Optical rifles. Svd sniper rifle

The Dragunov sniper rifle has been in service with our country since 1963 and is the second most popular sniper rifle in the world after those created on the basis of the American Remington 700.

Excellent specifications even today, the recognizable appearance and the original sound of the shot made the SVD popular among civilians. It is present in games, books, there are many stories about its accuracy and penetrating power, often with a bit of fiction.

History of creation

In the 50s, the USSR army was rearmed, which required a modern self-loading sniper rifle firing single shots.

E. F. Dragunov, who has been working since 1945 as a senior gunsmith, and is known for creating his sports firearms, in 1962 he began to design his rifle. In parallel, the development was carried out by A. Konstantinov, both designers completed their projects at about the same time, the Dragunov weapon proved to be more accurate in tests and demonstrated greater accuracy of fire.

In 1963, the rifle, called the SVD, was adopted by the Soviet army.


The future rifle was supposed to fulfill only certain goals and versatility was not required from it, but the goals set were not easily achievable. High reliability was required, implying increased clearances between moving parts, while high accuracy implied as rigid a design as possible with minimal clearances.

Also, heavy weapons have better stability and show higher accuracy when firing, but it was required to create a light rifle.

When creating Dragunov, he used the design of the shutter, which he used back in sports weapons. The bore was closed by a bolt that turned counterclockwise and had two lugs, plus used a cartridge rammer as a third. Such a scheme of work makes the area of ​​​​the lugs no longer changing the dimensions of the shutter itself, which has a positive effect on the accuracy of fire.

The safety lever not only blocks the trigger, but also locks the bolt carrier, preventing it from moving backwards. The only shooting mode is single. There is a flash hider on the barrel, which protects the barrel from contamination and masks shooting at night.

The magazine contains 10 cartridges of caliber 7.62x54R, ordinary, tracer, armor-piercing-igniting rifle cartridges, 7N1 and 7N14 sniper cartridges, cartridges with JSP and JHP expansive bullets are used.

Specifications, accuracy and accuracy

Thanks to self-loading, produced using the energy of powder gases, the SVD has a good combat rate of fire - up to 30 rounds per minute.

The PSO-1 sight is used, which provides shooting at a distance of up to 1300 meters, however, such shooting is not accurate and makes sense only as a distraction or in the presence of group targets.

The rifling in the barrel when adopted was in increments of 320 mm, later the pitch was reduced to 240 mm, due to which the dispersion of armor-piercing incendiary bullets decreased, but the dispersion of others increased from 8 to 10 cm when firing at a distance of 100 meters.

It is possible to use a specially designed sniper cartridge, which includes a bullet with a steel core, which increases accuracy by 2.5 times.

According to the regulations, the range of a direct shot at a target 30 centimeters high is 350 meters, at a target 50 centimeters high - 430 meters, at a moving target at the speed of a running person 150 centimeters high - 640 meters.

Excellent performance characteristics allow experienced shooters to hit helicopters and planes flying at low speed. In 1989, a Cessna A-37B jet attack aircraft was shot down, and cases of RQ-11 Raven reconnaissance drones are also known.


In 1991, the rifle underwent modernization, having received a shortened barrel, improved flame arrester along with a gas outlet assembly, a right-folding stock and a new PSO-1M2 sight.

The modernization was caused by the need to reduce the length of the original weapon, which made it inconvenient to transport it inside military equipment.


In 2006, a large-caliber modification 6B9 appeared, designed to destroy targets protected by bulletproof vests inside light equipment or behind cover.

A 9.3 × 64 mm 7N33 cartridge is used, whose bullet has an energy of about 4900 J, which makes it possible to penetrate armor 1 cm thick with an 80% probability at a distance of 100 meters.

Created on the basis of the SVD, however, many nodes have undergone changes in order to adapt the weapon to use a powerful cartridge.

The barrel is partially covered with a perforated steel casing, designed to reduce the load on the forearm and bipod. The buttstock and pistol grip are similar to those used on the SVDS, but the butt pad made of rubber is significantly increased due to the increased recoil when firing. Installed a replaceable flame arrester.

Aiming takes place using the 1P70 Hyperon sight, accuracy when firing at a distance of 300 meters is at the level of 18 centimeters.


The shortened sniper rifle appeared in the 90s and is used as a sniper weapon used in urban environments. Created on the basis of SVD, but with a bullpup layout, which provides for the removal of the trigger in front of the magazine and percussion mechanism.

There is a silencer on the barrel, which reduces the sound of the shot by 10% relative to the SVD and disperses it to make it impossible to determine the position of the sniper, and also suppresses the muzzle flash.

It is capable of automatic burst fire, but this mode is used only in emergency situations due to high recoil and a small capacity magazine.


Despite its impressive age, the rifle remains relevant even today. The successful design makes it an ergonomic and balanced weapon, from which aimed shooting is carried out with convenience, and the rate of fire, reaching 30 rounds per minute, distinguishes it from ordinary sniper rifles.


Technical description and instruction manual 7.62 mm sniper rifle Dragunov (SVD) are designed to study rifles and optical sights and maintain them in constant combat readiness.

This document contains technical specifications and information about the design and principle of operation of a rifle and an optical sight, as well as the basic rules necessary to ensure the correct operation of a rifle with a sight and the full use of their technical capabilities.


1.1. The purpose of the rifle
1.1.1. The 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle (index 6V1) is a sniper's weapon and is designed to destroy various emerging, moving, open and camouflaged single targets (Fig. 1).
Optical sniper sight (index 6Ts1) is used for precise aiming from a sniper rifle at various targets.

Rice. 1. 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle with optical sight and bayonet:
1 - 7.62 mm Dragunov 6V1 sniper rifle. Sat.;
2 - sniper optical sight 6Ts1. ALZ. 812.000;
3 - bayonet-knife assembly 6x5 sb

1.1.2. For firing from a sniper rifle, rifle cartridges with ordinary, tracer and armor-piercing incendiary bullets, as well as sniper cartridges are used. The sniper rifle fires single shots.
1.1.3. The optical sight allows you to fire at night at infrared sources, as well as under adverse lighting conditions, when it is difficult to shoot at targets with an open sight.
When observing infrared sources, the infrared rays emitted by the source pass through the lens of the sight and act on the screen located in the focal plane of the lens. At the site of action of infrared rays, a glow appears on the screen, giving a visible image of the source in the form of a round greenish spot.

1.2. Technical details

1.2.1. The main design ballistic characteristics of the rifle, rifle cartridge and the design data of the optical sight are given in Table. one.
Table 1
1. Caliber, mm 7.62
2. Number of grooves 4
3. Sighting range, m:
with telescopic sight 1300
open sight 1200
4. starting speed bullets, m/s 830
5. Range of the bullet, up to which its lethal effect is maintained, m 3800
6. The mass of the rifle without a bayonet-knife with an optical sight, unloaded
store and cheek, kg 4.3
7. Magazine capacity, rounds 10
8. Rifle length, mm:
without bayonet 1220
with attached bayonet 1370
9. Cartridge mass, g 21.8
10. Mass of an ordinary bullet with a steel core, g 9.6
11. Weight of powder charge, g 3.1
12. Increase in the optical sight, fold. 4
13. Field of view of the sight, degree 6
14. Exit pupil diameter, mm 6
15. Exit pupil removal, mm 68.2
16. Resolution, second, 12
17. The length of the sight with an eyecup and extended hood, mm 375
18. Sight width, mm 70
19. Sight height, mm 132
20. Weight of the sight, g 616
21. Weight of the sight with a set of spare parts and accessories and a case, g 926

1.3. Composition of the rifle
1.3.1. The sniper rifle kit includes (Fig. 1):
optical sniper sight, index 6Ts1 - 1 pc.;
bayonet-knife, index 6X5 - 1 pc.;
bag for sight and magazines (Fig. 3), index 6Sh18 - 1 pc.;
bag for spare parts (Fig. 4), index 6Sh26 - 1 pc.;
carrying strap small arms(Fig. 5), index 6Sh5 - 1 pc.

