Standards for girls on the national bench press. Wpc Folk Bench Competition Rules - WPC Folk Bench

F izcult-hello, like-minded people! I am glad to welcome you to my blog again. The topic of today's conversation is folk bench press training program. Of course, you all know that the "folk bench press" is a bench press with a weight equal to your own for the maximum number of repetitions.

Competitions have been held throughout Russia since 2010 different levels according to the approved standards and rules of the WPC federation. This type of powerlifting is rapidly gaining popularity. Men and women aged 13 to 60 and older are allowed to compete.

It should be noted that, as an independent sport, the folk bench press appeared very recently, therefore specialized programs workouts are relatively new. The most famous of them we will consider today. All athletes presenting themselves at competitions are engaged in them.

Andrey Luchkov's program

Andrey Luchkov - President of the Russian Bench Press Federation, record holder and bench press champion.

Trains only 2 times a week. The first workout starts with an intense warm-up. Then he performs 3 sets of bench press, necessarily with breaks of 10 minutes. He works out approaches with a fixed weight, trying to do the maximum number of repetitions. At the end, he writes down the sum of all repetitions done in 3 sets.

The next day, he performs 1 approach, this can be a press on the chest or with a pause at the top, then he does a good general warm-up and separately works, triceps, pectoral muscles with low weight.

The goal of the third workout is to increase the total reps done in the first workout. The fourth is the same as the second, but on the fifth, it again tries to increase the total number of repetitions. When the amount cannot be increased, then weight should be added to the barbell. And try to start counting from the beginning.

Bench press according to the program of Alexander Romanovsky

Alexander Romanovsky is a multiple winner of the national bench press competition with a barbell weight of 75 kg.

Trains 3-4 times a week. It works cyclically, that is, it does a bench press for 20 seconds, then, for example, triceps for 20 seconds, again for 20 seconds, and so on. Rest between sets for no more than 1 minute. Recommends to always alternate the number of repetitions with weight.

For example, you bench press 80 kg, then you should distribute your classes as follows:

  1. 80 kg * 80 reps for all sets;
  2. 50 kg * 120 reps for all sets;
  3. 70 kg * 100 reps for all sets;
  4. 40 kg * 150 reps for all sets.

The number of approaches depends on how you feel. Roman recommends taking additional pharmacological agents to help the body cope with intense stress. It can be -, creatine, vitamin E and.

Alexander Shapovalov's program

Approximate scheme for an athlete for a nomination of 100 kg:

Option 1

  1. Bench press 80 * 40;
  2. Compulsory rest 10-15 minutes, during which you can do calves 20 * 30, neck or squat;
  3. Bench press 80 * 40
  4. Rest 10-15 minutes, repeat 20 * 30 calves, neck, squat;
  5. Bench press 80 * 40;
  6. Rest 10-15 minutes, calves 20 * 30, neck, squat.

This is the first part of the workout, its goal is the maximum total number of repetitions (we have 120). If the planned amount is easy, on the next one you should add weight, for example, 5 kg and try to repeat the workout with it.

The second part must be performed based on how you feel. These can be: Hyperextension with weight; Pull of the block for the head; ; Forearms. The exercises should be performed in a circle (2-3 circles).

Option 2

  1. Warm-up - different weights, different amount repetitions;
  2. Press with an interval of 15-20 seconds (100 * 40);
  3. Triceps 2 * 20;
  4. Butterfly for chest 3 * 10;
  5. Shoulders;
  6. Press.

Instead of pressing with an interval, you can also press from a bar of 10 cm, in a slingshot (110-125 kg) or power 5 * 5.

The second training period according to Shapovalov is competitive. The scheme is more intense. Period - a month, 4 workouts per week. Weight calculation is strictly according to the formulas.

The third period is transitional. Decreases in intensity and volume. Then we start again the preparatory period.


National bench press training program - for athletes who work on and strength. This is a very narrowly focused training scheme, so for a while the athlete will have to forget about the symmetry and proportions of his body, and concentrate only on the result, in this case - to perform the maximum number of repetitions in the competitive weight.

There are several powerlifting federations in Russia: IPF / FPR, WPO / WPC / AWPC, WDFPF / RDFPF, WRPF, which also hold separate competitions in the "bench press" discipline (including different options, for example, "Russian bench press", "folk bench press"). Each federation has its own competition rules and standards.

