Rifle ms 21. Diagram for complete disassembly

The MTs21 shotgun is intended for amateur and commercial hunting. The automatic rifle is based on the principle of recoil with a long barrel stroke. The barrel is movable, detachable. The aiming bar is ventilated. The bore is chrome-plated.

The barrel bore is locked by a combat stop located on the bolt body, which enters the hole in the barrel shank. The firing mechanism with an internal hammer is mounted on a single separate base and is intended for firing single shots only. Removing the cartridge case from the chamber and its reflection from the box after the shot occurs when the barrel moves to the forward position.

The design of the MTs21 shotgun

The design of the gun ensures the impossibility of firing when the barrel is not locked. To exclude accidental shots, there is a non-automatic flag-type safety device acting on the trigger. The stock is walnut or beech, with protrusions for the hand and cheek. The forend is removable, fixed to the magazine body with a nut in the form of a cap. Store - tubular, underbarrel, for four rounds. In the process of firing, the cartridge is fed from the magazine to the barrel chamber automatically when the bolt moves to the forward position. To carry out the next shot, you must pull the trigger. To turn off the supply of the cartridge from the store, there is a cut-off.

To move the stopped shutter from the rear position to the forward position, you must press the control button. The outer surfaces of the metal parts of an ordinary gun are decorated with a planar ornament; shotguns of piece and souvenir execution have a more careful finishing of parts, they are distinguished by highly artistic hand engraving and embossing of the outer surfaces of parts. Technical characteristics of the gun: caliber - 12; weight - no more than 3.7 kg; barrel length - 750mm; chamber length - 70mm; muzzle constriction - 1mm; trigger pull - 1.75-2.5 kgf; guaranteed operating time - 6500 shots.

Each MTs21 gun is supplied with: a control bushing for checking the cartridge entry into the chamber; ring for crimping the cartridge; a drift used for disassembling and assembling a gun; passport, which summarizes the device, work, the procedure for disassembling and assembling the gun, maintenance rules, certificate of acceptance of the gun technical control and other information.

When fired from a gun MTs21

When fired from the MTs21 gun, the barrel is engaged with the bolt in the extreme forward position. The force of the pressure of the powder gases is transmitted through the sleeve to the bolt and the barrel connected to it, imparting movement to them in the box.

The joint rollback of the barrel and bolt begins with the beginning of the movement of the projectile along the bore. When the barrel moves with the bolt back, the hammer is cocked and the springs are compressed: combat (hammer), return (bolt) and barrel. The movement of the barrel and bolt forward occurs under the influence of springs. At the initial section of forward movement, the bolt (with a sleeve) stops, held by the feeder lever, while the barrel continues to move forward.

The barrel and the bolt are disengaged, the barrel bore is unlocked. The barrel, moving forward without a shutter, on the way of its movement reflects the sleeve out of the box and activates the mechanism for feeding the cartridge from the magazine to the feeder tray. The cartridge moves to the feeder tray under the influence of the magazine spring. The shutter, under the influence of the return spring, moves forward, raising the feeder tray with the cartridge up, sends the cartridge into the chamber, sinks the feeder tray down, locks the barrel bore. On the next shot, the cycle repeats. When the cartridges are used up in the magazine, the bolt remains in the rear position.

The rules for handling smooth-bore weapons and their operation are available in the hunting minimum and reference literature on hunting weapons. We remind these general rules, as well as some others, specific to the care of the MTs21 self-loading rifle: the hunter must know well the structure of the rifle, the interaction of its parts, and how it is controlled when loading, firing and unloading; strictly look after and monitor the cleanliness of the barrel bore, chamber, bolt and other parts of the gun.

MTs21 self-loading hunting rifle of 12 gauge.

Shotgun MTs21 with incomplete development:

1 - barrel assembly, 2 - bolt assembly, 3 - box and stock assembly, A - firing mechanism, 5 - barrel return spring, 6 - box cover,7 - fore-end cap, 8 - barrel brake, 9 - fore-end assembly.

Before firing a gun MTs21

Before firing from the MTs21 gun, make sure that there is no lubricant in the barrel bore and chamber. Do not allow snow, sand, plant particles and other foreign objects to enter the barrel bore and inside the box; do not check the operability and serviceability of the gun manually, without firing with cartridges. To check, you must have cartridges with fired capsules, without gunpowder, that is, a kind of mock-ups; in case of a misfire, do not open the bolt earlier than after 7-8 s because of the danger of a protracted shot.

With extreme caution, remove the misfired cartridge from the chamber; in case of failure, malfunction, not eliminated by reloading the gun, or in the event of a malfunction (crack on the fore-end, etc.), stop firing until it is corrected; after stopping firing, unload the gun, make sure that there is no cartridge in the chamber. Train yourself to start any actions with a gun with this check; after assembly, check the operation of the gun by moving the moving parts back, holding them with your hand when returning to the forward position and making a smooth release of the trigger. Avoid idle trigger pulls, do not disassemble unnecessarily.

