Exhibition of the mfa. WCF cat titles (show classes, rings and best in show (best))


Good afternoon, dear visitors!

This article tells about the MFA exhibition system, basic rules and contact persons!

MFA was founded in 1994 and unites clubs Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. The goal of the MFA is to coordinate the work of clubs, to increase the level of breeding and exhibition activities.

Democracy of activity: The MFA cooperates with leading national and international felinological associations, recognizes the official experts of various felinological systems, and uses the standards of various systems in breeding.
High professional level : The MFA supplies MFA clubs and experts with methodological materials, standards, organizes studies, seminars. The publishing department of the MFA annually updates the manuals for breeders, publishes the MFA Almanac.
MFA shows feature high level of preparation and conduct, rich prize fund, high-profile experts and media coverage and the worldwide Internet. The MFA institutes cups, prizes and gifts for each licensed MFA exhibition, and sets discounts and incentives for winners and active participants.
MFA breeders and nurseries have excellent breeding material, participate and win in the largest exhibitions of the CIS and the world of various felinological systems.
Kittens from MFA catteries purchased in European countries, the USA and AZia. The special pride of the MFA clubs are the cats of the eastern group, British, Scottish Folds, Siberians, Don Sphynxes, exotics, as well as rare breeds.
IPA prizes and competitions: Since 1994, the MFA has been holding contests for the best animals of the year - Top Cat, Top Kitten, and MFA Guest - to reward active breeders. In the regions and countries of the CIS, annual ratings are held for the best representative of the breed. The winners receive prizes and gifts, and the results of the contests are covered in the media.
IPA judges enjoy well-deserved respect and authority not only by MFAs, but also in other systems. The experts of the IPA of the international category are included in the international list of European judges. MFA experts work at the largest exhibitions in the CIS and Europe. The English-language site of the MFA - www.mfa-ifa.ru
IPA website www.cats-club.ru contains information about the activities of the MFA, a calendar of exhibitions and reports from the MFA exhibitions, lists of experts, as well as methodological and reference information for breeders and judges, articles on breeds, judging and genetics, cattery advertising and links to the best sites about animals.


- All cats must have a veterinary certificate with marks of vaccinations against rabies (except for animals under 6 months of age), ponleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and other diseases;
- animals with visual signs of illness or general weakness are not allowed to the exhibition. The final decision in each case is made by the veterinarian;
- if a disease is found in a cat, all animals of this owner are removed from the exhibition; the exhibitor fee is non-refundable;
- the participant can leave the exhibition ahead of schedule (before its end) only with the written permission of the exhibition committee;
- the owner who has declared his animal to the exhibition. but for any reason, who did not exhibit it, has no right to demand the return of the exhibitor's fee;
- public access to the expert's table is prohibited, animal owners are not allowed into the referee's room, with the exception of specially stipulated cases;
at the request of the expert, he is presented with a document on the origin of the animal; as well as certificates for titles;
- animals absent at the time of the call do not pass the examination;
aggressive animals do not pass the examination: an animal is considered aggressive if it cannot be examined and touched on the expert's table;
- if the owner does not agree with the awarded mark, he can apply to the secretariat with a request for re-examination only in case of a technical error (the class, sex, color are incorrectly indicated). The expert's assessment is not subject to appeal;
- the owner can make the necessary changes (exhibition class and other data) only before the start of the examination;
- the owners who left the exhibition before its end without the written permission of the exhibition committee are deprived of their diplomas and scorecards.

The article is taken from the 9th edition of the IPA Almanac


"Frequently Asked Questions" from members of other clubs and systems

1.Can I take part in MFA shows with the pedigree of another club? Do I need to register with the MFA club?

The IPA recognizes pedigrees and other tribes. documents WCF-FIFE-TICA-CFA-ICU-OFA In order to take part in MFA exhibitions, it is enough to have a document confirming the origin of the cat (metric - up to 10 months) or pedigree (from 10 months). in exhibitions optional.

2. I have a cat - Int. Champ. WCF. What title should I enroll in the IPA for?

The MFA recognizes system title certificates. having similar title systems (WCF, FIFe) If you have obtained a title certificate of these systems, you can enroll in the appropriate class.

