Juna's non-contact massage. Bowel dysfunction and disease

Juna Davitashvili is a Russian healer who was one of the first in the USSR to use energy field healing.

The theory of treatment is based on the effect of energy on the human body, due to which the secret possibilities of the body are revealed, it self-heals and regenerates.

What is non-contact massage

Dzhuna Davitashvili's non-contact massage is a massage using a biological field.

It does not provide for physical contact with a person, that is, the massage therapist does not touch him with his hands.

This type of procedure causes a lot of controversy and doubts among doctors, but there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Non-contact massage was invented by a non-clairvoyant and a healer; Juna only used the knowledge and techniques used during the existence of Ancient Assyria.

In the old days, a similar procedure was carried out to restore the body, improve blood circulation, heal wounds, relieve pain and stop bleeding.

How is a non-contact massage session going?

The energetic non-contact massage is performed in a special room with dim light.

This atmosphere allows a person to relax, trust the massage therapist and get the most out of the procedure.

It is very important to make the conditions for the massage comfortable for a person.

For complete relaxation, patients need to remove all distracting objects (watch, phone, accessories) and think about something pleasant before starting.

Thoughts should not be loaded with routine problems. Before the massage, it is important to relieve yourself of the psychological stress, to forget about all obligations and responsibilities.

The masseur does not speak during the session. It is also highly undesirable for the room to play relaxing relaxing music that can distract a person.

Unlike oriental techniques, energetic non-contact massage is aimed at opening the chakras through which a person can receive energy that is useful for him.

If a non-contact facial massage is meant, then the patient lies on the couch. Lying on it, a person concentrates on the session, relaxes. If desired, the patient closes his eyes.

Before the procedure, the masseur “warms up his hands”. He does it in figuratively... To do this, he needs to put his palms together, pressing them firmly to each other.

Then the person slowly pushes them apart, starting from the base of the palm towards the fingers, while mentally imagining that there is a clot of energy or a ball of fire between the palms. Concentration is very important in this matter. “Hands warm up” until there is a feeling of warmth or heat in the palms.

There are several techniques for non-contact massage:

  1. Pressing.
  2. Hood.
  3. The direction of the energy flow.
  4. Pumping.


Pressing helps to eliminate discomfort and pain in the body. Technique: put your palms at a distance of about 3-4 cm opposite each other.

Smoothly spread your arms in different directions, imitating playing the button accordion or stretching a spring.

This technique is done directly over the sick or problem area of ​​the patient's body.

A type of pressing are saber movements. Technique: both palms are placed parallel to the patient's body. First, visual pressure is made with the hands, then a smooth pulling is performed.


The hood is most often used for small areas, such as the face.

Technique of execution: all fingers of the hand are folded together. Spiral movements are carried out with the fingers of the hands in the direction from the problem area.

After 6 - 7 twists, the fingers should be squeezed even tighter. This technique "pulls" diseases out of the organs, makes the skin on the face elastic.

Energy flow direction

Reception of the direction of energy consists in placing the palms perpendicular to the problem area of ​​the body.

All energy is concentrated in the fingertips. Then the hand moves up and down.


A technique called pumping is done by folding the arms together to form a bucket.

The specialist mentally charges energy and smoothly moves his hands from the sternum to the throat.

When the hands reach the neck, a flip of the palms is done to release the energy. Then the palms are set to the starting point.

Benefits of non-contact massage

Effect of non-contact massage:

  • Raising hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Elimination of pain in the upper and lower extremities.
  • Improving lymphatic drainage, improving complexion and skin.
  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Elimination of insomnia.
  • Relief from migraines and headaches.
  • Regulation of impaired or improper metabolism.


The non-contact massage is performed by alternative therapists who know how to retain energy. You can learn to do this on your own, but a person will need more than one day of training.

It is very important that the massage therapist is in a good mood, as he transfers his energy to the patient through his palms. If he is upset or upset, then the negative will be transmitted to the person and there will be no effect from such a procedure.

Non-contact massage is performed without touching a person directly. The masseur smoothly runs his hands along the patient's body, trying to "feel" his pain points. In one or two sessions, it is possible to align the emotional background, restore life potential and cure many diseases internal organs.

Alternative medicine adherents argue that "air massage" (as it is often called by the people) helps to completely reconfigure the body, motivates it to renew and heal from the inside. In fact, non-contact massage is a way of working with a person's biofield or aura without directly interfering with the functioning of life systems.

The human aura is intangible matter. Nevertheless, it emits heat, and the strength of the outgoing flows depends on the state of human health on the physical and psychological levels... Sore spots emit more energy, healthy ones less. The task of the massage therapist is to find them and redirect the flow of heat in the right direction.

During the massage, it is possible to:

  • relieve internal tension;
  • free from negative thoughts;
  • relieve headaches, discomfort in the joints;
  • relieve acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cure impotence;
  • relax muscles;
  • to align the heart rate.

Influencing the thin shells of a person, the masseur first finds out where the problems are hidden, and then “connects” his energy, healing the patient with his own energy flows. Thoughts, feelings of the healer in the process are maximally concentrated. This is the only way he manages to achieve a therapeutic effect.

History of appearance

Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of hands. There is a mention of non-contact massage in treatises Indian yogis where it is referred to as "hands-on treatment". It is also found in the teachings of Chinese healers, priests of Ancient Egypt and Greece.

It is known that the legendary king Pyrrhus had the gift of healing with his hands. It was enough for him to touch the patient, as his intestinal spasms passed, his head stopped hurting. Emperor Vespasian, according to history, treated blindness in this way and put lame people on their feet.

In Russia, the methodology was mastered by Archpriest Avvakum, attracting thousands of suffering people to the monastery with the gift. Patients rode to him from all cities and villages, dreaming of one touch of the priest.

Today the technique has become widespread in Western society. A wave of interest in alternative medicine has risen, hundreds of people are looking for masters who know the techniques of non-contact massaging. There are numerous stories about miraculous healing from diseases literally from one touch with the hands of a healer, and the number of fans of the technique is growing.

