Personal trainer training course - get certified as a bodybuilding fitness instructor. Bodybuilding trainers (bodybuilding) Personal trainer for fitness and bodybuilding

Fitness Instructor - popular in Moscow sports direction, the demand for which is growing every year. Personal trainer in gym- this is a person who organizes classes and helps any student to achieve the set results and mastery in performing exercises. The specialist will always note the client's mistakes and help to correct them.

Training a personal bodybuilding trainer is a whole range of knowledge that will determine future success in the profession and subsequent self-improvement. Training program:

Includes a range of different disciplines covering issues physical activity, anatomy, dietetics.

Aimed at developing effective power loads and exercises that allow you to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

Professional courses deal with both theoretical and practical foundations. great attention given to the choice of suitable equipment for sports in the gym. During classes, it will be possible to use kettlebells, expanders, step platforms.

Prices for training under the program “Personal Trainer”

Achievement of goals and excellent results

The training of a personal trainer is built on the development of effective individual programs, taking into account the goals that the client wants to achieve. will become the basis for further development teacher and will help him in the future to independently create training exercises. After completing specialized bodybuilding and fitness courses, the coach will be able to:

  • Determination by the specialist of the goal of training and identification of the needs of the client in order to form suitable ways to achieve them.
  • The experience gained at school will help to correctly assess the health and physical capabilities of the client.
  • Development of an individual program.

The training of a personal trainer is focused on ensuring that he can independently create a training program, including effective techniques motivation and ways to build muscle mass.

Benefits of our school

Our bodybuilding school in Moscow trains specialists high level which allows them to achieve great success in their careers. After completing the training, the student takes an exam and receives a certificate confirming his qualifications. Our fitness and bodybuilding school is your ticket to a high-paying job in best clubs and gyms of the capital!

With us you will receive basic knowledge and professional skills that will become the basis of your self-improvement. Become a sought-after specialist! Sign up for our school in Moscow and start studying right now!

course sheet

Theoretical disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology
  • Fundamentals of biochemistry
  • Fitness training theory
  • Fundamentals of biomechanics
  • Power training
  • Fundamentals of rational nutrition
  • Aerobic training
  • Flexibility training (stretching)
  • Organization of personal training
  • Professional activity of a personal trainer


  • Initial client briefing
  • Exercises using machines and free weights
  • Exercise technique, injury prevention
  • Stretch exercises

Detailed analysis of exercises for all muscle groups:

  • arm muscles
  • chest muscles
  • back muscles
  • Delta
  • Press
  • Muscles of the legs and buttocks
  • Aerobic training

Self-compilation of a workout plan and nutrition plan for the client.

Almost every visitor to the gym, when ever, wondered about personal trainers (workouts). And in most cases, people reason like this: not only do you have to pay a shitload of money to go to the gym, so, MORE ADDITIONAL figat and for the instructor? Well, why do you need it, if you can do it yourself!? Well, this is monstrously not profitable in terms of money, and in general, what is the use of them !?

I'd rather do it myself / myself.

Do you think the worldview of such people is correct? After all, you are most likely one of them. I will try to answer this question, from my point of view (practice), along the way telling you about what it is “ personal trainers”, “what is the essence of their work”, “are they needed, or are they really just a waste of money”, “what are the advantages / disadvantages of working with them”, “what is the difference between regular coach and personal, which of them is better”, “if they are needed, then what to focus on when choosing an instructor for yourself, so that later you don’t regret it” and much more.

I think everyone understands that initial stage training in the gym, a whole bunch of problems arise ... it’s difficult to figure out all the diversity on your own strength exercises, create a training program, calculate the load, etc.<= большинство даж не понимает о чем идёт речь. Человек (новичок) приходит в зал и DOESN'T KNOW ANY FUCK!