3. WCF does not count marks from MFA shows. So my titles will be gone?
Each system has its own rules. You can issue WCF titles in WCF certificates, and MFA titles - in MFA certificates - they can simultaneously pursue a career in two systems.

4. My cat has the title of World Champion - WCF. Can I enroll in an Honorary Class at MFA shows?
World Champion is a title that is registered only by WCF. Therefore, you can get an honorary class for this title at WCF shows. At MFA shows, we can enroll you in the class "Absolute MFA Champion"

5... How can I register scores from MFA shows and receive a title certificate?
The title certificate for the MFA CHAMPION is issued by the club. You can contact the club that hosted the exhibition and get a certificate there. With regard to the titles of Int. champ. and higher - you can also apply for this title through any MFA club by submitting copies of the assessment and your application. All title titles, starting with the International Champion, are registered in the ONE center of the MFA Breeding Commission.

6. I am a member of an independent club - can I exhibit on the MFA at the Big Int? Champion?
Registration in title classes - CACIB and higher is made if the breeder has TITLE CERTIFICATES for this title, issued by the MFA - WCF - FIFE. This is a requirement for breeders of all systems, as well as for independent clubs.

7. I have a Levkoy cat. May I take part in your exhibitions?

At the moment, the breed "Levkoy" in the MFA has the status of "unrecognized" You can exhibit in the class "unrecognized breeds" to get marks - without titles and nominations

8. I have a Peterbald cat. For some reason, on Best, she was not compared with the Siamese.
In the IPA, there is a different division of groups by breed: ALL sphinxes are in the FIFTH group. Group CO is ONLY Siamese-Oriental-Balinese-Javanese

9.M Oya British cat became the best in the monobreed ring. But the judge did not nominate her for Best. How can this happen?
A monobreed ring is a selection of the 10 best cats of a given breed in the ring by a given judge. Your cat has become the best representative of the breed. But on the Best, the judge is NOT obliged to choose your British breed and its best. He can choose - Abika, Russian Blue, Bengal, etc. But on the other hand, if he wants to nominate a BRITISH breed, he MUST choose only your cat.

10. There were two judges on Best. One voted for my number, the other judge - for another number. For some reason, I won the number for which another judge voted. Why didn’t draw lots?
The lot has not been drawn at MFA exhibitions since 2001. In the license for the show, the SENIOR judges for the breed groups are indicated. In case of disagreement - like yours - Art. judge for this breed group

11. In the invitation to the exhibition, a monoprodka for the British was indicated. But for some reason we were not invited to the stage.
IFA rules for conducting monobreed rings:
- all cats of this breed participate at no extra charge
- to conduct a monobreed ring, at least 7 cats of this breed are required
- nominated - kittens-young (with marks of EXL 1) -adults (with titles)
- the nomination and presentation of cats is carried out only by the expert who judged the cats on the table and gave them a description
- ONLY the winners of the monobreed ring are invited to the rewarding - 10 (or 7) cats

12. My kitten got "excellent" from the judge - why was it not nominated for Best in Show?
The nomination can only be received by kittens (or young ones) with a rating of "Personally 1", and adults - with a title. If your kitten has not received the POSITIONING (i.e. 1) this means. that he has any problems or shortcomings
13. The judge did not give me a title. How can I appeal his assessment?
The expert's score is not subject to appeal - only a second refereeing is possible due to a technical error of the secretariat. The judge is not required to judge your cat. but must explain his assessment.

14... I took part in TIKA exhibitions. How can I get my marks for an MFA title?
Unfortunately, no way. TIKA is an American system, with its own standards that differ from European ones, with its show classes that differ from European ones. In MFA title certificates, only evaluations of systems with similar standards and exhibition mechanics are taken into account - WCF and FIFE

15... The World Exhibition of WCF will be held in Moscow. Will the grades be read out for Muscovites, like visiting ones?

No, according to the rules of the IFA, marks obtained in another region (CAGCIB, CACE) or in another city of the same region (CACIB) are considered as visiting

16. My cat took part in the monobreed ring WCF, as well as in the Master ring. How will these victories be counted for the MFA ranking? Monobreed Rings WCF is a paid competition in which only those cats who have paid for it take part. Therefore, the winners are not the best of the entire exhibition, but the best of those who paid for the competition. Wins in paid competitions in the MFA are not counted as not reflecting real competition.

