Amazing facts about horses. Interesting facts about horses and equestrian sports

1. Due to the special structure of the legs, horses are very well adapted to high-speed running.

2. Their digestive system is designed for the constant processing of food. Therefore, they eat plant foods, almost continuously, but in small portions.

3. They have an excellent instinct and better than any compass they are guided in any weather, and at any time of the day: early morning or late at night.

4. Horses have the finest hearing: they are able to pick up sounds that humans cannot hear. Their auricles are designed in such a way that they not only capture sound waves, but even enhance their effect.

5. Horses feel and understand danger very well.

6. Unlike most animals, they see the world in color, not black and white, however, they poorly distinguish between blue and red.

7. A horse, like a dog, has an excellent sense of smell, so old individuals with poor eyesight are guided only by their subtle sense of smell. They also recognize by smell: their saddle, harness, from a great distance they distinguish edible and inedible herbs.

8. They have a very strong sense of touch. The most sensitive in this regard are the hooves and lips.

9. The horse is also able to heal itself. For example, after a long work, she happily walks around for several minutes, that is, makes herself a massage that restores blood circulation.

10. There are frequent cases of affection and friendship among horses.

11. By the horse's body movements and posture, one can learn about its mood and intentions.

12. Very effective weapon they have a hind hoof kick, but they only use it as a last resort.

13. Able to see everything that surrounds them both in front and behind, since the angle of view is almost 360 degrees.

14. Horses are afraid to death of bees, dozens of such bites can kill an adult.

15. The reliably known maximum life expectancy for a horse was 62 years, on average it is up to 25 years.

16. According to statistics, death from a blow with a barefoot of a horse occurs more often than from a blow with a shod hoof.

17. Horses from New Zealand have a water-repellent coat.

18. People who work with horses have 50% less diabetes than others.

19. Horses communicate with each other using body movements, as well as voice. For example, to get a friend's attention, a horse uses a low, soft whinny.

20. Horses lack the collarbone, unlike other mammals.

21. A horse's pregnancy lasts an average of 340 days. In most cases, one, rarely two, foals are born. A few minutes after birth, they can move independently.

22. At the age of three, a horse is capable of breeding

23. The smallest breed - "Falabela", their maximum height is 75-76 cm, but the smallest among them was a stallion whose height is only 35 cm, with a weight of 9 kg

24. The heaviest stallion is considered to be of the Belgian heavy draft breed, which was born in 1928. His height was without two centimeters - 2 meters, and his weight was almost one and a half tons

25. Most of all horses in the world are in China

Horse ( Equus) belongs to the class mammals, the order equids, the equine family, the horse genus. Male horses are called stallions, female horses are called mares. The word horse is called either a stallion, or a castrated stallion - a gelding.

Types of horses

The horse is conditionally subdivided into several subspecies, among which zoologists distinguish wild horse, domestic horse, Przewalski's horse, kiang, kulan, wild donkey, domestic donkey, mountain zebra, desert zebra, Burchell's zebra. True, there is still debate about this classification. Surprisingly, all these species have the ability to interbreed with each other, giving quite viable and healthy offspring. The only problem is that some hybrids are subsequently unable to bear children and remain infertile.

Horse - description and photos

The horse is a slender, graceful animal, with highly developed muscles and a strong constitution. The body is rounded with long, slender legs, on the wrists of which with inside there are calloused keratinized bumps-thickenings. On the graceful muscular neck is a large, elongated head. Despite the impressive size of the skull, the horse's brain is relatively small, which in no way affects the high intelligence of the animal. The head is crowned with pointed, movable ears. On the muzzle there is a pair of large expressive eyes and rather wide large nostrils.

Horses have excellent hearing, good eyesight and smell. The horse's body is covered with hair, the length and stiffness of which varies depending on the location: the bangs, mane and tail have long and silky hair, while the trunk is protected by shorter and harsher hair. The color of the coat determines the color of the horse; with age, the intensity of the color can change.

