Iris Kyle. Iris Kyle

Iris Floyd Kyle was born August 22, 1974, and is an American professional bodybuilder, champion in the women's category.

She currently resides in Henderson, Nevada. As of 2014, she has 9 overall victories and one in heavyweight on the Olympia stage, as well as 7 victories in the Ms. International". She ranks first in the list of the best bodybuilding athletes according to IFBBPro.

Iris Kyle was born in 1974 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Being the fifth of six children in the family, Iris showed a love for sports since childhood. In her youth, she was fond of cross-country running, basketball and softball. In basketball, she achieved particular success, for which she was encouraged by various sports scholarships. After release from high school Benton Harbor, she continued her studies at Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi; business administration was chosen as a specialty.

Iris claims that the reason for starting bodybuilding was the move to Orange County, California, in 1994, where she was surrounded by fit and healthy people. She wanted to look the same, and she was sure that everything should work out. Iris recalls purchasing her first gym membership: “I distinctly remember being a little overwhelmed by the variety of equipment that seemed to have no end, but I knew for sure… without feeling even the slightest doubt… that I could get the body I wanted.” itself".

She later became an employee at the same gym, which gave her more opportunities to learn and grow. She also became a voracious reader of FLEX, Muscle and Fitness, and Iron Man. Iris recalls again: “I remember the first time I saw a photo of Lina Murray in one of the magazines, I was in shock,” and adds, “I cut out her photo and stuck it on my refrigerator. Since then, my goal has been the same physical development like hers." One day, a local promoter met Iris at the gym and, after evaluating her data, offered to prepare for the Long Beach Muscle Classic tournament, due in 10 weeks. Four years later, Kyle will receive his IFBB pro card at the age of 23, thanks to an absolute victory at the NPC USA Championship held in Las Vegas in 1998.

Iris had a series high-profile victories as a professional. With the exception of bad starts in Ms. Internationals" in 1999 and 2008, Iris always got into the top 6 of absolutely any IFBB tournament. Iris got her first victory as a professional in 2001, becoming ms. Olympia in the heavyweight category, but losing in overall standings Juliet Bergman. Looking back, Iris states: “I sincerely believe that it was I who should have become absolute winner that year; I'm just sure that my form was better.

In 2002, Linda Murray returned from retirement in order to regain the champion title in 2002 and 2003. During this time, Iris takes second place both times, right behind her own idol. In 2004, Iris becomes the winner in both the heavy category and the absolute category, which brings her the long-awaited championship on the Olympia stage.

In 2005, Airi decides to skip Ms. International" and focuses on defending the Olympia title. However, in 2005, the "20 percent" rule came out, forcing all female contestants to reduce their muscularity by 20%. This allows you to win not only "Ms. International”, but also to become the absolute champion on the stage of Olympia.

In 2006, Iris returns to regain both titles - "Ms. International" and "Ms. Olympia. In 2007, she repeats her success again and wins both championships. However, in 2008 at the Ms. International” there is a small excess - Iris takes 7th place. According to IFBB judge Sandy Ranalli, there were some excesses in her uniform, which distorted the overall physique. But all in the same 2008, Iris wins his next championship title on the Olympia stage. In 2009, she again wins double win within the framework of the competitions “Ms. International" and "Ms. Olympia. In 2010, Iris wins her fifth title at Ms. International", beating the record of four wins, considered the most successful athlete in this competition. She also receives the next champion titles at Olympia in 2010 and 2011, and “Ms. International" 2011.

In 2012, Iris Kyle was unable to participate in the Ms. International" due to a leg injury. However, this does not prevent her from winning the Olympia of the same year, and taking revenge on Ms. International" in 2013. Later, she submits to the ninth victory in a row and on “Ms. Olympia.