Inspect, clean and lubricate the MTs21 rifle immediately after firing.

Dismantle and assemble in the sequence indicated in the passport for the gun. At the same time, avoid excessive efforts, blows. Wipe, clean and lubricate the barrel bore from the chamber side. Repeat cleaning and lubrication of the barrel bore on the second and for control on the third day after shooting. After cleaning, a white soft cloth, passed through the bore with a tight stroke, must not show any traces of carbon deposits or lead. When fired, part of the powder gases enters the box, which requires thorough cleaning of the parts.

To clean the grooves, use wooden sticks, giving them the appropriate profile. Clean and lubricate a shotgun stored without use once every 1-3 months. When storing a weapon for a number of months or years without use, preservation of the gun is required. Apply the lubricant to the parts in a thin layer, without visible smudges.

The surfaces should be shiny with a thin film of grease. For this, a segment of clean soft tissue moisten in grease, squeeze out tightly and wipe the surfaces. Abundant lubrication can lead to failures. For example, grease that clogs the hole in the bolt under the striker exit often causes a misfire. When hunting in a humid environment (seaside, rainy weather, fog, etc.), clean and lubricate every day, regardless of whether you had to shoot or not.

For lubrication of the MTs21 rifle

Industrial oil I-5A can also be recommended for lubrication, but up to a temperature of -25 ° C. The most universal is gun oil RZh, the operability of a gun when lubricated with this oil is provided up to an ambient temperature of -50 ° C. Remove lead bore lead with a metal brush, abundantly moistened with oil. The carbon deposits in the bore can be softened with hot soapy water or caustic soda solution.

In the absence of RZh oil, flush and clean with alkaline oil. When cleaning and lubricating the barrel with a muzzle cut on the floor, do not rest against the floor: the cleaning rod, like a pump piston, during the upward stroke will draw dust, sand, crumbs, etc. into the barrel bore from the floor. Therefore, you need to put on the floor either several newspapers or a magazine you do not need. Remove fresh rust with the end of a wooden stick or with a cloth soaked in RJ or alkaline oil. To soften the rust, put a cloth soaked in alkaline or RJ oil on the affected area and keep it for several hours (up to 10).

When cleaning the MTs21 rifle

When cleaning the gun after hunting in frosty weather, let the parts of the gun “sweat”, remove water drops from the surfaces of the parts with a cleaning material. The gun should be transported in a case with the barrel detached. During transportation, do not allow the gun to fall, take measures against accidental mechanical damage and the ingress of atmospheric precipitation. Keep the gun clean and oiled, with the trigger pulled, preferably with a detached barrel.

The storage room is heated, with an air temperature of at least + 10 ° С. The manufacturer of the rifle allows shooting with standard factory-made hunting cartridges with paper or plastic sleeves. When self-loading cartridges at home, it is necessary to check the sleeves on the control sleeve, paying attention to the height and diameter of the flange; markedly different - to reject.

Gunpowder and shot for the MTs21 gun

Weigh gunpowder and shot on a balance, select gaskets and wads of the same weight and size. Do not rush to increase the weight of the powder charge with incomplete rollback of the moving parts of the MTs21 gun. First you need to deal with the barrel braking device, lubrication, check if there is any blockage. Do not shoot with sporting cartridges intended for bench shotguns. Sports cartridges develop a maximum powder gas pressure higher than that allowed for the MTs21 rifle. Possible malfunctions encountered when firing a gun, their probable causes and methods of elimination are indicated in the passport.

It also happens like this: a shot was fired, the moving parts made a roll-back cycle, a cartridge case flew out of the box through the side window, but another cartridge from the magazine did not hit the feeder tray and chamber, but fell to the ground at the hunter's feet. The hunter presses his finger on the trigger for the next shot, but there is no shot. To establish the cause of the failure, the performance of the component parts of the gun should be analyzed. A cartridge from the magazine can only enter the lower window of the box when the feeder tray is raised.

The next cartridge begins to move out of the magazine when the barrel turns off the left stop of the cartridge, that is, when the barrel comes to the forward position without delay. The cartridge from the magazine must fall on the feeder tray, and the feeder tray can only lift the shutter up. It turns out that the bolt disengaged from the barrel normally, but prematurely fell off the feeder lever.

Other things happen.

Another thing happens: after the shot, the cartridge case remained in the chamber, the next cartridge from the magazine is lifted by the tray onto the ramming line, the bolt, when moving forward, buried itself in this cartridge, and the cartridge - in the cartridge case that was not removed from the chamber. The probable reason is that the sleeve flange does not meet the standards or the cartridge is not calibrated. There are also double shots.

