Belarus junior ice hockey team. Leaders of the Belarus junior ice hockey team: who are they? Performances at European and World Championships

The youth team of Belarus (U-18) has been participating in the "A" division of the world championship for the third year in a row. It will take place from 19 to 29 April in Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk (Russia).

Where do we participate?

It will not be superfluous to remind him of the regulations. Ten teams are divided into two groups, four delegates of which will continue to fight in the quarterfinals. The two worst participants will determine in person who will remain in the elite for the next year, and who will give way to Latvians who have already won the right to be promoted. As if it seems that exactly such a fate, that is, a dispute over survival, awaits the Belarusian national team. Since the current formula of the tournament was approved, she has never managed to enter the top eight.

Moreover, the quintet, frankly speaking, is stronger in our country than the parallel one. It brought together in fact three contenders for the title - the long-dominant American at the teenage level, the Canadians who need no introduction, and the Swedes. Suffice it to quote the quotes of the "Maxline" betting company, where these three are among the four main favorites of the forum. In addition to them, the company of Pavel Perepikhin's guys was also made up of the Swiss.

How did you come to this?

Even if we take into account that in the place of the French, that is, the outsider of group "B", we could have been, there are not one, but two rivals, who can theoretically, so to speak, cling. It's about the teams from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. That this is, in principle, real, the Belarusians have clearly shown, and the example is quite fresh in their memory.

At the beginning of the week, on Monday, the Belarusian youths beat the Czechs with a score of 4: 2, thereby rehabilitating themselves for a dry defeat from the Russians (0: 3). The authors of the pucks were Grigory Gotovets, Ilya Soloviev, Artem Borshchev, Evgeny Oksentyuk.

In a word, absolutely decaying sentiments, it seems, are inappropriate. The mood, by the way, was found on the website of the ice hockey federation. Till head coach“Neman” and Dave Lewis' assistant Sergei Pushkov notes the abundance of negativity around the national teams of different ages, and the head of the FHRB Semyon Shapiro calls on the media in the name of a single goal to focus on supporting the guys, on the official website of the department they do not believe in those at all.

What calendar?

He, frankly, is unenviable, if not to say - worse than you can imagine. You can, of course, console yourself with the well-known mantra: they say, you would still have to face each opponent, and when - what's the difference? Still, four matches in five days is a brutal schedule. Even the most brutal, considering that a date with the Swedish national team is due the next day after our debut match in the tournament. Moreover, not even a day will pass between them! Below is the schedule with the start time in Minsk.

Group "A". Magnitogorsk
20.04 ... Canada - BELARUS (17.30)
21.04 ... BELARUS - Sweden (13.30)
23.04 ... BELARUS - Switzerland (13.30)
24.04 ... USA - BELARUS (13.30)

Well, we begin, as you can see, with a meeting with the team of Canada, by the way, on the eve of the Americans who have already beaten the favorites of the tournament - 6: 4. It is superfluous for the "Maxline" bookmaker to consider the prospects of the underdog to be illusory. The only calculation, as if for a decent performance, is not to miss a lot and not lose with a big difference.

However, the Swiss have a bad fate, if you think about it. They are also destined to go to the site four times in five days, but most importantly - the key, as we would like to think, the fight of the preliminary stage "crusaders" will be held on Monday afternoon - after passing the Sunday evening exam "Maple Leaves".

Who will be?

From year to year, of course, we, of course, rely primarily on the safety of the last frontier and reliable play of goalkeepers. Ivan Kulbakov, once well-established at the level of eighteen-year-olds, has already entered the roster of the "national" for the coming "world." And not to say that as a third keeper and obviously a substitute. Nikita Tolopilo and Kirill Andreev, pupils of the Dynamo BFSO and the Saligorsk Children's and Youth Sports School, respectively, will have a similar chance to declare themselves loudly in Magnitogorsk.

