Do-it-yourself mechanical and electronic bite alarm. Bite alarms - what are there, how to choose the right Homemade electronic bite alarm for donkey

One of the main advantages of the feeder over other tackle is the flexible tip of the rod, which signals the fish bite. After casting the tackle, the angler sets on and pulls the line in such a way that the tip of the rod is in a bent state. But there are situations when the quivertip cannot fully “work out” the bite, and they come to the fore - feeder alarms bites. They will be discussed in our article.

Purpose and varieties

To tension the fishing line after attaching the swinger, a freely moving weight is provided on its bar, with the help of which the sensitivity of the device is adjusted. The bat does not need an additional weighting agent, since it itself has enough weight to tension the line.

When the fish bites, both the swinger and the baht move in a vertical plane, and the angler makes a sweep.

Swingers and bats are small in size, easy to carry and have high sensitivity, sufficient to register even the most "gentle" bites. The disadvantage of the baht is that, due to its flexible chain, it is uncomfortable when fishing in difficult conditions when strong winds are blowing.

The swinger has advantages in this regard due to the rigid bar that provides the necessary stability. The cost of both a swinger and a baht is not that great, but if you need several of them, the costs increase and therefore many bottom fishing enthusiasts prefer to make a bite alarm on the feeder with their own hands.

Homemade bite detectors under the feeder

The most accessible indicator of a bite for the bottom tackle is considered to be ordinary bells, and our grandfathers also used similar devices. A rubber stopper was attached to the bell with a slot for fixing it on the line and making the device heavier for registering the bite.

Instead of bells, they even used a base from a light bulb, and there were many variations of such signaling devices. In the future, technical progress also affected the design of signaling devices and many are used for their manufacture. various materials such as pen caps, stoppers from plastic bottles and even cases from plastic syringes.

How to make a mechanical signaling device yourself

We will give a bite alarm under a feeder from a plastic syringe as an example of a homemade visual type alarm.

To make it you will need:

  • plastic syringe;
  • winding ring with a diameter of 10-12 mm;
  • a piece of foam rubber;
  • elastic band for attaching the device to the rod ring.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. dismantle the syringe, leaving only the body;
  2. cut a cylinder from the rubber stopper, 15-20 mm long, with a diameter equal to the diameter of the syringe body; insert the rubber stopper into the syringe body so that 10 mm of rubber remains outside;
  3. make a cut for the fishing line in the cork;
  4. make a hole for the winding ring in the lower part of the syringe body;
  5. put a ring in the hole;
  6. tie an elastic band for attaching to the rod, to the winding ring.

On the pond, when preparing the rod for fishing, a homemade signaling device is tied with an elastic band to the first ring of the rod, and after casting the tackle, the rubber stopper is fixed on the fishing line.

During the bite of the fish, the indicator moves vertically, and after hooking it freely jumps off the line. To make the device heavier, sand is poured into the syringe body in the required amount, and even with a strong wind there will be no idle operations.

When fishing at night, a firefly is inserted into the syringe body and fish bites are visible even in the dark.

Such a homemade signaling device is easy to make, moisture will not spoil it, and it is stored in a tackle box. The disadvantage of such a signaling device is the absence of a sound alert about a bite, because the angler still has to carefully monitor its condition.

Sound bite detectors for feeder

Mechanical sound alarms are not so widely represented, but all anglers are well aware of the "bells" on plastic clothespins, which are attached to the top of the feeder and emit a melodic sound when biting.

Advantages 👍:

  • compact;
  • are not "afraid" of water;
  • securely attached to the rod tip;
  • are inexpensive.

Disadvantages 👎:

  • after hooking, it is necessary to remove the device from the rod so as not to irritate others with harsh sounds;
  • "Bells" are characterized by low sensitivity when biting into the shore;
  • there are a lot of false positives in strong winds;
  • from moisture, the metal rusts, and the signaling device fails.

There are situations when, after a strong hooking, the bell flies off the rod and you have to look for it for a long time on the shore, or even in the water, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the angler.

Electronic signaling devices for feeder

The advent of electronic bite alarms was a revolutionary event in the fishing world, as many problems were solved with their help.

And after, along with expensive devices, budget models appeared, most donor fishermen preferred to switch to using modern equipment.

The electronic bite alarm for the feeder performs two functions at once and warns the angler about a bite not only by light, but also sound signal... This fixture is screw-mounted on a stand or rod and uses the energy of mini batteries.

After casting the tackle, the rod is installed on a stand with a signaling device, and the line tension is provided using a swinger or bat. Electronic devices are equipped with a pager, to which information about their status is transmitted.

Even away from racks with feeder rods, the angler immediately receives a bite alert in the form of a sound and light signal.

Foreign companies Fox, Nash, Delkim, Prologic were pioneers in the production of electronic signaling devices, but now our manufacturers have mastered the manufacture of such products and make them with high quality.