With the listed types of failures, reloading the gun most often leads to normal operation of the automation, but then the failure is repeated. The gun should be disassembled, parts inspected, wear, clogging, lubrication assessed. Clean and lubricate parts. At home, check the operation of the automatic rifle using mock-ups. Take a dozen or so cartridges (better paper) with broken primers, wipe the carbon deposits with a cloth, eliminate deformation at the cut of the sleeves, send wood-fiber or felt wads into the sleeves, fill in the shot (normal weight), put the gasket and fold.

Select the size of the wad column with a height that ensures the length of the model after rolling, equal to the length of the cartridges used when firing. Load the gun with mock-ups and check the operation of the automation by moving the moving parts of the gun with your hands behind the barrel, resting the butt plate on any surface. Establishing the cause of the failure, do not rush to final conclusions, repeat loading the gun with mock-ups, carrying out the "rollback - rollback" cycles several times.

In case of need for complex locksmith or other work, as well as replacement of parts, you should contact a repair shop. Compliance with the above rules ensures reliable and trouble-free operation of the gun within the established operating time and even more.

Batey and I are accustomed to hunting geese in our native Altai fields, where everything is familiar and familiar since childhood. But this year our Altai leadership has worn out the nerves with the opening of the hunt. After much excitement and agony, the hunt was opened, but only for 3 days, from 12 to 13 April. Well, at least so ...
The vouchers went on sale two days before the opening and there were queues for them. After several hours of waiting, the documents were received. All our hunting scrub was collected a long time ago, it remains to load it into Nivka and move out into the fields.
We left the day before the opening of the hunt, with the goal of determining the place. The drive to the cherished places is not far, about 200 km. The way to the hunting places did not inspire optimism, the fields were covered with snow, the goose was not visible. Arriving in the hunting area, it became clear that we were not at all alone) Wherever you look, there are cars, people are walking and everyone is waiting. After wandering around the neighborhood, we found a place free of snow and decided to stop. We undertook of course thoroughly for the preparation of skradkas, but that was not the case. In previous years, the hunt was opened at the end of April, by this time the ground was warming up and it was possible to calmly dig a trench and mask it, where you consider the most flyby place. In the same year, the ground was frozen and all attempts to dig in were useless. This made adjustments to our placement, we had to move to the edge of the field and dig in the snow. The evening went well with seagulls and barbecue.
Morning has come. They took their places before sunrise and began to wait. We waited diligently for the goose. At night, bouncing overhead was heard almost continuously. And in the morning there is nobody.
An hour after dawn, the world began to stir. Shots began to ring out. The silhouette of geese sometimes appeared on the horizon, but in our direction it was free. Already when disappointment filled all thoughts, a barely noticeable chain stretched from the forest planting, which increased over time. Oh yeah. It's them. 8 pcs. They walked a little to the side, but gradually shifted to my skradok. I was all huddled in the snow and did not breathe. Having passed over his head, he began to shoot. Knocked out 2 geese. There was no limit to happiness. Everything. The hunt was successful. The quota for two is fulfilled. About which I hastened to inform Bath. He was satisfied, because has been going hunting for a long time to communicate with her. With age, I felt sorry for the birds and animals.
But you can't leave after 3 hours of hunting. I took seagulls in a skradok and just watched. There were several more raids, but the geese only got the slits of the camera. After lunch we started getting ready to go home. there was a lot to do. And although the hunt turned out to be short, it brought a lot of positive emotions.

  • 1 answer
  • Are there gosyatniks on the forum? Once, having tried this hunt, I "got sick" for her forever, it's not even a duck, when a couple of hundred geese are rushing at you, low on stuffed animals they come screaming ... it's that orgasm :)))

  • Woodcock hunting

    Woodcock hunting is the most interesting and exciting sports and recreational hunting with a gun.

    A distinctive feature of this process is accessibility to every person who wants to hunt. The woodcock is widespread almost throughout the country, and it is for this reason that the woodcock has become a very popular bird for hunting. The competitive element of hunting for this bird attracts a wide variety of hunters: both urban and rural. Young novice hunters also look for woodcock habitats with great pleasure, and experienced hunters will never miss the evening, so as not to go and shoot at their leisure at the woodcock.

    Woodcock lives and nests in woodlands, therefore it is in the forest that the main hunting processes take place: they hunt birds in spring, autumn, on bird flights, with dogs through mud and water - and all this against the backdrop of a stunning forest landscape.

    A hunting hobby allows the hunter to get closer to the Russian forest, the inhabitants of the thickets, and unique natural landscapes. Here, not only the love for hunting and all its moments is brought up, but also the love for the magnificent unique Russian nature with its splendor, bright colors and originality.

