Alexander Ustinov: a short biography. Alexander Ustinov: a short biography Career in mixed fights

Date: 2010-10-25

Born on December 7, 1976 in the Altai Territory and has Russian citizenship, but lives in Minsk, Belarus. On the amateur ring the giant (Ustinov's height - 2 meters 2 cm, combat weight - 130 kg) got sick for a short while, having spent less than 20 fights, but managed to become a master of sports in boxing, won the Belarus Cup, and won a silver medal at the republican championship. At the same time, Ustinov can boast of more than impressive achievements in Muay Thai and kickboxing (mainly in the K-1 format).

Ustinov came to martial arts already in mature age- 25 years. Before that, while still in school, he played football, hockey, had nothing to do with combat sports. Interest came later. After serving in the army (in the border troops on the border in the Far East), he joined the OMON, where he worked from 1997 to 2001. On duty, Ustinov ended up in Novosibirsk, where he met the coach Vladimir Zadiran, the former professional kickboxing world champion and one of the founders of the Belarusian kickboxing school and muay thai, he trained Novosibirsk. At the invitation of Zadiran, he came to the kickboxing hall, and from that moment on, martial arts took a firm place in Alexander's life. After Ustinov settled in Minsk, where he lives and trains to this day.

In 2003, after winning the K-1 Grand Prix stage in Moscow, he earned the right to participate in the tournament in Paris. In the quarterfinals, he defeated Frenchman Gregory Toney by TKO in the second round. In the semifinals, he met with his sparring partner, to whom he lost by decision. In 2005, he won two more K-1 tournaments: in Milan and Lommel, Belgium.

Having won the K-1 Grand Prix in France - in January 2006, Alexandra fought in Slovakia against Switzerland. Ustinov already defeated Breguy by knockout a year ago in Milan. But this time there was an unpleasant incident: in the first round, Bregi hit Ustinov in the groin with his knee, after which the referee added 8 points to Alexander. But Ustinov was never able to recover, and Breghi was declared the winner. After such a dubious decision by the referee, the fight was still declared invalid. In April 2007 in New Zealand he took part in the K-1 Oceania tournament. He entered the ring against Australian Matt Samoa and knocked out his opponent in the first round. By this time, Ustinov had not known the bitterness of defeat not only in K-1, but also in Muay Thai and kickboxing for two years. Experts considered the Altai hero as a fighter who could successfully resist the giant from Holland, the World Champion in

It is worth celebrating Alexander's career as a boxer. His debut in professional boxing took place on May 13, 2005 in Minsk. In the second round, Ustinov knocked out Andrey Tsukanov. In the next fight, he won by knockout in the sixth round of Oleg Romanov. Under the auspices of K2 East Promotions, he met the American boxer Earl Ludson at the Madison Square Garden arena in the undercard of the fight against and confidently won by technical knockout. On May 17, 2008, Ustinov met with the previously undefeated Russian boxer Rudolf Abrahamyan. Ustinov won on 12 July 2008 in the undercard of the fight between Vladimir Klitschko and Tony Thompson, Ustinov met with German Hans-Jörg Blasco and won by knockout in the second round. On October 12, 2008, Ustinov met for the first time with an opponent who was superior in height. It was the American Julius Long. Ustinov won by knockout in the first round. On February 26, 2009, at the Kiev Sports Palace, Alexander met with the previously undefeated Ukrainian Maxim Pedyura (11 wins, 10 KOs) for the vacant European title in heavyweight according to the EBA. In mixed martial arts, he had 8 fights, 7 of which he won.

(Sbonraya of Russia against the World Team)

(defended EBA title)

Belarusian masters of fist fighting at all times performed quite well. high level... An athlete named Alexander Ivanovich Ustinov, who will be discussed in this article, was no exception.

Life before the start of a professional career as an athlete

Our hero was born in the Altai Territory on December 7, 1976. While still at school, he was fond of sports: hockey, football and table tennis.