The benefits of electronics

The advantages of electronic devices are that they:

  • register bites in any direction;
  • have high sensitivity;
  • work autonomously for a long time;
  • transmit both light and sound signals;
  • resistant to bad weather, as they have a protected case;
  • durable and functional.

The only relative disadvantage is the high cost of such bite detectors, but it is offset by the convenience they provide.

For a long fishing session, electronic feeder alarms are indispensable and help you achieve an excellent catch.

The transportation of electronic devices is facilitated due to the fact that they are equipped with cases, and upon arrival at the reservoir they are quickly prepared for work.

Most signaling devices have additional settings:

  • volume;
  • sensitivity;
  • brightness;
  • tonality.

That is, the angler adjusts his alarms depending on the fishing conditions and, at the same time, each bite detector sounds different, which makes it possible to quickly find out which rod to pay attention to.

Carp anglers were the first to use electronic devices, but over time, fans of other types of bottom fishing, including feeders, switched to similar bite detectors.

When using electronics, the angler has "free hands" and does not need to constantly sit near the rods, fearing to miss a bite. The main element of the electronic signaling device for the feeder is a wheel on which the line is laid after casting the feeder, a vibration sensor, or a photocell.

Fine tuning of sensors is present in more expensive models of alarms, which have the maximum possible functionality.

But even in cheap gadgets, the volume and tone of the sound, as well as the duration of the signal, are adjusted. The indicator lights, present in almost all electronic detectors, are especially relevant at night, in addition, there is a connector for connecting a swinger or baht indicator light, which also provides additional convenience.

Why do you need a pager

In situations when you have to fish in the neighborhood with other feeders, so as not to disturb anyone with shrill signals, they switch the sound to the radio module or pager, which the angler always has at hand.

The pager is convenient because:

  • allows the angler to learn about the bite, even when he is at a distance from the rods;
  • allows you to avoid harsh and loud sounds that interfere with others and scare away the fish;
  • signals on which rod the bite occurred.

The pager has a small size and is carried in a jacket pocket, and at night, the angler can relax in a tent, since in case of a bite, the radio module will immediately let you know about it. Each rod on the pager has a corresponding light, which lights up when the alarm is triggered.

For long sessions, instead of feeder stands, rod pods are used, which are also equipped with electronic bite alarms. In this case, it makes no sense to use only mechanical devices, such as the same swingers, since their functionality is limited.

Electronic devices are attached to the pod racks and successfully cope with their direct duties.

The use of mechanical or electronic indicators is very convenient during long fishing for feeder tackle, so that every fisherman, athlete or amateur, has them in his arsenal.

Probably, every inveterate fisherman sooner or later has the idea that it would be nice to have an assistant in his household, a small but observant one. Such an assistant is called a "bite alarm". But many do not just want to buy it - they want to make a signaling device with their own hands. Today we will talk about what types of signaling devices are, how to make some of them.


The simplest bite signaling devices (principles of operation, manufacturing instructions):

Each fisherman has eyes, ears and hands to determine the bite. The mechanical signaling device is designed, due to its principle of operation, to inform through visual, acoustic or tactile contact the beginning of a bite.

Mechanical visual signaling devices

Nod. The simplest devices are the familiar float or rod tip (nod). These types of alarms are familiar to everyone. How to make a float and a nod yourself, or which one to buy, every fisherman knows.

Foil tube. Also, there are slightly different alarms, which are based on the principle of action on the vibration of the line. The simplest visual is a foil tube.

  1. We take aluminum foil, roll up the tube.
  2. After that, we put the pipe on the main line.
  3. You need to thread the line between the reel and the first ring on the rod - a sag of the line is formed in this place.

As the bite begins - the sag of the line decreases, we understand that the fish has begun to seize the bait. Aluminum foil is good because it shimmers in the sun (its movement is clearly visible), and also rustles when jumping.

The disadvantage is that it is useless in the wind (the reason is the lightness of the material).

Mechanical acoustic signaling devices

Correct bell. Let's talk about a simple acoustic signaling device - bells. Our design is much better than purchased bells, since the bell flies off the tackle during the hooking and does not interfere with playing.

  1. We buy a bell, remove everything that hangs on it.
  2. We are looking for a rubber hose about three centimeters in diameter. We pay attention in the search to the fact that its walls are thin.
  3. On the hose we measure out a piece one and a half centimeters in length.
  4. We cut off the measured ring, and see what shape it has. If a circle, then we cut along one side anywhere, but if an oval, then we make a cut on one of the elongated sides.
  5. Now we need two nuts and a bolt. The size of the bolt is such that it fits into the ear of the bell.
  6. Now you need to make a hole at one end of the cut rubber ring equal to the diameter of the bolt (it is better to drill at low speeds).
  7. We pass the bolt through the hole in the rubber ring (with the head inside the ring). You will get a hook made of a rubber ring, on one side of which a bolt protrudes.
  8. On the bolt we put a piece of thick fishing line a meter long with a tightening loop.
  9. We tighten the loop.
  10. Now we put on the bell, press everything together and tighten it with a nut, then we tighten the second nut in order to counter the first one.

