Pets. Photo of a domestic horse - the correct diet for a horse Domestic horse description

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HOME HORSE(Equus caballus), a domestic animal that played the role of the main vehicle... For thousands of years, many breeds have been bred and great success in training has been achieved. Belongs to the equidae family of the equid order. The closest relatives are wild horses, donkeys and zebras.

Like all ungulates, the domestic horse is a herbivorous species. Body weight ranges from 900 kg for heavy trucks to less than 100 kg for ponies. The animal is characterized by strength, speed and good learning ability. Hearing and smell are highly developed. Artificial selection has led to the emergence of specialized types of horses, which, with proper care, can be easily adapted to a variety of tasks, including grazing, plowing, moving various carts, racing at speed, hunting and special tricks (jumping, "dancing", etc.) ), demonstrated at exhibitions, equestrian events and circuses.


It is believed that the ancestors of the equidae arose in the course of evolution even before the widespread distribution of cereal communities and did not feed on grass, but on leaves and young shoots of the underbrush. When, due to climatic changes, the steppes were pushed aside by the forests, these animals became herbivores proper, which stimulated the further formation of their modern characters. Natural selection was also determined by constant interaction with large predators: attacks by wolf packs favored the survival of the most swift-footed prehistoric horses.

The evolution of the equidae family, which lasted 60 million years from the Eocene era, led to the emergence of the only modern horse genus ( Equus) represented by horses proper, i.e. home horse ( E. caballus), and Przewalski's wild horse ( E. przewalskii), wild donkeys (African, kiang, onager and onager), domestic donkey, or donkey, as well as African zebras and quagga. Some zoologists tend to separate the genus. Equus into several independent genera, however, the difference between them turns out to be too insignificant, and most likely here we can talk about subgenera: donkeys ( Asinus), kulans ( Hemonius), zebra and quagga ( Hippotigris) and horse ( Equus).

Modern equines are very different from the small forest animals that gave rise to this family in the Eocene.

The qualities that have developed over a long evolution - agility and endurance, intelligence and strength, the ability to endure various climatic conditions and eat meager roughage - perfectly adapted the domestic horse to the needs of a developing civilization. In fact, the last chapter in the evolutionary history of the horse was written by man, who, through artificial selection, bred animals that best suited his needs. Modern breeds evolved from wild horses... Now only one of their taxons has survived - the Przewalski's horse, and the wild Russian horse, or steppe tarpan, possibly belonging to the same species, died out in the 19th century. Apparently, it is these animals and, possibly, some kind of larger "forest horse" that was found in prehistoric times in Western Europe, gave rise to all current breeds of domestic horse. The domestication of horses began over 2,500 years ago.

The horse is like an odd-hoofed animal.

All members of the genus Equus- these are fast-running, hardy herbivores, and their morphology corresponds to just such a way of life. Other mammals, for example, antelopes, have adapted to a similar strategy of existence in their own way, however, all equines, regardless of their evolutionary advancement, have characteristics that allow them to be considered a single independent group, despite interspecific differences and adaptive features common with other groups. We are talking about the morphological characters of the order of equids (Perissodactyla), which also includes tapirs, rhinos and a number of extinct forms, for example, elephant-like titanotherium and clawed chalicotherium.

In the course of evolution, all the organs of the animals of this order have, to one degree or another, experienced the influence of their basic "equid-hoofed" morphology, but this is most clearly seen in the structure of the legs and teeth. It is for them that kinship ties are established between species within a given order, and there are several reasons for this. First, they had a specific structure from the very beginning of the evolution of this group, and in the course of development their features became more and more pronounced. Secondly, both teeth and legs, being directly related to nutrition and locomotion, clearly reflect the adaptation of the animal to its habitat. Finally, teeth, due to their chemical composition and compact structure, are well preserved in the fossil state.


In all equids, the axis of the leg passes through the middle toe - this structure is called mesaxon. In the course of evolution, the initial five-toed state usually changed to three- and then to one-toed. If there was an even number of toes on the leg, there was a temporary asymmetry of the reduction — on one side of the hand, the “extra” lateral toe remained somewhat longer than on the opposite. This structure contrasts with that observed in cloven-hoofed animals (order Artiodactyla), whose limb axis runs between the third and fourth toes, but is similar to that which existed in some groups of extinct South American ungulates.

The kind Equus the legs are functionally one-toed: the lateral toes on them are represented only by small so-called. slate bones.


The teeth of all equids also have a number of characteristics common to all of them. The posterior cheek teeth (molars, or molars) are lophodont. They are called so because their chewing surface is covered with ridges - loops. On the upper molars, there are three main lofs - external (ectoloph), anterior (protoloph) and posterior (metalof). These protrusions formed between the primary low mounds, which have survived in some evolutionary lines equids. Lofs form a U-shaped pattern on the chewing surface of the upper molars. On the lower molars, the lofs are arranged in two crescents: this is also a characteristic feature of equids, but it is more difficult to distinguish it from the features of other orders.