    This book tells about the ways and methods of hunting woodcock. The publication was created thanks to thirty years of experience in hunting wood sandpipers in various parts of the vast country. The author's task was to show novice hunters the uniqueness of this bird, to tell about its habits, conditions of nesting and flights, about how to prepare and equip yourself for such a difficult but fascinating business as woodcock hunting. The author shares the hunting technique, methods of high-quality shooting, the features of the necessary equipment and the breeds of dogs that will become the best helpers in this lesson.

    The book will help both a novice hunter and an experienced professional: it will reveal the secrets of hunting the forest sandpiper and the most intimate secrets of this unusual hobby.

  • Hunting for bog and meadow game is a true sport hunting. It requires strength, endurance and accurate, quick shooting. Walking through a swampy swamp, when the ground shakes underfoot and at every wrong step the hunter sinks deep into shaky soil is not an easy task and is accessible only to a well-trained athlete. Shooting at many of the marsh and meadow game is extremely difficult. Especially in this respect, the fast-winged snipe is distinguished, a shot at which is rightly considered the most difficult shot at feathered game. It is not for nothing that hunters consider a good shooter to be one who successfully shoots at snipe.
    A hunter who has mastered the technique of shooting at marsh and meadow game, who has thoroughly studied its habits and methods of hunting, will easily be able to switch to other types of hunting by pen. And, conversely, a hunter who does not know swamp hunting and does not know how to shoot swamp game cannot consider himself a full-fledged, mature hunter.
    This book is intended to help a novice hunter to study the life and habits of marsh and meadow game, to master all the methods and techniques of hunting for it. The book tells about all the main representatives of the marsh and meadow game that live in our country. These include: snipe, great snipe, harshnip, corncrake, all types of marsh hen, moorhen, shepherd, gray partridge *, quail, lapwings and numerous representatives of the wader family. For each of these birds, a brief biological information is given and the methods of hunting it are described. In addition, the book provides a number of tips for young hunters on the equipment and inventory of a hunter for swamp and meadow game, provides the necessary information about guns and shooting, about dogs used in swamp and meadow hunting, and also highlights other issues that everyone should know. novice hunter.

  • Probably every our compatriot who is fond of hunting has heard about the MTs 21-12 semi-automatic rifle. It is one of the most common developed and released in our country. The weapon has a number of important advantages that you should be aware of. But it also has certain disadvantages, knowing which the hunter will be able to decide: give preference to this semiautomatic device or look for another option.

    Weapon history

    Let's start with the fact that it was the MTs2112 that became the first Soviet semi-automatic smoothbore gun. Although the designers tried to create it as original as possible, as a result of long-term work they came to the conclusion that it had features inherent in foreign counterparts. Which, however, is not surprising - brought almost to perfection over the years of careful refinement, it simply could not help but follow the paths already developed earlier. For example, the automation scheme turned out to be similar to the Browning, and the easily removable receiver cover strongly resembled the Italian semiautomatic devices from Breda Antares.

    MC 21-12 was created at the Tula arms factory under the leadership of V.A.Nikolaev in 1956-1958. Several trial copies were released, but certain flaws were revealed in them. Then it was decided to postpone the launch of serial production until they are completely eliminated. Therefore, the first samples left the assembly line only in 1965.

    At first, the weapon, which received the nickname "Soviet Browning" among hunters, received mainly negative reviews- the reason was poor compatibility with folder sleeves, which at that time were widespread. But gradually, as the plastic counterparts appeared and spread, more and more supporters began to appear in the gun.

    However, it was appreciated not only in our country. So, in 1965, the gun received a high award - gold medal at the Leipzig Trade Fair, a serious recognition of quality.

    As a result, both in Soviet times and later, already in Russian Federation, more than 300 thousand guns were produced - a very good indicator.


    Now let's briefly talk about the technical characteristics of MC 21-12. The rifle, with a barrel length of 750 millimeters, provides an excellent range of action - both with shot and buckshot cartridges, as well as a bullet. The total length is 1285 millimeters - a rather serious indicator, because of which people below average height, as well as adolescents, are not very comfortable to handle. This should be taken into account when buying a weapon.

    The weight is 3.4 kilograms - not too much, thanks to which a strong man, accustomed to long transitions, can use it both for trap shooting and for driven hunting. Most analogs - semiautomatic 12 gauge - weigh about the same, with a difference of 100-200 grams in one direction or another.

    Designed for firing cartridges 12/70. It has a muzzle constriction of 1.0 - a full choke, which additionally provides high accuracy of combat with shot and buckshot at a long distance.

    When loading, the first cartridge is immediately sent to the chamber. Four more are inserted into the under-barrel magazine. Thus, without additional charging, the hunter can fire five shots at a very fast pace, which allows you to shoot, for example, at a flock of ducks or geese, as well as quickly collect wounded animals.

    Existing modifications

    In total, over the years of release, several weapon options have been developed. They do not differ too much among themselves - the characteristics of the MTs 2112 gun remain the same. But nevertheless, it will be useful to know about them for every shooting enthusiast who decides to purchase this particular semiautomatic device.

