Standard coil ace 250. Manufacturing DD-coil for gold

The search coil from the standard Garrett ACE 250 kit is self-sufficient, and at first it easily covers the needs of the search engine. But there comes a time when you want to increase the depth of your metal detector. The depth and speed of soil processing. And here for the owner it is a detector, it opens new topic, additional coils.

The Klader store has a very large selection of coils for metal detectors. Choice, by manufacturer: from branded coils Garrett, to third-party manufacturers Detech, Mars, Nel. Size: from high-precision Sniper coils to super depth coils capable of squeezing the maximum detection depth out of any metal detector. Overview, compatibility and all searchcoils for the ACE 250.

The standard Garrett ACE 250 reel, which it comes with initially, has properties and capabilities, exactly what a standard reel should have. Excellent division of targets into its own group (discrimination against metals, the ACE 250 has 12 groups). The accuracy of the discriminator's work depends on how many holes you will dig, in which lies a find that does not meet expectations. The metal detector coil is directly related to this accuracy.

Work at maximum sensitivity. With the standard ACE 250 coil, you can safely turn on the maximum sensitivity of the metal detector, and at the same time you will maintain the stability of your search, without false alarms. Precise pinpointer. On a standard coil, the Garrett ACE 250 has one of the most accurate pinpointers around, pinpointing pinpointers. When you use large coils on the Garrett ACE 250, you will understand this (greased pinpoint, one of the disadvantages of large coils). And the weight of the coil, the standard ACE 250 coil, has one of the smallest weight. Such a gentle load not only preserves the integrity of the entire structure of the metal detector (from loosening), but also does not overload the hand.

Which reel is best for the Garrett ACE 250? The choice of coil depends on the type of finds, and the location where you are going to go with your Garrett ACE 250 metal detector. To increase depth, of course, you need to use a coil big size... Such an addition will not only increase the depth of target detection, but also significantly accelerate the speed of surface processing. But for a beach search with the Garrett ACE 250, the size of the coil is not important, and a very large size will even interfere. On the beach, the finds do not lie deep, and often in sufficient concentration to hit several at the same time, under one coil pass. For a beach hunter with a Garrett ACE 250, a medium size reel (up to a maximum of 13 inches) is better, but with a DD type (Double-D, DD). It will allow you to gain an advantage on small targets, and provide some compensation for the effects of mineralization (for example, sea sand).

For all the advantages of large coils, size also has disadvantages. With a large coil, the pinpoint works less accurately, and sometimes you won't pick up a small coin from one button. Larger coils use more power. A large coil is susceptible to external electrical noise, which can add false positives. For a large reel, the weight corresponds to the dimensions. This affects the overall balance of the metal detector design and hand fatigue (especially at the end of the search day).

The most optimal solution for the Garrett ACE 250 is a combination of two coils. One is an ordinary, medium-sized one, for example, the same standard Garrett ACE 250 coil. The second is a deep one, which is used specifically for deep search and fast reconnaissance of the terrain.

Garrett ACE 250 Coil Compatibility

Coils for Garrett ACE 250, by default fit all series of Garrett ACE metal detectors. The same coil connector to the metal detector control unit, the same mount on the metal detector rod. Garrett ACE 250 coils are also suitable for Garrett ACE 150, Garrett ACE 350, Garrett Euro ACE metal detectors.

All Coils for Garrett ACE 250

The Clader store has the largest selection of coils for the Garrett ACE 250 metal detector. There are Garrett branded coils from the manufacturer. There are third party coils for the Garrett ACE 250. Detech coils, Bulgarian manufacturer. From our experience, the Garrett ACE 250's Detech coils are some of the preferred ones. Excellent workmanship and reliability in the field. Let's make a special note of the Detech coils. Stable operation of the coils, without false alarms and preserving the original compliance with the metal discrimination scale.

Cheaper coils for Garrett ACE 250, third party Mars and Nel. Domestic coils for the Garrett ACE 250 are most often bought for dramatically increasing the depth of the metal detector.

