Where to inflate the ball. How to pump up a ball without a needle in artisanal conditions

The durability of the product depends on the correct pumping of the ball. If you have a ball lying around that has not been used for a long time, it's time to put it on alert with possible improvised means. In order to avoid a recurrence of this situation, it is recommended to purchase Sports Equipment for the future. As a rule, the kit includes a pump, needle, silicone grease. Today we will talk about how to pump up the ball without a needle in "Spartan" conditions. Consider important aspects in order and give practical recommendations.

Method number 1. Syringe needle, bicycle pump, duct tape

  1. A positive feature of this method of pumping the ball without a needle is the relative availability of materials. You can buy a syringe at any pharmacy, electrical tape - at a hardware store, a bicycle pump can be found in almost every home.
  2. A negative characteristic is that the necessary pump and, especially, a syringe may not always be at hand. The guide below will help you make a ball needle so that you can later inflate the product with the resulting “tool”. So let's get started.
  3. Take a needle from a syringe, sharpen it on asphalt or a curb, use a knife sharpener. It is important that the tip is blunt and not pointed, otherwise the needle will pierce the nipple, exposing the ball to spoilage. She should enter it smoothly, and not jump in one moment. If possible, use a medical needle with a wide diameter (blood transfusion system), it is strong enough, does not bend or break.
  4. After turning the needle, wrap electrical tape around its base so that when it enters the ball, the air does not come out back. As a rule, 10-12 layers are enough to invent a kind of adapter that will allow you to pump up the product quickly. You only need to stick the needle into the pump, and then proceed with the procedure.

Method number 2. Compressor

The method is especially relevant if you need to pump up a football or volleyball while on the road.

  1. The advantage of the method is that in almost every locality you will find a car service. The guys will help pump up the ball for a nominal fee or they won't take a penny from you. At the same time, they can find a needle of the right size, which is good news. The method is suitable if you have absolutely no tool for pumping the ball.
  2. The downside of the method is the possible incompetence of car service workers who, through negligence, can pump the product. Such an oversight will lead to an explosion and damage to the ball, but it's still worth the risk.
  3. Many car services inflate tires, gas stations also provide similar services, and completely free of charge. With the help of a powerful compressor, the air flow comes out under pressure, that's what you need.
  4. Bring the hose with the nozzle to the surface of the deflated ball, press firmly and turn on the device at maximum power. Pump the product until it is hard enough. If possible, carry out the procedure together: the first person turns on / off the compressor, the second holds the ball and presses the cord, controlling the degree of inflation. It will not be superfluous to know that many modern compressors are equipped with a special nozzle for pumping balls.

Method number 3. Syringe

  1. The technology of inflating the ball in this way is rightfully considered exhausting. The method is an alternative to the first option, but to implement it in reality, you only need a syringe (preferably a large one) with a needle and 2 hours of free time. The duration of pumping depends on the volume of the syringe with which the procedure will be performed.
  2. Perhaps this method does not have positive characteristics. Unless, in the end, with patience, you will be able to pump up the ball. The negative feature is the fact that the method is very tedious, long and unprofitable. You run the risk of ruining the nipple, as a result of which the ball will constantly deflate (if you do not use silicone grease).
  3. The essence of inflation in this way is that air is introduced into the cavity of the ball using a conventional large-volume medical syringe. If the syringe is for 20 cubes, you will inflate the product in 30-40 minutes, in the case of ten-cube tools, it will take about 60-120 minutes.
  4. To properly carry out the procedure, lubricate the nipple with silicone oil or any other alternative remedy. Draw air into the syringe, insert the needle into the appropriate hole, press the lever. Remove the tool, repeat the steps until the ball is inflated to the desired state. If desired, you can pre-grind the needle so that its free edge becomes dull.

How to pump up a ball with a needle without a pump

If you found a needle or made it yourself, but there was no pump at hand, this method is for you.