Iris is the owner of 9 titles of the absolute champion "Ms. Olympia", and 10 in his weight category. In the period 2000-2004. there were two weight categories, but starting from 2001, the opportunity to win an absolute victory among two weight categories was introduced. In 2001, she won the heavy category, but lost in the absolute category to the lighter Juliet Bergmann.

Because of this discrepancy, confusion occurred in various sports publications - they said that it was Iris who became Ms. Olympia. Iris' 9 victories (2004, 2006-2013) puts her name on a par with such great champions as Linda Murray (1990-1995, 2002, 2003), Lee Haney (1984-1991) and Ronnie Coleman (1998-2005).

She is also the most consecutive Ms. Olympia champion, winning back-to-back titles for 8 consecutive years from 2006 to 2013. Including she boasts seven victories on “ms. International”, which no woman has ever achieved.

In 2013, Iris wins her ninth Ms. Olympia title, making her the most outstanding champion bodybuilding in the history of sports.

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(Iris Kyle) USA

Height 170 cm

Competitive weight 72 kg

Weight in the off-season 75 kg

Iris Kyle, professional American bodybuilder, was born on August 22, 1974 in the town of Benton Harbor (Michigan). Of the 6 children in the family, Iris was the penultimate.

The passion for sports in the girl manifested itself since childhood - softball and basketball became the main hobbies (for some time, Iris was a member of the US basketball team). In parallel, to keep fit, the girl was seriously engaged in running. It was success in sports that contributed to the fact that by the time Iris entered college, Iris had no shortage of offers. The choice fell on Alcorn State University (Mississippi) Faculty of Business Administration.

The first serious step in the field of bodybuilding for Iris was the victory at the Ironmaiden Championships in 1994. The professional choice in favor of bodybuilding was made after winning the US Championships in 1998, when Iris really received professional status and a chance to compete with the best in bodybuilding.

Iris takes her figure seriously. Her weight is 65-77 kg with a height of 170 cm, and when the competition period comes, the four-time winner of Ms. Olympia reduces her weight to 70-73 kg. Iris has a passion for Thai cuisine, which is extremely varied and rich in vitamins (which is important for sports). Favorite delicacies include Swiss chocolate and yoghurts. Among the favorite actors are bodybuilders Cuba Gooding and Angela Baset, her favorite TV series is Law & Order. V free time(how free it can be for a professional like Iris) the girl prefers shopping and outdoor activities (biking, rollerblading, long walks and running along the beach). Iris is also partial to travel.

Bodybuilding does not leave much time for rest, besides, constant traveling is very tiring, so Iris considers some quiet place, away from city noise and dust, where one could relax all day long, sipping wine and enjoying a massage.

Among the goals set, Iris highlights the opening of private courses for women who have problems with weight and suffer from low self-esteem because of this. The bodybuilder hopes that she can help such women not only improve their shape, but also believe in themselves.

According to Steve Venerstorm, Iris is now just "on the crest of a wave." And it will be extremely difficult for her rivals to challenge this victorious ascent. "She's been too long in the bridesmaids," says Steve, hinting transparently at the fact that Iris has been underestimated as a serious rival for a very long time. Although many experts who have been following the competition for the past seven years unanimously argue that Iris' career rise was only a matter of time. As you know, Iris's main competitor, the eight-time Miss Olympia champion, left her career only at the age of 42 - and this allows us to confidently expect that Iris will achieve more than one victory before she decides to leave the "big sport".

The most important achievements in Iris' career are Ms. Olympia and Ms. International. Behind the bodybuilder is a four-time victory in Ms. Olympia (the first in the heavy weight category), a three-time taking second place. The first victory in "Miss International" Iris first went in 2004. True, since then, she has been awarded 1st place three times already: in 2006, 2007 and 2009.

At the end of her career as a bodybuilder, Iris is already promised a place in the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.