Horse breeds

Horse breeds are very diverse, interesting and, at times, very unusual. According to the exterior and general constitution, the horse is divided into a harness, riding, pack, trotting and racehorse. Horses are also classified according to a variety of characteristics:

  • Zonal-climatic feature:
    • - forest
    • - mountain
    • - steppe
  • Purpose:
    • riding
    • horse-drawn
    • easy-harness
    • heavy-duty
    • horse-pack
  • Origin:
    • cultural
    • transitional
    • aboriginal (local)
  • Breeding methods:
    • factory
    • herd
    • cultural herd

The beauty Paso Fino, bred by Spanish settlers in the 16th century, has become a symbol of grace and a special, pronounced individuality in character.

A friendly and docile horse of the Pinto breed, distinguished by a surprisingly valuable piebald color and often with blue eyes.

A quick-witted, slightly squat and hardy horse of the Yakut breed, which was bred by local aborigines.

Massive, mighty, but good-natured and calm Vladimir heavy truck.

The Norwegian Fjord horse, which is one of the oldest horse breeds and has retained all its purebred qualities.

And this is only a small part of the breeds known today, obtained as a result of selection or bred by horse breeders with absolute preservation of purebredity.

Where do wild horses live?

In the wild, the horse prefers mainly steppe zones as a habitat, lives in herds, most often in small ones: usually there are several females in the herd and the leader stallion. They rarely leave their places, as they are considered sedentary animals, and move from place to place only in search of a new pasture. At this time, animals can travel hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. All horses are herbivorous, distinguished by a cautious disposition and high speed of movement.

What do horses eat?

Wild horses eat fresh grass, cereals and root vegetables. In the summer, they gain weight, since the animals are constantly in the meadow, where there is a lot of food. V winter period horses lose weight as food becomes scarcer. In their natural habitat, animals have enough of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Domestic horses also be sure to take them out to the meadow and feed them with grass. It contains all the essential nutrients you need. In winter, hay and foods such as oats, corn, barley, bran, flaxseed, apples, carrots, beets, and potatoes must be added to the diet. If the horse's feed does not contain enough nutrients, the animal will begin to lose weight and the horse's appearance will deteriorate.

Horse breeding

The horse becomes sexually mature at the age of two. Horses reproduce by inseminating the mare's ovum with the sperm of the male. The period when the horse is ready to conceive is called the "hunt". At this time, she lets the horse come close to her for mating. However, on farms, a horse can also conceive through artificial insemination. This method relieves horse breeders and owners of private farms from many of the difficulties associated with transporting and matching a suitable pair.

A horse's pregnancy lasts eleven months. Basically, a horse gives birth to one foal, less often two. The baby is born awkward, does not hold on well to his long legs, but after three to five hours he is quite playful and can follow his mother, who will feed her child with milk for 5-6 months.

The average life expectancy of horses is 25-35 years, although there are also long-livers among them. Facts are known when horses reached the age of 45 and even 60 years.

Horse care

Caring for a horse at home includes several rules:

  1. You need to feed the horse 3-4 times a day. If on free grazing she finds her own food on her own, then when kept in a stable, the owner must himself provide her with grass or hay. Be sure to include vitamin and mineral supplements in your food. You cannot drastically change the horse's diet, as it has a delicate digestive system. It is important to remember that an excessive amount of food is contraindicated for an animal. It is also important to monitor your drinking regime. Water should be at room temperature and in sufficient quantity.
  2. It is important to brush and bathe your horse weekly during hot seasons. In the cold season, it is enough to simply clean the horse with a scraper. Careful care is also needed for the tail and mane.
  3. The stable where the horses are kept must be well ventilated and heated in winter. The stable should be cleaned daily.
  4. Walk your horse more often. Finding a horse in a cramped stable negatively affects its musculoskeletal system.