  1. First you need to make an adapter. An ordinary plastic soda bottle acts as a homemade pump. If desired, you can replace the container with a very dense plastic bag without holes.
  2. Screw the needle into the cork of the bottle or solder it with the appropriate tool. As you can see, you have an adapter, now screw on the lid, check if air is coming out.
  3. Lubricate the nipple with silicone-based oil, insert a homemade unit. In a convenient way (with your hands or feet), squeeze the air out of the cavity of the container so that it passes into the ball. Pull out the needle, inflate the bottle, repeat the previous manipulations until the desired effect is obtained.

There are not many ways to inflate a ball without a needle, but this does not mean that the idea is a failure. Use a medical syringe, electrical tape and a bicycle pump. Ask to pump up the product in a car service using a compressor, build a nozzle on the bottle.

Video: how to pump up a soccer ball if there is no needle

Regardless of the purpose for which the ball was purchased (playing football, doing gymnastics, etc.), it must perfectly cope with the functions assigned to it. However, regardless of the purpose, the balls are blown away sooner or later, and everyone should know how to pump up the ball, taking into account its characteristic features.

It is very convenient to pump up the ball with a car pump, which usually comes with a plastic nozzle, which is used to blow dust out of hard-to-reach places. By attaching the plastic tip to the nipple, you can easily inflate the ball.

In the case of pumping a non-soccer ball, in order to avoid losing its original shape, it should not be sat down or kicked. If it is necessary to use a needle for the inflation process, then first a couple of drops of special oil are applied to the nipple opening, and then the needle is inserted. Oil is needed to protect the walls and valve of the nipple from possible damage by the needle. To prevent drying out and give elasticity. The ball should be inflated to the value indicated next to the nipple.

It is not recommended to use oils not intended for pumping the ball, as they can destroy the nipple. The pumping needle must be perfectly even. And using a pressure gauge to monitor internal pressure will help avoid pumping the ball.

How to pump up a gym ball

A special pump is used to inflate gymnastic balls, which most often comes with the ball, but can also be sold separately. In situations where there is no special pump, a bicycle pump is also great for pumping. Only in this case, it would not be superfluous to stock up on a special needle for balls.

How to pump up a ball without a needle

In situations like this where you need to inflate the ball and there is no needle, using a medical needle or an empty and clean refill of a ballpoint pen that does not have a metal refill can be a great way out. In order for the home-made device to fit snugly into the pump tip, it (the tip) should be wrapped with insulating tape until the required diameter is formed. Using a sharp needle, it is important not to pierce the product.

To understand how to properly inflate our ball, you need to figure out what surface it is intended for. Surface difference: , (asphalt or other hard surface) and (on lawn). Having figured this out, we can find out with you how much we need to pump up our ball.

Before inflating, you can lubricate the pump needle or the nipple itself with silicone oil. Such prevention serves to ensure that the nipple is more elastic and retains its properties over time. If you have, then we will give you the generally accepted degrees of pressure in balls.

  • To play in the hall, we will pump up to 0.6 bar
  • For playing on hard surfaces, we pump up to 0.8 bar
  • For lawn (soft ground) from 0.6-0.8 bar

For example: professional balls that are used in official matches pumped up to an interval of 0.8-1 bar.

For convenience, manufacturers usually write how much the ball can be inflated, this information can be found on the product itself around the nipple. If you do not have a pressure gauge on the pump, then you can check how much your ball is inflated without a special pressure gauge. A well-inflated ball cannot have a loose structure, but if it is pumped over, it will be too hard. You can test your inventory in another way: raise it to shoulder level and release it , if it jumps to waist level, then you pumped up your ball well!

Another tip for use. After the game, the ball is usually lowered - this is done to “relax” the equipment and relieve stress from the seams. A ball constantly inflated to the maximum may lose its structure and the seams may soon lose their strength. Therefore, we advise you to buy for a soccer ball, in order to extend the service life of the product.