Performance history:

Competition Place
Miss Olympia 2011 1
Miss International 2011 1
Miss Olympia 2010 1
Miss International 2010 1
Miss Olympia 2009 1
Miss International 2009 1
Miss Olympia 2008 1
Miss International 2008 7
Miss Olympia 2007 1
Miss International 2007 1
Miss Olympia 2006 1
Miss International 2006 1
Miss Olympia 2005 2
Miss Olympia 2004 1
Miss Olympia 2004
Miss International 2004 1
Miss International 2004 1 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss Olympia 2003
Miss Olympia 2002 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2002 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Power Show Pro 2002 2 in category Heavyweight
Miss Olympia 2001 1 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2001 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss Olympia 2000 5 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2000 3 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Ms. Olympia 1999 4
Miss International 1999 15
World Championship Pro 1999 2
Nationals 1997 4 in category Heavyweight

Iris Kyle in professional rankings:

Place Rating Rating date
1 2010 IFBB Women's Professional Bodybuilding Rankings 05.03.2010
1 01.10.2009
1 2009 IFBB Women's Professional Bodybuilding Rankings 08.08.2009


Iris Floyd Kyle was born in 1974 in Benton Harbor, Michigan (Benton Harbor, Michigan). He was the fifth of six children in the family and grew up very athletic - she was engaged athletics, cross country running, softball and basketball. After graduating from Benton Harbor High School, Iris became a student of Alcorn State University in Lorman (Lorman, Mississippi) on a sports basketball scholarship, she studied business administration.

Later, when Kyle became already famous and gave interviews, she said that when she arrived in California (Orange County, California) and saw many beautiful, athletic and healthy people She really wanted to be one of them. So she went to the gym. Iris said that the hall literally amazed her with all kinds of simulators - there was simply everything to do whatever you want with your body. So, Kyle began training, gradually getting deeper into bodybuilding, and at some point she realized that she could very well become the best. Soon she was already working as an instructor in the gym, and Iris's body became more and more prominent as she continued to train.

Once in one of the sports magazines Kyle saw photos of the legendary Lenda Murray (Lenda Murray). She cut out the poster and stuck it on her fridge at home; since then, Iris Kyle has had a dream - she wanted to become like Lenda.

One day, a promoter came to the gym where Iris worked, took the necessary measurements and invited her to take part in bodybuilding competitions, to which the girl agreed with joy and excitement. It was 1994 and Kyle's first competition was the Long Beach Muscle Classic where she placed 1st. Thus began a long streak of Iris Kyle victories that continues to this day.

In 1998, Iris won the NPC USA Championship in Las Vegas and became an IFBB professional at the age of 23.

To date, Kyle has won seven "Ms. Internationals" contests, and another very important achievement is her nine victories in perhaps the most prestigious contest - "Ms. Olympia". She earned her first championship title in "Ms. Olympia" in heavyweight champion in 2001. In 2002, Lenda Murray again entered the competition arena, who was taking a break, and she slightly pressed Iris, and two next year she was second, but in 2003 she again earned the championship title. In 2005, the IFBB was liquidated weight categories, and Kyle's position was shaken again, but by 2006 she was back in shape and won again.

Iris Kyle's streak of victories in both competitions - "Ms. International" and "Ms. Olympia" - continues to this day, and she is considered the most titled bodybuilder of our time. In addition, with her victories, she is the most successful female bodybuilder of all time and tops the IFBB Pro Women's Bodybuilding Ranking List.

From the personal life of champion Kyle, it is known that she is a very zealous Christian, and never forgets to thank the Lord, who sends her wonderful victories. Iris speaks English, German and Spanish. She is single and currently lives in Henderson, Nevada (Henderson, Nevada). Iris is the co-owner of the network gyms in various places in California and Texas (Texas).

Best of the day

Iris is expected to appear in the 2014 film We Are Sisyphos.

“Fitness and bodybuilding is my life,” says Iris Kyle, “and I am very glad that what I do is appreciated.” And she truly loves what she does. "It's love," Iris laughs. "It's definitely not for money."