1.3.2. The sniper optical sight is completed with a cover, a winter lighting system and an individual spare parts kit.
1.4. The device and operation of the rifle

Rice. 2. 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle:
1- frame 6B1. 2-7; 2- drummer 6V1 2-5; 3- cover 6V1. Sat. five; 4- rod guide 6B1. 5-6; 5- bushing guide 6B1. 5-5; 6- shutter 6B1. 2-1; 7- axis of the ejector 6V1. 2-3; 8- pin of the drummer 6V1. 2-6; 9- ejector spring 6V1. 2-4; 10 - ejector 6V1. 2-2; 11- return spring 6V1. 5-4; 12- clamp of the aiming rail 6V1. 48; 13- aiming rail 6V1. 1-21; 14- lining left assembly 6В1. Sat. 1-3; 15- pusher spring 6V1. 1-24; 16- latch of the gas pipe 6V1. 1-38; 17- gas chamber 6V1. 1-15; 18- gas piston 6V1. 1-22; 19 - gas pipe 6V1. 1-25; 20- gas regulator 6V1. 1-53; 21- front sight body 6V1. 1-20; 22 - front sight 6V1. 1-17; 23- pusher 6V1. 1-23; 24 - front sight base 6B1. 1-16; 25-barrel 6V1. 1-1; 26- upper ring assembly 6V1. Sat. 1-1; 27- check of the ring 6Bl. Sat. 1-7; 28- stuffing box assembly 6V1. Sat. 1-8; 29- right overlay assembly 6В1. Sat. 1-4; 30- lower ring with spring 6V1. Sat. 1-5; 31- store case 6V1. Sat. 6-1; 32- magazine spring 6V1. 6-12; 33- store cover 6V1. 6-11; 34- bar assembly 6B1. Sat. 6-3; 35- feeder 6V1. Sat. 6-2; 36- box 6B1. 1-2; 37-shield assembly 6V1. Sat. 3; 38 - trigger mechanism 6V1. Sat. 4; 39 - cover pin 6B1. Sat. 1-2; 40 - butt 6V1. Sat. 7

1.4.1. The sniper rifle has the following main parts and mechanisms (Fig. 2):
trunk with a box;
shutter with frame;
shield assembly;
trigger mechanism;
cover with a return mechanism;
top ring assembly;
overlay left assy;
lining right assembly;
aiming bar assembly;
the base and body of the fly assembly.

1.4.2. The sniper rifle is a self-loading weapon. Reloading a rifle is based on the use of the energy of powder gases discharged from the bore to the gas piston.

When fired, part of the powder gases following the bullet rushes through the gas outlet in the barrel wall into the gas chamber, presses on the front wall of the gas piston and throws the piston with the pusher, and with them the frame to the rear position.

When the frame moves back, the bolt opens the bore, removes the sleeve from the chamber and throws it out of the receiver, and the frame compresses the return springs and cocks the trigger (sets it to cock the self-timer).

The frame with the bolt returns to the forward position under the action of the return mechanism, while the bolt sends the next cartridge from the magazine to the chamber and closes the barrel bore, and the frame brings the self-timer sear out from under the self-timer platoon of the trigger and the trigger becomes cocked. The shutter is locked by turning it to the left and entering the lugs of the shutter into the cutouts of the receiver.

Rice. 3. Bag for sight and magazines 6Sh18. Sat.

Rice. 4. Bag for spare parts and accessories 6Sh26. Sat.

Rice. 5. Belt for carrying small arms 6Sh5. Sat.

Scope case

To fire another shot, release the trigger and pull it again. After the trigger is released, the rod moves forward and its hook jumps over the sear, and when the trigger is pressed, the rod hook turns the sear and disconnects it from the cocking of the trigger. The trigger, turning on its axis under the action of the mainspring, strikes the striker, and the latter moves forward and pricks the primer-igniter of the cartridge. There is a shot.

When the last cartridge is fired, when the bolt moves back, the magazine feeder raises the bolt stop, the bolt rests against it and the frame stops in the rear position. This is the signal to reload the rifle.

The rifle has a gas regulator that changes the rollback speed of moving parts.

Under normal operating conditions, with lubricated parts, the regulator is set to division 1. During prolonged shooting without cleaning and lubrication and heavy contamination of the rifle, a delay may occur - incomplete withdrawal of moving parts. In this case, the regulator is switched to setting 2. The regulator is transferred from one position to another using the sleeve flange or cartridge.

1.5. The device and operation of the sight and its components
1.5.1. Sniper optical sight (Fig. 6) has the following main parts:
handwheel with a scale of aiming angles;
handwheel with a scale of lateral corrections;
light filter in the frame;
source of power;

A lens in a frame with a retractable lens hood is screwed into the body, and an eyepiece assembly with an eyecup is screwed into the other end of the body. On top of the body is a handwheel with a scale of aiming angles, printed on its cylindrical part. On the handwheel nut are the inscriptions "Up", "Down", "STP" and arrows showing the direction of rotation of the handwheel when aligning the sight.

The aiming angle scale has ten divisions (from 0 to 10). The division price is 100 m. Starting from division 3, using the latch available in the handwheel, it is possible to set aiming angles after 50 m.

On the right side of the case there is a handwheel with a scale of lateral corrections, on the cylindrical part of which 21 divisions are applied (from 0 to 10 in both directions). The dashes and numbers to the right of 0 are black, those to the left of 0 are red.

The scale division value is 0-01. Using the latch located in the handwheel, you can set the corrections through O-00, 5. On the nut securing the handwheel of the lateral correction mechanism, the inscriptions -Right-, -Left-, -STP- and arrows showing the direction of rotation when aligning the sight are applied.

Rice. 6. Appearance of the sight PSO-1:
1 - blend AL7. 006.002; 2 - lens in frame AL5.917.001; 3 - light filter in frame AL5.940.003; 4- handle AL8.333.004; 5- nut AL8.373.004; 6- handwheel AL8.330.007; 7- case AL8.020.016; 8- eyepiece assembly AL5.923.010; 9- eyecup AL8.647.030; 10 - cap AL6.628.000; 11 - cap AL8.634.003.

On the belts of the handwheel of the aiming angles and the handwheel of the lateral corrections, 60 divisions are applied. The division value is 0-00, 5. The divisions on the handwheel belts serve to read off the correction when aligning the sight on the rifle.

The backlight power supply is located in the housing socket. The nest is closed with a cap.

1.5.2. The optical system of the sight is designed to build an image of objects located on the ground and is a monocular telescopic system with constant magnification.

The optical system (Fig. 7) consists of objective lenses, a reticle, an inverting system, eyepiece lenses, a screen, a light filter, a light orange light filter, and protective glass.

The lens is designed to build an image of the observed object. The image of objects in the focal plane of the lens is inverted from left to right and from top to bottom.

The inverting system is designed to produce a true straight image.

The eyepiece is used to view the image of the observed object and the grid.

The light orange light filter is designed to improve the work with the sight in cloudy weather to increase the contrast of the image.

Rice. 7. Optical scheme:
1,2,3 - AL7 objective lenses. 504.012, AL7.563.006, AL7.523.003; 4 - welded screen 51-IK-071 Sat.14 5,6,7,8 - lenses AL7.504.013, AL7.563.007, AL7.563.008, AL7.504.014 (turning system); 9 - grid AL7.210.009; 10,11,12 - eyepiece lenses AL7.546.001, AL7.508.004, AL7.508.005; 13 - light orange light filter AL7.220.005; 14 - light filter AL7.220 006; 15 - protective glass AL8.640.004.