By the way, the latter delegated four to the team - most of all, if we exclude the Dynamo school. It's high time to recall Shapiro's claims, expressed at a recent press conference, primarily against Shakhtar: they say, they gather age performers there and do not develop young people at all.

It is logical to impose the bombardment burden on those who already have experience of performing at such championships, as well as on players passing through North American hockey universities. By them we mean Pavel Azhgirey, representing "Prince George" from Western hockey league Canada (WHL), Grigory Gotovtsa and captain Artem Borshchev. In this series, one could mention Andrei Pavlenko from Edmonton Oil Kings, but his injury prevented him from going to Russia. In conclusion, we state that Pavel Perepekhin has eight wards born in 2001 at his disposal, of which Vladislav Barkovsky, a participant final series President's Cup in the ranks of "Youth".

“Maybe we are not favorites, and the age of our team is the youngest of the participants. But, say, in anthropometry we are inferior to very few people”, - notes Pavel Perepikhin. We will take with fighting spirit and power hockey, we will leave.

Who will lead?

The juniors will be led by Perepekhin, who was headed in October 2017. He seems to have experience working with young people. Recall that it was he who at the end of 2014 brought the youth team (U-20) to the elite division, which had not been there for seven years. On the next year, however, he was removed from the helm of the team, but for a long time, as they say, he did not fall out of the system. And six months ago I received a new challenge. Accepted. How will it work now?

The team will play in the top division of the World Cup.

Performances at European and World Championships

Season Division AND V IN N ON P Sh Place
1992/1993 Group C 4 3 - 1 - 0 16-9 1 (9)
1993/1994 Group B 5 3 - 1 - 1 27-18 1 (9)
1994/1995 Group A 5 0 - 1 - 4 11-36 7 (8)
1995/1996 Group A 5 0 - 0 - 5 12-37 8 (8)
1996/1997 Group B 6 3 - 1 - 2 23-25 4 (8)
1997/1998 Group B 6 3 - 0 - 3 21-16 5 (8)
1998/1999 Group B 5 3 - 2 - 0 28-11 1 (8)
1999/2000 Group A 6 0 - 0 - 6 7-64 10 (10)
2000/2001 Division I 5 4 - 1 - 0 34-15 1 (8)
2001/2002 Top division 8 3 - 0 - 5 20-40 5 (12)
2002/2003 Top division 6 2 - 1 - 3 27-37 8 (10)
2003/2004 Top division 6 1 - 0 - 5 9-32 9 (10)
2004/2005 Division I. Group A 5 4 - 0 - 1 23-10 1 (6)
2005/2006 Top division 6 1 - 1 - 4 12-36 9 (10)
2006/2007 Division I. Group A 5 4 1 - 0 0 37-11 1 (6)
2007/2008 Top division 6 1 0 - 0 5 16-27 9 (10)
2008/2009 Division I. Group A 5 4 1 - 0 0 23-6 1 (6)
2009/2010 Top division 6 0 0 - 1 5 11-38 10 (10)

Note. Until 1998, the tournament for junior teams had the status of the European Championship, and after the teams from North America joined it in 1999, it became known as the World Championship.

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An excerpt characterizing the Belarusian junior ice hockey team

- C "est un roturier, vous aurez beau dire, [This is a rogue, whatever you say,] - said Prince Hippolytus.
Monsieur Pierre did not know to whom to answer, looked around and smiled. His smile was not the same as that of other people, merging with a unsmiling. On the contrary, when a smile came, his serious and even somewhat sullen face suddenly disappeared, and another appeared - childish, kind, even stupid and as if asking for forgiveness.
The Viscount, who saw him for the first time, realized that this Jacobin was not at all as terrible as his words. Everyone fell silent.
- How do you want him to answer everyone suddenly? - said Prince Andrey. - Moreover, it is necessary in the actions of a statesman to distinguish between the actions of a private person, a commander or an emperor. It seems to me.
- Yes, yes, of course, - put in Pierre, delighted with the help that came to him.
“It’s impossible not to admit,” Prince Andrei continued, “Napoleon is great as a man on the Arkolsky bridge, in a hospital in Jaffa, where he shakes hands with the plague, but ... but there are other actions that are difficult to justify.
Prince Andrew, apparently wishing to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, got up, getting ready to go and giving a sign to his wife.