List of horse breeds:

  • Abyssinian
  • Abstang
  • Abtenayskaya
  • Avelinskaya
  • Australian shepherd
  • Australian half-blooded
  • Australian heavy duty
  • Austrian half-blooded
  • Adaevskaya
  • Azerbaijan
  • Azores
  • Albanian
  • Altai
  • Alter real
  • American horse
  • Austrian half-blooded
  • American Quarter Horse (American Quarter Mile)
  • American cream
  • American curly
  • American paint horse
  • American standardbred
  • Anglo-Norman
  • Andalusian
  • Anglo-Arabic
  • Appaloosa
  • Macaw-Appaloosa
  • Arabic
  • Ardennes
  • Argentinian
  • Ariejoise
  • Auxua
  • Akhal-Teke
  • Aztec
  • Bavarian half-blooded
  • Balearic
  • Belarusian harness
  • Belgian half-blooded
  • Barbary, or barbarian
  • Bashkir
  • Bityug
  • Bosnian
  • Brabancon (Belgian worker)
  • Brazilian sports
  • Bramby
  • Brandenburg
  • Breton
  • Budennovskaya
  • Boulogne
  • Wielkopolska
  • Hungarian half-blooded
  • Westphalian
  • Vladimirsky heavy truck
  • East Bulgarian
  • Württemberg
  • Vyatskaya
  • Hanover
  • Gaflinskaya
  • Hydran
  • Dutch
  • Holstein
  • Gonter
  • Groningen
  • Danish half-blooded
  • Delibose
  • Destrie
  • Jebe
  • Donskaya
  • Emait
  • Iberian
  • Irish sports
  • Irish heavy duty
  • Icelandic
  • Kabardinskaya
  • Kazakh
  • Kalmyk
  • Camargue
  • Campolina
  • Canadian
  • Kathiavari
  • Karabair
  • Karabakh
  • Karachaevskaya
  • Caspian
  • Kiger Mustang
  • Kinski
  • Kishber
  • Kyrgyz
  • Kladrubskaya
  • Cleydesdal
  • Clapper
  • Cleveland bay
  • Peasant
  • Knabstrupskaya
  • Comtois
  • Polish Konik
  • Colorado ranger
  • Creole
  • Cuban pacer
  • Kostanay
  • Latvian
  • Lipizzan
  • Lithuanian heavy truck
  • Lokayskaya
  • Rocky Mountain Horse
  • Lusitanian
  • Malopolska
  • Mangalarga
  • Maremmano
  • Marwari
  • Mezenskaya
  • Missouri foxtrotter
  • Mongolian
  • Morgan
  • Mustang
  • Novoaleksandrovskaya heavy-duty
  • Novoaltaiskaya
  • Novokirgizskaya
  • Vernier
  • Oldenburgskaya
  • Oryol trotter
  • Paso Fino
  • Peruvian Paso
  • Percheron
  • Pechora
  • Pinzgau
  • Polish konik
  • Polish heavy truck
  • Portuguese sports
  • Priobskaya
  • Russian horse
  • Russian trotter
  • Russian heavy truck
  • Soviet heavy duty (Soviet heavy truck)
  • Sorraya
  • Old Flemish
  • Suffolk
  • Tavdinskaya
  • Tatarskaya
  • Tennessee walking
  • Terskaya
  • Trakehner
  • Treit du Nord
  • Ukrainian horse
  • Welsh Cob
  • Finnish
  • Florida Cracker
  • French Anglo-Arab
  • French trotter
  • French sel
  • Frederiksborg
  • Frisian
  • Frisian Sports
  • Fjord
  • Hakne
  • Gypsy (aka Tinker, Irish Cob)
  • Chilean
  • Thoroughbred horse
  • Shagia
  • Shairskaya
  • Swede
  • Shlenskaya
  • Jutland
  • Yakutsk

Horses are incredibly interesting and unique animals, looking at them few people can remain indifferent. They have been helping people for many years. And they are especially appreciated where you cannot do without them: in North Africa and the Middle East. What other interesting and informative facts about horses exist? We know at least ten and we are in a hurry to introduce you to them!