What is the poor thing/poor thing to do? =)

Well, of course, you can't do without the help of a TRAINER. However, there is a GENERAL COACH who does not take money for his services (help), he is on the salary of a fitness club, he will help you for free in any matters. And there are personal trainers (guys who demand money for their services, and a lot of money).

You ask, well, what kind of coach (general or personal) is it best for me to contact? Which is better?

I will say so: it depends primarily on your financial condition (if there are no problems with romance finances, then definitely take, of course, a personal trainer, because he is much better. He will stand next to you, without leaving anywhere at all, correct, tell, show, he will make you a training program + nutrition, etc., he is better).

However, if there is NO finances or SORRY (this is an option for most), then, of course, you need to contact the usual “GENERAL” coach. He will also help you: give a training program (which he probably gives to everyone in a row), teach you how to do exercises (show you how to do this or that exercise, look at how you do it, correct it a bit and leave and that’s it), in principle, he will also answer all your questions, however, he will not “guide” you.

P.s. By the way, many guys and girls don’t even turn to a general coach ..., as a result, they themselves fuck with some kind of garbage, becoming stars of YouTube and the entire Internet:

Ahaha, so you don’t need this “I can do everything myself”, don’t be afraid, go to the coach, he will help, he won’t bite)) so then you will be engaged in business, and not any nonsense. Everyone starts from scratch when I came - I also immediately turned to the coach, I was lucky that he turned out to be very intelligent. I'm still consulting with him.. so don't be shy!

By the way: I can also act as a personal online trainer :), you can read more about this<= переходите по ссылке. Кроме этого, вы также вы можете приобрести и ознакомиться с моими книгами:

Bodybuilding Personal Trainer vs.GENERAL COACH (CLASSIFICATION)

A personal bodybuilding and fitness trainer devotes all the time only to you, he does not leave you for a second during a workout. General, he is not near you, he showed how to do this or that exercise and left, that is, he distributes his time to several people, as in group classes.

A personal trainer creates a training program designed specifically for you, taking into account your wishes, health and physical capabilities. He constantly “leads you” along it, makes adjustments, analyzes, etc.

And the general one will most likely give you a training program that he gives to everyone in a row. Although not always (not all). Many trainers take into account the wishes, both health and physical abilities .. but they will not “lead you”, they don’t care, they wrote - they explained, showed what to do (at best) - and forgot.

A personal trainer ALWAYS draws up a nutrition program (diet of all things), designed specifically for you, taking into account your taste preferences (wishes), your health, lifestyle, etc. He will constantly “guide you” along it, make appropriate adjustments, if necessary, will give recommendations on what and how to change, etc.

And the general one, most often does not do this (few people know that nutrition plays a key role, BASIC, I would say. All beginners think that training gives all the results, so the coach only helps in the gym, in exercises, etc. , but it’s not a good idea to bother with food) and in general, why should he bother if he is not asked about it? They get paid and that's it. That is, he can draw up a nutrition program only if he is directly asked about it. But, again, he will not “guide” you, make adjustments, etc., he will tell or write and that’s it, do what you want.

And finally, I will tell you about MOTIVATION from a personal and general trainer. And here is the motivation, you ask. I’ll explain now (it came to the most recently, and then from the words of a friend). Look, when you chose a personal trainer, you paid him a penny (well, the toad sitting inside presses you, you need to work it out), this, firstly, and secondly, the coach himself will not let you slip / freebie. Will drive hard.

Well, the general coach does not do this at all. He does not stand with you throughout the training, does not lead you, does not correct, etc., you are on your own.

Well, that's all. I don’t know anymore (or maybe I forgot / missed something) the benefits. Well, the main thing - in any case, described. The choice is yours.

How to choose the right personal trainer?

With the general, everything is clear what it is, it is. There's nothing to be done there)), except to change the hall, but there is no guarantee that there is not the same “miracle in feathers”. But a personal trainer must (should) be chosen.

Well, how to choose?

