Myostimulator belt for weight loss at home.

You can shape your belly and thighs at home. The myostimulator belt massager is an innovative solution for building a beautiful athletic body.

Benefits of a myostimulator belt

Just a few minutes a day and in a couple of weeks you will appreciate an amazing result. When used regularly, the abdominal muscle stimulator promotes visible reduction in body fat.

What are the benefits of using a belt at home?

  • The user gets complete freedom of movement. Just set the appliance according to the instructions on your stomach and do your usual housework or enjoy your rest. No physical effort or time consuming!
  • Effective fat burning. Due to the systematic contractions of the abdominal muscles, the energy necessary for the body's work is expended, which leads to an inevitable decrease in body fat, especially in problem areas.
  • Building a beautiful and relief body. A slender and toned body, which is framed by a muscular frame. The contraction of muscles by impulse flows makes them work continuously, which leads to their formation and tightening.

A minimum of time and effort to achieve a beautiful, slim and fit body, without harm to health.

How does a myostimulator for the abdomen work? Terms of use

To use the device, you just need to place it on your waist and choose the most suitable and most comfortable mode. It is advisable to start the first training sessions with less intense loads. Over time, as the body gets used to the effects, the pace of training can be gradually increased.

Any muscle stimulator for the abdomen and sides has several programs of use and a sufficient number of power levels in order to choose the most suitable one. A 20-minute workout covers all abdominal and abdominal muscles. High-quality response from oblique muscles, rectus muscles, back muscles. In just 4 weeks, a muscular corset is formed, which not only adds beauty to your body, but also guarantees health and endurance.

How does the muscle work? It's simple, myostimulation of the abdomen occurs due to signals sent to the nerve endings of a certain zone, while the response comes from all the muscles surrounding this zone. Safe technology, which has been used in medicine for over 50 years, has now found its effective application in cosmetology.

Indications and contraindications for the use of myostimulants

If you want to have a slim and toned body without spending a lot of time on exhausting workouts, then the abdominal muscle stimulator is exactly what you need. It will help get rid of the hated folds in the waist area, make the body strong and elastic. Slimming abdominal muscle stimulator is just perfect. The key to success lies only in the regularity of classes.

However, it should be noted that the device has a number of contraindications. It is used with caution in violation of the integrity of the skin, especially in the area of ​​exposure. It is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy, for those people who have pacemakers. Prohibited from use are oncological diseases, epilepsy and the body's tendency to form vascular blood clots.

Arguably, the myostimulator belt is the most underrated home physiotherapy device. The point is that most of its buyers expect impressive results in isolation from training and rational nutrition... And this does not happen. The reputation of the product is spoiled by numerous useless "butterflies" and other exercise machines for passive weight loss. What is fundamentally different from them a good belt for myostimulation of a well-known brand?

Myostimulation - the impact on muscle fibers with an electric current of a specially selected frequency. Actually, this is approximately how the muscle contraction in the body is initiated - an electrical impulse is “supplied” to the muscle through the nerve endings. The "external" impulse is usually stronger and allows, with precise placement of electrodes, to obtain a more precise, concentrated effect.

Who needs a myostimulator belt

The myostimulator will strengthen the lower bundles of the abdominal muscles, tighten them and get more slim stomach... In addition, it enhances blood circulation in the rectus muscle and is often used to accelerate its recovery after the usual pumping of the press by those people who strive for "six cubes" in the shortest possible time.

But none of the known weight loss belts can “burn fat”. If you eat in moderation and consume fewer calories than your body spends, fat burning processes will be launched naturally... In case you eat too much, local muscle contractions will not help you lose weight. Yes, the abdominal muscles will tighten, but you should definitely not count on a more impressive effect. As a supplement to your waistline diet, a belt is certainly good, but nothing more.

Types of muscle-stimulating belts for weight loss

First of all, belts are divided into:

  • products with the ability to change the angle and location of the application of electrodes;
  • "One-piece" belts, which are applied in one position, regardless of what the body composition of the "user" is.
  • The first "version" of the belt is much more efficient. You can place the electrodes directly on the lower and middle bundles of the rectus muscle, and get a deeper and better contraction than with the "one-piece" version. However, the myostimulator belt does not allow loading deeper, internal muscles responsible for the circumference of a person's waist. Therefore, even with an adjustable belt, you will have to combine the load in the classic version (Plank poses, twisting, complex basic exercises for the development of the whole body) and myostimulation.

