5 Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm. Great Heroes of the Alliance Part 5 Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm Teldrassil, an attempt to restore immortality to the night elves

, Druid of Flame

Relationship to others (formerly) Alliance, Cenarion Circle, Darnassus Activity The Majordomo of Ragnaros and the Arch Druid of the Flame; Formerly: Arch Druid of Darnassus and the Cenarion Circle and Lieutenant of Malfurion Stormrage Zone Status Killed (history); Killable (WoW) Relatives Valstann Stag Helmet(son), deceased wife, Liara (daughter), Istaria (granddaughter) Mentor (s) Malfurion Stormrage

Fandral Staghelm was the arch druid of Darnassus, replacing Malfurion who had disappeared in the Emerald Dream. He fought for power over the night elf people with Tyrande Whisperwind and was one of the creators of the Teldrassil cultivation plan. In the War against the Nightmare, it is revealed that Fandral, under the influence of the Nightmare, was the reason for Malfurion's absence and became distraught, which caused the Cenarion Circle to capture him. At Mount Hyjal, Ragnaros' supporters helped free Fandral, and he became the first druid of the flame, taking over as the new major dom. During the invasion of Firelands, Fandral was destroyed by a squad of heroes from the Alliance and Horde.


early years

Although Fandral was born after the Great Schism, which changed the world forever, he was able to achieve significant achievements and became right hand Greatest Druid - Malfurion Stormrage. Fandral himself became a mentor to many modern druids. However, due to his unpleasant character, formidable disposition and excessive irascibility, he never achieved universal love, which the calm and judicious Malfurion could boast of.

Creation of the emerald nightmare

War of the quicksand

Fandral during the War of the Shifting Sands.

A thousand years ago, the children of K "Tun Qiraji began an invasion of the Silithus Desert, led by the overlords of the An" Qiraji. Humanoid insects were eager to take over all of Azeroth, and again hand it over to the rule of the Old Gods. The first person he met on the warpath was a small band of night elves stationed in the desert. The leader of this detachment was the wise Fandral Staghelm, who, in fact, turned out to be a good military leader. In a short time, he gathered a fairly large army, which was able to repel the Qiraji. After long battles, the insects had to retreat back to their city.

But the twin emperors Qiraji, loyal servants of K "Tuna, were still able to find weakness in Fandral's army. Their attention was drawn to the young warrior Valstann Staghelm, the son of a druid. Valstann persuaded his father to appoint him commander of the garrison of the small village of the South Wind, which was far from the front line. The emperors decided to take advantage of this to take the young warrior prisoner, thereby breaking Fandral, who doted on his son. A small detachment of Qiraji managed to overcome the front line and break into the South Wind village. Insects ruthlessly destroyed the entire garrison, and the village itself was razed to the ground. Valstann, the Qiraji was captured, and a little later, right in front of Fandral and his entire army, he was brutally killed by General Rajax, the commander of the Qiraji army.

The emperors' insidious plan worked - a grief-stricken Fandral lost interest in the war, in his army, in all of Azeroth, and even in his life. The Qiraji rushed to the attack, wanting to defeat the army of night elves left without a commander, but in time the dragonflights intervened in the confrontation, managed to push the Qiraji back to their hive. Thanks to this victory, the threat of a new war on insects was delayed for another thousand years.

Creation of Teldrassil

Having lost his son, Fandral vowed that by all means he would bring him back to life. For a thousand years, the druid tried to resurrect the deceased Valstann, but in vain. In the aftermath of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the World Tree Nordrassil was nearly destroyed, causing the night elves to lose their immortality. Fandral could not come to terms with this - because now he was getting old, which means that there was less and less time left to fulfill the oath. Then he decided to grow a new World Tree, which could restore eternal life to the night elves. This idea was supported by some druids who were terrified of death. But Malfurion refused to help Fandral, calling his idea delusional. He knew perfectly well what this could lead to. However, Reindeer Helmet did not stop.

After some time, Malfurion somehow incomprehensibly lost his way in the Emerald Dream and fell into a lethargic sleep. Fandral was appointed as the new arch druid, as Malfurion's closest associate. Now no one could prevent the Deer Helmet from carrying out his plans. Together with a group of loyal druids, he raised a new World Tree off the northern shores of Kalimdor, calling it Teldrassil. The new Tree grew even larger than Nordrassil, spreading its lush crowns against the very clouds.