In species Equus molars are highly coronal, and their chewing surface is very complex. Between the cheeks (molars and premolars) and the front teeth (incisors and canines) is the long, toothless edge of the jaw (diastema). The bases of all cheek teeth are covered with cement.

A horse is a mammalian herbivore belonging to the equid order, equine family.

They were domesticated about 6 thousand years ago, and since then horses have become an indispensable draft force in the household of farmers.

The life span of a horse is on average up to thirty-five years, but there were cases when the animal even lived up to sixty.

general description

Horses are unusually graceful and beautiful animals, but at the same time they have inexhaustible endurance, strength and a high degree of activity. This is due to the mobile lifestyle of representatives of ungulates, in this regard, they have a well-developed respiratory and cardiac apparatus, as well as a powerful musculoskeletal system.

The horse's body is aesthetically pleasing, especially in race and trotting breeds, and constantly developing muscles provide a strong build and a rounded body.

It is noteworthy that at rest and during active movement, horses breathe only through the nostrils, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system.

A large elongated head located on powerful neck, has a strong skull, in which there is a small brain in comparison with the dimensions of this animal.

But this does not in any way affect the high mental abilities of the animal - the horse lends itself well to training and taming, quickly learns to perform mechanical actions, and also easily finds contact with both adults and children.

They also have fine hearing, excellent eyesight and excellent instinct. A young horse is not so easy to deceive or take by surprise, since these animals know how to navigate in space like no other.

But with age, their physical and mental abilities decrease, the body swells, and the thick hairline loses its former saturation and stiffness.

You can appreciate all the beauty and grace of these animals by looking at the photos of horses.


The areas of residence of horses are not very diverse, since the animal is sedentary, and wanders only when the former habitat has become unusable.

Wild horses prefer open areas, fields and meadows rich in juicy young grass in the immediate vicinity of water bodies and places of rest in the shade.

Usually these mammals live in a herd of several females and one stallion. Equine pairs with a foal are less common. In the event of a threat of danger or depletion of the former pasture, they can overcome hundreds and thousands of kilometers in search of a new free place.

Types and breeds of horses

Most often, experts share the following types of horses: wild and domesticated, Przewalski's horse, as well as kiang, wild and domestic donkey, kulan, mountain, desert and Burchell's zebra.

These subspecies can freely interbreed with each other and give excellent offspring. But the resulting hybrids may not always be fertile.

A horse is assigned a breed according to different characteristics:

  • climatic (mountain, steppe or forest);
  • according to origin (local non-local);
  • for use (riding, harness, workers);
  • by the way of reproduction (herd, factory, artificially fertilized).

Nutrition and care

In vivo environment horses are fed according to climatic conditions. Wild horses feed on fresh grass, grains, root vegetables, as well as deciduous trees and some fruit.

At the same time, there is no shortage of essential vitamins for normal development and growth, there are enough microelements for animals even in winter period when the variety of food is noticeably reduced and the horse is losing weight.

In the wild, a horse quickly gets in shape even after a harsh winter or a lean year, but in captivity such an effect cannot be achieved, since wild animals are much more hardy than domestic animals.

The diet of the domestic horse is markedly different, although the daily pasture into the meadow cannot be replaced by anything else. After all, juicy young grass contains the whole complex of nutrients necessary for an animal.

In winter, so that the horse does not lose weight, the diet is replenished with hay, oats, corn, barley, bran, flaxseed, as well as vegetables and fruits (mainly apples, potatoes, fodder beets and carrots).

Household horses often lack nutrients and therefore appearance the animal loses its former gloss, and the strength of the workhorse is noticeably undermined.

In order not to bring the animal to exhaustion, and then with great difficulty not to restore its strength, it is necessary to select a balanced diet, as well as to properly care for the animal.

Daily four meals a day, but the norm should be observed due to the sensitive digestive tract. Moreover, the horse's menu should be varied, and not just hay several times a day.

With the appearance of grass, it is necessary to take the horse to a daily pasture, the longer the time spent on fresh air, all the better. Including supplements in the domestic horse's diet is essential to restore mineral reserves.

The horse should be given water at room temperature in accordance with the animal's needs.

It's important to keep your horse hygienic. In the hot season - weekly bathing, and in the cold season - scrubbing. Special attention worth giving to hooves and mane.

The stable is the home of the horse, so it must be cleaned daily and well ventilated.

Daily walks in the fresh air cannot be ruled out in any case. Indeed, without an active pace of life, the horse's physical abilities deteriorate noticeably.


At the age of two, the horse becomes sexually mature. Horses reproduce by fertilizing an egg.

At home, the owner of the animal is looking for a suitable pair during the "hunt" period, but on farms there is the possibility of artificial insemination, which saves a lot of trouble.

Pregnancy lasts about eleven months, then the mare feeds the foal with milk for six months. Almost immediately after birth, the foal is able to move quickly with its mother.

Especially beautiful horses are born when a white horse and a gray horse are crossed, the color of such a horse most often turns out to be a rich color of cigarette smoke.