He passed military service in the border troops, after which he joined the ranks of the OMON, in which he worked from 1997 to 2001. Was a participant in the hostilities in Chechnya and received two state awards for valiant service. According to him, the war taught him a lot.

At a certain point in his life, Alexander Ivanovich Ustinov came on business to Novosibirsk on a business trip. There he took place in a kind of fateful acquaintance with Vladimir Zadiran, who is one of the founders of kickboxing and Muay Thai in Belarus. After a while, Alexander Ustinov began to actively train under the guidance of this legendary coach.

Kickboxing performances

In 2003, our hero won three striking knockout victories at the K-1 tournament in Moscow, which gave him the right to fight at the tournament in Paris, where in the quarterfinals he defeated the local fighter Gregory Tony. But already in the semifinal match, Alexander Ustinov met with his friend Alexei Ignashov and lost to him by a referee's decision.

In December of the same year, Alexander became the winner of the Spanish stage of the K-1 Grand Prix, which was then held in the capital of Catalonia - Barcelona.

In the summer of 2004, the fighter took part in the prestigious K-1 World GP 2004 Battle of Bellagio II tournament. There he won against the representative of South Africa, however, in the end he was forced to withdraw from the competition due to a deep cut received in the fight.

In 2005, Alexander Ustinov won titles at K-1 tournaments in Italy and Belgium. And after an offensive defeat in 2006 from the representative of Switzerland Bjorn Brega (later the fight was declared invalid), he made the final decision to go to professional boxing.

Fights as a boxer

In amateur boxing, the Belarusian was able to get the title of master of sports, win the Cup of Belarus, and take second place in the republican championship.

His professional debut took place on May 13, 2005, and it turned out to be very successful, since Alexander Ustinov knocked out Andrei Tsukanov in the second three minutes. Victory awaited the athlete in the second fight against Oleg Romanov. However, then there was a one and a half year break and again returned to K-1. BUT boxing matches for Ustinov became available again in 2006.

Winning streak

In May 2008, Alexander Ustinov defeated the then-invincible Russian Rudolf Abrahamyan by decision. In the summer of the same year, he defeated the German Blasco, and in October, the American Long.

Alexander won the belt of the European champion according to the EBA version in a fight against Ukrainian Maxim Pedura on February 26, 2009. The fight was stopped by the doctor in the fifth round, as Maxim did not stop bleeding from the nose.

Fight with the Bulgarian

On September 29, 2012, Alexander Ustinov, whose weight was then 130 kilograms, played a match with Kubrat Pulev for the right to take the first line of the IBF world ranking. In the first rounds, the Bulgarian had a great advantage, but did not carry out any bright attacks. In the seventh three minutes, Alexander managed to hit his opponent well, but he managed to hold out. The fate of the fight was decided in the 11th round, when Ustinov knelt down and could not continue the fight.

Duel with a New Zealander

Alexander Ustinov is a boxer who has never been afraid of anyone and has always fought with the best. In November 2013, he fought the legendary David Tua and was able to beat him by decision. This allowed the giant from Minsk to take the sixth position in the IBF list.

In mid-2016, Alexander was approved as the official contender for the title of interim WBA world champion.

Mixed fights career

In MMA, our hero performed eight times. He managed to win seven fights, but six of these fights did not have official status and therefore were not included in the main standings. Officially, Alexander had two fights: he won one and lost the second.

Since 2014, Ustinov has been working as part of a promotion company under the leadership of Vladimir Khryunov.

Alexander Ustinov: a short biography on the site.

David Tua - Alexander Ustinov. Photo - Getty Images

On December 7, the world famous MMA and K-1 fighter, boxer, participant of the second Chechen war, Belarusian Alexander Ustinov celebrates his 37th birthday.

Due to this, website tells about the most interesting facts from the life of an athlete.

Fact number 1

Alexander Ustinov - a participant in the war

After serving in the border troops (in the Far East), he went to the service of the OMON, where he worked from 1997 to 2001. He took part in the second Chechen war and was presented with two state awards: the Medal of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd degree, the Order of Courage.