Indications for use

Admirers of the technique claim that all diseases are subject to massage. The procedure equally effectively soothes a crying child, increases hemoglobin, and normalizes blood pressure. The masseur who owns this technique does not directly invade the patient's body, although some people compare this effect with an “energy scalpel”.

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sleep disorders, chronic fatigue;
  • diseases of the joints;
  • violations in cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • with infertility and impotence.

Experienced massage therapists assure that this technique contributes to weight loss: by guiding energy flows in the hypothalamus (the region of the brain responsible for appetite), it is possible to pacify the feeling of hunger.

One or two sessions of non-contact massage will help a person to forget about bad eating habits, to fall in love with tasty and healthy food. In the same way, you can save the patient from bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking.

Existing techniques

There are several popular massage techniques without direct contact with the patient's body.

Djuna Davitashvili's method

One of the most popular is the non-contact massage according to the Davitashvili method. The treatment is carried out with the biofield of the masseur.

Juna Davitashvili says that it is easy to stay young and healthy for a very long time if the healer works with the human biofield and through it relieves pain and fatigue. For example, to rejuvenate the face, Juna teaches massage therapists to perform clockwise movements around problem areas: areas around the eyes, along the contour of the face, near the forehead. Mentally, he should smooth out wrinkles, give the contour elasticity. After several sessions, the healer assures, the person will look younger.

Norbekov's system

Another doctor, Mirzakarim Norbekov, believes that it is important to “massage” patients with our own inner warmth. Having felt the pain points of a person, it is important to concentrate, direct the impulses of your own heat to the sore spots and "pull" the disease out of the body. Systemic work, the doctor assures, helps to improve blood circulation, to establish the outflow of lymphatic fluid, to strengthen the immune system.

Chinese qigong

In Asia, fans of alternative medicine often turn to masseurs who have mastered the practice of Qigong (its other name is Qi massage). Here, the main focus is on the mental messages of the master. The healer accumulates thoughts in his palms, and then transfers them to the patient through smooth, "air" movements that imitate massaging.

In China, they sincerely believe: pure, bright thoughts and an ardent desire to help a person allow you to eliminate clamps and congestion in muscles, to restore strength. Experienced healers claim that they are able to help a person even at a distance - Qi massage can actually be carried out from afar, directing the flow of energy in a telepathic way.

Types of "air massage"

Non-contact massage can be partial or general. In case of blood loss, stress, diseases of internal organs, a general massage is performed. Partial is needed to solve local problems: facial rejuvenation, treatment of bronchitis, migraines, indigestion.

The effect can be twofold: tonic and soothing. When it is necessary to bring a person to his senses, to charge him with vivacity, the masseur acts faster and a little sharper. And for a calming effect, all movements of the masseur's hands should be smooth, like in a slow motion movie. With headaches, massage is concentrated in the temporal zone, stroking is performed in the direction from the temples to the forehead, ears, gradually going down to the neck.

Back congestion is removed with quick circular motions over the spine. In this case, the masseur does not directly touch the patient, but works exclusively with his energy emanating from the body.

Masters know how to combine both approaches: it all depends on the diagnosis and the needs of the patient's body.

Basic massaging techniques

A massage session is a sequence of several actions. The first is maximum concentration, which is called the yoga of the mind. The healer must mentally concentrate on the sensations of warmth at the fingertips, tune the mind to a positive wave.

A pessimistic attitude, internal fatigue of a master during a contactless massage are unacceptable.

Mandatory steps of the procedure:

The session ends only when the masseur feels that harmony has settled inside the patient, and the systems of his body have come to balance. He shakes off his hands, as if freeing himself from other people's diseases, and be sure to rinse them with water. A session usually lasts 15 to 40 minutes. It takes place in a comfortable atmosphere: scented candles are lit in the room, a calm melody or sounds of nature are played. The number of sessions is always negotiated individually.

Possible contraindications

Massage has practically no contraindications, it is allowed to do it at any age. But for colds, flu in the acute inflammatory stage and during pregnancy, it is recommended to postpone the session until recovery or childbirth.

All over the world every year more and more interest in non-traditional methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases is growing. This can be explained by the desire of a person to more fully cognize and reveal their capabilities. Science, which has even penetrated into space, has done very little to study man himself. But man is the whole Universe. How many discoveries are still to be made here!

What do you need to know when starting to master the techniques of non-contact massage? First of all, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge about human anatomy, about the cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive organs, urogenital organs. This information can be found in encyclopedias, popular medical literature. It is good if you are familiar with massage techniques. Although the technique is called non-contact massage, some diseases require a combination of non-contact and contact massage techniques and the laying on of hands.

Now let's go directly to the description of the non-contact massage technique.

How does the person (let's call him the operator) feel while conducting the session? Holding his hand at a distance of 5-10 cm above the patient's head or slowly passing it along the body, the operator feels warmth and sometimes a tingling sensation in his fingertips. Over time, gaining experience, you can feel the difference in the radiation of the patient's body at different points, learn to decipher the information sent human body into the surrounding space. But this skill does not come immediately.

At first, it is sufficient that the patient feels the radiation (warmth) of your hand. Practice this (you can warm up your hands before the session by rubbing your palms together until you feel warmth yourself. Approx. Loki). Hold your hand so that the palm is open towards the patient's body, the fingers are slightly bent and the pads are directed towards the patient. Keep your hands free, do not strain. But don't relax either. Concentrate mentally on your fingertips and begin to smoothly move your hands along the patient's body. First from top to bottom (palms facing down), and then from bottom to top (palms facing up). Above the head, the palms almost join (the distance between them is 2 - 3 cm), and then turn and slide downward. The movement is performed continuously, smoothly. The palms should feel connected with the radiation of the patient's body. You can imagine it as if you are performing these movements in the water, smoothly enveloping the body with water.
As a rule, work with the patient begins with this technique. This is making contact with him. So, take your time, listen to your hands. And alternately - in front and behind, perform these movements. The next technique is loop-shaped (cross) movements of the arms, which begin above the head, then continue along the body, to the bottom of it (Fig. 2). The hands with slightly bent fingers are turned towards the patient's body. These movements are also performed in front and behind. These two types of movements are conventionally called "energy distribution" and are the basis of preventive techniques. Performing these techniques relieves fatigue, regulates blood pressure, improves sleep and general well-being. Energy distribution is an integral part of every session in any After carrying out these techniques, blood microcirculation improves, the general tone of the body rises, and efficiency increases.