We now have a bell with a rubber hook. We hang on the line closer to the tip of the rod. When hooking, the bell can fly off - in order not to lose it, we tie the free end of the line on our structure to a peg in the ground.

This design is much better than the cheap bells sold in stores. Since the signaling device flies off the rod. You do not irritate yourself or nearby fishermen. And also do not frighten the fish.

Electronic signaling devices

Thinking about the signaling device and appreciating its advantage - you want more from it. A mechanical signaling device requires mandatory control by the fisherman for its actuation, that is, being near the rods all the time. And if you want more? Retire for natural needs, cook food, just relax and stretch your legs, here comes to the rescue electronic signaling device, it is also called. It does not require constant presence near the rod and will inform about the bite with a visual (light) or sound signal. There are a sufficient number of types, types and models on sale.

You can conditionally divide into types:

  • visual
  • sound
  • combined

The principle of operation is also simple - the line passes through the slot, a small reel is in the slot, and a signal is triggered when it moves.

So, we described the primitive mechanical signaling devices and briefly talked about the factory electronic ones that are sold in the store. Now we will tell you how to make a more or less simple design of a mechanical signaling device, as well as how to assemble an electronic one yourself.

Design and manufacture of a simple side mechanical signaling device

We need the following components:

  • Snap fastener for PVC pipes(used for mounting into a wall, ceiling or floor, the pipe itself snaps into it).
  • Steel (elastic) wire 20 cm long and 0.8 - 1 mm in diameter.
  • Nylon thread, waterproof glue, any paint for metal of "poisonous-bright" color (paint can be bought in cans) or self-adhesive film of bright color.
  • A rod or tube (guide) 8-10 cm long. The diameter of the tube is such that it fits tightly into the side hole for the PVC pipe holder.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's start assembling our signaling device.

  1. We make a hole at the end of the tube or rod along the diameter of the wire.
  2. We bend the wire with an arc, measure 5 cm from one end and bend it 90 degrees outward from the inner bend of the arc.
  3. We pass the wire through the hole in the tube or rod. The curved tip will turn out parallel along the guide.
  4. We coat the tip of the wire and the guide with glue and fasten it tightly with threads in several layers.
  5. We coat each layer with glue.
  6. As it dries, you can either paint over this place or open it with varnish (for example, for nails), as an option, put a heat-shrinkable tube on the gluing site and plant it in diameter with a lighter.
  7. At the other end, bend the hook for planting the main line.
  8. Insert the guide into the pipe holder (it is better to put it on glue).
  9. We paint with "poisonous" paint or glue 5-7 centimeters of the tip of the holder with a bright foil on the side of the fishing line hook.
  10. We put on the rod handle after the reel. The archwire should be on the side.
  11. We grab the ends of the holder with a tight elastic band (so that it does not fly off). We hook the main line after the spool onto the hook on the wire arc.

When biting, the line stretches and bends the arc. Guided by the vibrations of the bright tip of the arc, it is easy to determine the moment of the bite.

Schemes of simple electronic bite alarms (principle of operation)

Option 1. Simple circuit of an electronic signaling device

The line tension sensor is made from the contact group from the RPU-2 relay. It is only important to configure so that the release of the relay occurs at the slightest movement of the line, but this is done very easily during assembly.

Option 2. Simple circuit of a waiting sound and light signaling device

Option 3. Electronic signaling device from the keychain with a melody

A very simple scheme and does not require additional description. The RPU-2 relay or its analog is still used.

Option 4. A more complex scheme of the waiting bite alarm

To assemble an electronic signaling device, you need to have at least minimal design skills - which case to place, which system is better to come up with, the method of fastening, etc. Each constructor defines this for itself. We will tell you about the very principle of operation of the electronic signaling device and its components. For assembly you will need:

  • 3 volt battery (or several connected in series).
  • Contacts from a broken alarm clock or toy.
  • Reed switch open, no magnet.
  • Magnet (can be from the latch of the furniture latch).
  • LED or buzzer (or both for a combined signaling device).

Before you is the most complete circuit of an electronic sound signaling device.

The principle of operation of such a signaling device is as follows - when a magnet is brought to a reed switch (during a bite), the circuit closes and transmits electricity to an LED or a buzzer (or both). The LED lights up or the buzzer of the tweeter - notification of the beginning of the bite.

Such a scheme can be used, for example, in the above-described mechanical signaling device - by improving it into an electronic, combined one. In this case, we need to bend the arc so that it is closer to the rod with the tip where the hook is located through which the main line passes. At this tip of the arc, you need to fix a magnet, fix the batteries located inside some tube or box, a reed switch and an LED with a squeaky light on the rod.