17.My cat took part in your shows and scored a lot of points. Will these points count towards the annual MFA ranking?
The annual MFA ranking is a choice
- The best representatives of breeds
- Best of Brid - regional - for RF
- Best of Brid - national - for the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan
- Best of Breed - International
among the Best of Brid - international chooses:
- 10 kittens
- 10 adults
- 10 newers
All these nominations, for cats registered with the IPA
owners of cats from other systems are nominated for the "MFA GUEST"

"My cat has a pedigree, which means she is purebred - so why should I go to the show?"
Pedigree is only a CONSTATION of the origin of a cat, an officially certified list of its relatives. Of course, kittens are activated in the club - i.e. examine, determine gender, color, presence of defects, defects, etc. But often with age, the type of kitten changes, defects or deficiencies that are not identified during activation may appear. There are frequent cases when the color was incorrectly determined at the first activation. Sometimes there are cases of incorrect development of the skeleton - jaw, teeth, deformation of the skull, tail, etc. Therefore, before mating a cat, and even more so - a cat, it is imperative to expose. The judge will make a description of the cat, point out the advantages, and most importantly - the DISADVANTAGES of the cat (there are no ideal animals), so it is necessary to select a pair taking into account these shortcomings.

“My cat behaved badly at the exhibition - it hissed, bit ... The judge removed it from the examination. Can we try to exhibit again? "
Aggressive behavior of cats at exhibitions has different reasons: the cat is afraid of noise, other animals, a large room. The cat does not feel well, something hurts, etc. In order for the animal to calmly perceive the exhibition atmosphere, it is necessary to accustom it to exhibitions in advance - to start an exhibition career with a class of young people, for example. Much depends on heredity, and on the upbringing of the cat, and on the organization of the exhibition - noise, loud music, stupidly rushing stewards, a nervous owner ... Of course, you can try your luck again, but you must remember that by the rules of almost everyone international systems an expert is not required to examine an aggressive cat.

"I have to leave the exhibition before its end - can I pass the examination out of turn?"
At the exhibition, all animals are divided into breeds - within a breed - into colors - within a color - into show classes - inside an exhibition class - into cats and cats. Competition takes place within each class between cats - of the same breed - of the same color - of the same class - of the same sex (for example - British - blue - class of kittens - cats, or: Siberian - black striped - class CACIB - cats). Therefore, to get its mark, a cat must be judged (and compared) along with other cats of the same class. The order of judging is drawn up in advance by the secretariat and placed in the catalog and on the stand. Therefore, the presence at the exhibition is mandatory from the very beginning to the end. An animal that does not appear for judging at the time of being called by an expert is considered absent. It does not receive an evaluation, and no refunds are given.

“I signed up for the exhibition, paid for it, but the circumstances have changed and I cannot take part. How can I get an exhibition fee? " Refunds of the exhibition fee can be made only before the agreed date. After it, the exhibition fee is not refundable. At the request of the participant, part of his fee can be credited to the next exhibition.

“How can BEST judges compare cats of different breeds? Do they choose which breed is better? "
All cats are divided into 5 breed groups:
o DSh group - Persians, exotic
o SLH group - Angora, Siberians, Maine Coons, etc.
o KSh group - British, Russian blue, Scottish Fold, Abyssinians, etc.
o Eastern - Siam, Oriental, Balinese, Javanese
o 5th group - all Rexes, all sphinxes, all bobtails, etc.
From the beginning, the judges choose the winners in the groups - i.e. the best animal of each group - Best in Show in the LH group, Best in Show in the SLH group, Best in Show in the KSh group, etc. The winners of these groups will compete for the title Best of Best (ie the best of the best) For this: each judge AB (all breed - ie "for all breeds") places the winners of the groups - Best in show - in their places. He assigns his points to each winner of the group - for the compliance of this animal with the standard for this breed. For example:
o LH group - the winner of the BIS exotic - gets - 25 points
o SLH - Siberian cat - 5
o KSh - British cat - 10
o Oriental - oriental cat - 20
o 5th - Cornish Rex cat - 15

Other judges also put their points - according to the total amount and Best of Best is selected

“Why should kittens exhibit at a show? They don't get titles, do they? "
Participation in the exhibition of a large number of kittens speaks of high level breeding and literacy of breeders: catteries show the success of their work, visitors see how animals develop, how show-class kittens should look at this age. Young animals get used to the exhibition atmosphere, which is very important for their further exhibition career. A kitten can win a BIS in its breed group, as well as become a BOB kitten at a show.