Many diggers who use the entry-level devices from Garrett (models Ace 150 and 250), some time after buying their MD, come to the conclusion that the standard standard coil is no longer enough for them. This is understandable, with the usual configuration the ICE 150/250 come with a 6 * 9 inch mono coil, if you bought the Pro version, then the coil will be a little more abrupt - 9 * 12. It's just a little bigger, but the principle is the same. And after digging for a while, the diggers decide to slightly strengthen their device, upgrade it. And there is only one way to do this - this is buying a new, more powerful coil.

Yes, I myself bought a more powerful coil for my grater 34 a few seasons ago, besides DD at 10.5 ". And the result suits me. And therefore, if you do not have enough" power "of your ICQ (), then it is time to buy more" A cool "coil for your fixture. In this article, we'll look at Mars search coils, which come in 4 versions.

Now let's take a closer look at what kind of coils, what features, pros and cons. Well, let's watch a useful video, because I know how hard it is to gather information when you decide to upgrade your metal detector.

Mars Sniper coil

Just a great search coil for trashy areas. The size of the coil is 6 * 10 ", the shape, as you can see in the figure, is round, but an ellipse, which of course is better. They are wider than standard and narrower, less cling to bushes and other interference. The DD coil is the most important thing in this coil if compare with the standard coil.
The double coil "hits" with a blade rather than a cone like mono coils, which means it scans more ground. Very low weight of the reel - only 0.45 kg. Compared to other Mars coils, it is significantly lighter.
As you already know, "Sniper" series coils are not intended for quick survey of the territory, "snipers" are primarily for thoroughly knocking out a promising place that has already been found, and most importantly, they are for little things. Finding small objects with a sniper rifle is much easier than with other, larger coils. The cost of Mars Sniper is 4000 rubles. It is suitable not only for ICE 150-250 (), but also for the more advanced Ace 350 Evro. I recommend watching the video - an air test on the target, in order to understand how deeply this sniper "sees" the target.

Mars Standart coil

As the name implies, this is a standard, even classic coil that will suit all search locations. The DD coil, which means it is much cooler than the standard one, and is great for replacing the standard coil on your ACE 250. It can be called standard primarily because of its size - 10 ", most of the standard coils of cooler metal detectors are equipped with 10" coils. It is perfect both for surveying a vast territory and for places with a medium degree of litter. If the place is heavily littered, then this will be difficult to work. The depth actually increases, compared to the standard percentage by 20-30, judging by the reviews of the diggers. It weighs heavier " snipers "- 0.55 kg. The cost is also acceptable - 4500 rubles. In order to check out the depth of detection, I suggest watching the video - air test of the Standard coil with the Ace 250 device.

Mars Tiger coil

But this search coil is in the greatest demand among the owners of the Ace series devices, because it has a more convenient shape and size. Essentially, it is the best option replacing the standard coil, you certainly won't go wrong. The size - 12.5 by 9.5 ", the elliptical shape allows you to search as efficiently as possible. According to the developers, the efficiency and depth of detection have increased almost 2 times compared to the standard coil. Looking at these numbers, you involuntarily think about changing the standard coil. Much attention when choosing a coil, they pay attention to such an indicator as false signals. Here you can see that the larger the coil, the more false signals. The special design of the tiger allows you to minimize the number of false signals. Now, when you hit the roots, stems, twigs, the device will not emit " left "phantom signals. The coil mass is only 0.56 grams, which means it will not create a load on the device. Compared to large coils, they noticeably load the metal detector and the wire will experience" strains ", it may break off. There are no such problems with Tiger. Below - video test of this coil in the air (on ICE 350).

Mars Goliath coil

The largest searchcoil in the series is 15 ", which allows for very high speed searching. The coil scans many times more land at a time, it is excellent for "reconnaissance" of the territory. Any plans to test a large field? Take the big Goliath "rudder" from Mars and punch through huge areas in less time. And when you find a place where coins come across, it means that it is time to change the coil to a smaller one for the final finishing off of the territory. This is exactly how experienced treasure hunters work, in their arsenal there are up to 4 types of coils for different search locations. Of course, it is not recommended to buy a 15 "coil for standard trips, it is only for a quick survey of vast territories. video - air test Mars Goliath on the Ace 250.