    One-piece belts usually cost significantly less. They are sold complete with a waist support and gel, and have several modes. However, do not flatter yourself when you see the "fat burning" button, as a rule, this is just a massage mode with a very short amplitude of current supply. And belts are better than "butterflies" simply because they are more powerful.

    How to carry out myostimulation for weight loss with a belt

    First of all, the most effective load is “on the rise”. Use the belt immediately after your abdominal workout for a double benefit. Do not practice myostimulation if you have medical contraindications:

  • pregnancy
  • reaction to therapy with currents, accompanying some types of neuroses and epilepsy;
  • mechanical damage to the skin of the abdomen and thighs;
  • allergic reactions, colds, any conditions leading to a weakened state of the body and lack of tone;
  • hypertension;
  • physical overload.
  • Usually belts for myostimulation are used no more than 10 minutes on one zone, the product can be moved up and down, but the duration of the procedure in general should not exceed 40 minutes.

    How to choose a muscle stimulator belt

    First of all, pay attention to Gezanne, Slendertone, Beurer products. These three companies are the market leaders in aesthetic physiotherapy. They produce not only home appliances but also salon appliances. The quality of their products is confirmed by numerous certificates and meets the highest requirements. Usually, the warranty for the products of these companies is 3-5 years, and they are protected from such household inconveniences as the rupture of the belt itself, mechanical damage to the electrodes, short circuit or malfunction due to oxidation of the electrodes.

    Firms “simpler” such as AB Gymnic, Gym Flex and numerous sellers of “know-name” belts from China, gain in cost, on average, 50-100 USD, but lose in reliability. Consumer reviews indicate a shorter service life, and less efficiency due to the rather weak loading of the electrodes.

    In any case, an effective procedure with a belt for myostimulation does not belong to the category of comfortable massages. Tingling, twisting of muscles and even mild pain are quite normal companions of this manipulation. And it may seem to someone that manual massage of the problem area with cream after a regular workout is more effective.

    The muscle stimulator for the press is popular among both professional athletes and among amateurs. The article provides a detailed overview best models from global manufacturers. Each kit contains detailed instructions for use. According to doctors' reviews, the device is actively used for exercise therapy ( physiotherapy exercises). You can buy an electric device through the official websites.

    Go to the supplier's website

    The myostimulator is intended for passive muscle training. Attached to the surface of the target area, it generates a low-frequency electrical impulse. Due to the localized action, the muscles contract. Thus it is possible to form perfect abs.

    Before attaching some models, the skin surface is treated with a special gel for better conduction of the electrical impulse. Thanks to the low-frequency current, the muscle stimulator for muscles contributes to their involuntary contraction. Local impact allows you to work out deep muscle fibers that are not involved in physical training. The device is effectively used to lose weight in the abdomen, inner thighs, arms and other problem areas. The simulator is great for home use, as it allows you to tone your muscles without resorting to physical activity.

    Customer Reviews

    Most users buy muscle stimulants, relying on informative reviews about a particular model, left on thematic forums or sites.

    After the next competition, he was injured. I had to give up training for a while, and the recovery was delayed for a month and therefore began to lose muscle mass and shape. Myostimulant butterfly is just that tool that helps to maintain muscle tone passively. After all, after an injury, you cannot go in for sports. The device is installed on the abdomen and produces a passive workout for the press. During the rehabilitation period, the absence of the previous physical activity often leads to an increase in fat in problem areas, which just happened to me. It's great that the massager can be used to slim down the belly. I recommend to everyone!

    Vladimir, 26 years old, Moscow.

    Having a problem excess weight, I decided to read reviews on passive muscle trainers. Many wrote that a special effect is observed only when combining active training and the use of myostimulants, which are actively used to get rid of cellulite. There is simply no time to visit the hall. So Jim Beat was a godsend for me. Just 20 minutes morning and evening! I fix it on the problem area (sides, stomach) while reading or watching TV. Very comfortably. For a month, the stomach tightened well, it took about 5 kg. Great results in the absence of grueling diets and workouts! I advise everyone who does not have time for gym and is overweight.

    Valeria, 35 years old, Nizhny Novgorod.