Believe it or not, horses have a great sense of smell. Thanks to this wonderful property, they can easily find their way home to their home, which helps them and good memory... And even if these animals do not see very well at night, they have excellent sense of smell, and therefore they are perfectly oriented on the terrain with the help of their nose.

In addition, horses have an excellent sense of touch - they feel good touch on the entire surface of the body: skin, lips and even hooves. It is on the high sensitivity of the lips that the control system of this animal is built. Now you know how sensitive these animals are to touch. We advise you to use this knowledge more often: the encouragement of affectionate stroking will help establish friendly relations with the horse.

Healing horses

Probably everyone has heard about the ability of cats to "heal", but what can be said in this regard about horses? There is no doubt that the horses here are no worse than domestic small tailed beasts! There is even a science called hippotherapy, which in a more understandable language can be interpreted as "horse riding treatment."

But to improve your mood and find peace of mind, it is not at all necessary to sit on horseback. It is enough just to be close to these beautiful animals to feel relaxation and escape from everyday problems. Such a pleasant healing property is associated with the special biofield of horses.

Interesting Facts about horses are backed up by statistics. People working with these ungulates do not suffer from colds and 50% less diabetes.

IQ horses

The calm disposition of horses is often mistaken for low intelligence. At first glance, the calm standing of the animal in the stable can really be taken for meaningless obedience and disinterest. But only people who spend a lot of time with horses have the good fortune to learn the open character, intelligence and ingenuity of these beautiful ungulates.

It has been proven that among animals, horses occupy the fifth place in terms of intelligence, ahead of a dog. They are able to analyze human actions and even situations, often saving the rider from trouble. They can also be friends: they often have a warm relationship with cats. Ungulates allow them not only to rub at their feet, but also often let them warm themselves on their backs.

Horses' amazing eyes

What secrets are hidden in such thoughtful and large eyes of these ungulates? It is worth emphasizing that they are really large in size - even larger than it seems at first glance. The organ of vision in these animals is even larger than that of an elephant, and almost half of its size is hidden under the skin. This size allows the horse to see much more clearly distant objects that are indistinguishable to humans.

In addition, the facts about horses say that they have color vision, and their viewing angle reaches almost 360 degrees. The "blind" area remains directly behind the tail and about two meters behind it. That is why it is impossible to approach the horses from behind without first calling out to them: from fright and surprise, the animal will immediately hit its hoof.

Musical taste

Horses are able to discern music and even have some preferences. To some extent, this ability is associated with their well-developed hearing: it is he who makes it possible to distinguish the steps of a predator and quickly escape. But when choosing music for a pet, it is worth considering that he is unlikely to like hard rock, as it will be too annoying for a sensitive ear. It is worth choosing melodic and calm compositions.

Horse Honor Service - Mounted Police

High intelligence, learning ability, as well as a noble appearance allowed these animals to stand guard over order since the beginning of the 17th century. Riding on horseback makes it possible to drive through the narrowest streets, which, for example, are successfully used by the police in Paris. But not only the mobility of these animals plays into the hands of the police: the guardian of order on a horse looks more impressive and noble.

Not every horse is honored to carry out such a service. The most balanced, large and beautiful geldings are selected for her.

Horses and the law

These animals, although sometimes they work for the law, but sometimes they are also regulated by it. For example, in America there are some rather ridiculous rules regarding riding. So, in the state of Utah, unmarried women on Sundays are prohibited from riding a horse, and some others - married men are required to take with them on horse ride spouse. Leaving a life partner is possible only if the legal marriage lasts more than a year.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth

Where did this proverb come from? It's very simple, because by the teeth of these animals you can determine their age. Even Saint Jerome emphasized that one should not condemn someone's gifts, saying: "Do not check the teeth of a gift horse." So this phrase has come down to our time, only slightly changed, but not losing its essence.

It is believed that for the first time ancient man tamed a wild horse about 5500 years ago, and it happened on the territory of Northern Kazakhstan. During coexistence side by side with frisky horses, people have discovered many amazing facts associated with these unique animals from the Equidae family of the equid order. So what is interesting about these creatures?