But the dragon aspects knew about Fandral's true goals, and therefore refused to bless Teldrassil, thereby not returning immortality to the night elf people. Fandral pursued an aggressive and tough policy, not wanting to reckon with anyone, which caused condemnation among the adherents of Malfurion's views. Due to strong disagreements with Tyrande Whisperwind, who had equal rights with the arch druid, a civil war could well break out in the society of the night elves, but only the highest members of the Cenarion Circle, the commanders of the Guardians and some other dignitaries know about this unspoken confrontation. This is the only way to maintain a fragile peace in night elf society.

World of warcraft

Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm is in the game.

Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm was a level ?? quest giver located at the Cenarion Enclave in the night elf city of Darnassus and was shown during Quest: A Pawn on the Eternal Board.

When the character responds to the archdruid "s call for aid, they are first asked to bring a number of samples of the soil of Un" Goro back to an assistant. The archdruid then explains their program for researching Morrowgrain, which they know little about. By growing Morrowgrain for the Cenarion Circle, the character is given a bag of various goodies - food, water, some potions and elixirs. And the need of the circle for more morrowgrain for research is endless - provide them more, and they will give more of these goody bags.

World of Warcraft: The Comic


Fandral in chains.

Majordomo Deer Helmet

While completing missions on Mount Hyjal, we learn that Fandral is imprisoned and it becomes clear that this was a bad idea, because due to the enormous power that he possesses, the cultists will hunt him in order to use him for their own purposes. The player is invited to escort Fandral to Moonglade Prison, where he will remain until he regains his sanity.

However, the green dragon Alysra, who became Fandral's escort, betrayed her family and led Fandral straight to the Firelands, to the firelord Ragnaros. As a reward, she was purified by fire and transformed into the terrifying firehawk Alysrazor, and Fandral became the leader of the Druids of the Flame and the new Majordomo of Ragnaros in place of the Executus he had destroyed.

As a result, both Alysrazor and Fandral were destroyed by the heroes of Azeroth in the Firelands.


Location Level Health
Ashenvale ?? 5,578,000
Mount Hyjal ?? 2,838,400
Quest: The Nordrassil Summit ?? 3,874,500
Quest: Tragedy and Family 60 244,160
Quest: The Tipping Point 85 596,840
Shatterstone ??
10 3,357,420
10ger. 6,714,840
25 11,750,970
25ger. 23,501,940
Majordomo Deer Helmet ??
10 4,527,430
10ger. 12,554,716
25 15,861,266
25ger. 43,504,024


This section contains information removed from World of Warcraft in the 4.0.3a update.

  • Teldrassil
  • Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm
  • The New Frontier (1)

This week, almost immediately after the launch of patch 4.1 on live servers, a list of new villains that will confront the raiders in the new Firelands instance became known. A merry company of seven bosses is led by our longtime acquaintance Ragnaros. The rest of the bosses are practically unknown to the general public - who has heard of some Lord Rhyolith or a giant spider there? But among this company there is a person who has quite interesting story. It is about the boss who stands at the entrance to the Sulfuron Tower. In the past, one of the best students of the archdruid Malfurion, and now a servant of Ragnaros, Fandral Staghelm is a figure who played an important role in the history of Azeroth.

Fandral was born about nine thousand years ago, after the events of the War of the Ancients had died down. He was one of the most gifted druids of the new generation to be taught by Malfurion. His ability and desire to comprehend the secrets of the Druidic teachings made him one of Malfurion's closest associates. However, his hot temperament more than once led to quarrels with Tyrande, Malfurion's life companion and the formal head of the elven state.

Fandral played a key role in the war against the Silithids when they invaded Silithus for the first time in a thousand years before the present day. Sweeping away everything in its path, the troops, led by General Rajax, were nevertheless stopped by Fandral's detachment. Later, he managed to gather an army under his command, which was able to throw the forces of Rajax back to the city of the Silithids. This shame was overseen by the Twin Emperors, who were smart enough to exploit the few weaknesses that Fandral's army had. It may sound paradoxical, but Fandral himself became such a "weak link".

