Jump up squat. Jumping with a barbell on the shoulders Squats with a high jump

Jump Boost Exercises

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to learn how to jump high. high jump has always been in vogue, whether it's a new Nike ad campaign or the opportunity to put a good dunk on the basketball court.

But how to increase your jump?

Conventionally, exercises for the development of jumping ability can be divided into two areas:

1. Increasing the output force (the force with which you push off the ground).
2. Increasing the rate of force generation, that is, the rate at which force is generated and applied.

It is the combination of these two aspects that allows a person to push his body off the ground. It is these two variables that are the answer to questions for those athletes who have tried in vain to jump higher or further over the years. Since our answer has two parts, let's talk about them separately and then put them back together.

Increasing force output

Sounds simple. This means that you need to become stronger. But the process of building strength is a separate topic that can be quite complex and extensive. Therefore, we will consider simple, but effective methods. Given our goal (increasing the jump), we will focus on strengthening the muscles of the lower body.

The signature exercise for developing jumping strength is the weighted squat. Especially the deep squat. It is by squatting below parallel with heavy weights that you strengthen the muscles needed for a vertical jump.

In 2012, the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research published a study in which 59 participants were divided into 3 groups and performed three variations of the squat: deep front squats, squats with a barbell on the shoulders and squats with a barbell on the shoulders with a partial amplitude. Before the start of the study, each participant underwent a series of tests, including a maximum vertical jump test, as well as a measurement of the rate of force generation. The subjects who did the front squat and the back squat improved by 2 cm after a certain period of training. Those who did the partial squat showed no change in their jump.

In addition to the above, each test group also completed a control 1RM on each squat. The results showed that the deep squatters increased their weights on all three types of squats, while the partial squatters improved only on this exercise. Also, in the group that performed deep squats, the rate of force generation did not change, but in the athletes who squatted to the floor of the amplitude, the results fell.

Through this study, we can highlight the following:

1. Deep squats increase your jump height.
2. Deep squats increase the amount of force generated, regardless of amplitude.
3. Partial squats reduce the rate of force generation.

So, now we know how to develop the first variable, namely the output force. Research has shown that it is deep squats that will help us jump higher.

Let's talk about the speed of force generation. Now we understand that in order to increase the jump by more than a couple of centimeters, we still need to work on the speed of force generation, and thus, the power of the force generated at once will increase dramatically. You may have a question: how to replace squats with a barbell and not lose the effectiveness of the exercise. It's simple, use a sandbag. This projectile is easy to use, compact and does not require going to the gym. You will be able to perform with it special exercises to develop jumping ability without resorting to iron.


Squats alone will not help increase the speed at which force is generated. Deep squatting mainly affects the musculature, but in order to increase the reaction speed of the musculature, we need to train nervous system. This means that we should focus on using more threshold units. These motor units turn on if you increase the load, and also try to raise it as quickly as possible.

The exercises in the weightlifting arsenal are great for developing these threshold units. But the technique of performing a snatch or clean on the chest is difficult to perform and takes a lot of time to master. In addition, since the technique of these exercises is not simple, its absence can slow down progress. But if you do not plan to become a weightlifter, you can confidently replace the barbell with a sandbag and perform bag grabs on the chest or on the shoulder. This exercise engages the same motor units and teaches you to powerfully and simultaneously "turn on" the movement.


So, we found a great combination of movements: the best for developing power output (deep squats with sandbags) and the best for increasing force generation speed (shoulder sandbags). To combine these exercises, we use linear periodization, which was also used in the deep squat study.

These exercises can be performed twice a week, if done more often, recovery problems can occur, which can affect progress. They can also be performed with any training program. It should only be taken into account that they also require energy expenditure and their implementation can affect the training process.