Beautiful and stately stallions trace their history from an unsightly ancestor, whose name is Eogippus. This creature, which lived on Earth about 60 million years ago, looked like a hairy dog. Even the hooves of the animal were not yet actually hooves, but were thin paws with toes at the ends. The growth of Eogippus, inhabiting Western European lands, barely reached 1 m.This creature had an arched back, short neck and a small head. The animal ate soft leaves and fruits, because his teeth were completely different from strong and powerful teeth modern horses... Therefore, the Eogippus did not chew the food they obtained, but rather rubbed them with their jaws.

After 20 million years, climatic conditions on the planet changed, in connection with which the appearance of Eogippus was also transformed. More precisely, several new and independent species arose at once - mesohippus, parahippus and anchiteria. All these animals were united by the fact that they no longer ate fruits or juicy leaves, because the arrival of cold weather forced them to abandon these rare delicacies and get used to dry, hard grass. This led to the development and improvement of the chewing apparatus. The surface of the Earth was firmly solidified, in connection with which the mesohippus, parahippus and anchiteria began to rely mainly on the middle fingers, which ended in hooves. The creatures also became larger in size - they already reached 1.2 m in height.

Ancestor, in appearance which you can already find all the signs inherent in modern horses was the hipparion, who lived about 5 million years ago in the era of the Upper Miocene. The remains of this animal were found in several regions at once - this is Europe, Asia, and even America, where ancient creatures fell through a narrow isthmus that once connected America and Eurasia at the Bering Strait.

Three-toed species were finally supplanted by single-toed species, the limbs of which ended in horny and strong hooves. The use of the foot as a support turned out to be more untenable, because this way the animals could not run fast, so they became prey to ancient predators, in particular, wolves. At the same time, hipparions and their closest descendants, the pliohippuses, learned not only to run with their hooves, but also to use them for survival - for example, for loosening snow and getting grass. It was these creatures that subsequently populated the planet and left behind rich offspring in the form of wild forest horses.


Several interesting facts are connected with the keen hearing of horses. With its help, animals can recognize high-frequency sounds (up to 25 kHz) that humans cannot hear - it can only pick up sounds with a frequency of up to 20 kHz. In turn, low-frequency sounds, such as a dull rumble, etc., reach the ears of the horses faster than the hearing of a person. All this is necessary for the animal in order to react to danger in time. The horse can also turn each ear separately towards the stimulus to focus on a particular sound. But if the horse is angry, he begins to hear worse, because his external auditory canal is blocked due to the intense pressing of the ears to the head.

It is known that horses are even connoisseurs of music! Animals like to listen to calm melodies, while loud and heavy songs make them feel anxious and uneasy.

Hearing is a vital biological feeling, not only for the horse itself, but also for its owner. It is by capturing the intonation of the voice and recognizing the spoken words that the horse reacts to commands given to it or to its own nickname. Even in a dream, this equid-hoofed mammal does not stop wiggling its ears, which testifies to the tireless work of the auditory organs!

With the help of acoustic perception of the world, horses are able to anticipate natural disasters - earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, rising groundwater, etc. then distant signals and sounds not yet discernible to human hearing.


The next interesting fact about horses is related to how they rest and sleep. If you observe a pet during the day, you will notice that from time to time it falls into a state of short and light half-nap, which lasts from a few minutes to half an hour. In this case, the horse does not lie down on the soft grass, but remains on its feet and simply closes its eyes.

There is a scientific explanation for this - the whole point lies in the fact that natural instincts and habits are especially strong in horses. A long time ago, these mammals simply could not afford to lie down and sleep for several hours, because such shortsightedness could cost them their lives. As a result, the horses learned to doze on their feet, because in this way they could always jerk off and escape from danger.

In most cases, a horse's full sleep also passes on its legs, even though the average weight of an adult is 400 kg! To prevent this from causing inconvenience and pain to the animal, nature has provided its body with the ability to "pinch" the joints. Thanks to this mechanism, the load exerted by the body mass is evenly distributed, and knee joints- are blocked. The horse ceases to feel excessive weight.

