Roller skis for off-road Jenex V2 Aero XL150S skating. Rollerskis for off-road Jenex V2 Aero XL150S skating

How to choose the right roller skis?

Ski rollers were created so that during the off-season skiers could provide themselves with additional load similar to ski training. Today, thanks to the development of rollerskis, they have become a kind of sport, the essence of which is reduced to racing on rollerskis. In Europe, this sport has become popular in almost all cities. In addition, ski rollers are increasingly being used by outdoor enthusiasts.

Today they produce the most different kinds rollerskis, thanks to which everyone will be able to choose what best suits his ideas about what modern rollerskis should be like. However, in the event that you are going to purchase the first roller skis in your life, we advise you to pay attention to the following points.

First of all, you should know that there are two types of roller skis: classic and skating. In addition, roller skis can be racing and training. In the event that you are a beginner, then it would be best for you to purchase a training model. Of course, this division is relative, because there are also so-called combined models that combine the characteristics of various types of roller skis.

If we talk about training roller skis, then it should be noted that they should correspond to the ski course as much as possible. To ensure this, special retarder devices, also called Speed ​​Reducers, are usually installed on such models. Due to these retarders, the speed of movement will correspond to the speed of the skis as much as possible. At the same time, the wheels of training roller skis are made of soft components, which significantly reduces vibrations, increasing traction. In addition, the frame of such a roller ski can simulate a kind of ski deflection.

Racing roller skis are models capable of developing top speed. At the same time, these models have a fairly small weight, in addition, these rollers are equipped with a short rigid frame and wheels with a rather large diameter.

They differ from the classic models of roller skis, first of all, in that a ratchet is installed in one pair of wheels, the purpose of which is to block the rotation of the wheels back. The stability of the rollers is increased due to the fact that they are equipped with wheels that have a fairly large width.

Design features of rollers.

Most often, roller skis consist of the following fundamental components, namely: ski binding and frames with wheels. In the manufacture of wheels, two types of materials are usually used: rubber and polyurethane. Rubber has excellent performance characteristics, including, for example, high elasticity. Due to the elasticity provides comfort and smoothness during movement. In addition, rubber wheels significantly reduce vibration, because rubber grips the asphalt perfectly, but this may slightly reduce the speed of roller skis. That is why. Rubber wheels are usually installed on classic roller skates.

It is also worth noting that rubber wheels should also not be installed on skate rollers, since with a powerful push, they can be significantly deformed, which will lead to rapid wear of the wheels.

Polyurethane wheels are stiffer than rubber wheels. They are less subject to wear and tear. In addition, polyurethane wheels are quite sensitive to various lateral shocks. It should also be noted that polyurethane is different the highest quality which results in excellent handling on the road. Thus, polyurethane wheels are excellent for roller skates.

As we have already noted, another important component of the rollers is the frame itself. After all, it is with its help that the force is transferred from the wheels to the legs. If we talk about the main characteristics of rollers, then we can note such parameters as length, weight and rigidity. The length of the frame determines how the roller skis hold on the road, the longer it is, the more stable the rollers ride. In addition, long frame lengths can significantly reduce vibration. If we talk about skate rollers, then the optimal frame length for them will be 65 cm, classic roller skates have a frame of more than 70 cm.

In addition, the frame must be flexible and rigid. Rollers with flexible frames correspond to the work of a real ski in the maximum way. Most often, such rollers are used in order to learn how to properly deal with this technique.

In addition, the flexible frame can also dampen vibration quite well, as a result, rollerskis with flexible frames can be ridden for long distances. However, flexible frames are not reliable. When choosing rollers with such frames, consider the weight of the person who will ride these rollers. Weight must not exceed 70 kg. If a person weighs more, then the frame may simply not withstand.

The rigid type frame is most often made of aluminum alloy, which ensures its reliability. In addition, rollers with a similar frame are easier to control. During movement, the legs are subjected to significant loads. Such rollers are most often used in racing competitions.

The main function of roller skis is to ensure maximum speed when moving. However, at the same time, the speed should not exceed the currently existing world, as well as Russian standards. According to these standards, the minimum distance that should be between the axles is 53 cm, while the maximum wheel diameter is 10 cm.

V Russian Federation Rollerski competitions may only be run on models that are strictly specified. For example, summer competitions can be carried out using Marwe No. 6 roller skis.