Russian Powerlifting Federation (FPR / IPF)

Federation officially accredited by the State Committee for Sports of the Russian Federation. She is the Russian branch International Federation powerlifting, the English name of the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF).
He does not allocate bench press standards, but he holds separate competitions in this discipline. There are no standards.


Professional powerlifting organization - there is no doping control.

Bit Standards WPC Bench Press - Without Equipment

Bit Standards WPC Bench Press - Single Layer Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

Bit standards WPC bench press - multi-layer equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

Folk bench press - bench press on a barbell bench with a weight equal to the athlete's own weight, in accordance with the established rules, the maximum number of repetitions, without the use of press shirts. The weight must be in multiples of 2.5 kilograms. If the weight of the athlete is not a multiple of 2.5, then it is rounded up to the nearest weight multiple of 2.5 kilograms.

click on the picture to enlarge


This is the no-doping division of the WPC. For doping - life-long disqualification.

Bit Standards AWPC Bench Press - Without Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

Bit Standards AWPC Bench Press - Single Layer Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

Bit Standards AWPC Bench Press - Multi-Layer Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

All WPO / WPC / AWPC regulations on the federation website.

WDFPF / RDFPF (Russia)

The Federation is free from doping. For the use of dopig - lifelong disqualification.

click on the picture to enlarge

click on the picture to enlarge

World Raw Powerlifting Federation

The International Powerlifting Federation, which is made up of the strongest living barefoot powerlifters. I paid attention to it quite recently. Regulations at this link.

Film "UNCLE VOVA" by Dmitry Kasatov

(V. Kravtsov, D. Kasatov, S. Badyuk)

P.S. In my multi-year planning, detailed and detailed in the section "", I use bit AWPC standards without equipment.

The norms and rules of which were formulated in 2000, has become an independent sport. Although just recently it was easy strength exercise, which was performed in training. The first competitions in this sport were held in May 2000.

What is Russian bench press?

This is the lifting of the bar in a prone position the maximum number of times without the use of special equipment. The participants are divided into age groups, the weight of the barbell being lifted in a competition called "Russian bench press" depends on it. The standards regulate weight lifting from 55 to 150 kg. Women can also take part in the competition.

Russian bench press: competition

The organizers of the competition can choose several options for the competition.

"Baker's dozen". All athletes take turns performing three trips to weight. The weight is chosen by them independently. As a result, at least 8 and no more than 13 repetitions are included in the offset. In addition, all participants have the right to change the weight of the bar in each next approach, both up and down. As a result of the competition, the athleticism coefficient is calculated. The tonnage lifted in all three approaches is summed up and divided by the weight of the competitor. If, as a result, there are two athletes with the same odds, then the winner is the one who managed to lift the most weight.

"Classic Russian bench press". Each participant has one trip, where he must do as many barbell lifts of a certain weight as possible. He chooses the nomination on his own. At least 8 repetitions are counted.

"Pressing Marathon". All athletes must complete three approaches to a certain weight, they choose the weight themselves. Each approach counts at least 8 repetitions. At the end of the competition, the athleticism coefficient is calculated, as in the "Devil's Dozen".

Russian bench press: standards

The title of Candidate Master of Sports is given at regional and city competitions. The title of MC can be obtained only at the national championships, but with the condition that there are at least two qualified judges among the judges. MSMK is obtained only for international competitions... Below are the standards adopted since January 1, 2013.

Rod weight (kg)MSMKMCCCM1st rank2nd rank3rd rank1 youth category2 youth category3 youth rank
25 17 13 11
35 26,5 19,5 14,5 12
45 24,5 18 13,5 11
55 73 58 43 34,5 27,5 22 16,5 12 10
75 64,5 51 37,5 30,5 24 18,5 13,5 10 8
100 53 42 31 25 20 15 11 8
125 33 28 23 18 14 11
150 27,5 22,5 17,5 14,5 11,5 8,5

The Russian bench press, the standards of which change periodically, however, as in any sport, has become very popular, since no equipment is needed for training, the competitions are very entertaining, no age restrictions, and does not require lifting weights to the limit of their capabilities.

The Russian bench press is a fairly young sport, the first competitions in it began only in 2000, however, thanks to the popularity among iron sports fans, today the ranks of Russian bench press lovers are increasing every day. Today's article will consider the standards for the Russian bench press, which were approved on January 1, 2012.