    So, the name MC 21 was given to the very first model, several versions of which were released before the official start of production - from 1956 to 1964. Then they created guns for calibers 12, 16 and 20, in order to check which one would be the most successful.

    The model MC 21-12, well known to hunters, became the second and went into serial production in 1965.

    Subsequently, it was slightly modified. The butt plate was supplemented with a rubber shock absorber, due to which the MC 21-12R appeared.

    But the last model was also improved. This modification received not only rubber shock absorber, but also interchangeable muzzle attachments, allowing you to choose the appropriate model depending on the shooter's goals and available ammunition. She was named MC 21-12MR

    Although today the MC 21-12 gun, the characteristics of which are described above, have already been discontinued, a certain amount was produced after the collapse of the USSR. Unfortunately, it is they who, quite often falling into the hands of young hunters, create the illusion of an extremely low quality of weapons of this series.

    Yes, unfortunately, the gun, which received excellent reviews from experienced Soviet hunters, was practically destroyed due to poor-quality workmanship. First of all, the build quality suffered - because of this, the number of liner distortions during ejection increased. In addition, in order to increase the speed of assembling weapons, pre-chrome-plated assemblies began to be used. As a result, the debuggers had to finish the details right on chrome. The quality of the heat treatment of the components has decreased. Many owners began to complain about the poor quality of wood processing and burrs on the metal. Of course, having seen such a weapon up close, the hunter immediately loses the desire to acquire it.

    However, if you manage to purchase a semiautomatic device made in Soviet times and preserved in good quality, we can assume that you are lucky - you will not have to regret such a purchase. Even with minimal maintenance and active use, it is guaranteed to last for more than a decade.


    One of the main advantages is a significant firing range - this is ensured by a long barrel, as well as a muzzle restriction.

    An additional advantage can be called an easy trigger stroke - you can make a shot especially softly, smoothly. This means that the shooter will not be faced with too much recoil.

    It is also worth highlighting the superbly designed design of the MC 2112 - the photos clearly demonstrate this. It is a pleasure to hold it in your hands and shoot. It is no coincidence that so many years were spent on the final revision.

    The maximum simplicity of the mechanism design ensures high reliability and a long service life.

    Chrome plating protects the metal from rust, allowing you to use it even in harsh conditions - in the rain, at high humidity.

    Finally, the gun has a relatively low cost, which is also a very important parameter for many potential buyers.


    But perhaps there is no weapon devoid of flaws. MC 21-12 is no exception.

    To begin with, you cannot shoot caliber bullets from a rifle - a full choke will cause the barrel to bulge. Only sub-caliber counterparts are suitable. However, most of the cartridges sold in stores are loaded with them.

    The hole in the stock where the return spring is located can become a place for moisture condensation - for example, when in fog or other conditions of high humidity. Therefore, after each such "wet" hunt, it is advisable to thoroughly dry the butt.

    Well, and, as noted above, modern guns simply cannot boast of high-quality processing and assembly.


    Initially, the weapon was used exclusively for hunting. However, today more and more people purchase it simply for clay pigeon shooting... Light weight, relatively low recoil, reliability - all this makes the weapon a really good purchase. The long barrel allows you to fire at a distance prohibitive for some analogues - for example, for the smooth-bore Saiga.

    Weak recoil (compared, for example, with conventional breakout guns) allows you to accustom teenagers and women to shooting, making shooting a family hobby.

    Quick change of ammunition

    The gun boasts another interesting feature that not all semi-automatic machines have.

    The designers provided for the possibility of a quick change of ammunition. Using a special switch, you can cut off the supply of the cartridge from the store. This ensures that the bolt remains open after firing and a suitable cartridge can be inserted into the chamber.


    But the tuning options are quite limited here. Of course, the most obvious is the installation of additional sighting devices - a collimator. Both normal and diopter are perfect. In any case, the convenience of aiming increases dramatically.

    Also, a luminous front sight can be installed on the barrel, which greatly facilitates aiming at dusk.

    If you wish, you can purchase and install an extension cord for the magazine. Yes, the weight of the weapon will increase slightly because of this. The center of gravity also shifts slightly - you will have to get used to the gun again, so it is advisable to carry out the modernization immediately after purchase. Thanks to this improvement, the hunter gets the opportunity to make not 5 shots without reloading, but up to 8, inclusive. No longer allowed by existing legislation. However, three additional cartridges can be very useful in various situations.

    Choosing the right ammunition

    Having purchased the MC 21-12 gun, it is worth remembering: now you cannot use folder and metal sleeves. Folders often skew or get stuck when selecting. However, they have not been found on sale for a long time, so there will be no problems here.