It is also worth noting that standing on rollers, the athlete will be several centimeters taller than if he was standing on skis. That is why, when choosing roller skis, you need to pay attention to whether you can keep your balance on them.

In the event that you purchase racing roller skis, you expect the rollers to develop maximum speed, if you need a roller ski for training, then it is best to give preference to roller skis on which you can easily maintain balance. Such ski rollers will allow you to avoid various injuries.

Roller skis designed for classic skiing need to be stable enough that you don't fall over when pushed. Typically, the length of the frames of classic roller skates is 70 cm, while the wheels are wide enough, which provides additional stability. Such a frame, in combination with wide wheels made of fairly soft rubber, provides a smooth and soft ride, which prevents falls.

Classic rollers are, for example, models such as Elpex Wasa 610 and SkiSkett Bull.

If we talk about high-speed options, then we can note such models as: Elpex Team 610 and SkiSkett Nord. These rollerskis have stiffer rubber, while the wheels are narrower. On these scooters you will be able to take part in racing competitions.

In the event that you are a participant in sprint races, we advise you to opt for classic models of roller skis, for example, a model such as the SkiSkett BITURBO. The high stability of this model is due to. First of all, the roller has a three-wheel design, in addition, the model is equipped with polyurethane wheels with a ratchet, which also provide high rigidity and low friction on the road. It should be noted that the ratchet is quite expensive, which is why often the cost of replacing wheels will be equivalent to half the cost of new scooters. If you are not ready to pay such an amount for a wheel replacement, then we recommend that you opt for models that have waterproof bearings.

How to choose rollerballs for skating?

When choosing models designed for skating, pay attention to whether the model you have chosen has two narrow large-diameter wheels. If yes, then this roller is great for skating. In addition, for skating it is best to choose roller skis with polyurethane wheels (Start Skating 71 model). In addition, it is quite close technical specifications and a model like the SkiSkiSkett Fire, the only thing that makes it different from the Start Skating 71 is the larger range of stand options.

If we talk about racing models, it can be noted that they are mainly characterized by narrow wheels, the width of which usually does not exceed 2 cm, such a width can significantly reduce friction with the asphalt surface.

In this case, the diameter is usually 10 cm, by the way, this diameter is considered the maximum allowable according to international standards. In this case, the length of the platform is usually 53 cm, the minimum allowable according to all the same standards.

It is also worth noting that today such a model of roller skis as SkiSkett is quite popular. Moreover, it is represented by several configuration options, which allows everyone to choose what he likes.

SkiSkett racing models are equipped with off-center bindings, positioned so that the center of gravity of the roller is in line with the center of the skier's foot, resulting in maximum shock loading. It turns out that this design allows you to distribute the load on the wheels evenly, therefore, due to the smallest total resistance, the highest speed is provided.

Speed-type skis, which have a short platform combined with high wheels, and a binding that is not installed in the center of gravity, require a special propulsion technique that is different from ski technique.

However, do not forget that high speeds can cause various falls and injuries, which is why if you need roller skates for daily training, then these models should not be taken.

Ski rollers are special.

A typical training session on roller skis lasts more than 3 hours on average, during all this time, the athlete experiences certain inconveniences due to the existing vibration. In order to minimize vibration, we advise you to opt for such models as Elpex F1, Elpex OFF ROAD. Elpex OFF ROAD have fairly powerful wheels, the diameter of which is more than 15 cm, while the wheels themselves are covered with monolithic, fairly soft rubber.

Roller skis were once made for off-road use. These rollers had wheels with a diameter of 20 cm. However, these models also differed in significant weight, which was 4 kg. To date, some foreign companies produce this kind of rollers, however, finding them is very problematic.

In our sports shop you can always buy roller skis of any class and purpose.

On a hot summer day on June 11, 2011 in Bitze, XCSPORT hosted the first ever test drive of the Jenex V2 off-road skis. The action was not of a commercial nature, but its purpose was to study the public opinion of sports fans regarding the new ski-roller.

At the same time, the traditional cross-half marathon was taking place in Bitsa, so some participants in the cross-country competition also appreciated the off-road roller skis. The author of an article about SUVs in XCSPORT magazine, an amateur skier, Alexander Muzyka, practicing training on different types off-road rollerskis for about five years, he rode the full distance of a half marathon on them, passing all the ups and downs of the relief Bitsevskaya track without any problems. This would not be possible without gearboxes (speed reducers) that are installed on all models of Jenex V2 roller skis.