How did I end up in Chechnya? It was part of my job in the OMON. Usual, as it seemed to us at first, a business trip, a change of environment, environment. Only after, probably, the second such business trip, the realization came that you are not joking there on the verge of life and death. Unas during this time there were three wounded, our friend died, a colleague from a neighboring company ..., - quotes the soldier "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

On duty, Ustinov ended up in Novosibirsk, where he met the coach Vladimir Zadiran, the former world professional kickboxing champion and one of the founders of the Belarusian kickboxing and Muay Thai school, and soon began to train under his leadership.

Fact number 2

Alexander Ustinov is a fan of hockey

The boxer is fond of not only martial sports. He is interested in football, table tennis, water polo.

Ustinov attends the matches of the Continental Hockey League. Supports Dynamo Minsk.

Fact number 3

Alexander Ustinov - world champion in boxing

In 2003, the Belarusian athlete took part in the amateur boxing tournament according to the IAMTF version and won it a landslide victory. This is not the only title of Alexander.

    EBA (European Boxing Association) heavyweight champion

    2006 WFCA World Champion heavyweight champion

    2006 World Amateur Champion according to IFMA

    Winner K-1 Italy 2005 Oktagon

    2004 WKN European Champion in Muay Thai

    Winner K-1 Poland 2004

    2003 Winner of the WKBF Golden Panther Cup in the category (+91 kg.)

    Winner of the K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona

    Winner of K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 Preliminary Moscow

    2003 IAMTF World Amateur Thai Boxing Champion

Fact number 4

Alexander Ustinov is a boxer, MMA, K-1 and Muay Thai fighter.

The Belarusian athlete is one of the few who holds fights in various sports. Kickboxing, Muay Thai, mixed martial arts, boxing ... In each of them, Ustinov achieved certain success.

So at the professional boxing competition, Alexander had 29 fights and only in one he was defeated. In 2012, Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev knocked out him in the 11th round.

During his boxing career, the Belarusian defeated such eminent athletes as David Tua, Denis Bakhtov, Michael Sprott, Cedric Fields ...

In fights according to the rules of MMA, Alexander had eight fights and in one he lost to the Russian Andrei Zubov at the tournament in Perm.

In K-1 Ustinov achieved the greatest results. He managed to win major Grand Prix in Poland, Barcelona, ​​Moscow, Marseille ...

Fact number 5

Alexander Ustinov has Russian citizenship and began to practice martial arts at the age of 25

Alexander was born December 7, 1976 in the Altai Territory and has Russian citizenship, but lives in Minsk, where he trains in the "Olymp" boxing hall. Note that in the amateur ring, the giant (Ustinov's height is 2 meters 2 cm, combat weight is 130 kg) did not get sick for a long time, having spent less than 20 fights, but managed to become a master of sports in boxing, won the Belarus Cup, and won a silver medal in the republican championship. ...

Interestingly, Ustinov came to martial arts at the mature age of 25 years. Before that, while still in school, he was engaged in football, hockey and even table tennis, but had no relation to combat sports.

Private bussiness

Alexander Ustinov

Full name:

Alexander Ivanovich Ustinov


The Great



Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

with. Pautovo, Petropavlovsk district, Altai Territory, RSFSR


Boxing, Kickboxing

Professional career

First fight:

The last battle:

Number of battles:

Number of wins:

KO wins:


December 7, 1976 in the village. Pautovo (Altai Territory) was born the popular kickboxer, boxer and mix fighter Alexander Ustinov, nicknamed "The Great". Alexander stands for Belarus and resides in Minsk. Ustinov left Russian citizenship.

At school, Alexander was engaged in team sports, football and hockey. In the army he served as a border guard, then worked in the OMON until 2001. He fought in Chechnya, was twice awarded (the Order of Courage and the Medal "For Services to the Fatherland").

30 fights, 29 victories, 21 knockout victories - these are the boxer's statistics at the end of 2014 before the next fight for the champion title. On December 11, 2014, Alexander Ustinov will fight Chauncey Welliver for the PABA championship belt.