Let me remind you that, unlike powerlifting, in the Russian bench press, athletes compete not in the maximum lifted weight in one repetition, but for the approach. That is, the more you squeeze the barbell per set, the better your result will be. To determine the winner, a special coefficient of athleticism is calculated (which is different for different barbell weights), it is calculated by following formula... KA = bar weight * reps / athlete weight. In accordance with the received coefficient, the athlete is assigned titles and categories (if the coefficient is appropriate).

Now let's talk about the standards themselves, they are divided into 2 groups - for men and for women.

Discharge standards for men

Rod weight 35 kg(only boys up to 15 years old can participate)

Rod weight 55 kg(kms, ms and elite - the weight of an athlete is not more than 75 kg)

Rod weight 75 kg

Rod weight 100 kg

Rod weight 125 kg

Rod weight 150 kg

Elite of the Russian press

Discharge standards for women

Rod weight 35 kg

Rod weight 45 kg

Rod weight 55 kg

Thus, if a man weighing 90 kilograms wants to get 1 discharge by squeezing a barbell of 100 kg, then he needs to squeeze it - 90 * 25 \ 100 = 22.5 - 23 times. I will not say exactly how much you need to squeeze at a time for such a result, but athletes with a bench press under 200 kg must cope with such a result.

At the end of the article, I suggest you watch a video from the golden tiger tournament in which the athlete shook the barbell weighing 100 kilograms 47 times.



Eurasian Powerlifting Federation












"People's press" - bench press on a barbell bench of a certain weight, equal to the athlete's own weight, in accordance with the established rules, the maximum number of repetitions, without the use of press shirts.

The determination of the weight on the barbell at all competitions in the "People's Press" is carried out in kilograms.

ANO "Eurasian Powerlifting Federation" recognizes and registers records of Russia, records of regions of Russia (in kilograms) in "People's press".


Men / Women:

YOUNGS / GIRLS from 13 to 19 years old (inclusive).

JUNIOR / CI from 20 to 23 years old (inclusive).

OPEN from 24 to 39 years old (inclusive).

VETERANS 1) from 40 to 49 years old (inclusive).

2) from 50 to 59 years (inclusive).

3) from 60 years of age and older

In relation to athletes who have reached the age of 13, the following condition applies: the athlete must have reached the age of 13 by the day of the competition. On the day the young man turns 20, he is no longer eligible to compete in the youth category. On the day a junior turns 24, he is no longer eligible to compete in the junior category.



52.0 kg - up to 52.0 kg;

56.0 kg - from 52.01 kg to 56.0 kg;

60.0 kg - from 56.01 kg to 60.0 kg;

67.5 kg - from 60.01 kg to 67.5 kg;

75.0 kg - from 67.51 kg to 75.0 kg;

82.5 kg - from 75.01 kg to 82.5 kg;

90.0 kg - from 82.51 kg to 90.0 kg;

100.0 kg - from 90.01 kg to 100.0 kg;

110.0 kg - from 100.01 kg to 110.0 kg;

125.0 kg - from 110.01 kg to 125.0 kg;

140.0 kg - from 125.01 kg to 140.0 kg;

140.0+ kg - from 140.01 kg above.


44.0 kg - up to 44.0 kg;

48.0 kg - from 44.01 kg to 48.0 kg;

52.0 kg - from 48.01 kg to 52.0 kg;

56.0 kg - from 52.01 kg to 56.0 kg;

60.0 kg - from 56.01 kg to 60.0 kg;

67.5 kg - from 60.01 kg to 67.5 kg;

75.0 kg - from 67.51 kg to 75.0 kg;

82.5 kg - from 75.01 kg to 82.5 kg;

90.0 kg - from 82.51 kg to 90.0 kg;

90.0+ kg - from 90.01 kg above.

  1. During a calendar year, each region of Russia has the right to exhibit at any competition a "People's Press" team with an unlimited number of athletes distributed in different weight categories. Regional branches of ANO "EFP" can set their own qualification standards for the inclusion of athletes in teams.
  2. As far as possible for all Russian Championships and Cups, workshops and international competitions, all athletes wishing to take part in them must be nominated to the Championships Organizing Committee at least 21 days before the date of the competition.
  3. The scoring system for all Championships and Cups of Russia, master tournaments and international competitions must be as follows: 12, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for the first 10 places in any weight and age category. All competitors who take places below 10th will receive one point for the team classification. The scoring system for other competitions is subject to revision and remains at the discretion of the jury and the Organizing Committee of the competition being held.
  4. In case of an equal number of points scored by the teams, the advantage is given to the team with more first places. In the case of an equal number of points scored by teams with the same number of first places, the team with more second places has an advantage in distribution, etc. up to the tenth order.
  5. At all Championships and Cups of Russia, master tournaments and international competitions, as well as regional tournaments, athletes admitted to participate must present at the weigh-in a document confirming their valid membership in ANO "EFP".


