What do crossed legs in women mean? Why do girls cross their legs when they stand? Psychological and traditional causes

I promised to tell you body movements feet... After a little thought, I decided to expand the field of study a little and talk not only about body movements feet but also touch on the dependency leg movements from the thoughts and emotional state of a person. Why did I decide to do this? You see, just consider leg movements it would be stupid, because there is a lot of information, but practical application zero. It turns out like in a joke with cavemen who found a can of canned food and tried to use it in different ways, but just not for its intended purpose, so let's not be cavemen and we will only speak in essence.

Why legs can be considered the most important source of information? Everything is very simple - to guess about the emotions of a person that he is trying to hide, without special training it is very difficult for micro-expressions of the face without special training, a person can also control his hands with grief in half, but leg position it is very difficult to control because the further away a part of the body is, the less we are aware of its actions.

Let's now look at the various leg positions and their meanings:

1. Position attention. This is a formal position that exhibits neutral behavior with no intention of leaving or staying. With this position, legs are placed together, socks are slightly apart, hands at the seams. This posture is constantly used in the army, when junior ranks stand in line in front of a senior officer, or subordinates stand in front of a superior.

2. Position"set apart legs". Similar position typical mainly for men. This is a kind of demonstration of the groin. In this position, a man confidently stands two kicking on the ground, showing by his appearance that he does not intend to run away. With all his appearance, he transmits a signal of dominance to others, the effect of this position can be enhanced with his hands on a belt badge. For women, such a situation would be perceived as unnatural and masculine.

3. Position"one leg put forward. " position body weight is focused on one leg and the second leg put forward. Such leg position immediately makes the intentions of the person clear, because we usually point the sock where we would like to go. If you are enthusiastically talking with a person, and his sock is directed towards, for example, a door, then he would not mind leaving now. On the other hand, if the sock is directed at you, this is a sign that the person is as keen on the conversation as you are.

4. Position"crossed legs". If placed legs demonstrate openness and dominance, then legs crossed show a closed, submissive, or defensive mood. Similar position accepted when a person experiences stress or certain inconveniences, for example, is in an unfamiliar company. More often than not, such a person will stand slightly distant from the main group. If a person is uncomfortable to such an extent that he cannot get out of this state, it is very likely that he will also have his arms crossed on his chest. In such augmented position a person is closed from communication and practically does not perceive information at all. Crossed arms are a barrier with which a person protects himself from the outside world. Such hands can be interpreted a little differently - in childhood, when it was hard for us, our mother hugged us, which was an incentive to calm down. Crossed arms are a sign that a person is trying to hug himself, and, accordingly, calm himself down and pull himself together, he is completely focused on himself and does not perceive the outside world well.

5. Position"crossbreeding feet when sitting "has the same meaning as crossing feet when standing, though in this case there is more concentration of a person, he will weigh every word that he says. This position of the legs is very common in Europe and Asia. True, if a person starts to "kick" the air by foot- this means that you asked him an uncomfortable question, and he wants you to leave as soon as possible. Again, crossing the arms over the chest gives position the same meaning as in standing position.

6. Position the American Four is leg position when alone leg stands on the floor, and the second is thrown onto the support leg... This is a demonstration of the groin area that emphasizes the person's confidence. This position can be strengthened with the hands:
- the person leaned back in the chair and put both hands behind his head - this is a sign that the person is confident and shows dominance.
- a person clasps with both hands leg- this is a signal that a person is determined and intends to stand his ground until the victorious end.
- the fingers of a person's hands form a spire - this means that a person is concentrated and confident.

7. Position"Ankle crossing" while sitting means that the person is unfaithful or scared - he is not comfortable. Position can be amplified as follows:
- the scissors are removed under a chair or armchair, in this case the body moves a little forward, as if saying to the interlocutor: "I'm scared / I'm not comfortable, can't you see that?"
-Hands to hold on to grip the arm of the chair - this means that a person, in spite of everything, is trying to take control of himself.

8. Position"engagement feet"sitting is an exclusively feminine gesture that cannot be reproduced by men for physiological reasons. This feminine position means modesty and intimidation, with this position of the legs she will hardly be talkative.