In general, there are a lot of positive reviews about Mars coils for Ace series metal detectors, first of all they are compared with the equally famous search coils from Nel (). Someone says that Nel is cooler, and someone that Mars. Until you try, you don't know. In the entire numerous army of owners of Garrett Ace detectors, there are also fans of the Nel and Mars coils. Both are good. There are a lot of videos in this article, I suggest you watch the crash test of the Mars coil, I immediately warn you that if the nerves are weak, then it is better not to look, because they test the coil for strength by very tough methods. However, she held out, and that says something. In general, if you have something to say, you used not only regular coils, then do not be silent, say a few words in the comments, share your experience. Which coils do you think are the best?

In all my hunting practice, I only regret one thing - I spent a lot of time searching with the Garrett 6.5 × 9 ACE PROformance coil. I lost not only time, the main thing was that I did not receive the finds. But I got to some detecting points first, but I missed the chance.

Coil size

The best reel size for the Garrett ACE is 13 inches. Sufficient depth, work at maximum sensitivity, stability. It is with such coils that you can be sure that you will not miss the main finds. Great one size fits all.

But working with 13 inches is possible only at points where the concentration of finds is below average. With an increase in concentration, when there is a response on each swing, it becomes impossible to work with such a coil. And what to do?

In such a situation, often diggers begin to underestimate the sensitivity... Naive ... Do a simple test on any 13-15 "reel, set the Garrett ACE sensitivity down by half, take a small gold earring and check the depth. You will be greatly surprised. You may not even be able to see it by 1-2 cm. By reducing the sensitivity, you will only be left with signals from large finds.

Situations in which sensitivity is underestimated - it is necessary to decide by reducing the size of the coil... I know the Garrett ACE is a cheap metal detector and the price of the extra coil is noticeable. But if you are digging real finds, this is the moment that will force you to buy new coils, or switch from the Garrett ACE to a detector of a higher class.

DD vs Mono

For most search tasks in ordinary ground search - the DD coil is preferable. But don't think that DD will multiply your Garrett ACE finds by two orders of magnitude. This is not the case, you have a cheap metal detector in your hands and it works accordingly.

The main thing

Tip # 1. If you're walking with a Garrett 6.5 × 9 ACE PROformance coil right now, consider adding. Anything, even 11 DD will be better. It is better not to sell the standard one, to leave it in stock for littered places. It is not a fact that you will be able to fully work at such points with a standard coil. But it will definitely be better than 11-15 inches with reduced sensitivity.

Tip # 2. Tie you up with the Garrett ACE. All that you learned about him in the first week of coping is his ceiling, he will never get better.

Has the largest selection of accessory coils - from Garrett branded search coils to third party coils. Coil sizes for the ACE 250 also vary - small snipers, medium station wagons, large depth snipers. Round, ellipsoidal, DD and Mono. So many coils for the ACE 250, sometimes the user is confused - Which coil should you choose for your ACE 250? Each coil has its own advantages and features, which, experts at Digger stores, share in the review - Coils for ACE 250.

The size of the coil of a metal detector is directly related to the depth of detection, the larger the coil, the deeper it searches. But to be precise, the size of the coil determines the volume of the soil to be processed - the larger the coil, the more volume of soil it captures. Hence the increase in depth follows.

With an increase in the volume of processed soil under the metal detector coil, the speed of coverage of the search area increases. Large coils are very convenient to use not only for finding deep targets, but also for quick reconnaissance of the terrain.

For example, having driven out on the map to the place of the proposed farm, and not immediately finding traces of the exact location of the object (the grass hides broken bricks and fragments of ceramics) - usually a metal detector is turned on and exploration begins, searching for the boundaries of the farm. Reconnaissance with a metal detector is carried out in 2 ways - a concentric path from a point and long straight paths. In both cases, the goal is to find confirmation that you have arrived at the intended search location. Coins, horse meat, household utensils of that time - these finds will confirm that you are in the right place.

