Beauty workout in 10 minutes. The incredible cindy whitmarsh and her workouts

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Going through fitness programs in search of uncomplicated workout for the whole body? Check out Cindy Whitmarsh's Beauty in 10 Minutes workouts, which will help you achieve a slim and fit figure.

Description of the program "Beauty in 10 minutes" with Cindy Whitmarsh

"Beauty in 10 Minutes" is a complex of training sessions with Cindy Whitmarsh for those who are just starting to engage in fitness. The program is designed to work on the muscles of the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. You will strengthen your body, making it firmer and more prominent. The course consists of 5 workouts for various problem areas, lasting 10 minutes. All classes are built on the exercises available that even beginners will be able to do. The program is accompanied by a detailed commentary by the trainer of all the nuances of the exercises.

The fitness course includes the following video workouts:

  • For the buttocks. Which of the girls does not dream of a beautiful and elastic ass? Together with Cindy Whitmarsh, you will do effective exercises for working out gluteal muscles... Second half training will take place on the rug.
  • For the thighs. The lesson is based on squats and lunges that engage the front and back of the thigh, as well as the inside of it.
  • For hands. Remove any laxity in your arms with classic exercises for biceps, triceps and shoulders. For exercising, you will need dumbbells and a rug. You can start with 0.5 kg dumbbells, gradually increasing the weight.
  • For the press. The trainer boasts 6 stomach cubes, so it's time to take an example from her and do ab exercises. Plank, leg raises, and shoulder raises await you. The abdominal muscles will work continuously.
  • Power stretching. This activity is for deep stretching and shaping flexible body... Cindy also offers good static exercises for additional muscle tone.

As you can see, the Beauty in 10 Minutes program uses all the muscles in your body. You can do one workout a day, or you can do the whole complex as a whole. but you shouldn't give yourself a heavy load on the first day, it is better to gradually adapt to classes. You also need to be prepared to feel muscle pain the day after completing the program. You should not quit because of this, gradually your body will get used to the stress.

If you have not yet decided where to start, we recommend that you look at the review of workouts for beginners with Gillian Michaels, where you can also find a suitable fitness course for yourself.

Pros and cons of the program


1. The Beauty in 10 Minutes program is great for beginners. Cindy Whitmarsh proposes affordable but effective exercises for all problem areas.

2. Exercise will help you strengthen your abs, tighten your glutes and thighs, and reduce sagging arms. Not a single part of the body will be left without attention.

3. The trainer explains in great detail all the features of the exercise, so you will not have any questions, even if you have never done fitness before. In addition, there is a video in Russian.

4. For the lesson you will not need any additional equipment, except for dumbbells and a rug.

5. Cindy Whitmarsh proposes basic exercises for the whole body that are at the heart of many fitness programs.

6. Video workouts are conveniently broken down into 10-minute sessions. You can perform exercises on a separate problem area, you can combine several activities, or you can do the whole complex as a whole.


1. Workout more suitable for beginners and those who have never done functional exercise before.

Beauty in 10 Minutes is the perfect program for beginners. She will help to work on problem areas, strengthen muscles and shape slender body. Short and effective training will become the best option for those who are just starting to engage in fitness.

We all want to have a slim and beautiful body... Why not set up a fitness club at home? Instructor Cindy Whitmarsh in Beauty in 10 Minutes - Part 1 will show you, tell you and cheer you up during your class.

The presented set of exercises consists of 5 videos, each of which is designed to work out a specific problem area:

  • abs, hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders.
  • stretching exercises are offered as a bonus and are best done at the end of the workout.

Each video is 10 minutes long. Even if you are very busy man, you can probably find such time to work out at least one muscle group. If desired, you can perform the entire complex in full.

All exercises included in it are simple enough and designed for beginners. However, they are very effective. Exercise regularly and you will be simply doomed to success.

