Kazan Marathon: Nyusha and Sivov got out of the race, drivers grumbling and without the main "VIPs" at the start. Kazan Marathon: Nyusha and Sivov left the race, drivers grumble and without the main "VIPs" at the start Kazan Ski Marathon results protocols

Vladimir Leonov justified the motto "The main thing is participation", and Irek Zinnurov showed a non-Olympic result

The Kazan Marathon started this year on Millennium Square, and the three-kilometer distance passed through the Kazan Kremlin. First of all, the participants who finished noted the beauty of the distance (although what you can see there on the run) - this is the first difference from the Kazan Marathon - 2016, and the second - a full marathon circle. Last year, the 42-kilometer distance was divided into two parts. This, noted the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Vladimir Leonov, will be appreciated not only by athletes, but also by motorists - the streets for traffic were blocked in stages, and not like last year - from start to finish. True, the indignation of drivers and passengers could not be avoided. Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Intrigue from Nyusha and CU from the organizers

Another difference is the lack of celebrities. Traditionally, participants are lured to such events with the opportunity to run shoulder to shoulder with some "VIP". This year, journalists were even warned to avoid reporting the affirmative “will participate” and use “expected to participate”.

The only particularly important guest, whose participation was 100 percent guaranteed, is the singer Nyusha. She was on the schedule of press visits marked "no questions about her personal life!"
V recent times interest in the singer's personal life is extraordinary, especially among residents of Kazan and Tatarstan: Nyusha is credited with an affair with a former local official, and now an adviser to the president International Federation student sports Igor Sivov. However, the novel is no longer gossip, but a fact. Nyusha came to the approach to the journalists with Igor Sivov, and the pair started at a three-kilometer distance together.

True, as the singer's fans noticed, at the very first turn, after 200 meters, Nyusha turned from the distance, and, comparing this with the voluminous sweatshirt that was on her, they concluded that, if there are any contraindications to running, it is explained by the position that commonly referred to as "interesting."
However, Nyusha warned the journalists that she would not run even before the start, however, it was not clear from her words what she meant: she would not run at all, or simply would not give her all at the distance.

I am in sports mode all the time, but today, unfortunately, I am out of order a little, but I want to support this event, ”the singer intrigued.

It should be noted that everyone who tried to get to the center learned that a sports event is taking place in Kazan. The motorists, frozen because of the blocked streets, arranged a roll call in social networks and road services asking where they could go. "I can't get to work for three hours", "Guys, how to get to Zhukovsky, Bulak is blocked, can you follow Pushkin?"

Passengers on the bus told how they were dropped off from public transport far from their usual landmarks, and in order to get, for example, to the Kamala or Khalev theaters, they walked on foot, involuntarily becoming marathon runners.

Nyusha warned journalists that she would not run before the start

High technology protected from sports cheats

It turns out that there are quite a few hunters, like Nyusha, to close the distance. True, they also want to get a prize. Last year, noted the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Vladimir Leonov, there were "a couple of people" marathon distance"Ran" by car or cut off by lanes. This year the sports cheats will be given a fight.

The track is viewed, controllers are working, distance measuring sensors are sewn into the rooms - these are the latest technologies. Last year there were 1-2 cases, but for 10 thousand participants this is the minimum component. We hope that everyone will be the right athletes and run the entire distance. The main thing is not to take a place, to show results, but participation, ”Leonov believes.

However, for professional athletes who run a marathon and a half marathon, the main thing is still the result: they are running not for a medal, but for prize fund... Vladimir Leonov, no matter how the journalists begged him, did not name the amount of the award, limiting himself to the phrase: "The prize fund is good" and translating the topic of conversation to record number participants.

We are pleased that representatives of 75 regions and 25 countries of the world are taking part - this is a good geography for a regional marathon. We had a limit of 10 thousand participants, and everyone, we hope, will come out. In the starting lists at the moment (by the beginning of the opening of the marathon, - approx. ed. ) already 9 851, - said Vladimir Leonov.