The weight on the barbell is set equal to the athlete's own weight recorded at the weigh-in. The weight must be in multiples of 2.5 kilograms. If the weight of the athlete is not a multiple of 2.5, then it is rounded up to the nearest weight multiple of 2.5 kilograms.

For women and boys, if desired, the weight of the barbell can be equal to ½ of its own weight, also a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. Such women and boys perform in a separate division from women and boys, respectively, who compete with a barbell weight equal to their own weight.



The exercise must be performed on a platform of at least 2.46m X 2.46m (8X8ft). The surface must be solid, non-slip and absolutely flat in the area where the competition is being performed. The surface of the platform can be covered with rubber mats or other similar flooring material. During the competition exercises, the presence of other persons on the platform is prohibited, except for the athlete, assistants, three judges and other officials, if necessary. Any cleaning or installation of the platform should only be carried out by assistants.

At all Championships and Cups of Russia, master tournaments and international competitions, in mandatory there must be a pedestal for rewarding athletes.


In all competitions held according to the rules of the "People's Press", only barbells with push-on discs are allowed. Only bars and discs that meet the ANO EFP specifications can be used in competition in all types of exercises. When using discs and bars that do not meet the specifications, the results and records set in the competition will not be counted.


a) The neck should be straight and have a good notch or grooveand comply with the following measurements:

  1. The total length of the bar must not exceed 2.2m.
  2. The distance between the bar bushings must not exceed 1.32m and must not be less than 1.31m.
  3. The neck diameter must not exceed 29mm and must not be less than 28mm.
  4. The weight of the bar with locks should be 25 kg.
  5. The headstock bushing diameter must not exceed 52mm, and must not be less than 49.5mm.
  6. There should be circular notches on the neck, the distance between which should be equal to 81 cm.

b). Disks must meet the following requirements:

  1. The difference between the marking weight of the disc used in competition and its actual weight must not exceed 0.25% of its weight.
  2. The diameter of the hole in the center of the disc should match the diameter of the neck to avoid unnecessary movement.
  3. Discs of 1.25kg, 2.5kg, 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 45kg and 50kg should be used.
  4. All discs must be clearly marked with a weight and must be installed on the bar in the following order: heavy discs inward (closer to the center of the neck) and smaller discs in descending order on the outside.
  5. The earliest and heaviest discs should be face-in on the neck, and the rest of the discs face-out.
  6. The diameter of the heaviest discs should not exceed 45cm.
  7. It is desirable that the discs in terms of color correspond to the following requirements: discs 10kg or less - any color, 15kg - yellow, 20kg - blue, 25kg - red, 45kg - golden, 50kg - green.


  1. Must be used in competition.
  2. Must weigh 2.5kg each.

d) Miscellaneous.

i. If traces of blood appear on the barbell or athlete, they must be removed immediately. The boom must be disinfected with 50% hydrogen peroxide solution


The bench press must be robust and provide maximum stability and meet the following requirements:

a). The length should not be less than 1.22m. The bench should be smooth and horizontal.

b). Width should not be less than 29cm and should not exceed 32cm.

c). The height should not be less than 42cm and should not exceed 45cm. The height is measured between the floor and the top of the soft surface of the bench, and the soft surface should not be compressed in any way.

d). Height-adjustable bench uprights must be a minimum of 82cm and a maximum of 100cm. The height of the bench posts with a non-adjustable height must be a minimum of 87cm and a maximum of 100cm. This height is measured between the floor and the bar that is on the racks.

e). The minimum width between the bench posts must be 1.10m.

f). Mandatory to use special "safe" press stands, excluding injury to the athlete in the event of a fall of the barbell.


a). If the bar or equipment becomes dirty with blood or other substances, they must be immediately cleaned with 50% hydrogen peroxide solution. The fretboard or other equipment should be wiped dry.

b). If the athlete becomes stained with blood or other substances, he should be immediately treated, a bandage should be applied to the wound to avoid further contamination of the bar or other equipment.