In some cases, when the horse feels the need for full sleep, as well as confidence in the safety of the environment, he lies on the ground and falls into a deep sleep. As a rule, this happens when the animal is in the company of its fellows. Horses are creatures that lead a gregarious lifestyle in the wild, so it is important for them to feel the presence of representatives of their own species nearby. An adult individual needs only a few hours of such a state to fully replenish its strength. In addition, lying too much is fraught with problems, because after 6 hours the horse may have pulmonary edema.

It is interesting! It has been scientifically proven that horses are able to dream when lying down (i.e. in deep sleep phases). This becomes obvious from the quiet snort and those involuntary movements that they make with their ears, jaws, hooves, imitating running, etc.

Intelligence and ingenuity

Horses have accompanied people throughout history, not only because they served as a means of transportation or help in the economy. Since ancient times, people have discovered that these equid-hoofed mammals have the ability to learn and a lively mind. The chronicles and chronicles are familiar with the nicknames of many horses, which acted as irreplaceable "companions" for their masters - emperors, generals, kings, scientists, etc.


The favorite horse of Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia from the Argead dynasty, was called Bucephalus. An interesting fact is that, according to legend, at the age of 10, the future great ruler became the only person who could tame and saddle this incredibly obstinate and wayward horse (at that time the latter was already 11 years old).

The stallion and his master were together until Bucephalus was 30 years old - then, after all the battles and battles passed, the horse fell due to old age and heat. In honor of the faithful horse, which throughout his life was distinguished by a noble disposition and ingenuity, Alexander the Great even founded the city and gave it the appropriate name - Bucephalus.

The most interesting thing is that this settlement exists in the world to this day in Pakistan, but today it is called Jalalpur.


Another horse is also known, which in everything corresponded to its master - it comes about Savrasy, Subedei's faithful companion. This man was an ally of Temujin-Genghis Khan and one of the greatest Mongolian generals. As the commander's contemporaries recalled, the horse always followed the orders of its master and understood all the words addressed to it.

The loyal and brave horse even sacrificed himself when it turned out to be necessary. Once he and Subedei got bogged down in a quagmire. The commander managed to jump out of the saddle and escape, but the animal was forever drawn into the swamp.

Several interesting facts are connected with a horse named Clever Hans. This horse, who lived in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, has won worldwide fame as one of the most intelligent and intellectually developed animals in history! Its owner was Wilhelm von Austin, a school mathematics teacher. In those days, the public was especially fascinated by the Darwinian theory, in which animals were presented as creatures clothed with reason. In this regard, von Austin decided to test the intellectual abilities of his horse.

Imagine his surprise when it turned out that Hans really has abstract thinking and outstanding natural talents! Wilhelm gave them a complete cut, namely, he developed in his horse such skills as the ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, perform operations with fractions, indicate the exact time and date, and also perceive by ear both individual words and whole statements on German. At that time, the developmental level of Hans corresponded to the developmental level of 14-year-old children.

With his "teacher", and subsequently the general public, for which von Austin began to arrange free street performances with his ward, Hans communicated by tapping his hoof. It was in this way that he answered the questions posed. Despite the fact that the answers were not always extremely correct, in most cases Clever Hans nevertheless coped with the task.

In the homeland of Clever Hans, Germany, scientists became very interested in the phenomenon of this horse and decided to study his intelligence more closely. A specially convened commission conducted a series of practical experiments. Hans was asked questions not only by his owner, but also by other people. He was blindfolded so that he would not see the questioner and could not receive possible clues from his side. The questions were different types- to some of them the person himself knew the correct answer, while others could only be answered by observers.

The final statistics showed that when the questioner (who, as a rule, was still von Austin) knew the correct answer, the horse coped with the task 89% of the time. But if Wilhelm himself was in the dark about the issue, Hans coped with the task only 6% of the time!