Suddenly, Prince Hippolyte got up and, with signs of his hands, stopping everyone and asking them to sit down, spoke up:
- Ah! aujourd "hui on m" a raconte une anecdote moscovite, charmante: il faut que je vous en regale. Vous m "excusez, vicomte, il faut que je raconte en russe. Autrement on ne sentira pas le sel de l" histoire. [Today they told me a lovely Moscow anecdote; they need to help you. Excuse me, Viscount, I will speak in Russian, otherwise all the salt of the anecdote will disappear.]
And Prince Ippolit began to speak Russian with the same reprimand as the French, who had spent a year in Russia. Everyone paused: so lively, Prince Hippolytus insistently demanded attention to his history.
- There is one lady in Moscou, une dame. And she is very stingy. She needed two valets de pied per carriage. And very tall. It was to her liking. And she had une femme de chambre [maid], even more stature. She said…
Here Prince Hippolyte became thoughtful, apparently with difficulty thinking.
“She said ... yes, she said: 'girl (a la femme de chambre), put on the livree [livery] and come with me, behind the carriage, faire des visites.' [make visits.]
Here Prince Hippolyte snorted and laughed much before his listeners, which made an impression unfavorable for the narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
- She went. Suddenly there was a strong wind. The girl lost her hat, and her long hair was combed ...
Then he could no longer hold on and began to laugh abruptly, and through this laugh he said:
- And the whole world learned ...
That was the end of the anecdote. Although it was not clear why he was telling it and why he had to be told in Russian without fail, Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the secular courtesy of Prince Hippolytus, who so pleasantly ended Monsieur Pierre's unpleasant and unfriendly trick. The conversation after the anecdote disintegrated into small, insignificant rumors about the future and the past ball, the performance, about when and where who would see each other.

After thanking Anna Pavlovna for her charmante soiree, [a charming evening] the guests began to disperse.
Pierre was awkward. Fat, taller than usual, wide, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and was even less able to get out of it, that is, to say something especially pleasant before going out. Moreover, he was absent-minded. Rising, instead of his hat, he grabbed a three-cornered hat with a general's plume and held it, tugging at the sultan, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon and speak in it were redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty. Anna Pavlovna turned to him and, with Christian meekness expressing forgiveness for his trick, nodded to him and said:
“I hope to see you again, but I also hope that you will change your minds, my dear Monsieur Pierre,” she said.

V decisive match the hockey player of the national team of Belarus played with a broken leg against the Swiss

The junior national ice hockey team of the country at the world championship, which is being held these days in Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, pleasantly surprised: having beaten their peers from Switzerland in a dramatic group round match (5: 4), our youth got into the playoffs, which did not just ensure preservation of registration in the elite division (for the second year in a row), but also getting into the number of eight strongest teams the world.

V last time Belarusians achieved similar success 15 years ago - in 2003, when they also took 8th place in Russia (in Yaroslavl) under the direction of Mikhail Zakharov. The best achievement of the national team at youth championships is 5th in the elite division in 2002 in Slovak Piestany. That team was also led by Zakharov, and Andrei Kostitsyn, Mikhail Grabovsky and Vladimir Denisov played for it, who then for many years were the mainstay of our entire hockey.

It is impossible to predict the future fate of today's young men: of course, everyone is not destined to become stars, someone, alas, will leave the race. However, many coaches emphasize the potential and character of the current generation. It means that there is hope that together with these young men our entire hockey will grow up and mature soon. In the meantime, let's note the top five, in the opinion of "ZN", clearly manifest themselves at this championship of hockey players.