The grid is a plane-parallel plate. On the plate there are scales for aiming angles and lateral corrections, as well as a rangefinder scale. The view of the field of view of the sight is shown in Figure 8. The aiming angle scale is made in the form of squares up to a range of 1300 m. When the aiming angle handwheel scale is set to division 10, the top of the second aiming sign from the top of the scale on the grid will correspond to a range of 1100 m, the top of the third sign - 1200 m , and the top of the fourth - 1300 m.

Rice. 8. Kind of field of view

To the left and right of the sighting signs is a scale of lateral corrections. Scale division value 0-01. The values ​​of lateral corrections 0-05 and 0-10 are marked with an elongated stroke. Amendment O-10 is marked with the number 10. Two horizontal strokes are applied to the right and left of the scale of lateral corrections.

The rangefinder scale, located on the left under the lateral correction scale, is designed to determine the range to the target. The rangefinder scale is made in the form of two lines. The upper line (curve) is calculated for a target height of 1.7 m and is marked with the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

The sight reticle moves in two mutually perpendicular directions, always remaining in the focal plane of the lens.

1.6. Rifle affiliation
1.6.1. The accessory (fig. 9) is used for disassembling, assembling, cleaning and lubricating the sniper rifle and is carried in a bag for the scope and magazines.

1.6.2. Accessories include: cheek, ramrod, rubbing, ruff, screwdriver, punch, pencil case and oiler.

The cheek is used when shooting from a rifle with an optical sight. In this case, it is put on the butt of the rifle and fixed on it with a lock.

The ramrod is used for cleaning and lubricating the bore, channels and cavities of other parts of the rifle. It consists of three links screwed together.

Wiping is designed to clean and lubricate the bore, as well as the channels and cavities of other parts of the rifle.

The ruff is used to clean the bore with RFS solution.

A screwdriver is used when disassembling and assembling a rifle, cleaning the gas chamber and gas tube, and also as a key when adjusting the position of the front sight in height.

A punch is used to push out axles and pins.

The case serves for storage of rubbing, a ruff, a screw-driver and a punch. It consists of two components: a key case and a case cover.

The key case is used as a ramrod handle when cleaning and lubricating a rifle, as a screwdriver handle when disassembling and assembling a rifle, and as a key when separating a gas tube and assembling a ramrod.

The case cover is used as a muzzle pad when cleaning the barrel.

The lubricator is used to store the lubricant.

Rice. 9. Rifle affiliation:
1- case cover 6Yu7. 1-6; 2- ruff 56-Yu-212. Sat. five; 3- screwdriver 6Yu7. one; 4- wiping 56-U-212. Sat. 4; 5- drift 56-Yu-212. 5: 6 - case of the case 6Yu7. Sat. 1-1; 7- oiler 6Yu5. Sat. Sat; 8 - cheek 6Yu7. Sat. 6; 9- ramrod 6Yu7. 2-1; 10- ramrod extension 6Yu7. 2-2; 11- front ramrod extension 6Yu7. 2-3

1.7. Scope accessory
1.7.1. The accessory (Fig. 10) is designed to ensure the normal operation of the sight and replace individual elements that have failed during operation.

1.7.2. Accessories include: a cover, a winter lighting system, a light filter in a frame, a key. cloth, lamp power supply (cassette) and cap.

Rice. 10 Appearance of the PSO-1 sight with an individual set of spare parts and accessories:
1- key AL8. 392.000; 2- section of mercury-zinc elements 2RTs63; 3 - light filter AL5.940.004; 4 - lamp CM 2.5-0.075 (in cassette AL8.212.000); 5- cap AL8.634.004; b- lighting system AL6.622.004

The cover serves to protect the sight from dust, rain, snow, exposure to sunlight, etc.
The winter lighting system is designed to provide illumination of the sight reticle when working with the sight at an ambient temperature below 0°C. FROM.
The light filter in the frame is used to work with the sight in cloudy weather.
The wrench is used to screw in and unscrew the reticle illumination lamp.
The cloth is used for cleaning optical parts. The power supply, lamps and cap are designed to replace failed ones.

1.8. Container and packaging
1.8.1. The consumer receives sniper rifles in wooden boxes painted in a protective color. Six sniper rifles with all accessories are placed in each box and secured with special inserts.
1.8.2. The box consists of two compartments separated by a wooden partition. The bottom, as well as all the walls of the box, are lined with paraffin paper. Before capping, the bottom and walls of the large compartment of the box are additionally lined with inhibited paper. The small compartment of the box is not lined with inhibited paper, and the optical sights and belts for carrying small arms sealed in this compartment are wrapped only with paraffin paper.


2.1. General instructions
The sniper rifle and optical sight must be kept in perfect working order and ready for action. This is achieved by timely and skillful cleaning and lubrication, careful attitude, proper storage, timely technical inspections and elimination of detected malfunctions.

2.2. Safety Instructions
2.2.1. Training in disassembling and assembling a rifle should be carried out only on training rifles. Training on combat rifles is permitted only in exceptional cases, with special care in handling parts and mechanisms.
2.2.2. Before preparing the rifle for shooting, and before cleaning and lubricating, make sure that it is not loaded.
During all training activities with a loaded rifle, do not point it at people or in the direction where people and pets may be.

Shoot in a closed shooting range only if there is a supply and exhaust ventilation, as the powder gases emitted during firing are toxic. At the end of the shooting, be sure to unload the rifle and put it on the safety.
2.3. Preparing a sniper rifle and an optical sight for shooting
2.3.1. Preparing the rifle and the scope for firing is designed to ensure that they work smoothly while firing. Preparation of a rifle and a sight for shooting is carried out in the following order:
a) clean the rifle;
b) inspect the disassembled rifle and lubricate it;
c) inspect the assembled rifle and scope;
d) check the correct interaction of parts and mechanisms of the rifle;
e) check the serviceability of the lighting system and grid illumination;
f) check the operation of the aiming angles and lateral adjustments of the sight;
g) check the screen on and off;
h) charge the screen of the sight.

Immediately before shooting, wipe dry the bore (rifled part and chamber), inspect the cartridges and equip the magazine with them.

To charge the sight screen, turn the screen switch knob to the position along the sight, place the sight so that the entire surface of the filter is illuminated by a light source containing ultraviolet rays.

Full charge time: in daylight diffused light - 15 minutes, when illuminated by direct sunlight and when irradiated with an electric lamp with a power of 100 ... 200 W at a distance of 20 cm - 7-10 minutes. Charging the screen beyond the specified time does not increase its sensitivity. A charged screen retains the ability to capture infrared rays for 6 ... 7 days, after which it must be charged again. Charging ensures the operation of the sight for 3 days (when working 8 hours a day).

2. 4. Bringing the rifle to normal combat and the procedure for working with an optical sight
2.4.1. The sniper rifle in the unit must be brought into normal combat. The need to bring the rifle into normal combat is established by a combat check.
Rifle combat is checked:
a) upon receipt of a rifle in the unit;
b) after repairing the rifle and replacing parts that could change its action;
c) upon detection during firing of deviations of the midpoint of impact (STP) or dispersion of bullets that do not meet the requirements of normal rifle combat.
In a combat situation, a check of the combat of a rifle is carried out periodically at every opportunity.

2.4.2. To test the fight, fire four shots, carefully and uniformly aiming through the open sight. Shoot at a black rectangle measuring 20 cm in width and 30 cm in height, mounted on a white shield 0.5 m wide and 1 m high. The aiming point is the middle of the lower edge of the black rectangle. On a plumb line at a distance of 16 cm above the aiming point, mark with chalk or colored pencil the normal position of the midpoint of impact when firing with an open sight. This point is the control point (CT).

Firing range 100 m, sight 3. Position for firing "lying from the stop". To check the battle of a rifle and bring it to normal combat, cartridges with an ordinary bullet with a steel core are used. Shoot without a bayonet-knife.
At the end of the shooting, inspect the target and the location of the holes, determine the accuracy of the battle and the position of the midpoint of impact.