Playing football in the yard or in nature is a young thing: even if you are over 50, regularly playing sports, you will feel like you are in your 20s. But what to do if the ball taken with you is blown away, and the question arises, how to pump up the ball without a needle and a pump in artisanal conditions (beach, nature, someone else's yard)? Naturally, it would be better to take care of this, and take a bicycle pump and a needle with you (the cost of which is no more than 150 rubles).

But, if the above equipment is not at hand, all is not lost! But remember that the methods listed below are far from the safest for your ball: it can simply be pumped over and ruined, so if we are talking about a rarity autographed by your favorite football player, it is better to postpone such manipulations.

How to pump up a ball without a needle: "Medical" way

Advantages: low cost of the method, availability of materials. Everything can be found in the roadside pharmacy and the glove compartment of the car.

Disadvantages: in the outback, there may not be such a pharmacy. In addition, the instructions below are not an answer to the question of how to pump up a ball without a needle: this is an instruction on how to make such a needle.

The essence of the method

If trouble overtook you on the road, then with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can pump up the ball with a simple electrical tape and a needle from a syringe. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it. Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable. The tip of the needle should be blunted on asphalt or a knife sharpener. The result should be a needle with a blunt end, which will serve as the basis for the adapter from the pump to the ball. Next, carefully wrap the tape around the base of the needle. It will take about 12 layers. This is done so that the needle fits snugly into the pump hole.

Road way: how to pump up a ball without a needle using ... a car service

Pros: Pretty effective method pumping up a deflated one on the road To help you, car service assistants will come to your aid, who will be happy to help for a purely nominal fee. In addition, many may find the right needle. The method is suitable if there is neither a needle nor a pump at hand.

Disadvantages: at the right time, a car service may not be nearby. An inexperienced worker can pump the ball, from which it can burst from excessive pressure during careless pumping or during the game.

The essence of the method

It is known that in car services the most popular service is tire inflation. The compressor used for this can supply air at high pressure, which is what we need. The deflated ball should be pressed very tightly against the nozzle of the compressor and inflated until the desired level of rigidity is reached. You should be very careful to monitor the density so as not to pump and explode the ball. The procedure is best done by three people: two press the ball, one should turn off the compressor on a signal. By the way, on many modern models of compressors there is a nozzle for inflating balls.

Making injections with air: how to pump up a ball without a needle: an alternative but very debilitating way

Advantages: Another "medical" way, but this time it does not require a needle or a pump. Only a first-aid kit with a syringe and a few hours of time should be at hand, depending on the volume of the syringe found.

Disadvantages: the method is exhausting and inconvenient. It is possible to permanently ruin the nipple of the ball, and it will bleed air if you do not use special oil.

For those who didn't have any duct tape at hand or a car service on the way, there is another way to save a beach volleyball or street football tournament. The bottom line is to introduce air into the ball through a simple syringe. Depending on the volume of the syringe, the amount of work ahead depends: a 20-cc ball can be pumped up in about half an hour. 10 Ml - per hour. 5, 2 Ml - is it worth the candle? .. This is the most affordable and artisanal way to pump up without a needle, without having a compressor at hand. To facilitate the introduction of the syringe and the safety of the ball, the nipple should be moistened with oil.

If there is a needle but no pump

Advantages: Quite a fun and creative way to pump. Most likely, it will not work to pump up the ball to the desired density, but the pleasure of the process is guaranteed! In addition, the method is suitable for soft beach balls.

Disadvantages: the need to find a strong one or a bottle. The need to make an adapter.

There are those who do not know how to inflate a soccer ball without a needle. But the lack of a needle is, as it becomes clear, this is a third of the trouble. The worst is for those who, for some reason, cannot use the pump, since it is still possible to create a high one from improvised means, but it is very difficult to direct it to a certain point (ball). As a compressor, you can use a plastic bottle or a tight bag. Some folk craftsmen manage to solder a needle into the cap of a bottle and pump up the ball over and over again, standing or carefully jumping on this bottle.

After the air from the bottle passes into the ball, the structure is taken out, another portion of air is injected into the bottle and the manipulation is repeated. And so - to the bitter end!