During a non-contact massage session, the patient can be in a standing, sitting or lying position. It depends on the disease, well-being and individual characteristics of the patient.

In a standing position, the patient stands calmly, with his arms lowered along the body. When sitting - hands are calmly on the knees, palms up. In the position, any position is chosen that is convenient for the session.

The position and posture of the operator are determined by the type of technique being performed. It can be in front of the patient, behind or on the side.

The session can be carried out at any time - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
Each session should begin with energy distribution. By this, the body is included in active action.

Each technique is performed for 2-3 minutes, then the techniques are repeated in the same sequence.

In conclusion, it is necessary to carry out vigorous circular rubbing with the palms. chest and the upper back (Fig. 3). Movements are performed simultaneously with both hands in a clockwise direction. All sessions should be completed with these movements. They stimulate the heart, thymus, and blood flow to the upper lobes of the lungs. Begin your study of non-contact massage by practicing general preventive techniques. The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

When should you resort to the preventive technique of non-contact massage?

With fatigue, poor health, often associated with changes in the weather, magnetic storms, with nervous tension and in other similar cases. Do not rush to swallow pills unnecessarily. Try to act on each other with the warmth of your hands. Do not spare your loved ones strength and energy. She will return to you a hundredfold.
In the prevention of various diseases, in addition to the distribution of energy, other methods are used. Let's take a look at some of them below. They represent the flattening and spreading of hands in a horizontal plane. Palms at a distance of 5-10 cm from one another with the fingers directed towards the body (Fig. 4). Then they move apart and move up to 3-5 cm (as if stretching and squeezing invisible threads). The movement is repeated continuously for 5-10 minutes. This technique is performed on various parts of the body. One of the types of press movements are "saber" movements. In this case, the hands are in a horizontal position, for example, at the level of the patient's shoulders, palms down, fingers are directed towards the patient. Smooth dilution and mixing with a large swing are performed - 5-7 cm wider than the shoulders (Fig. 5). This technique can also be performed on other parts of the body, and a technique such as stretching is often used. These are circular movements with the hand around the sore spot. In this case, the fingers are slightly connected and directed perpendicular to the patient's body (Fig. 6). After several circular movements (5-6), a 5-10 cm abduction is made to the side and the fingers are fully connected. The direction of energy is carried out by a directed action or movement of the hands perpendicular to a certain part of the body (Fig. 7). When performing this technique, it is especially important to feel feedback, that is, when holding the hands in a stationary position, feel the patient's reaction, the emergence of a response warmth or cold tingling in the fingertips.


This technique is performed with both hands from the front. The hands are loosely collected in a handful, fingers are directed towards the patient's body. Raise our hands with our palms up from the solar plexus to the chin, turn our hands with our palms down and lower them back (to the solar plexus), etc.
(Fig. 8). In the upper position, when the direction of movement of the hands is changed, we do a slight discharge of energy with our fingers (shaking).
All of the above techniques form the basis of the prophylactic technique of non-contact massage. They need to be carefully studied to practice well, repeatedly repeating these techniques at first not on a person, but simply by mastering the movements of the hands, to achieve a rhythmic and smooth implementation of them. Only after you feel that you have acquired some automatism in performing these movements, you can begin to conduct preventive sessions for those diseases where these techniques are encountered.

Performing the general techniques of the preventive technique, that is, the distribution of energy, try to ensure that your movements are light, smooth. Do not strain your hands. When your hands slide along the body, they seem to envelop it with an invisible elastic substance - feel its "heaviness" in your hands. Movements should be continuous, at the same pace. Until you have achieved sufficient automatism in performing these techniques, do not mentally distract from your action, focus your attention on the tips of your fingers and with inner efforts try to direct your energy there.

After making sure that your impact is felt by the patient and brings him relief, improves well-being, you can begin to master other techniques. Also try to work them out to automatism, i.e. they must be performed without tension, rhythmically and continuously for 10-15 minutes.

After preliminary study and mastering of these techniques, you can move on to short preventive sessions, during which you should feel and become more aware of the movements you are performing and learn to feel feedback with your patient.
Do not try to do all the sessions described at once. Improve yourself gradually, this is the only way you will achieve a noticeable effect from your actions. Don't be discouraged if things don't work out the way you want them to. This technique is available to almost all people, but everyone learns it in their own way: both in time and in the result of exposure. Therefore, be patient and diligent, even if it seems to you that everything is easy and simple for you. This is work, active work and quite tedious, especially at the stages of training. But it will bring you joy and health. Consider some widespread ailments and diseases, the exacerbation and manifestation of which can be prevented with the help of contactless massage.

One of the most common diseases in our time is a violation of blood pressure, as a result of which hypertensive and hypotonic diseases occur. These diseases do not know age boundaries - they affect a person from childhood to old age.

Many years of experience have shown that the non-contact massage technique has proven to be very effective in the treatment and prevention of these diseases. Its positive impact was noted in numerous reports of different medical institutions where it was used.

A preventive session of blood pressure regulation is carried out as follows.

The patient is in front of the operator in a standing or sitting position. If the pressure is very high, dizziness may occur during the session. In such cases, it is better to sit the patient on a chair. The operator performs movements with his hands at a distance of 5-10 cm from the patient. With increased blood pressure the operator performs movements, first being in front of the patient, and then behind.

We carry out the reception of the distribution of energy. We smoothly move our hands from the head along the body down (palms down), then, reaching the bottom of the body, we begin to move up (palms up). Raising your arms above your head, we bring them to each other at a distance of 3-4 cm and again lead them down. We repeat these movements continuously for 5-7 minutes. Then, for 5 minutes, we perform vertical movements with our hands along the body from above to the extremities, as if removing the “energy” around the body. If possible, then you need to check the pressure. After that, you can repeat these movements from the beginning. dizziness.