Leaving for the first time, to an unfamiliar place, even with an attached old map, it is not easy to find the supposed point of detecting. Plus / minus 100-200 meters on the old map in modern reading, you can not count as an error. In reconnaissance mode with a metal detector, it is important to find your area as quickly as possible - the faster you find it, the more time you will have for a real, valuable search with a metal detector. This is where the big coil on the ACE 250 will give the best help - the fastest possible coverage, signaling to deep targets.

But large coils have their own characteristics that prevent them from being used in search as a universal solution. Large coils consume more electricity from the metal detector (by 10-20%). Large coils have more weight, and for the lightweight ACE 250, this results in a slight imbalance in the overall design of the metal detector. Large coils, due to their size, are more likely to simultaneously capture multiple targets - in heavily trashy areas, a large coil will either clog nearby targets or be unable to pinpoint the exact location of the target you want.
Pinpoint of large coils for small targets - weakness... Due to its size, it is very difficult for a large coil to determine the exact center of a target.

For example, the coil for the ACE 250 Nel Tornado detects a scale at almost twice the depth (in comparison with the standard one). But digging in the field the scales found with the ACE 250 and the Tornado coil, it was necessary to expand the primary fossa. Of course, it doesn't take much time and the silver flake was worth it, but when searching with large coils, you should always take this feature into account.
Small coils for the ACE 250 will give the most accurate pinpoint even on a target with the size of a pellet. But the depth of detection for Sniper coils (the so-called small coils for metal detectors) rarely exceed 25 centimeters. Sniper coils work well in heavily littered areas with a high concentration of nearby targets. In such areas, it happens that it is impossible to search even with a medium-sized coil - erroneous discriminator signals, there is no accurate pinpoint operation.

Medium coils for the ACE 250 are versatile, with a good balance of target selectivity and pinpoint accuracy. The standard ACE 250 - Garrett ACE PROformance reel, with dimensions of 6.5 by 9 inches, is just such a reel. The lightweight and waterproof search coil is the first experience for the novice search engine. This coil is great for the ACE 250, and it is not worthwhile to enlarge it without the experience of searching, and understanding what goals you are facing. Moreover, the owner's own coil of ACE 250 will not leave without finds.

ACE 250 test on Garrett ACE PROformance 6.5 * 9 ”reel. Air test. Coin targets and military finds. The sensitivity of the Garrett ACE 250 is maximum.

  • 5 kopecks, Ancient copper coins of Queen Catherine, maximum depth - 28-29 centimeters.
  • 5 kopecks of the USSR, the maximum detection depth is 25 centimeters.
  • German bayonet knife, maximum detection depth - 44 centimeters.
  • An army helmet from the Second World War, the maximum detection depth is 55 centimeters.

Gaining the experience of searching with a metal detector, the native Garrett ACE 250 coil will no longer be enough - you will want to pick up deep targets that the native coil missed, and increase the search speed with a metal detector. This is where the choice of reels for the ACE 250 is provided - the Digger store has the largest selection of reels. Garrett, Nel, MarsMD, Detech coils. There are very large coils for the ACE 250, for example Nel big 15 * 17. But effective work with such coils on the ACE 250 depends on your experience with large coils. Therefore, when choosing the first large coil for the ACE 250, you should pay attention to the coil models:

  • Nel Tornado 12 * 13
  • Detech ultimate 13
  • Mars MD Goliath 15

Each of these three coils has its own advantages. Nel Tornado has excellent sensitivity to small targets, perfectly balanced for the operation of the ACE 250 discriminator. The Detech Ultimate 13 is lightweight, comes with plastic protection, excellent performance on the ACE 250. The Mars MD Goliath 15 coil is the largest of these three coils, but with such dimensions, Mars MD Goliath in most cases allows you to work with the ACE 250 at maximum sensitivity.

  • 5 kopecks, Ancient copper coins of Queen Catherine, maximum depth - 45 centimeters.
  • 5 kopecks of the USSR, the maximum detection depth is 41 centimeters.
  • German bayonet knife, maximum detection depth - 62 centimeters.
  • An army helmet from the Second World War, the maximum detection depth is 78 centimeters.

