How long has the oldest horse lived? The longest living animals in the world

Horse Records June 25th, 2013

The jump is almost a record - 2.32. And we will also talk about horse records, where you will find out what height was a record in the world:

In the entire history of existence on Earth, the largest horse is recognized as a thoroughbred bay-roan stallion of the Belgian breed named Brooklyn Superior, born in 1928 (died in 1948) in Iowa, United States of America and owned by S.G. Good. His height at the withers was 1 m 98 cm, girth chest- 259 cm, and live weight (registered with him in 1938) - 1451 kg. The weight of one horseshoe for the Brooklyn Surim was 3.4 kg, the diameter was 35.5 cm.To make a horseshoe for this giant, a piece of iron with a length of 76.2 cm was required.

A mare of the same Belgian breed (Brabant) named Wilma du Bose had a slightly smaller size. She was born on July 15, 1966. Her height at the withers reached 1 m 88 cm. In April 1973, Wilma's weight was 1459 kg. So heavy weight was due to her pregnancy. By that time, the body circumference was 3 m 65 cm. After the birth of her foal normal weight was 1088-1134 kg.

On the territory of our country, the most large horses belong, as a rule, to the Soviet heavy draft breed. On average, the live weight of representatives of this breed is: for stallions - 781 kg, for mares - 654 kg.

The highest

A heavy horse gelding, named Sampson, of the Shire breed of horses is the tallest in the entire world in the history of the existence of horses. As it grew and got bigger, it was renamed Mammoth. This giant was born in 1846 in the UK, was raised by Thomas Cleaver in Toddington Mills. In 1850 it was registered absolute record the height of the horse, which remains the best to this day. The height of the mammoth at the withers was 2 m 19 cm, and Weight Limit gelding over 1524 kg.

The smallest

The Argentinean breed of horses Falabella is the smallest in the world. For more than 70 years, local breeders have been breeding a special breed using the method of related mating (inbreeding) and crossing with a small group of tiny undersized horses (these horses were discovered in the early 20th century in the southern regions of Argentina). The first horse of this breed, the mare Recco de Roca (its height at the withers was 38 cm and weighing 11.9 kg) was bred by Julio Falabella. The result of the work is amazing, an amazing breed was bred, the height at the withers of the Falabello horse averaged 76 cm, and the live weight from 36 to 45 kg.

In 1973, November 15, in the state of South Carolina, USA, at the Spartanburg Veterinary Center, with the help of Dr. T. H. Hamison, the smallest horse that ever lived on earth was born. According to the registration card, a stallion named Little Pamkin by November 30, 1975 had a height at the withers of 35.5 cm, and its weight was 9.07 kg.

Long-lived horses

In 1760, a stallion named Billy was born. It was bred by Edward Robinson in a place called Woolston, UK, by crossing two breeds: the Cleveland and the purebred Eastern. This stallion lived for 62 years, after which it was renamed Old Billy. Such a long life is an absolute record among horses. Old Billy was in good health and up to last days life he did hard work: towed barges. In 1822, on November 27, at Lutchford Farm, which is located near Warrington, Old Billy died. The skull of this long-liver is kept in the Manchester Museum, and the stuffed Old Billy can be seen in the Bedford Museum in the UK.

Another long-liver is a stallion named Bonnie Lass (born in 1919, and died on May 2, 1987). This pony lived for 54 years, which is a record among horses of this breed.

Among purebred racehorses, a bay gelding named Duke Tango, who lived for 42 years (born in 1935 and died on January 25, 1978), is recognized as the record holder for life expectancy.

The strongest

By all accounts, the strongest horses are heavy draft horses. Indeed, at the Nester estate, located in Michigan, USA, a pair of heavy trucks were pulling a load weighing 130.9 tons in a sled on a frozen road for 402 m.

February 26, 1893 couple heavy draft horses shire breed, the live weight of which was 1587 kg, pulled out a load consisting of 50 white aspen logs, the weight of which amounted to more than 42.3 tons.

On April 23, 1924, a heavy truck named Vulcan, owned by the Liverpool Corporation, showed an amazing result on a dynamometer at Wembley - 29, 47 tons. also fixed with a dynamometer).