“I just completely tightened the gearboxes on the front wheels and calmly went through all the descents without experiencing any inconvenience,” Alexander Muzyka shared his experience with other testers, “it would be difficult to complete the entire half-marathon lap (5 km) without a gearbox. turn off the speed."

Alexander Muzyka on the half marathon track on classic Jenex V2 rollerskis XL125RC. Alexander rode the entire distance of the Bitsevsky half marathon on Jenex V2 XL125RC off-road roller skis.

The first was Dmitry Ukrainsky from Chekhov:

“I tried the Jenex V2 off-road skate skis. The impressions are unusual, the speed on them is slower than on ordinary asphalt rollers. On the other hand, due to the low speed, despite big size wheels (150 mm), no instability is felt. But of course, like any new inventory, you need to get used to them. ”

Testing the Jenex V2 XL150S off-road skating skis in the Bitsa recreation zone

A slightly different impression was made by Olga Ishanova, who came to Bitsa specifically to test off-road roller skis.

“It was quite difficult for me to move around on the Jenex V2 skating skis - maybe because I was wearing classic ski boots, maybe they just require more serious preparation. A rather low platform did not allow me to drive on not perfectly flat ground. Rather, these are roller skis for more advanced amateurs.

Of particular interest were the off-road roller skis among young skiers who participated in children's races as part of the Bitsa cross-country half marathon. They lined up in unison and briskly cut through the Bitsa in off-road vehicles without experiencing any inconvenience.

“Cool sensations,” smiled Alexander Alekhin, winner of the youth race. “In general, the feeling is different from asphalt rollerskis, but in terms of stability and comfort they are not inferior in any way.”

For young skiers I really like off-road roller skis, because riding in nature is much more interesting than on asphalt.

Several more participants of the Bitsevsky cross-half marathon, but already its full distance, tested the Jenex V2 off-road roller skis. Ilya Slepov got a lot of impressions, apparently not only from the 21 km race, but also from riding off-road roller skis.

“Whatever you say, but on these rollers you can really train on the ground. Of course, you need a flat track, without roots and bumps. In addition, I would recommend practicing off-road roller skiing on a familiar track - for safety reasons. And the movement on off-road vehicles is very similar to skiing. Especially when you go up. Feeling like skiing on mushy heavy snow is what you need for an effective workout.”

Master of Sports Ilya Slepov testing Jenex V2 XL150S off-road skate skis

Oleg Opalev finished sixth overall in the half marathon, however, he found the strength to take part in a test drive of off-road rollerskis.“I’m more into running in the summer, so it’s hard for me to compare with other rollerskis, but if I draw a parallel with skiing, the feeling is very similar. Although a smooth and clean trail is needed here, the foliage and tree roots on the trail get in the way.

Olga Odnorozhenko, who arrived in Bitsa together with Oleg Opalev, alsodid not miss the opportunity to skate rollerskis for off-road.

“The thing is great, it just takes a little getting used to. In general, you have to be a very big fan of skis in order to ride them in the summer. And these rollers are actually summer skis.”

Olga Odnorozhenko tests skate Jenex V2 XL150 with a brake

Apparently one of those fans skiing is Dmitry Zhukov, who came to Bitsa to try off-road roller skis. Moreover, unlike most of the testers, Dmitry foresaw everything and took with him a set of sticks and boots for both skating and classic skiing. Therefore, he actually got full workout on off-road roller skis, and even with a change of style - an off-road duathlon.

“The only thing that off-road rollerskis require from a skier is to find a wide, level path so that they can skate. For a classic, half a meter wide is enough. In general, you can ride both on asphalt and on the ground. In terms of stability, there are no problems, the direction of the ski rollers is clear.”

Despite the impressive dimensions, Dmitry easily coped with off-road rollerskis, and JENEX V2 XL125RC rollerskis easily coped with Dmitry.

Denis Provalov, a well-known speleologist, traveler and big lover ski marathons.
“I definitely liked the off-road roller skis! It happens that small twigs get into the wheels, but it's not scary. And with handling everything is fine, and you can ride on the grass. Off-road rollerskis allow for good strength work.”

