What kind of fish to fish on the Gorky Sea. News from the reservoir: Volga (Gorky reservoir)

The Gorky reservoir on the Volga River is located at a distance of about 50 km. to the northwest of Nizhny Novgorod. This is one of the favorite places for recreation and fishing of local residents.

Location: Ivanovskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions of Russia

Gorky reservoir map. Click to enlarge.

Area: about 1600 sq. km

Average depth: 3.65 m

Maximum depth: 22 m

Length: 427 m

Width: about 16 km

Elevation: 84 m

Settlements: Gorodets, Kineshma, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Kostroma, Navoloki, Zavolzhye, Puchezh, Tutaev, Ples, Yuryevets, Chkalovsk

The origin of the reservoir: artificially created on the Volga River to supply water to the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station in 1957

Types of fish: pike, perch, bream, roach, smelt, silver bream, ruff, sopa, bleak, sabrefish, blue bream, burbot, vendace, Siberian sturgeon, whitefish peled, bersh.

The Gorky Reservoir, sometimes called the Gorky Sea, locals dubbed the Mountain-Sea. Its waters are extremely rich in fish, so fishermen come here from different parts of Russia. To maintain and increase the population of some fish species, special measures are taken. In the Gorky Reservoir, not only fry are launched, but also small animal organisms that fish feed on.

Due to the fact that the current in the Gorky reservoir is very weak, the ice becomes thick and hard in winter. Ruff and perch bite especially well on winter fishing. And roach, for example, is best caught in March.

Fishermen have many favorite places on the Mountain-Sea. The main ones are: Obzherikha, Andronikha, Novlenskoye, Trubinka, Krasnaya Gora. Also popular are the places on the rivers Sanakhte and Trotsa.

Winter fishing on the Gorky Sea. Fishing for roach without a nozzle. village Dresvishchi.

Fishing on the middle Volga (Gorky reservoir) Yuryevets, spinning fishing competition video

Rest on the Gorky reservoir

A huge number of recreation centers, tourist centers, children's camps, private cottages, sanatoriums have been built along the shores of the Gorky Sea, there are even fishing bases. The nature around is such that you can breathe in the forest air, sit fishing and go for mushrooms and berries. Almost every holiday home or camp site has its own access to the water and the necessary set for recreation: boats, catamarans, sun loungers, volleyball nets, and so on.

In order to rest a savage with tents on the Gorky reservoir, you will most likely have to pay for parking. Basically, the entire coastal area has been bought into private ownership. There are free sites, of course, but they still need to be looked for, and the situation is changing rapidly.

One of the options for camping is the Belaya Rechka beach near Gorodets, where there is a camping area. And you can just relax for one day well on this beach. There is everything you need for comfort: clean sand, all kinds of water attractions, shops, equipment rental, a first-aid post, etc.

Camping "Sea Breeze" on the Gorky Reservoir can also be noted by those who like to rest as a savage. Of course, it will not be completely "wild" and completely free, but the territory is specially equipped, and water and electricity can be useful. Located "Sea Breeze" in an hour's drive from Nizhny Novgorod, near the village of Skipino.

A vacation on the Gorky Sea can be planned and organized in such a way that it will be no worse than a trip to a real, salty sea. However, the cost savings will be noticeably noticeable, not to the detriment of pleasures and impressions.

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Gorky reservoir- an artificial reservoir, created in 1955 ... 57. on the Volga during the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station. The Gorky reservoir is located territorially in the Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl regions of Russia. On its banks are urban settlements: Gorodets, Zavolzhye, Chkalovsk, Puchezh, Yuryevets, Zavolzhsk, Kineshma, Navoloki, Ples, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Tutaev, Rybinsk.

The reservoir stretches along the Volga river bed for 427 km, in some places it reaches 16 km in width. It has an area of ​​1.59 thousand km², maximum depth 22 m, average depth 3.65 m, water volume 8.71 km³.

The reservoir was created to address energy and shipping issues, which is carried out on the right, deeper, side of it. Today the reservoir is also used for fishing and recreation.