    Brass sleeves are not used due to the fact that ejectors designed to work with plastic sleeves sometimes do not catch them: the lack of quick reloading when hunting big game is a very unpleasant thing that can cause serious consequences. In addition, it is not always possible to collect discarded brass sleeves, which have a rather high cost.

    Therefore, the only good choice is a product made of high-quality plastic. A thick and high skirt is only a plus. It is advisable to pass the cartridge through the calibrator before loading.

    Powder is filled in according to the instructions. Shot and buckshot can be used without restrictions, and bullets, as mentioned above, can only be used with sub-caliber, so as not to cause serious damage to the weapon.


    Our article is coming to an end. Now you know enough about the MTs 21-12 semi-automatic hunting rifle, its history, pros and cons. So there will probably not be any problems when choosing - each reader will easily decide whether this gun suits him or give preference to another.

    The MTs-21-12 shotgun has been produced for almost 60 years and is a truly unique design. Besides him, there is no hunting in the world. smoothbore weapons with a barrel rollback system. The reliability of the weapon is confirmed by the production volumes. To date, the Tula plant has produced more than 300 thousand copies of this gun.

    The MTs-21-12 shotgun with a single-barrel design, which will be discussed here, was originally developed for commercial and amateur hunting for various animals in a wide range of climatic zones. The use of weapons is not recommended in humid tropical climates.

    History of creation

    The official date for the creation of weapons is considered to be 1958, when a group of designers from the Tula TsKIB headed by V.A. Nikolaev developed several new models of hunting rifles. During the development, some constructive and design solutions used in Browning Auto 5 and Breda Antares guns.

    The full name of the MTs-21-12 hunting rifle is deciphered as follows:

    • MC - a model created in the TsKIB bureau (the central bureau for the creation of sports and hunting weapons that existed in the USSR);
    • 21 - model number;
    • 12 - barrel caliber.


    The design of the gun is based on the recoil scheme with a long barrel stroke. The reverse movement of the parts is provided by a spring. The barrel is fixed to the underbarrel box using a special clutch and guide flanges.

    To improve the accuracy of firing and increase wear resistance, the inner surface of the barrel bore is chrome-plated and has a narrowing towards the muzzle (choke).

    The difference between the breech and muzzle diameters is 1 mm, which is a very large indicator.

    Optionally, a nozzle can be installed on the barrel with a smaller constriction of 0, 5 and 0.75 mm. On the top of the barrel there is a strip that increases the rigidity of the structure and provides heat dissipation.

    On the rear of the barrel, a slide-type bolt is installed. Fixation is carried out using a stop made on the shutter. When the bolt is closed, the stop shifts vertically upward and enters a special guide hole made on the breech of the barrel.

    The general scheme of the automation is borrowed from. For automatic operation, no more than 15% of the shot power is used.

    For the manufacture of a stock of a gun, walnut or beech can be used. The return spring is located in a blind channel drilled in the stock tree.

    Moisture condenses inside the channel, which leads to the corrosion of the spring and its seizure. Experienced hunters disassemble and dry the butt of the MTs-21-12 rifle immediately after returning from a hunt in rain or humid air.

    The firing mechanism is installed separately together with the feed chute and is intended for single shots only.

    The stock of cartridges is located in a magazine in the form of a long tube, and located in the underbarrel box of the MTs-21-12 rifle. The magazine is equipped with a rotary razor that closes the cartridge feed channel.

    The design of the gun has a safety element with a flag switch. When enabled, the flag is positioned vertically and covers the recess filled with red paint.

    In addition to the MC-21-12, the use of a flag fuse on hunting weapons is not found. The weapon has an additional safety device that will not allow a shot when the shutter is open.

    Before the first shot, it is necessary to move the bolt back until it rests against the stop. At the same time, he will automatically cock the hammer. The shutter itself will be fixed in this position by a lever in the design of the feeder.

    The shooter must then place the cartridge in the chamber guide and recess the latch retainer. The bolt will rise under the influence of the compressed spring in the forward position and will engage with the barrel.

    Then re-sink the release button to slide the feeder tray until it stops. Then the safety box is turned to a horizontal position and the MTs-21-12 gun is ready to fire.

    Immediately after the shot, the barrel, together with the bolt, begins the rollback movement from the front point. The impulse for movement arises as a result of the pressure of the powder gases at the bottom of the case, which transfers the force to the shutter.

    When the barrel is rolled back, the main and return springs are compressed.

    The mainspring cocks the trigger for the next shot. During movement, the barrel releases a special stop located on the left. This stop holds the new cartridge located in the gun magazine.

    Then the break will be released with right side, while the barrel and bolt continue to make a rollback movement. After passing the back point, the return spring begins to move the barrel back.

    At the same time, the feeder lever engages, which disengages the barrel and the bolt of the MTs-21-12 gun. The barrel, when moving, extracts the empty sleeve outward and turns on the feed mechanism, which directs the new cartridge to the feeder loading chute.