All items of personal equipment and clothing of the athlete must be clean and free from scuffs and tears.


Be sure to wear non-supportive leotards. It must be single-layer and represent a single piece of clothing. The straps of the suit must be worn over the shoulders of the athlete during all exercises in competition. The suit can be of any color, solid or multi-colored.

The suit must have a leg that does not exceed mid-thigh (midline defined between the crotch and top patella). Women are allowed to wear a one-piece leotard that matches the required suit design. Leotards with sleeves or high cropped legs (like a leotard) are prohibited for use in competition. Wearing more than one suit is not allowed.


It is allowed to wear one T-shirt (half-sleeves, T-shirt known as "T-shert") with or without sleeves under the suit. It should be made from a single layer of fabric and be a separate piece of clothing. Sleeves should not be below the elbows when the athlete's arm is lowered. The jersey can be of any color, solid or multi-colored, offensive or contrary to the spirit of the competition is not allowed.

Belt (belt).

The participant can use a belt (belt). It should be worn over a leotard.

Materials and construction:

a) The belt is made of leather, vinyl or other similar non-stretchable material from one or several layers glued and / or stitched together. No metal parts other than those described below are allowed.

b) The belt must not have additional soft padding, fastenings or supports of any other material outside or inside the belt.

c) Buckles, rivets and stitches are the only non-leather parts allowed in the belt. The buckle should be attached to one end of the belt with rivets and / or sewn on. The belt should not have additional padding on the outside or inside the belt.

d) The tongue loop must be fastened to the belt in close proximity to the buckle with rivets and / or sewn on.

e) On outside belt, you can put the name of the athlete, the name of the country or club for which he is playing.

f) The belt may have a buckle with one or two prongs (forks) or special type lever lock (carbine).


Wearing socks is allowed.


During the exercise, the athlete must wear shoes in addition to socks. The only restrictions apply to shoes with metal spikes or slats.

Hand bandages.

Bandages not exceeding 1m in length and 8cm in width can be used. Alternatively, special wristbands with a width of no more than 10 cm can be used. Combination with bandages is not allowed. Loop and Velcro fasteners can be attached to the bandages. When lifting the bar, the loop should not be put on. The width of the winding from the middle of the wrist up - no more than 10 cm and down (on the wrist) - no more than 2 cm. The total winding width is no more than 12cm.


a) Two layers of medical tape can be applied to thumbs... It is forbidden to use a medical tape or its analog anywhere on the body without the official permission of the judge or specially appointed by ANO "EFP" officials for the competition. Medical tape or tape should not help the lifter to hold the barbell in his hands.

b) With the permission of the judges, the official doctor on duty or the paramedic on duty may apply a patch or bandage to injured body parts. Likewise, medical patches and bandages can be applied in the event of injuries to the palms, but under no circumstances should these patches be wrapped around the palm.

General requirements.

a) It is strictly forbidden to use oil, ointments or other lubricants on the body, suit or equipment during the exercise. This does not apply to ointments and rubbing used for therapeutic purposes. However, such funds should not be visible during exercise. The use of baby powder, talc, rosin and magnesia is allowed. The use of spray glue is allowed only by the athlete himself, but not in relation to sports equipment.

b) Do not use any foreign matter to handle powerlifting equipment such as a platform, bench or bar.

c) All attributes of the athlete's uniform and personal equipment must be clean and tidy. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, the athlete, by decision of the judges, may not be allowed to further participate in the competition.

d) Judges may request that excessive “psychostimulation” techniques (swearing, praying, spanking and hitting) be limited to athletes.