At the end of the procedure, we perform movements with our hands over the head - from the face to the back of the head and back (energy distribution) -7-10 times (Fig. 9); We carry out with our hands (contact, with light pressure) from top to bottom along the back along the spine (to the tailbone), then along the legs (to the heels). In conclusion - circular massaging movements - rubbing the upper part of the chest and back simultaneously with both palms in a clockwise direction.

If the patient is lying, then the techniques of energy distribution should be performed first above the head, then along the body - to the legs. After that, we carry out the press movements. The span of the arms in this case from the lumbar part of the body (one arm) and neck (other arm) to 5-10 cm and back (7 times). Then "saber" movements along the body - to the legs and neck. These movements are performed as follows: the hands with the fingers are directed perpendicular to the body, palms down; arms crosswise and finish with contact rubbing of the back and chest.
With reduced pressure, we distribute energy along the body for 3-5 minutes, first from the front, then from the back. Then "saber" movements (7 times) at shoulder level and at the end - circular rubbing of the back and chest. After checking the pressure, the session can be repeated.

As a result of the session in patients with essential hypertension, the systolic pressure decreases, as a rule, by 20-60 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - by 10-30 mm Hg. Art. In patients with hypotonic disease, the systolic pressure rises accordingly by 10-20 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - by 0-10 mm Hg. Art. Along with this, there is an improvement in general well-being, an increase in working capacity, and mood.

What does the patient usually feel during such a session?

With skillful action, he quickly senses the heat emanating from the operator's hands, and then the heating of the whole body. It happens that the patient feels uneven heating of any part of the body. For example, Right side the head heats up more than the left one. This means that blood circulation is hampered in the vessels of the left side due to some painful processes. As a result of the systematic application of the non-contact massage technique, these violations can be eliminated.

But do not forget that you should not get carried away with the duration and number of sessions!
Let me remind you once again that the number of sessions in the general prophylaxis cycle should not exceed ten. As a rule, one session a day lasting 20-30 minutes is enough to improve well-being.

Good results are obtained by using the method of non-contact massage for other diseases. Do not undertake to treat advanced diseases, especially in the acute stage. In these cases, try to apply the technique only as additional remedy to the treatment prescribed by doctors. This will alleviate the patient's condition and speed up his recovery.In order to prevent swelling and pain in the legs, as well as relieve fatigue with prolonged walking, you can conduct the following session:

1. Perform all techniques of energy distribution for 2-3 minutes to increase the overall tone of the body.

2. Perform press movements along each leg at a distance of 5-10 cm (the patient can stand or lie down). Hands move one towards the other smoothly, without touching, as if pressing the air between them, move apart and move again (Fig. 10). Movements are continuous, for 10-12 minutes. 3. At the end of the session - contact stroking of the legs with both hands (first one leg, then the other) from top to bottom and bottom to top - 5-6 times.

4. After that, you can perform energy distribution techniques and contact stroking of the upper back and chest clockwise with both hands at once for 1-2 minutes.

For varicose veins, we also perform press movements with both hands along the leg. In this case, one hand moves from the foot up to the knee, and the other towards it - from the knee to the foot. You need to perform these movements both in front and behind. Then light contact stroking. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.
This session can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to sit down, put one leg on the knee of the other so that it is convenient to perform the manipulations described above. Then change the position of the legs and repeat the techniques on the other leg. For the prevention of insomnia and headache (migraine):

Traffic right hand over the head from the forehead to the back of the head and back (energy distribution) - 7 times.

The laying on of hands on the head in the region of the crown. The palms are slightly curved, touching the outer side thumbs, the rest of the pads lightly press on the surface of the head (Fig. 11). Hold this for 5-7 minutes. Direction of energy to the area of ​​the ears (both hands with the fingers are directed first to one ear, then to the other). Duration 10-12 minutes. In this case, the person conducting the session can feel the pulsation in the palms, and the patient feels that the pain is concentrated on the crown of the head, then it concentrates at one point, for example, the temple expands. After that, we again perform movements with the right hand above the head from the forehead to the back of the head and back. We finish by lightly rubbing the temporal region.

Separately, I would like to highlight some tips that can be useful in case of domestic injuries and other unforeseen circumstances. Of course, if the injury is serious, immediate health care... Then, during the healing and recovery period, you can help these processes by performing the following techniques.

Dislocation, fracture

Alternate the imposition of the fingertips on the sore spot with the movement of the hands (dilution and reduction) in the horizontal plane - press movements with an overlap. In this case, the hands either approach or move away from the sore spot. Continue movements until feedback appears. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

Apply the pads of your fingers to the sore spot. Light pressure without lifting your hands for 20-30 minutes.

The main thing is to do the general energy distribution and pumping first. Then a movement with one hand over the affected area - as if collecting and unclenching a handful - with tension. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes of exposure, the bubbles fall off, the skin turns pale. You can work with both hands - do press movements with an overlap.

In any case, be sure not to forget about the periodic distribution of energy during the session: above the head and on the sides of the body.

Difficulty breathing with false croup, asthma

We perform "saber" movements at chest level at a slow pace. The operator, as it were, steps on the patient and retreats. Then pumping and rubbing is done in the back and chest. The duration of the session is no more than 15 minutes.

Pain during menstruation

Place both hands on the uterine area. Press with your fingers alternately in a circle, clockwise. When feeling pain points(there are up to five of them) deepen the fingers, despite the pain, until the feeling of a pulse beating in the fingers. Continue this for 15-20 minutes until the pain comes to the center and dissolves.

You can use another quick way to relieve pressure:

With the pads of the fingers of your right hand, immerse yourself in the patient's left palm, with the left, support his hand from below. Keep this way for 10-15 minutes. Then massage should be done along the spinal trunk from both sides from top to bottom (several times).

All the techniques described above, as already mentioned, are preventive - this should not be forgotten. Your task is to help the patient to alleviate his condition. Of course, with long-term and correct application of the preventive technique of non-contact massage, you can achieve significant success and completely save your patient from any disease. But don't make it your goal. The main thing is to try to carry out these sessions at the first signs of the disease, when prevention is so important and effective.

In the treatment of serious and advanced diseases, more complex specific techniques are used, which are available only to those who already have a good command of preventive techniques, have a medical education and appropriate equipment to monitor the patient's condition.