“At the show, the judge found a defect in the tail of my kitten - a fracture - and put a“ disqualification ”- but he is still small?
In the class of kittens, some shortcomings are allowed that can be corrected with age: non-intense eye color, insufficient coat color, not quite correct or even bite, undescended testicles, etc. But those defects that will no longer be corrected are noted in the evaluation sheet and the animal receives "very good." or "disqualification" Such defects, defined at an early age, include:
o Skeletal defects (tail fracture, skull deformity, keel, etc.)
o Color defects (white medallion in solid colors of cultivated breeds, etc.)

“At one show my cat won the Best in Show in the breed group, and at the other she didn’t even receive a nomination - how can that be?”
It should be borne in mind the following: the cat is never evaluated alone - by itself, but always COMPARED with others. In other words: your cat's score depends on who she is being compared to. What is the level of competition at this show in general, and in the breed and in the show class in particular. If there are many cats in a given class, then it will be more difficult to win. In a small exhibition and in a small competition, the chances for more victory, but such victories are not so significant and weighty.

« The expert examined my cat and asked to show the pedigree. Does the expert have the right to know the origin of the displayed animals? "
Yes, the expert has the right to ask you to provide the pedigree of the cat. He can check the date of birth, color, and the very presence of a document of origin, as an admission to the exhibition. All cats on display in the Open class and above are required to have a pedigree and present it on demand, as well as a certificate for titles. The judge must first describe the cat and then look at the pedigree.

Goals and objectives of the MFA:

The International Felinological Association was founded in 1994 by the clubs of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. In 1996, Moldova joined the MFA.


Raising the level of breeding of purebred cats
Preparation and holding of international cat shows
Methodical, organizational assistance to clubs
Coordination of the work of MFA clubs, various joint projects
Breeder training, expert training and licensing

(through the International Collegium of Experts Felinologists)
The IFA charter is extremely democratic, it provides clubs

the necessary independence in the conduct of breeding work and

organization of exhibitions.

MFA clubs unite:

General Breed Standards - Governing Council Cat Fancy
General Show Rules and List of Recognized Judges

The MFA provides clubs with:

Required regulatory documents, methodological literature

(breed standards of various organizations; additions and changes

in standards; gentik manuals, etc.)
Methodological developments for holding exhibitions, samples and

the necessary documentation (score sheets, statements, etc.);

award paraphernalia (rosettes, cups, etc.)
The MFA represents the interests of clubs in front of potential sponsors

American clubs for organizing MFA exhibitions
MFA institutes prizes, rosettes, cups at MFA exhibitions

TOP Kitten, awards winners
In general, in its work, the MFA is guided by the norms and

rules adopted by the largest European clubs.


MFA clubs operate according to Governing Council Cat Fancy standards:
Most European clubs use GCCF standards
Not only breeds are described in detail, but also all colors of each

breeds with their own scores
Standards are reissued every two years
For some breeds, standards from other organizations are used.

(Maine Coons, Scottish Folds - CFA standards, standards

ICEF Approved by ICEF for Partially Recognized and

experimental breeds of the CIS)
IPA recognizes European convention on "Aboriginal breeds"

(the prohibition to put on the class of beginners and use in

experimental breeding of cats of indigenous breeds without

pedigrees of countries of breeding or originating from

nurseries of these countries - Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest, Korat)
IFA joins Part A of the Strasbourg List

European Parliament banning the breeding of cats by some

breeds (munchkins, American Curls) IPA breeding status.
Based on generally recognized rules for breeding pedigree

cats in clubs in Europe:
Only healthy animals are allowed for breeding,

having the necessary documents of origin,

veterinary documents, as well as marks at exhibitions not lower

Breeding age for cats is at least 12 months, with an exception

can be animals of the eastern group
In a calendar year, from one cat can be obtained and

registered no more than two litters
The MFA club chooses the type of breeding itself (advisory

or planned), he issues pedigrees and other tribal documents

Holding exhibitions according to the MFA system:

Division of cats into show classes, competition and comparison

in exhibition classes.

