Alina kabaeva in trendy jeans. The people did not recognize Kabaeva in torn jeans

After finishing her sports and political career, Alina Kabaeva rarely goes out and becomes a heroine latest news... For several years, the public has considered Kabaeva as the second wife of Vladimir Putin. And although the head of state himself prefers to laugh it off when asked about his personal life, rumors about his affair with Kabaeva continue to excite not only Russian citizens, but also residents of neighboring states.

It is not surprising that there is a special interest in each appearance in public of Alina Kabaeva. So, a few months ago, the athlete appeared in the studio of Ivan Urgant in a dark transparent blouse, under which the snow-white underwear was visible. This outfit was unanimously considered unsuccessful by the audience and caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Ripped jeans with rhinestones on Alina Kabaeva blew up the Internet

Yesterday Alina Kabaeva appeared at the dress rehearsal of the festival rhythmic gymnastics"Alina", supported by the athlete's charitable foundation. This is already the 9th festival organized by Kabaeva for young athletes.

This year, more than 500 gymnasts from different cities of Russia will perform at the Alina festival. Alina Kabaeva helped the participants of the festival in staging the numbers, sorting out the complex elements of the performances with them. Most of the spectators are children from orphanages and children with disabilities.

The Olympic champion appeared at the rehearsal of the festival in an unusual outfit for her. Usually Kabaeva prefers rather conservative dresses and suits, but today she is wearing fashionable ripped jeans with rhinestones from Dolce & Gabbana.

Mine new image Alina Kabaeva diluted with a black top and a vest of the same color, and on her feet the gymnast put on light pink pumps with a stiletto heel.

Journalists have already found out that fashionable jeans from Dolce & Gabbana, chosen by Alina Kabaeva, cost 280 thousand rubles.

Last weekend, a rehearsal for the opening of the IX Rhythmic Gymnastics Festival was held with the participation of Alina Kabaeva.

The Alina Rhythmic Gymnastics Festival begins in Moscow. The Alina Kabaeva Foundation has been conducting it for the ninth year. The festival will feature gymnasts from all over Russia, Olympic champions, pop stars, theater and cinema stars, musical groups!

Last weekend, a rehearsal for the opening of the 9th festival of rhythmic gymnastics "Alina" was held in Moscow, the work of which began this afternoon at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva also watched the process along with the organizers.

Kabaeva was present at the rehearsal from and to: she herself showed the young athletes the complex elements, gave advice and made adjustments to the direction of the numbers, and after practicing the performances she gave autographs to the girls crowding around her for a long time.

Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva actively advocates for development children's sports in Russia. Every year she hosts a rhythmic gymnastics festival named after her. Yesterday, in one of the concert halls, she took part in a dress rehearsal.

V social networks pictures from the event appeared, as well as videos on which you can see Kabaeva's fashionable ripped jeans, decorated with rhinestones and sequins. The famous gymnast combined such a wardrobe element with a strict dark top and light-colored shoes. People who were personally present at the event said that Alina was very attentive to the little athletes.

“She didn’t ignore any of the little ones looking at her with her eyes of hope! At the end of filming, when the director said "everyone is free", she said "wait" and thanked all the kids! I wished everyone good luck! She said that tomorrow there will be children from orphanages, and all the performers should give them a holiday! And perhaps the most touching moment, when everyone was standing on the stage and one baby, apparently not believing that Alina was real, gently touched her with her finger, to which Alina turned around and hugged her, and then all the other babies! " - said one of the gymnast's fans.

Let us recall that Alina often helps young talents to believe in themselves. Many gymnasts take an example from her, so they are happy when Kabaeva is personally present at sporting events and explains to them how to correctly perform this or that element.

Boring classics and only sometimes a little sparkle - this is how you can write the style of Alina Kabaeva. After appearing in a transparent blouse six months ago, the Olympic champion and State Duma deputy gave no more reason to discuss her outfits. Before today... Her look in sparkling Dolce & Gabbana jeans aroused great interest among Internet users.

May 2, 2017 Text: Alena Petrovskaya · Photo: Alexander Drozdov / Sharifulin Valery / Krasilnikov Stanislav / Metzel Mikhail / TASS, Personastars, PhotoXPress, Instagram

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In this outfit, we see Alina Kabaeva for the first time!

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33-year-old Alina Kabaeva rarely goes out, so we can evaluate her outfits only from infrequent photos that the Olympic champion and her star friends publish on social networks. The singer Maxim shared such a picture the other day. "A man who enjoys my great respect," read the caption to a photograph of the artist in a red dress and Olympic champion in trendy jeans. It was they who caught our attention.

Baggy, torn, and even decorated with hundreds of sparkling crystals - we see this on Kabaeva for the first time. Looking with interest at the image of the athlete, we immediately recognized the novelty from Dolce & Gabbana in this shiny garment.

Stylists advise wearing it with a laconic top - this is exactly what the 33-year-old athlete did, complementing her look with a black top and a cropped vest to match, as well as light pink Casadei shoes with a metal stiletto heel. What do you think?

Publication from Alina Kabaeva | FAN ACCOUNT | (@ alinakabaeva.official) May 1 2017 at 9:12 PDT

Singer MakSim (real name Marina Maksimova) attended preparations for the annual festival of rhythmic gymnastics "Alina", which will take place today, May 2. This large-scale event, timed to coincide with the Children's Day, has been held for the ninth year by the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation. Many artists young gymnasts from all over Russia, Olympic champions, the best music and dance groups of the country will come together on one stage.


In the meantime, judging by the photo that the performer posted on her Instagram page, it was a very intimate act (the stands behind Marina are empty). But next to Maximova, dressed in a red evening dress, the legend of rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva is captured.

In the photo, the famous athlete poses in a black short-sleeved sweater and fashionable ripped jeans, decorated with rhinestones. Twisted hair complemented the image. “A person who enjoys my great respect,” Marina Maksimova signed the published photograph.

Subscribers reacted to the photo, and very ambiguous. While some fans praised the singer, others were at a loss as to who their favorite was posing with. Only a few recognized Maksimova's companion Alina Kabaeva.

"Marishka is beautiful😍😍😍", "Young fellows! They are engaged in children from the heart and with love!" , "Beautiful 😊", "Kabaeva does not know ...", "Red suits you very much divine", "Two beauties) Oh, you, Marina is especially charming)", "I did not immediately recognize Alina Kabaeva)", "The dress is awful , how does it suit you !! It's just grace and a masterpiece! " - Marina's subscribers expressed their opinion.

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