The nature of the Gorky reservoir basin

The map of the Gorky Reservoir clearly shows that it consists of two sections. The first is of the lake type, extending from the hydroelectric power station to the confluence of the Unzha River. The second is located higher and is similar to the river type. To the upper reaches of the city of Yuryevets, the reservoir is like a full-flowing river with a water mirror up to 3 km wide. Near the dam, water fills the entire Volga valley and looks like a real sea with a width of 11 ... 12 km.

Between the towns of Yuryevets and Zavolzhye, the left bank is low and overgrown with forest, the right bank is steep, high, steep in the metamo. Along the valleys of the tributaries of the Volga River that existed even before the flooding of the Gorky Reservoir, there are shallow bays that protrude deep into the banks. Their width at the mouth is up to 5 km. The most noticeable of them are at the confluence of the rivers Nemde, Unzhe, Trotsa, Yug.

The ice on the reservoir usually disappears by the beginning of May, later than on the rivers. First, the open reach is cleaned, then the bays.

Before the regulation of the flow in the Volga, the rivers that fell under the Gorky reservoir, there were 47 species of fish. The emergence of the dam changed their habitat, which was followed by a change in the number of certain species, migration to new places.

Today, the reservoir is inhabited by lacustrine-river, lacustrine and river fish species. The former are found everywhere; the latter live in standing or weak-flowing places; the third - only in the river sections of the reservoir.

Among the river ones in the Gorky Sea, there are black-backed, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, asp, podust, sterlet, etc. From the lake ones - rudd, lake minnow, loach, tench, crucian carp, etc. Everywhere there is perch, pike, dace, bream, pike perch.

Fishing on the Gorky reservoir

On the reservoir there is where to fish: its coastline stretches for 1340 km, depths within 6.4 ... 23 m, flows into the reservoir of 600 rivers and rivulets. There are many species of fish: silver bream, burbot, sterlet, roach, ide, pike, bream. Asp, perch, pike perch, rarely white-eyed, sabrefish are often caught in the catches.

They fish in all parts of the reservoir: near the dam, similar to a lake due to its shape and size; river-like, having a width of up to 2 km and a length of 345 km; suitable Kostroma Bay, where there is practically no current.

On the first, a fish is caught, which feels good with little or no current. On the river-like one you can catch sterlet, dace, chub, asp, etc. On the Kostroma Bay, the catch is usually roach, bream, perch, pike.

Fish is caught in the reservoir, mostly large, well-fed. The most catching places on the reservoir: reach of the Kostroma flood, estuaries of rivers and streams, bays, areas near settlements.

Winter fishing on the Gorky reservoir

There are many wonderful places for fishing in the Gorky Reservoir in winter. One of them is opposite the confluence of the Unzha River into the reservoir, near the town of Yuryevets. The place has been famous since ancient times, when it was from here that fish were supplied to the tsar's table.

The site is good because three rivers merge here (Unzha, Nemda, Volga) and the reservoir spills over a dozen kilometers. The places are hard to reach, it is easier to get to them in winter.

The main fishing spot in winter is at the dam that protects Yuryevets from the Volga floods. Good sites within the flooded riverbeds of the Nemda and Unzhi rivers. The presence of a constant current excludes fish kills, it is always active here.

At the dam, the bottom is dotted with numerous transverse underwater streamers. The relief is indented, there are many holes. Fishing is facilitated by the low speed of the current. It is the dumps from the spits in depth - the best that can be found on the reservoir for winter fishing, dense, ruff.

They catch fish without rewinding, using "devils", "nymphs". Rarely, but they also refuse. Then you can switch to standing jigs, baiting bloodworms on them. Local fishermen use dragonfly larvae for baiting.

On large perch you can hunt at the "cross" - a place opposite the city center, on the opposite bank of the river channel. One has only to stay a little to the left, on the flooded channel of the channel. Together with the perch, here, on a jig with a bunch of bloodworms, you can catch a medium-sized burbot. A large sandbank to the right of the "cross" is catching on the last ice.

An interesting place for winter fishing near the town of Yuryevets is slightly higher along the Volga riverbed. Here, at the left bank, behind the edge of the channel, there are a lot of perches 200… 3000 g in weight. But also full of vertically placed flooded trees. So the loss of jigs is not uncommon here.