Horse photo


From time immemorial, our ancestors lived by the gifts of nature: they gathered fruits and roots, fished, hunted. Sometimes hunters brought home baby animals and they grew up next to a person.

Knowing well the habits of wild animals, primitive people were able to tame them. This is how the first pets were born. They helped to hunt, guarded, transported weights and saved supplies from rodents.

And, of course, they supplied a person with milk, meat, wool, skin and much more. It is not surprising that in ancient times people deified some animals, worshiped them.

Wild animals did not immediately turn into pets, sometimes it took more than one century. This is why pets don't always look like their ancestors.

It is believed that the very first domestic animal was the dog. This happened about 10-15 thousand years ago. But some researchers are sure that a sheep, a goat, and others can claim this place of honor. They have been with humans for about 10 thousand years. Then came the turn of bulls, buffaloes, ...

But man has domesticated not only animals - mammals. Birds appeared on his farm: ducks, geese, pheasants, turkeys.

There are even house insects. For example, the toiler bee and the silkworm.

Pets often become pets. A dog, for example, is not only a hunting assistant or watchman, but also a companion for games and pranks.


A horse is a mammal of the equid order of the equidae family. The ancestor of the domestic horse is the wild tarpan horse. Tarpans were found in the steppe zone of Eastern Europe and Asia as early as the 19th century. The horse was domesticated over 6 thousand years ago.

Today, about 200 different breeds have been bred. There are riding breeds, harness, heavy draft and others. A thoroughbred riding horse develops a speed of up to 60 km / h, and a powerful heavy truck is capable of carrying cargo weighing more than 20 tons.

The usual size of a horse: body length up to 2.8 meters, height at the withers 1.4 - 1.6 meters. A special group is represented by undersized horses - ponies. Their height is 40-120 cm.

A horse can live up to 40-50 years.

Once, a horse could be seen on the street as often as a car today. And nobody was surprised. After all, a horse has lived next to a person since ancient times.

Horses carried cargo and passengers, plowed and traveled on horses, fought and hunted. Equestrian sports competitions are held today.

The horse is one of the most beautiful animals. The high neck is decorated with a mane. Slender, slender legs are designed for fast running. The horse swims well, it has a fine ear: it recognizes the steps of its owner from afar. And her sense of smell is no worse than that of a dog.

The horse is smart and quick-witted, quickly remembers the way to the house and can return by itself from the most distant pasture. This ability was used in a blizzard - they threw the reins, and the horse itself was taken to the shelter.

Horses graze in herds. They feed on grass, oats. When a foal is born, it does not stand well on long legs. Mom - the horse will gently lick him with his tongue, feed him with milk.

A little time will pass, and the foal will cheerfully scamper across the green meadow. She wants to eat, runs up to her mother, drinks tasty and fatty milk. People also drink horse milk, make a healthy drink from it - kumis.

In the old days, the horse replaced the plane, the bus, and the train. The Russian troika is famous all over the world. Three horses are harnessed to a cart or sleigh at once. And a dashing troika rushes, jingling bells and bells!

And when people found a horseshoe on the road - this is a kind of "shoe" for a horse - they rejoiced. It was believed that finding a horseshoe was fortunate. Iron horseshoes were attached to the horses' hooves to protect the horse's legs from injury.

Horses are well trained, they obey their master. And it is not surprising that horses often appear in circuses and at sporting events. Today horses also help humans. Especially where you can't go by car!


A cow is a mammal of the order of ruminants of the bovids family. The cow belongs to domestic cattle. The ancestor of the domesticated cow is the wild bull tour.

The tur was a strong animal, weighing up to 800 kg, with a high withers, powerful long horns pointing forward. He has been exterminated by man. The last round was killed in Poland in 1627.

The wild bull was tamed and domesticated a very long time ago, when agriculture arose, almost 10 thousand years ago.

Today there are about 1000 breeds of cattle in the world. But the most common are about 250 breeds.

There are three main directions in breeding breeds: dairy, meat and combined. There are hornless breeds, a miniature breed of cows has been bred. Their height is about 80 cm, weight 100 - 130 kg. Milk 3-4kg per day.

Average milk yield of a cow is 5 - 6 thousand kg per year, record holders give up to 20 - 24 thousand. kg

Cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese ... All these tasty and healthy products and many others are made from milk. And cows give us milk.

Cows and bulls are pets. They live mainly on farms. The villagers have cows in their personal household.

People have always loved and appreciated cows. In ancient times, in many countries, they were revered as sacred animals. They were worshiped, temples and palaces were decorated with their images. And when the bull died, he was buried with honors.

In one old book it was written: "In the cows our strength, in the cows our clothes, in the cows our victory."

This attitude towards cows is preserved in India today. They even erect monuments to cows and bulls.

Cows graze on a green meadow, eat grass. And a real miracle happens in their bodies - milk is formed. Milk is not only a tasty product, it is also used as a remedy.

