely, solder in the form of a lead-tin wire with a diameter of 1 mm with rosin (this particular bobbin is the most expensive investment), a set or bundle of heat-shrinkable tubes. On the way, you can run into the change to buy a couple of packages of the necessary hooks and beads in the needlework department. I hope that most people have a medical clip with straight jaws, thin copper wire too, super glue is the cheapest, a 3 g tube is enough for hundreds of baits. From commonplace tools - scissors, a lighter, a simple gas lighter, argon options on me will do, a substrate on the table, a couple of small files and a bottle with black nitro paint (for fans of experiments - a set).

So let's get started. We take the hooks we need, they are very ideal for us with a spatula, in the amount of 3 pieces, and one hook with a ring (you can take an unimportant quality, we only need the upper part from it), bite off / break off at the hook by prying it, throw it away, and the resulting rod with with a ring at the top, we clamp it into a medical clamp by the ring.

If 3 hooks also have rings, then we break them off, leaving only a part of the forearm and prying it himself with a sting. We put a little superglue on the rod clamped in the clamp, and glue one of the three hooks, trying to do it very carefully.

All other stages and, ultimately, the bait itself will depend on the quality of this work. Consistently, observing the accuracy and symmetry of all 3 hooks relative to each other, we glue them to the rod. While this whole thing dries up, we are engaged with solder - we tear off a piece of wire about 7 cm long, and prepare a thin copper wire. It can be taken from old TVs, we need it as a hair - with a diameter of 0.05 and even thinner.

Carefully, trying not to touch the glued hooks, we wrap our workpiece with double folded copper wire, increasing the pressure with each subsequent turn. We remove unnecessary ends, apply solder and start winding over the copper base.

You should get something similar.

If you need to make a body thicker, or a devil heavier, then you can add a piece of tungsten, steel, copper wire under the copper winding. If you need to keep a small mass, but sharply increase the cross-section of the body, then the solder is wound in two layers, and for large devils, in three. For appearance before winding the solder, you can put on a bead of the desired color, if it is needed at the hooks, then before wrapping it with copper wire, it is preliminarily placed on the structure. Instead of a bead, I often use small brass balls, they add a little weight and look beautiful. Cut off a piece from the heat shrink tube, 4-5 mm bigger size than our body of the future devil, and pull it on the workpiece.

If there is no required diameter, then it is not difficult to stretch the whole thing with a clamp - keep in mind that the tube should sit down with light effort, and not hang around the body like a ring from an onion on a skewer). We clamp the workpiece by the upper ring, correct the heat shrinkage, and begin to gently heat it straight along the heat shrinkage with a lighter.

When the heat shrinkage takes the form of a winding with solder, we turn our workpiece into a vertical position with the hooks up and gently continue to heat from all sides. An indicator that the solder has melted and filled all the voids under the heat shrinkage is the rosin that appears at the exit of the hooks. (see photo below)

If you continue to heat, then the solder will appear, filling the gap between the hooks neatly and soldering them tightly, and the heat shrinkage on the body will become smooth and form the future body. It will never burn, it simply hardens, so it is ideal for these purposes. But do not overdo it - overheating the workpiece, you can lose the solder, it will just flow out from under the mold. While the alloy is not frozen, gently adjust the position of the hooks with your fingers, observing the symmetry. We cool the workpiece, and with a clerical knife we ​​cut off the burnt heat shrinkage from the devil's body. This usually works right away. But there can be problems - the rosin grabs the rubber quite firmly, and then you have to cut the heat shrinkage or remove it with a stocking. Removing the unnecessary, we see an almost finished devil - and immediately assess the quality of the hook fastening, and the quality of the body. We gently press the hooks, trying to turn them towards each other, if they grabbed and there are no voids inside, then this cannot be done without bending or breaking them - the hooks will spring. We remove in case of excess solder from the devil's ring with the same knife, bring it to the desired shape with a file. To paint or not is your right, I do 50 to 50.

Such devils have been serving me for 2 years already, and I have never had the hooks fall off or turn, while the serial devils have had everything flying away for a long time. The prime cost of a self-made devil is low, and up to two dozen of these models can be made in an evening.

And even if they weigh less than tungsten, but we said about the method of weighting above, however, under loads these simple devils show amazing durability - there is no thought that the hooks are about to fly off or fly out a ring. Tearing them off is bold, if there is no way to unhook them. If you set a goal, then in the same way you can make other winter jigs, if you wish.

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