However, given the great interest in the prevention and treatment of widespread diseases, here are some guidelines that you can use to help your loved ones and friends. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that they should be used only after you are able to achieve efficiency in conducting sessions of the general preventive technique and feel confident in your abilities.

Sinusitis, runny nose

Pressing movements at the level of the nose with an "overlap" (the hands go one after the other during the oncoming movement). Direction of energy to the nose with a feeling of feedback (hands are parallel to each other, fingers are directed towards the nose) for 30-40 seconds to 1 minutes Stretching in the area of ​​the nose (3 circular movements, then moving the arm to the side) for 1 minute Repetition of techniques, ie again press movements, direction of energy and stretching.

The duration of the entire session is 10-15 minutes. The stretch is done with the right hand with the left hand down.

Distribution of energy above the head with the right hand. First from the forehead to the back of the head and back, then from one ear to the other (1-2 minutes). Directing energy to the ear (right hand with fingers perpendicular to the ear) for 1 minute. Stretching (as if pulling a thread) around the ear with a pull to the side. The fingers are pinned together. The total duration of the session is 20 minutes.

It is better to treat a child in a dream.

It is also possible to relieve toothache (extraction over the teeth) and pain during teething of milk teeth in children.

Inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease

First, we perform press movements at the level of the mouth (1-2 minutes), then directing the energy locally to the sore spot with the fingertips of the right hand at a distance of 5 cm (1 minute), stretching around the sore spot with retraction to the side and light discharge with only fingers (1 minute ). This cycle of tricks is repeated several times. The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

Throat ailments

Press movements (without overlap) are performed at the level of the throat. Traction in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Then we pump with both hands. This technique is performed as follows: the fingers are loosely gathered in a handful, we raise our hands with our palms up from the solar plexus to the chin, turn our hands with our palms down and lower them back, etc. Upward, when the direction of the hands is changed, light discharge of energy with the fingers.

Then again press movements and drawing. Each movement takes one minute. The entire session lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

Respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases

Saber movements (hands in a horizontal position at the level of the patient's shoulders, palms down, fingers directed towards the patient, left hand on top). In this position, smoothly bring and spread your arms with a sweep wider than the shoulders - 7-10 times. Then slow pumping, as described above, with feedback - 7-10 times; again saber movements, pumping, etc. The duration of the session is up to 10-15 minutes.

Dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Pressing movements at the level of the intestines, liver, pancreas, etc. (1 minute), pumping with the release of energy by fingers each time (1 minute). Directing energy to the bile ducts, then to the liver. Repetitions: press movements - pumping - energy direction. From time to time we perform the techniques of distributing energy along the body (on the sides of the body from top to bottom - as if we were washing, from bottom to top - we raise the energy on the palms; 3 times up and down). The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

You can also have a self-medication session. To do this, you need to lie on your back, apply the fingertips to the liver area first (the palm is raised), then the whole palm. Gradually press the fingers into the body until you feel the “pulse beat” in the fingers. At the same time, a special taste, belching appears in the mouth. We lie there for 5-10 minutes. Heartburn is also relieved.

The effect on the pancreas is carried out in a similar way.

Bowel dysfunction and disease

Direction of energy (hands are parallel, palms are directed to one another at a distance of 10-15 cm, fingers are directed perpendicular to the body). Keep this for 1-2 minutes until a strong tingling sensation appears in the pads of the fingers or palms. Pumping 1 minute, Distribution of energy along the body from the sides up and down (3-4 times). Then the cycle repeats. The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

And one more advice: in order to establish intestinal peristalsis, every morning, while lying down, press the navel with the index finger of your right hand and wait for the moment when the finger feels the pulse "running" from the navel. When the finger feels a rhythmic beat, stop the procedure. every morning in bed, before breakfast, 10 days in a row.

Impaired renal function
Pressing movements without overlap at the level of the kidneys in front and behind (1-2 minutes). Further influence on the patient is carried out from the back. Direction of energy with two hands (palms are perpendicular to the body, fingers are directed towards the body). Stretching with your right hand. The hand moves in an elliptical manner in the horizontal plane, first in the area of ​​one kidney, then the other - and so alternately for 2 - 3 minutes. Abduction to the side after two or three circular movements.

Note ed. (Loki): As Juna herself writes, "... Of course, I also have my own secrets, which I do not yet reveal. I will be able to discover them only when scientists and doctors in the majority understand and support me. I want to give to people all my knowledge, experience and promising methods, which I work on together with my students. But I am not yet sure that all this will fall into reliable hands and will be used for the benefit of man ... "

Non-contact massage - massage using the influence of the biological field of one person on the biofield of another person without physical contact with the help of heat, cold, tingling, mentally concentrated on the patient's diseased or problem organs.

Non-contact massage is not new. The origins of massage are in the times of Ancient Assyria. Even then, people noticed the influence of the biofield of one person on those around them, they knew how to develop the concentration of their internal energy to stop bleeding, heal wounds, and relieve pain. Known technique conducting non-contact massage opens up new horizons in the healing and treatment of the human body.

Massage preparation rules

Before a massage session, an appropriate environment of trust and relaxation should be created in the room. The light in the room can be dimmed, but not until twilight. The patient should not be distracted from the massage, so all jewelry should be removed from the hands, even the watch. During the session, all conversations are terminated. The masseur should not use perfumes with strong odors.

Starting a non-contact massage, you should warm up your hands according to the following method:

  1. Fold your palms, as for prayer, press firmly to each other. Feel the warmth that fills your hands.
  2. With force, first tearing off the supporting parts of the palm, with support on the pads of the fingers, spread the hands a short distance, keeping the heat in the form of an elastic lump.
  3. Self-hypnosis to concentrate heat in the palms until the sensation of heat. This feeling of warmth should be maintained throughout the massage. The process of holding heat is individual, for someone it is enough to imagine a ball of fire between the palms or sunlight. A change in the intensity of heat in the hands will indicate the location of the disease during diagnosis. Only a specialist who has the qualifications of a healer, hands filled with unique sensitivity, and is completely confident in the victory over the disease, can engage in diagnostics using the method of contactless massage.