    Loading cartridges from the magazine is performed by the force of a compressed spring. The return spring pushes the bolt part forward and raises the cartridge tray to the level of the barrel bore. At further movement the shutter pushes the cartridge into the breech of the barrel and pushes the feeder tray down.

    At the end of the stroke, the bolt engages with the barrel and the weapon is ready for the next shot. After the last cartridge has been fired, the bolt does not return from the rear recoil point.

    The guaranteed resource of the MTs-21-12 rifles is at least 6500 rounds, which is three times higher than the guaranteed shot of the Saiga. At the same time, the quality of rifles produced in Russia is considered lower than that of weapons from the times of the USSR.

    In different years of production, there were several modifications of the weapon:

    • early model under the general designation MC-21. This version was collected directly by TsKIB in small batches and in piece copies from the end of the 50s to 1964. There are brochures that mention options chambered not only for the 12th gauge, but also under the smaller 16th and 20th. The barrels of the guns had a length reduced to 675 mm and were equipped with chambers for a 65 mm sleeve;
    • a serial version of the MC-21-12, which went into production since 1965 at the production facilities of the Tula Arms Plant, and was produced for a cartridge of size 12 * 70 with a non-metallic type of sleeve;
    • optional version 21-12P, which had a shock-absorbing rubber element on back side butt. The type of butt depends on how much the weapon weighs;
    • version 21-12M, which had a set of nozzles for the barrel. A version with a shock absorber was produced under the designation MC-21-12MR. Depending on the type of delivery, the kit may include a barrel extension with a cylindrical bore and with different taper parameters.

    In addition to the main versions listed above, there are piece and souvenir guns that bear the designation Ш and С, respectively. On request, the weapon can be supplied in a plastic or wooden case made of precious woods and decorated with carvings.

    The main specifications guns are described in the table below.

    For external design, the following applies:

    • ornamental pattern on flat surfaces, which is typical for the standard design;
    • engraving and embossing - for piece guns;
    • increased engraving and embossing area is outward sign guns of souvenir execution.

    Tactical and technical characteristics


    The manufacturer only allows the use of plastic sleeves. The use of a metal sleeve is strictly prohibited. Because of high power cartridges and the use of automation, the use of cardboard sleeves is not recommended, from which a metal breech with a primer is often torn off.

    The rest of the cartridge case remains in the chamber and must be removed manually. To do this, the bolt is pulled back all the way, the whole cartridge fed into the chamber is removed, and the remains of the sleeve are removed.

    The MTs-12 shotgun is recommended for firing shot and buckshot cartridges at a distance of no more than 50 meters. At the same time, firing at short distances at wading birds is not recommended, since due to the high accuracy of the fire, the carcass is destroyed into separate fragments.

    In addition, good accuracy of fire places increased demands on the training of the shooter.

    When shooting at distances of 10-15 meters, you need to quickly and accurately aim, otherwise the entire charge will miss the target.

    The optimal shooting distance at large birds (capercaillie, geese) is at least 30 meters. When using bullet cartridges, the combat distance increases to 70 meters. The available stock of cartridges in the store allows you to pick up wounded animals, which causes difficulties when using conventional double-barreled guns.

    It is recommended to check them before using bullet cartridges. To check, a bullet is taken from several cartridges of the same batch and manually pushed through the barrel.

    The reason for this check is the unstable quality of the ammunition and the variation in bullet diameters. When a caliber bullet is used in a choke-type barrel, the channel is inflated and the combat characteristics of the MTs-21-12 rifles are reduced.

    To check the cartridges, the set includes a control device made in the form of a sleeve. The cartridge sleeve must pass freely through the hole in the sleeve, and the metal end of the bottom part cannot protrude relative to the edge of the device. In the event of a discrepancy in dimensions, the chucks are crimped using a ring that is included in the delivery set.

    The center of gravity of the MTs-21-12 rifle is exactly in the middle of the weapon, which requires the shooter to get used to it.

    With each shot, the barrel is thrown up a few centimeters, making fast series of accurate shots problematic.

    To ensure proper operation, the weapon should be cleaned after each firing. In case of storage, cleaning is carried out for preventive purposes once every three months. To clean the bore and chamber, alkaline solutions are used to dissolve the powder carbon deposits.

    Since lead shot and bullets are used when firing, they contaminate the bore. Removal of lead particles is carried out using metal brushes, lubricated with gun oil. For lubrication, it is recommended to use oil of the I-5A brand, which has a stability threshold of minus 25 degrees. When operating at low temperatures, gun oil is used for lubrication.