Cows like theirs wild ancestors, herd animals. And in the herd there is always the most important cow - the "leader". She is the first to start eating grass, the first to lie down to rest and the first to go at the head of the herd.

And little calves, funny and curious, love to be in company. One calf can stick to a flock, herd or. Calves frolic, play, butt - this is how they grow and gain strength. Sometimes adult cows take part in their games.

Cows are smart and quick-witted animals. They know the way to their home. There were cases when she was taken to a new owner, and she returned, having covered many kilometers, to her former place.

Cows have a well-developed sense of time. They feel when their mistress is coming.

Cows have lines on the skin of their noses, just like we do on our fingers. Their pattern is never repeated. And now they take nose prints off the cows. Such an imprint is like a "cow document".


The pig belongs to the artiodactyl mammals of the pig family. Domestic pigs trace their ancestry to wild boars. It is believed that the pig has become the second pet after dogs.

Today, pig breeding is developed in many countries, on all continents. More than 30 breeds have been bred.

Domestic pigs are multiparous animals. Usually 6 to 12 piglets are born. The weight of an adult pig is 250-500 kg.

In many physiological parameters, a pig is closer to a person than other animals, with the exception of monkeys. Therefore, pigs are still used for various medical research.

Once upon a time, wild boars came to feast on crops in the fields, crops in the gardens. People caught them and fed the little boars.

So gradually the wild and dangerous animal turned into a good-natured domestic pig. She no longer has thick stubble, like a wild boar, and pinkish skin shines through it.

In ancient times, the pig was considered a sacred animal. At the courts of pharaohs and kings there was even a special position of "pig breeder". They made figurines of pigs from precious stones.

And pigs do not tolerate heat well: after all, it is only a piglet that sweats. Here the pigs cool off in the puddles.

The pig eats almost everything that comes across "on the tooth". No wonder the pig is called "omnivorous". Often a pig breaks the ground with its snout - this is its face - in search of roots, worms and beetles.

But the pig's talents do not end there. The pig has a very good sense of smell. Pigs, if trained, help to find mushrooms underground - truffles.

They can also find a person covered with a thick layer of snow. Sometimes specially trained pigs are used instead of dogs to find hidden things.

Some people think the fat, small-eyed, big-eared, rather grunting pig is stupid. But this is not the case! They are easy to train. And they even perform in the circus, like real artists. They love to listen to music, they can be taught to dance to some melody.

Pigs are very curious.

Little pigs, like all babies, love to run and play. Toys for them can be old tires, rubber balls. Once the pigs were given a tumbler doll. And the pigs played with her all day.

And although the piglet "kids" often arrange fights, they all sleep together, huddled closely to each other.

Surprisingly, a pig suffers from the same diseases as a person. And it can be treated with conventional "human" medicines. If someone is called a pig, he can take comfort in the fact that the pig is an intelligent, quick-witted animal with many virtues.

Kira Stoletova

Horses are beautiful graceful animals from the equid order. Their domestication took place about 5000-5500 years ago. The steppe wild horses are considered ancestors, but it has not yet been possible to reliably determine the ancestor. The importance of horses fell only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the cart, gig and carriage ceased to be relevant.

The origin of the horse

The horse detachment, in addition to the domestic horse, includes:

  • Przewalski's horse;
  • Extinct wild horses;
  • Quang;
  • Kulan;
  • Mountain zebra, desert zebra and Burchella's zebra;
  • A donkey.

All of them are equid-hoofed, some can interbreed with each other, but give infertile offspring, since they have a different number of chromosomes. A hybrid of a donkey and a horse is called a mule or gelding, depending on how the crossing was carried out.

The origin of the domesticated species is not known for certain. Most likely, his wild ancestors died out after the horse was domesticated. It is believed that the following types of horses participated in the formation:

  • Horse;
  • Eastern;
  • Forest;
  • Tarpan.

Today there are no real wild horses left. Tarpans became extinct more than a century ago, the forest one disappeared even earlier, and the Hagerman one - 10,000 years ago. Only a small number of Przewalski's horses have survived. Through selection, it was possible to breed the Heck, similar to the tarpan. Facts show that feral domestic horses live in America and southern France. One of the most famous depictions of these animals is the whinnying white Uffington horse.

Horse description

There are many horse breeds, but they all share some common traits. Here is a brief anatomy, biological features, characteristics and description of this species:

  • head with a long snout and dry;
  • big eyes;
  • dilated nostrils;
  • the ears are average and very mobile;
  • the mane is elongated, hanging to one side;
  • the neck is elongated, curved, the muscles are developed;
  • the breast is strong, wide;
  • the back is muscular, wide, the rider can easily fit on it;
  • the rear is extended, the tail is lush;
  • the thighs are well developed;
  • legs are high, with strong tendons;
  • the hoof covers the tip of the middle toe;
  • there are horny bumps or a bump on the inner surface of the wrists.