The accuracy of a rifle battle is considered normal if all four holes fit into a circle with a diameter of 8 cm.
If the accuracy of the location of the holes does not meet this requirement, repeat the shooting. In case of repeated unsatisfactory shooting results, send the rifle to a repair shop.

If the grouping of the battle is normal, determine the mid-point of impact and its position relative to the control point. The definition of the midpoint of impact is shown in fig. eleven.

Rice. 11. Determination of the midpoint of impact:
1 - sequential division of segments; 2 - with a symmetrical arrangement of holes.

A rifle fight is considered normal if the middle point of impact coincides with the control point or deviates from it in any direction by no more than 5 cm.

2.4.3. If, when checking the battle, the middle point of impact deviated from the control point in any direction by more than 5 cm, then change the position of the front sight in height or the body of the front sight in lateral position. If the STP is below CT, then screw in the front sight, if it is higher, unscrew it. If the STP is to the left of the CT, move the body of the front sight to the left, if to the right - to the right.
When moving the body of the front sight to the side by 1 mm, when screwing in (unscrewing) the front sight for one full turn, the STP shifts by 16 cm when shooting at 100 m.

Check the correctness of the movement of the body of the front sight and the front sight by repeated shooting. After bringing the rifle to normal combat, drive in the old risk on the body of the front sight, and apply a new one instead.
2.4.4. To bring the rifle into normal combat with a telescopic sight, attach a scope to the rifle and put the cheek on the stock. Turn the handwheels to set the aiming angles handwheel to 3 divisions, and the lateral corrections handwheel to 0 division.

Shoot with an optical sight under the same conditions as when checking the battle of a rifle with an open sight, only mark the control point at a height of 14 cm from the aiming point. If, as a result of shooting, all four holes fit into a circle with a diameter of 8 cm, but the STP deviated from the CT by more than 3 cm, determine the deviation of the STP and make the appropriate corrections in setting the nuts on the aiming angle and lateral corrections handwheels. Moving the nuts by one division relative to the scale on the handwheel belt when shooting at 100 m changes the position of the STP by 5 cm. them to the required size and tighten the screws.

After making adjustments to the settings of the handwheels, fire again. If, during repeated firing, all four holes fit into a circle with a diameter of 8 cm, and the STP coincided with the CT or deviated from it in any direction by no more than 3 cm, then the rifle is considered to be brought to normal combat. Upon completion of bringing the rifle to normal combat, enter the position of the STP in the form.

2.4.5. Determining the range to the target is carried out in the following sequence:
- Align the target image with the rangefinder scale of the grid so that the base of the target is on the horizontal line of the rangefinder scale, and the top point of the target touches the upper (dotted) line of the scale without a gap;
- take a reading on the rangefinder scale at the point of contact with the target;
- the number indicating the point of contact will determine the distance to the target (in Fig. 12, the distance to the target is 400 m).

Rice. 12. Rangefinder scale

2.4.6. For shooting at dusk and at night, turn the micro-tumbler handle to the -ON- position. In this case, set aiming angles and lateral corrections by counting the clicks of the latch from the zero position. At the same time, remember that the fixation of the aiming angle handwheel from 0 to 3 occurs through an integer division, i.e. after 100 m, and then until setting 10 every half division, i.e. after 50 m. through 0-00, 5.

2.4.7. When working with a winter lighting system, the body with section 2РЦ63 must be stored in a warm place (in the pocket of a tunic or sniper's overcoat).

2.5. Checking the technical condition, typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination
2.5.1. To check the serviceability of the rifle, as well as to determine its suitability for further use, carry out periodic inspections of the rifle.

When inspecting, make sure that all parts of the rifle are present and check that the outer parts are free of rust, dirt, dents, scratches, nicks, chips and other damage that could cause malfunction of the rifle and optical sight mechanisms; in addition, check the condition of the lubricant on the parts visible without disassembling the rifle, the presence of magazines, a bayonet, accessories, a cover for an optical sight, a bag for a sight and magazines and a bag for spare parts; make sure that there are no foreign objects in the bore; check the correct operation of parts and mechanisms.

When checking the correct operation of parts and mechanisms, remove the safety lock, pull the frame by the handle back to failure and release it; the frame should stop in the rear position by stopping the shutter. Separate the store, pull the frame back by the handle a little and release it; the frame should vigorously return to the forward position.

Put the rifle on the safety and pull the trigger; the trigger should not fully retract, and the hammer should remain cocked. Remove the safety from the rifle and pull the trigger: a click should be heard - an energetic blow of the hammer on the firing pin. Put the rifle on the safety again and attach the magazine; the frame should not move back; fuse must be securely held in position.

Check the supply of cartridges to the chamber; extraction and reflection of shells (cartridges); equip the magazine with training cartridges, attach it to the rifle and, without pressing the magazine latch, try to separate the magazine with your hand; the magazine should freely enter the receiver window and be securely held by the magazine latch. Reload the rifle several times, while training cartridges should be sent without delay from the magazine to the chamber and vigorously thrown out of the receiver out.

When checking the serviceability of an optical sight, make sure that the eyepiece and objective lenses are intact, check the smoothness of the handwheels and their fixation in the installed position, whether there is any pitching of the handwheels, whether there is any pitching of the sight and whether it is securely fixed with a clamping screw on the rifle; check the correctness of the grid lighting; why put a cap on the lens, turn on the toggle switch and look into the eyepiece (with a working device, the grid is clearly visible, if the grid is not visible, replace the battery or light bulb).

If the scope wobbles or the knob does not fit into the cutout on the bracket when the scope is firmly attached to the rifle, adjust the clamping screw. To do this, separate the sight from the rifle, press the slider against the handle (compress the spring) and screw or unscrew the adjusting nut of the clamping screw.

Check your ammo before firing. Check them on inspection. whether there are rust and bruises on the cases, whether the bullet is loose in the muzzle of the case, whether there is a green coating and cracks on the primer, whether the primer protrudes above the surface of the bottom of the case, whether there are training cartridges among the combat cartridges. Return all defective cartridges to the warehouse.

2.5.2. Troubleshoot rifle, optical sight, magazines and accessories immediately. If the malfunctions cannot be eliminated in the unit, send the rifle (optical sight, magazines, accessories) to a repair shop.

2.5.3. Parts and mechanisms of a sniper rifle with proper handling and proper care of the rifle for a long time work reliably and without fail. However, as a result of contamination of the mechanisms, wear of parts and careless handling of the rifle, as well as malfunctioning cartridges, delays in firing can occur.
Eliminate the delay that occurred during shooting by reloading, for which quickly pull the frame back by the handle, release it and continue shooting. If the delay persists, find the cause of the delay and correct the delay as shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the malfunction, external manifestation and additional signsProbable CauseElimination Method
Cartridge failure, bolt in the forward position, but no shot was fired - there is no cartridge in the chamber1. Contamination or malfunction of the magazine
2. Malfunction of the magazine latch

If the delay repeats, replace the magazine
If the magazine latch is faulty, send the rifle to a repair shop
Sticking a cartridge. The bullet bullet hit the breech section of the barrel, the moving parts stopped in the middle positionThe curvature of the bends of the side walls of the storeWhile holding the frame handle, remove the stuck cartridge and continue shooting. If the delay repeats, replace the magazine
Misfire. The bolt is in the forward position, the cartridge is in the chamber, the trigger is pulled - the shot did not occur1. Chuck failure
2. Malfunction of the drummer or shock trigger; grease contamination or hardening
Reload your rifle and keep shooting
When repeating the delay, inspect and clean the firing pin and firing mechanism; if they break or wear out, send the rifle to a repair shop
Non-removal of the sleeve. The cartridge case is in the chamber, the next cartridge was buried in it with a bullet, the moving parts stopped in the middle position1. Dirty cartridge or dirty chamber
2. Contamination or malfunction of the ejector or its spring
Pull the frame back by the handle and, holding it in the rear position, separate the magazine and remove the stuck cartridge. Remove the cartridge case from the chamber with a bolt or ramrod
Keep shooting. When repeating the delay, clean the chamber. Inspect and clean the ejector from dirt and continue shooting
Sticking or non-reflection of the sleeve. The sleeve was not ejected from the receiver, but remained in it in front of the bolt or sent back to the chamber by the bolt1. Contamination of rubbing parts, gas paths or chamber
2. Contamination or malfunction of the ejector Pull the frame back by the handle, eject the cartridge case and continue shooting. When repeating the delay, clean the gas paths, rubbing parts and the chamber
If the ejector malfunctions, send the rifle to a repair shop

2.6. Disassembly and assembly of the rifle
2.6.1. Disassembly of a sniper rifle can be incomplete and complete: incomplete - for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the rifle; full - for cleaning when the rifle is very dirty, after being in the rain or in the snow, when switching to a new lubricant and during repairs. Frequent disassembly of the rifle is not allowed, as this accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.
When disassembling and assembling the rifle, do not use excessive force and sharp blows.
When assembling. rifle, compare the numbers on its parts with the number on the receiver.