When you choose a personal trainer for yourself, in addition to the cost of his services (usually, first of all, they ask, / find out, / look at it), pay attention to the following components:


Pay attention: not on the experience of his training, but on the EXPERIENCE OF WORK AS A COACH! It may be that he has been training for 20 years, but he has been teaching as a coach for only a year ... The more experience as a coach, the better for you.

Ask if this coach has sports titles / titles, must be the presence of higher sports education. Titles, titles, something like that (bold plus), but be sure to recognize for sports education.

Pay attention to its appearance. The physique of a trainer should correspond to the specifics of his profession - be muscular, trained, well-built, otherwise some kind of drishara will instruct you)).

psychological compatibility. You will have to spend some of your time with this person, and the more pleasant your communication is, the faster you will achieve positive results. So chat with him for a while before taking paid consultations (trainings). Suddenly, when communicating, you don’t like him, you will realize that this is not the person you expected.

He must be able to clearly and intelligibly explain his requirements: why certain exercises are needed, why this training / nutrition program, etc. what you personally will get from their implementation, etc., do not mumble something there, but tell / show everything clearly (like a professional), etc.

If he cannot do this, he cannot even logically explain the chosen diet, training program, exercises, etc., speaks of blindly copying someone else's workouts, and not about a scientific approach specifically to your characteristics and wishes.

The number of training sessions conducted by him (coach) during the day must not exceed five (5). Be sure to clarify this as well. If there are more of them, then the time and attention that is paid to an individual client decreases. Well, imagine, you come to a training session at 20.00 in the evening, and this trainer already had 8 personal sessions with other clients. He is already standing on his feet, tired of everything, from which he will conduct a training session with you, without motivation, due attention, etc. And so, for example, if he had 2-3 clients, he is “fresh”, cheerful, drives you as it should, motivates, pays a lot of attention, in general, everything is as it should be.

A personal trainer is obliged to focus only on you during training. And some donkeys get distracted by phone calls and conversations… well, that shouldn't be the case. You pay him - and he is somewhere there (or nearby) not watching you, but pi#dit with someone ... In general, if you get the feeling during training that the coach’s thoughts are somewhere far away from you and places of training are a sign that he only conducts classes for the sake of earning (denyushki), and is not interested in your success.

Other people's opinion

The content of the article:

Today, the profession of a personal trainer has become very popular in sports. Famous athletes have previously trained under the supervision of a personal mentor, but today they are often hired by amateurs. If for our state this is still a rarity, then in the same United States this practice is very common.

According to statistics, people who work out with a personal trainer save the state a very decent amount in health care. After all, bodybuilding will not only make your figure more attractive, but also improve your health. Today we will tell you about the top 5 best coaches in bodybuilding.

Coach #1: David Sandler

This person is the owner of several scientific degrees in the field of sports and it is no coincidence that he was in the first place on our list. Sandler founded an innovative company dedicated to personal training of athletes of any skill level, including amateurs.

David is sure that the fact that an athlete has a personal mentor does not mean that an athlete can not study special methodological literature to improve sports literacy. Moreover, your return on classes will increase in direct proportion to the knowledge you have.

Here are some recommendations for all athletes from Sandler. To ensure the necessary energy level for effective bodybuilding, you must first observe the daily routine. The body needs enough time for rest, sleep and proper nutrition. This is the only way to achieve your goals.

David also notes that amateurs can only progress through periodization of training. Professional schemes and training methods are not suitable for them. Perform basic exercises in a low-rep mode, increasing strength indicators. Then start pumping on a high rep regimen, and then pick up strength again. Each of these two cycles should last two to three weeks.

Coach #2: Gunnar Peterson

Gunar has been coaching for over two decades. This man preaches functional training and for this reason he is often invited by Hollywood stars.

Despite the fact that most visitors go to the gyms to gain mass, this should not be their only goal, according to Gunar. That is why he believes that functional training is more suitable for most people. It is important that bodybuilding helps you live, and does not interfere with it.