The digestive system of horses is typical of herbivores. The stomach has only one compartment (artiodactyl species have 2), there is no gallbladder. The horse's body temperature is 37.5-37.8 ° C. Breathing at rest - 8-16 times a minute, with loads - 5-7 times more often. The heart beats 40-60 times a minute, while running - 120-130 times, pumps up to 150 liters of blood. The average age of a horse is 25-30 years old, the record holder from Britain lived to be 62 years old.

The wild horses were supposedly striped and dark in color along the ridge. Here are the most famous colors and suits of horses:

  • black (horses of black suit);
  • bay;
  • redhead;
  • brownish red;
  • gray or gray;
  • dark gray;
  • gray in apples;
  • chubaraya;
  • piebald spotted (these are white horses with spots);
  • white or albino;
  • chemise black and white;
  • playful;
  • gold.

Many colors are extremely rare, as they arise due to gene mutations. They are especially appreciated.

Running horses

An important characteristic of the domestic horse is its running, or gait. Distinguish between natural and artificial types. In the first case, the gait is a kind of running that is characteristic of any horses in nature. Artificial gaits are specially developed by man. This type of running is often used in dressage competitions.

Natural gaits

Natural horse gaits include:

  • Step - a calm gait, only one leg comes off the ground.
  • The trot is a fast gait, 2 legs simultaneously lift off the ground, the right hind leg and the left fore leg and vice versa.
  • Gallop - a very fast run, in which the horse is jumping completely off the surface and hovers in the air, horses in a gallop can run fast, at medium speed or slowly.
  • Amble is a special type of lynx, inherent only to some individuals, 2 legs come off the ground on one side, in a fast run such horses sometimes turn over.

Artificial gaits

Circus and sports horses have different types of artificial gait. To work out such a step, you need to study horses for a very long time and for professional level, special devices are used: cavaletti, long cord. The following types of horse step are known, created by man:

  • Passage - a slow trot, the horse beautifully brings its legs forward and raises them high up, like a bouncing jumper.
  • Piaffe - passage made in one place
  • Spanish step - the horse walks like a ballerina, bringing forward a straight front leg.
  • Three-legged canter - one front leg extended forward and not touching the ground.
  • Gallop in back side- walking with a jump back.

Most often, rare artificial gaits are used at parades and exhibitions. Passage and piaffe are basic steps to be judged in dressage. There are no people who are not fascinated by these graceful gaits. To demonstrate, you need a good rider, an ace in his profession. It is not possible to teach every horse to a beautiful gait; a high degree of animal intelligence is required.

Horse breeds

After the horses were tamed, more than 100 breeds were bred. Some of them still exist. The classification has not been finally worked out, they are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • riding;
  • horse-drawn;
  • light and heavy-duty;
  • horse-pack.

Horses are also classified according to the type of breeding into factory, herd and mixed.

Breeds that have been bred on a specific territory since time immemorial are called aboriginal. Varieties that have emerged as a result of targeted selection are called cultivated. There are also transitional forms. In addition to horses of ordinary height, there is also a small breed of pony.

Horse breeds

Horse varieties first appeared in the countries of the East, they were bred by the Arabs. They came to Europe during the time of the Crusades. Before that, Europeans bred mainly pack horses and heavy trucks. Here are the main representatives of riding horses:

  • Arabian horse;
  • Thoroughbred horse (the most famous modern stallion is California Chrome);
  • Terskaya;
  • Hanover;
  • Akhal-Teke, or Akhal-Teke;
  • Traken;
  • Budenovskaya;
  • Kabardinskaya.

The ancestor of most modern breeds is the Arabian horse. Alkhetian and Kabardian varieties, which are actively involved in breeding, are also considered indigenous.


These breeds began to appear actively in the 18th and 19th centuries. When breeding, the horse and cargo varieties were crossed. The most famous breeds in this direction:

  • Oryol trotting;
  • Lipizian, Lipizian, or Lipizian;
  • Fjord;
  • Russian trotter;
  • Freiberger;
  • American curly-haired Bashkir, or Curly Bashkir;
  • Oldenburgskaya;
  • Pinto;
  • Wielkopolska;
  • Cartesian;
  • Hungarian;
  • Ranger Colorado;
  • Aztec;
  • Flemish;
  • Okhotnitskaya.

The main characteristic of draft horses is their speed and endurance, although they are inferior to riding ones in running speed. Their physique is strong, graceful. The dimensions of the harness horse are average, the horses are not high at the withers.

Heavy trucks

Heavy horse breeds are among the oldest in the world. These are large and strong horses capable of dragging huge loads. The heavy truck looks like a powerful, often fluffy horse, the landing of the hull is low. Moves not very fast, in no hurry.

Among these varieties, there are real champions in weight and height. Here are the representatives:

  • Dastrie;
  • Schleswing;
  • Black Forest;
  • Bityug;
  • Brabancon;
  • Lithuanian heavy truck;
  • Shire, or Shire;
  • Cleydesdal;
  • Tori;
  • Novoaleksandrovskaya;
  • Tinker;
  • Boulogne.

Having lost their practical importance, many breeds of heavy draft horses began to disappear. Now active work is underway in France, Germany, Scandinavian countries, Russia to preserve these varieties.