There is a more advanced way using vinegar and soda: vinegar and soda are poured into the same bottle, and carbon dioxide is injected into the ball. But this is provided that the needle is firmly soldered into the bottle cap.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to pump up a ball without a needle. None of them is notable for convenience and ease, but a true athlete is one who, despite all the obstacles, goes to the bitter end!

The durability of the product depends on the correct pumping of the ball. If you have a ball lying around that has not been used for a long time, it's time to put it on alert with possible improvised means.

In order to avoid a recurrence of such a situation, it is recommended to purchase sports equipment for the future. As a rule, the kit includes a pump, needle, silicone grease. Today we will talk about how to pump up the ball without a needle in "Spartan" conditions.

Consider the important aspects in order and give practical recommendations.

Method number 1. Syringe needle, bicycle pump, duct tape

  1. A positive feature of this method of pumping the ball without a needle is the relative availability of materials. You can buy a syringe at any pharmacy, electrical tape - at a hardware store, a bicycle pump can be found in almost every home.
  2. A negative characteristic is that the necessary pump and, especially, a syringe may not always be at hand. The guide below will help you make a ball needle so that you can later inflate the product with the resulting “tool”. So let's get started.
  3. Take a needle from a syringe, sharpen it on asphalt or a curb, use a knife sharpener. It is important that the tip is blunt and not pointed, otherwise the needle will pierce the nipple, exposing the ball to spoilage. She should enter it smoothly, and not jump in one moment.

    If possible, use a medical needle with a wide diameter (blood transfusion system), it is strong enough, does not bend or break.

  4. After turning the needle, wrap electrical tape around its base so that when it enters the ball, the air does not come out back.

    As a rule, 10-12 layers are enough for the invention of a kind of adapter that will allow you to pump up the product quickly. You only need to stick the needle into the nanos, and then proceed with the procedure.

Method number 2. Compressor

The method is especially relevant if you need to pump up a soccer or volleyball while on the road.

  1. The advantage of the method is that in almost every locality you will find a car service. The guys will help pump up the ball for a nominal fee or they won't take a penny from you. At the same time, they can find a needle of the right size, which is good news. The method is suitable if you have absolutely no tool for pumping the ball.
  2. The downside of the method is the possible incompetence of car service workers who, through negligence, can pump the product. Such an oversight will lead to an explosion and damage to the ball, but it's still worth the risk.
  3. Many car services inflate tires, gas stations also provide similar services, and completely free of charge. With the help of a powerful compressor, the air flow comes out under pressure, that's what you need.
  4. Bring the hose with the nozzle to the surface of the deflated ball, press firmly and turn on the device at maximum power. Pump the product until it is hard enough. If possible, carry out the procedure together: the first person turns on / off the compressor, the second holds the ball and presses the cord, controlling the degree of inflation. It will not be superfluous to know that many modern compressors are equipped with a special nozzle for pumping balls.

Method number 3. Syringe

  1. The technology of inflating the ball in this way is rightfully considered exhausting. The method is an alternative to the first option, but to implement it in reality, you only need a syringe (preferably a large one) with a needle and 2 hours of free time. The duration of pumping depends on the volume of the syringe with which the procedure will be performed.
  2. Perhaps this method does not have positive characteristics. Unless, ultimately, with patience, you will be able to pump up the ball. The negative feature is the fact that the method is very tedious, long and unprofitable.

    You run the risk of ruining the nipple, as a result of which the ball will constantly deflate (if you do not use silicone grease).

  3. The essence of inflation in this way is that air is introduced into the cavity of the ball using a conventional large-volume medical syringe.

    If the syringe is for 20 cubes, you will inflate the product in 30-40 minutes, in the case of ten-cube tools, it will take about 60-120 minutes.

  4. To properly perform the procedure, lubricate the nipple with silicone oil or any other alternative.

    Draw air into the syringe, insert the needle into the appropriate hole, press the lever. Remove the tool, repeat the steps until the ball is inflated to the desired state. If desired, you can pre-grind the needle so that its free edge becomes dull.