Coach #3: Mac Chilstone

This is one of the most respected strength coaches in the United States. Throughout his career, he has worked with a large number of tennis players, hockey players and NBA stars. Today he works in one of the leading football clubs (American football) New York Yankees.

Mack invites all athletes who decide to become professionals to take a genome test. Today this service is not as expensive as it was a few years ago. This will allow you to accurately determine the sport where you can achieve maximum results. It is also important to undergo regular medical examinations so as not to harm your health.

If you are an amateur bodybuilder and do not plan to participate in tournaments, then knowing your genome will also be very useful to you. It is possible that the classical methods of training will not be effective for you and you will have to find your own individual method.

Coach #4: Juan Carlos Santana

Santana founded a research institute in Florida and has released a lot of books and videos on strength training. One of the most effective training tools in bodybuilding Santana considers chains and shock absorbers. With their help, you can progress much faster.

To gain a large amount of muscle mass, according to Santana, athletes should forget about the existence of simulators. In this case, the main attention should be paid to working with dumbbells. Juan Carlos likes to say that bodybuilding is a great way to build muscle, but big muscles don't mean longevity and health. In addition to bodybuilding, yoga, dancing, etc. should be practiced.

Coach #5: Chris Lockwood

Chris has a PhD in Physical Education and has organized a large amount of research. Chris does not welcome the use of AAS in sports and especially at the amateur level. In his opinion, even amateurs should take part in tournaments. This can significantly increase motivation and accelerate progress. Let only close people applaud you at first, but the purpose of speeches is to accelerate your progress.

Watch Chris Lockwood talk about protein in this story:

Why do you need a personal trainer for bodybuilding and fitness?

Personal customer care

Good day friends. Naturally, no one is ready to pay a person you don’t trust, so as a trust, I created this site in which I write all the articles personally, there is a lot of useful and free information, use it to your health. Only now, not everyone can figure out what suits them all the same or do not want to spend their main resource time, for this I offer my services. Here you can read about my sporting achievements, and how to contact me.

Every day I receive a lot of questions from people, therefore, there is a great demand for such a service. Usually questions are asked in such a way that you can’t answer them briefly, but require an individual solution. Since everyone has different physical data and characteristics of the body, a detailed approach to each is required to solve your problems.

The Internet is full of useful and conflicting information, so to solve your problems, I see 2 ways :

"Trial and error method"- the longest and most difficult path and not the fact that you will come to the desired result.

"Alien Experience"- This is the fastest and easiest way, but a little expensive. By choosing this method, you save the most important resource in life - time. You can always earn money, but you can’t return the time and health spent.

It is impossible to answer questions and help everyone, due to lack of free time. Therefore, I only help a few who want to save their main resource "time" in exchange for a less important "money".

What is included in my services

You can choose 2 options :

First option:

Drawing up an individual training program based on your level of physical fitness, body characteristics, your goals and the choice of training location (gym or home workouts)

Drawing up a detailed nutrition plan (what, how much and when to eat)

Second option:

Personal reference- you get a nutrition plan and a training program + their adjustments to your needs (For example, you worked out 2 times a week, but you want to change the plan to 3 times; you gained weight and now you want to get relief, etc.) + regular counseling on emerging issues related to bodybuilding during the period that you paid (from 1 month to 1 year).

In the course of our communication, you will receive not just a bare plan of action, but learn to understand why and why we make certain changes, and you yourself become a competent athlete who will know himself best and in the future will be able to progress on his own.

How does communication happen

Communication takes place either on Vkontakte, if the topic is a training program or a nutrition plan, after all. it is better to write in the text version, because the text can be read again.

Or on Skype if it is personal management or you need a one-time consultation to get answers to all your questions.

To get the service you need write me "Vkontakte" , with a note which option you chose.

Since I am limited in time, I can advise a limited number of people, so if you decide to change your lifestyle and appearance, then do not put it off until tomorrow, otherwise you may not have time!


