Weightlifting asian championship ashgabat. “If Linder continues to work, he will have a great future.

The national team of Uzbekistan won 23 medals at the Asian Weightlifting Championship and the International Swimming Tournament at short distances in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).

Adhamjon Ergashev (right).

At the CHA in weightlifting, held on April 23-29, 144 sets of medals were played in all weight categories by overall results in clean and jerk and snatch. More than 200 athletes from more than 30 countries - Japan, China, Republic of Korea, DPRK, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Uzbekistan and others - took part in the competition.

Weightlifters of Uzbekistan won three gold, four silver and five bronze medals.

Farhodbek Sobirov in the weight category up to 94 kg received two gold and one silver medals, gaining 380 kg (gold) - 175 kg in the snatch ("gold") and 205 kg in the clean and jerk ("silver").

In weight over 105 kg Rustam Dzhangabaev won silver medals in snatch and clean and jerk with indicators of 196 kg and 241 kg, respectively, but in overall results he surpassed his rivals, lifting 437 kg in total ("gold").

Adhamjon Ergashev (up to 62 kg) this time became the third in the clean and jerk with the result of 158 kg. Doston Yokubov (up to 69 kg) repeated the success of his compatriot, also winning the bronze medal in the clean and jerk - 177 kg.

Inan Efremov became the silver medalist of the men's tournament in the category up to 105 kg, having conquered 175 kg in the snatch.

Dolera Davronova in the weight category up to 90 kg won two bronze medals: one for lifting 115 kg in the clean and jerk and the second for the final result 204 kg.

Omada Otakuzieva (up to 75 kg) became the bronze medalist in the clean and jerk competition, showing the result of 120 kg.

Also, within the framework of the project, on April 26-27, international tournament in individual swimming and relay race, in which more than 60 athletes from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran and Afghanistan took part.

The national swimming team of Uzbekistan won three gold, four silver and four bronze medals.

Natalia Kritinina won two silver medals in individual events. In the 50 and 100 meter freestyle heats, she showed the results of 26.97 and 58.66.

In the 100-meter breaststroke, Guzal Sobirova lost first place to the Kyrgyz athlete Kristina Panasenko, who managed to bypass the Uzbek swimmer by 0.16 seconds. As a result, she won silver with a score of 1: 16.71. Guzal Sobirova also won bronze in the 50m breaststroke discipline, finishing with a result of 36.11 seconds.

Zufarbek Abdulazizov (right).

Zufarbek Abdulazizov won bronze medals in the breaststroke style of 50 and 100 meters with indicators of 29.52 and 1: 05.47, respectively.

Gulamdon Islomova won the bronze medal (28.74) in the 50m freestyle swim, but was able to climb to the highest podium in the 50m backstroke discipline (31.58). In the same style, Islomova won silver at 100 meters (1: 14.63).

V team competition The “four” swimmers of Uzbekistan - Gulamdon Islomova, Guzal Sobirova, Muslim Sultonova, Natalya Kritinina - have added two more gold medals for victories in relay races 4 × 50 (2: 09.31) and 4 × 100 (4: 50.57) in mixed style.

Head coach for the national weightlifting team of Kazakhstan Yuri Melnikov summed up the intermediate results of the Asian Championship, which is taking place in Ashgabat these days.

- Young weightlifter Albert Linder (up to 69 kg) performed excellently at the Asian Championship. He has won our only gold so far at this continental championship. He is only 21 years old. This is one of the future leaders of our team. Albert may well compete at the Tokyo Olympics if he progresses. Aydar Kazov also showed himself well, performing in the weight category up to 77 kg. He successfully performed on the Ashgabat platform, having correctly completed all six approaches. Unfortunately, he lacked a little to win bronze in the combined event, but there is a small silver in the clean and jerk. In general and coaching staff, and he himself understands what needs to be worked on next. It will all be good for him.

- How do you assess the performance of the other guys?