Vladimir Leonov, no matter how the journalists begged him, did not name the amount of the award, confining himself to the phrase: "The prize fund is good."

Without many "VIPs", the result of Leonov, which justified the motto "The main thing is participation"

In fact, the number of announced participants does not mean that they will all run. For example, 1,943 athletes showed up for the most popular distance of 3 km, 572 of them finished, and 27 (including athletes numbered 48 and 86 - Nyusha Shurochkina and Igor Sivov) retired, and the rest did not even start. Among the big names that the organizers have rashly announced are Minister of Ecology Farid Abdulganiev, Director of the IT Park Anton Grachev, Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin together with his brother Aydar, ex-Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov. Then, however, the organizers sent out a message that "VIPs" could come, but not necessarily. Rustam Minnikhanov, judging by Instagram, at that time was at the festival of Russian culture "Caravon" in the Laishevsky district of Tatarstan.

Of those who ran, - the best time Alfis Ibragimov has 8 minutes 55 seconds. From "vips" best result showed the Minister of Health Adel Vafin (15:29), followed by Deputy Prime Minister Vasil Shaikhraziev (15:31), the first deputy head of the Kazan Executive Committee Damir Fattakhov with his wife Anastasia (15:35), Olympic champion on water polo and State Duma deputy Irek Zinnurov (17:52). With the aforementioned motto “The main thing is not victory, but participation”, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Vladimir Leonov took 631st place out of 632 possible (44 minutes 29 seconds).

Of the "VIPs", the best result was shown by the Minister of Health Adel Wafin (center)

Budget - 25 million, of which 15 are contributions from participants and sponsorships

Participation in the marathon is paid, as Realnoe Vremya wrote earlier, the amount is almost twice as high as last year. In 2016, it was possible to run a marathon distance for 1,000 rubles if you announced in advance, and for 1,300 before the start. In this, for 42 kilometers they took 2,000 rubles, from May 18, the cost increased to 2,500 and 800 rubles).

Answering the question of Realnoe Vremya about the budget of the Kazan Marathon, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Vladimir Leonov said that this year it amounted to 25 million rubles, of which 15-16 million are the starting fees of the participants and sponsorship injections.

Earlier, Vladimir Leonov said that the Kazan Marathon is paying off: “Foreigners make us a serious economic effect: last year we calculated that about 90-100 million is a synergistic effect of the expenses that people who come to Kazan will bring. They pay for their stay, the entry fee, and this marathon is practically self-supporting, ”Leonov said.

Having carefully studied the sheets with the results of the races in 2017, Realnoe Vremya did not find a large number of foreign names.

The Kazan Marathon gave a start to a large sports project - every month, through October, races will be held in the cities of the republic. The organizers have come up with a trick that will make fans athletics participate everywhere - the medals of the marathons are assembled into a large puzzle. True, pleasure, like the Kazan marathon, is not cheap. The cost of participation in the race is from 500 to 900 rubles, depending on the distance.

The organizers have come up with a trick that will make athletics fans take part everywhere - marathon medals are assembled into a large puzzle

Faster on wheels: handbikers overtook two-legged

The Kazan Marathon started this year on Millennium Square, and the three-kilometer distance passed through the Kazan Kremlin. First of all, the participants who finished noted the beauty of the distance (although what you can see there on the run) - this is the first difference from the Kazan Marathon - 2016, and the second - a full marathon circle. Last year, the 42-kilometer distance was divided into two parts. This, noted the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Vladimir Leonov, will be appreciated not only by athletes, but also by motorists - the streets for traffic were blocked in stages, and not like last year - from start to finish.

At a distance of 10 kilometers, Andrei Bochkarev came first from Izhevsk - professional sportsman, winner of prizes in the Cup of Russia, however, at a distance of 1,500 meters.

I do not specialize in the distance of 10 thousand meters. For me it is heavier than 1,500 meters, different training, the forces are distributed evenly. I ran away, the rivals were behind, and I knew that I would win, ”says Andrei Bochkarev.