In zakoryazyazhennye places on large "devils" you can catch a carp. Particularly lucky for this is the place above Yuryevets, on a tributary of the Elnati.

Recreation centers on the Gorky reservoir

Pension "Burevestnik"

The institution (Internet address bvnn.ru) is located in the Novgorod region and is a large year-round recreational center. It is 68 km away from the regional center. The territory is located in an ecologically clean resort area on the bank of the Gorky reservoir. It has been working for a long time, it has “managed” to improve the health of more than 1 million people.

There is a unique forest park around the boarding house. Clean air, artesian water from wells make even a short stay in these places effective and, most importantly, pleasant.

Accommodation for vacationers is organized in a boarding house in two buildings for 370 places. All rooms have balconies, TVs, modern amenities. There are rooms of superior categories (more expensive) and democratic, affordable for most visitors.

Meals are organized in the boarding house according to the type of "buffet". The dishes are prepared by professional chefs who know how to make them exquisite, beautiful and tasty.

The boarding house has several rooms (accommodating 320 ... 10 people), which are used for various celebrations. This is the Yellow Hall (100 seats), Big hall(320 seats), VIP-hall (130 seats), restaurant (150 seats). Several VIP rooms (1 person each) for buffets, a cafe (15 people) for tea ceremonies. The large and VIP halls are used for catering for guests.

The daily stay in the boarding house was estimated by the administration at 1.4 ... 4.7 thousand rubles. without food and 2.8 ... 6.5 thousand rubles. with meals. The cost of the parking lot is 100 rubles.

Country club "Good Life"

Recreation center "Good Life" (site on the Internet goodlifenn.ru) from the Kostroma region, located in the village of Khorobrovo. Next to it is the mouth of the Nemda River, and around the pristine forest. The area is clean ecologically, remote from large settlements, quiet. A protected area begins a few kilometers from it.

Good Life is the only base on the reservoir that preaches ecological tourism. The atmosphere on it is akin to home comfort, nature is untouched by man, various opportunities for active and exciting rest. It is easy to forget about the problems, the daily hustle and bustle here, get a lot of positive impressions related to the cleanliness of the river and the reservoir, the beauty of nature, the freshness of the air infused with forest smells.

There are 4 cottages made of wood for tourists at the base. They have all modern facilities: shower, hot water, air conditioning, heating, mosquito nets. A total of 25 rooms that can accommodate 60 people at a time. Their interiors are individual, as are the different and comfortable conditions.

Meals at the camp site are special - three vegetarian meals a day, "buffet". Here they propagandize it, but do not insist. By offering only to evaluate its benefits.

The price includes dinner and breakfast. You can order an additional lunch (for adults - 150 rubles, for children - 100 rubles). The menu includes dishes from fresh vegetables, cereals, potatoes, pasta, fermented milk products, cheeses, pastries, sweets, nuts, fruits. Extra charge is not taken for mineral water and soft drinks.

The price of a tour to a tourist center is 490 ... 1450 rubles. per person per day.

Fishing base on the Gorky reservoir "Guest house" 2Kapitana "

The fishing base (Internet address 2captain.ru) is located at the confluence of the Mocha River into Gorky reservoir(north of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the outskirts of the village of Yurkino). The place is quiet, there are expanses of water all around, dense forests. In addition to fishing, you can wander through the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. You can just lie down on the beach, sunbathe.

The tourist base guarantees a successful fishing which is difficult to find elsewhere. The mouth of the Mochi River has long been famous among the fishermen of the Novgorod region for its catchability, an abundance of fish. Asp, carp, pike, pike perch, bream, perch, roach are often found in the catches here. They are caught from the shore, from the boat. Float rods, spinning rods, donks.

For fishermen and vacationers there are 2 modular wooden houses with a "capacity" of 12 people. They have stoves, refrigerators, a barbecue, a smokehouse, a Russian bath not far from the buildings.

Guest house "2Kapitana" provides accommodation services for everyone who wants to relax in this wonderful place. The two houses can comfortably accommodate up to 12 people, at your service a kitchen with a stove, refrigerators for storing food and catch, barbecue, smokehouse, a real Russian bath.

Summer offer on the base - floating dacha: self-propelled autonomous floating house, which can comfortably accommodate 7 people. It has a kitchen, a bathroom, a spacious deck, a wardroom.

