Slimming together. Online project "slimming together"

Lose weight together! Member Tips & Support - Part Three # Discussion

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Breathing exercises for weight loss "Jianfei" It's no secret that the problem excess weight the further, the more acute it becomes. According to statistics, every third woman and every fifth man on the planet in one way or another is trying to cope with overweight, but few people manage to achieve desired result... Our weight largely depends on how active metabolic processes are in the body. The lower the metabolism, the slower the metabolic processes, the more toxins accumulate in the body and the more a person becomes fuller. The Chinese nation on our planet is recognized as one of the thinnest. The "secret" is that every inhabitant of this country literally from birth is taught to manage his internal energy, with your body, mind, emotions. People are taught to feel correctly, think correctly and breathe correctly, yes, breathe correctly! From time immemorial, wise Chinese have established a connection between breathing and the normalization of metabolic processes, because thanks to the oxygen contained in the air, metabolism is accelerated. Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss "Jianfei" (which literally means "to lose fat" in Russian) is an invaluable gift to people who are trying to get rid of excess weight. Even modern medicine has recognized that the regular performance of these breathing exercises has an extremely beneficial effect on the body: the cardiovascular system, oxygen supply to all tissues is improved; Alternation different types breathing is an excellent internal self-massage. As a result, the work of all internal organs improves; The rate of metabolic processes increases, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins, as a result, in gastrointestinal tract begin to digest better nutrients... As a result, it improves general state organism, strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency, develops resistance to stress. In addition, breathing exercises "Jianfei" dulls the feeling of hunger, which makes it easier to carry out fasting days and a person can effortlessly reduce his diet. Gymnastics "Jianfei" includes 3 exercises - "Wave, Frog" and "Lotus". Regularly performing these exercises, you can lose about a kilogram within the first two days, and after 2-3 months, weight loss can range from 8 to 12 kg. "Jianfei" is available to everyone and practically does not know how to contraindications. Exercises "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus" - gymnastics for weight loss "Jianfei" Basis breathing exercises"Jianfei" consists of three exercises - "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus". They don't require special training and a special suit. The only condition is that the clothes do not hinder movement. Exercise "Wave" Exercise "Wave" surprisingly reduces the feeling of hunger, which is especially important on fasting days or in the evening when you are tempted to have a snack. The exercise can be performed in any position: lying down, sitting, standing, even when walking and cycling, but for beginners it is better to do the "Wave" lying down. To do this, you need to lie down, bend your knees, placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Take a deep, calm breath, while lifting your chest and sucking in your stomach. On exhalation, the chest is pulled in and the stomach protrudes. Thus, the cycle "inhale-exhale" seems to create a wave. The breathing rate should match the frequency with which you normally breathe. It is necessary to try to ensure that the amplitude of movements of the chest and abdomen is as possible as possible, but at the same time does not cause discomfort. A complete breathing cycle (inhalation-exhalation) is performed at least 40 times. Over time, it is desirable to increase the number of approaches to 60. If dizziness appears during the exercise, breathing should be slowed down. Exercise "Frog" To perform it, you need to sit on a low chair. The height of the chair should be such that the angle between the thigh and the lower leg is right or slightly less. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your elbows on your knees. Women squeeze left hand in a fist and clasp it with their right hand, men - on the contrary - clasp their left hand clenched into a fist right hand... Place your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and try to relax. After taking a deep breath, exhale with force, imagining that with the exhalation you are getting rid of worries and fatigue. Tune in to the fact that during the exercise you will have an inflated belly, like a frog. So, let's begin. Slowly, calmly inhale through your nose, directing the air into your stomach, hold your breath for a couple, three seconds, take another short breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. When you exhale, the abdomen should fall, be relaxed and soft. During this exercise, the chest moves evenly, and the stomach is swollen and then pulled in. From the outside, it resembles the breathing of a frozen frog, concentrating on what is happening around. The exercise is performed for 15-20 minutes three times a day. To prevent dizziness, after the end of the exercise, straighten up, sit for a few seconds with your eyes closed, and only then open your eyes and stretch your arms up. This exercise is not recommended during the rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery (at least 3 months after surgery must pass) and for women on “critical days”. Exercise "Lotus" This exercise is best done in the "Lotus" position, but since this asana, despite its apparent lightness, is difficult for a beginner, as it requires good flexibility of the knees and hip joints, then the exercise can be performed while sitting "in Turkish" or simply sitting on a low chair as it suits you. The back should be straightened, the shoulders and chin should be slightly lowered, the eyes are closed, the hands should be placed on their feet in front of the stomach, palms up. For women, the left palm is on top of the right, for men, on the contrary, the right palm is on top. This exercise is essentially a meditation and is performed for 20 minutes in 3 stages. The first 5 minutes is the stage of conscious breathing. Try to breathe evenly and deeply, but silently, so that your chest and abdomen do not move too noticeably. Listen to your breathing, concentrate on the process. Loosen control for the next 5 minutes. Try to inhale as naturally as possible, and exhale long, even and soundless. At the final stage (last 10 minutes), try to relax as much as possible, calm down and breathe as usual, enjoying ease and peace. Like the "Frog", "Lotus" is desirable to perform 3 times a day, especially at the stage of intense weight loss.