9. Position "legs confidently stand on the floor "sitting" - a neutral position in which the legs are completely parallel to each other with their feet on the floor, it can acquire the appropriate shade depending on the following factors:
-n oga or both legs tapping on the floor - this means that the person is not comfortable and does not mind leaving the room;
-leg begins to "kick" the floor - you are not pleasant to the person, and he would be glad if you left;
- the fingers of the hands form a "spire" - a person is confident in himself and his words;
- the fingers are clasped - the person is nervous, he is not comfortable or he is hiding something;
-arms crossed on the chest - the person is confident in himself, but does not agree with your point of view - such a composite gesture has an extremely negative connotation.

I hope that such articles will help you think and be attentive, because there are many things that are not only important to see, but most importantly understand what they mean.

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Many of us cross our legs when we sit down, and do it almost automatically. In this position, we seem more elegant and sexier and is often referred to as "feminine." We accept this position of the body without hesitation, but only a few know what serious consequences this can lead to.

Although the woman in the photo above looks very attractive to most people due to the way she sits, everyone needs to know what happens to the body when a person takes a long-term position "toe-to-toe":

  • The tendency to be in this position for hours can lead to such unpleasant diseases as peroneal nerve palsy or simply paralysis. The same applies when you sit in the same position for a long period of time. It turns out that the posture that causes these health complications is the usual crossing of the legs.
  • Back in 2010, numerous studies proved that sitting cross-legged for long periods of time causes an increase in blood pressure. Even if you've never had a blood pressure problem, avoiding sitting in this position will help you become healthier and avoid circulation problems.

The reason for the increase in blood pressure is that when you put one leg on the knee of the other leg, and more blood flows to the heart, which ultimately causes a pressure surge. Another possible explanation is that the pressure rises as a result of isometric reduction leg muscles (this happens when the joints do not move and the muscles do not change their length). This is why crossing your legs at the ankles does not have the same effect as crossing one leg over the other.

  • This posture of the body can also lead to problems with the muscles of the pelvis. Long-term presence of the legs in a crossed state over time makes the muscles of the inner thigh shorter, and the muscles outside- longer, with the result that the joints are at risk of displacement.
  • The habit of putting your legs in a criss-cross pattern increases the chances of earning varicose veins on your legs. Despite the fact that varicose veins are in most cases inherited, frequent crossing of the legs can cause puffiness of the pinched veins. The blood vessels have tiny valves that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. When the legs are crossed, pressure in the veins increases and this interferes with normal blood flow, causing the vessel walls to narrow and weaken. As a result, the blood thickens and the veins in the legs swell.

Finally, research shows that sitting cross-legged for more than 3 hours a day can lead to slouching, lower back and neck pain, and hip discomfort.

Thus, we have given you some food for thought, and now you can give up this habit once and for all to avoid chronic health problems. Rest assured that the next time you catch yourself swinging your legs, you will stop doing it right away!

You've probably noticed that, depending on the situation or place, your sitting position acquired different positions, and you hardly attached particular importance to why this is happening. Indeed, in addition to the banal "leg numb", there are many psychological factors that determine the position of our legs while sitting. This or that posture can signal your nervous tension, the level of trust in the interlocutor, openness in conversation, and even the degree of masculinity. We invite you to find out what each of these poses means and why you should not cross your legs if you consider yourself a standard.

1. Legs in front and knees together

Let's start by looking at the non-cross-legged poses. The first is when the knees are either close to each other, or scattered about 5-20 cm. This position is not the most comfortable and rather unnatural for a man, unless you share the back seat of the car with seven fellow travelers. And this unnaturalness is expressed primarily by the physiological features of the structure of the male pelvis. Unlike a woman's, it has a smaller width, and the angle of the femoral neck in a man is larger, so this position of the legs creates additional pressure on the hips. You will feel it if you sit in this position for a long time, and you involuntarily want to spread your legs.

2. Scattered legs and shoulders

In this position, both legs are on the floor, and the knees are pushed back from each other at a distance of 25-60 cm. This position is inherent in men and is most likely the most familiar to you. Firstly, with this pose you do not embarrass your little friend between your legs, and secondly, by spreading his legs, the guy involuntarily marks his own territory. You may have noticed that this position of the legs is typical for people with power: kings sit on large thrones; the boss's seat at the negotiating table is always on the edge, where there are no neighbors. In addition, this sitting posture demonstrates that he is open to communication. When the body opens, so does the mind. And the closeness from the environment is expressed by gluing the thighs as protection of the "most important" organ.