A small detachment of Qiraji, having managed to break through the front line, made a swift raid on South Wind Village. The garrison in this village was commanded by Fandral's son, Valstan. The Qiraji slaughtered the garrison, but at the same time captured the son of the archdruid. Then, in front of the entire army of Azeroth's defenders, General Rajax ripped Valstan apart with his pincers. Such a cruel death was a cruel blow to Fandral, who broke the archdruid. This almost led to the defeat of his army. If it were not for the dragons that came to their aid, the Qiraji would have been able to win.

Desire to resurrect deceased son became for him main goal life. For a thousand years he tried to do it, but without result. After Nordrassil, the World Tree suffered greatly after the Third War, the Night Elves ceased to be immortal and this increased Fandral's pain. Then he decided to grow a new World Tree along with other druids. Malfurion did not support him. After some time, Malfurion was captured in the Emerald Dream and Fandral took his place. He was able to grow a new World Tree, Teldrassil, but the dragons refused to bless him. The Night Elves never achieved immortality.

Fandral's subsequent story is the story of the fall. The War with the Nightmare is an episode that is poorly reflected in the game's plot. These events are described in detail in the novel by Richard Knaack "Stormrage". Based on what is written there, these events took place in the interval between the victory over the Lich King and the Cataclysm. I will not describe in detail, but Fandral played the role of one of the main villains in this conflict. Azshara's sorcerer, Xavius, manipulated him to grow the Tree of Nightmare. Fandral artificially extended Malfurion's stay in the Emerald Dream. Druids, whom he called for help in order to heal Teldrassil, but in fact destroyed it. Unbeknownst to them, Fandral used their power to their detriment. In the end, his designs were revealed, and he himself was sent to the Moonglade to recover from insanity. The thing is that Nightmare manipulated Fandral, assuring him that his son Valstan was alive. Malfurion destroyed the illusion in front of Fandral by "killing" his son.

Our last meeting with Fandral takes place during the quests in Hyjal. He is in the prison where the elves imprisoned him, but due to the fact that there is a risk of attack on this prison of cultists, we must escort Fandral without dangerous place.

And now we see that Fandral returns again, but now as a servant of Ragnaros. What did the Lord of Fire promise him? Immortality? Raising a son? Or maybe he just wants revenge on Malfurion and Tyrande? I think that soon we will know about it.

Attention! This article contains spoilers !!

From myself: For me, Fandrall was completely uninteresting until I learned about the events of the Stormrage novel

Fandral Staghelm

Title: Archdruid

Floor: male

Race: night elfs

Member of factions: Cenarion Circle

Fandral Staghelm was born after the Great Rift, but despite this he was able to become the right hand of one of the greatest druids - Malfurion Stormrage. Fandral himself has taught many of the modern generation of Druidry. But due to his bad character, formidable disposition and excessive hot temper, he was never able to achieve the people's love, which the calmer and more judicious Malfurion could boast of.

War of the Shifting Sands
A thousand years ago, the children of K "Tuna - Qiraj began an invasion of the Silithus Desert, led by the overlords of Ahn" Qiraj. Humanoid insects were eager to take over all of Azeroth, and return it to the rule of the Old Gods. On the warpath, there was a small squad of night elves, located in the desert. The leader of this squad was the wise Fandral Staghelm, who actually turned out to be a good military leader. In a short time he gathered a fairly large army that was able to repel the Qiraji. After long battles, insects had to retreat back to their city, but the Qiraji twin emperors, loyal servants of K "Thun, were still able to find a weak spot in Fandral's army. Their attention was drawn to the young warrior Valstan Staghelm, the son of a druid. Valstana persuaded his father to appoint him commander of the garrison of the small village of the South Wind, which was far from the front line. The emperors decided to take advantage of this to take the young warrior prisoner, thereby breaking Fandral, who doted on his son. A small detachment of Qiraji managed to overcome the front line and break into the South Wind village. Insects ruthlessly destroyed the entire garrison, and the village itself was razed to the ground. Valstan, the Qiraji was captured, and a little later, right in front of Fandral and his entire army, he was brutally killed by General Rajaxx, the commander of the Qiraji army. The emperors' insidious plan worked - a grief-stricken Fandral lost interest in the war, in his army, in all of Azeroth, and even in his life. The Qiraji rushed to the attack, wanting to defeat the army of night elves left without a commander, but in time the dragonflights intervened in the confrontation, managed to push the Qiraji back to their hive. Thanks to this victory, the threat of a new war on insects was delayed for another thousand years ...