Among the week, the cost of a daily voucher is 700 rubles, on weekends - 800 rubles. per person.

Ecology of the Gorky Reservoir

The environmental condition of the reservoir is assessed by ecologists as satisfactory. The influence of polluting factors from industrial and household activities, although intense, is not critical.

The issue of pollution of the reservoir by discharges has always been relevant, it was solved as funds were allocated. Today, in connection with the adoption of a new law obliging all industrial enterprises to build treatment facilities, there is hope for an improvement in the situation.

Of particular concern is the almost annual pestilence of fish in summer. It is caused by the weak flow of the reservoir and the rapid development of blue-green algae. The latter cause "blooming" of water, lead to the release of a large amount of toxicants, dangerous not only for fish, but also for humans. It is their concentration in some places of the reservoir that leads to the death of fish.

The same result is promoted by the infestation of fish in the reservoir by ligulosis. In the reservoir, he hit en masse (80% ... 60%) roach, bream, dace. Outbreaks of the disease in spring and summer are facilitated by warming up the water. For humans, ligulosis is not dangerous, but the fish simply "mows".

The Gorky reservoir was created in 55-57 years of the last century during the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station. Gorky reservoir geographically located on the lands of 3 regions, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo. This reservoir stretches along the Volga river for a distance of 427 km, and its width can reach 16 km in some places. The total area of ​​the reservoir is 1590 km². As for the depth, in some places it can reach 22 m.On average, the depth of the reservoir is slightly more than 3.5 m.

The Gorky Reservoir was created with the aim of solving issues of shipping and energy. Most of the shipping takes place at a deeper right side reservoir. Fishing was also widely developed in the reservoir. Fishing on the Gorky reservoir very interesting and varied.

The Gorky Reservoir consists of two diverse sections. The first section belongs to the lake type and stretches from the Power Plant to the mouth of the Unzha River. The second section is slightly higher and belongs to the river type.

From the city of Yuryevets to the upper reaches, the reservoir looks like a full-flowing river, where the water mirror is about 3 km wide. Near the dam, the expanses of water occupy the entire Volga valley and take the form of a sea, where the width can reach about 12 km.

The ice cover leaves the reservoir, as a rule, at the beginning of May, somewhat later than on the rivers. At first, the flood part of the reservoir is opened from the ice, and then the bays. Before the flow in the Volga was regulated, at least 47 species of various fish lived in those rivers that became part of the Gorky reservoir. But when the dam appeared, the habitat of many species of fish changed. Currently, the reservoir is inhabited by river species, lacustrine and lacustrine-river. The latter live almost everywhere, the latter only in low-flow or stagnant places of the reservoir, and the former only in pronounced river sections of the reservoir.

Fishing in the Gorky Reservoir is interesting primarily for the wide variety of possible catch. The reservoir is inhabited by such fish species as sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, asp, black back, sterlet, podust, beluga, burbot, sabrefish. Lake species, tench, loach, crucian carp, minnow. And practically throughout the entire water area, pike, pike perch, roach, bream, perch are common.

It is quite natural that such a huge reservoir has excellent conditions for fishing. The shoreline of the reservoir stretches for 1340 to fluctuate, and the depths from 3 to 23 m. More than 600 rivers, rivers and streams also flow into the reservoir.

Often fishing on the Gorky reservoir It is carried out on such species as bream, roach, silver bream, pike, ide, perch, asp, pike perch, less often sabrefish, white-eyed.

Fishing in the warm season is possible in almost all parts of the reservoir, the river one, which is about 2 km wide and up to 345 km long. Pryplotinny, which has the size and shape of a lake, and a reach area, which is represented by the Kostroma Bay, where there is almost no current. On the river section of the reservoir, asp, dace, chub and even sterlet are caught. On the dam site, fish that prefer low flow areas or areas without flow. In the conditions of the Kostroma Bay, pike, bream, roach and perch are most often caught.

As a rule, large, well-fed fish are caught in a reservoir. And the nicest places where it happens fishing in the Gorky reservoir these are, first of all, the Kostroma stretch, the mouths of various rivers and streams, and small bays.