A horse in a home stable, about caring for a stall and how much it costs to keep a horse.

A living house. Horse care

Horse selection and care. Continued // FORUMHOUSE


Horse selection and care // FORUMHOUSE

Horse harness

Harness or equipment is an important part of horse use. In horse riding, this is a saddle that the rider can sit in. A paddle board is placed under it so that parts of the saddle do not rub the horse's back. The body is covered with a blanket or harness. Its function is protection from the cold. For example, in Siberia or Arkhangelsk there are real severe frosts, in this case you cannot do without a blanket. The saddle is fastened with a girth. It is a wide strap that wraps around the post and is attached to both sides of the saddle.

The bridle and halter are attached to the horse's face. The bridle has a bit, a bit, a mouthpiece, which are attached in the animal's mouth. A halter is a bridle without a bit. Another type of bridle is a hakamora or herd, a leather braid without iron, it can be long and short. For control, they also use a cotter, a leg or a martingale, a chambon sliding rein. The rope is tied with one end to the girth, the other - to the bridle, does not allow the horse to raise its head to a horizontal position and stand on its hind legs. A hobbled mare is tied with a rope called chumbur or chembur. In order for the horse not to be frightened, blinkers should be lowered over the eyes. The legs are protected by the legs, and the ligaments are protected by soft bandages.

Harnesses for pack horses are arched and arched, one-and two-window. In such sledges, a collar, harness, strings, belts, abdomen, reins, chest belts are used. There is also a mixed version, where the root horse is harnessed with an arc, and the back horse is harnessed without it. The ammunition is made of leather and metal, the arches are made of wood.

How to harness a horse to a cart, shafts or sledges? It is necessary to carefully study the scheme, see how this is done in practice. It is difficult to do this without experience and dexterity, because the horse often snorts and butts.

You should learn everything about horses before you start these animals or just engage in horse riding. They keep animals in stables that have:

  • Stall. The room where the horse stays temporarily, eats, is examined and cleaned. There are no partitions in the stall, it is a closed corral with a bar for tying horses and a manger for eating.
  • Dennik. A house or place where the horse lives permanently. Its area is 3.6 × 3.6 cm, so that even a lying mare can fit there. For each domestic horse, a separate stall is made, partitioning it off with incomplete lattice partitions. Weaving can be used instead of a lattice. The doors are made in such a way that the horse cannot open them on their own, with a height of no more than 1.1 m. The exit from the stall can be made into a common gallery or directly onto the street.
  • Territory or levada for walking. The area is 100-200 m².

The stables are made no less than 2.6 m in height. The floor is best done with concrete with a rubber coating. The bedding is made from straw. In stalls, gutters are equipped for the drainage of liquid waste, then you need to remove manure less often. They clean the stalls daily, completely change the litter once a week.

Do-it-yourself horse grooming includes:

  • cleaning the case;
  • combing the mane and tail, it can be braided;
  • hoof cleaning;
  • bathing;
  • forging;
  • special attention is paid to the teeth of the horse.

For cleaning, use a natural brush with stiff bristles, it is desirable that the horse is tangled. Starting from the head on the left side, moving to the sides, back and croup. Repeat the procedure with right side, scratch the mane and tail, you can also braid them (horse hairstyle can be very interesting). At the end, the hooves and feet are trimmed. To clean the hoof, use special brushes, sticks and hooks, lubricating cream. Only a professional can forge a horse; you should not do this with your own hands. A shod horse is less likely to damage its hooves.


The health of the horses largely depends on proper feeding. Many owners also want to know how much it will cost to feed the animal. Day or daily ration a horse, whose mass is about half a tone, consists of the following products:

  • hay (the best option is clover with legumes or meadow) - 10-13 kg;
  • oats, muesli, ready-made cereals - 5 kg;
  • bran from oats or wheat - 1-1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2-3 kg.

Along with the carrot, the animal can eat other vegetables. Be sure to include regular salt, vitamin supplements in the diet. The horse's annual diet consists of:

  • 4-5 tons of selected hay;
  • 2 tons of grain mixture or oats;
  • 0.5 tons of carrots and other vegetables;
  • 13 kg of salt.

In summer, the horse can graze in the pasture, the amount of hay is reduced, but not completely removed. You cannot immediately put a horse on green fodder, this should be done gradually. Before you start the horses to fast, you should feed them well with hay. It is necessary to ensure that the food is fresh, without signs of decay and mold, and no poisonous plants come across in the hay. Thoroughbred horses are rather finicky in nutrition, with their own tastes.

Animals are watered several times a day. A horse drinks 60-80 liters per day, a bucket or a small barrel is suitable for drinking. You should not give too much to drink to the horse immediately after exercise, this can negatively affect digestion. Water is given to the horse before a meal so that the food is better absorbed. Domestic horses can drink from open sources only when there is complete confidence in the quality of the water. Since it is difficult to find such reservoirs, it is better to train the horse to drink only at home.