So, here is a set of exercises for jumping ability and coordination:

Phase of hypertrophy:
- Taking a sandbag on the shoulder 4 x 5, alternating the shoulder from approach to approach
- Deep squat with sandbag on the back 4 x 10
- Rest: 1.5 minutes, between sets 1.5 minutes. Do 4 sets of reps first, then move on to squats. Increase working weights in exercises every week by 1-3 kg.
- Phase duration: 4 weeks

Maximum Strength Phase:
- Taking a sandbag on the shoulder 4 x 4
- Deep squat with sandbag on the back 5 x 5
- Rest: 2.5 min. We act according to the algorithm of the last mesocycle. As there are fewer reps per set, update your working weights.
- Phase duration: 6 weeks

Speed-strength phase:
- Taking a sandbag on the shoulder 4 x 3

- Rest: 3 min. We act according to the algorithm of the last mesocycle. Go to near-limit weights in both exercises.
- Phase duration: 4 weeks

Building up phase:
In this phase, perform approaches alternately.
- Taking a sandbag on the shoulder 5 x 3
- Deep squat with sandbag on the back 5 x 3
- Rest: 3 min.
- Phase duration: 3 weeks

Position: complication of the basic position

Level of difficulty: 4-5

Target Muscles:

  • extensors hip joint - gluteus maximus, adductor maximus;
  • muscles that spread the shoulder blades- dentate anterior, pectoralis minor
  • calf muscles- lateral and medial heads calf muscle, soleus muscle

Position Stabilizers:

  • spinal extensors- Muscles that straighten the spine.

Beginning of development: regular squats + jumps in place up.

Possible options: with fixation in the squat, without fixation in the squat, with a fairly light weight.

This exercise belongs to the category of plyometric (that is, there is an explosive load). The harder you push off, the higher you jump. A good norm in training is 25-30 times per approach.

Anatomy exercises

Performing jump squats

Starting position: legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet parallel (or turned 45 degrees outward), knees soft, back straight.

Learn more in detail in the video below.

Basic moments:

  1. Keep your knees soft, free, relaxed (this will allow you to make a softer jump);
  2. Upon landing, we immediately go into a new squat;
  3. We try to go into a squat as low as possible (the "lower" criterion is correct execution technology);
  4. Breathing: squat while inhaling, jump while exhaling;
  5. We jump up as high as possible. The thighs and calves act like springs.
  6. We land silently (this is important! if you don’t get a silent landing, then you don’t know how to do squats with jumps).

Additional comments

  1. The rhythm of the exercise without fixing in the lower position is such that you do not drive yourself in the breath. You don't need to set records. It is necessary to perform a given number of repetitions at a fairly intensive pace.
  2. Attention, contraindication! This exercise is not recommended if you have knee or back injuries. Follow the landing. Lower yourself to the floor with both feet at the same time (toes touch the floor first). Incorrect landing can lead to sprains.
  1. performing 50 times in 3 approaches - excellent
  2. performing 30 times in 3 approaches - good
  3. performing 30 times in 2 approaches is normal (it's time to get more complicated)
  4. performance less than 20 times - satisfactory
  5. performing less than 10 times is bad

This is a classic plyometric exercise, during which there is a powerful jump up from the squat. A so-called explosive load is created, that is, a quick effort is made in a short time period, which develops muscle strength and increases their volume.

Jumping can be done with a minimum level of training, but do not forget to strictly control the technique and follow your own feelings. Optional equipment for the exercise in most cases will not be required, unless you use weights.

What muscles are working?

The main load falls on quadriceps hips or, more simply, quadriceps. The buttocks are also strengthened.

To a lesser extent, jumping loads the muscles of the back and the muscles of the lower leg. Additionally, the abdominal muscles work, but only slightly.

Correct technique

If squat jumps are performed without weights:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back. You can cross your arms in front of you at chest level.
  2. The squat is done on the inhale. Get down to parallel with the floor. You can go a little lower, the main thing is to follow your feelings.
  3. On the exhale, it is necessary to make a powerful jump up, pushing off with full feet. Try to jump as high as possible, your hips should "spring" as much as possible.
  4. Once your feet have completely touched the floor, squat down again. Repeat jumping out of the squat for as long as necessary.

It is especially important to control the landing: try to stand on the floor with both feet at the same time. You should land on slightly bent legs (as softly as possible) and immediately go back to the next squat.

It is advisable to use soft and comfortable sports shoes, designed for such training, ideally with a shock-absorbing sole that can effectively absorb shocks. It is also better to choose a surface for classes, focusing on a softer surface (respectively, concrete or asphalt surfaces are not the best options).

We use weights

Some athletes use additional weight (for example, dumbbells) or a complication in the form of jumping on a hill. But in this option, the risk of joint injuries increases, with an unsuccessful landing, you can damage the ankle and stretch the ligaments.