The fastest

The absolute world speed record belongs to a thoroughbred stallion named Beach Rackit. At the races in Mexico City, the frisky stallion showed an amazing result: he developed a speed of up to 69.69 km / h at a distance of 409.26 m or 1/4 mile.

A trotter named Pine Chip became the best at a distance of 1 mile. His record of 1 mile in 1 minute 51 seconds was recorded on October 1, 1994.

The pacers have also established themselves as the most fast horses in the world. Among them, a stallion named Kambest is considered the absolute record holder. He covered 1 mile in 1 minute 46.2 seconds. The world record was recorded on August 16, 1993.

Most jumpy

In Chile, on February 5, 1949, the world high jump record was recorded. It was installed by a stallion named Huaso under the saddle of A. Morales. The jump height was 2 m 47 cm.

In 1975, in Johannesburg, the record was officially recorded for the stallion Samting, who jumped a moat with water, whose width was 8.4 m.


Registered in the Guinness Book of Records maximum amount foals equal to 19. All of them were born by the same horse throughout life.

And some more just interesting things about horses:

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Cats and dogs are man's favorite pets, and among them there are many champions who have remained with their owners for many years. There are horses, fish and long-lived turtles.

Oldest cats

As you know, cats rarely live more than twenty years. Even twenty years is a record age for them. It is known about a cat whose age is more than forty years old. She lives in the UK. This is the most common cat named Lucy. She came to the house of her current owners by accident, passing as an inheritance after the death of a relative. Lucy sees almost nothing, it is difficult for her to move around the house. The owners noticed that she was deaf.

The fact that the cat is at least forty years old, the new owners learned when an elderly relative came to visit them. Back in 1972, according to the old woman, Lucy was hanging around her fish shop. After the veterinarian examined the record-breaking cat, it became clear that Lucy is really extremely old. No one can determine her exact age. Remains to believe elderly woman who has known Lucy since 1972. Translating a solid feline age into a human age, we can say that she is already one hundred and eighty years old. More than forty years of age Lucy can be called a striking fact. Since the cat has no official documents, it is impossible to enter this record into the Guinness Book of Records.

Cream Puff - that was the name of the cat, which before Lucy was considered the oldest in the world. He lived in Texas. His age was thirty-eight years old. On the third place among long-lived cats is Blackie cat from Great Britain. Her owner, Quentin Shaw, said that he took her into the house when she was very small, but now she is already twenty-four years old. During her life, Blackie brought three litters, and she survived all her children. Now this cat, according to its owner, is completely healthy, but has become less playful and active. The owners of the record-breaking cats believe that their pets have lived such a long life because of their love and care.

There is also a long-lived record holder among two-headed cats. It is known that such animals live extremely shortly. “Frank and Louis,” a Massachusetts veterinarian nurse named her two-headed cat. According to her, the past owners brought him to the clinic to euthanize, she persuaded them to give the animal to her. Today this unusual cat is twelve years old.

Oldest dogs

The maximum age of a dog, which was officially certified by the Guinness Book of Records, was twenty-nine years. This is how many years an Australian shepherd dog named Bluie has lived. The record dog was born in America in 1910. For almost twenty years, he tended cattle, never fought and ate exclusively natural feed. Owner Bluie explained this very long life of the pet. The record holder died in November 1939. Despite the fact that the dog went blind a year before his death, this did not affect his agility and activity.

It is known about a dachshund named Chanel. She lived twenty-one years. At one time, the dog moved with the owner from Rhode Island to New York. The name of this dachshund is also entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Today, the twenty-two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier Billy has the title of long-lived dog. He lives in Halifax with his seventy-one-year-old mistress. The dog is blind in one eye, it lacks several teeth, nevertheless, it loves to frolic like a puppy.

Oldest horses

There are record-holding animals among horses. The oldest in the world is a simple horse named "Old Billy". She was born in an English village in 1760. Average age horses - about twenty-five years old, Old Billy managed to live a life of sixty-two years.

The current record holder lives in the UK - a horse named Shane. As you know, she is already fifty-one years old, but she feels great and leads active image life. Her place of residence is the Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary. The previous record holder died in 2004 at the age of fifty-one. It was an Arabian horse named Badger.