Breeding domestic horses requires a lot of experience. Pedigree specimens should be knitted only in accordance with the breeding parameters with the permission of the relevant organizations. Before mating, selection or grading is carried out, as well as chipping and registration for pairs and broods. Unsuitable for breeding males are castrated, their branding is necessarily carried out. The stallions who have been castrated are called horses.

Mares are ready for breeding at 3-4 years old, the stallion is considered sexually mature at 3 years old. The main condition for successful mating is the female's hunt. The best time for equine mating is the period from March to June.

There are several ways to mate:

  • hand knitting;
  • cooking;
  • kosyachnaya;
  • artificial insemination.

When mating is hand-mated, the mare is brought to a special hunting ground. Two trained assistants hold her by the bridle with their own hands. A stallion is brought in from behind, which will sit on the female. He throws out the seed after about 3 minutes, after which the mating must be stopped. The stallion is taken to its place, and the mare is walked for half an hour. The control mating is carried out after three days.

When brewing a stallion with a mare, they are closed for several days in a fence. Intercourse occurs naturally but the fertilization rate is lower. The mowing technique is somewhat similar to a cooking one. A herd or herd of 20-25 females and one breeding stallion is formed. It stays in a paddock or on a separate pasture throughout the breeding season. The stallion himself chooses mares in the hunt and mates with them. The method is productive, but the signs of offspring are difficult to plan.

Artificial insemination of domestic horses is carried out at stations using special instruments. It is used in cases when it is necessary to fertilize a female with the sperm of an elite stallion, and he is at a great distance. The advantage of the method is that mares are less likely to be injured, they do not transmit sexual diseases. Percent positive results high.

A horse's pregnancy lasts 330-350 days, she gives birth to one foal, very rarely two.

Horse diseases

Pathologies and diseases of horses are different types... It is important to know their names and the main unusual symptoms in order to contact your veterinarian in time. You do not need to self-medicate, this can cause complications and even death of a domestic horse.

Diseases are infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases and helminthiasis

Infectious pathologies can be caused by bacteria, viruses and helminths. They are transmitted through water and food, insect bites, air. The most common equine diseases are:

  • glanders, for the diagnosis of which malleinization is used;
  • contagious pleuropneumonia;
  • infectious anemia or INAN;
  • brucellosis or infectious abortion;
  • viral or protozoal encephalomyelitis;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • swamp fever;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies.

For bacterial infections, antibiotics in large doses are given to prevent the horse from lying down. There are few specific antiviral effective agents, therefore horses are treated, relieving intoxication and symptoms. Immunomodulators can speed up recovery.

The best prevention of infections is vaccination. Not vaccinating a horse is murder, and a mad mare is also dangerous to humans. A repellent is used to fight insects.

  • parascariasis;
  • strongyloidosis;
  • oxyurosis;
  • diphilobothriasis;
  • pinworms;
  • alfortiosis;
  • anoplocephalidosis;
  • rhinestrosis;
  • onchocerciasis;
  • parafilariasis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • nuttalliosis;
  • gastrofiliasis.

Non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases of horses are often associated with improper maintenance and nutrition, horses can earn them unnecessary stress. Many are due to heredity, age. The reasons for a large number of such pathologies have not yet been clarified. The most common somatic non-communicable diseases are:

  • tympanitis or tympania;
  • cataracts and other eye pathologies;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • anemia;
  • vascular aneurysm;
  • swelling;
  • intestinal colic;
  • non-contagious diarrhea or diarrhea;
  • hepatitis;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • rhinopneumonia;
  • allergy;
  • anestrus;
  • myoglobinuria;
  • Wobbler's syndrome;
  • mastitis;
  • dermatitis and biting midges;
  • joint diseases in which chondroprotectors, stride powder, adekvan, hionat, bonharen and anti-inflammatory are given; ankylosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, brockdown, bursitis;
  • purulent inflammation of the hooves;
  • split hoof;
  • clubfoot;
  • dental pathology;
  • abscess;
  • bearish pitching;
  • malignant tumors.

Signs of somatic pathologies are erased. Diseases develop gradually, the symptoms do not always fit into the classical clinical picture. Even a baby with a birth defect cannot always be identified. It is impossible to diagnose them without the participation of an experienced veterinarian. Only a doctor can prescribe an injection, syrup, pills, inhaler, etc. If the horse cannot be cured, it is cut or sent to the slaughter.

Modern use of horses

Gone are the days when people could not imagine life without horses. The horse allowed the peasant to feed his family, the cabman - to get a good income. The equipment of the military companies, the usual transportation, did not do without horses, they received meat and milk. The decline in the number of livestock began to be observed a century ago.

Most often, horses take part in sports competitions. These are horse races, and carriage races, and dressage, and show jumping, and vaulting, and trail. Horses can be taught to perform in the circus, but more often they are used for horseback riding. Often horses are taken to the parks and everyone who wants to ride there. It’s a good way to make money, but it’s not a profitable business. Skijoring is becoming popular. Toy horses such as Braer, jumper, pedal carts are very fond of children.