It should be added that a lot of controversy has already flared up about the appearance of Iris - whether what Kyle promotes should be considered female beauty. Indeed, Iris looks at least courageous, although even an inexperienced eye can see how developed and proportional her muscles are. Be that as it may, a huge number of people in the world consider her a beauty and a standard, and the same huge number of young girls have already attached her posters to their refrigerators, because Iris Kyle has already become a legend in female bodybuilding today.

She was born on August 22, 1974 in the state of Michigan, in the city of Benton Harbor. There were 6 children in her family. Iris was sixth.

Iris Kyle has been interested in sports since childhood. Then she liked softball and basketball. For some time, Iris Kyle was a member of the US basketball team. In addition, she was engaged in running, so as not to lose shape. It was sports that ensured that when Iris Kyle went to college, she had no shortage of offers. Of all, she chose Alcorn University in Mississippi. Iris Kyle entered the Faculty of Business Administration.

For the first time, Iris Kyle seriously thought about bodybuilding when she won the Ironmaiden Championships in 1994.

Iris Kyle decided to go in for bodybuilding professionally after winning the US Championships in 1998. Then she got a chance to fight with the best athletes.

“Miss Olympia” is very good at looking after her appearance. She is 170 tall and weighs 65-77 kg. During the competition, she reduces weight to 70-73 kilograms. Iris is a four-time Ms. Olympia winner.

"Miss Olympia" is very fond of Thai cuisine. It has a lot of vitamins. favorite treats" Miss Olympia” are yogurt and Swiss chocolate.

In her free time, which is extremely rare, "Miss Olympia" likes to ride a bike, rollerblade, run along the beach. But with sports you are very exhausted. Therefore, in Lately"Miss Olympia" likes to lie in a quiet place, enjoy a massage and sip wine.

Favorite actors are Cuba Gooding and Angela Basset.

With your dream and next goal Iris Kyle considers the opening of courses for women who have problems with weight, and components in this regard. So that women can believe in themselves and correct the shortcomings of their figure. And keep it up to date as well.

Many believe that now Iris Kyle is at the peak of her career. Previously, many underestimated her as a rival, but now it is very difficult to catch up with her. Iris Kyle, the video with the athlete clearly demonstrates this. But everyone unanimously claimed that her career is not over, and Iris Kyle still has a lot to achieve. She still has a long way to go.

In addition, at the end of his sports career, Iris Kyle was promised a place in the bodybuilding hall of fame, and photos of Iris Kyle will adorn all museum stands dedicated to bodybuilding. Remember that you can achieve the same results as Iris using sports pharmacology in bodybuilding, as well as the best sports nutrition which is easy to buy in our store.

Photo of Iris Kyle from the championships:

Miss Olympia 2003

Miss Olympia 2004

Date of birth - August 22, 1974
Citizenship - United States of America
Official site -
Full name: Iris Floyd Kyle
Nicknames - Chocolate Chip, Iron Maiden, Ronnie Coleman Woman

Anthropometric data: Height - 170 cm. Competitive weight - 72 kg. Weight in the offseason - 75 kg.

Achievements: Ten-time winner of the Ms. Olympia tournament.
The legendary female bodybuilder, the owner of the absolute "Olympic" record, was born in 1974 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. WITH early childhood sport has taken root future star- running, softball and even being a member of the US basketball team. A bunch of sports achievements opened wide opportunities for a young African-American woman - she received a scholarship to study at Alcorn State University (Lorman, Mississippi). By the way, this university is the first historically "black" (Negro) university in the United States.

After graduating, Kyle moved to Orange County and inhaling the Californian air, picked up the “bacillus” of bodybuilding, seriously ill with “body building”. In particular, the inimitable Lenda Murray became her idol and inspiration. Toffee recalls how, when she first came to the gym, she was stunned by the amount of iron, but did not have the slightest doubt that she had come to the right place.

And the Iron Maiden made her body exactly the way she wanted.