Long-lived fish

You will not surprise anyone with a hundred-year-old pike or seventy-year-old sturgeon. Nevertheless, there are long-lived fish that break all records. It is known that in 1230 in Germany the court pike of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa was released into the lake. In 1497, she was accidentally caught by fishermen. By that time, she was more than three hundred years old, and this court pike weighed as much as one hundred and forty kilograms.

In Sweden, an eel named Patti lived in the aquarium of one of the museums. The fish was caught in the Sargasso Sea at the age of three. Patti lived in the museum's aquarium for eighty-five long years. She died at eighty-eight of old age. There are especially many centenarians among large fish, however, aquarium small fish are also known, whose lifespan is close to forty years.

The oldest animal in the world today

Scientists believe that the longest-living animal on earth today is the tortoise named Jonathan. It is known that he is already over one hundred and seventy-eight years old. The record holder lives in the South Atlantic on Saint Helena. The first photo of Jonathan was taken back in 1900. Since then, photo shoots have been held every fifty years. Thanks to this, you can see how the animal changed.

The longest-living creature on Earth, according to researchers, is the mollusk, which was discovered in the waters of the Arctic in 1982. At that time, the mollusk was at least two hundred and twenty years old. This record is marked in the Guinness Book of Records.

The long-lived mollusc, whose age at the time of its discovery was about four hundred years old, was found in 2006 off the Icelandic coast. He was given the nickname "Min". For four centuries, Ming lived in complete darkness at a depth of eighty meters. His age was determined by the lines on the carapace. Unfortunately, this record-holding mollusc died of old age during the study, however, research on its shell continues.

Long-livers are not only animals. Some old people are also surprising. For example, according to the site, the oldest Olympic champion in history was 72 years old.
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A horse named Old Billy (Old Beal) lived for 62 years. He was born in 1760 at Edward Robinson's estate in Woolston, Lanxshire, from a Cleveland mare and an oriental stallion. In 1762 or 1763, Old Billy was sold to Mercy and Irwell and hauled barges until 1819, when he was transferred to a farm in Lachford, where he fell on November 27, 1822. The skull of this horse is kept in the Manchester Museum, and a stuffed head with artificial teeth is on display in the Belford Museum.
For ponies, the maximum lifespan did not exceed 54 years. This is how long a stallion of one of the farmers of Central France, born in 1919, lived.
Among the purebred horses, the longest - 42 years old - lived the chestnut gelding Duke of Tango, who was born in 1935 in Australia.

Weight and height

A gelding of the Shire breed named Sampson (later renamed Mammoth) reached 2 m 19 cm, and its weight was 1524 kg. This giant was born in 1846 and raised by Thomas Cleaverge on Toddinkton Mills.
In the second half of the 20th century, the most difficult was the champion of the Percheron breed, a stallion named Ping Bek Union Crest (born January 27, 1964). His height is 178 cm, and his weight ranges from 1143 to 1194 kg.
The smallest are the ponies of the Argentinean Falabella breed, bred for 70 years on the Recco de Roca ranch near Buena Aires. The smallest mature horse bred by Giulio Cesare Falabella is a filly 38 cm high and weighing 11.9 kg. However, on November 30, 1975, Dr. T.H. Hemison from a renowned veterinary center in Spartenburg, South Carolina, testified that a stallion named Little Pumpkin (Little Pumpkin) owned by J.C. Williams Jr. weighs 9.07 kg and is 35.5 cm tall.He was born on April 15, 1973. The cost of a 6-month-old foal of this breed is $ 25,000.
The most long mane belongs to the stallion Dino from England - 3 m 4 cm.

The strongest

In Russia - the stallion Force of the Soviet heavy draft breed: he carried a load of 22.991 tons at a distance of 35 m. In the jerk, the stallion Stiprais of the Latvian breed in 1970 "pulled off" a load of almost 28 tons.
It is said that two shires harnessed by a pair to a sled were the record-holders for the movement of cargo. They transported 130.9 tons on a frozen road over a distance of 1,402 meters, near Yuen, Michigan, on February 26, 1893. The total weight of this pair of horses is 1587 kg. But, as noted in the Guinness Book of Records, the weight of the load was overestimated and in fact it was equal to about 42.3 tons; it was 50 logs of white pine.
On April 23, 1924, at the British Empire exhibition in Wembley, a Shire gelding named Vulcan, owned by the Liverpool corporation, demonstrated a jerk on a dynamometer sufficient to move a load weighing 29.47 tons, and a pair of heavy trucks of the same breed from easily pulled 51 tons - a record weight recorded on a dynamometer.