If you plan to do weighted jump squats, we recommend using comfortable dumbbells for this purpose. In this case, the technique is corrected:

  1. Dumbbells are best held in straight arms pointing down. The squat is also done while inhaling, the back is straight.
  2. Push off the floor and jump as high as possible. The arms are still straight and pointing down.
  3. Soft landing with a squat.


Jump squats are contraindicated if you have joint injuries (especially knees), back and spine problems. The presence of cardiovascular diseases is also a signal that requires special care, and it is better to consult with specialists (doctor and trainer).

It is also worth refraining from doing the exercise for people with overweight. In this case, an unacceptable compression load on the spine and knee joints may occur.

Benefits of exercise and notes

An undoubted positive effect is the development of an "explosive" muscle strength. Such training leads to a significant consumption of calories, so it can be used as a fat burner. Also contributes to the increase in the working weight used for the leg press or barbell squats.

In a professional environment, plyometric exercises are used, for example, in training football players, basketball players, and even in bodybuilding.

Plyometric exercises also include:

  • jumping rope;
  • jumping over obstacles and barriers, with legs drawn up, etc.

Of course, do not forget about a light warm-up before starting a workout. It should not be too intense, do not overdo it, otherwise you will quickly run out of breath while jumping.

If you are doing this exercise as part of a complex aimed at training the legs, it is recommended to do it first.

My respect, dear readers! Today, as part of a traditional technical note, let's talk about the jump squat exercise.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out how to “cheaply and cheerfully” work out legs at home.

So, take your seats in the hall according to the purchased tickets, we begin.

Jump squats. What, why and why?

With this note, we continue our four-wall cycle of parsing various exercises that can be done at home without special equipment (or with minimal availability). In general, it is generally accepted that work on changing yourself must begin with going to the gym, purchasing an annual subscription and connecting a local trainer. Of course, all this costs a pretty penny, so you have not received any result yet, but you have already swelled N-th amount of money. So, this approach is fundamentally wrong, but the following is true - you independently adjusted your diet and connected in parallel physical activity Houses (subsequently, it is possible to purchase fitness equipment, for example, collapsible dumbbells). In this scenario, you will begin to receive results very soon. and responsibility for them will lie entirely with you.

Of course, to be active at home, you need special exercises. And today we will replenish our four-wall base with one of these. So, I ask you to love and favor - jumping squats.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of dynamic / plyometric and aims to work out the muscles of the legs.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - quadriceps and hamstrings;
  • auxiliary - gluteus maximus, gastrocnemius, soleus, muscles of the lower back, rectus abdominis.

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.


By performing the jump squat exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of strength and explosive power of the front and back of the thighs;
  • increase muscle mass legs (weighted version);
  • increasing the overall endurance of the body;
  • development of the cardiovascular system (strengthening the heart muscle);
  • increased anabolic and metabolic responses of the body;
  • elevated (compared to regular squats) calorie consumption;
  • jump height development;
  • development of coordination and balance;
  • strengthening the tendons of the patella and reducing the risk of knee injuries;
  • improved circulation of body fluids (cleansing of waste/toxins).

T execution technique

The jump squat is an intermediate/intermediate exercise. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Stand up straight, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, slightly spread your socks to the sides. Lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are parallel (or just below) to the floor. Stretch your arms out in front of you at shoulder level. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

On the exhale, due to the push with the heels, jump up as high as possible. At the same time, take your hands back, and straighten your socks completely in the air. Once the flight phase is over and your toes touch the floor, do a deep squat. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move like this:


In addition to the standard version of jumping squats, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • from a sumo position;
  • with dumbbells / kettlebell in hands;
  • with a bar.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • from a squat, try to jump up as high as possible;
  • land first softly on your toes and only then put your feet on the heel;
  • during squats, spread your knees to the sides and try so that the latter do not go much beyond your socks;
  • do not exercise if you have knee problems or overweight more 10 kg;
  • as you progress, use additional weights;
  • help yourself with your hands, pushing them back;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering down, exhale - when jumping up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3-5 , hold position from 30 seconds.

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

What effect do jump squats have on the buttocks?

Surely many girls are familiar with the phenomenon of cellulite on problem areas bottom, in particular, the buttocks. So, numerous studies show that cellulite begins to decrease with the improvement / establishment of optimal blood circulation in the affected area, and jumping squats do an excellent job of this task. Thus, if you want to remove the orange peel, then include this exercise in your leg training program.