Now about winter fishing in the Gorky reservoir. The reservoir has many different places for winter fishing. An excellent place is the mouth of the Unzha River, which is located near the small town of Yuryevets. This town has been known since ancient times, because it was from these places that various fish were supplied to the royal table. This site is attractive for fishermen because in this place 3 rivers Volga, Nemda and Unzha merge at once and here the reservoir spills over a dozen kilometers. The places here are hard to reach and it is much easier to get here in winter.

The most popular place for fishing in winter is located near the dam, which is designed to protect Yuryevets from the overflowing Volga in spring. Just as successful winter fishing on the Gorky reservoir occurs in the flooded channels of the Unzhi and Nemda rivers. The current is constant here and the fish are very active.

Places near the dam have a remarkable bottom topography. There are many underwater crossbars, depressions and underwater deep pits. In addition, the slow current makes fishing easier. These are excellent places where you can conduct underwater fishing, because dumps from the braids into the depths are the places where you can always count on good bite.

Of the baits, most often used are rewound "nymphs", "devils". However, there are times when the fish stop pecking at the rewinder and then the anglers switch to baited jigs. Many local fishermen use dragonfly larvae as bait.

Large perch are caught at the "cross" - this place is located opposite the center of Yuryevets on the opposite bank of the channel part. But it is necessary to take a little to the left on the flooded channel of the channel. When fishing for perch with a jig with a bunch of bloodworms, burbot often bite. When the season comes last ice, many anglers move to a large sandbank, which is slightly to the right of the cross. A little higher along the riverbed near the left bank of the Volga, perch weighing from 0.2 to 0.6 kg is caught. In addition, there are many flooded trees and frequent cases of bait loss.

On the coast of the Gorky Reservoir there are several recreation centers and fishing bases where you can stop for a fishing period.

Fishing base "2 captains"

This base is located near the mouth of the Mocha River, where it flows into the Gorky reservoir. It's quiet here Beautiful places virgin forests, wide expanses of water. In summer, in addition to fishing, here you can take a walk in the forest to collect various berries and mushrooms. You can lie on the sand, on the shore and admire the magnificent local landscapes. The tourist base is famous for its excellent fishing. The best places located at the mouth of the Mocha River, which has always been famous for the abundance of fish resources. Pike, pike perch, asp, carp, roach, bream and perch are caught here. Successful fishing here it is possible both from the shore and from a boat to a variety of gear.

Recreation center "Good Life"

Located in the Kostroma region in the vicinity of the village of Khabarovo. The base is located near the mouth of the Nemda River, among a magnificent primeval forest. The tourist base guarantees its clients excellent fishing and excellent rest. Pike perch, bream, pike, ide, perch, silver bream and other fish are caught here.

The Gorky reservoir was created in 55-57 years of the last century during the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station. Gorky reservoir geographically located on the lands of 3 regions, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo. This reservoir stretches along the Volga river for a distance of 427 km, and its width can reach 16 km in some places. The total area of ​​the reservoir is 1590 km². As for the depth, in some places it can reach 22 m.On average, the depth of the reservoir is slightly more than 3.5 m.

The Gorky Reservoir was created with the aim of solving issues of shipping and energy. Most of the shipping takes place on the deeper right side of the reservoir. Fishing was also widely developed in the reservoir. Fishing on the Gorky reservoir very interesting and varied.

The Gorky Reservoir consists of two diverse sections. The first section belongs to the lake type and stretches from the Power Plant to the mouth of the Unzha River. The second section is slightly higher and belongs to the river type.

From the city of Yuryevets to the upper reaches, the reservoir looks like a full-flowing river, where the water mirror is about 3 km wide. Near the dam, the expanses of water occupy the entire Volga valley and take the form of a sea, where the width can reach about 12 km.

The ice cover leaves the reservoir, as a rule, at the beginning of May, somewhat later than on the rivers. At first, the flood part of the reservoir is opened from the ice, and then the bays. Before the flow in the Volga was regulated, at least 47 species of various fish lived in those rivers that became part of the Gorky reservoir. But when the dam appeared, the habitat of many species of fish changed. Currently, the reservoir is inhabited by river species, lacustrine and lacustrine-river. The latter live almost everywhere, the latter only in low-flow or stagnant places of the reservoir, and the former only in pronounced river sections of the reservoir.