    I am a mother of three children. It is clear that under such circumstances it is difficult to keep the body (and especially the belly) in an attractive shape. Faced with flabbiness and fatty deposits at the waist and sides, I registered on a forum dedicated to the problem of excess weight. There I read reviews of professionals and ordinary buyers about the miracle simulators that help put the body in order. One of such devices is the AB Gymnic belt. Convenient design allows you to wear it under your clothes at any time. With it, I can train my abdominal muscles while shopping or doing housework. Seeing the first results (the waist decreased by 7 cm), I decided to enhance the effect and applied anti-cellulite creams in the intervals between applications. Six months later, the stomach acquired a tone, became flatter. I advise women to buy such a belt after giving birth. It gives a really good effect!

    Valentina, 42 years old, Chelyabinsk.

    Reviews of doctors

    According to doctors' reviews, myostimulants popular today serve as an effective auxiliary means in the fight for slim figure... Unlike ordinary users, experts believe that myostimulation alone does not have enough effect on muscle fibers to ultimately reduce the volume of adipose tissue. Here's what experts say about the Jim Beat application:

    A passive muscle stimulation device is really capable of creating the perfect abs. However, to obtain muscle relief, it is necessary to remove excess fat from the anterior abdominal surface, as well as from the sides. Cardio will help you cope with this task. It is enough to make regular half-hour walks, ride a bike, jog. I recommend that my patients, first of all, give up the elevator and walk up the stairs. It is not only good for losing weight, but also for improving overall well-being. And in combination with the use of a massager, this will help put the body in order, reducing the stomach and the appearance of cellulite.

    Ivan Fetisov, physiotherapist. Work experience - 14 years.

    My colleagues have left varying opinions on the work of muscle trainers. Personally, I am confident in their effectiveness. Another question is whether one muscle stimulator is enough to cope with the problem of excess weight. Of course, along with using butterflies for the abdomen, it is recommended to carry active image life and follow the diet. The result will not be long in coming, even if you just start walking more and limit the use of sweets. As a result, the body will get in good shape and health will improve.

    Gennady Rodnikov, specialist in neurology. Work experience - 9 years.

    Price and where to buy a muscle stimulator

    Today, muscle stimulants are available for sale at both retail outlets and online stores. It is better to purchase a popular slimming device from trusted suppliers. This guarantees the originality of the product, because many fakes have appeared on the market, promising customers the perfect press in a short time.

    Many people buy devices for home use through specialized sites. This option has several advantages. Official dealers of products offer not only to buy 100% original, but also to arrange prompt delivery on favorable terms.

    A quality product can also be purchased on foreign Internet resources. In this case, the original price may be lower. However, you should also consider shipping costs. The cost of massagers, muscle trainers in the territory of the Russian Federation averages 950-970 rubles. Potential buyers in online catalogs are offered multifunctional devices (belts, butterflies, all kinds of overlays) at a higher cost. There are also budget options on sale, starting from 400 - 450 rubles.

    Having found a modification of interest on a specialized site, it will be useful to get acquainted with additional information:

    • characteristics, design features;
    • complete set;
    • the principle of operation of the device.

    In the "contacts" section, as a rule, phone numbers are indicated, by calling which you can clarify the availability of a particular model.

    Which muscle stimulator is better?

    It's not easy to get lost in the variety of options offered. To determine a specific modification, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main properties of each of them, find out the pros and cons.


    Myostimulator butterfly is a simulator for problem areas devoid of tone. As the manufacturer promises, just 20 minutes twice a day is enough to work out the muscles. Passive stimulation enhances blood circulation in the target area, provides massage through vibration. Regular application, according to the instructions, without much effort allows you to achieve positive results in losing weight. This is evidenced by numerous real reviews of people who tried the action of the Butterfly Massager.

    A distinctive feature is an affordable price (about 400 - 500 rubles), which allows almost everyone to buy a device.

    AB Gymnic

    The popular model of myostimulator has distinctive features in the design. Unlike overlays on problem areas, this option is a belt that provides additional back support.

    The abdominal muscles are stimulated by an electrical impulse with a frequency of 11-90 Hz. Contractions of varying duration help to improve muscle tone. Regular use that is possible thanks to wearing under the clothes, gives tangible results after the first week.