My legs have stopped growing, what should I do?

To some male population gyms such a problem as stopping volumetric progress in the development of leg muscles is familiar. As the saying goes: “... I already have them this way and that, with words and without words,” but they don’t grow in one eye, and that’s it. Yes, such a phenomenon takes place, and it is called a plateau or stagnation of the result.

To overcome this stagnation, use squats + jumps with dumbbells according to the following scheme: 4-5 sets with weight 20-25 % of 1 RM on 20-25 repetitions and the amount of rest m / y approaches 40-45 seconds. A more advanced scheme may involve tying exercises into supersets. For example, first you perform a basic heavy barbell squat on 8-10 repetitions, and then without rest, jump with dumbbells for a number.

Try this technique, and after a while you won't recognize your feet!


As the number of likes for home technical articles shows, they are becoming quite popular, so we decided to continue broadcasting in this direction. And today added +1 exercise - squats with jumping, in the four-walled pantheon of notes. I am sure that you have not done this until now, am I right?

That's all for now, see you soon this Friday!

PS: Do you do plyometric exercises? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

cardiogreat way incineration subcutaneous fat especially when combined with a low-calorie diet. Such workouts include running, swimming, cycling, classes on special cardio equipment. In progress similar exercises happens not only active weight loss but also exercising the cardiovascular system , increases the overall endurance of the body. It is possible to carry out a full cardio workout at home without equipment and exercise equipment? Yes, it is quite! We offer an excellent set of five exercises that can be performed in any conditions. All it takes is your desire.

The proposed high-intensity training is circular. This means that all five exercises must be performed in the order in which they are given. After completing one circle, you can rest for no more than 5 minutes and start the exercises again starting from the first. You must complete at least 4 laps.

Attention! You can’t rest between exercises, only after completing the circle!

They are also called "explosive". Starting position as with ordinary push-ups: lying down. The difference is that at the moment of push-ups, it is necessary to push the body up with force, the arms should straighten up and come off the floor. Then you need to land softly. You can complicate the exercise: at the moment of taking your hands off the floor, make a clap. We perform push-ups 15 times.

This exercise is much more difficult. Starting position - on all fours, knees rest on the chest. With a sharp push, we throw our legs back and go to point-blank lying. From this position, we again return to all fours. Then we jump up, stretching out with the whole body, hands above the head make a clap. We return to all fours. All this must be done continuously, without stopping. Repeat burpee 20 times.

Great exercise for the press, especially the side. Stand in an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. With a quick movement, pull your left knee to your chest and return your leg back. Then we do the same with right foot. Alternately, we pull our knees to our chest as quickly as possible, as if we were running uphill. It is necessary to perform 30 times (15 for each leg).

Starting position - standing, hands behind the head. We squat, and then abruptly jump up, hands remain behind the head. We jump out in this way 15 times. It is worth noting that the squat technique in the exercise must be correct. Your knees should not go beyond your toes, as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. This technique gives the maximum load on the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Starting position - standing, arms along the body. We squat, spreading our legs to the sides, while our hands are placed at close range between the legs. It is similar to the posture of sumo wrestlers, hence the name. From this position, with a push, we stretch our legs back so as to be in an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. We return to the sumo squat, get up in initial position. We perform 15 repetitions.

One round of exercises will take no more than 10 minutes. As the body gets used to the load, the speed must be increased. You need to train at least three times a week. The table below lists the exercises and the number of repetitions for each.

These exercises are included in the complex popular direction. What is its feature? CrossFit Offers high intensity workouts for any level of training that work on all the muscles of the body and develop the endurance of the body. The main condition is that you need to perform the exercises quickly and without rest. It is due to this that high efficiency of training is achieved.

The proposed exercises put a lot of stress on the joints. It's better if you wear knee pads. There are many jumps in the complex, so you need to choose the right shoes. It must have a depreciation effect. When jumping barefoot or in shoes with thin soles, there is a risk of injury to the knees and feet.

Performing such a complex every day, in a month the first results will be visible. The body will become drier and more prominent due to the reduction. If exercise is supplemented with a high-protein, low-fat diet, the fat will gradually be squeezed out of the muscles. You'll get beautiful body without wasting time and money on the gym!

CrossFit at home