How to pump up a ball with a needle without a pump

If you found a needle or made it yourself, but there was no pump at hand, this method is for you.

  1. First you need to make an adapter. An ordinary plastic soda bottle acts as a homemade pump. If desired, you can replace the container with a very dense plastic bag without holes.
  2. Screw the needle into the cork of the bottle or solder it with the appropriate tool. As you can see, you have an adapter, now screw on the lid, check if air is coming out.
  3. Lubricate the nipple with silicone-based oil, insert a homemade unit. In a convenient way (with your hands or feet), squeeze the air out of the cavity of the container so that it passes into the ball. Pull out the needle, inflate the bottle, repeat the previous manipulations until the desired effect is obtained.

There are not many ways to inflate a ball without a needle, but this does not mean that the idea is a failure. Use a medical syringe, electrical tape and a bicycle pump. Ask to pump up the product in a car service using a compressor, build a nozzle on a bottle.

Video: how to pump up a soccer ball if there is no needle

Source: http://healthjw.com/kak-nakachat-p338.html

How to inflate a ball

Screw the pump tip into the hole on the ball and start pumping air. Insert the pump into the hole in the ball and start inflating the ball with air. It is best to use a pump.

By the way, most modern car pumps have heaps of nozzles, with their help you can pump up a ball, there is such a needle. If you want to pump up already inflated ball you will need a spoon or a dull knife to pry the plug out of the nipple.

Place the deflated ball between the box and the wall and locate the ball nipple. You will also need a ball or bike pump with a cone tip.

Some models of gymnastic balls do not have a safety valve that can be closed and opened at any time. In order to inflate such a projectile, you will need a pump with a needle.

Insert the needle into the nipple and start the inflation process in the usual way. Remove the pump from the ball and quickly insert the plug. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it.

Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable.


If trouble overtook you on the road, then with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can pump up the ball with a simple bicycle pump, electrical tape and a needle from a syringe.

Even the lack of a pump should not stop you. Advantages: Another "medical" way, but this time it does not require a needle or a pump. You should be very careful to monitor the density so as not to pump and explode the ball. The procedure is best done by three people: two press the ball, one - on a signal, must turn off the compressor.

No need to try to inflate the ball to the diameter indicated in the instructions: 85-95% will be enough for comfortable and productive activities. If you inflate the ball too much ( over size indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging), then it will be difficult for you to keep your balance on it.

Most likely, it will not work to pump up the ball to the desired density, but the pleasure of the process is guaranteed!

Source: http://lemuriania.ru/kak-nadut-myachik/

How to pump up a ball without a needle in artisanal conditions

How to pump up a ball without a needle in artisanal conditions

Playing football in the yard or in nature is a young thing: even if you are over 50, regularly playing sports, you will feel like you are in your 20s.

But what to do if the ball taken with you is blown away, and the question arises, how to pump up the ball without a needle and a pump in artisanal conditions (beach, nature, someone else's yard)? Naturally, it would be better to take care of this, and take a bicycle pump and a needle with you (the cost of which is no more than 150 rubles).

But, if the above equipment is not at hand, all is not lost! But remember that the methods listed below are far from the safest for your ball: you can simply pump it over and ruin it, so if we are talking about a rarity autographed by your favorite football player, then it is better to postpone such manipulations.

How to pump up a ball without a needle: "Medical" way

Advantages: low cost of the method, availability of materials. Everything can be found in the roadside pharmacy and the glove compartment of the car.

Disadvantages: in the outback, there may not be such a pharmacy. In addition, the instructions below are not an answer to the question of how to pump up a ball without a needle: this is an instruction on how to make such a needle.

The essence of the method

If trouble overtook you on the road, then with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can pump up the ball with a simple bicycle pump, electrical tape and a needle from a syringe. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it.

Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable. The tip of the needle should be blunted on asphalt or a knife sharpener. The result should be a needle with a blunt end, which will serve as the basis for the adapter from the pump to the ball. Next, carefully wrap the tape around the base of the needle.