2.6.2. The order is not complete disassembly sniper rifle:
a) separate the store. Taking the magazine with your hand, press the magazine latch and, while feeding the bottom of the magazine forward, separate it. After that, check if there is a cartridge in the chamber, for which lower the fuse down, pull the frame back by the handle, inspect the chamber and lower the handle;
b) separate the optical sight. Raising the handle of the clamping screw, turn it towards the eyecup until it stops, move the sight back and separate it from the receiver;
c) separate the cheek. Turning the cheek lock latch down, remove the loop from the clip hook and separate the cheek;
d) separate the cover of the receiver with a return mechanism. Turning the pin of the cover back until it is placed on the screw-limiter of the pins, lift up back lids and separate the lid with a return mechanism;
e) separate the frame with the shutter. Pulling the frame with the bolt back to failure, lift it and separate it from the receiver;
f) separate the shutter from the frame. Pulling the shutter back, turn it so that the leading ledge of the shutter comes out of the figured groove of the frame, and then move the shutter forward;
g) separate the trigger mechanism. Turning the shield up to a vertical position, slide it to the right and separate it from the receiver; holding the bracket, move down to separate the firing mechanism;
h) separate the barrel linings. Having pressed the pin of the ring to the gas pipe until the bend of the pen of the pin comes out of the cutout of the upper ring, turn the contactor clockwise until it stops; slide the top ring towards the muzzle; pressing the pad down and moving it to the side, separate it from the trunk;
i) separate the gas piston and pusher with spring. Pulling the pusher back, remove its front end from the gas piston hole; separate the gas piston from the gas tube; inserting the front end of the pusher into the gas tube, press the pusher spring until it exits the aiming block channel, and then separate the pusher from the spring; separate the pusher spring from the pusher.

2.6.3. The order of assembly of a sniper rifle after incomplete disassembly:
a) attach the gas piston and pusher with spring. Putting the pusher spring on the rear end of the pusher, insert the front end of the pusher into the gas pipe; having pressed the spring, insert the rear end of the pusher together with the spring into the channel of the aiming block; take the pusher back and bring its front end out of the gas tube to the side; insert the gas piston into the gas tube, and the front end of the pusher into the piston hole;
b) attach the barrel lining. After inserting the rear end of the right (left) lining into the lower ring, press the lining down and fix it on the protrusions of the support ring; slide the upper ring onto the tips of the overlays and turn the pin of the ring towards the gas pipe until the bend of the pin enters the cutout on the ring;
c) attach the firing mechanism. Having wound the cutouts of the firing mechanism body behind the stop pin, press the firing mechanism against the receiver; insert the axis of the shield into the hole of the receiver, and then turn the shield clockwise until the protrusion on the shield enters the lower recess of the receiver;
d) attach the shutter to the frame. After inserting the shutter into the frame hole, turn the shutter so that its leading ledge enters the figured groove of the frame; move the shutter forward to failure;
e) attach the frame with the shutter. Insert the frame guides into the receiver cutouts and slide the frame forward;
f) attach the cover with the return mechanism. After inserting the return spring into the frame hole, insert the protrusions on the front end of the cover into the cutouts of the lower ring, press the rear end of the cover until it fits completely to the receiver; turn the pin of the cover forward until it is placed on the pin limiter;
g) attach the cheek. Putting the cheek on the butt with the lock to the right, put the loop on the hook of the clip and turn the latch up;
h) attach the optical sight. Aligning the grooves on the sight bracket with the protrusions on the left wall of the receiver, move the sight forward to failure and turn the clamping screw handle towards the lens until its bend enters the cutout on the bracket;
i) attach the store. After entering the front magazine hook into the receiver window, turn the magazine towards you so that the latch jumps over the rear magazine hook.

2.6.4. The order of complete disassembly of the sniper rifle:
a) perform incomplete disassembly, guided by paragraph 2. 6. 2;
b) dismantle the store. Having sunk the ledge of the striker into the hole on the magazine cover, slide the cover forward; while holding the striker plate, remove the cover from the housing; gradually releasing the spring, remove it together with the striker plate from the magazine housing; separate the feeder;
c) disassemble the return mechanism. Remove the front return spring from the guide sleeve; compress the rear return spring and, holding on to the guide rod, move it down and out of the earring hole; separate the rear return spring and guide rod from the guide bush;
d) disassemble the shutter. Pushing out the striker pin with a punch, remove the striker from the bolt hole; remove the ejector with the spring in the same way;
e) disassemble the trigger mechanism (Fig. 13). Press the self-timer lever and disconnect the self-timer sear from the trigger, holding the trigger, pull the trigger and slowly release the trigger from the cocking; remove the ends of the trigger spring from under the bends of the trigger housing; using a screwdriver, align the protrusions of the axes of the trigger, sear and self-timer with the cutouts for them on the right wall of the trigger housing: pushing the axes of the trigger, sear and self-timer, separate these parts; pushing the axis of the trigger, separate the trigger with the mainspring, and then remove the mainspring;
f) separate the gas tube with the gas regulator. Having turned the regulator until the cutout on its front end is aligned with the latch of the gas tube, press the latch and, using the key case, unscrew the gas tube and remove the regulator from it.

2.6.5. The order of assembly of a sniper rifle after complete disassembly:
a) Connect the gas pipe with the gas regulator. Putting the regulator on the gas tube, press the latch of the gas tube and screw the gas tube with a key case until the cutout on the end of the tube matches the latch; sinking the latch into the cutout of the tube, set the regulator to the required division;
b) assemble the trigger mechanism. Insert the trigger with its spring into the housing, insert the axle, align its protrusion with the cutout on the right side of the housing and turn the axle with a screwdriver. Slide the mainspring onto the trigger trunnions and insert the hammer into the body.
Insert the sear into the body so that its tail goes behind the loop of the long end of the mainspring; insert axle; by aligning its protrusion with the cutout on the right side of the case and turn the axis with a screwdriver. Insert the self-timer into the body so that its tail goes over the loop of the short end of the mainspring; insert the axis, aligning its protrusion with the cutout on the right wall of the case and turn the axis with a screwdriver; insert the trigger axis and slide the ends of the trigger spring onto the bends of the body;
c) assemble the shutter. After inserting the ejector with the spring into the bolt seat, press the ejector and insert the ejector axis, inserting the drummer into the bolt hole, from the side of the leading protrusion, insert the drummer pin into the bolt hole and push it to the end;

Rice. 13. Trigger mechanism:
1- trigger housing 6V1. Sat. 4-1; 2-axis sear, hook and self-timer 6B1. 4-10; 3- trigger with 6V1 pull. Sat. 4-4; 4- hook spring 6V1.4-13; 5- whispered 6V1.4-9V; 6- self-timer 6V1 4-23; 7- trigger 6V1.4-6; 8- combat spring 6V1.4-7; 9- axis of the trigger 6V1.4-8; 10 - magazine latch axis 6V1.4-16; 11- store latch 6V1.4-15; 12- magazine latch spring 6V1. 4-22.

d) assemble the return mechanism. After inserting the guide rod into the guide bush from the side of the large-diameter hole (flats forward), put the return spring on the guide bush from the side of the rod and compress it so that the end of the guide rod with the flats comes out from under the spring; holding the guide rod in this position, insert it together with the spring and the bushing into the lower hole of the earring, and then slide the rod along the edges of the flats into the upper hole; release the spring - its end should enter the cup of the earring. Put the second return spring on the guide sleeve;
e) collect the store. After inserting the feeder and the spring into the magazine body, compress the spring until the strike plate enters the body and, holding it in this position, put the magazine cover on the body so that the projection of the strike plate jumps into the opening of the cover;
f) perform further assembly, guided by p, 2. 6. 3.