To participate in exhibitions, all cats are divided into:
rock groups
on breeds
for colors
for exhibition classes
on the floor (consider the example of group III).

Breed groups:

I group- LH (longhaired): PER, EXO
II group- SLH (semi-longhair): SIB, MCO, NFO, RAG, NEV, SBI,

III group- Ksh (shorthair): ABY, BUR, EUR, RUS, SFS, SFL,

Purple (etc.)

Exhibition classes

3-6 months: Kittens

6-10 months: Juniors
10 months or older: Adults

IV group- CO (Siamese Oriental or Eastern): SIA, BAL, ORI,

V group- Fifth (mixed or "mutants"): CRX, DRX, DSX, PTB,


That is, competition and comparison for ratings and titles at the exhibition

goes between animals EQUAL

groups of rocks, EQUAL breeds, OF THE SAME color,

OF THE SAME exhibition class, ONE and of the same sex.

British blue cat kitten competes only with

British blue kitten of a cat for the right to receive the highest

grades in their class. Division by COLORS - CLASSES - FLOOR

is in every breed. The difference is that in some breeds there may be

many colors (PER, BRI, SFS), while others have less or even one

(RUS - blue, BOM - black).

IPA title system:

(smallest to largest)

Exhibition classes
In accordance with international rules and regulations, cats

undergo examination in the following classes:
breed definition - for cats over 10 months old, not

with documents of origin (open only for SIB, NEV,

beginners - confirmation of the intended breed (open only to

class of domestic cats (for animals of unknown origin)

All of the following classes are only open to

animals with pedigrees.

Domestic cats compete with each other in the class

"Domestic cats", receive the placement "Domestic cat I", "Domestic cat II", etc., are nominated for the competition

"Best domestic cat of the show".
Neutered cats (with pedigrees) participate in

appropriate classes, for adult cats with

replacement of the term Champion on the "Premier"

(Premior) - CAP - Candidate a Premior etc.,

are nominated for the competition "The best castrate of the exhibition".

Grades in classes:

- not less than 88 points
"very good"- not less than 76 points
"Good"- 61 points
"disqualification"- breeding vices, illness, aggressiveness.

Earning points

Each cat breed has its own standard, ideal

animal - 100 points. The standard for each breed indicates

points, that is, the "cost" of a given article of the exterior for a given

breed. For example, if it is indicated that the sphinx has no hair

worth 40 points, which means this item is very important for cats

of this breed. If it is indicated that the texture of the coat is for the given

breed 20 points, this means that if a cat of this breed

excellent coat, it gets 20 points, not very good - 15,

if the coat is really bad - 10. All points are summed up, and the cat

receives, depending on the amount of points, one or another mark.

Placement in the ring

Boxing ring- these are all cats of the same show class and gender,

competing among themselves for the highest mark in their class.

Class of kittens and young:
the highest mark "EXCELLENT 1" - 1 cat
excellent 2 - 1 cat
excellent 3 - 1 cat
excellent 4 - 1 cat
excellent 5 - 1 cat
excellent without space (5 cats)
very good (5 cats).

Adult classes

Excellent 1 (with or without title) - 1 female
Excellent 2 - 1 cat
Excellent 3 - 1 cat
Excellent 4 - 1 cat
Excellent 5 - 1 cat
Excellent without a seat (5 cats)
Very good (5 cats).

Designation of titles (certificates)

CAC- Candidate a Champion
CACIB- Candidate a Champion International Beauty
CAGCIB- Candidate a Grand Champion International Beauty
CACE- Candidate a Champion Europe
CAGCE- Candidate a Grand Champion Europe

Choosing "Best of Breed" - Best in Breed :
if there are 3 or more cats of this breed at the show

(including all show classes).

Choosing "Best in Color" - Best in Color:
if there are 3 or more cats of this breed and this

color (including all show classes).

Expertise methodology and rules

Experts at MFA exhibitions, regardless of their system

accessories must adhere to the standards used

in the MFA (GCCF, etc.) and the scale of points of these standards.

The exception is American breeds.