- At the moment, four more girls have performed. For the same Asel Amangeldy, this is the first major international start. Four years ago, she performed at the junior Asian Games... After that, I was nowhere. Sadykov and Saduakasov last year did not play anywhere, and even before that they did not often get out to such tournaments. Do not forget that we brought the second team here, with the aim of "running in" it, testing it in practice. The first team's main start this year will be at the World Championships in Anaheim, USA. Of the experienced athletes here, in fact, only Alexandra Aborneva. But our heavyweight has yet to compete in the tournament. We hope for her successful performance in a new weight category over 90 kg - this weight was introduced in the new Olympic cycle. She and our other heavyweight Ibragim Bersanov (up to 105 kg) will perform on the final day of the competition on Saturday, April 29th. There is also the performance of 19-year-old Semyon Linder (up to 85 kg). He has already competed at the 2015 Asia Championships. Let's see how it manifests itself here.

Interim results of the Asian Championship (with the participation of Kazakhstanis):


1 Chengji Wei (China) 200 kg (88 + 112)

2 Suppatra Kaewong (Thailand) 190 kg (82 + 108)

3 Christina Shermetova (Turkmenistan) 182 kg (78 + 104)

… 6 Asel Amangeldy (Kazakhstan) 163 kg (70 + 93)

1 Shin-Chuo Kuo (Taiwan) 241 kg (104 + 137)

2 Lingli Ou (China) 219 kg (95 + 124)

3 Su Ren Kim (North Korea) 218 ​​kg (98 + 120)

... 7 Saule Saduakasova (Kazakhstan) 197 kg (86 + 111)

1 Un Sim Rim (North Korea) 237 kg (106 + 131)

2 Siripuch Gulnoy (Thailand) 231 kg (102 + 129)

3 Nie-Xin Chan (Taiwan) 231 kg (101 + 130)

... 5 Asem Sadykova (Kazakhstan) 209 kg (92 + 117)

1 Danu Shi (China) 233 kg (107 + 126)

2 Sayun Kim ( South Korea) 230 kg (100 + 130)

3 Wang Ting Han (Taiwan) 228 kg (103 + 125)

1 Albert Linder (Kazakhstan) 335 kg (148 + 187)

2 Kang Chol Oh (North Korea) 331 kg (148 + 183)

3 Ledong Feng (China) 325 kg (155 + 170)

1 Chenfei Yuan (China) 355 kg (160 + 195)

2 Rejepbay Rejepov (Turkmenistan) 343 kg (158 + 185)

3 Wu Ja Kim (South Korea) 340 kg (154 + 186)

4 Aydar Kazov (Kazakhstan) 334 kg (148 + 186)

The Asian Championship in weightlifting, which brought together about 200 athletes from more than 30 countries - Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, North Korea, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, etc. According to the results of the first day of the competition, the national team of Turkmenistan won two bronze medals, which were won by Yulduz Jumabayeva.

Our compatriot achieved this success in the weight category up to 48 kilograms - in the clean and jerk discipline (93 kg) and in the combined event (165 kg). Dzhumabayeva has a good performance - in the snatch, where she mastered the barbell weighing 72 kg, setting a new personal record, which is one kilogram higher than the previous one. The student at the National Institute of Sports and Tourism has also updated her performance in both clean and jerk and biathlon.

It should be noted that Yulduz became the first Turkmen weightlifter who was able to win a medal in the Asian Championship based on the results of two disciplines. The leader (three gold awards) in the up to 48 kg category was Tunya Sukcharoen from Thailand, whose overall result made 190 kg (84 kg in the snatch and 106 kg in the clean and jerk) .. aspx & video101 & cat1)

In the men's competition today, medals were played in two weight categories (up to 56 kg and up to 62 kg), where the participants were divided into two groups. In group A, Dicheng Long from the team of China (273 kg) and the representative of the national team of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Chol Bom Sin (301 kg), respectively, were awarded gold medals in the combined event. In group B, Abdullah Alhatem from Kuwait (200 kg) and Abdullah M. Khalifa (175 kg), representing the team of the United Arab Emirates, climbed to the highest step of the podium.

On the second day of the Asian Championship in Ashgabat, the fight for awards will continue only in female group... Athletes in weight categories up to 53 kg and up to 58 kg will take to the platform.

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