A comprehensive carp guide for beginner carp anglers. Basic gear arrangement.

During the bite, the line will stretch and bend the wire arc with the magnet, bringing it closer to the reed switch. The reed switch will close the circuit and supply power to the LED and buzzer. You can put a toggle switch in the circuit to turn the buzzer on and off at will, and then it will only work in the on position.

For the LED to always work - install the toggle switch in the circuit after the LED, so that the LED itself does not leave without power in the off position. It turns out to be a wonderful signaling device.

Electronic signaling device Megatext and its principle of operation

The advantage of this design is that in the open state, our signaling device does not consume power from the elements at all. It can be used at any time of the day. If you need to move away, then you just need to turn on the squeaker and it will notify about the bite at a distance from the rod. In the event of a failure or battery discharge, such a signaling device will be able to operate in a mechanical mode. It will be enough to remove the magnet and straighten the arc to the old position. Effective jumps to you.

Since ancient times, people have used different ways, for effective tracking of fish bites. These were all kinds of floats, gatehouses, or visual observation of the tip of a fishing rod. With time and experience came the desire and the ability to improve these devices. And with the advent of new technologies, smarter bite alarms began to appear. There are now various types of nods, bells, light, mechanical and electrical bite indicators.

Electronic signaling devices

In the distant 60s, the development of electronic signaling devices began. They combined visual and audible alarms. One of the more popular bite alarms was the Heron. The main disadvantage of this device was the need to connect it to an external battery.

Development did not stand still. The contacts with wiring were replaced by small sensor blocks built into the signaling device case. They are much more reliable and sensitive than older models.

Modern electrical signaling devices can receive a bite signal through:

  • Form

Such devices are attached directly to any convenient place on the rod using adhesive tape. It can be used both in summer and winter fishing... The indicator housing is made in the form of a small cylinder, weighing about 12 grams. It is sealed and does not sink. The cylinder has an on / off button and sensitivity level settings for:

  1. Predatory or large white fish;
  2. Small white fish;
  3. Winter fishing.

There are also auto (on-off) functions of the device when undercutting. To save energy, there is an option to turn off the device if there is no bite for a long time (more than three hours)

The principle of operation of such devices consists in the removal of information by a sensor built into the body from the blank of the rod. False signals from the wind, waves of the reservoir are not recorded. The bite signal is given by sound (up to 50 m) and LED (up to 100 m).

  • Lesku

These are electrical signaling devices of a traditional form. Available with fasteners for mounting on a blank rod, or mounted on a rodpod, rod holder. They consist of:

  1. Housings;
  2. Roller signaling device;
  3. Batteries (crowns);
  4. Microcircuits;
  5. Sound, light signaling device.

The body is made of plastic or metal. It has a special place where the power supply is installed. In the upper part there is a roller with a photocell for fishing line. Inside the case there is a microcircuit, LEDs and a sound signal speaker. On the surface there are buttons for on / off, volume, sound tone selection, as well as a button for a light signaling device.

The body has a threaded mount for screwing onto a stand or rodpod. The signaling device itself is also a rod support. More expensive models have waterproof cases. For budget models, you can advise - fill the board yourself with wax from a candle. This will prevent moisture from entering the microcircuit.

One of the most popular mechanical alarms is Megatex (picture below.)

Operating principle such signaling devices are simple:

  1. The body is screwed onto the stand. It is brought into the working position (the power is connected, it is turned on). The desired sound tone and volume are adjusted (this is convenient when fishing with several rods).
  2. The tackle is thrown, a fishing rod is installed on the signaling device. The line starts up on the roller.
  3. Slack is selected (swingers or mechanical bite indicators are needed to tension the line), the friction on the reel is correctly set.

When biting, the line through the roller gives a signal to the photocell. In turn, it generates a signal with sound and light. This informs the fisherman about the beginning of the bite.

As a rule, electrical signaling devices have 2 indicators. Red indicates a bite. Green or blue lights up when the instrument is turned on. It also burns for a few more seconds after the end of the bite. This makes it possible to see on which of the rods the fish was biting.

Rating of the top 3 models of electronic signaling devices

« Jay", inexpensive, practical option. Extremely popular model in recent times"Jay 3". It occupies the top of our rating.

Mounts on a rod or whip winter fishing rods using adhesive tape. It has:

  1. Protection against false signals (waves, wind, algae);
  2. Removable CR1220 battery;
  3. Metal waterproof, non-sinking body;
  4. Energy saving shutdown function;
  5. When operating from -40 to + 100 ° C, the shelf life is up to one year.


  1. Press the button, a beep will appear. When the button is released, a short signal means the device is turned on, a long signal means it is turned off.
  2. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th clicks - sensitivity levels are set.
  3. 7th, 8th, 9th clicks - setting melodies for a bite.
  4. 10th press - setting on / off auto mode when undercutting.
  5. Pressing and holding the button (20 sec) sets the tone and volume of the sound.