In 1994 Iris Kyle becomes the best at the Long Beach Muscle Classic. At the same time, Kyle begins training with professional bodybuilder Patrick Lynn.

Iris Kyle: Iron Maiden of bodybuilding

In 1998, as a 23-year-old girl, she wins the US Championship(NPC USA Championship in Las Vegas) in the heavyweight category and receives a professional IFBB card, and at the same time - a chance to share the tournament podium with the best of the best, become famous, get rich, etc. Iris herself never hid her ambition, she says that she "always loved money, attention and victories." Except for the failures of Ms. Internationals" in 1999 and 2008, Kyle is systematically in the top 6 of any professional bodybuilding tournament.

In 2000, on "Ms. Internationals" - disqualification for the use of diuretics (Iris Kyle and Tuzzy Colomb).

In 2001, Iris Kyle climbed the top step of the Ms. Olympia podium for the first time. in the heavyweight category, losing in the overall standings to the Dutchwoman Juliet Bergman. Remembering this loss, Iris is annoyed and says that “I sincerely believe that I should have been the overall winner of that year; I'm just sure that my form was better.

In 2002. the bodybuilder had to contend with another famous dark-skinned star and idol of youth - Lenda Murray. In the end, Kyle is only second. The situation repeated itself in the following year, 2003. But Lenda's sun had already passed its zenith and these were the last flashes before sunset: 2004 finally brought the absolute superiority of Iris, this female version of Ronnie Coleman.

2005 has prepared a nasty surprise for all competing female bodybuilders.- "20% rule", new in the tournament. And this rule prescribed to reduce the muscularity of the fair sex. As a result, Iris was unable to defend her title, losing it to the Venezuelan bodybuilder Yaxeni Oriquid. It's a shame and annoyance, because Kyle even decided to skip the Ms. International in order to fully immerse herself in the preparations for the Olympia. By the way, Yakseni becomes the best at this competition. Without a doubt, a good year for the girl.

But in 2006 Orikuin loses both titles - Kyle proved that last year's loss was nothing more than an unfortunate coincidence due to a change in tournament policy. Then there are almost continuous victories, with the exception of an unfortunate excess - 7th place in the "Miss International" for "some excesses of forms."

2012 "pleased" the athlete with a leg injury, which, however, did not prevent her from becoming the best at Olya.

A real fighter, "boy-woman", Iris is also the most consistent champion in women's bodybuilding at the Ms. Olympia tournament, winning titles one after another for a long eight years in a row (2006-2013). In addition, she has 7 victories in her piggy bank. “ms. International”, which no woman has ever achieved. And among the "Misters" there is not a single athlete with so many victories!

You can call "Miss" Kyle "the best" a thousand times, but Iris personifies the apogee of the trends in women's bodybuilding, which ultimately caused the collapse of the direction in the Olympia tournament. Too much pharma, ladies.

Iris Kyle: performance history

Miss Olympia 2014
Miss Olympia 2013
Miss International 2013
Miss Olympia 2012
Miss Olympia 2011
Miss International 2011
Miss Olympia 2010
Miss International 2010
Miss Olympia 2009
Miss International 2009
Miss Olympia 2008
Miss International 2008
Miss Olympia 2007
Miss International 2007 1
Miss Olympia 2006 1
Miss International 2006 1
Miss Olympia 2005 2
Miss Olympia 2004 1
Miss Olympia 2004
Miss International 2004 1
Miss International 2004 1 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Miss Olympia 2003
Miss Olympia 2002 2 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Miss International 2002 2 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Power Show Pro 2002 2 in category « Heavy weight»
Miss Olympia 2001 1 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Miss International 2001 2 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Miss Olympia 2000 5 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Miss International 2000 3 in +135 lb category (over 61 kg.)
Ms. Olympia 1999 4
Miss International 1999 15
World Championship Pro 1999 2
Nationals 1997 4 in the Heavyweight category