In this article, you see several videos. The first video is the film itself, which consists of 5 parts, each of which is devoted to working with different areas of your body. Each part is approximately 10 minutes long, which is why the film is called Beauty in 10 Minutes. The following videos are the same film, divided into 5 parts for convenience.

Having made your body beautiful, slim and sexy, you will always and everywhere feel confident.

Beauty in 10 minutes - full video

Beauty in 10 minutes - hips

Beauty in 10 minutes - hands

Beauty in 10 minutes - buttocks

Beauty in 10 minutes - belly (abs)

Beauty in 10 minutes - stretching

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Every woman at least once in her life thought about the presence of extra centimeters at the waist and hips. Alas, in modern world very difficult to maintain healthy way life. Constant stress and a variety of quick, inexpensive, but very harmful dishes that can be whipped up have a very unpleasant effect on the figure and on the state of the whole organism as a whole.

Benefits of home workouts

Unfortunately, not everyone has the strength or financial ability to visit expensive fitness centers and pay personal trainers... People spend more and more time at work, and when they come home, they are no longer in a hurry to go somewhere else. It was precisely by adjusting to modern living standards that the famous trainer Cindy Whitmarsh compiled the author's program "Beauty in 10 minutes", which will help modern women to easily take care of the condition of their figure.

Many people feel bad at the thought of having to study for an hour. After all, it is not always possible to force yourself to at least take action.

Psychologically, it is very easy to start training Cindy Whitmarsh, they will appeal to even the laziest representative of humanity, since each mini-workout for individual parts of the body is only 10 minutes. The author's program is full of only the most effective exercises. You do not need to go through all the exhausting tests of long hours of stress, it is enough to turn on the workout for the part of the body with which you want to work.

She is a true American star of the fitness industry and proper nutrition... The famous Cindy Whitmarsh, by her own example, helps people achieve colossal results and achieve victory over themselves.

She has become a true fitness guru for people all over the world. As the author of two fitness books and one cookbook, the girl also developed her own effective workouts, which she released in DVD format.

Cindy Whitmarsh, Beauty in 10 Minutes

An effective set of exercises includes 6 sections, each of which lasts 10 minutes. Each section focuses on a specific muscle group and includes stretching. Optionally, you can choose any of the sections and start practicing.

For example, if you are worried about your buttocks and stomach, then you can choose 2 sections and spend only 20 minutes on your workout. And then gradually add the sections you like.

So, the complex includes:

  1. Hip exercises. This complex exercises will help the fair sex to work out the most problem part body. With regular exercise, changes will not be long in coming.
  2. Exercises for the buttocks. Every woman dreams of an elastic and toned ass. This will be possible with just 10 minutes of classes a day.
  3. Exercises are not a decoration for every woman. If you are confused by the condition of your legs, then this set of exercises is for you.
  4. Hand exercises. Stock up on dumbbells, a rug and go. Effective exercise on your hands will not let you get bored.
  5. Stretching. Want to be flexible and relaxed? Then this 10 minute is for you.
  6. Exercises for the press. Flat stomach, cubes. All this can be achieved in a short time.

You can devote only 10 minutes a day and get a lot of pleasure from the work done. This is the most popular workout program from Cindy Whitmarsh. "Beauty in Ten Minutes" will be a real breakthrough in the fight against excess weight.

Reviews of program buyers

The author's project of Cindy Whitmarsh, reviews of which make one believe in the effectiveness of the program, has been walking on the Internet for a long time. Busy women and young moms don't have time to share positive results after regular workouts that do not take so catastrophically needed time. Some note that starting from 10 minutes they cannot stop and go through the entire course with great ease. It is worth noting that psychologically the complex is perceived much easier than other workouts of modern on-screen fitness trainers. After all, it's easy to devote just 10 minutes of time to your body. And there are a lot of those who want to give their figure a sophisticated fit look. Also, buyers of the training complex note that in just a few months they put their body in order and lost extra pounds.

Trust Cindy Whitmarsh's Beauty in 10 Minutes program and in a few months you won't know your body.

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