Cheap signaling device "Barracuda" (barracuda), made of black rubberized plastic.

  1. Waterproof case;
  2. Volume and tone control;
  3. Light and sound signaling;
  4. A crown battery (9 V) is used for power supply.

The control buttons are located on the front side of the signaling device. The rubberized housing allows you to use the device in all weather conditions. The board is covered with a waterproof coating.

Electronic Chinese signaling device "Hoxwell" It has:

  1. Light, sound indicator of inclusion;
  2. Eight levels of tone;
  3. Volume control, silent mode;
  4. Memory function of settings;
  5. LED scale for the direction of bites;
  6. Built-in signal transmitter;
  7. Turn on night mode.

These are models protected from moisture penetration, with lateral control buttons. The body is additionally protected by rubber pads along the seams of the joints. A krone battery is used for power supply. These models are also equipped with pagers.

Electronic signaling devices with pagers

Modern professional signaling devices are equipped with built-in signal transmitters. It is convenient for day or night fishing, being at a relatively large distance from the rods. The bite signal is sent to the pager. The signal transmission distance reaches 200 m. The pager can notify the fisherman by vibration, sound or light signal. Each set of alarms has its own pager. It can simultaneously receive signals from 4 devices.

Advantages of using models with built-in signal transmitter:

  1. Obtaining information about the tension of the fishing line, at a distance from the place of fishing.
  2. On which of the rods the bite occurred.

The pager is configured together with alarms, which allows you to pick up and monitor the signal. It is necessary to remember about the timely charging of the device, so as not to be left without communication with the signaling devices during fishing.

Ready-made sets of signaling devices

Such kits are equipped with a pager, usually 4 alarms, batteries and chargers (if necessary). The set is packed in a plastic case. The annunciators are equipped with built-in transmitters for communication with a pager.

They also have special connectors for connecting electronic swingers. They have waterproof cases. Such kits are easy to transport, easy to assemble and use. Ready-made sets of signaling devices are quite expensive. However, they differ in the quality of the models and practically, in the absence of fakes.

Light signaling devices (firefly)

For night fishing, one of the common types of signaling devices are "fireflies". They are easy to use, affordable and suitable for all types of fishing (bottom, float or spinning).

Basically, the signaling devices produced by the manufacturer have the following forms:

  • In the form of a nail or stick;
  • In the shape of a light bulb, which increases the illumination area.

According to the principle of operation, such devices are divided into three types:

  1. Collapsible capsules with small batteries and LED. These fireflies are reusable due to battery replacement.
  2. Light accumulative signaling devices. Their principle of operation is the accumulation of light during their short-term illumination. For them to work, you need to have a good flashlight.
  3. Disposable chemical fireflies. They consist of a plastic flask with component A. Inside which there is a capsule with reagent B. Under mechanical action, components A and B mix, and a reaction occurs - glow.

Indicator lights can be of different colors. For chemical species, the most popular is the yellow-green glow. It's a pretty vibrant color. He is calm enough not to irritate his eyes. There are also light and sound bite alarms. They will be discussed below.

Fireflies are attached:

  • On the float, inserting into their silicone antennas. Or with the help of elastic bands - on their tops.
  • To the rod tip with silicone rubber bands. Special plastic fasteners are also sold. Multiple fireflies can be installed in these mounts.

The main brands that can be bought at a fishing store are: Ocean Sun, Kostal, Balzer, Salmo, Rodinson, Liman Fish, Strike Alert.

DIY light signaling device

As mentioned above, warning lights have proven themselves well when night fishing... In order not to buy them in a store, you can easily make such an indicator at home. For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Cocktail straws;
  2. Crocodile hairpins;
  3. Glue gun;
  4. LEDs;
  5. Round flat batteries, 3 V;
  6. Shrink, according to the size of the battery.

A piece of straw, 3-4 cm long, is filled with a glue gun. An LED is inserted inside. Its legs protrude 0.5 cm. A battery is inserted into a 2 cm long heat shrink tube. A piece of straw with a fixed hair clip is inserted into one end of the shrink sleeve. Shrinks tightly with a lighter. A straw with an LED is inserted into the other end. The LED legs are located on different sides of the battery (+, -). Sits down so that it can be pulled out.

Of such homemade device, enough for the whole fishing season. Manufacturing does not take much time, does not require soldering and does not require large expenditures.

Sound signaling devices

  1. Bells on a clothespin;
  2. Rattles;
  3. Bells.

Such indicators are used on bottom gear at night. Sound alarms are also installed in the daytime, when it is difficult to visually monitor a large number of gear. They are usually mounted on a line or the tip of a donkey rod. (Pictures are enlarged.)