You can develop hand sensitivity on your own

Many people have the gift of healing by a non-contact method from nature, however, not everyone knows how to develop God's gifts, or do not know about their power. A few simple exercises will help you learn the phenomenal ability to induce warmth in your hands.

  1. Feeling the pulse at the tips of each finger:
    • press the tip of the finger firmly against a hard surface and hold it until the pulse begins to beat. Then put the second finger, and so on, keeping the pulsation in the fingers of both hands with the force of concentration;
    • Having learned to feel the pulse on contact with the surface, you should take your hands off the support, raise them to a height of 3-4 centimeters and concentrate on your fingertips to feel the pulse.
  2. The ability to discern various materials... After the first exercise, when the pulse is felt in the hands, you can move on to the second. To develop these abilities, you will need the help of another person, it may even be a child.
    • keep an open palm at a distance of 4-10 centimeters from the surface until pulsation appears;
    • close your eyes and give a sign to the assistant to put an object under the palm of the hand, the material of which should be determined. It can be paper, wood, glass, or foil. The sensations from each material should be recorded in the head.
    • after 5-10 attempts, you should look at the table of successful definitions.
  3. Regular training allows you to learn to identify objects the first time.

A prerequisite for a masseur

When carrying out a massage session, the masseur himself must not feel unwell and negative emotions. Healing effect is possible only with the full confidence of the masseur in his abilities and in his abilities.

Technique of non-contact massage

The diagnosis has been carried out, the sore spot or diseased organ has been identified, and you can proceed to the massage. Non-contact massage is based on the following techniques:

  1. Pressing - put your palms at a distance of 3 cm opposite each other and, as if stretching the spring, spread up to 10 cm and bring them back near the sore spot for 5-7 minutes. The patient will feel the heat fluctuation. As a result of these techniques, uncomfortable sensations go away.
  2. The saber movements resemble pressing, but the palms are parallel to the patient's body. Soft, sweeping movements "press" the diseased organ, be it the shoulders, neck or abdomen.
  3. The hood allows you to concentrate heat on a small surface, for example, on the elements of the face. Put all the fingers of the hand in a pinch and conditionally draw a spiral, approaching and moving away from the sore spot at a distance of 3-7 centimeters, gradually, through 4-6 "spirals", increasing the compression of the fingers and accelerating the movements. In this case, the disease is "pulled" out of the organ.
  4. Directing energy is the next trick. The palm is placed perpendicular to the painful area, concentrating all the energy at the fingertips. You can only move your hand after you feel a return warmth or tingling sensation. Hands move up and down, from side to side.
  5. Pumping - to perform this technique, you should fold your palms with a ladle, “fill” them with warmth and slowly raise them from the level of the solar plexus to the level of the throat, then sharply turn the palms over, “shake off” the heat, and lower your palms upside down to the starting point. Repeat the technique several times.

Sore areas emit or take away heat, in these places you feel heat, cold or increased tingling in the fingers. Concentrating energy at these points, one should mentally “smooth out” the area of ​​discomfort or “scoop out” the heat with folded palms until the heat is felt equally in all zones of influence. Each time the collected heat should be dumped by a sharp shake of the hands. The technique of conducting massage sessions is deeply individual.

The uniqueness of contactless massage

Attention to non-contact massage is constantly growing, because without any mechanical influences, medical procedures and drugs, you can get an effect with such problems:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • sore limbs;
  • sleep disturbance and headaches;
  • poor blood counts;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • violation of the lymphatic system;
  • improper metabolism.

Medication treatment can complement biofield treatment. Non-contact massage not only heals, but also rejuvenates the body.

Non-contact massage restores youthfulness to the face

The famous Juna advises every woman who loves herself and wants to look young to do facial manipulations every morning. Juna's facial massage technique consists of one single technique.

With a relaxed right palm, the fingers of which are folded into a boat, make circular movements clockwise around problem areas: eyes, cheeks, forehead, while mentally smoothing the shape of the face, removing all wrinkles. 10 minutes a day and after a month of self-massage, youthfulness of the face is ensured by increasing the outflow of venous blood and improving lymph circulation.

Norbekov's technique includes several techniques, with the regular implementation of which, not only the face is rejuvenated, but also the entire vital system of the body.

The uniqueness of Norbekov's techniques is in the alternation of sensations for 8-10 seconds of heat, cold and tingling. It is recommended to start the facial rejuvenation movement from the right cheek, then the left cheek, a slow transition to the forehead, then the chin, and the facial massage ends with the effect on the nose.

Here, the "drawing" technique is most suitable, all movements are done clockwise, "twisting" the energy, increasing and decreasing the radius of influence. For the fastest rejuvenation of the face, you should combine warmth with tingling, tingling with cold.

In this case, the concentration of energy should mentally tighten and stretch the skin of the face.

Contraindications to the use of contactless massage

With all the seeming ease, you cannot self-medicate with contact massage. Only an accurately diagnosed diagnosis, which can be made by a qualified specialist, will make it possible to act on the diseased organ. But prophylactically, each person can localize their internal energy and help yourself.

Juna's technique. Biofield. Folk recipes.
1. Basics of Juna's preventive technique

and methods of treating the disease
1.1 Distribution of energy.

Is performed with one or both hands along the body or

over a certain organ.

Total energy distribution: palm to palm at a distance

yiii 3-4 cm, hands above the head. Palms down along the body, behind-

the palms up - upward movement.

Starting position. The total distribution of energy produced

is found at the very beginning of any treatment, even if you are treating a patient

At the end of any treatment, the total energy distribution is also

gii and heart massage, because the biggest falls on the heart

Heart massage is performed from two sides: the right hand

in front on the chest, left on the back also in the region of the heart.

Circular movements simultaneously clockwise 11-13 times

from each side.

If you do a heart massage to yourself, then, massaging with the right

with your hand in front, stand with your back to a mirror or wall that

act as a screen (right hand - energy supply, left

1.2 Pressing movements.

The press movement creates an asset - an influx of fresh blood

in and. Palm to palm, imitation of stretching an elastic band, closer

no more than 3-4 cm. Pressing movements produce

on a certain organ, for example, on the nose, thyroid gland,

stomach, gynecology, overhead, etc.