Vladislav Kolyachonok

Vladislav Kolyachonok, defender, 16 years old

This guy will only turn 17 at the end of May. He was born in Minsk, a pupil of the Dynamo hockey school. Defender of the top five. Experts say about him like this: a player with a left grip of the club and the correct understanding of the game - reads it, feels the moments to connect to the attack. A good shot, even from a long distance. Often you have to confront more powerful forwards, but Vladislav can meet them no less powerfully, from the heart.

Artem Borshchev (right)

Artem Borshchev, defender, 17 years old

Pupil of the Vitebsk hockey school. Team captain, and that says a lot. A leader not only on the site, but also outside it. One of those guys who already plays overseas in the junior leagues North America... And who has experience of performing at the last World Championship, where our team, we recall, beat in fights for the right to remain in the Latvian elite and retained its residence in the company of the strongest national teams in the world. In the decisive match then Artem, despite his youth, gave two assists, which in no small measure contributed to the overall success of the team.

Last season, Borshchev played for the Northern Cyclones and was one of the youngest hockey players in the league, where average age players are approaching 19 years old. At the same time, Artem was one of the top 5 best scorers-defenders of the league. Our captain is also worthy of performing at the current championship, which, for sure, will attract additional attention of overseas scouts to his person.

Vladimir Alistrov, forward, 17 years old

Volodya is the hero of the meeting against the Swiss, in which he took part in all the goals of our team: he scored the decisive goal and assisted his partners four more times. He started his career in Mogilev, but then moved to Russia and for three years defended the colors of the Dmitrov junior club. Together with Alistrov, several more talented Belarusian youths went to seek their fortune in the neighboring country, but Vladimir, unlike them, ended up doing right choice and returned home. Now he is one of the highest scoring players in the current World Cup.

Vladimir Alistrov

His strengths- speed and technique. He is one of those who are capable of outflanking the entire opposing team on courage. Experts also note in it the makings of a cool passer, paying attention to the skill of the guy's hands. So far, however, there is not enough stability, but this is a profitable business.

Ilya Kazyanin, forward, 17 years old

Another hero of the meeting with Switzerland and also a pupil of Mogilev hockey. In a duel against the Swiss, Ilya scored the puck and assisted his partners three times. Their fates with Alistrov are in many respects similar: Kazyanin also left for Russia (to HC "Vityaz"), and then returned to his native Mogilev, from where he received a call to the junior national team of the country. By the way, this team also has one more guy from Mogilev - assistant to the captain, defender Ilya Soloviev. So let's say to the Mogilev coaches of the initial level: bravo!

Kazyanin says to himself: “The coach loves the guys who are skating, but I would not say that the player is skating. But I try to replace this not my strongest side with another - scoring instinct, technique, throw. Because of this coaching staff trusts me more, because I like to improvise, to invent something interesting ”.

Kirill Levshunov, defender, 17

The match with Switzerland was drawing to a close. Only a little more than a minute remained before the final whistle, and the score on the scoreboard was not in our favor - 3: 4. At that moment, defender Levshunov joined the attack on the right flank, elegantly removed the puck under him and, having beaten the defender, as if thrown over the goalkeeper's trap - 4: 4! Then Alistrov will bring us victory, but Kirill may well share with him the laurels of the hero of the meeting. As it turns out later, Levshunov played ... with a broken foot! Told about it head coach of our team Pavel Perepekhin:

- In the game with the Canadians, Kirill blocked the throw and injured his leg in the area of ​​the foot. They took a picture - the doctors found a fracture. It was like a day in a cast. They asked how he was feeling, - he answered that everything was fine, his leg did not ache. As a result, Kirill decided to remove the plaster cast and tried to ride. Ride - wanted to play. Desire overwhelmed. Well done, a real man!

In the final fight group stage our hockey players, emotionally emasculated, lost heavily to the Americans. Let's consider this as a cold shower, which is designed to extinguish conceit and lower it from heaven to earth. Today in the quarterfinals the national team of Belarus will meet with the team of Finland. Let's wish the guys good luck!



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