Bunny hop is a technique of performance. Bunny hop - performance technique How to do a bunny hop higher

It is not difficult to learn a bannik, depending on perseverance and talent, it takes about 2 weeks to study, well, you can stretch it for half a year, if you wish.

There is an opinion that the easiest way to learn to bannik on BMX, it really is. The most difficult thing is on a double suspension, and even on the cheapest one, where suspension damping is not regulated. It would be nice to have “evil” stomp pedals and shin guards. But do not forget the most important thing: you can learn from anything, there would be a desire!

How to actually jump a bannik over an obstacle
(box, bottle, parapet, etc.):

On the site where you train, there should be enough space for landing and acceleration, it should be flat and not slope (jumping downhill is quite difficult for a beginner).

Psychological preparation: Look at the obstacle! Do not think that you cannot, do not be afraid to fall (put your index finger on the rear brake lever, for courage, but only your index finger, leave the rest on the steering wheel!). Estimate roughly where to start raising front wheel... How to determine the distance? You just need to jump and the distance will be determined by itself, with time and experience.

The first and one of the main actions:
Lift off the front wheel from the ground!

For this:
on a rigid fork: we roll quietly, not fast, not slowly while standing on the pedals. Be in the middle of the bike! Then, quickly lean back with your knees bent! Do not bend your arms, strain your back and try not to bend either. The bike will climb high enough, but not yet controlled! and in the surf it is necessary to pull out. Approx. author)
on a soft fork: it seems harder, but actually easier than hard. We roll quietly, not fast, not slowly while standing on the pedals. Use a fork to induce momentum. Be in the middle of the bike, then quickly, but not abruptly (not an explosive movement!) Lean forward a little, then immediately back, your arms are straight, your back is tense, and your knees bend (only your knees can be bent!).

The second movement smoothly turns into the third.

It's very hard to explain, it's easier to show)))), but I'll try:

So, you are off-center and above the rear wheel, knees are bent and arms are extended, back is tense ...

Now you need to go to the steering wheel, i.e. you begin to straighten into a "candle" Hands stand at the level of the navel, and the body straightens along the bike, knees unbend, legs straighten.

And here the third movement begins:

You climbed yourself, but the bike is still on the ground. We must tear it off. To do this, we pull (!!!) with his hands up and forward, and with our legs we squeeze under us. ! All movements must occur simultaneously quickly and clearly without tightening!

(note. Squeezing is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to try to tear off on a plane rear wheel from the ground without lifting the front! To do this, it is necessary, as it were, to expand between the steering wheel and pedals and bend your legs)

The bike will rise into the air, although at first not for much))))

The fourth movement is flight:

When the bike is in the air, you need to try to put it parallel to the ground. To do this, bend your legs at the knees, pulling the bike under you, and lower your arms, lower the front wheel and the bike will take its natural position (wheels on the same line parallel to the ground). But you will remain above the rear wheel / saddle.

Fifth final - landing:

And it's better to land on the back, because it's softer))) So, everything in reverse order... Hands to yourself, bend your knees, lower your legs down. When the rear wheel touches the ground, tighten your back! Slowly straightening our arms and bending at the lower back, we put the front wheel, i.e. a few cm in the back you will ride, ideally!)))))

Everything. With landing! You made a bannik through an obstacle and survived)))

Thanks to Dima aka IronCLAD for helping create this tutorial.

The ability to jump on a bike is an extremely useful skill. This skill can keep you out of trouble, keep you from worrying about curbs and curbs, and prepare you for big jumps. Today we will tell you about the bunny hop jump technique, it will allow you to achieve a high, controlled jump on any pedals.