    The maximum duration of exposure is 30 minutes / day. According to the reviews of real users, the belt should be used strictly for its intended purpose, fixing it at the waist line. Passive abdominal training helps reduce OT, local weight loss in the study area. Get fit and beautiful figure it helps wearing a belt while hiking in the fresh air.

    Jim Beat

    Muscle stimulator Jim Bit promises buyers to make perfect abs and an attractive body for shortest time... Users have every reason to believe the declared properties. Gymbit has a number of advantages over its peers:

    1. Large contact area - allows you to cover the entire surface of the abdominal muscles.
    2. Anatomical design that repeats the location muscle fibers, which makes it possible to target the muscles.
    3. Compactness, ergonomics - provides ease of use under clothing.
    4. Elastic, modern materials securely fix the massager on the body.

    The device operates in 5 modes. The duration of each workout is 20 minutes. After the expiration of the time, an automatic shutdown occurs.

    The work is based on the principle of electrical stimulation, which makes muscles contract due to impulses. Considering the numerous reviews of those who tried this product, we can conclude that the model is one of the most effective.

    Conductive gel for myostimulants

    Each model comes complete with a gel. It provides better current conductivity, which enhances the effect. The volume of ready-made solutions is equal to 100-120 ml.

    The conductive compound is applied to clean skin before attaching the equipment. After switching on, electrical impulses pass through the electrodes to the muscles. As you know, water has high current conductivity. Therefore, the special formulations used for myostimulants are water-based.

    The product can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered through an online store. Pay attention to the quality of the product. The composition must have a gel texture and be non-sticky. You can do it yourself if you know how to replace the finished product.

    To use the myostimulator belt correctly, you must thoroughly study the attached instructions, take into account all the doctor's recommendations and take into account all contraindications. You will also need a special gel that acts not only as a current conductor, but also as cosmetic product to improve the condition of the skin.

    Description of the myostimulator belt


    A modern belt with an interesting name "myostimulator" is positioned by manufacturers as an innovative exercise machine. This device works by transmitting electrical impulses to the body. It is believed that these energy flows are harmless to the body and do not threaten us. Under this influence, a soft muscle contraction is carried out, which practically does not cause any discomfort. The muscle group being worked can be located on the abdomen, arms, legs, or buttocks. It is impossible to tone the body and really lose weight without treatment special attention to these sites.

    According to the manufacturers, with the help of belts it is easier for people to restore injured muscle tissue and to establish the passage of nerve impulses through the body. The belts are successfully used in various massage procedures.


    On sale you can find household models of myostimulators and more serious devices, designated as professional ones.

    A buyer purchasing a professional product receives a product with an impressive mass and complex design. Such belts are mainly used in cosmetology centers, beauty salons, medical institutions, physiotherapy rooms.

    With the purchase of a household belt, easier operation can be guaranteed. The small device connects to the network and has a modest set of settings. Battery operation possible.

    Inside the belt there are electrodes that irritate the nerve endings. This causes the muscles to contract by themselves. As a result, blood circulation improves, effective lymphatic drainage is realized in the affected area. Manufacturers promise that from this effect the skin gets additional elasticity, the smoothness of its surface increases. Muscles are toned.

    Myostimulator belt: promotes weight loss

    Choosing a myostimulator belt

    AbTronic X2

    They say that this device replaces physical activity and allows you to achieve beautiful press... You can also work on the legs, neck or arms. But it is not known whether it is realistic to replace real fitness by lying on the couch and wearing a belt. It can be considered true rather that the use of this belt allows you to increase the effectiveness of intensive sports training... Nevertheless, the manufacturer assures that the use of this myostimulator sevenfold exceeds the positive effect from special exercises and you can refuse them.

    The instructions say that from the very fact of the impact of the belt on certain zones, they increase muscle mass... A half-hour session of wearing a belt promises to contract the muscles being worked out a maximum of three thousand times. Perhaps the results will become noticeable after a month of the work of the myostimulator. Using the device means choosing one of eight programs and one of ten intensity indicators. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for only six months.

    Beurer EM30

    This muscle stimulator belt is sold with batteries. The working band of the device is flexible and wide, it is equipped with an adhesive tape. The device that is worn on the waist has a size of 70 to 130 cm. For the electrodes used in this device, a gel is not required. The impact on one of the five programs in time will be an average of half an hour. The intensity of muscle contraction can also be varied. The user sets one position, and there are forty in total. The manufacturer indicated a frequency of 30-80 Hz. The pulse duration indicator is equal to 200 μs (within each phase).