3. Crossed foot-to-foot position

The most popular cross-legged pose. It is generally accepted that this position of the legs is most often used by men in Europe. One leg is thrown over the other, and "gluing" occurs in the hips. This posture displaces the space in front of the seated person, which means his desire to protect himself from the environment, hiding in such a position, as if in a fortress. This explains why some consider crossed legs to be a less masculine pose. You can watch this during business meetings or ordinary conversation. When a man assumes this position (and, in addition, crosses his arms), he is practically excluded from the dialogue or tries to distance himself from the speech imposed on him. It was noticed that people who cross their legs in conversation more often do not agree with the interlocutor or remember the content of the conversation worse. Therefore, when talking to a person, pay attention to how he sits. Perhaps, while you give him your reasons, he thinks in his head how to send you, or, even worse, remembers how he had a great time in the bar last weekend.

4. The position of the fixed ankles

A pose in which the knees are apart and the legs are crossed at the ankles. It is believed that this position is a sign that the person is hiding something. This posture is comparable to biting the lip, because it is also a sign of holding back negative emotions: fear, excitement, misunderstanding.

A person sitting like this usually places his hands on his knees or firmly squeezes the armrests of the chair with them. From this position, you can easily determine that the interlocutor is worried. Therefore, we do not recommend sitting like this during an important conversation, whether it be an interview or admitting to your girlfriend that you worked all night, although in fact you learned to unbutton the bra of a stripper from the next bar with your teeth.

Observing the defendants during the court session revealed that many of them cross their legs in just this way, while hiding their feet under the seat. Thus, they try to hide the psychological stress. Flight attendants on board can also identify potential perpetrators by posture.

5. Position "ankle on the knee", or "I'm the boss here"

Classic male pose, when one leg is thrown over the other, leaning on the ankle on the knee. Psychologists consider this position to be a manifestation of a domineering nature and mild aggression. The positioning of the pelvis accentuates the genitals, which is a biological gesture of an unconscious desire to dominate and demonstrate greater self-confidence. Some men at a business meeting take this pose to emphasize their status. You see a guy sitting like this - read between the lines: "I am successful, I am strong and I value my time." If you are of the same opinion of yourself, then you can sit in a similar way, but keep in mind that this position is not ideal when making important decisions. Your decision will be more balanced and confident if both feet rest firmly on the floor.

Crossover nog

Similar to the protective barriers formed by the arms, crossing the legs is a sign of a person's negative or defensive attitude.

Crossing the arms over the chest was originally associated with the function of protecting the heart and chest area, while crossing the legs is an attempt to protect the genital area. In addition, crossing the arms indicates a more negative attitude of the person than crossing the legs, and the crossed arms are more conspicuous. Care should be taken when interpreting this gesture in women, because in childhood they were taught to sit this way because "this is how ladies sit." Unfortunately, this manner can be interpreted as an attempt at defense.

There are two main cross-legged poses in sitting position- (classic) standard cross-legged position and posture when the thrown leg resembles the number "4".

European way of crossing legs

One leg rests neatly on the other, usually right on left - this is the normal cross-legged position used by Europeans and can be used to express anxiety, restraint or defensiveness. This, however, is one of the auxiliary gestures that is accompanied by other negative gestures and should not be interpreted out of context. For example, people often sit cross-legged during lectures or while sitting in uncomfortable chairs for long periods. Often people use this gesture in cold weather. When the crossed legs are also accompanied by the crossing of arms over the chest, this means that the person has "disconnected" from the conversation. It would be foolish for a salesman to even try to ask a customer in such a position about his decision, and he should ask a few clarifying questions to clarify his objections. This pose is very popular with women all over the world, especially if they want to express their dissatisfaction with their husband or friend.

Throwing the legs over the legs with the formation of an angle

This way of crossing the legs indicates that there is a spirit of competition and contradiction. This sitting style is very popular among American males with a fighting nature. Therefore, when dealing with the Americans, it is difficult to determine whether they are putting any meaning in this gesture or not, but with the British there is no such problem.