Life after the war
Having lost his son, Fandral vowed that by all means he would bring him back to life. For a thousand years, the druid tried to resurrect the deceased Valstan, but in vain. In the aftermath of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the World Tree Nordrassil was nearly destroyed, causing the night elves to lose their immortality. Fandral could not come to terms with this - because now he was getting old, which means that there was less and less time left to fulfill the oath. Then he decided to grow a new World Tree, which could restore eternal life to the night elves. This idea was supported by some druids who were terrified of death. But Malfurion refused to help Fandral, calling his idea delusional. He knew perfectly well what this could lead to. However, Reindeer Helmet did not stop. After some time, Malfurion somehow incomprehensibly lost his way in the Emerald Dream and fell into a lethargic sleep. Fandral was appointed as the new archdruid, as Malfurion's closest associate. Now no one could prevent the Deer Helmet from carrying out his plans. Together with a group of loyal druids, he raised a new World Tree off the northern shores of Kalimdor, calling it Teldrassil. The new Tree grew even larger than Nordrassil, spreading its lush crowns against the very clouds. But the dragon aspects knew about Fandral's true goals, and therefore refused to bless Teldrassil, thereby not returning immortality to the night elf people ... Fandral pursued an aggressive and harsh policy, not wanting to reckon with anyone, which caused condemnation among the followers of Malfurion's views. Due to strong disagreements with Tyrande Whisperwind, who had equal rights with the archdruid, civil war could well break out in the society of the night elves, but only the highest members of the Cenarius Circle, the commanders of the Guardians and some other dignitaries know about this tacit confrontation. This is the only way to maintain a fragile peace in night elf society.

Return of Malfurion Stormrage

(show / hide)

Several months after the fall of the Lich King, Fandral rallies many druids from Teldrassil, revealing to them his plan to purge the giant tree. He was going to use the Idol of Remul to achieve this goal. Naralex, Broll Bearskin, and Hamuul Runetotem were among the summoned. However, before the ritual was completed, Tyrande appeared, warned by Elune that there had never been such a threat over Malfurion's life.

It was eventually revealed that the Staghelm was a pawn in the hands of the Lord of the Emerald Nightmare, Havius, who sent a vision of Valstan to fool the archdruid. Staghelm unknowingly prolonged Malfurion's absence thanks to the Dawnbringer plant. Even worse, he was also responsible for the corruption and near destruction of Teldrassil. secretly transplanted the shoots of the Nightmare Tree of Havius ​​onto the tree. When Malfurion was able to escape from the clutches of the Nightmare, he was able to prove to the rest of the druids the madness that gripped Fandral and his betrayal. After defeating the Nightmare, the Druids took Staghelm to Moonglade in the hope that he could be healed, but many suspect that his mind has been permanently destroyed by the repeated loss of Valstan.

Fandral Staghelm is the arch druid and former leader of the night elves. His love for his only son was his own weakness, which several times almost became fatal for all of Azeroth.


Fandral Staghelm was born after the Great Sundering, which did not stop him from becoming one of the best students and the right hand man of the greatest druid of all time - Malfurion Stormrage. He also saw many wars and losses in his life. The War of the Satyrs, the Quicksand, the Battle of Hyjal in the Third War - he not only participated in them, but also led his people to victory. He was involved in the formation of the Cenarion Circle, an organization of druids, and was himself a teacher for a new generation of druids. However, his hot-tempered and formidable disposition often contradicted the calm and judicious behavior of his Shando Mulfarion.

He lost his wife early, and therefore raised his son Valstan alone, which is why he valued him more than his life.

War of the Shifting Sands

More than a thousand years ago, the children of K'Tun, the Qiraji, and their silithid servants launched an invasion from their kingdom of Ahn'Qiraj in the Silithus Desert, intending to present the entire conquered world to their master and other Old Gods. An army of night elves stood in their way, led by the wise Fandral Staghelm. It was in this war that he showed his extraordinary qualities of a leader. Fandral's forces became an impenetrable wall against the Qiraji invasion of Azeroth, and the invaders suffered heavy casualties.