Recently, horses have been used in the complex therapy of children with cerebral palsy, people after serious injuries. The horse becomes a real friend of children, brings them a lot of joy, and sometimes cries when parting.

In many regions of Russia and other countries, horses still plow the land, transport goods and are indispensable in agriculture.

How much does a horse cost? Any thoroughbred horse is very expensive, it costs a fortune. The price ranges from several thousand dollars to millions. An ordinary horse without a pedigree can be bought for 100-200 thousand rubles. The maintenance will cost 1-2 thousand rubles. per day, depending on the season, breed and other factors. A draft horse or a pit horse is usually cheaper to maintain than a horse, it will earn on itself. Training horses at racetracks are also not very expensive.

For many centuries, a person walks through life side by side with a horse. It is not only a reliable assistant but also an incredibly devoted friend and companion. Few people dislike horses. It is difficult to remain indifferent to their deep and expressive, almost human eyes.

Horse evolution

Domestic horses and their wild counterparts have a common ancestor. It is considered the animal eogippus, which became extinct many millions of years ago. He was about the size of a small dog and had a long tail. The front paws had four toes, the hind legs had three. Scientists call the American continent the prehistoric area of ​​the eogippus.

In the Oligocene, the descendants of the eogippus - Anchiteria appeared. By the appearance of these creatures, one could judge the beginning of physiological changes in the structure. The legs were lengthened, the back was straightened, the body increased in size. Three-fingered was indicated, as the fourth toe on the forelegs had disappeared. The leg becomes adapted for fast running and strong jumping.

The next stage of evolution is considered to be the hipparion, whose range has expanded significantly at the expense of Europe and Asia. Outwardly, the hipparion looked like a modern-looking gazelle. It was replaced by pliohippuses (one-toed horses) about 4.8-5 million years ago. During this period, hipparions were not yet completely extinct, and for some time these two species lived in the vicinity of each other.

Climate change has caused the replacement of savannas covered with succulent grasses to rocky steppes. Pliohippus turned out to be more adapted to life in the renewed conditions. These animals have spread to the western and eastern hemispheres. Many new species originated from the ancestor of the pliohippus: zebras, tarpans, and modern domestic horses.

Breeds of modern horses

Since the man domesticated the horse, he had to work hard for more than one century to combine its external and physiological qualities into separate breeds.

Today, domestic horses are classified into three main groups: riding horses, draft horses and ponies.

Horse breeds include the following: Russian horse, Holstein, thoroughbred horse, Hessian, Bavarian warm-blooded, Hanoverian, Akhal-Teke, Arab and American horse.

The most famous breeds of heavy trucks:

Ponies are horses too!

Ponies are undersized horses for riding, their height does not exceed 150 cm, but despite their small animals they are very strong and hardy. In fact, this is the same domestic horse, the description of its appearance completely coincides with the description of its large brother. There are as many pony breeds as riding and heavy-duty horses... Known breeds include the American Riding Pony, Australian Pony, American Miniature Horse, Barmese Pony, Bosnian Mountain Pony, and many others.

A breeder of a domestic horse should be aware that the animal must have its own "home" - a stable, made according to special rules. First of all, a high ceiling is required - at least 3 meters. The walls can be wood or brick. The main thing is to avoid dampness and drafts. Excessive moisture in horses begins to rot the hooves. The stable must be cleaned daily, and the feeders and drinking containers must also be kept clean.

Horses in the household are used, including, as In addition, they are excellent friends and helpers in the fight against depression. as much as you like. Light physical activity is only good for her.

For a horse to feel good, it does not have to live in a stall. These animals by their nature are wild nomads, their elements are fields, steppes, open spaces. A domestic horse can live well in a pasture.

Correct feeding

Any pets need quality nutrition. The horse is no exception. The amount and nature of feed depends on age, breed, weight and physical activity horses. Ideally, the ration is developed individually for each horse.

Feeding should be regular and provide the animal's body with all the substances necessary for normal activity and life.

Domestic horses need to rest for an hour or an hour and a half before and after feeding, as do many other domestic animals. The horse must also drink at least three times a day, its daily water requirement is about 46 liters. On hot summer days, more water should be given - up to 70 liters, since the horse sweats a lot and loses a lot of fluid.

When choosing food, the owner needs to know that his pet is very picky about food. The horse is demanding about the quality and purity of the feed. In other words, she won't eat anything.

The traditional food for horses is straw, hay, oats. You can add silage, root crops, grass briquettes, wheat, rye, cakes and meal, fodder molasses, combined feed, various vitamin supplements to it.

Salt and chalk are an integral part of the horse menu

In the diet of any horse must be present. The need of an adult for this product is 30-60 g per day, young animals need less salt - up to 30 g.

Chalk is a source of calcium. It is ground and washed if contaminated. For giving chalk is mixed with any concentrated feed. Your horse needs to eat 50-70 grams of chalk every day to maintain normal calcium levels.

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