A total of 1,632 people took part in the 10-kilometer race.

The best result in the half marathon (21.1 km) - Stepan Kiselev, the champion of Russia in 2017 in the marathon, the champion of Europe (1:03:59), among women - Natalia Puchkova (1:13:29). In the marathon distance (42.2), the most enduring and fastest was Alexey Troshkin (2:16:21), and among women - Tatyana Aryasova (2:31:11) - a participant Olympic Games, winner and medalist of international tournaments.

The half marathon was also completed by handbikers - athletes on wheelchairs... Surprisingly, they coped with the distance faster than their "big-footed" colleagues. Alexey Bychenok showed the best result in this category - 51 minutes 7 seconds.

"Kazan is the third capital of Russia"

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, a city on the Volga with a thousand-year history and a population of over a million people. One of the largest economic, political, scientific, educational, sports and cultural centers in Russia, which rightfully bears the name of the third capital of Russia.

We can say about Kazan that this is a city where East and West meet, where representatives of many nationalities and religions live in peace and harmony. The historical symbol of the city of Kazan is the dragon-like mythical creature Zilant, which also flaunts on the coat of arms of the city. In a silver field on green ground, a black dragon with scarlet wings and a tongue, with golden paws, claws and eyes, topped with a golden crown. The shield is crowned with a Kazan cap. According to the traditions of heraldry, the dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and invincibility, the earth is life and wealth, the crown is development, and the hat over the shield is the capital of the city.

The pearl of the city, the white-stone Kazan Kremlin, is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is the main attraction for more than a million tourists who visit Kazan annually.
The innovative economy in Kazan is represented by the largest IT park in Russia, as well as by one of the largest technoparks in Europe "Idea". Kazan is also the only city in Russia that has both a federal university and two national research universities.

Kazan is one of the largest cultural centers in Russia, preserving classical achievements, as well as contributing to the development of modern, avant-garde trends in many areas of culture. The capital of Tatarstan is traditionally called "multicultural", meaning the mutually beneficial enrichment of the peacefully coexisting Russian and Tatar cultures. With the support of UNESCO, the world's first Institute for the Culture of Peace was established in Kazan.

OMSK - Lel Sport Spring Half Marathon

Lel Sport The spring half marathon, which took place in Omsk, gathered 1107 participants from 24 regions of Russia, as well as from Kazakhstan and Spain.

Denis Chertykov from Abakan (01:29:21) and Natalia Tarasova from Novosibirsk (01:34:03) became champions at the main distance.

Among the three leaders among men are also Evgeny Pishchalov (01:31:47) and Mikhail Kulkov (01:34:31). The silver medalist among women was Vera Trubnikova (01:36:52), the bronze - Elena Kozhevnikova (01:41:10).

Leaders of the Omsk half marathon

NIZHNY NOVGOROD - half marathon "Run, hero!"

On the main distance of the III half marathon "Run, hero!" 644 runners finished. The leaders of the Nizhny Novgorod race were Ivan Biryuzov (01:16:35), Mikhail Denezhkin (01:16:53), Arsen Temirkhanov (01:17:11). Among women, places on the podium were taken by Galina Kuzmina (01:34:46), Odrova Lyubov (01:37:45), Danilova Anastasia (01:37:56).

UGLICH - Volzhsky Bereg Half Marathon

The Uglich Half Marathon "Volzhsky Bereg" was run by 398 athletes. At all distances of the second stage of the popular series "Running on the Golden Ring" 1,704 people finished. The victory is celebrated by Sergey Korovin, Roman Chistostupov, Roman Novikov. In the women's race, Olga Sokolova, Olga Rumyantseva, Irina Shmeleva became the strongest runners. The next race will take place in Myshkin on May 27.

KAZAN - Kazan Marathon

About 9,000 participants from 400 cities and 25 countries registered for various distances of the Kazan race.