I recently attended a series of meetings attended by 100 managers and 500 salespeople. A very controversial issue was discussed - the attitude of the corporation towards its sales agents. One man from the team of agents, known to the audience for his reputation as "ringleaders", was asked to speak. As soon as he got up to the podium, all managers, without exception, took a defensive posture. This meant that they were wary of the ideas they thought the speaker was going to express. Their fears were well founded. The salesman thundered about the poor quality of management in most corporations in this industry and said that, in his opinion, this leads to personnel problems. During his speech, the rest of the salespeople leaned forward, which expresses strong interest. Many made judgmental gestures, but the managers held a defensive posture. Then the speaker changed the subject, expressing his opinion on what the relationship should be between the two parties. Immediately, as if following the movement of a conductor's baton, the posture of the managers changed to an argumentative-opposing one. It was obvious that they internally disagreed with the point of view of the opposite side, and later many confirmed that this was the case. I noticed, however, that several managers did not take this position. After the meeting, I asked them why they didn’t, and they explained that although they also disagreed with the speaker, they couldn’t sit cross-legged because of their obesity or arthritis.

It would be unwise for the salesperson to end the presentation and ask about the order if the customer is in that position. He should openly address the buyer, leaning forward, palms up, and say: "I see - you have some ideas on this matter. I would be interested to know your opinion." And then lean back in your chair, indicating that it is the customer's turn to speak out on the issue. This gives the buyer the opportunity to express their opinion. Sometimes women, if they are wearing trousers or jeans, can sit with their legs crossed so that bent leg resembles the number "4".

Laying the leg on the leg with fixing the leg with the hands

Man with quick response, who is very difficult to convince in an argument, often sits with his legs crossed and clasped his leg with his hands.

This is a sign of a tough, stubborn person who needs a special approach to achieve a common language.

Crossed legs in a standing position.

The next time you are in a meeting or reception, look out for a small group of people standing cross-legged with their arms folded across their chest. Upon observation, you will see that they all stand at a much greater distance from each other than is customary, and if they are wearing a jacket or jacket, the buttons will be tightly buttoned. If you asked these people, you would find that either one of them, or all of them, do not know each other. This is how people stand if there is a stranger among them.

Now notice another small group in which people stand with relaxed hands, open palms, unbuttoned jackets, relaxed facial expression, leaning on one leg, while the other leg is turned toe towards the other members of the group. All members of this group easily penetrate into each other's intimate areas. Upon close observation, it becomes clear that the people of this group are personally acquainted with each other or are friends. It is interesting to note that people standing with arms and legs crossed may have a non-tense expression on their faces and seem to flow easily and naturally, but their posture suggests that they are tense or unsure of themselves.

The next time you join a group of strangers standing in an open, friendly manner, take a cross-legged position with your arms folded across your chest. One by one, the rest of the group will also assume this position and will remain in it until you move away from them. Then step aside and watch as, one by one, the group members return to their original open pose.

Stages of Relaxation of a Tension Pose

As soon as people begin to feel comfortable and close to others, they obey an unwritten law, according to which the defensive posture changes to an open, relaxed one.

Stage 1. Defensive posture, arms and legs crossed.
Stage 2. The legs are no longer crossed, and the feet are in a neutral position.
Stage 3. The hand on top emerges from the lock of the hands, the palm flickers during the conversation, but does not return back to the lock.
Stage 4. Hands are already open, and one hand gestures freely, it can go to the hip or into the pocket.

Stage 5. One person puts his leg back, and the other leg forward so that it points to the person who is of interest to him.

Under the influence of alcohol, this process may take place more quickly, or some stages may be lost.

Is she defending herself - or maybe she's frozen?

Many people claim that they do not cross their arms and legs because they feel the need to defend themselves, but simply because they are cold. This is just an excuse, and it is interesting to note that there is a difference between a defensive person and a frozen person.

First of all, if a person wants to warm his hands, he usually pushes them under his armpit, rather than shoving them under his elbows, as is the case in the case of a defensive posture.

Second, when a person freezes, he can wrap his arms around himself. If his legs are crossed, they are usually straight, tense and tightly pressed together, which will differ from the more relaxed position of the legs in a defensive posture.