(see Standards).
The expert's assessment is not subject to appeal, reconsideration is possible

only in case of error by the secretariat.
The expert is obliged to give ratings to all cats, exception

make up: disqualified, late to the beginning

expertise, Great European Champions (Premier),

domestic cats, cats of an unrecognized breed.
Ratings: "Great"- at least 88 points, "very good"

76 points, "Good"- 61 points.
Ring arrangement - maximum 5 places, other marks

exhibited without seats.
If the cat is disqualified, the expert

should be guided "List of vices and shortcomings"

(see Standards):
- the expert has no right to change the breed of the cat, but

must be guided by the data on the scorecard;
- the expert has the right to change the color of the cat, giving reasons for his decision;
- the expert does not have the right to change the exhibition class, for

with the exception of age (kittens - young);
- the expert must take into account the age of the cat;
- the expert has no right to know the origin of the cat,

breeder and owner, allowed to indicate in

score sheet only: breed, color, age, show class,

- in exceptional cases, the expert may require

pedigree (clarification of color, age);
- information in the score sheet is written in the national language of the country

(for foreign experts - in English), breed and color

indicated by symbols (according to the FIFe system), title exhibition

grades are designated by title

(Open - CAC, Champions - CACIB, etc.);
- the expert must indicate in the assessment sheet, as merits,

and the disadvantages of cats, with a decrease in the mark, disqualification and

other, be sure to indicate the reason;
- the expert is not obliged to judge an aggressive cat - this is considered

a cat that cannot be touched, aggressive animals

removed from the examination;
- the expert can remove from the examination an animal with obvious

signs of illness, suspected drug use, etc .;
- the expert must have steward that calls and shows cats;
- the expert must have: score sheets, summary sheet,

list of nominations, disinfection, napkins;
- an expert can refuse to teach an assistant without specifying

- at exhibitions of other systems, an invited IPA expert can

judged by the standards adopted in this felinological

association, if the organizing committee does not have standards of its

the MFA expert system judges according to its own standards.

Exhibition rules

The breeder must arrive at the show on time, pass and

pay for veterinary control, register and

get the necessary documentation (numbers, etc.).
All cats must have a veterinary certificate with marks of

vaccinations against rabies (except for animals that have not reached

6 months of age), panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and others,

certificates in the form No. 1 or No. 4, as well as go through a paid

state veterinary inspection at the exhibition.
The exhibition does not allow animals with visual

signs of illness or general weakness. The final

the decision on a case-by-case basis is made by the veterinarian.
If a disease is detected in a cat, all

animals of the given owner; the exhibitor fee is non-refundable.
The breeder can only exhibit pre-declared cats, for

which the exhibition fee has been paid. The breeder must

follow the passage of your ring, listen to announcements

stewards, be in the ring on time, as well as monitor

conferring titles on the cat and submitting in a timely manner

a corresponding application to the exhibition secretariat.
The organizing committee notifies the breeders in advance about the composition of the judging team, at the exhibition the replacement of an expert at the request of the breeder is not made.
The participant can leave the exhibition ahead of schedule before its end only with the written permission of the exhibition committee.
The owner, who has declared his animal for the exhibition, but has not exhibited it for any reason, has no right to demand the return of the exhibitor's fee.
Participants who are late for registration, who have not passed registration, who are absent at the time of the call by the judge, are considered absent, the animals do not pass the examination, the exhibition fee is not refundable.
Public access to the expert's table is prohibited, pet owners are not allowed into the judging room, except in specially stipulated cases.
At the request of the expert, he is presented with a document on the origin of the animal.
Aggressive animals do not pass examination: aggressive an animal that cannot be examined and touched on the expert's table is considered.
If the owner does not agree with the awarded mark, he can turn to the secretariat with a request for a re-examination only in case of a technical error (class, gender, color is incorrectly indicated). The expert's assessment is not subject to appeal.
The owner can make the necessary changes (exhibition class and others) only before the start of the examination.
The owners who left the exhibition before its end without the written permission of the exhibition committee will be deprived of their diplomas and score sheets.

The breeder's responsibility at the show

The owner of the cat who has applied for participation in the exhibition is fully responsible for the following points:
The reliability and correctness of the information on the cat, indicated by the owner in the assessment sheet.
Timely execution of the necessary veterinary documents.
Life, safety and health of a cat.
Health, breeding qualities and registration of kittens sold by him.