Thus, according to the first test drive, you can form your own opinion about what off-road ski rollers are. The opinions of the participants, as can be seen, converge in many respects, in some ways they diverge. Most testers commented on the need for gearing in rough terrain, the similarity of the Jenex V2 rollerski to skiing, and the smooth ride. At the same time, some testers noted that confident off-road skiing requires a steady skiing skill and a short adjustment period. And only the young experts did not need any getting used to - they got up and went.

The test drive in Bitze ​​was certainly not the last, so stay tuned to and get your ski boots and poles ready to form your opinion on what Jenex V2 off-road rollerskis are all about.

    An unobvious feature of off-road ski rollers is increased safety requirements. Riding on rough terrain, trodden ground or poor asphalt should not endanger the life and health of the athlete.

Speed ​​control on difficult sections is especially important for children and beginner skiers.

    The second distinguishing feature is the ability to train in nature. A path in the park, a forest path, a dirt road is not an obstacle for inflatable wheels with a diameter of 150 mm.

    The repulsion technique is similar to winter skiing thanks to the front locking wheel. This feature allows you to keep fit in the off-season. winter skiers and work out correct technique skating for beginners.

Mounting installation

How much are

The price of off-road roller skis is higher than that of conventional ones. But this is the disadvantage that is a consequence of the merits. How much does it cost to reduce the risk of injury in a fall at high speed? What is the price of being able to ride where you want: away from cars, roads and pedestrians? Think about these questions. Safety and comfort cannot be cheap.

Do you have any questions?

Contact the manager on the trading floor, by phone or online chat. You will receive advice not from an ordinary seller, but from an active skier. The advice of our consultants is based on personal experience and exhaustive knowledge of inventory characteristics.

Why are we

Balanced range

Roller skis are the best equipment not to forget ski equipment in summer. Even if you are an amateur skier, but set high goals for the season, it is advisable to get a pair - two training rollers.

Ski rollers can be divided into speed classes:

1. Training - soft wheels, low speed, well suited for practicing technique
2. Racing - hard wheels, a light weight suitable for competition

By way of travel:

Classic roller skates are distinguished by the presence of a ratchet mechanism on the rear wheels. They allow you to roll only forward, thus creating the effect of holding. The downside is that the rollers “hold” always and with any technique, i.e. pushing technique classical course hard to work on them.
In addition to the mechanism, classic rollers have a longer frame (700 mm or more) and wide wheels. This design makes them more stable.

Horse rollers are distinguished by the absence of a locking mechanism on the rear wheels (roll forward and backward), have a shorter frame (up to 600 mm) and narrower wheels (up to 40 mm).

The main difference is inflatable wheels. They are also equipped with a braking system and additional auxiliary wheels for stability.

Roller ski platforms


Made from plastic and carbon.
Pros: they dampen vibrations well and have a “behavior” similar to skis.
Cons: fragile


Made from aluminum alloys.
Pros: high reliability and higher speed due to the absence of shock energy damping
Cons: low comfort

Roller ski wheels


The softest wheels for rollerskis. They absorb vibrations well and have excellent grip on asphalt, even wet, but wear out faster and slow down. Suitable for training only.


Differ in high rigidity and wear resistance. more commonly used on skate rollers. Suitable for competition.

The service life of the wheels is from 1 to 5 years, depending on the road surface, the weight of the athlete and the amount of training. Rigid wheels (polyurethane) are recommended for athletes with a mass of 75 kg or more, because rubber ones will become unusable very quickly.

Roller ski wheels are fitted with metal or ceramic bearings. Metal ones are more wear-resistant, cermic ones are lighter and more resilient, but they are expensive.

Roller skis use the same bindings as cross-country skis. If the bindings on the skis are placed at the point of balance, then on the rollers closer to the heel. That is, so that from the heel of the boot to rear wheel remained about 3 mm. This makes the rollers easier to control. read our article.

Conventional ski poles but with special carbide tips.
The selection of sticks for growth is carried out according to simple formulas:

Skate pole length = 0.9 x height (cm)
The length of the sticks under the classics = 0.85 x height (cm)
For example, with a height of 175 cm, 157.5 cm sticks are suitable for a skate, 148 cm for a classic.


For beginners, it is better to use rubber wheels on a flexible, vibration-absorbing frame to learn the technique.
For competitions and heavy athletes (over 75 kg) - polyurethane wheels on a rigid frame.
If there is no access to good asphalt, then choose off-road scooters.