Most expensive

In August 1983, Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid el-Maktoum valued his purebred English stallion Sharif Danser at $ 40 million at an auction. It was acquired by a group of shareholders who shared 40 shares of the value.
The highest amount for a trotter - $ 5.25 million - was paid for Mystic Park by Lana Lobell (USA) in 1982.
Among the pacers, the most expensive is the Nihileitor, sold in 1984 by the Wall Street stud farm and the Almaherst firm for $ 19.2 million.
Among the heavy trucks, the most expensive purchase was a seven-year-old Belgian stallion named Strongman. It was bought by I.G. Good for $ 47,500 at the Seider Falls, Iowa, USA, October 16, 1917.
A Welsh mountain pony named Code Cock Bury was sold to an Australian builder in Wales for 21,000 guineas in 1978.

The fastest
The first trotting trials were carried out in Valkenburg (Netherlands) in 1554. In Russia, the beginning of the trials of trotters was laid by Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky: since 1776 he checked his horses harnessed to sledges on the run. Crew racing abroad first appeared in 1829. At present, trotters and pacers run in separate races on hippodromes; also separately record their results at different distances and by age, gender.

Records for the agility of trotters and pacers (at the beginning of 2000)

Absolute world records for trotters at a distance of 1 mile (1609 m):
Among stallions - 1 min 51 sec was set on October 1, 1994 by four-year-old Pine Chip (Arndon - Pine Speed), Red Mile racetrack (Lexington, USA), rider Zhdon Campbell.
For mares - 1min 51.8 s was set on July 8, 1994 by four-year-old Bit tze Wil (Defiant Yankee - Bit tze Band), Meadowlands racetrack (USA), rider Catello Manzi.

Trotter records in Russia
The red stallion Polygon (Peacock - Okraska), a Russian trotter of the Smolensk stud farm, born in 1978, passed the main distance of 1600 m in a run separately for a while with subduction in 1 min 56.9 s. The record was set at the Ramensky hippodrome in 1984, rider P.E. Andreev. (Running with a subduction is when a trotter running to break the record is accompanied by one or two horses harnessed to a rocking chair and galloping almost the entire distance in front of this trotter or nearby, but always letting him go ahead of him to the finish line.)
In the prize on a common track, i.e. in an ordinary race with rivals, the absolute record is -1 min 57.2 s - belongs to the auburn Oryol stallion Kovboy (Blockpost - Krutizna), born in 1984, Perm stud farm. Cowboy set this achievement on August 4, 1991, under the direction of rider M.V. Kozlov at the Ramensk Republican Hippodrome.

World records in horse racing.

1/4 mile (409.26 m) - 20.8 s, Beach Rackit stallion, 4 years old, 1975, Mexico City, Mexico, weight (weight of a jockey with a saddle) 51.7 kg.
500 m - 26.8 s, stallion Tiscor, 3 years old, 1975, Mexico.
1000 m - 53.6 s, stallion Indigenes, 4 years old, 1976, Epsom, England.
1200 m - 1.00.2 s, gelding, no name, 3 years old, 1929, Brighton, England, load 56 kg.
1400 m - 1.19.4 s, stallion Rich Cream (Crim de la Crim - Wright Turn), 5 years old, 1990, USA, Santa Anita racetrack.
1500 m - 1.30.0 s, stallion Sardar, 2 years old, 1965, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, load 56 kg.
1810 m - 1.44.8 s, stallion Frosty tzee Snowman (Heath Majesty - Frosty Skate), 1989, Canada, Woodbane race track.
2414 m (1.5 miles) - 2.22.2 s, Horlix mare (Three Lege - Melt), 6 years old, 1989, Japan.

Equestrian jumping

Height record - 2.47 m - horse Guaso under rider Alberto Larragibel Morales (1949, Chile).
Long jump record - 8.4 m - horse Samting under rider Andre Ferreira, 1975, Johannesburg.

Watch the video of the Horse Guaso High Jump Record:

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