Often times, factory bell fasteners are difficult to release when hooked off the line. This interferes with the normal reeling of the tackle when playing. Therefore, you can modify the indicator holder yourself. For this you will need:

  1. Thin-walled rubber hose, approx. 3 cm in diameter.
  2. A small bolt with a nut that goes into the ear of the bell

A ring is cut off from the hose, 1.5 cm wide. An incision is made on the ring and a hook is formed. You need to make a hole in the long part of it. Through it, the bell is attached to the elastic band with a bolt.

You can make the bell itself. For example, from ornaments on the headboards of old iron beds. They look like a cylinder with tapered tops.

For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Cut the cylinder in half;
  2. Make a hole at the top;
  3. Attach a nut to a self-tapping screw, tying it to a fishing line. This will be the bell tongue;
  4. Self-tapping screw, screwed into the hole from the inside of the bell;
  5. A wine cork is put on the tip. An incision is made in the cork for attaching the indicator to the rod line.

You can make a bell from an old phone call. We disassemble the call, we get two cups. In the upper part, through the hole, the tongue is fixed. You can use the nut on the line for it. A plug can be used to install the alarm on the line.

Hand-made bells differ from factory devices in their special sound. This allows you not to confuse their fishing sound with their neighbors.

Mechanical signaling device

Mechanical signaling devices play the role of visual control over the bite. Some of the simplest can be a piece of clay or dough suspended from a fishing line or an ordinary part of a branch found on the shore.

Purchased mechanical signaling devices can be divided into three types:

  • "A monkey"... This is a fairly simple rod and tube (cylinder) construction. The tube is put on the line between the spool and the first ring. The rod is inserted into the ground at an angle or vertically. A signaling device is hung on it. When biting, it moves freely along the line. Such a signaling device can be made by hand, using foil instead of a tube.
  • Bad (Hunger) Is a weight attached to a chain or flexible cable with a line clip. At the other end is a stand mount. This is a fairly sensitive type of signaling device. Works well in calm weather. Hangers are much lighter than classic swingers.
  • Swinger- is one of the most popular (especially among carp anglers) mechanical types of signaling devices. The principle of their work is to raise, lower the device on the line. There are several options available for sale:
  • Classical Is a swinger, consisting of a weight of 100 grams, which moves freely on a metal lever. One end of the arm is equipped with a hinge for attaching to a stand. At the other end there is a plastic head with a special clamp for the line.

It is installed as follows: after casting, the rod is placed on a stand; excess fishing line is rolled up; the fishing line is put into the mount on the head; the required sag is adjusted by moving the load along the lever; when hooked, the line comes out freely from the clamp on the head.

Classic swingers are mainly used in conjunction with electronic signaling devices.

The lightweight swinger consists of a plastic tube with a wire rod inside it. At the front end there is a bright head with a line attachment. At the other end there is a loop for installing the signaling device on the rod throughput ring. It works in the same way as a classic swinger. Only constantly on the form. For the price, this model is much lower.

Another mechanical signaling device is the nod. It's very easy to do it yourself. To do this, in any fishing store you can buy a spring nod for a winter fishing rod. This spring has a whip attachment and a bright ball at the end. To put a nod on bottom gear necessary:

  1. Cut the rubber mount near the hole through which it fits over the whip
  2. Put it on the rod tip near the first ring
  3. To fasten, a thread is wrapped around the fastening circle and tied. Closed with insulation on top
  4. The line is passed through a ring, a spring with a ball

The tackle is ready to go. The nod sensitivity is adjusted by the movement of the spring. This design allows you to see even the lightest bites. It works well for tackle with a stiff blank tip.

Side bite alarm for feeder

At its core, the feeder itself is a rather sensitive gear. However, sometimes this is not enough in strong winds and large surf waves. Also, on water bodies where it is not possible to put the feeder parallel to the shore, the visibility of bites decreases. For such conditions, a side signaling device or a side cleavertip will be indispensable.

Finding a ready-made structure in stores is quite problematic. Here are some tips on how to make such a device yourself:

Parts for the signaling device: attachment to the rod; metal rod; steel wire.

  1. Fasteners can be made from a conventional plastic PVC pipe clamp. A rubber ring will help to fix it on the rod.
  2. The tube or rod is selected according to the diameter of the hole in the clamp.
  3. Steel wire with a diameter of about 1 mm and a length of up to 20 cm, bends in an arc. One end is bent at an angle of 90º. Bend length approx. 5 cm. Attached to the rod with glue and thread. At the second end, a fishing line hook is made. To better see the bites, colored cambric is put on the wire.
  4. The entire structure is fastened in front of the first winding ring closer to the coil.

Take a regular store nod for a winter fishing rod, electrical tape. Installation method:

  1. There is an elastic band on the nod, for putting it on a fishing rod. She is using electrical tape, mounted on a blank next to the coil.
  2. A cut is made on the nod ring, into which the fishing line will be wound.
  3. A nod is installed in the groove on the elastic band, the fishing line is wound. The signaling device is ready for operation.