The Qiraji recognized Fandral's successes, and gave him a name as a sign of respect - Kar'sis, which means "Hand of the Earth" in their language. The twin Qiraji emperors, loyal servants of K'Thun, displeased with the slow advance of their troops, decided to remove the obstacle in the person of Fandral, and they soon found a gap in their opponent's defense.

Commander Fandral's young son, the proud warrior Valstan Staghelm, was eager to earn his father's respect. Following the fervent speeches of his son, Fandral appointed him as the head of a separate squad to defend the small South Wind village, which was located far from the battlefield and was an important strategic location, to defend against the Silithid attacks. The emperors decided to take advantage of this to break the will to victory at Fandral, and deprive the night elves of such a successful commander. They hid part of their army in the sands, while they themselves retreated, diverting the main forces of the night elves. The Silithid hordes soon wiped out the Southwind Village from the face of the earth. Only Valstan Qiraji was taken alive, but only so that the commander of the Qiraji army, General Rajax, brutally executed him right in front of the night elf army and Fandral himself. Heartbroken Fandral was no longer interested in this war, nor the fate of his people and all of Azeroth, nor even his life.

The Kaldorei army began to lose ground under the onslaught of the Qiraji armies, and they retreated from Silithus. In the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, they managed to negotiate help with the bronze dragon Anachronos, who summoned four dragonflights to fight the Qiraji misfortune. Together, they managed to defeat, or rather, to postpone the threat for a thousand years, having established a magical barrier that imprisoned the qiraji in their temple. The boundaries of the barrier were the great An'Qiraj Wall of the Scarab, and the key to the gate was the Scepter of Quicksand, entrusted by the dragons to Fandral, so that he would reassemble his armies and finally deal with the servants of K'Thun when the time came. But the grieving druid cursed this war and the teachings of his allies, breaking the scepter in four.

At the end of the war, Fandral learned that he had not lost his son completely: Valstan's wife, Leara, had a beautiful daughter Astaria with the eyes of her father. For the sake of his granddaughter and Leara, Fandral found the strength to live on, but still there was not a day when he did not think about his beloved son.

After the Third War

After the loss of his son, Fandral vowed to never bring him back to life. He spent a thousand years on his vain attempts, but he never came close to the cherished goal. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the World Tree Nordrassil suffered massive damage and used all its power to destroy Archimonde, as a result of which the night elves lost their immortality. It was unbearable for Fandral - there was less and less time to accomplish his goals. He had an idea - to grow a new World Tree, which would return their former gifts. In this endeavor, he was supported by a group of druids, who were also afraid of the already inevitable death. But Mulfarion vehemently rejected the idea, fearing the consequences. Soon, Mulfarion fell asleep, leaving for the Emerald Dream, but did not return. No matter how hard the druids of the Cenarion Circle tried to return it, nothing came of it, even the great Ysera the Sleeper could not help. Thus Fandral became the new arch druid, leader of the Cenarion Circle, a respected and important faction in the night elf society.

Now no one could prevent him and his followers from growing a new Tree, called Teldrassil. Under their supervision, it was in no way inferior in size to the previous one, spreading its crown among the clouds. At its summit, the night elves established the new capital of Darnassus and other settlements. But the great dragon Aspects, knowing of Fandral's motives, did not bless the Tree, and it did not restore immortality to the elves. Soon Teldrassil was seized by a mysterious corruption, crippling everything living there. The darkness disappeared in the twilight of the branches, and the druids barely had time to eliminate the consequences of the disease of the Tree.

Another consequence of the Third War was the end of the long isolation of the night elves from the outside world, and now they had to cooperate with representatives of the Alliance and Horde. In this matter new leader night elves Fandral was extremely unrestrained. In his opinion, the night elves were superior to all other races, and only they had the right to share the teachings of Cenarius about druidism. This approach greatly complicated interactions with the tauren, the recent members of the Cenarion Circle, but Cenarius' son Remulus stood up for them in Malfurion's absence. This approach has also heated up relations with the Horde over the issue of the orc sawmills in the east of Ashenvale.