This allowed the German psychologist Oskar Pfungst to conclude that in reality the animal did not have a unique intellect, but skillfully interpreted various expressions of "social communication" correctly. In other words, Clever Hans did not receive any special prompts from his master, however, over the years of communication and interaction, he learned to “read” his behavior, facial expressions, gestures and postures. By tapping the response with his hoof, the horse monitored the reaction of both its owner and the people around him in order to understand when to stop.

Apparently, Hans was very sensitive to emotional human reactions, such as excitement, tension, relaxation, a sharp look, etc. Although Pfungst released a study exposing the mathematical and linguistic abilities of Clever Hans, he admitted that this horse can still be must be considered a phenomenally intelligent creature! Von Austin himself categorically rejected the results of Pfungst's scientific research and continued to travel around the country with Hans until his death in 1909.

Horses are unique animals. Have you noticed that they have healing powers, are able to influence the human psyche, have incredible gracefulness, delighting everyone? Horses are very interesting, strong, perfect, and many facts testify to this.

Interesting facts about horses.

1. The horse has a lot to do with the musculoskeletal system. With each step, it transmits an impulse to the rider, exactly repeating the work of the human body when walking. This testifies to the uniqueness of the elimination of problems with the spine. So, horses are used for movement therapy and gymnastics, in particular, children undergo these rehabilitation courses.

2. The color of the horse influences its character. This statement is controversial. On the one hand, if you start comparing with a person, then it is false, because hair color does not reflect your individual characteristics and inclinations. On the other hand, people who constantly work with horses claim that black horses are the fastest, the most resilient, and better tolerate various diseases. Some say that red horses are very unstable. However, the following statement is most optimal and correct: the influence is exerted by the breed, parents and the first years of life.

3. The most well-fed representative of horses is the stallion Sampson. Its weight is 1520 kilograms. No one has ever achieved such a result, which means that this is a record.

4. Horses have very well developed senses, some of which are much better than humans. So, they are able to hear sounds that are inaccessible to us: the structure of their hearing aid also allows not only to perfectly receive the incoming signal, but also to amplify it, which is unique in its kind.

5. In addition, the horse has an excellent sense of smell. Even if she ceases to see from her old age (you will read about vision below), her scent retains its orientation, and long distances are not a problem for her. Many horses determine the location of the saddle, rider, stables by smell, and can also determine the edibility of grass.
6. Unlike many other animals, horses see the world as colored, but red and blue are not subject to them. Another unique phenomenon is that the viewing angle is close to 360 degrees. This means that the horse knows about what is happening behind him and in front of him. Also, it is not difficult for her to distinguish objects in the dark.

7. Developed sense of touch is another physiological feature of these animals. Together with sight, hearing, sense of smell, a horse is incomparable with any other creature. They feel best with their lips and hooves.

8. The horse is able to heal not only people, but also itself. If her day was very busy, massage helps her to restore the spent energy, with the help of which she improves the work of her heart. This adds strength to the horse as blood circulation increases.
9. Many signs are associated with horses. Here are some of them: “If, leaving the house, you meet white horse, you need to immediately spit on the ground to ward off trouble "," Horses snort on the road - to a joyful meeting. " How to treat this, you decide for yourself.
10. Interestingly, the hoof is not only the most sensitive part of the horse's body, but is also responsible for blood circulation. The force of gravity applied to it forces the blood to move up the vessels.

11. Horses are able to distinguish music, some styles are preferred by themselves. In their minds, a good composition should be calm, melodic, and therefore they cannot listen to heavy rock. Again, this is all due to their excellent hearing (we wrote about it above).
12. To determine the age of a horse, you can look at its teeth. As many of you have guessed, the well-known expression “They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” was formed on the basis of this fact.

13. Because of his heavy weight a horse cannot stand on three legs if something happens to the fourth. Therefore, a broken limb will be a big problem for the owner. She heals for a very long time and prevents further development horses.

So, you have learned about the most interesting facts. We hope that you will be able to use this information for its intended purpose and it has broadened your horizons.

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