Meal Plan– 1000 r

Training program– 1000 r

Meal plan + training program– 2000 r

Skype consultation 1000 r - 30 minutes, 1500 r - 1 hour.

Bringing to the desired result (not limited in time, at least for life, until a person gets what he wanted) - the price is negotiable depending on the client's goal.

Individual management:

When you pay for several months at once, you get a discount

1 month – 5000 r

3 months – 10000 r

6 months – 15000 r

12 months – 20000 r

Prepayment 100% I guarantee results and honesty. You can read reviews in my group.

In any case, you need an experienced competent person to lead you by the hand. Bodybuilding is no exception. Now there are so many wise men who teach everyone left and right how to do it, although they themselves do not really understand the basic basic principles.

I'm not even talking about people who have no results at all, even a coach who looks impressive himself will not necessarily be able to help you.

The thing is that he is most likely naturally strong and his muscles grow easily. He just didn't face the challenges you face every day. For example, an ordinary thin guy has much less recovery abilities than a naturally strong one. Accordingly, he should have shorter workouts. But the coach may simply not know this!

Moreover, in modern gyms there can be really good coaches, but in powerlifting (power triathlon). If they themselves have achieved results in this sport and even if they already have thousands of students, it’s not a fact that they can teach you how to build a body, because lifting has completely different goals. And the guys with not the worst genetics succeed there.

There are competent people in powerlifting, but they are quite few. A good example is Vladimir Kravtsov, the bare bench press champion. Very knowledgeable person and he can really give you something useful to advise. But there are few!

Usually guys who come to the gym and their muscles begin to grow are content with having studied the technique of exercises and begin to give everyone advice, although they themselves did not understand what they got the result from.

It is these people who in most cases open their gyms or become trainers in local gyms. They can teach you how to do the exercise correctly so as not to get injured. But most likely the equipment will be just a lifter. They just don't know the other one.

I remember how I came to one good gym, I still like to go there to train, but I remember one curious picture. When I started to squat, the owner of the hall came up to me and began to say what I was doing wrong: I need to put my legs wider, turn my socks more, put the bar lower, etc. He was pushing me into competitive lifting technique, but I just wanted to squat and build muscle. When the position of the legs changes, the load is shifted to other muscle groups. Yes, you can lift more weight this way, but the wrong muscles will grow.

How to identify a good coach

In my opinion, the most ideal coach is a person with poor genetics who has achieved impressive results. Yury Spasokukotsky can serve as a good example.

In addition to his own results, it is worth paying attention to the form of his students. In general, in what form are the people in the gym you want to enroll in?

  • If there are guys with thin bones and big muscles, then ask who trained them, because this is clearly a good specialist. In contrast, find a person who is prone to fullness, but with a good relief. Such a guy has rather wide bones, massive shoulders, a torso, and indeed, by nature, the whole skeleton is very strong. They are quite strong and their working weights are at a decent level. If you find such a person, then ask who trained him?

These were examples of people with two opposite types of genetics who got things done. If they have one coach, then it must be a very competent person who is worth training with.

And it doesn't have to be a personal trainer. It can be a regular trainer in your gym. The main thing is that he understands the basics of medicine, knows how the position of the hands, feet, grip width, etc. shifts the load to different parts of the muscles. An experienced trainer knows what a rotator cuff is and how deep the bar can be lowered when bench press to different people. By the way, for people with thin bones with large weights, it is generally better to work in a reduced amplitude, otherwise the ligaments are stretched.

And for strong men, you can even press crazy weights in full amplitude, nothing will happen, subject to the technique of course.

It is very important that the trainer can choose the right exercises for you, not all exercises are equally useful, and not all exercises are suitable for bodybuilding. There is an excellent sport - arm wrestling, but it has its own specifics, other tasks. And from there, as well as from powerlifting, you can take various elements, but adapt them to the specifics of bodybuilding.

In general, check your coach for competence and you will have a lot of results!