Comments 8

Classes 176

WHY WARM WATER IN THE MORNING HELPS TO Lose Weight If you want to lose weight, drink one glass of warm water in the morning. This is a proven and fairly effective technique. Increases metabolism. Warm water raises your body temperature, which speeds up your metabolism or the rate at which you burn calories. A glass of warm water with lemon will help the body break down fatty tissue. Lemon contains the fiber pectin, which also reduces hunger. Aids in digestion. Warm water in the morning has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It helps to break down food substances and carry out digestion processes. Water hydrates the organs of the digestive system so that they quickly rid the body of waste. Prevents constipation. Regular bowel movements are absolutely essential to prevent constipation and bloating, as well as abdominal pain. Doctors believe that for this it is better to drink warm water in the morning, because it cleans the intestines. Moisturizing. Adequate hydration is important for many aspects of the body. Water increases feelings of fullness, which can help you lose weight. Improves blood circulation. Warm water in the morning helps to remove accumulated deposits from the body. nervous system and body. This improves blood circulation.

Comments 29

Classes 99

LOW CALORIE OAT PIE WITH APPLE FILLING. per 100 grams - 109.48 kcal, B / W / U - 3.36 / 1.84 / 20.47 ✔ Ingredients: Base: 130 g oatmeal 200 g apples (grate on a coarse grater) 150 g fat-free kefir 1 tbsp. l. honey

Comments 11

Classes 301

SIMPLE WEIGHT LOSS RULES THAT REALLY WORK 1) After 16 - only protein food. Carbohydrates are converted to fat in the afternoon. 2) In the morning on an empty stomach, 2 glasses of water, it is possible with lemon, and after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil (so that there is the necessary fat in the body, for the breast and preservation of the menstrual cycle). 3) After 10-15 minutes - breakfast. It must be dense and complete in order to signal the body that it is time to wake up, as well as provide energy for the whole day 4) Fat in the stomach is not burned while you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. so that the belly will even increase in volume. To burn fat on your belly, pull it in and tense your muscles all the time. 5) Swings help for the beauty of the hips, for the calves - stretching, for the legs - walking 6) So that the muscles swing beautifully and do not grow, like those of the jocks, do 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after workouts 7) I don't eat drink it down and after eating for another 40 minutes, do not drink anything! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach. 8) There is more often, but little by little. Ideally, to speed up the metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better) 9) Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. You don't need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. 10) Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours. 11) Contrast shower - love it! It increases blood circulation, accordingly, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, and improves complexion and willpower appears. 12) Chew food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully to speed up your metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they are in no hurry while eating and never have a snack !!! 13) The feeling of fullness comes about 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. 14) Turn meals into torture. Sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! 15) Fancy a snack? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bathroom, go to the store. 16) Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. Hate them! 17) Nuts, oil - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods, so a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away can add up to your estimated calorie intake for your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad.

Details about our project:

You are included in the support group chat (in Whatsapp or in a group on the social network), where you can: ask a question on the topic, receive daily advice from the project curators and nutrition specialists, exchange experience between project participants, and healthy recipes dishes and other tips.

That is, such a lively communication is going on, support. And of course, motivation, when you see that everyone is losing weight, achieving results, then you want to join.

Also, for the participants of this project, once a week, classes are held on the Internet - webinars (this is such an online conference room), that is, you go there, no one sees you, but you see and hear the speaker, his slides and videos. Nutrition consultants speak, some interesting practical topics are considered, for example, "How to avoid disruptions", "what products to choose", "How to go to the store without the temptation", well, that is, such, everyday life. Plus, those who really lost weight speak, share their experience, but this is optional.