  1. There is no official check of suits and personal equipment at any competition.
  2. It is the responsibility of the Athlete to ensure that personal equipment rules are followed during Competitive Events.
  3. It is allowed to check any item of uniform and personal equipment of the athlete, at his request, in case he doubts their compliance with the established requirements. Such requests should be made to the judge present at the weigh-in, but not to the designated weigh-in official. Such checks may be carried out at any time by the judge or jury members prior to the start of the exercises.
  4. Items such as headbands, mouth guards, jewelry, watches, glasses, incl. and sunscreen, as well as feminine hygiene products.
  5. Any accessory of uniform or equipment that is recognized as unacceptable due to its untidy (dirty, torn) or offensive appearance for the spirit of the competition, may be rejected by the judges up to the denial of the athlete's permission to compete.
  6. If an athlete enters the platform, putting on or using one or another piece of uniform or equipment that does not meet the above requirements, his approach is considered unsuccessful, or the athlete may be disqualified from the competition. Any minor irregularities or items of uniform and equipment noticed before the athlete entered the platform, the judges and jury members must inform the athlete and demand that they be brought in line with the rules before the athlete can continue to compete.
  7. It is allowed to check the uniform and equipment of any athlete, regarding the admissibility of which the judges have doubts, both before and after the exercise.
  8. Any athlete who sets a Russian record or regional record must be checked immediately. The check can be only visual, if the compliance of the athlete's personal equipment with the rules is not in doubt, or, in the opposite case, more thorough. A more thorough check is carried out outside the platform, preferably in a separate room, by three judges, or by officials if the athlete is of the opposite gender. In all cases, the decision that the record is recognized is communicated by the head judge to the speaker / announcer and the technical secretary.
  9. Participants must be weighed in 24 hours before the start of the competition in the appropriate weight category... The initial weighing takes an hour and a half. Re-weighing is carried out two hours before and ends half an hour before the start of the competition in the corresponding weight category. These two weigh-in sessions are required. It is possible to conduct additional preliminary weigh-in sessions by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the competition and the members of the jury. All weigh-in sessions must be communicated to athletes and coaches.
  10. All athletes of the corresponding weight category must be weighed during one of two mandatory or additional (if provided) sessions, which are carried out in the presence of at least one judge of ANO "EFP". However, in any case, all athletes must be present at the first weigh-in session in order to confirm their participation in the competition.
  11. The weigh-in of each participant is carried out in a room behind closed doors, where the participant himself, his coach or manager and the judge or appointed official are present.
  12. Athletes can weigh themselves naked or in their underwear (briefs for men; bra and panties for women). Weigh-in must be carried out by officials of the same gender as the lifter. In this case, additional officials may be appointed.
  13. To establish order at the weigh-in, lots must be drawn. The draw determines the order in which to enter the platform during the competition, when the athletes order the same weight in their attempts.
  14. Each athlete is weighed only once. Overweighing is allowed only for those athletes whose own weight was less or more than the permissible limits of the weight category. These athletes must return to weigh-in and pass it again at one of the two compulsory weigh-in sessions, before the end of the last weigh-in session in the one and a half hour allotted for this category; otherwise, they will be excluded from the competition in that weight category. An athlete trying to adjust his weight can be weighed as many times as necessary, but within the time allotted for the weight category.
  15. If the weight of an athlete exceeds the limits of his weight category, he may move to the next, heavier weight category. Such lifter must be weighed again during the designated weigh-in session for the next category. The Athlete must meet all of the established qualifying standards for these Competitions. The qualification check is carried out in the presence of the athlete.
  16. If the weight of an athlete is below his weight category, he may transfer to a lighter weight category, provided that the weighing procedure for this weight category has not yet been completed. Verification of qualifications is carried out in the presence of the athlete.
  17. The athlete's official weight will be recorded to the nearest 100 grams. The Athlete must meet all of the established qualifying standards for these Competitions.
  18. Participants of the age categories "boys", "juniors", "veterans" have the right to declare participation or transfer in the category "open" without additional re-weighing, or to go through the weighing procedure again at their own request.
  19. In the event of severe weather conditions or emergencies in the competition area, the time allotted for the weigh-in procedure may be extended by the decision of the technical secretary or a member of the jury.
  20. The athlete has the right to check and order the height of the bench press before the start of the competition.
  21. The bench must be located on the platform with the headboard facing the head referee.
  22. The lifter should lie on his back with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface. The buttocks should not come off the bench during the exercise. The sole of his shoe, or part of the sole, must be in contact with the surface of the platform. The choice of head position is at the discretion of the athlete.
  23. An athlete of any height can use discs or blocks to increase height to provide firm leg support. The size of the blocks should not exceed 45 * 45 cm.
  24. There must be no more than four and at least two spotters / assistants. The athlete can ask assistants or personal spotters to help him remove the bar from the racks. Only designated spotters / assistants may remain on the platform during the bench press. The bar is fed to straight arms, but not to the chest. The personal belayer, having assisted the athlete in removing the barbell from the racks, must immediately clear space in front of the chief judge and leave the platform. If the personal spotter of the athlete does not immediately leave the platform, or in one way or another obstructs the view, the chief referee has the right to give the command "Stands". After the Chief Referee explains the reason for giving such a command, the athlete continues to compete within the time allotted for the start of the exercise.
  25. The distance between the hands on the bar, which is measured between the index fingers, should not exceed 81 cm.If the athlete grasps the bar at different distances, when one hand extends beyond the marked notch or tape, it is his responsibility to warn the referee and allow checking the selected grip before starting the exercise attempt. If this is not done before the lifter enters the platform for the competition attempt, all necessary explanations or measurements of the grip width will be taken within the athlete's allotted time for the attempt. Allowed to use reverse grip and the use of one-way grip.
  26. The athlete performs only one approach (except in cases of errors in setting the weight of the stays and others).
  27. After removing the bar from the racks on fully extended arms with a grip not exceeding the permitted one, taking the starting position in which the buttocks touch the bench, and the legs are on the platform, without touching the bench or its supports, the command of the chief judge on the platform sounds: "Press".
  28. The athlete receives only one command to start the exercise.
  29. After receiving the command, the athlete must perform the first repetition in the exercise: lower the barbell until the bar touches the body and then squeeze the bar up to the "Straightened arms" position (forearms are straight in elbow joints not less than when accepting the starting position, before the command "Press") After that, the chief judge on the platform immediately announces the ordinal score of the repetition performed, after which the athlete performs the next repetition, and so on.
  30. The goal of the athlete is to perform maximum number repetitions with a barbell of the established weight, within one approach, performed in accordance with these Rules.
  31. The judge's score means a valid attempt.
  32. If, instead of counting, the referee's command or repetition of counting sounds, then the athlete has made a mistake.
  33. The athlete can make stops during the exercise and rest in the upper position "barbell on straight arms", but not more than 5 seconds. The chief referee marks the time of rest and, after its end, gives the command "Press" to continue the exercise. If the athlete does not fulfill the command, then the next command "To the racks" is given, indicating the end of the exercise and summing up the results with the announcement of the number of fixed repetitions.
  34. Athletes are sequentially called to the platform by the competition secretary. After being called within 1 minute, the athlete must start performing the exercise, having received the command "Press" from the chief judge.
  35. It is the responsibility of the lifter to inform the personal spotter to leave the platform immediately after assisting in lifting the bar with straightened arms. Of particular importance is the requirement for an assistant who assists in removing the bar to leave the platform immediately so as not to obstruct the head referee's view.
  36. 16. The approach is considered successful if the number of reps counted by the head judge is equal to or more than 8 repetitions.