2.7. Cleaning and lubrication
2.7.1. The rifle is cleaned:
in preparation for shooting;
after firing with live and blank cartridges - immediately after the end of firing;
after the outfit and classes in the field without shooting - upon returning from the outfit or classes;
in a combat situation and during long-term exercises - daily during periods of calm in combat and during breaks in exercises;
if the rifle was not used - at least once a week.

2.7.2. Lubricate the rifle after cleaning. Apply lubricant only to a well-cleaned and dry metal surface immediately after cleaning to prevent moisture from affecting the metal.

2.7.3. For cleaning and lubricating a rifle, the following are used:
liquid gun lubricant - for cleaning the rifle and lubricating its parts and mechanisms at air temperatures from plus 50 to minus 50 degrees C;
gun grease - for lubricating the bore, parts and mechanisms of the rifle after cleaning them; this lubricant is used at air temperatures above plus 5 degrees C;
RFS solution - for cleaning the bore and other parts of the rifle exposed to powder gases.

Note. RFS solution is prepared in the subdivision in the following composition:
drinking water - 1l;
ammonium carbonate - 200 g;
potassium dichromate (chromic peak) - 3-5 g.

The solution is prepared in the amount necessary for cleaning weapons within one day. A small amount of RFS solution may be stored for no more than 7 days in glass vessels sealed with a stopper, in a dark place and away from heating devices.

It is forbidden to pour RFS solution into oilers!
rags or paper KV-22 - for wiping, cleaning and lubricating the rifle;
tow, cleared of fire, - only for cleaning the bore.

2.7.4. Clean the rifle in the following order:
a) prepare materials for cleaning and lubrication;
b) disassemble the rifle;
c) prepare the accessory for use in cleaning;
d) clean the bore.

To clean the bore with a liquid gun lubricant, put a tow on the end of the wipe and lay the fibers of the tow along the wipe rod; pour some liquid gun grease on the tow. Insert the ramrod with wiping and tow into the bore and fasten the canister cover to the flame arrester. While holding the rifle, smoothly move the wipe with tow along the entire length of the bore several times. Remove the ramrod, change the tow, saturate it with liquid gun grease and clean the bore several times in the same order. After that, carefully wipe the bore with a clean, dry tow, and then with a clean rag.

Clean the bore with RFS solution with a brush soaked in the solution; then wipe the barrel bore with tow. Continue cleaning with RFS solution until carbon deposits are completely removed. Upon completion of cleaning the threaded part of the bore, clean the chamber in the same order; dry the gas chamber and gas pipe after cleaning; wipe again with a rag and inspect the barrel bore so that there are no shreds of tow, rags or other foreign objects left in it;
f) clean the receiver, bolt carrier, bolt and gas piston with a rag soaked in liquid gun grease or RFS solution, then wipe dry;
g) wipe other metal parts dry with a rag;
h) wipe the wooden parts with a dry rag.

2.7.5. Lubricate the rifle in the following order:
a) lubricate the bore with a wipe and a rag soaked in grease; lubricate the chamber;
b) lubricate all other metal parts and mechanisms of the rifle with an oiled rag;
c) apply a thin layer of lubricant, as excessive lubricant contributes to the contamination of parts and can cause delays in firing;
d) do not oil the wooden parts.

2.7.6. Assemble the rifle and check the operation of its parts and mechanisms.

2.7.7. Wipe the outside of the scope with a clean cloth. Remove the cap of the grid light and wipe the battery, housing and cap. If the surface of the objective lenses and eyepiece is dirty, wipe them with a tissue. Lenses and glasses are not allowed to be wiped with a rag that was used to wipe other parts of the sight, to be lubricated and touched with fingers.

It is forbidden to open the scope!
2.8. Rules for storage and transportation

2.8.1. The rifle must always be stored unloaded, with the optical sight and magazine separated, the bayonet-knife removed, the trigger lowered, the safety guard on, the sight clamp set to -P-.

2.8.2. In the barracks and camp position, the rifle is stored in a pyramid; in a special compartment of the same pyramid, an optical sight in a case, magazines, a bag for the sight and magazines, a bayonet-knife in a sheath, a bag for spare parts, a belt for carrying small arms and accessories are stored. The scope and magazine bag, holster and sling should be kept clean and dry.

2.8.3. When temporarily located in a building, the rifle is stored in a dry place away from doors, stoves and heating devices. In a combat situation, keep a rifle with you, in your hands.

2.8.4. When moving to class and on a hike, the rifle is carried on a belt. The sling must be adjusted so that the rifle does not hit hard pieces of equipment. The rifle is carried with the magazine attached. The rest of the magazines are in the bag.

2.8.5. When moving in cars or armored personnel carriers, hold the rifle vertically between the knees. When moving on tanks, keep the rifle in your hands, protecting it from hitting the armor.

2.8.6. When transported by rail or waterways, the rifle is installed in a special pyramid. If the wagon or watercraft is not equipped with pyramids, the rifle can be held in the hands or placed on a shelf so that it cannot fall or be damaged.

2.8.7. To prevent swelling or rupture of the barrel, it is forbidden to plug the barrel bore with anything.

2.8.8. Protect the optical sight from falling, sharp blows and shocks, from penetration of moisture and dust into the optical part; store the sight in a case in a dry, heated room; if the sight is on the rifle and the shooting is not carried out, put a cover on the sight. Wipe the wet sight thoroughly with a dry cloth, dry the covers. It is forbidden to keep the sight near stoves and fires.

55 years ago, the 7.62-mm sniper rifle E.F. was adopted by the Soviet army. Dragunov - SVD. A high-precision self-loading rifle, standardly equipped with an optical sight and capable of confidently firing at considerable distances, had a positive effect on the capabilities of rifle units. And the mass production of this and full-scale deliveries affected the combat capability of the entire army as a whole. Despite their considerable age, the SVD do not even think about decommissioning. Moreover, the process of modernization of a very successful design continues, leading to the emergence of new samples.

At the time of its appearance, the SVD was the only self-loading rifle in the world with increased accuracy characteristics, originally equipped with an optical sight and intended for sniper shooting. In this regard, the SVD influenced not only the performance of the Soviet army, but also the development of small arms in foreign countries. Seeing the Soviet successes, they also began to develop their own line of specialized weapons for the so-called. infantry snipers.

Sniper with a rifle of the SVD family. Photo by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Meanwhile, the domestic arms industry continued to develop the existing design in order to improve the basic characteristics and obtain new features. As a result, over half a century of work, several rifles were created at once, some of which should be considered a modification of the SVD, while others can claim the title of an independent model. Consider the ways of development of the basic design and the results of further design work.

OTs-03 / SVU

With all its positive features and advantages, the SVD rifle is quite large in size. The length of the product without a bayonet exceeds 1.2 m, which can make it difficult to transport. These problems were especially pronounced in airborne troops. In this regard, back in the seventies, a proposal appeared to create a special modification of the Dragunov rifle, which is distinguished by reduced dimensions and greater ease of transportation.