These simple and sensitive devices respond well even to sluggish bites of inactive fish.

Ice fishing bite alarm for gnats

Gadgets are meant for catching predatory fish on live bait. Vendor devices:

  1. Base;
  2. Line reel;
  3. Stand with a signaling device.

For a bite alarm, a flag is most often used. This is a piece of bright matter (usually red) on a narrow, thin plate 40-60 cm long. Sometimes springs are placed. The operation of such an indicator is very simple. When you customize the checkbox, the bent position, is fixed on the coil. The predator, taking the bait, pulls the line. When scrolling, the coil releases the flag. He straightens up, which allows you to see the bite.

A little advice. To distinguish your flags from other people's tackle, it is better to make the signaling device of the original shape and color.

From all of the above, we can conclude that regardless of the conditions and methods of fishing, the signaling devices play important role v successful fishing... The angler himself can choose which model suits him. Buy alarms in the store or make them yourself, do it yourself, how to improve your gear.

For a fisherman with experience and tools, making bite alarms for a feeder with his own hands is not a big deal. At correct selection materials for the whole process a minimum of time is spent. True, this applies to devices not related to electronics. The article describes how to make the simplest signaling devices, and a pendulum-type signaling device.

The simplest signaling devices

Here are two typical examples of making homemade bite alarms for a feeder from scrap materials.

  1. Wine bottle stopper. The cork slides freely on the rig when casting and reeling, does not damage the blank of the rod during a sharp bite, sweep and does not interfere in conditions of intense biting.
  2. Aluminum foil for chocolate. It is necessary to roll one sheet several times into a tape 2 cm wide and wrap it around the fishing line - you get a simple and effective gatehouse.

The described guards are simple and can be quickly made right on the fishing trip.

What kind of signaling devices exist for the feeder and donkey,.

Side nod

There are several ways to make such a homemade donkey signaling device. Here is one of them, which can be taken as a basis. So:

We select materials.

  • a piece of steel wire with a diameter of 0.8-1 mm and a length of 40 cm (you can use a cable or a steel plate from an old car wiper);
  • clamp for water supply PVC pipes;
  • a metal rod (nail or thin tube) that fits the diameter of the hole in the plastic clamp;
  • assembly silk thread;
  • glue.

The main elements of the side bite signaling device: a rod with a coiled wire

  • we drill a hole in the rod (if a plate is used, then it is not necessary);
  • we bend the wire on one side at 90 degrees at a distance of 5 cm;
  • on the other hand, we make a small hook for the fishing line;
  • we thread a five-centimeter segment into a rod and fasten it with a thread;
  • cover the connection with glue (you can also varnish);
  • grease the rod with glue and install it in the clamp, choosing the angle of inclination (if there is no hole, it must be drilled).

The side indicator in the loaded state is attached to the spinning rod

The device can be improved and removable rods made - for different tests, but then it is necessary to accurately select the combination in terms of diameters. For better visibility, paint the signaling device.

Notes: with right side at the clamp, cut off the technological lug to avoid overlapping the line behind it when casting the rig. If the blank of the rod is thinner than the inner grip of the clamp, it must be pulled together with wire or reeled up on the blank with electrical tape.

Instead of a clamp for PVC pipes, you can take solid foam and choose a groove on one side equal to the diameter of the rod blank. Then make a hole for the pin and put it on the glue. You will have to fix the base of the signaling device with electrical tape - you can only change the rod with wire during the fishing process. You can also fix it with rubber rings, which were put on the fishing rod in advance, but they are susceptible to the influence of sunlight and quickly fail.

Pendulum type

Some anglers prefer to use pendulum alarms. They are attached at the top of the rod with one end to the guide ring, with the other end clinging to the line. A small weight provides slack and signals a bite by raising or lowering the gate.

As a rule, factory fixtures are used. But such a device for a feeder can be made with your own hands. Moreover, it is less traumatic for the rod blank. This will require:

  • a plastic tube from 15 to 20 cm long (it is possible for a cocktail, but it is not rigid enough);
  • steel wire 0.5-08 mm thick;
  • dense foam or wine bottle cork;
  • glue.

Pendulum signaling device assembly: in larger ring the fishing line is threaded, the smaller one clings to the passage ring

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  • give the foam a cylindrical shape (skip this stage for the cork);
  • we drill a hole with a diameter equal to the outer thickness of the tube;
  • grease the tube with glue and put foam on it so that there is a distance of 3-4 cm from one edge;
  • we pass the wire into the tube and make loops - you can leave a small gap under the throughput ring, we make a small overlap under the fishing line (in the photo on the right) so that the signaling device does not jump off.

The hinges should be perpendicular to each other. Otherwise, the device will not work. To prevent the larger ring from injuring the blank when throwing the rig and when cutting, we recommend that you put on a cambric on it.

For better visibility, the device is painted in bright light. To sound the signaling device, it is equipped with bells. In conditions night fishing the "firefly" attached to the tube will help to see the bite.