The best results in the marathon were shown by Tatyana Aryasova (02:31:11) and Alexey Troshkin (02:16:21). Tatyana also became the champion of this race last year.

Aryasova Tatiana - the winner at a distance of 42.2 kilometers!

Stepan Kiselev is the winner of the Kazan Marathon at a distance of 21.1 kilometers. Time: 01:03:59

MOSCOW - Moscow Half Marathon

Iskander Yadgarov became the champion of the Moscow Half Marathon, finishing in 01:04:10. it new record tracks, Iskander's new personal record and the athlete's second victory in this race.

In second place is Oleg Grigoriev (01:06:40), in third - Vasily Permitin (01:06:51).

On the top step of the women's podium Luiza Dmitrieva, who showed the result of 01:13:48. Yulia Konyakina lost less than a minute to the leader (01:14:28). Anna Khryashcheva became the third (01:17:47).

At a distance of 10 km, Pavel Adyshkin, Stanislav Mokin, Sergei Konyakin had the best time. Anastasia Kushnirenko, Ekaterina Matyukh, Nina Zarina won the women's race.

In total, 13,978 people took part in the capital's race.

There were 7,173 finishers at the main distance. 4,199 people covered 10 kilometers, 2,129 runners ran 5 kilometers.

Iskander Yadgarov is the champion of the Moscow Half Marathon. However, this result is 11 seconds more than the achievement of Stepan Kiselev, who ran 21.1 kilometers on the same day at the Kazan Marathon at 01:03:59. Nakanue Iskander promised to arrange an “absentee hack” with the athletes who chose the Kazan start. In this competition, he is the second.

The rest of the photo from the Moscow half marathon is in ours.

Photo: Jiri Necasek, facebook / evgeny.pishchalov, vk / runhero, instagram / Volga coast, yarreg.ru, tatar.run

Competitor reports

Kazansky ski marathon 2017. Alexey Zhirukhin Samara


I have been to Kazan many times, once ran a marathon in the city center, but I haven’t experienced the ski slopes yet, so when choosing a ski marathon for this season I immediately paid attention to it and registered in advance. Despite the fact that the marathon was supposed to be an anniversary - the 50th, I found out about its existence only recently, for which, apparently, I should thank new team organizers, which also included it as a Russialoppet stage. Well, let's see what came out of all this.

As an organizer of a ski marathon, I always pay attention to how the marketing of this or that competition is structured. I would like to note that the Demino marathon, the Grom series of marathons, and now the Kazan marathon are always especially noticeable in the ski environment. I followed their VKontakte group with interesthttps://vk.com/kazanxcski ... The PR that they did, the choice of the popular style of skiing in Russia (skating), a high-quality beautiful medal, a huge declared prize fund (about a million rubles) and inclusion in the Russialoppet calendar as a full-fledged stage did their job, and about 700 people showed up for the marathon , which is quite a lot by modern standards.

Last year due to knee problems, I have no special sports ambitions, with each load, the pain in my leg does not subside for several days, but it was a pity to lose the paid registration at the beginning of winter, so it was decided to participate in the marathon anyway, even if I had to to do at a snail's pace. After organizing the "Falcon Mountains" and three days in the cold, I fell ill with a small cold, a few days before leaving for Kazan I managed to ski a couple of times 15 km. Frost in Kazan was promised -18, and the only skis that I have left with white plastic for water and mud. By the way, for the last 2 years, all marathons in Russia were held in approximately such warm weather, so keeping the skis in the cold was not even in my thoughts. We quickly managed to find a replacement for cold Salomon from a friend. It was decided to go by car, the company was made up of Togliatti skiers from the Lada team, with whom we had already repeatedly traveled to marathons, they put the skis in a cover on the roof and moved to Tatarstan early on Friday morning.