Kickboxing and Muay Thai fans know Alexander well as a winner prestigious tournaments K-1 and four-time world and European champion in Muay Thai. The cannon strike of the two-meter giant was well remembered by the spectators of his fights, and even more so by his rivals.

The general statistics of Alexander Ustinov are as follows:

  • Kickboxing - 53 wins (31 knockouts), 9 defeats, 1 draw, 1 failed fight;
  • MMA (mix fight) - 7 wins (5 knockouts), 1 loss;
  • Boxing - 29 wins (21 KOs), 1 loss.

Alexander Ustinov about Tyson Fury (video)

Ustinov's kickboxing career began with an acquaintance with Vladimir Zadiran. Trainer and former champion the world called Alexander for training. Zadiran actually founded a school of professional kickboxing and Muay Thai in Belarus, so Ustainov fell into good hands.

This was confirmed in 2003, when Ustinov won three knockout victories in a row at the Moscow K-1 Grand Prix and won the stage. That time, the newcomer reached the semifinals, where he lost to Alexei Ignashov, his sparring partner. An excellent result for someone who started their career at 25.

With Ukrainian boxer Vitali Klitschko

Muay Thai success ended in 2006. Due to disagreements with the manager and promoters, Alexander did not qualify for the Japan Grap Prix after nine victories. Then he decided to focus on boxing. A year ago, he already received an offer to try himself in professional boxing from. I noticed Ustinov, the mentor of Vitali Klitschko, who decided to return to the boxing ring.

Alexander managed to knock out Andrei Tsukanov and Oleg Romanov between K-1 tournaments, after which he again played in Muay Thai for a year and a half, while in Slovakia he was hit in the groin, which is why he first lost the fight in time, and then that fight was simply noted as failed.

Realizing that many clearly do not want his promotion to K-1, Ustinov goes into boxing:

  • October 2006 - victory over Earl Ladson;
  • May 2008 - victory over the previously undefeated Rudolf Abrahamyan;
  • July 2008 - Hans-Jörg Blasco received a knockout in the second round;
  • October 2008 - Julius Long is knocked out in the first round;
  • February 2009 - technical victory over Maxim Pedura;
  • September 2012 - the first defeat to Alexander was inflicted by the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev;
  • November 2013 - victory over ex-contender for the championship title David Tua.

In the summer of 2014, a possible fight between Ustinov and was widely discussed, but the fight was eventually canceled.

Ustinov vs. Pylev - the first defeat Russian boxer(video)

Alexander is often asked about the difference between regular boxing and Thai boxing. Ustinov believes that classic boxing is more tempo, while Muay Thai has a larger lesion area. However, in the opinion of the athlete, it is wrong to say that one fighting discipline is easier than another. After success in Muay Thai, Ustinov wants to climb the career ladder in the WBA and become the world champion. At one time he wanted to, but he became a deputy and received immunity.

Titles and victories of Alexander "the Great" Ustinov:

  • Winner of WKBF Golden Panther Cup 2003 (over 91 kg);
  • Winner of the K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona;
  • Winner of the K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 Preliminary in Moscow;
  • 2003 IAMTF World Amateur Thai Boxing Champion;
  • European champion in Thai boxing 2004 according to WKN;
  • Winner of K-1 2004 in Poland;
  • 2005 K-1 winner in Italy;
  • EBA Heavyweight Champion;
  • 2006 WFCA World Heavyweight Champion;
  • 2006 World Amateur Champion according to IFMA;
  • Winner of K-1 Fighting Network 2006 (Marseille, France).

Alexander's weight is 130 kg, height - 202 cm. In his amateur career, he spent less than 20 fights, but managed to win the Belarus Cup and become a master of sports in boxing. In addition to martial arts, Ustinov loves to read. For example, before his fight with Earl Ludson in Madison Square Garden, he read Dumas's "The Count of Monte Cristo" and, according to Alexander, it helped to cope with emotions and stay cool. This is how reading literature helps you become a strong and confident fighter.