People with a habit of crossing arms and legs prefer. claim that they are either cold or just feel much more comfortable in this position. They find it difficult to admit that they are nervous, shy, or defensive against negative feelings.

Ankles pressed together

Arms crossed or folded on the chest, crossed legs suggest that the person is in a defensive or negative state, but the same can be expressed with the help of the ankles brought together. In men, pinned ankles are usually combined with tightly clenched fists on the knees, or hands can dig into the armrests of a chair. The female version is slightly different: the knees are brought together, the legs can be tilted to one side, the hands lie either parallel to each other on the knees, or one hand on top of the other.

More than a decade of experience in communicating with people during business negotiations has shown that when your interlocutor pinches his ankles, it is tantamount to his "biting his lip." With this gesture, negative attitudes, unpleasant emotions, fear or anxiety are contained. For example, a friend of mine, a lawyer, told me that he often noticed that when giving testimony in the investigator's office, all the people involved in the case sat with their ankles tightly pressed together. He also noticed that at this moment they are ready to say something important, or are trying to control their emotional state.

When interviewing applicants for the vacant position, we noticed that most of them made this gesture at some point in the interview, which showed that they were holding back their excitement. When we began to study the nature of this gesture, we found out that talking about a person's inner experiences does not help to relax his ankles, and, accordingly, his thoughts. But then we noticed that if the interviewer walked up to a visitor's table and sat down next to him without being separated by the table, his legs immediately relaxed, and the conversation took on a frank, more personal character.

We recently consulted a firm on how to effectively use the phone to communicate with customers. We happened to be chatting with a young man whose job it was to call customers who had not paid their bills. We watched him work and, although his voice sounded relaxed, we noticed that his ankles were pressed tightly together. I asked, "Do you like this job?" He replied, "Oh yes, this is a wonderful job." What was said, however, did not match his non-verbal cues, although he spoke very convincingly. "Are you sure?" I asked. After a short pause, he relaxed his legs, turned to me, and, opening his palms, said: "In fact, she is driving me crazy!" He further told me that during conversations, some clients were rude to him, and he had to restrain his emotions so that his condition would not be passed on to other clients. with compressed ankles.

Prominent negotiating researchers Nirenberg and Kalero found that when one negotiator pinched his ankles during a negotiation, it meant he was “pinching” a price concession. They found that by using negotiation techniques, you can influence your partner to unclench their ankles and make a concession.

Some people claim to have a habit of sitting with their ankles pinned (or any of the crossed arms and legs) because it makes them feel comfortable. If you are also one of these people, notice that your arms and legs will feel comfortable when you adopt a defensive, negative, or restrained posture. Given that a negative gesture can amplify and prolong negative emotions, and that other people may think you are negative, I would encourage you to learn to use positive and open gestures to build your self-confidence and improve your relationships with others.

Women who were teenagers in the miniskirt era and wore a miniskirt squeezed their legs and ankles for good reason. Thanks to this habit, many women still sit in this position, which may be misinterpreted by others: people may be wary of them. Therefore, before drawing any conclusions, it is important to take into account the trends in women's fashion, in particular, how this affects the position of the woman's legs.

Fixing the foot of one leg on the lower leg of the other

This gesture is used almost exclusively by women. The foot of one leg is wrapped around the other leg to strengthen the defensive position. And when this gesture appears, you can be sure that the woman internally shrank and retreated into herself, like a turtle under a shell. It takes a gentle, friendly and warm approach if you hope to uncover this clamp. This behavior is typical for shy and modest women. I recall a case when a young insurance agent tried to get insurance for a young married couple. This attempt was unsuccessful, and he could not understand why it failed: he seemed to follow all the rules of the sale. I pointed out to him that he did not notice how the woman was sitting throughout the entire conversation with her leg tightly wrapped around her leg. If the insurance agent paid attention to this gesture, he could interest her in the benefits of such insurance and achieve better results.

Many people know that a posture when arms is crossed indicates a person's closeness and unwillingness to communicate. The purpose of this provision is to protect chest and the region of the heart. What are the crossed legs talking about?

It is believed that in this way a person, as it were, protects his genitals. In comparison, crossed arms indicate a more negative attitude than crossed legs. But also by lower limbs you can draw conclusions about how your interlocutor is configured. There are two main options for the cross-legged pose - standard and "lock".