Fandral's aggressive and militaristic policies as leader of the night elves were condemned by Mulfarion's followers. His differences with Tyrande Whisperwind, leader of the priestesses of Elune and the Sentinel army, became the talk of the town, but only high-ranking members of those close to the government knew how deep these differences were.

War on the Nightmare

A few more years passed, and Fandral summoned all the mighty druids to a meeting in withering Teldrassil. He announced that he had found a way to rid the Tree of corruption - with the help of a recently found artifact, the Idol of Remul. But Tyrande was given an eerily realistic dream that her lover, Malfurion Stormrage, still in a coma, was dying in her sleep. She investigated, which resulted in her finding a hidden portal to the Emerald Dream at Fandral's house when he was banned from going to the Dream after the loss of Malfurion. And then - more. It was Fandral who extended Malfurion's coma by poisoning his body with an extract of the herb of morrowweed. It was Fandral who rooted the corruption in Teldrassil by planting a sprout of a sinister tree from the Nightmare on it. And the worst thing - through the ritual of the druids, he intended to plunge the whole world into an unrestrained Nightmare. All these atrocities the madman blindly performed on the instructions of ... the ghost of his son Valstan! But the ghost deceived Fandral in the same way that Fandral deceived his people - in fact, behind the appearance of Valstan was Xavius, the first satyr and servant of demons, defeated in the War of the Ancients by Malfurion and turned into a tree. But Xavius's plans to unite the real world and the Emerald Dream through Teldrassil were not destined to come true, for the awakened Malfurion, his beloved Tyrande, the green dragons and the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, who did not fall into the nightmare's net, overpowered him. And Fandrala ... he was Xavius's unwitting puppet who truly believed in his son's return. The second consecutive loss of Valstan completely shattered the spirit of Fandral Staghelm, and he surrendered without resistance to the mercy of the victors. And yet, even when broken, he remained an incredibly powerful druid who almost ruined the world. The perpetrator was imprisoned near Hyjal, under the watchful eye of the Shadow Guardians.


Illidan was imprisoned for 10,000 years. Fandral was much more fortunate, for shortly after his capture, a cataclysm occurred. In Hyjal, the gates opened to the hottest and most dangerous place of the Abode of the Elements - the Firelands, and from there, by the order of the Lord of Fire Ragnarosaneist stream, fire elementals burst out. Their goal was the World Tree Nordrassil, which healed its wounds after the Third War, whose destruction played into the hands of the evil Old Gods. And the elementals weren't alone. The Cult of the Twilight's Hammer has also come to the holy lands of the night elves, wreaking havoc and destruction.

The green dragon Alyssra volunteered to escort Fandral Staghelm from the now dangerous territory to Moonglade, so that such a powerful prisoner would not fall into the hands of the sectarians. But either Alisra betrayed her family, or the corruption of Fandral captured this noble creature, but Alisra never appeared in the Glade. Instead, she took the prisoner straight to Ragnaros. There, another blow awaited Fandral - in the war between the orcs and the night elves in Ashenvale, his granddaughter Astaria died - the last living reminder of his son. Anger gripped the mighty druid, who hated everyone and everything, the Alliance, the Horde, and his teacher Malfurion, who allowed "yakshan with the orcs." He readily swore allegiance to the Lord of Fire and was reborn. He became the new major-dom of the Firelands (instead of the defeated major-dom Executus) and the leader of the terrible druids of the Flame, among whom was Valstan's wife, Leara. Fandral decided that he would rather burn this world to the ground than live in it without his beloved son. And one of the first orders from his new master was to eliminate the leader of the Earthen Ring, Thrall, possibly Azeroth's only hope of salvation from the horrors of the Cataclysm.


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Why is Fandral Staghelm good at Hearthstone?

There is a situation when players play with the cards the Tree of War or the Ancient Wisps. Then the effect of such a drawing will be maximized. But most often, Fandral Stag Helmet is played by players in combination with not very expensive spells. And the benefits of such a combo will not be much less. Anger, Living Roots and other cards combine well with Fandral. It is noteworthy that such combos are much easier to play than more expensive ones. The player is given the opportunity to apply several such combos in just one move.

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