Electronic devices

To make an electronic bite alarm for a feeder, you need to have minimal skills in assembling electronic devices. We recommend this device diagram.

  • case for the device (you can use the old plug to charge your mobile phone);
  • material for the lever - steel wire 2 mm thick;
  • sound generator (squeaker), in this capacity a device from a Chinese alarm clock is suitable;
  • microswitch;
  • a battery that fits under the buzzer;
  • LED - a light indicator (you can take it from a lighter with an illumination - there are fasteners there).

The lever must be positioned so that when the line is twitching, it presses the switch and closes the chain. After that, a sound is heard and the LED lights up.

The lever rotates in the alarm housing, when the line is lifted, the contact closes and a sound is heard

In some cases, it is more expedient to replace the microswitch with a reed switch acting as a sensor. But then a magnet is also needed, the approach to which the reed switch is accompanied by a sound signal. Such a scheme is a little more complicated than with a toggle switch.

Bottom tackle alarms can be made on your own if you have a small set of materials, skills and tools. In some cases, hand-made devices are even more effective than industrial devices.

By bite alarms, fishermen mean some rod attachments that help to perceive fish bites.

The price of fishing alarms can be very different, starting from 20 rubles for simple bells, and ending with whole carp installations, for several hundred dollars.

But if you went to this article, then most likely you want to make your own bite alarm, while investing a minimum of money and time.

Varieties of bite alarms

So, let's start by figuring out how the signaling devices can notify us of a bite, and they can do it in the following ways:

  • Sound signal;
  • light signal;
  • movement.

Sound alarms include: rattles, bells, electronic sound sensors and other noise elements.

Light sticks include glow sticks that are attached directly to the tip of a rod or to a float. Light signaling devices are used only in the dark.

Concerning traffic alarms I am, then these include: soft tops, side nods, or bright rattles that are attached to a sagging fishing line. Side nods can catch the slightest bite and can be used both on a spinning rod and on a donkey.

We figured out the theory, now we turn to practice, in which we will try to clearly describe the process of assembling various signaling devices from improvised means and tools.

Do-it-yourself sound signaling device (instruction)

This signaling device is very easy to manufacture, therefore it is most popular with fishermen, especially mature ones.

Stages of a homemade bell:

  1. Get out a small bell;
  2. find a hollow rubber hose up to three centimeters in diameter;
  3. cut off a piece of hose 2-5 centimeters;
  4. make a cut in one part of the tube into which the fishing line will go;
  5. put this tube on the bell, if it sits loosely, then glue it on;
  6. wind a braided or nylon cord on this whole installation.

The principle of such a signaling device is that it clings to the fishing line with a tube with a slot, at the time of the hook, the bell breaks off the fishing line so as not to interfere with the fishing, and we tied the thread so that the bell does not fly away and is not lost. Tie the thread to what the rod rests on, for example, a flyer or a half-time rod.

You can also use a wine or champagne stopper together with a rubber tube. If we compare this signaling device with a rattle, which is attached like a clothespin, then the bell turns out to be more convenient, since it is reset on its own when sweeping, and the rattle must be removed manually so that it does not interfere with the sole.

Side signaling device

Such a signaling device is good because it is applicable in all weather conditions, since it does not react to strong winds. Watch the video, in it you will see step by step the process of creating a side gate.

Do-it-yourself electronic light bite alarm

A simple analogue of this signaling device is a phosphoric stick, which glows when broken.

But the version of our device is good because it lasts for a long time, and the phosphoric stick only for the night.

So, for our homemade product, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Cocktail straws;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun with glue sticks;
  • LEDs;
  • batteries (3 V);
  • heat-shrink tubing;
  • lighter;
  • crocodile hairpins.


  1. Cut off a piece of straw 3-5 cm long.
  2. Fill a cut piece of straw with hot glue.
  3. While the glue is hot, insert the LED into the straw. The LED pins should stick out about 5mm.
  4. Insert the round battery into the heat shrink.
  5. Cut off the excess part of the heat shrink so that 1-2 cm remain on each side of the tube.
  6. Insert straws into the shrink wrap on both sides.
  7. Use a lighter to warm up the heat shrinkage in order to pull it off on a straw.
  8. Connect a straw with a diode and heat shrink so that one contact of the diode touches one side of the battery, and the other touches the other side of the battery.
  9. On the free end of the tube, glue a hairpin with a glue gun, which will be attached to the fishing line.

And now it's the same only in video format. Happy viewing.

Another option for an electronic signaling device

Here are a few more options for homemade bite alarms.

Bobbin signaling device

Rattle built into the stand

And here is another version of the signaling device that we found on the Internet. A very interesting idea. The recess for the rod is stretched with rubber bands between the bent wire.

It is worth noting that such a design is not sensitive, and is capable of fixing only powerful bites.

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