Reasons why the command "To the racks" is given.

  1. In the event that the personal spotter does not immediately leave the platform, or in one way or another deprives the senior judge of the opportunity to see the exercise. After the Chief Referee explains the reason for such a command, the athlete continues to compete within the time allotted to start the set.
  2. In case of lowering the bar without the command of the head judge "Press" to start the exercise. After the Chief Referee explains the reason for such a command, the athlete continues to compete within the time allotted to start the set.
  3. In case of a separation of the pelvis during the exercise after the command "Press".
  4. In case of complete separation of the feet, or foot, from the surface of the platform (footrests) during the exercise after the command "Press".
  5. If the feet touch any surface of the bench or its supports after the command "Press".
  6. When the bar is in the "Bar on the chest" position.
  7. If the bar is in the "Straightened arms" position in order to rest in the upper position of the amplitude of movement of the projectile for more than 5 seconds and ignore the "Press" command for the timely continuation of the exercise.

After the submission of such a command, with the exception of the first and second points, the counted number of repetitions is recorded in the competition protocol.

Reasons why a repetition in the bench press does not count.

  1. If the command "To the racks" is given while lifting the bar to the "Straightened arms" position.
  2. In the case of incomplete extension of the forearms in the elbow joints at the top point of the range of motion.
  3. In the absence of touching the barbell of the chest while performing the movement at the lowest point of the amplitude.
  4. If the bar intentionally touches the bench stands or safety stops during the exercise in order to facilitate the completion of the press.


It is allowed and not a mistake to move the feet on the platform (footrests) without completely losing contact with its surface;

It is allowed and is not a mistake to skew the bar, “bounce” from the chest, double movement, in any case, the “Straightened arms” position is considered a valid attempt;

In case of a significant change in the allowed width of the grip that occurred during the performance of the competitive approach, the judge on the platform gives the command “Stop” and / or indicates to the athlete to independently restore the previous width of the grip with the command “Grip”;

The "Barbell on the chest" position is defined as the position of the barbell on the chest with the explicit purpose of resting at the lowest point of the projectile's range of motion.


