How to pump up the zygomaticus major muscle of the face. How to pump up cheekbones on your face without surgery

Cheekbones ... They never went out of style. Skinny models with perfect cheekbones smile beautifully at us from the covers of glossy magazines. It seems to be very beautiful. And I want those to myself. But some mother nature has already presented expressive cheekbones, and some, even after a couple of lost kilograms of cheekbones, did not acquire cheekbones. Well, as in every situation, there are at least two ways out. And in this "cheeky" problem there are three of them. Let's start with the most cardinal.

Radical methods

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith literally knows how to pump up cheekbones - she made her cheekbones more expressive with the help of silicone prostheses. But the famous actress Marlene Dietrich did it differently: she removed four molars. With the help of this dental manipulation, she achieved the long-awaited "triangle" face shape. They followed in her footsteps and current stars- the Olsen sisters. And in general, many cosmetologists broadcast that the cheekbone augmentation procedure is now more popular than lip augmentation. But this is the first way out, but the second method is less radical.

Visual effects

Visually pump up chewing muscles you can use cosmetics. By the way, at the peak of the popularity of "sculptural faces" in the 80s, they did just that. Makeup artists conjured over the faces of models, and beautiful cheekbones were obtained. But for an average woman, such cosmetic procedures were not available, since the usual powder and blush had a dense structure. If applied incorrectly, the face was as if under a mask. Now the cosmetic industry is replete with powders, blush, bronzers and other products with light structures that easily adjust the face. The brush with the product should be guided from the temple to the corners of the lips. The line should not be drawn along the cheekbone itself, but under it.

There is another way how to pump up the cheekbones on the face. It does not require money, much less cosmetic or dental intervention. This method can not only pump up the jaw, but also tone all the muscles of the face, rejuvenate them and fill them with new energy for new smiles.


The third method is exercise. Or rather, there is such a direction in fitness - face building, that is, face fitness. And now you will read about several exercises on how to build up the muscles of the face.

Wash your hands before exercising because your fingers will help pump up your cheeks and cheekbones. Start the first exercise from the oval position of your mouth, as if you were surprised to say the letter "o". Place straight fingers under the lower teeth. Then you begin to squeeze your fingers with the cheek muscles. Pull your upper lip down to keep it from straining. Concentrate only on the muscles of your cheeks, do not squeeze your fingers with your lips. Also, do not squeeze your face in the nose area. Because of this, new creases may form. To relax your cheeks, inflate them and release the air.

Exercise 2 will work on the small cheekbones that make you smile. The mouth should be placed in the same position as in the first exercise. Bend the fingers slightly and place them under the upper lip. With force, begin to press on the fingers with your upper lip. When performing, the lower part of the face should not be tense. At the end of the exercise, you can make a static load by holding the press. To relax the muscles that have worked, puff out your upper lip and relax.

Exercise 3 will load the large zygomatic muscles that anchor the face frame. After a week of daily training, the cheekbones will become more expressive. To work out the cheekbones, you need to stretch out the mouth again as in the previous exercises, and begin to strain the cheekbones. It may not work the first time. Try to pronounce the letter "o" sharply with an oval mouth. If this does not help, wrinkle your nose, as if you saw a cockroach in the borscht. This manipulation will help lift the zygomatic muscles as well.

Physiognomists assure that the face, like the eyes, can be a mirror of the soul. Genes, hormones, and lifestyle also affect appearance. For someone who knows this, it is enough to look closely at a person to tell how he lives.

Scientists are never tired of proving that a person can give out a lot important information about the identity of its owner. We present to you the results of the latest research of physiognomists.

Human facial features

  1. Face shape
    Keith Welker of the University of Colorado Boulder, studying the ratio of the width to the height of the face of football players, participants in the 2010 World Cup, was able to predict the approximate number of goals that each player will score. The smaller the ratio, he decided, the more a person tends to dominate.
  2. Big cheekbones
    Scientists from University College London have shown that men with wide faces and large cheekbones high level testosterone. Such people are aggressive and powerful rebels. Filmmakers often cast them in as villains or alpha males.

  3. Wrinkles
    What can wrinkles indicate? Not only about age. When experiencing or portraying emotions, a person uses different muscle groups. "Crow's feet" in the corners of the lips indicate that their owner often laughs and is an optimist in life. The folds between the eyebrows and on the forehead betray a serious, gloomy, brooding personality.

  4. Profession in the frame
    Some people, taking pictures, more often turn the left side of their faces towards the lens, considering it more photogenic, others - the right. Scientists at the University of South Australia saw a pattern in this.

    They proved that creative people show the left cheek to the photographer, and techies show the right cheek. Right side the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for thinking, analysis and synthesis, and the left is controlled by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions. Hence the desire to demonstrate their working side.

  5. Selfies are a reflection of personality
  6. Nose size and ambition
    In 2013, an interesting study of the shape of the human nose was published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Scientists have proven that ambitious individuals, prone to maximalism and perfectionism, have large noses.

    A large and fleshy tip of the nose is most often found in investors, businessmen, financiers, and neat and small in people who are indifferent to material savings.

  7. The Dorian Gray Effect
    Lifestyle affects appearance. All good and bad habits are imprinted on the face and body. Look at Lindsay Lohan. You don't need to be a physiognomist to understand that she abused alcohol and that it is because of this that she got so old at a young age.