A.I. Ustinov is one of the most successful boxers. He continues to perform today, bringing joy to his ardent fans with beautiful victories. Sasha Ustinov took part not only in kickboxing competitions, but also in fights in mixed martial arts and Muay Thai.


Alexander 07 is born. 12.1976 in the village. Paustovo (Altai Territory). Since childhood, he has not been any special. Like any child of his age, Sasha loved to play table tennis or play football. After Ustinov graduated from the secondary school, he was taken into the army in the Far East in the border troops. Then, in the period from 97th to 2001, Alexander worked in the OMON. He visited Chechnya, during his service he was even twice awarded a medal for services to the Motherland.

Unexpected meeting

During one of the business trips "on duty" Alexander Ustinov somehow ended up in Novosibirsk. There he met his very first coach, Vladimir Zadiran, a former kickboxing champion. At that time, Vladimir was the head of the Belarusian kickboxing and Thai boxing school. Since then, Alexander began to train with him.

First successes - kickboxing competition

Despite the fact that Sasha Ustinov started kickboxing quite late (at twenty-five years old), with great efforts, unsurpassed talent and work he succeeded to achieve good results by 2003 - he was given the opportunity to take part in the Paris tournament. There he managed to reach the semifinals, but he did not succeed in taking the main prize of the competition. Then Alexey Ignashov was ahead of him on points. Despite this defeat, Sasha continued to fight at the stage of the K-1 competition in Barcelona.

By the end of the summer of 2004, Alexander was offered to take part in the K-1 GP 2004 Battle of Bellagio I I. But the fighter injured his knee during the fight with Jan Nortier. Interestingly, he managed to win the fight even with this injury, but he still had to leave the tournament.

However, even after that, Ustinov continued to win. In 2005, he won fights in Lommel and Milan.

After the end of the Paris K-1 tournament (in 2006), Sasha took part in the Slovak tournament. This competition was unsuccessful at the very beginning. Sasha's first opponent, Bjorn Bregi, hit Ustinov in the groin, which was prohibited by the rules. The organizers then were forced to stop the fight.

Due to the fact that Ustinov had serious disagreements and quarrels with promoters, he quit kickboxing. But, professional sports he never wanted to leave. What business was he up to? Professional boxing became his life. It was this sport that brought Sasha wide popularity. This is how his "real" career began.

Ustinov and the Klitschko brothers

For the first time, Ustinov acted as a boxer back in two thousand and five. The very first fight was successful - he knocked out Andrei Tsukanov. Next fight- similar - Oleg Romanov was knocked out.

After Alexander retired from kickboxing, he took part in the promotion company of the well-known Klitschko brothers. He started to spar with Vitaly.

His efforts were enough for the fact that in the next fight with Earl Ladson, Ustinov was awarded a victory. It was after this that the boxing "world" heard about a new star - Sasha Ustinov. His photographs were often adorned with various magazines and newspapers.

  • In 2009, Ustinov fought with Ukrainian boxer Max Pedyura, who was previously said to be almost impossible to defeat (eleven fights and one defeat). The fight ended in the middle of the fifth round, because Ustinov inflicted a nose injury on Pedure, and therefore the latter could not continue the battle. The victory was rightfully awarded to Alexander, he became the champion.
  • In 2012, there was a fight for the title in the IBF. Then Ustinov met with the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev. During the eleventh round, Alexander was knocked out.
  • Soon Ustinov improved his health, and almost a year later he fought with David Tua. The victory remained with Alexander. It is worth noting that this battle helped Ustinov firmly establish himself in the sixth position in the IBF lines.

New battles, change of promoter

Ustinov decided to take a year-long break, and on October 11, two thousand and fourteen, he met with Chauncey Veliver ( New Zealand). Alexander won by points. In the same year, Ustinov joined Khryunov's promotion company.

Some time later, he defeated Travis Walker and Maurice Harris.

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