Standard Cross-Legged Pose

The standard posture is when one leg is thrown over the other, usually right to left. This is a common pose used by Europeans, Australians, and New Zealanders. It can be interpreted as an expression of nervousness, defensiveness, or restraint. However, this pose is also an auxiliary one, which should be considered exclusively in context and in conjunction with other gestures. For example, people often sit in this position during lectures or when they have to spend quite a long time in an uncomfortable chair.

If a person is cold, then he, too, will instinctively take this position. If crossed legs are combined with crossed arms, then the person who has taken this position clearly wants to avoid the conversation. It would be very foolish for a sales agent to ask a customer sitting cross-legged and arms to make a decision. It will be much more helpful to ask some questions to find out the reason for the negative attitude. This pose is also common among women in most countries of the world. In this way, they show their disapproval to their husbands or friends.

American Cross-Legged Pose - "Castle"

If a person crosses his legs in this way, i.e. one leg remains on the floor, and the other half bent lies on the other leg, which means that he is in a competitive and negative mood. This pose is very common in the United States, especially among men who have a strong competitive spirit. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine the mood of an American who crosses his legs in this way, but if this position is adopted by a Briton, then his mood becomes quite obvious.

If it comes on sales, it would be unwise to end the presentation and ask for an order if the customer is in that position. Most likely, the agent needs to change tactics, become more open. The American pose is often adopted by women who wear trousers or jeans.

"Lock" with fixation of the thrown leg with hands

This posture is characteristic of people who have a certain point of view, which is difficult to change during the discussion. As a rule, they sit with their legs crossed and held with one or both hands. This pose indicates stubbornness. To break the resistance of such a person, it will take a non-standard approach and quite a long time.

Crossing the legs while standing

Next time you attend a meeting or reception, look for small groups of people standing with arms and legs crossed. You will probably notice that they are much farther apart than everyone else. If they are wearing jackets or suits, they will most likely be buttoned up. If you talk to these people, you will find that one of them or all of them at once is in this society for the first time. It is this posture that is often taken by people who find themselves in the society of people they do not know well enough.

Now pay attention to another group, whose members stand without crossing their arms, palms open, in unbuttoned jackets, in a word, they feel completely free. They lean slightly towards each other and boldly invade the intimate areas of the interlocutors, and also allow them into their intimate area. A closer acquaintance with these people will show that they have all known each other for a long time or even are friends with each other. Interestingly, those who stand with arms and legs crossed often maintain a completely calm expression on their faces, and the conversation between them can go quite naturally. But their posture betrays that deep down they do not feel calm and confident.

Opening technique

As people begin to feel calmer in the group, they get to know the interlocutors better, they gradually move from a defensive position with crossed arms and legs to a relaxed open position. Instinctive movements and gestures are evidence of this. Studies show that the technique of "disclosure" is practically the same in all countries, writes "Horoscope.ru".

Defensive stance or simple cold?

Many argue that they do not cross their arms and legs because they feel insecure, but simply because they are cold. Very often, such a statement is not true. There are differences between the defensive posture and the frozen person posture.

First, if a person wants to warm their hands, they tend to tuck them under the armpits, rather than placing their palms on the forearms, as in a defensive posture. Secondly, a frozen person usually wraps his arms around himself. His crossed legs are straight, tense and pressed against one another. A more relaxed position of the legs indicates a defensive position.

Cross ankle pose

Crossing arms or legs indicates a negative or defensive mood of the interlocutor. The same is true for crossed ankles. If a man chooses this position, then most often he will clench his fists, putting his hands on his knees, or with all his might grab the armrests of the chair.

Women behave a little differently: they bring their knees together, their legs either stand straight or slightly set aside, their hands lie on their knees parallel or one is placed on top of the other. This pose speaks of a negative attitude, negative emotions, fear or nervousness. For example, most people cross their ankles during the interview, that is, they try to cope with their emotions.

Women who were still teenagers in the miniskirt era cross their legs and ankles for understandable reasons. This posture becomes familiar to them, but others can interpret it wrong and be wary of them. It is very important to take into account the trends in women's fashion, especially their impact on the position of the legs. You can come to final conclusions only after considering all the factors.

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