  • 5 kopecks, Ancient copper coins of Queen Catherine, maximum depth - 41 centimeters.
  • 5 kopecks of the USSR, the maximum detection depth is 35 centimeters.
  • German bayonet knife, maximum detection depth - 57 centimeters.
  • A military helmet from the Second World War, the maximum detection depth is 68 centimeters.

  • 5 kopecks, Ancient copper coins of Queen Catherine, maximum depth - 47 centimeters.
  • 5 kopecks of the USSR, the maximum detection depth is 43 centimeters.
  • German bayonet knife, maximum detection depth - 70 centimeters.
  • An army helmet from the Second World War, the maximum detection depth is 81 centimeters.

Choosing a large coil for the ACE 250, one should take into account not only its detection depth, but its other properties - work on nearby targets, at what sensitivity it allows you to work, susceptibility to interference. The specialists of the Digger store know all the coils in practice, and will readily tell you and answer all your questions. Coils for ACE 250 metal detectors in the store

There are as many opinions as there are users. Every self-respecting treasure hunter tries to express his opinion, give advice and offer solutions to a particular problem. But such "advice" is not always up-to-date and correct, either because of the lack of experience and practice, or because of the desire to create a new "manual" based on the same erroneous opinions. In order to avoid confusion and, as a result, wrong decisions, we decided to review and dispel all myths and inaccuracies in instructions and tips for using the Garrett Ace 250 metal detector. And so, let's start.

How do I select a search mode for the Garrett Ace 250?

This question is quite relevant, since there are a number of features that many do not know about. Let's look at everything in order.

Search Mode - All Metals (ALL-METAL)

This is the easiest search mode. It excludes nothing and reacts to all metals. In a word, I turned it on and went looking for it. Everything is simple here.

Search mode - JEWELRY

The name itself indicates its purpose - the search for jewelry. In this mode, "garbage" is eliminated - small black metal (). But there are two sides to the coin. He perfectly sees crosses, coins, rings - everything that has a high density of metal. But objects made of low-density metal, for example, woven chains, small earrings - are likely to fall under discrimination and go to the "trash", that is, the metal detector will define them as small black metal.

Custom mode (CUSTOM)

This mode is automatically selected if discrimination is manually adjusted. That is, certain sectors of the discrimination scale are turned off or on. The advantage of this mode is the ability to disable the last sectors, those into which large objects are most often thrown. But here there is a risk of missing gray metals - silver royal coins, etc.

Relic Mode (RELICS)

The main purpose is to search for military (and not only) artifacts and filter out small "garbage". This includes weapons such as daggers, sabers, etc. But there is also a minus in this mode. The search algorithm for this mode is tailored for objects of certain shapes, medium, narrow objects, mostly of medium length. But a variety of fittings, the remains of building products, etc., are excellent for these parameters. In a word, this mode is relevant on the ground, about which there is confirmed information about the origin of some kind of hostilities or ancient settlements.

Coin Mode (COINS)

This mode eliminates garbage the most, leaving only coins. This is facilitated by selection for round coins, which will be discussed below. But when this mode is selected, all targets specified in the previous Discriminate Modes are eliminated. The metal detector will not see various artifacts, precious chains and earrings.


“So which regime is better?” You say. There is no optimal solution for all tasks, it all depends on the goals set. If you are new to this business, here's a tip for you - put the "All metals" mode and go ahead and search. To begin with, you will need to dig everything in order to get used to the metal detector and gain experience. But over time, you will begin to distinguish beer corks from coins :).

What is selection for round objects?

Studying the intricacies of treasure hunting, most users have come across or at least heard such a thing as selection for round metals in the Garret Ace 250 metal detector. The word selection means "choice". In our variation, this is a selection of coin-focused round objects. But unfortunately, very often this "bar" includes various beer caps, medium-sized nuts (like a coin), in a word - everything that looks like a coin. This feature cannot be turned on or off - it is part of the search algorithm that the metal detector uses.


Selection for round objects is very useful for finding coins, but at the same time it is "deceitful" in terms of unwanted debris. In a word - we dig and we dig again.