The breeder has the right to:

Place the cat in the cage provided by the club or in your personal cage (placement is negotiated when registering for the exhibition).
Receive the exhibition catalog, as well as information on the procedure for the examination and exhibition.
Change incorrect or outdated information about the cat BEFORE starting the examination.

What determines the assessment of a cat for exhibitions.

It often happens that the same cat at different shows gets completely different marks. Why is this happening?
Different level of competition (the cat gets the placement depending on the number of competitors in the ring).
Different show class (the higher the show class, the higher the level of requirements for the cat).
Condition of the cat (condition of coat, color, ability to "show" oneself).
Difference in standards of some international organizations.
Differences international organizations in terms of "vice" and "disqualification".
The level of training and professional knowledge of the expert.

Best in Show and Best of Best in age groups

Nominated for Best in Show - Kitten and Junior (kittens and young)
Conditions for nomination:
- "Excellent 1" in the ring;
- cats and cats are nominated together;
- the number of places for the nomination is determined by the exhibition.

Best in Show adult animals
Conditions for nomination:
- title CAC, CACIB, CAGCIB, etc .;
- the number of cats in each breed group for the nomination is determined by the show;
- cats are nominated separately from cats;
- chosen from cats "Best cat", and from cats - "Best cat" they are compared for rank Best in Show;
- the loser gets the title Best in show of the opposite sex and does not participate in the Best of Best drawing.

More detailed information about the MFA and its activities can be obtained on the official website of the MFA.

Procedure and rules for issuing MFA title certificates

INunderstanding of cat owners who have received titles for


You need issue the appropriate certificates.

In pedigrees and at exhibitions, only titles are taken into account,

confirmed by certificates!

  • The MFA annually draws up a calendar of LICENSED MFA exhibitions, the marks from which are taken into account for the registration of MFA title certificates
  • For registration of MFA title certificates, grades from licensed exhibitions are recognized: FIFe, WCF., OFA. These estimates can be !!! no more than 1 \ 3 ratings !!! in title certificate
  • All grades must be received !!! strictly in chronological order !!! ... To receive grades in the next class, you must issue a certificate in the previous one.
  • For breeds !!! SFS-SCS-SFL-SCL !!! title certificates are issued !!! only !!! according to estimates from licensed exhibitions of the MFA
  • In the MFA pedigrees, only the MFA titles for which the certificates are issued are indicated.
  • If there are IPA titles in the pedigree, the titles WCF-FIFe-CFA-TICA-ICU may also be indicated
  • Submission of applications for registration of title certificates - is carried out through the MFA club of the city - see MFA
  • The applicant submits to the club: copies of diplomas and evaluations, fills out an application, which the club certifies and sends to the MFA Breeding Commission.
  • Payment for the application - through the MFA club and obtaining a certificate - through the club that submitted the application

    Registration for exhibitions in title classes (above CAC) is carried out upon presentation of certificates for the respective titles.

Champion (premier)- the certificate is issued by the club according to its number on the MFA letterhead

3 CAC (CAP) in Open class with 3 different judges at licensed recognized shows - MFA - WCF - FIFE -OFA

1 from CAC can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

2 CAC - at the licensed MFA show

Junior Champion (Premier) - the certificate is issued by the club according to its number on the MFA letterhead

3 J CAC (J CAP) in Open class with 3 different judges at licensed recognized shows - MFA - WCF - FIFE -OFA

1 of J CAC can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

2 J CAC - at the licensed MFA show

International Champion (premium) * -further and PREMIOR by default

: Baikal , Transbaikalia, Buryatia

International Champion for Regions: Far East

CACIB 1 region 1 city of the Far East region
CACIB 1 region 1 city of the Far East region
CACIB Region 2 2 city in the same region

1 CACIB - can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

2 CACIB - at the licensed MFA exhibition

Grand International Champion

CAGCIB 1 region city
CAGCIB 1 region city
CAGCIB Region 2
CAGCIB Region 2 another city at a distance of 300 km

2 + 2 or 3 + 1

for regions: Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Sakha

Grand International Championfor regions: Far East

CAGCIB 1 region 1 city region of the Far East
CAGCIB 1 region 1 city of the Far East region
CAGCIB Region 2 2 city of the Far East region
CAGCIB Region 2 2 city of the Far East region