    To check the serviceability of the MTs-21-12 gun, it is necessary to fire three shots at the target. If at least one shot is within the parameters, then the weapon is considered usable. Depending on the type of barrel, the accuracy of fire at a distance of 35 meters is:

    Prospects for improvement

    All MTs-21-12 guns of release after 1991 need to be revised, which provides for deburring from all elements of the mechanism. The plastic shutter elements installed from the factory (the shutter release button and the bushing of the shutter part) are recommended to be replaced with analogs made of metal. The resource of plastic parts is small, especially when operating at low temperatures.

    Some owners install an additional optical sight on the MC-21-12, which improves the performance of firing lead bullets. The practice of replacing original sights and butts with more ergonomic designs.

    The MC-21-12 shotgun was presented to foreign buyers at the international fair in Leipzig in 1965. The weapon received positive reviews and, at the end of the fair, was awarded a gold medal.

    After the collapse of the USSR, the MTs-21-12 gun was included in the list of standard weapons for various private security companies (used until 2006).

    Currently, weapons are used as standard weapons for certain categories of employees of the Ministry of Forestry of the Russian Federation.

    When firing a Polev design bullet from a serviceable MTs-21-12 gun, it is capable of breaking up to five bricks at a distance of 100 meters.

    Today, despite the problems with the quality of the new MC-21-12 rifles and the emergence of a large number of Chinese-made competitors, the weapon remains in demand on the market. The reasons for its popularity are the unique operation scheme, maintainability and high accuracy of fire.


    Fig. 7. Rifle MC 21-12 in section:

    2-barrel, 3- box cover, 8-stop, 9-bolt skeleton, 10-bolt stem, 23- cartridge stop, 42-magazine case, 50-feeder, 54-trigger, (a-combat hook, b-unsociable hook, 57-uncoupler, 59-trigger, 79-brake buffer, 80-barrel brake, 81-cap assembly

    The cartridge, which is in the store and moving backward together with the barrel and the bolt, is delayed by the left stop.

    At the next moment, the protrusions of the barrel and the bolt will release the right stop of the cartridge. The barrel and bolt continue to move backward. In the extreme rear position, the bolt will be held by the feeder lever and the barrel under the action of its spring, moving forward, reflects the spent cartridge case through the side window of the cover: the protrusion of the barrel, pressing the left stop, sinks it into the groove of the box.

    The released cartridge, under the action of the magazine spring, moves onto the feeder 50 (Fig. 7), pressing the feeder latch with the rim of the sleeve, as a result of which the bolt is released, which begins to move forward. The feeder, rotating, raises the cartridge, and the bolt moving forward sends the raised cartridge into the chamber. The next cartridge is held in the magazine by the right stop of the cartridge.

    When the bolt approaches the extreme forward position, it presses the right stop of the cartridge, and the released cartridge, under the action of the magazine spring, moves back to the cartridge limiter 23 in the bolt.

    In the process of firing, when the shutter moves to the rear position, the hammer 54 will rotate on the axis to the lowest position. Combat "a" and uncoupling "b" hooks of the trigger will be at this moment under the corresponding hooks of the trigger and uncoupler.

    At the next moment, when the bolt is moved to the forward position, the release hook of the trigger will catch or the corresponding hook of the release. To be able to fire the next shot, trigger 59 must be released. In this case, the trigger will rotate on its axis under the action of the spring, and the trigger, under the action of the mainspring, will jump from the uncoupler to the combat trigger of the trigger.

    The gun is ready for the next shot.

    Be sure to unload the rifle after firing.

    To do this, put the trigger on the safety catch (Fig. 2), drown the feeder and, at the same time pressing on the cartridge stop and the cartridge, take the cartridges out of the magazine one by one.

    To remove the cartridge in the chamber, pull the bolt back. Holding the bolt with your hand, push it to the forward position, and then push it back again. After making sure that the cartridge is peg in the chamber, return the bolt to the forward position.

    If, at the time of firing, it is necessary to replace the cartridge in the chamber, put the trigger on the safety catch, turn off the magazine with the cartridge cutter, pull the bolt back by the handle, remove the cartridge and insert a new one into the chamber. Send the shutter forward.

    Turn on the supply of cartridges from the magazine by turning the cutter.

    Place the fuse box horizontally before firing.


    Before using a gun, the hunter must study the safety rules for handling weapons and ammunition.

    REMEMBER! Never point a gun at a person or pets.

    The shotgun should be stored unloaded with the trigger pulled. Store ammunition out of the reach of unauthorized persons.

    When firing bullets, in order to avoid swelling and rupture of the sachet, the diameter measured over the body of the bullet, excluding the centering ribs, should be less than the diameter of the muzzle constriction. For round bullets, this rule can be easily verified by free passage of the bullet through the choke.

    disassemble a loaded gun;

    replace the muzzle attachments of a loaded gun;

    use loaded cartridges when checking the interactions of parts and mechanisms of the gun by manually moving the barrel or bolt;

    use cartridges with the highest average value of the maximum pressure of powder gases developed in the bore of more than 65MPa (65MPa);

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