As a project participant, you will be given a nutrition program. This is not a diet! This is a detailed daily meal plan. In addition, this Program also includes the patented Natural Weight Loss Program Wellness ... They help speed up metabolic processes and thereby start the process of weight loss, as well as diversify the diet. This program is paid, you buy it not from us, but from our partner, and we will issue you a 20% discount. But this is optional! This program is recommended for use by experts with the support of which this project is being carried out. For 6 years of its existence, the program has already helped thousands of people to adjust their figure and weight, eat right and feel great. But I repeat once again, we recommend it, and it's up to you whether to purchase it or not.

In any case, you participate in chats, use our recommendations and exchange experience with project participants!

And one more thing: within the framework of this project, once every three weeks we organize small such "races" or "marathons". What's the point? Those who want to test themselves, they add up to 300 rubles for the "money box", so that there was prize fund, and enter from a certain date (every three weeks) into the RUN, that is, the competition, who will fold more. They are given a special nutrition program, up to the recommended dishes, developed taking into account the individual norms of KBZhU. For three weeks, they follow all the recommendations given in the program, measurements are made, food diaries are given to them, they take measurements every week, all this is controlled by a curator, and after three weeks, winners are identified in each weight category, this egg-box is divided into three. For example, 20 people entered the race, it turned out 6 thousand, divided into three - 2000 turned out. In addition to taking care of yourself, there is still a chance to win money)). But required condition this "race" - buying a natural weight loss program Wellness.

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Slimming Together! From January 1, 2016 ARGO Company launched a project "ARGO - we look 20!" As part of this project, you can take part in the program "Lose weight by the 20th anniversary by 20 tons!"

Argo Company brings to your attention four techniques for the correction of body weight, made up of ARGO products. They are developed by joint groups of authoritative experts from the manufacturers of ARGO products. These techniques are offered for review and subsequent connection to programs.

Any Argo member can connect to the project through your personal account on the website The result of participation in this program will be a total reduction in weight and body mass index of the participants. Have a pleasant and useful process!

Of course, anyone can use these programs at any convenient time. For a more detailed explanation of the choice of the program and for an individual approach, please contact

Form Norm program

ARGO complex of products for weight loss. The basic course of application is 1 month. The schemes were created by a team of authors of manufacturing enterprises: NPF "NOV", NII LOP and NT, "Argo EM-1", "Siberia-Zeo".

The composition of the program:

Litovit - M 1 can 20
Litovit - O 1 can 17
Litovit-drink "Bitter cocktail" 5 packs 40
Em-kurunga 2 banks 40
Nutricon Chrome 1 pack 19
"KuEMsil" Fitness Goji 2 banks 32
Body scrub "Kiya" 1 can 18
Kiya Pepper Body Mask (new) 1 can 50
Anti-aging mask "Red Clover" 2 boxes 50
Kiya oil 1 bottle 18
Argo filter 1 PC 50
Total 354

Slim silhouette program.

Overweight correction program. Developed by Apifarm LLC and NII LOPiNT.

The composition of the program:

Product name. Qty. Points.

"HoodiyaGodji" 3 boxes 120
Nutricon Chromium, crunchy granules or
Nutricon Chromium, granules
1 box 19
Pectolact Bifido 2 boxes 32
Catalytin 1 box 47
Cocktail PREMIUM "Apple" or
Cocktail PREMIUM "Vegetable" or
Cocktail PREMIUM "Chocolate"
3 banks 99
Bar "Five o'clock" 30 pieces 30
Total 347

  • Reduce the amount of commonly consumed food in 2 times
  • To prepare a cocktail, pour the dry mass for making a cocktail with a glass of warm or cold water, mix well, let it brew for 4-5 minutes
  • "Nutricon Chrome" crunchy granules can be chewed, and ordinary cylindrical granules can be poured with warm water in advance and allowed to swell for 5-10 minutes
  • You can use Nutrikona Chromium granules with any liquid dish, using the product instead of croutons

Nothing Superfluous Program.

Joint program of weight normalization with the use of products of the ED Medically-based company, Delfa company and Fruit Bar LLC.

The composition of the program:

Product name. Qty. Points.

Thireo Support 1 bottle 85
Sugar Balance 1 bottle 85
Mental Comfort 1 bottle 85
Cedar breakfast for slimness 21 sachets 42
Cedar cream 1 can 45
Cedar gum with guarana 1 bottle 20
Total 362
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