The first thing that surprised me was getting start numbers in the very center of the city. Of course, I really love Kazan and its center, but the solution is very unusual. We were still lucky, the road to the ski base and the place of our settlement in any case passed through the city, but skiers from the more northern part of Russia (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod) had to wander back and forth. Another surprise that awaited us in the center was the lack of free parking lots near the hotel, where this issue took place. After driving several times in the center, we realized that there were no options at all to park the car for free, we started looking for a paid one, but here we ran into a problem - the height of my car with a cover on the roof did not allow me to enter a closed parking lot. And again the search for a place, until they came across an open parking lot a couple of blocks from the very hotel.

There is already a queue at the place of issue, you can separately insure yourself and quickly get a certificate of health. I already had everything, so I didn't waste time on it. Starter kits in beautiful cardboard boxes (which quickly started to fall apart) and included a number, a silicone bracelet, a bag for clothes, a marathon booklet and a label on ONE! ski. The backpacks were brought belatedly, in which we put all this stuff, apparently, the first participants never received them. Later it turned out that we should have been given coupons for food, which they also did not have time to deliver. Those who, for one reason or another, did not have insurance, had to spend a decent amount of time getting them.

After receiving the kits, we went to have breakfast on Bauman and went to the hotel on the highway near the village of Yudino, where we will have to run the next day. Rooms are clean and with all conveniences for 2,100 rubles for two. I immediately fall asleep, tk. tired of getting up early and the long road behind the wheel. After 3 we decided to inspect the track so that there would be no surprises tomorrow, it is about 3 kilometers from our place of residence. The thermometer shows -12, the stadium is being prepared and decorated. We went to see the 10 km marathon, which we will have to run 5 times tomorrow. The track was very muddy and uneven in the evening, I constantly had to "catch a ski", from which my legs were very tense. The track is narrow and even for two people there was not always enough space. The first five are as flat as the Samara tourist road behind the road with long straight lines. But the second five reminded of a roller coaster, there is no way to relax and rest on it, you have to turn left and right, then climb the hills, then go down from them, which is very exhausting, and still do not allow the pine trees to lose their vigilance right in the middle of the track, into which you can enter on a descent or a bend. In general, the track did not cause much joy and pleasure even while riding together, and as soon as 700 people are on it at once, it's scary to imagine.

After skiing, we went to warm up in the buildings at the stadium, about one of the rooms the athletes were already preparing their skis. There I also managed to meet Olga Rocheva.

The skis were already prepared at the hotel, I was not particularly worried about this, so I cleaned it only with cold green paraffin at -10 -20, I did not spend money on powders, my knee in any case would not have made it possible to run fast.

The promised frost in the morning. We had a hearty breakfast with porridge. I put on 2 thermal underwear and a warm overalls, gloves with a wind stoper, tapes on my face so as not to get frostbitten. I took 7 gels with mePowerUp in a convenient bag on a belt at the rate of 1 gel for every half hour. There were problems with parking near the stadium, we could hardly find a place for a large car. In the locker room we met the guys from Pokhvistnevo and Sergey Vasiliev with his family. We just discussed with Sergey the fact that the practice of going to marathons ourselves as participants is needed in order to organize our own high-quality ski marathons. Chipovka is kind of chaotic, some guy nearby was distributing food coupons, Sergei was allowed in and he was left without a ticket.

I went to the stadium a few minutes before the start, so as not to have time to freeze, got up at the very end of the second hundred, so as not to interfere with anyone. They announced that the start would be in hundreds with a minute gap, which was very pleasantly surprised, the risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam has sharply decreased. I start smoothly and calmly, so as not to break sticks and other people's skis, someone rushes forward, hooks on in narrow places, drops others, where to rush, if there is 50 km ahead ... the distance will put everything in its place. From the first kilometers I feel that the skis are not rolling, and in general I have the feeling that they are scraping on the skin. And if we run in straight lines more or less the same, then from the descent I lag behind the others so robustly, and so you will have to endure the whole marathon. The track pleased us more today than yesterday, at night or in the morning we went with a snowcat, it became more rigid and clean. The organizers squeezed the best out of her. I try to push my hands more left leg I try not to disturb at all, because kicks bring severe pain and there is a risk of not running at all, sometimes I get up on the track and work with my hands and back. In general, there is something in this, when you walk at a calm pace for yourself, you enjoy the very fact of participating in the marathon and you are in no hurry, I begin to understand the Europeans. There is only one food point at 10-ke - near the stadium, from my own experience this is very, very little, firstly, after 10 km you start to go hungry, and secondly, absolutely everyone stops in one place and creates a terrible traffic jam. Aleksey Sazonov from Togliatti stood at the 6th kilometer with food, if not for him, as if he would be starving somewhere, and every 30 minutes I still eat PowerUp gel straight, which with each lap become colder and more viscous. I will say in advance that they could not completely freeze even at -18.