1.3 Pumping.

Pumping is done with a slow movement of the hands: palms

down and fingers perpendicular to the body, with feedback from

the center of the abdomen to the chin, where to clench into fists. When pumping

ke rises on his hands from the solar plexus a sea of ​​energy

gii to the thyroid gland (from one chakra to another).

Palm to palm at a distance of 3-4 cm.

are assigned to a specific organ. In this case, the body is sent

the energy of the healer.

1.5 Hood.

The extract of the disease is performed in a circular motion.

howling hand: fingers together, rounded, do not close into a bundle.

Clockwise movement 7 circles. Then pull your hand

15 cm, squeeze into pinches and discharge with combustion (friction


Sabers are a strong distribution of energy. Produced on

shoulder level. Palms down, breaststroke imitation.
2. General prevention of the body against possible diseases

niy (ARVI, etc.).
The patient sits legs apart, hands on knees palms

up. Children can be made asleep. At the beginning of each treatment

a general energy distribution is made, at the end - a general

energy distribution and heart massage. All 7 times. So-

In the future, only the core of the treatment will be printed.

Core: Pumping - 7 times. These manipulations complicate the pre-

owl movements in the eye area. nose. thymus jelly

zy.gastric tract.genital organs.
3. Treatment of individual organs.
3.1. Eyes. Core: press - 7 times, extraction - 1 time Total

7 sets.

3.2. Nose. Core: Energy Direction - 2 min. press - 7

time, drawing - 1 time Only 7 approaches.

3.3. Paradantosis. Core: extract - 1 min.

helmet (energy distribution from the forehead to

back of the head) - 15 times Only 7 approaches.

3.4. Throat. Core: extract - 1 min. press - 7 times press

energy correction - 1-2 min.

There are 7 approaches in total.

3.5. Heart and bronchi. Core: sabers on the chest - 15 min.,

helmet - 15 times, airfield (right hand

ka above the head, palm down, in a circle

clockwise movements) -

3.6. Headache. Core: airfield - 21 circle right

hand. Left hand palm up

under the chin (screen from the heart

3.7. Migraine. Core: helmet - 15-17 times.

3.8. Thymus. Progresses to 12 years, then

it transfers its functions to the thyroid gland and genitals.

Core: press -15 min.

3.9. Liver, spleen, gall bladder, 12-finger

intestine. Core: press 7 times, pump 3 times

for, exhaust -3 times, energy direction

There are 7 approaches in total.

3.10. Head. Kernel: crab (hands are superimposed by crab-

pinky - at the beginning of hair growth, palms without touching

ear, applied to the head. fingers do not touch each other

ha) - 20 min.

3.11. Lungs. Kernel: overlaying the crab from 2 sides on

lungs, bronchi (right front, left back) - 20 min.

The cough should stop.

3.12. Lymphostasis (swollen joints in the legs, etc.).

Core: pumping - 10 min.

total energy distribution -7 times.

There are 7 approaches in total.

3.13. Epilepsy. Kernel: crab - 30 min. on each head

day at the same time.

3.14. Multiple sclerosis. The disease is very difficult to treat.

lo. For tangible results, you need to work every day in

throughout the year. Core: Work at the back of the head. Energy direction -

2 minutes. press - 7 times.

Downward massage along the spine: point with two fingers

symmetrically along the spine. The ribs of the palms are confused

upright back muscles. Hand wrap (wipe with your hands

pressing firmly, contacting from the shoulder to the fingertips of the

cient) with the discharge and burning of dirty energy (shaking off

with simultaneous rubbing of the fingers). Legs (from

groin to fingertips) with discharge and burning. Pinch

Achilles tendon with dumping and burning. Shock dose -

1 hour on the first day. Then every day for 30 minutes.

3.15. Allergies, neurodermatitis, psorias - diseases of the

cheny. We work on the liver. Nucleus: press on the liver, bile

ny bladder, spleen. Pumping. Extract from the liver. Pumping

on the liver. Contact massage of the liver with the edge of the right hand along

clockwise. Light pressure with the edge of the palm on the

just under the rib.

3.16. Coronary plaques (on the walls of blood vessels).

Nucleus: thymus press -20-30 min. left movements

(salt salad) in the thymus gland - 7 circles


3.17. Ischemic disease heart, heart attack.

Core: Energy distribution. With a saber. Heart massage. Lay down

back massage cue. Press over the thymus gland.

3.18. Speech impairment (stuttering, speech therapy

neniya) Press of the larynx, extract from the larynx, imposition

eating a crab (put your hands on the crown of your head, one on

another). Helmet -15-17 times. Airfield -21 times. About-

general prophylaxis of the organism (see section 2).

3.19. Hemorrhage, tachycardia, stroke. Patient with-

dit.Nucleus: Relieve stress from the head poo

alternately with the right and left hand contact (we stroke the head across

belt with both hands) with reset. Massage of the cervical vertebrae.

point massage of the neck points with two fingers. Weak tapping-

on the head (tap the fraction with your fingers) Relieve tension

If there is a hematoma or a strong signal from the head (i.e.

if you hold your palm over your head, then it will beat in the palm

energy or tingling or other sensations), then

remove with a hood.

Distribution of energy along the torso with overlapping arms

(combing the Christmas tree, hands write out eights).

Work for 30 minutes.

Then put your hands at your temples for 20-30 minutes. helmet -15

times, airfield -21 circle 3.20. Barley. Core: direction

energy -2 min.

salt movements - 7 circles clockwise

arrow We work 5 min.

3.21. Osteochondrosis.

Nucleus: point contact massage along the vertebra

and forefingers.

Press along the spine (right hand on top, left -

Circular movements along the vertebra from top to bottom contact

rub the long back muscles with the ribs of the palms from top to bottom

again press along the spine.