It will take about 12 layers. This is done so that the needle fits snugly into the pump hole.

Road way: how to pump up a ball without a needle using ... a car service

Disadvantages: at the right time, a car service may not be nearby. An inexperienced worker can pump the ball, from which it can burst from excessive pressure during careless pumping or during the game.

The essence of the method

It is known that in car services the most popular service is tire inflation. The compressor used for this can supply air at high pressure, which is what we need.

The deflated ball should be pressed very tightly against the nozzle of the compressor and inflated until the desired level of rigidity is reached. You should be very careful to monitor the density so as not to pump and explode the ball.

The procedure is best done by three people: two press the ball, one - on a signal, must turn off the compressor. By the way, on many modern models of compressors there is a nozzle for inflating balls.

Making injections with air: how to pump up a ball without a needle: an alternative but very debilitating way

Advantages: Another "medical" way, but this time it does not require a needle or a pump. Only a first-aid kit with a syringe and a few hours of time should be at hand, depending on the volume of the syringe found.

Disadvantages: the method is exhausting and inconvenient. It is possible to permanently ruin the nipple of the ball, and it will bleed air if you do not use special oil.

For those who didn't have any duct tape at hand or a car service on the way, there is another way to save a beach volleyball or street football tournament. The bottom line is to introduce air into the ball through a simple syringe.

Depending on the volume of the syringe, the amount of work ahead depends: a 20-cc ball can be pumped up in about half an hour. 10 Ml - per hour. 5, 2 Ml - is the game worth the candle? This is the most affordable and artisanal way to pump up basketball without a needle, without having a compressor at hand.

To facilitate the introduction of the syringe and the safety of the ball, the nipple should be moistened with oil.

If there is a needle but no pump

Advantages: Quite a fun and creative way to pump. Most likely, it will not work to pump up the ball to the desired density, but the pleasure of the process is guaranteed! In addition, the method is suitable for soft beach balls.

Disadvantages: the need to find a strong plastic bag or bottle. The need to make an adapter.

There are those who do not know how to inflate a soccer ball without a needle. But the lack of a needle is, as it becomes clear, this is a third of the trouble.

The worst is for those who, for some reason, cannot use the pump, since it is still possible to create high air pressure from improvised means, but it is very difficult to direct it to a certain point (ball).

As a compressor, you can use a plastic bottle or a tight bag. Some folk craftsmen manage to solder a needle into the cap of a bottle and pump up the ball over and over again, standing or carefully jumping on this bottle.

After the air from the bottle passes into the ball, the structure is taken out, another portion of air is injected into the bottle and the manipulation is repeated. And so - to the bitter end!

There is a more advanced way using vinegar and soda: vinegar and soda are poured into the same bottle, and carbon dioxide is injected into the ball. But this is provided that the needle is firmly soldered into the bottle cap.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to pump up a ball without a needle. None of them is distinguished by convenience and lightness, but a true athlete is one who, despite all the obstacles, goes to the bitter end!

Source: http://fix-builder.ru/remont/raznoe-o-remonte/47365-kak-sdelat-nasos-dlya-myacha

How to pump up the ball and what is needed so that the glasses do not sweat?

Dust covers of books tend to fray at the spines quite quickly. Enough to save them inside glue strips of thick paper.

We offer to paint the rib and strip on a cardboard frame with a slide. With the help of colored labels, it is easy to divide the photo library by topic, and when displaying it, avoid inverted and mirror images.

If you don’t have a special needle for pumping up a nipple volleyball or soccer ball, use ... an ordinary pharmacy pipette with an extended nose.

Cut off its rubber part a little and put it on the pump hose, and insert the glass part into the nipple hole of the ball. The ball is pumped up with such a “needle” much faster.

For pumping nipple balls, a bicycle pump with a special needle is often used. But it does not matter if it is broken or it is simply not at hand; an ordinary bicycle nipple with the rubber tube removed, installed with its threaded shank in the pump outlet, will quite cope with this work.