The gunsmiths of the Tula Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO) offered their own version of the shortened SVD. They determined that a significant reduction in size is possible only when using the bullpup layout. The new project with the working designation OTs-03 provided for the restructuring of the SVD using this layout. The main tasks were successfully solved. When using a 520 mm barrel, the new rifle had a total length of only 900 mm.

A shortened rifle with automatic fire mode SVU-A. Photo Vitalykuzmin.net

However, at that time the project was not developed. He was remembered again only in 1990, when TsKIB SOO offered a shortened rifle to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. MIA snipers have to work in urban environments, and in their case, the dimensions of the weapon are of particular importance. The Ministry of Internal Affairs approved the proposal, and soon the OTs-03 was put into service under the designation SVU (“Shortened Sniper Rifle”). At the same time, the ministry demanded the creation of a modification of weapons with the possibility of automatic fire. So the product OTs-03A / SVU-A appeared. Later, a standard folding bipod was installed on the rifle: this modification is known as the SVU-AS.

Despite the radical change appearance, inside the OTs-03 / SVU rifle almost completely corresponds to the basic SVD. A rifled barrel with a gas outlet, a gas engine, a butterfly valve, etc. have been preserved. Only the layout has changed. The control stick was moved under the modified handguard, which is why the store was behind it. The transfer of the handle forced the designers to provide for a rod that transmits the force from the trigger to the trigger mechanism of the existing design. The SVU-A rifle features a modified USM. With a short pull of the trigger, it shoots single shots, with a long one - bursts. There is a special lever that limits the course of the hook and actually performs the functions of a fire translator.

A curious innovation of the project was a special muzzle device that performs the functions of a muzzle brake and a flash hider. Also, a recoil pad had to be installed on the back of the receiver. SVU-AS is equipped with a bracket for mounting a standard folding bipod. To avoid stress on the barrel, the bracket is mounted on the receiver.

The total length of all products of the OTs-03 family is 900 mm. The mass of the SVU-A rifle with a scope and an empty magazine is 4.4 kg. The bracket and bipod increase the weight of the SVU-AS by 1.1 kg. Due to the reduction in barrel length, the aiming range has been reduced to 800 m. In terms of accuracy and accuracy, the IED is similar to the basic SVD. The technical rate of fire of rifles with burst firing mode is 650 rounds per minute. At the same time, the effectiveness of automatic fire is limited by the small capacity of the magazine.

The OTs-03 rifle was developed for the Airborne Forces, but the Ministry of the Interior became the starting customer. Such weapons were supplied to various special forces. From a certain time, products of the IED family have been supplied to various structures of the Federal Security Service.


In 1991, the Izhmash plant, which carried out the serial production of SVD rifles, developed a new version of the assault rifle. The design team headed by A.I. Nesterov did not apply fundamentally new solutions and managed with relatively simple modifications. The result of these works was called SVDS - "Folding SVD".

SVDS rifle. Photo Concern "Kalashnikov" / kalashnikov.com

The barrel length has been reduced from the original 620 to 565 mm. The basic slotted flame arrester, which was distinguished by its long length, was replaced with a small-sized system with sufficient characteristics. Also, the SVDS project provided for the rejection of a wooden or plastic butt of a skeletal structure. Instead, it was proposed to use a separate plastic pistol grip and a folding triangular butt. The latter was built on the basis of curved metal tubes equipped with a recoil pad and a cheek piece. The new stock was folded by turning to the right and placed along the receiver.

The SVDS rifle in combat position has a length of 1135 mm. With the stock folded, the length is reduced to 875 mm. At the same time, the mass of weapons without a sight and cartridges increased from the original 3.9 kg to 4.5 kg. Reducing the length of the barrel and the use of a new muzzle device did not have a significant impact on the firing characteristics of the weapon.

The SVDS folding sniper rifle entered service in the early nineties and is still in production. The main customer of such weapons was the Russian army. There is information about the supply of rifles abroad.


In the middle of the last decade, a new version of a serious revision of the original design appeared. As part of the “Cracker” theme, the Russian army initiated the development of a promising sniper rifle capable of hitting an enemy with effective personal protective equipment or a combat vehicle protected by armor. One of the main results of the "Cracker" program was the appearance of the SVDK rifle ("Large-caliber SVD").

Large-caliber rifle SVDK. Photo Vitalykuzmin.net

A further increase in performance when using the standard 7.62x54 mm R cartridge was considered impossible, and therefore they began to build a new rifle for 9.3x64 mm 7N33 ammunition. The latter was developed at the Central Research Institute Tochmash on the basis of the 9.3x64 mm Brenneke hunting cartridge. Such a cartridge is equipped with a bullet weighing 16.5 g; the SVDK rifle accelerates it to 770 m / s, which gives a muzzle energy of 4.9 kJ. At a distance of 100 m, penetration of 10 mm of armor is ensured.

As part of the SVDK project, the existing design of the rifle was finalized and strengthened. The barrel, bolt group and receiver had to be redesigned in accordance with the dimensions and energy performance of the new cartridge. At the same time, the main features of the design and principles of operation remained the same. To reduce the load on the main parts, a special casing was introduced into the design of the rifle, covering the rear of the barrel and the gas engine tube. It is completely located inside the plastic forearm and takes on the main load, freeing the barrel.

The SVDK project provides for the use of a folding stock based on the details of the SVDS product. The buttstock has been slightly modified taking into account the improvement in ergonomics and the growth of the main loads. It is possible to install a lightweight folding bipod. The rifle has its own sights, but the standard sight is the product 1P70 "Hyperion" with a variable magnification of 3-10x.

The length of a large-caliber sniper rifle is only 1250 mm with a 620 mm barrel. The product without a sight and bipod weighs 6.5 kg. The aiming range is determined at 600 m. In terms of accuracy at short and medium distances, the SVDK is comparable to other rifles of the SVD family.

According to known data, the SVDK rifle became the subject of several contracts for mass production. The first customer of such weapons was the Russian army. Later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus showed interest in a large-caliber rifle. Serial rifles are used by various units, primarily for special purposes.


The newest version of the development of the Dragunov rifle is the SVDM product, presented by the Kalashnikov concern several years ago. In this modification of the rifle, several developments from previous projects are combined, as well as completely new solutions and components have been introduced. Due to this, as stated, SVDM surpasses its predecessors in some characteristics.

General view of the SVDM rifle. Photo Concern "Kalashnikov" / kalashnikov.com

First of all, the new SVDM differs from the basic SVD in a barrel shortened to 550 mm, which has thicker walls. This refinement made it possible to improve the ergonomics of the weapon while maintaining or improving the technical and combat characteristics. The barrel is equipped with a compact muzzle device. Automation and trigger mechanism remained unchanged. At the same time, the receiver was slightly modified. Its cover received a long longitudinal Picatinny rail, allowing the use of various compatible sights. The standard sight of the SVDM rifle is the product 1P88-4. The rifle's own open sight features a simplified design.

The rifle is equipped with a folding metal butt, which is a modified version of the butt for SVDS. It is also possible to use butts of a different design. In front of the plastic forearm there is a node for mounting a folding bipod.

SDVM in the hands of the shooter. Photo Arms-expo.ru

The total length of the SVDM in combat position is 1155 mm, in the folded position - 875 mm. The mass of the weapon without cartridges and sight is 5.3 kg. Technical and combat characteristics, in general, do not change, although the weighted barrel made it possible to increase the accuracy of fire.

Many-sided SVD

It should be noted that the above was only about the main modifications of the sniper rifle E.F. Dragunov, developed in the interests of the domestic military and security forces. At the same time, we should not forget that there are other models of weapons for one purpose or another based on the good old SVD.