Fishing in the Gorky Reservoir is interesting primarily for the wide variety of possible catch. The reservoir is inhabited by such fish species as sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, asp, black back, sterlet, podust, beluga, burbot, sabrefish. Lake species, tench, loach, crucian carp, minnow. And practically throughout the entire water area, pike, pike perch, roach, bream, perch are common.

It is quite natural that such a huge reservoir has excellent conditions for fishing. The shoreline of the reservoir stretches for 1340 to fluctuate, and the depths from 3 to 23 m. More than 600 rivers, rivers and streams also flow into the reservoir.

Often fishing on the Gorky reservoir It is carried out on such species as bream, roach, silver bream, pike, ide, perch, asp, pike perch, less often sabrefish, white-eyed.

Fishing in the warm season is possible in almost all parts of the reservoir, the river one, which is about 2 km wide and up to 345 km long. Pryplotinny, which has the size and shape of a lake, and a reach area, which is represented by the Kostroma Bay, where there is almost no current. On the river section of the reservoir, asp, dace, chub and even sterlet are caught. On the dam site, fish that prefer low flow areas or areas without flow. In the conditions of the Kostroma Bay, pike, bream, roach and perch are most often caught.

As a rule, large, well-fed fish are caught in a reservoir. And the nicest places where it happens fishing in the Gorky reservoir these are, first of all, the Kostroma stretch, the mouths of various rivers and streams, and small bays.

Now about winter fishing in the Gorky reservoir. The reservoir has many different places for winter fishing. An excellent place is the mouth of the Unzha River, which is located near the small town of Yuryevets. This town has been known since ancient times, because it was from these places that various fish were supplied to the royal table. This site is attractive for fishermen because in this place 3 rivers Volga, Nemda and Unzha merge at once and here the reservoir spills over a dozen kilometers. The places here are hard to reach and it is much easier to get here in winter.

The most popular place for fishing in winter is located near the dam, which is designed to protect Yuryevets from the overflowing Volga in spring. Just as successful winter fishing at the Gorky reservoir occurs in the flooded channels of the Unzhi and Nemda rivers. The current is constant here and the fish are very active.

Places near the dam have a remarkable bottom topography. There are many underwater crossbars, depressions and underwater deep pits. In addition, the slow current makes fishing easier. These are excellent places where you can conduct underwater fishing, because dumps from the braids into the depths are the places where you can always count on good bite.

Of the baits, most often used are rewound "nymphs", "devils". However, there are times when the fish stop pecking at the rewinder and then the anglers switch to baited jigs. Many local fishermen use dragonfly larvae as bait.

Large perch are caught at the "cross" - this place is located opposite the center of Yuryevets at the opposite bank of the channel part. But it is necessary to take a little to the left on the flooded channel of the channel. When fishing for perch with a jig with a bunch of bloodworms, burbot often bite. When the last ice season comes, many anglers move to a large sandbank, which is slightly to the right of the cross. A little higher along the riverbed near the left bank of the Volga, perch weighing from 0.2 to 0.6 kg is caught. In addition, there are many flooded trees and frequent cases of bait loss.

On the coast of the Gorky Reservoir there are several recreation centers and fishing bases where you can stop for a fishing period.

Fishing base "2 captains"

This base is located near the mouth of the Mocha River, where it flows into the Gorky reservoir. There are quiet beautiful places, virgin forests, wide expanses of water. In summer, in addition to fishing, here you can walk in the forest to collect various berries and mushrooms. You can lie on the sand, on the shore and admire the magnificent local landscapes. The tourist base is famous for its excellent fishing. The best places are located at the mouth of the Mocha River, which has always been famous for the abundance of fish resources. Pike, pike perch, asp, carp, roach, bream and perch are caught here. Successful fishing here is possible both from the shore and from a boat with a variety of tackle.

Recreation center "Good Life"

Located in the Kostroma region in the vicinity of the village of Khabarovo. The base is located near the mouth of the Nemda River, among a magnificent primeval forest. The tourist base guarantees its clients excellent fishing and excellent rest. Pike perch, bream, pike, ide, perch, silver bream and other fish are caught here.

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