How to choose a reel for the Garrett Ace 250?

This question is probably the most relevant and occupies the TOP positions for requests in search engines... Some are shouting Nel, others are repeating - Mars, and there are only disputes around. Let's put everything in its place.

The ICE comes with a standard PROformance mono coil 16 x 22.5 cm (6.5 x 9 inches). The coil is quite good, and considering that it is a mono coil, it has good stability. For example, consider two additional coils: Nel Tornado and Mars Tiger. We have chosen these coils as they are the most popular medium size coils. First, let's figure out what their main differences and advantages are.

As you can see from the figure, the mono coil has a narrow grip, which decreases with increasing depth. This is its main problem, which makes you think about purchasing an additional coil. The Nel Tornado reel is designed with DD technology and has a wider grip. This allows for a 60% faster travel time than a standard coil. Loss in grip is noticeable at a depth of 25 cm. Mars Tiger (also a DD coil), in turn, has less grip and, accordingly, will take more time than Nel Tornado. But thanks to its oval shape, Mars Tiger makes it easier to determine the center of an object.

The following figure shows the "straight" view from which the DD coil feature is visible. Speech goes that the DD coils react to the object at the moment of crossing the center, since the active zone is located at the intersection of two turns of the winding.

If we talk about depth, then there are also many questions. First, the search depth depends on the mineralization of the ground. The heavier the soil, the greater the loss. Depending on the soil, losses can range from 20 to 60%. For an explicit example, we made a series of tests with different objects on black soil. Here's what happened:


Based on the tests and the shown circuits, it is possible to distinguish both the pros and cons of both coils. The choice, as always, is yours.

What is a Discrimination Mask?

As you know, one of the main advantages of ICQ is discrimination, that is, the ability to distinguish non-ferrous metals from ferrous metal. When searching, the metal detector indicates the intended type of metal on a scale consisting of 12 sectors. The first three are ferrous metal, from the 4th to the 8th are yellow metals such as gold. Well, from 9th to 12th - these are gray metals, for example - silver. But if you look closely, there is another range, from the 5th to the 12th sector, above which “COPPER” is written, which makes you think about how to define, for example, the 6th or 7th sector. To do this, there is a discrimination mask that displays the approximate options for the reaction of the metal detector.

As you can see from the diagram, under the scale that displays gold, you can find many objects that are far from gold.


For novice treasure hunters, the discrimination mask should always be in front of their eyes in order to compare the found objects with the signals of the metal detector. As in previous conclusions, we emphasize an indisputable fact - with time and experience, you will learn to feel the difference between copper and silver. Well, do not forget to "carry with you" a little luck :).

Which is better: batteries or rechargeable batteries?

Very often I meet on forums, social media. networks and other open spaces of the Internet, disputes about the choice of power supply for a metal detector. When buying ICQ, simple, disposable batteries are installed by default. Some of the treasure hunters buy batteries straight away, while others prefer disposable batteries. Let's see what the pros and cons of batteries and accumulators are. I will not explain in detail about the concepts of capacitance, voltage, etc., since most are simply interested in the conclusion. Here is a vamp example comparing GP alkaline batteries and Ansmann EC250 batteries.

Simple batteries:

  • The batteries will last for more working time, within one cycle - this is a plus;
  • They are relatively inexpensive - this is also a plus;
  • You need to constantly buy - this is a minus;


  • The operating time of one cycle is less than that of simple batteries - this is a minus;
  • More expensive than simple batteries is a minus;
  • You do not need to constantly buy - this is a plus;

Another important fact is the battery charge, regardless of its type. If the charge level drops by 2 positions, false signals may appear, while the depth decreases by 10-15%. So watch out for the battery indicator.


If treasure hunting is a hobby for you, and you go out in search of once a month, batteries will be enough for you. Well, if a metal detector is your second life, then you need to buy batteries. Although you will have to shell out a lump sum when buying, the total amount you could spend on simple batteries will be many times greater. Well, don't forget about ecology, don't throw away batteries. All batteries must be disposed of.

Best regards, Your Digger.

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