Anyone who dreams of expressive cheekbones and a thin aristocratic oval will be helped by facial exercises. Like any muscles, the cheekbones need to be pumped gradually, slowly increasing the load.

Complex for every day

Exercise should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This facial gymnastics will take a minimum of time, but it will bear significant results.

To get rid of traces of fatigue on your face, you need to take a deep breath, concentrating the air behind your cheeks. The face should look tight balloon... At the same time, the lips are tightly closed, the palms lie, the tips of the fingers touch the ears. Now you need to press on your cheeks with your hands, without letting the air out of your mouth.

Fold your lips with a tube and press your tongue on the cheek from the inside, as if stretching the muscles. Make sure that the mouth does not open. Stretch the cheeks one at a time for 30 seconds. Exercise kneads the muscles of the face.

This exercise is similar to the previous one. Only now the cheeks are stretched from the inside not by the tongue, but by the mass of air collected in the mouth.

Now you need to open your mouth, pulling your lips over your teeth. Put your hands on your cheeks and lightly hold your palms up. The lips and cheeks are tense all the time. Perform until the facial muscles are tired.

To lay down thumb behind the cheek and with the effort of muscles to lift it up. Use your finger to constantly create resistance.

Deployed complex

Two exercises from the bodyflex complex will help to pump up the cheekbones without surgery. The first is called "The Lion." It is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube so that they resemble a small letter "O". And roll your eyes, turning them up, behind the crown. At the same time, you need to stretch your face in different directions - the forehead and upper part pull your cheeks to the ceiling, and lower jaw and lips to the floor. Make sure that the mouth does not open.

The second exercise "Grimace". Standing straight, push the lower jaw forward to the redistribution, tilt your head back, and pull your lips up, as if kissing the ceiling. The shoulders should be lowered during the exercise.

Advanced facial gymnastics is complemented by endurance exercises. It is required to pull the corners of the mouth with the force of the muscles in the direction of the ears so that as many teeth as possible are exposed. Do not wrinkle your forehead. Sit like this, straining the muscles of the cheeks until they hurt.

Now take a pencil and hold it between your upper lip and nose. For some time, while you have enough strength, walk in this object, do other exercises or do household chores. Increase the duration of the exercise every day.

Already from the age of 25 men have a "tired" face. With age, booze does not fade away, and the situation worsens:

  • cheeks droop;
  • the second chin is drawn;
  • bags appear under the eyes, etc.

Quit drinking and smoking, go in for sports, and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Although, even with healthy way life over the years, the face can still age. The blame is the atrophy of the facial muscles.

But you can avoid this - with the help of Facebook building. That is, training the muscles of the face, and, in particular, the muscles of the cheekbones. How to exercise the latter - read on.

# 1: Chewing gum


# 2: Jaw

Male jaws are under the close scrutiny of women. The strong-willed male jaw instantly evokes their sympathy.

Sit up straight, raise your head and pull your lower jaw as low as possible. Do this 20 times every day. They say the result will not be long in coming.

# 3: Smile

During a smile, up to 50 facial muscles are loaded. They can atrophy after 30 years. To restore them, you need to learn to smile. Grit your teeth and make a big smile. Hold your smile for 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 10 every day. Schwarzenegger learned, you will learn too:

# 4: Cheeks

You need to draw a mouthful of air to inflate your cheeks, and hold for 10 seconds. Do this 20 times. You can not only puff out, but also draw in your cheeks. Repeat also 20 times.

# 5: Lips

Grasp the corners of your lips with your fingers and stretch them. Hold on for 5 seconds. The norm is 2 sets of 15 times.

Every woman has her own preferences in male appearance. Sometimes, we don't even know about them. Today we are going to show you some unexpected places in men that make women crazy. Today we will highlight eight things for men, quite for the fair sex.

Sinewy arms

Pumped hands seem too unnatural and unattractive to women. But strong sinewy hands on a subconscious level inspire confidence, because their owner is probably a skillful person. Moreover, such hands are simply pleasant to look at.

Light bristles

Numerous polls and studies have shown that the beautiful half of humanity is more attracted to men with light facial hair (three-day stubble) than clean-shaven or men with a beard. From the point of view, facial hair is a sign of aggression, which is why representatives of the stronger sex with stubble women seem more masculine: they see them as potential hunters and hunters.

Bushy eyebrows

Thick eyebrows focus on the eyes and make the look more open and expressive, which psychologically immediately has a woman to more sincere and trusting communication.


High cheekbones

And here is an unexpected and very interesting fact... British scientists conducted an experiment in which they asked subjects to evaluate the faces of thousands of strangers. It turned out that people with high, pronounced cheekbones seemed to them the most reliable. According to another study, the love of women for high cheekbones in men was, of course, not the only impetus for the evolution of the structure of the jaw of our distant ancestors. The fact is that the fairer sex preferred men with a massive chin to men with fangs. So the faces of the men became wider and they began to lose their front canines.


2 thousand girls were asked to answer the question, which belly looks the most attractive. 8% of those surveyed agreed that the best option is a bodybuilder with a lot of muscle mass, 10% voted for a small "beer" belly, and the remaining 82% preferred an athletic, fit, but not a pumped figure

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