    The instructions emphasize effective fight with various defects in the abdomen. Everyone has different problems in this area of ​​the body. For example, there is a deformity of the abdomen after childbirth, a large beer belly, weak muscle tone from nature or age-related tissue laxity.

    SportElec DUO

    The manufacturer of this belt model also says that muscle training is possible, even without using physical exercise... The audience for this belt is women and men who want to lose weight and create muscle relief on the body. The product is designed to work with the abdomen and gluteal zone, built-in durable electrodes. A special cream is attached to the device, which is used for the best contact of the skin with the electrical part. Batteries can also be found there. Four programs are available, which include a total of sixteen sub-items.

    The user does not have to lie down, he can move. You can use an adjustable waistband or similar buttock shorts. In this case, the pulses can come with the intensity that the user will choose from all 22 possible ones. Automatic shutdown is provided. Judging by the information on the packaging, the quality of this device is oriented towards European standards.

    Women who decide not to do anything and at the same time lose weight and build a lot of muscles can use a myostimulator belt. There is a whole range of similar devices on sale, but not in the form of a belt. Before using it, be sure to take into account the fact that all products from these categories have an impressive set of contraindications.

    Myostimulation - impact on muscles with the help electric current... At home and in beauty salons, the procedure is carried out using portable or stationary devices called myostimulants. They are devices of various sizes, with built-in or extending on the wires electrodes with elements of conductive material.

    The principle of operation of the device is as follows: after the transmission of an electrical impulse to the nerve endings, the muscle tissue begins to contract, as a result of which the elasticity of the muscles increases, the lymph outflow, blood microcirculation improves, and the metabolism of cells is accelerated.

    The purpose of myostimulation can be different: therapeutic and prophylactic, aesthetic. Depending on the required effect, the choice of a myostimulator is made. Various combinations of the frequencies of the sent impulses and their duration, the number of channels for "sending" signals, the size of the electrodes cause many positive results from myostimulation. Modern devices for electrical muscle stimulation can be used on any part of the body: problem areas, back, in the spine and joints and even for the face.


    There are two main types of muscle stimulants:

    • for home use;
    • professional devices.

    Inexpensive home muscle stimulants have no more than 4 electrodes, often run on batteries and have low power. They rarely have a wide range of programs of choice, there is no function of directed lymphatic drainage. Household devices are widespread, sold everywhere, but their effectiveness is inferior to salon muscle stimulators.

    Among professional devices there are devices with more than 40 electrodes, which have many channels, high power, as well as several possible programs for working out body zones (tightening, improving lymph drainage, "breaking" fats, electrophoresis, "relaxation", etc.) ... A good effect from the work of the myostimulator can be obtained if a separate current transformer is "attached" to each of the channels.

    Another principle of dividing myostimulants into groups - according to their area of ​​influence:

    1. Universal devices can be used for all muscle groups.
    2. "Butterflies" are attached to the chest, abdomen, thighs, legs, arms, back, and can "tighten" the muscles of these zones.
    3. "Belts" are intended for myostimulation in the area abdominal and hips.
    4. "Shorts" used for "lazy training" of the buttocks, thighs.

    Benefits and "pros" of myostimulants

    Although muscle stimulants can be used for some medicinal purposes, they are most often used to improve appearance shape and toning the skin. The regular pulses emitted by the apparatus cause the muscles to contract, providing an effect comparable to physical exercise.

    The activation of metabolism and the acceleration of the elimination of toxins with lymph lead to the breakdown of fats and the outflow of excess intercellular fluid. Improvement of blood microcirculation, in turn, causes "refreshing" of the skin color, an increase in its turgor, and a lifting effect.

    Women are more likely to use procedures for anti-cellulite massage, slimming, increasing the density of the skin, and men - to create muscle relief, ensure a more even pumping of muscle fibers together with physical training, as well as - for the purpose of removing myalgias.

    Among other things, muscle stimulants can give the following results:

    • improving the work of internal organs;
    • increased muscle mass;
    • general improvement of the body;
    • treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, enuresis;
    • rehabilitation after injuries.