There must be two judges: a senior judge and a side judge.

Senior judge on the platform, supervises the progress of the athletes' performance and monitors the conduct of it in strict accordance with the rules of the competition.

Together with the secretary of the competition, the senior judge on the platform draws lots before entering into the scoresheet.

Senior judge on the platform:

Placed behind the head of the athlete in the starting position for the press, so as not to interfere with the audience;

Keeps the score and notes the mistakes of the competitor during the execution of the attempt;

Determines the results of the performance, except when applications are submitted;

Announces the end of the approach and its results.

The chief judge on the platform stops the course of the competitor's performance if:

The participant has violated the rules and must be given an official warning;

The participant gets injured during the performance;

This is required by the chief judge of the competition.

The referee, before giving the command to start the exercise "Press", must make sure that violations in the acceptance of the starting position are not fixed by the side referee.

Side judge on the platform:

Placed closer to the feet of the athlete in the bench press starting position so as not to interfere with the audience;

Responsible for the correct weight setting on the bar;

Ensures that the suit and personal belongings of the athlete on the platform comply with the requirements of the Rules.

Evaluates the actions of athletes and makes sure that the performance is held in accordance with these rules;

Carries out control over the position of the pelvis and the position of the athlete's legs during the adoption of the starting position and during the exercise after the command "Press". In case of violation, informs the chief referee about the inadequacy of the starting position, about the separation of the pelvis from the bench, about the separation of the feet (foot) from the surface of the platform (footrests) or about touching the bench and its supports with the feet. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the side judge on the platform gives a signal to the senior judge on the platform with his hand raised up and the command corresponding to the violation: "Taz" or "Legs";

Commands given by the refereeing panel on the platform during the exercise and the reasons for their presentation.

By the senior judge:

"Bench press"- the command given to start the exercise by the athlete and to continue the exercise after 5 seconds of rest in the upper position.

"Stop"- the command given in the event that the athlete performs repeated (more than two) frequent repetitions without proper fixation of the projectile at the top point of the amplitude or other error, which is additionally voiced by the judge by giving commands "Breast", "Elbows" or "Grab".

"Breast"- the command given by the judge in the absence of touching the barbell on the chest.

"Elbows"- the command given by the judge in case of incomplete extension of the forearms in the elbow joints at the top point of the range of motion (less than when taking the starting position). And also in case of incorrect acceptance of the starting position "Straightened arms" before the command "Press".

"Grab"- the command given in case of non-compliance or change in the permitted grip width.

"On the racks"- the command given by the chief judge to return the barbell to the racks.

"Help"- the command given by the chief judge to assist the athlete from the side of the assistants to control the barbell and return it to the racks.

Side judge:

"Taz" and raised hand- the command given in case of separation of the pelvis from the bench during the exercise after the command "Press".

"Legs" and a raised hand- the command given by the side judge when the feet (foot) are lifted from the surface of the platform (stands) and when the bench or its supports are touched by the feet.

Before the start of the competition, the jury, judges or specially appointed persons must make sure that:

  1. The platform and competition equipment meet all the requirements of the rules. Weights of bars and discs have been checked, and inventory with defects has been discarded.
  2. The balance is calibrated and works accurately.
  3. Athletes will weigh in within the time and limits of their weight class, and within the time allotted for postponed weigh-in sessions.
  4. Athletes' suit and personal equipment have been reviewed and approved or rejected if necessary. Speaker / announcer, time controller (if the judge does not perform his functions), judges with participants, secretaries / scorers, world record secretaries and assistants / spotters are familiar with their duties and rules.
  5. If, prior to the start of the exercise, the side judge discovers an obvious violation of the rules regarding uniform and personal equipment, he must bring this to the attention of the crew chief. The senior referee, having discovered such violations, can take independent actions. In both cases, the referees must check the athlete's uniform and equipment together. If such a violation is recognized as a minor error or oversight, the athlete will be given the opportunity to complete the approach after the error has been corrected. The time allotted for the exercise will not be suspended to correct such an oversight. The decision on the qualification of the violation on the part of the athlete and the execution of sanctions thereto remain at the discretion of the judges.

Violations, consideredvqualitydeliberateattemptsviolationsrules:

  1. Using professional bench shirts
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