1 (2) CAGCIB - can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

3 (2) CAGCIB - at the licensed MFA show

Great International Champion for the regions: Baikal, Transbaikalia, Buryatia

European Champion for RF

CACE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 2 region of the Russian Federation 1000 km 2 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 2 region of the Russian Federation 1000 km 2 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 3 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation CIS country
CACE 3 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation CIS country

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

European Champion for Kazakhstan (Kyrgyzstan)


1 region of the Russian Federation

1 region of the Russian Federation

1 region of the Russian Federation

CACE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 3 region of the Russian Federation Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan
CACE 3 region of the Russian Federation Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

Asian Champion for RF


1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CACE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CACE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CACE 2 region KAZ Kyrgyzstan
CACE 2 region KAZ Kyrgyzstan

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

Asian Champion for Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan


1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CACE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CACE 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ
CACE 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ
CACE 3 region KAZ 1000 km CIS country
CACE 3 region KAZ 1000 km CIS country

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

2 CACE - can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

4 CACE - at the licensed MFA exhibition

Note: for registration of titles of European and Asian champions, double offset of marks is possible.

Big European Champion

for RF

CAGCE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 2 region of the Russian Federation 1000 km 2 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 2 region of the Russian Federation 1000 km 2 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 3 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation CIS country
CAGCE 3 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation CIS country

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

Big European Champion

for Kazakhstan (Kyrgyzstan)


1 region of the Russian Federation

1 region of the Russian Federation

1 region of the Russian Federation

CAGCE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation 2 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 3 region of the Russian Federation Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan
CAGCE 3 region of the Russian Federation Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

Big Asian Champion for RF

CAGCE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 1 region of the Russian Federation 1 region of the Russian Federation
CAGCE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CAGCE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CAGCE 2 region KAZ Kyrgyzstan
CAGCE 2 region KAZ Kyrgyzstan

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

Big Asian Champion

for Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

CAGCE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CAGCE 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ 1 region KAZ
CAGCE 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ
CAGCE 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ 2 region KAZ
CAGCE 3 region KAZ 1000 km CIS country
CAGCE 3 region KAZ 1000 km CIS country

2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1

2 CAGCE - can be obtained at a licensed WCF show - FIFE-OFA

4 CAGCE - at the licensed IPA exhibition

Note: for registration of titles of Great European and Great Asian champions, double offset of marks is possible


SASNA 1 country Europe 1000 km Europe 1000 km
SASNA 1 country Europe 1000 km Europe 1000 km
SASNA 1 country Europe Country 1000 km Country
SASNA 2 country Asia Country 1000 km Country
SASNA 2 country Asia 1000 km 1000 km 1000 km
SASNA 2 country Asia 100 km 100 km 100 km

Only at licensed MFA shows

At least 70 cats

One Best of Best (obtained in SASNA class)

Or two Best in Show (obtained in the SACNA class)

"Regions" and distances of 1000 km are considered at the place of receipt of the corresponding titles.

EXAMPLE: a breeder from Orel comes to Moscow and receives 2 CACIB. therefore, the next CACIB he should receive in a DIFFERENT region, NOT in the region of Moscow and the region.

CACE titles received for the registration of the European Champion may also count towards the Asian Champion title. The words "Kazakhstan" and "Kyrgyzstan" mean licensed MFA exhibitions in these countries.

By the decision of the 2004 IPA Conference, titles received in cities of the same region, the distance between which is 300 km or more, are also considered as visiting titles.

Dear Colleagues!

The International Felinological Association includes the clubs of Kazakhstan. The chairmen of these clubs sent a letter to the MFA Exhibition Committee with a request to divide the territory of Kazakhstan into regions, in order to obtain titles, as in the Russian Federation. The Exhibition Committee found it possible to satisfy their request due to the fact that the territory of Kazakhstan is very large, there are long distances between cities where exhibitions are held and felinological clubs operate.
We invite all clubs in Kazakhstan, regardless of their affiliation to the systems, to join this agreement. In our opinion, this will contribute to the development of felinology in your country, strengthening ties between the clubs.

Respectfully yours, President of the IPA Shevchenko E.

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