Novice cyclists often learn the wrong jumping technique, in the common people called Hop'om ( from EnglishHop - jump). With this technique, both wheels are immediately lifted off the ground. The technique, although simple to learn, is ineffective in terms of flight altitude and control over the bike. Standing on the bike, you bend your arms and legs, and then push the bike off the ground as much as possible. It turns out something like this:

Bunny Hop ( from EnglishBunny-Hop - the jump of the hare), or "bannik" allows you to control the height of the jump and the moment of separation of the rear wheel, which is extremely useful. It is much easier to do it in, but we recommend that you learn on ordinary treadmills, then you will have correct technique(in contacts it is easier to pull up back part for the pedals) and you can do it in any conditions.

1. Trying to manual

The first thing you should do is ride a little on the rear wheel, that is (from the English. Manual). The goal of the exercise is to lift the front wheel into the air, but not use the trivial bounce of the fork, but also the correct technique.

In the basic stance we talked about in, you drive in a straight line. Heels are lowered, knees and elbows are slightly bent. First you load the front and rear wheel:

Then, without unbending your legs, you begin to shift back, simultaneously straightening your arms. At some point, the front wheel will lift off the ground. If you are afraid of falling on your back, keep your finger on the rear brake, so you can react in time and prevent a fall by simply pressing the brake lever. Never pull the steering wheel towards you by bending your arms, this is the wrong technique!

2. Spread our legs

After the front wheel is high enough into the air, you should spread your legs and "stand" on the pedals. When you get up, your hands and handlebars are down, this will be the beginning of the next stage.

3. Push the steering wheel, tuck the legs

At the top, when you are practically vertically standing on the pedals, you need to simultaneously begin to draw in your legs and push the steering wheel forward and up. This is where the contact pedals help, people start to pull the bike with their feet, instead of compressing them, this is the wrong technique.

At first, you can get small jumps, but over time your bannik will grow to a decent size, you will learn how to combine a manual and a bunny hop, jump over obstacles in the form of benches, pedestrians and curbs, and also use this technique on trampolines.

Professional hint: Look at your friend's face during his banquet and try not to die of laughter.

The guys at GMBN have a great video where Neil has laid out all the steps. Serge Rasklad has kindly translated it:

Bunny Hop (from English " bunny hop") Is a cycling trick, jumping over obstacles or over a barrier with the help of a bicycle. At the beginning of the trick, the cyclist (rider), quickly lifting the front part, moves to the back of the bike, then rises the rear without lowering the front part. It is necessary to descend, usually, either on the rear wheel, or on 2 at once. Jumping with 2 wheels at once is not bunny hop.

Through the bunny hop trick, it is possible to jump and jump over high barriers in order, more than one meter high. It should be noted that world record for bunnyhop owned by the American cyclist Jeffrey Lenosky. Its result is - jump over a stick 168 centimeters... With the bath-hop you can perform many tricks like know-feet, crankflip, barspin and others. Bunny hop is a fundamental trick and must be learned especially in straight and.

Bunny hopping gives the impression that the pedals on the bike are adhering to the raider's feet, and it is as if the bike becomes airborne very light and comfortable, like a skateboard. And it seems that the pedals of the bike stick to the feet when the person performs the trick. In addition, jumping is one of the first and most basic tricks that a cyclist must learn. Bunnyhopping can be quite challenging, and once mastered, you need to open up a whole new level of possibilities for the motocross bike, BMX and mountain bikes.

Bunnyhoop is also a useful skill for urban cyclists, avoiding injury and other hazards, as well as quickly mounting barriers for future stunts.

Most often, the trick is done on BMX bikes, which are lighter than mountain bikes and are much easier to trick.

Trick technique

Jumping is performed at approaching obstacles at medium speed, arms and legs should be slightly bent. After reaching the obstacles, the rider needs to shift the center of gravity to the rear wheel of the bike and pull the handlebars. As a result, the front wheel rises in the rear wheel. At the same time, like a rider's pedals, push them down violently on the bike pedals, and keep pushing in circular motion... This will allow them to "pull" the rear wheel upward by applying force to the pedal towards the rear of the bike. The combination of these two movements creates the impression that the cyclist is directly rising into the air.

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