To quickly replenish the aquarium with water and not wash out the soil, immerse the pot filled with water into the aquarium until the levels in both containers match. Then carefully turn the pan upside down and remove it from the aquarium.

Glasses should be cleaned soft cloth(flannel), and optical glasses - with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

Spectacle glasses can be cleaned well by wiping them on both sides with a cotton swab with a drop of glycerin, and then with a dry, clean flannel.

To keep glasses from fogging, they can be smeared with a mixture of 3 parts by weight of glycerin, 7 parts by weight of liquid soap and a few drops of turpentine, and then wiped with a clean flannel.

Source: http://interesu.tk/index.php/home/2012-10-18-08-56-47/14-2012-11-16-11-51-35/110-2012-11-16- 11-50-47

TOGU: ABS® gymnastic ball inflation rules

You can inflate gymnastic balls using any pump (manual or foot), or a compressor. If you decide to use a compressor, use the adapter that comes with the kit. For a harmonica foot pump, you will also most likely have to choose the appropriate adapter - such pumps, in general, have a set of different adapters.

The secret of the ABS® system lies in the structure of the patented CRYLON® material, which has additional sealing layers. Thanks to this reinforcement, at the moment the ball is punctured, the hole grows much more slowly.

Inflating rules to make sure the ABS® system works:

The ball must be stored at least 20°C (68° F) for 2-3 hours before inflating.

Inflate the ball gradually until it reaches 80% of its maximum volume. Inflation should be done at room temperature or at a maximum air temperature of 25°C(77°F). Keep in mind that the ball can be very hard at this stage. Leave it like this for at least 2 hours.

Slowly inflate the ball to your optimal size (at room temperature). Never pump the ball more than its maximum volume. Attention: Even if you inflate slowly, the ball feels hard.

This is due to the properties of the material, which has a certain resemblance to leather to the touch. The ball will reach its optimum elasticity (softness) after a maximum of 2 days.

Since the ABS® leather-like material takes longer to adapt to stretch than a regular, non-reinforced ball, it can break during inflation if not used properly.

After the final inflation phase, the ABS® ball should be left for 24 hours before being used. This is necessary so that the “anti-burst” ABS® system adapts to environment(optimal room temperature).

After 24 hours, check the diameter of the ball, as it may have increased as a result of temperature fluctuations in the room and expansion of the air inside the ball.

If the diameter has increased beyond the norm, simply release the necessary amount of air to get the ball to the correct size.

Source: http://novasports.com.ua/ru/info/nakachuvannia-myacha-z-abs

How to pump up a gym ball

To pump up a gymnastic ball, you will need, first of all, a special pump, which, as a rule, comes with the purchased equipment. If your case is an exception, purchase it separately, their price is not so high.

In any case, you can always find an alternative, using the usual bicycle pump, which many people from Soviet Union. It is also worth taking into account that without an appropriate needle, with just a pump, it will be impossible to pump up the ball.

If you bought the ball, and did not rent it or from friends for a while, it is recommended that you read the instructions. It is in the ball box. Most likely, you need to remove all contents from the package.

Please note that it makes no sense to immediately inflate the ball to the maximum mark, so you can ruin it.

The process of filling the balloon with air must begin with the assembly of the pump: attach a small air hose to the pump, then insert a special needle. After connecting the pump and gymnastic ball start pumping it up with air. Try not to inflate the balloon, focus on incomplete inflation (~80-85%).

Now leave the ball alone, after 30-40 minutes, inflate it further to the desired state. Pay attention to the diameter of the inflated ball.

Each model has its own limit, which is indicated on the packaging or in the instruction manual. Try not to go beyond these limits.


Why is this done at all? This procedure, divided into two steps, is necessary, first of all, for the user of this ball. The first step is to make sure the ball doesn't burst under you.

Keep in mind that an inflation procedure carried out near open flames, heaters or sources of danger can lead to irreversible consequences. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