The second five is terribly exhausting, you are constantly in tension, as if not to fall, as if to fly into a tree. Climbs broke after the first lap and had to climb the snow porridge. By the half of the distance, my shoulders, arms and back began to get tired, the thought of why I needed this at all, haunted me. And the very fact that you run a marathon much slower than usual, without overtaking, dynamics, tactics somehow morally kills. Marathon runners, running ski marathons for 5 hours, begin to command even more respect, because in 2.40-3.00 it is really easier to run a marathon, you don't have time to feel fatigue on adrenaline. There were few spectators at the distance, purely "their own", who fed and watered. I myself would not have started rooting for someone at -18))) The volunteers on the loop 5-ke left after about 2.5 hours and the revelry began for those who like to cut - no one followed this anymore.

On the 5th lap it became especially boring, cold and hungry. Hands were completely hammered, Alexey had already left the race, I finished the remaining gel and hoped to drink isotonic at the food punk, but they were already given out there ..... WATER !! plain lukewarm water! This is at a time when marathon runners especially need a boost. Okay, I didn't have much left, but there were people who ran for 5 hours, without special food and assistants at the distance, who hoped that the organizers would arrange everything.

I finished in 3.40, average heart rate 165, maximum heart rate 184, for more details see the linkhttps://flow.polar.com/training/analysis/1095220369 At the finish, I received a beautiful medal and had a little chat with one of the organizers of the marathon - Olga Fedorova. As it turned out, this is the best ski resort in Kazan, and during the preparation for the marathon, a lot of work was done with the track. Honestly, after that I fell in love with our Samara Chaika even more :)

At the ski lodge, I immediately got into a queue for free food, the queue was large, stood for about 20 minutes and by this time began to freeze. The set that was given out seemed very tasty and satisfying, for this 5. Sergei Vasiliev, who did not get the coupon, bought food for money. I did not put a stamp in my passport, there is no separate page for this marathon yet, the Kazan residents have not yet made a unique seal, and there is no point in putting a general stamp on Russialoppet, especially since I completed the Masters of Ski Marathons a year ago. I am glad that among the top six there are 2 of our guys - Denis Zaitsev and Kolya Kadyaev. Protocolhttp://myfinish.info/online.php?evid=1528

Having gathered, we drove to the hotel, went to the shower, had dinner and in the evening went home, discussing on the way how who had this marathon. I think, if we remove these roughnesses, Kazan can get a very good marathon, competing with the largest marathons in Russia.

P.S. Photos from the marathon have not yet been posted, so I will add later

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    2. The Service has the right to make changes to this Policy with mandatory notification that will be available to the User on the Site.
    3. In all matters not regulated by this Policy, but relating to the collection, storage, and processing of information and personal data, the User and the Service Administration are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. This Policy applies only to the Service. The Administration of the Service does not control and is not responsible for third-party sites to which the User can click on the links available through the Service.
    5. In the event of any disputes between the User and the Service in connection with this Policy, both parties are obliged to strive to resolve such disputes through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute may be referred to the court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the obligatory observance of the claim procedure. The claim is sent by the party intending to go to court to the other party in advance. The term for responding to a claim is 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Information about the administration of the service:

    Name: Sergey Gazizov

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