    The advantages of the devices over other devices for weight loss and body training are their convenience, no need for intensive exercise, and the possibility of home use.

    "Cons" and contraindications for use

    Often, a high-quality performance of "electric massage" of muscles is possible only in the conditions of the use of professional equipment. In domestic conditions, the use of powerful muscle stimulants is almost impossible: it requires special knowledge and correct massage technique. Usually, home devices are only aimed at maintaining shape or eliminating small fat deposits.

    To eliminate large "reserves" of fat and cellulite, it will be necessary not only to carry out "gymnastics for the lazy", but also to eat right, go in for sports. In addition, if the load on the muscles remains at the initial level, the tissues "get used" to the effect and cease to "produce" the required response: the contraction of the fibers slows down.

    Among the "disadvantages" of using myostimulants can also be called:

    • small covered area of ​​the body during the procedure;
    • there is no way to train all muscles at once, as in sports;
    • often the results from the use of devices are not observed with a prolonged lack of physical activity, as well as with a large thickness of the fat layer;
    • myostimulation also does not work on well-trained muscles.

    There are quite a few contraindications to the procedure of muscle stimulation using electrical impulses:

    • blood diseases;
    • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
    • renal, hepatic impairment;
    • pregnancy, lactation;
    • cancers;
    • calculi in the kidneys, gallbladder;
    • acute infections and tuberculosis;
    • arthritis;
    • skin diseases;
    • the presence of a pacemaker.

    Reviews of people who purchased a muscle stimulator

    Reviews were found on the Internet - on sites, blogs and forums. You can leave your feedback.

    Tamara, 40 years old.

    Advantages: relieves pain in the lower back and legs, the body really loses weight.

    Disadvantages: not very convenient remote control, batteries quickly fail.

    “Among all myostimulants, I liked the belts more - they are convenient to put on the body, they do not interfere with household chores at all. I tried Miracle Belt from a friend, then I bought one like it. After 2 months of application, I noticed several positive effects that impressed me. The fold on the abdomen decreased, the pain in the lower back subsided (after the 6th use), the skin became "toned". The thighs have become 4 cm less in volume! Looking at me, my husband also began to use a muscle stimulator, mainly for pectoral muscles and for the hands - wants these parts of the body to be in shape. "

    Reviews of doctors

    Anton, 45 years old.

    Advantages: quick relief of pain.

    Disadvantages: no long-term effect, they have many contraindications.

    “I am a neurologist, and I am often asked questions about the limitations and possibilities of using myostimulants for the treatment of osteochondrosis and pinched nerve roots. In my opinion, such devices can improve muscle tone and blood circulation, thereby relieving unpleasant symptoms in various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The effect on the future raises doubts for me: myostimulation cannot stop the progression of the disease without appropriate treatment, and there are quite a few contraindications to the use of devices. Therefore, in no case should you use products with a powerful effect without an in-person consultation with your attending physician! "

    Reviews about myostimulators "Abtronic X2"

    Alina, 28 years old.

    Advantages: convenient, compact, low price.

    Disadvantages: expected more from the application.

    “I have had myostimulant for 6 months already, I use it almost every day. To my disappointment, even after a month of using the device, I did not notice any special results, although the advertisement indicated that after 2 weeks there would be an effect. But after persistent "training" for an hour a day, after 3 months I found that the muscles on my stomach and legs became stronger, the skin tightened and smoothed out. After I also began to work out on simulators, my figure got in good shape, but, I think, not because of the myostimulator. My conclusion: if you apply it for a long time and without gaps, you can still achieve results. "

    Reviews of myostimulators "Slendertone"

    Irina, 25 years old.

    Advantages: it is convenient to put on, does not interfere during household chores.

    Disadvantages: the silicone pillows quickly deteriorated.

    “I was pleased with the purchase of the myostimulator: it helped me get in shape after childbirth. The abs, even 4 months after the birth of my son, was not in the best shape, the fold on the abdomen hung down. I liked that the device is compact, but still covers most of the abdomen in the form of a belt, the material is of high quality, like the Velcro. Convenience lies in the fact that you can change the programs of the myostimulator (there are 4 of them), and the data is reflected on the monitor. Within a month the belly hung down much less, even the abs cubes were drawn a little, and after 5 months the belly looks just fine! "

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