3.22. Decreased thyroid function. Core: nap-

energy regulation -2 min. Press 7 times

3.23. Increased thyroid function - goiter. I-

ro: exhaust hood with discharge -30 min., helmet, airfield

3.24. Deep vein varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Core: press

along the legs from toe to groin; circular motions

on the knees in contact, two legs at the same time, hands move

towards each other;

then run along the calves (each leg separately) with your hands

as if squeezing flashlights: with both hands clasping his leg, stroking

you live, and then you squeeze, moving in this way from above

saline rough accumulations (thrombophlebitis).

3.25. Stomach ulcer.

Core: the patient is lying. Press on the stomach;

direction of energy until the patient feels pulsating

(about 5 minutes);

inflow-outflow with the left hand (movement with the palm forward-on-

back in the stomach);

3.26. Fibroids, fibroids (lack of young cells).

Nucleus: thymus gland press;

exhaust and discharge.

Work for 20-30 minutes. At the end there is a loop (with our hand we outline

an imaginary circle and then snatch from the middle and drop-

with combustion) - 3-7 times.

3.27. Arthritis, endoarthritis.

Core: Place your fingers of your right hand in the palm of your patient

entu for 20-30 minutes.

3.28. Skin cancer.

The core: removing gloves (mentally lengthening the patient's fingers

enta twice. With the right hand, contactlessly, rounding the fingers in

pinch, we draw from the base of the finger to its double

posts. discharged with incineration. Start with the little finger. Per-

the general discharge from the brush.).

3.29. Moles, warts.

Core: salt movements, extraction.

3.30. Detachment of the retina.

Core: press on the eyes, stretch.

3.31. Removal of temperature.

Core: Removing gloves - 15 min.

3.32. Deafness: directing energy to the ear; inflow-from-

hand current (from the ear - cold, from the hand - heat); you-

hard; press over the head; press over the shoulders; ra-

bot on the adrenal glands (see 3.33).

3.33. Work on the adrenal glands: direction of energy;

Press; hood.

3.34. Muscle rupture, fracture (can be treated with a cast):

apply the pads of the fingers with support on the palms; withdrawal

gloves (sock); light massage, stroking.

3.35. Asthma, false croup:

saber movements at chest level at a slow pace

(advancing and retreating);

pumping. Session 15 min.

3.36. Cardiovascular diseases and diseases

organs of the respiratory system:

saber movements at chest level with a wider sweep

shoulders; pumping. Session 10-15 min. 3.37. Operational me-

high pressure relief and excess

energy: with the pads of the fingers of the right hand, plunge into

the patient's left palm. Support from below with your left hand

patient's hand. Keep 15 minutes;

do a contact massage long muscles backs on top

down with the ribs of the palms; wiring arms and legs; pinch achilles

forest tendons. 3.38. Loss of strength, muscle dystrophy:

pumping from behind along the spine - 10 minutes;

work on the adrenal glands: press; direction of energy; hood.

3.39. Eczema on the hands.

Distribution of energy over the arms with overlapping (arms

write out eights);

removal of energy from the hand: contact from the shoulder to the hands and

relieve tension back side knife and discharge; prepared

make a mixture from the ashes of cigarettes and from your own

saliva thick sour cream. Lubricate the lesions.
4.1. Heart attack: thyroid press;

heart massage.

4.2. Stuttering: press over the head;

laying on of hands on the crown of the head - 20-30 min.

(you can crab)

4.3. Migraine: distribution of energy over the head; helmet;

press over the head; energy distribution

from the back.

4.4. Radiculitis: the direction of energy in the lumbar-cross

area; light back massage -

circular movements; clockwise;

the direction of energy in the lumbar-cross

area; heart massage; withdrawal

energy: massage with the ribs of the palms

long back muscles down; hand wiring

and legs; Achilles tendon tuft with

discharge and incineration.

4.5. Varicose veins: press along the legs.

4.6. Prostate gland: press; hood; direction

energy boost from behind

4.7. Hemorrhoids: energy direction; salting; hood.

Or: on the toilet, without wiping, salt movements -1

4.8. Stress: laying hands on the crown of the head -15-20 minutes; massage

4.9. Sclerosis, anerosclerosis, scleroderma, chorea:

press over the head; laying on of hands on the crown; massage

4.10. Eyes: press; local distribution of energy ne-

red eyes (hands make circles in front of

eyes); hood.

4.11. Acne: press near the eyes, nose;

distribution of energy overhead;

4.12. Mastopathy: thymus gland press; superimposition

fingertips for 20-30 minutes. on the tumor.

4.13. Diabetes: pumping; pancreas press;

vertical press (right top, left non-

visually) from the thymus to the pancreas.

4.14. Tachycardia. The patient is lying: press of the solar

plexus; distribution along the body; press along the legs;

heart massage; thymus press; press along

body at all points (press of the eyes, nose, throat, etc.);

press near the legs (an asset near the feet); heart massage;

solar plexus press. 4.15. Stomach ulcer, gastric

rit: press over a sore spot; direction of energy;

hood; application of fingertips for 15 min.

The pain will intensify, keep until the onset of relief

niya. Then rub the stomach clockwise with the base

palms of the right hand.

4.16. Abdominal pain after eating: rub the stomach

dock with the base of the palm of your right hand 7 times clockwise

and 7 times counterclockwise.

4.17. Cracks in the heels and arms are the first sign of illness.

levania of the liver. Make a dubage, as well as: press; salt mo-

removing gloves or socks.

4.18. Wandering kidney, prolapse:

pull the kidney up - imitation of lifting from the back with two hands

kami; Press. Work 15-20 minutes. 4.19. Descent of the stomach

ka, intestines, uterus, and constipation: The patient is lying.

With the index finger of your right hand, lightly press the navel,

feeling the pulse for about 10 minutes. 4.20. Sinusitis, dandies:

press of the eyes, cheeks; nasal extract; massage of the points of the nose

(all points are symmetrical: at the base of the wings of the nose, at

tip of the nose, along the entire nose). 4.21. Myopathy (osp-

removal of harmful substances in the muscles): laying on hands on

upper lobes of the lungs (right in front, left behind) -

5 minutes.; on the shoulders, on the palms, on the knees - all 5

min .; crab - 30 min. 4.22. Ear ache. Working together

(each at one ear): press; energy direction - 2

min .; Press; hood; removing energy from the head (both

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