French gymnast broke his leg in Rio video. French gymnast broke his leg in Rio video What happened to the French gymnast at the Olympics

Published on 07.08.16 10:11

French gymnast Samir Ait Said received a severe leg fracture in Rio, after which, during the transportation of the victim, the doctors dropped him from the stretcher.

The French gymnast, whose injury shocked the audience, fell off the stretcher

Doctors drop French gymnast Samir Ait Said, who broke his leg during the performance vault on Olympic competitions in Rio de Janeiro, RIA Novosti reports with reference to USA Today.

The French gymnast suffered a broken leg in Rio. VIDEO

As noted, during transportation, the victim was lying on a stretcher and, when intkbbee The stretcher with the gymnast was loaded into the ambulance, the doctors lost control over them, as a result of which one side of the stretcher fell to the floor along with the 26-year-old athlete.

As it became known, Ait Said was diagnosed with a double fracture of the lower leg. The French team took this incident hard. "It was very hard, there were a lot of emotions. It's a very difficult situation for the French team and for him," said Cyril Tommason, Said's teammate.

As earlier TopNews Samir Ait Said broke his leg during the qualification of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro during the vault. Falling, the Frenchman grabbed the knee of his injured leg, and his foot and lower leg dangled lifelessly.

French gymnast Sameer Ait Said suffered a terrible injury at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. During the competition, a 26-year-old gymnast from France landed badly and broke his leg. After the French athlete landed, it immediately became clear that he was seriously injured. He grabbed his injured leg with one hand and covered his face with the other. The fact that the leg was broken became clear to all spectators, as the leg was twisted unnaturally. The medics who arrived at the scene gave Samir first aid and carried him away on spouts. Spectators saw off the sportsman with a friendly applause.

Shortly thereafter, the French gymnastics federation reported that the gymnast received a double fracture of the lower leg - the tibia and fibula. He will have an operation soon. Naturally, there can be no question of any further participation in the games in Rio, since the fracture is very serious. Samir Ait Said himself is optimistic and even promised to return to big sport and win gold on the following Olympic Games in Tokyo. It is worth noting that Samir Ait Said won the European Championship in 2013 in exercises on the rings, and also became a five-time winner at the European Championships. For the French team, he was a great hope for medals.

French gymnast Samir Ait Said broke his leg in Rio video

Efimova, Velikaya and gymnasts - in silver! Egoryan - in gold!!!

Russian saber fencer Yana Egoryan defeated her teammate Sofia Velikaya in the final. The men's gymnastics team took silver!

skull fracture

In 1960 at the Olympics in Rome there was a tragedy with a Danish cyclist Knud Enemark Jensen. During the 100-kilometer team "cutting", he fell unconscious from his bicycle, as a result of which he received a skull fracture and died on the same day. The official verdict is injuries incompatible with life. The cause of the loss of consciousness was sunstroke. According to an unofficial version, during the autopsy, traces of amphetamines and drugs to lower blood pressure were found in Jensen's body. The death of a cyclist changed the sport forever as the IOC formed medical commission and coined the term "prohibited drug list".

spine fracture

During a group cycling race at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, a Dutch woman received a triple fracture of the spine and a severe concussion of the brain Annemiek van Vleuten. The athlete confidently led 12 km to the finish line, but during one of the turns she crashed into a curb, flew over the steering wheel and hit her head on a concrete fence. The athlete was taken to the hospital in a stable condition and even wrote a message to her fans via social media. But so far there is no comment on when she will recover.

Broken arm

In 2008, during the competition in weightlifting V weight category up to 77 kg, the audience heard a terrible crack and a loud scream. Hungarian, trying to make a successful snatch, slightly pulled back his right hand, and she could not withstand the weight of 148 kg. Baranyai fell to the platform with a broken arm, and the bar fell on his back. Doctors initially stated that the Hungarian weightlifter was unlikely to return to the sport, but he managed to recover.

Dislocation of the hand and brain

A similar incident happened in 2012 with Olympic champion Beijing in the weight category up to 77 kg by a South Korean. His right hand broke with a crunch during an attempt to snatch a barbell weighing 162 kg. This injury had a strong impact on the athlete. In December 2015, Hyuk got into an argument with national teammate Hwang Woo-man and severely beat him up in a Chucheon bar. The champion was disqualified for ten years, and the victim was recovering from beatings for more than a month.

Ankle fracture

In 2012, during the mountain bike competition at the London Games, one of the favorites of the race, the Briton Liam Killy couldn't finish it. During the rocky section on the second lap, Killy fell and suffered an open fracture of his left ankle. Health care arrived in time for the athlete quite quickly and immediately evacuated him to the hospital, where the rider underwent surgery. But I had to part with the dream of gold at the home Games.

Fracture of the patella

In 1976 during the Olympics in Montreal japanese gymnast Sun Fujimoto when performing floor exercises in the team all-around, he received a fracture of the patella. The diagnosis was made by doctors instantly, but Fujimoto refused to withdraw from the competition. He performed on pommel horse and rings and helped his team win gold medals.

Fracture of the tibia and fibula

During the qualifying competition serious injury received a French gymnast He fell on landing from a vault and received an open fracture of his left leg. Later, doctors clarified the diagnosis - a fracture of the tibia and fibula. The Frenchman has already undergone surgery, and he expects to take part in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Ironically, Said missed the 2012 Games in London due to a similar injury, but on his right leg.