First of all, remember domestic series self-loading hunting carbines "Tiger", designed for the civilian market. In fact, this weapon is a slightly modified SVD, adapted to solve non-military tasks. It is curious that it was in this line that the modification of the Dragunov rifle chambered for 9.3x64 mm first appeared. Subsequently, the developments on the product "Tiger 9" were used to create the SVDK rifle for the army. The Tiger series clearly demonstrated the broad prospects of a successful design, originally developed for combat use.

In the late seventies, China began to produce its own version of the Dragunov rifle called Type 79. Subsequently, Chinese gunsmiths developed several own projects upgrading this weapon. To date, NORINCO has launched the NSG-85 civilian carbine on the market, which can be considered a direct analogue of the Russian Tiger.

SVD in the basic configuration. Photo Concern "Kalashnikov" / kalashnikov.com

Also, SVD rifles were produced in Iraq under the name Al Kadesiah, in Iran (Nakhjir 3) and in Poland (SWD). In need of updating the material part, these countries not only produced weapons in the basic configuration, but also carried out their own modernization.

Waiting for the future

Currently, the SVD sniper rifle is in service with almost four dozen armies around the world. More importantly, it still remains the main and most widespread weapon of its class in the Russian armed forces. Despite the known shortcomings and complaints, this product still meets the requirements and is able to solve the tasks. Thus, the current situation will persist for a long time, and the SVD will not retire soon.

However, attempts are already being made in our country to create a fundamentally new rifle for infantry snipers, capable of replacing the existing SVD. Certain successes have been achieved, but full-fledged rearmament is still far away. Perhaps in the future, new samples will still take the place of the E.F. rifle. Dragunov, but this should not be expected anytime soon. Moreover, it can be assumed that by the time such weapons are abandoned in favor of newer models, domestic and foreign industries will be able to create new modifications that have certain advantages over their predecessors. And this, in turn, will continue the long life of the entire SVD family.

According to the websites:

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, a new military doctrine was adopted in the USSR, which presented new requirements not only for the use of units, but also for weapons.

Now the sniper did not fire at a single target for a long time waiting for it, but had to be able to fire at an emerging and moving target, while actively changing his position.

this year, work began on a new sniper rifle

For this, store samples were preferable. Therefore, in 1959, the Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate (GRAU) began holding a competition for a new sniper rifle.

The history of the creation of the SVD testifies that the main struggle unfolded between E. Dragunov and A. Nesterov. Yevgeny Dragunov graduated from an industrial technical school in Izhevsk, where he worked at an arms factory and worked on the creation of a rifle for quite a long time. Coincidentally, the first sample of the SVD was ready in the year of the competition and the expert commission highly appreciated it.

In the Dragunov sniper rifle, the gaps between moving parts were most successfully adjusted and the need to work in difficult conditions was realized (according to the parameters of the competition, dust, dirt, moisture, etc.).

However, the sample of A. Nesterov showed higher accuracy and manufacturability, which made the cost of the weapon too high. As a result, the SVD weapon was adopted in 1963 (the official date of creation) and became the second most common sniper rifle in the world.

Tactical and technical characteristics (TTX)

Caliber, mm 7.62 x 54
Weight, kg 4,3
Magazine capacity, cartridges 10
Rate of fire, rounds per minute 30
The initial speed of the bullet, m / s 830
Direct shot range:
  • according to the head figure;
  • according to the chest figure;
  • according to the growth figure.
Rifle length, mm 1225
Barrel length, mm 620
Number of grooves, pieces 4 right
Sighting range (effective):
  • with a mechanical sight, m;
  • with optical sight, m.

Any cartridges of 7.62x54R caliber can be used for firing from this Russian rifle, but special rifle cartridges have been developed for greater accuracy:

Image bullet type Characteristic
Steel core, the tip of the bullet was painted silver until 1970, but now this is not done)
With a bullet having a heat-strengthened core 7n13 and 7n26 (increased penetrating action)
With a T-46 tracer bullet (target designation and fire adjustment, the tracer composition was produced at factory No. 46)
Armor-piercing incendiary bullet B-32 (incendiary termite)
Sports cartridge "Extra" Sports cartridge "Extra" 7n1 (steel core, but higher accuracy of battle)

The wearable ammunition load is 40 rounds, the rest are usually 60 rounds in military equipment. 90 LPS rounds, but 10 with a tracer bullet.

The manufacturer's package includes a sniper optical sight (PSO-1), a case for it, a bag for carrying magazines, a weapon belt, an oil can, a winter illumination device.

Design features of the SVD

The principle of operation is based on the removal of energy from powder gases through a hole in the wall of the bore. The gases formed after the combustion of gunpowder set in motion a special pusher, which in turn pushes the piston, which drives the bolt.

Such a complex device led to an increase in the smoothness of operation and helped to achieve a special property.

In the SVD, the bore is locked with 3 lugs.

One of which is, in its parameters, first of all, an ejector.

In addition, Dragunov used the shape of the forearm and stock, worked out on previous sporting guns.

Also important in the history of the SVD is the fact that the barrel linings were not attached tightly to the barrel, thereby ensuring the ventilation of the barrel. The fuse is more convenient, and the SVD magazine has greater rigidity than on Kalashnikov assault rifles. It also blocks the trigger and prevents firing when the barrel is not fully locked.

This photo shows the components of the trigger mechanism:

  • frame;
  • axis sear, hook and self-timer;
  • trigger with pull;
  • hook spring;
  • whispered;
  • self-timer;
  • trigger;
  • combat spring;
  • trigger axis;
  • magazine latch axis;
  • store latch;
  • magazine latch spring.


As previously mentioned, the effective range with a telescopic sight is 1300 meters.

In addition to this, you can also fire using mechanical devices (sector sight, front sight), where the number corresponds to the range (1-100 m, 2-200 m, etc.)

Accuracy and Accuracy

Evgeny Dragunov was the creator of a whole line of sporting rifles, with which our athletes won prizes in shooting and biathlon competitions. Therefore, he took into account that the accuracy of good rifles with a longitudinally sliding bolt and a single reload should not exceed 1 MOA (minute of arc), which corresponds to an accuracy of 3 cm per 100 m.

Of course, for a mass-produced magazine gun, this was too laborious and the accuracy of the samples until 1975 was 1.04 MOA, and the barrel rifling pitch was 320 mm.

Later samples when shooting with a 7n1 sports bullet showed 1.24 MOA, and with LPS-2.21 MOA, since the thread pitch was changed to 240 mm.

After analyzing these tables, we can conclude that, according to the shooting manual for this type of weapon, at a distance of up to 500 meters, a chest figure is guaranteed to be hit with 1 shot.

Rifle modification

One of the shortcomings of the SVD was its dimensions, for which it was nicknamed "paddle" in the troops. Parachute landing and the limited space of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers hampered the movements of the sniper and therefore, from the mid-90s. active production of versions with a shortened barrel and a folding butt began.

In addition, the changes affected the gas outlet unit and the flame arrester. This is what SIDS looks like.

In 2015, the SVDM was created by the specialists of the Kalashnikov concern. The chrome-plated inside of the barrel became heavier with a rifling pitch of 320 mm. Accuracy has improved markedly and is 1 MOA at 700 meters.

In addition, there is a stock Picatinny rail on the flip cover. There is also a function for adjusting the trigger pull and a 1p88-1 sight is installed.

sniper SVD-K rifle according to the GRAU-6v9 index is large-caliber rifle and uses a cartridge of caliber 9.3x64 mm 7n33 and a Russian hunting cartridge 9.3x64 mm.

As part of the "Cracker" project, the penetration ability of armor 1 cm thick at 100 meters was shown with a probability of 80%. The standard sight is 1p70 « Hyperon".

Thus, the Dragunov self-loading sniper rifle - SVD has an extremely rich history of use, and its working potential will last for several more decades.


We offer you to watch a video that tells about the technical characteristics (TTX) of the SVD rifle.
